Add php protobuffer support for transition to GTFS-realtime
[busui.git] / lib / Protobuf-PHP / library / DrSlump / Protobuf / Compiler / PhpGenerator.php
blob:a/lib/Protobuf-PHP/library/DrSlump/Protobuf/Compiler/PhpGenerator.php -> blob:b/lib/Protobuf-PHP/library/DrSlump/Protobuf/Compiler/PhpGenerator.php
--- a/lib/Protobuf-PHP/library/DrSlump/Protobuf/Compiler/PhpGenerator.php
+++ b/lib/Protobuf-PHP/library/DrSlump/Protobuf/Compiler/PhpGenerator.php
@@ -1,1 +1,610 @@
+namespace DrSlump\Protobuf\Compiler;
+use DrSlump\Protobuf;
+use google\protobuf as proto;
+class PhpGenerator extends AbstractGenerator
+    protected $components = array();
+    protected function addComponent($ns, $name, $src)
+    {
+        if (NULL !== $ns) {
+            $name = $this->normalizeNS($ns . '.' . $name);
+        }
+        $this->components[$name] = $src;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get an option from the compiler arguments or from the proto file.
+     *
+     * @param string $name
+     * @return string|null
+     */
+    protected function getOption($name)
+    {
+        $opt = $this->compiler->getOption($name);
+        if (NULL === $opt) {
+            $opts = $this->proto->getOptions();
+            if (!empty($opts) && isset($opts['php.' . $name])) {
+                $opt = $opts['php.' . $name];
+            }
+        }
+        return $opt;
+    }
+    public function getNamespace(proto\FileDescriptorProto $proto = NULL)
+    {
+        $proto = $proto ?: $this->proto;
+        $opts = $proto->getOptions();
+        if ($this->compiler->getOption('namespace')) {
+            $namespace = $this->compiler->getOption('namespace');
+        } else if ($this->compiler->getOption('package')) {
+            $namespace = $this->compiler->getOption('package');
+        } else if (isset($opts['php.namespace'])) {
+            $namespace = $opts['php.namespace'];
+        } else {
+            $namespace = parent::getNamespace($proto);
+        }
+        $namespace = trim($namespace, '.\\');
+        return str_replace('.', '\\', $namespace);
+    }
+    public function generate(proto\FileDescriptorProto $proto)
+    {
+        parent::generate($proto);
+        $this->components = array();
+        $namespace = $proto->getPackage();
+        // Generate Enums
+        foreach ($proto->getEnumType() as $enum) {
+            $src = $this->compileEnum($enum, $namespace);
+            $this->addComponent($namespace, $enum->getName(), $src);
+        }
+        // Generate Messages
+        foreach ($proto->getMessageType() as $msg) {
+            $src = $this->compileMessage($msg, $namespace);
+            $this->addComponent($namespace, $msg->getName(), $src);
+        }
+        // Generate services
+        if ($this->getOption('generic_services') && count($proto->hasService())):
+            foreach ($proto->getServiceList() as $service) {
+                $src = $this->compileService($service, $namespace);
+                $this->addComponent($namespace, $service->getName(), $src);
+            }
+        endif;
+        // Collect extensions
+        if ($proto->hasExtension()) {
+            foreach ($proto->getExtensionList() as $field) {
+                $this->extensions[$field->getExtendee()][] = array($namespace, $field);
+            }
+        }
+        // Dump all extensions found in this proto file
+        if (count($this->extensions)):
+        $s[]= 'namespace {';
+            foreach ($this->extensions as $extendee => $fields) {
+                foreach ($fields as $pair) {
+                    list($ns, $field) = $pair;
+                    $s[] = $this->compileExtension($field, $ns, '  ');
+                }
+            }
+        $s[]= '}';
+        $src = implode(PHP_EOL, $s);
+        // In multifile mode we output all the extensions in a file named after
+        // the proto file, since it's not trivial or even possible in all cases
+        // to include the extensions with the extended message file.
+        $fname = pathinfo($proto->getName(), PATHINFO_FILENAME);
+        $this->addComponent(null, $fname . '-extensions', $src);
+        // Reset extensions for next proto file
+        $this->extensions = array();
+        endif;
+        $files = array();
+        if (!$this->getOption('multifile')) {
+            $src = '';
+            foreach ($this->components as $content) {
+                $src .= $content;
+            }
+            $fname = pathinfo($proto->getName(), PATHINFO_FILENAME);
+            $files[] = $this->buildFile($proto, $fname, $src);
+        } else {
+            foreach ($this->components as $ns => $content) {
+                $fname = str_replace('\\', '/', $ns);
+                $files[] = $this->buildFile($proto, $fname, $content);
+            }
+        }
+        return $files;
+    }
+    protected function buildFile(proto\FileDescriptorProto $proto, $fname, $contents)
+    {
+        $suffix = $this->getOption('suffix') ?: '.php';
+        $fname .= $suffix;
+        $file = new \google\protobuf\compiler\CodeGeneratorResponse\File();
+        $file->setName($fname);
+        $s = array();
+        $s[]= "<?php";
+        $s[]= "// DO NOT EDIT! Generated by Protobuf-PHP protoc plugin " . Protobuf::VERSION;
+        $s[]= "// Source: " . $proto->getName();
+        $s[]= "//   Date: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
+        $s[]= "";
+        $s[]= "// @@protoc_insertion_point(scope_file)";
+        $s[]= "";
+        $contents = implode(PHP_EOL, $s) . PHP_EOL . $contents;
+        $file->setContent($contents);
+        return $file;
+    }
+    protected function compileEnum(proto\EnumDescriptorProto $enum, $ns)
+    {
+        $s = array();
+        $s[]= "namespace " . $this->normalizeNS($ns) . " {";
+        $s[]= "";
+        $s[]= "  // @@protoc_insertion_point(scope_namespace)";
+        $s[]= "  // @@protoc_insertion_point(namespace_$ns)";
+        $s[]= "";
+        $cmt = $this->compiler->getComment($ns . '.' . $enum->getName(), '   * ');
+        if ($cmt):
+        $s[]= "  /**";
+        $s[]= $cmt;
+        $s[]= "   */";
+        endif;
+        $s[]= "  class " . $enum->getName() . " {";
+        foreach ($enum->getValueList() as $value):
+        $s[]= "    const " . $value->getName() . " = " . $value->getNumber() . ";";
+        endforeach;
+        $s[]= "";
+        $s[]= "    // @@protoc_insertion_point(scope_class)";
+        $s[]= '    // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_' . $ns . '.' . $enum->getName() . ')';
+        $s[]= "  }";
+        $s[]= "}";
+        $s[]= "";
+        return implode(PHP_EOL, $s);
+    }
+    protected function compileMessage(proto\DescriptorProto $msg, $ns)
+    {
+        $s = array();
+        $s[]= "namespace " . $this->normalizeNS($ns) . " {";
+        $s[]= "";
+        $s[]= "  // @@protoc_insertion_point(scope_namespace)";
+        $s[]= "  // @@protoc_insertion_point(namespace_$ns)";
+        $s[]= "";
+        $cmt = $this->compiler->getComment($ns . '.' . $msg->getName(), '   * ');
+        if ($cmt):
+        $s[]= "  /**";
+        $s[]= $cmt;
+        $s[]= "   */";
+        endif;
+        // Compute a new namespace with the message name as suffix
+        $ns .= '.' . $msg->getName();
+        $s[]= '  class ' . $msg->getName() . ' extends \DrSlump\Protobuf\Message {';
+        $s[]= "";
+        $s[]= '    /** @var \Closure[] */';
+        $s[]= '    protected static $__extensions = array();';
+        $s[]= '';
+        $s[]= '    public static function descriptor()';
+        $s[]= '    {';
+        $s[]= '      $descriptor = new \DrSlump\Protobuf\Descriptor(__CLASS__, \'' . $ns . '\');';
+        $s[]= '';
+        foreach ($msg->getField() as $field):
+        $s[]=        $this->compileField($field, $ns, "      ");
+        $s[]= '      $descriptor->addField($f);';
+        $s[]= '';
+        endforeach;
+        $s[]= '      foreach (self::$__extensions as $cb) {';
+        $s[]= '        $descriptor->addField($cb(), true);';
+        $s[]= '      }';
+        $s[]= '';
+        $s[]= '      // @@protoc_insertion_point(scope_descriptor)';
+        $s[]= '      // @@protoc_insertion_point(descriptor_' . $ns . ')';
+        $s[]= '';
+        $s[]= '      return $descriptor;';
+        $s[]= '    }';
+        $s[]= '';
+        //$s[]= "    protected static \$__exts = array(";
+        //foreach ($msg->getExtensionRange() as $range):
+        //$s[]= '      array(' . $range->getStart() . ', ' . ($range->getEnd()-1) . '),';
+        //endforeach;
+        //$s[]= "    );";
+        //$s[]= "";
+        foreach ($msg->getField() as $field):
+        $s[]= $this->generatePublicField($field, $ns, "    ");
+        endforeach;
+        $s[]= "";
+        foreach ($msg->getField() as $field):
+        $s[]= $this->generateAccessors($field, $ns, "    ");
+        endforeach;
+        $s[]= "";
+        $s[]= "    // @@protoc_insertion_point(scope_class)";
+        $s[]= '    // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_' . $ns . ')';
+        $s[]= "  }";
+        $s[]= "}";
+        $s[]= "";
+        // Generate Enums
+        if ($msg->hasEnumType()):
+        foreach ($msg->getEnumType() as $enum):
+        $src = $this->compileEnum($enum, $ns);
+        $this->addComponent($ns, $enum->getName(), $src);
+        endforeach;
+        endif;
+        // Generate nested messages
+        if ($msg->hasNestedType()):
+        foreach ($msg->getNestedType() as $msg):
+        $src = $this->compileMessage($msg, $ns);
+        $this->addComponent($ns, $msg->getName(), $src);
+        endforeach;
+        endif;
+        // Collect extensions
+        if ($msg->hasExtension()) {
+            foreach ($msg->getExtensionList() as $field) {
+                $this->_extensions[$field->getExtendee()][] = array($ns, $field);
+            }
+        }
+        return implode(PHP_EOL, $s) . PHP_EOL;
+    }
+    protected function compileField(proto\FieldDescriptorProto $field, $ns, $indent)
+    {
+        switch ($field->getLabel()) {
+        case Protobuf::RULE_REQUIRED:
+            $rule = 'required';
+            break;
+        case Protobuf::RULE_OPTIONAL:
+            $rule = 'optional';
+            break;
+        case Protobuf::RULE_REPEATED:
+            $rule = 'repeated';
+            break;
+        }
+        $s[]= "// $rule " . $field->getTypeName() . " " . $field->getName() . " = " . $field->getNumber();
+        $s[]= '$f = new \DrSlump\Protobuf\Field();';
+        $s[]= '$f->number    = ' . $field->getNumber() . ';';
+        $s[]= '$f->name      = "'. $field->getName() . '";';
+        $s[]= '$f->type      = ' . $field->getType() . ';';
+        $s[]= '$f->rule      = ' . $field->getLabel() . ';';
+        if ($field->hasTypeName()):
+        $ref = $field->getTypeName();
+        if (substr($ref, 0, 1) !== '.') {
+            throw new \RuntimeException("Only fully qualified names are supported but found '$ref' at $ns");
+        }
+        $s[]= '$f->reference = \'\\' . $this->normalizeNS($ref) . "';";
+        endif;
+        if ($field->hasDefaultValue()):
+            switch ($field->getType()) {
+            case Protobuf::TYPE_BOOL:
+                $bool = filter_var($field->getDefaultValue(), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);
+                $s[]= '$f->default   = ' . ($bool ? 'true' : 'false') . ';';
+                break;
+            case Protobuf::TYPE_STRING:
+                $s[]= '$f->default   = "' . addcslashes($field->getDefaultValue(), '"\\') . '";';
+                break;
+            case Protobuf::TYPE_ENUM:
+                $value = '\\' . $this->normalizeNS($field->getTypeName()) . '::' . $field->getDefaultValue();
+                $s[]= '$f->default   = ' . $value . ';';
+                break;
+            default: // Numbers
+                $s[]= '$f->default   = ' . $field->getDefaultValue() . ';';
+            }
+        endif;
+        $s[]= '// @@protoc_insertion_point(scope_field)';
+        $s[]= '// @@protoc_insertion_point(field_' . $ns . ':' . $field->getName() . ')';
+        return $indent . implode(PHP_EOL.$indent, $s);
+    }
+    protected function compileExtension(proto\FieldDescriptorProto $field, $ns, $indent)
+    {
+        $extendee = $this->normalizeNS($field->getExtendee());
+        $name = $this->normalizeNS($ns . '.' . $field->getName());
+        $field->setName($name);
+        $s[]= "\\$extendee::extension(function(){";
+        $s[]= $this->compileField($field, $ns, $indent.'  ');
+        $s[]= '  // @@protoc_insertion_point(scope_extension)';
+        $s[]= '  // @@protoc_insertion_point(extension_' . $ns . ':' . $field->getName() . ')';
+        $s[]= '  return $f;';
+        $s[]= "});";
+        return $indent . implode(PHP_EOL.$indent, $s);
+    }
+    protected function compileService(proto\ServiceDescriptorProto $service, $ns)
+    {
+        $s = array();
+        $s[]= 'namespace ' . $this->normalizeNS($ns) . ' {';
+        $s[]= '';
+        $s[]= "  // @@protoc_insertion_point(scope_namespace)";
+        $s[]= "  // @@protoc_insertion_point(namespace_$ns)";
+        $s[]= '';
+        $cmt = $this->compiler->getComment($ns . '.' . $service->getName(), '   * ');
+        if ($cmt):
+        $s[]= "  /**";
+        $s[]= $cmt;
+        $s[]= "   */";
+        endif;
+        $s[]= '  interface ' . $service->getName();
+        $s[]= '  {';
+        $s[]= '    // @@protoc_insertion_point(scope_interface)';
+        $s[]= '    // @@protoc_insertion_point(interface_' . $ns . '.' . $service->getName() . ')';
+        $s[]= '';
+        foreach ($service->getMethodList() as $method):
+        $s[]= '    /**';
+        $cmt = $this->compiler->getComment($ns . '.' . $service->getName() . '.' . $method->getName(), '     * ');
+        if ($cmt):
+        $s[]= $cmt;
+        $s[]= '     * ';
+        endif;
+        $s[]= '     * @param ' . $this->normalizeNS($method->getInputType()) . ' $input';
+        $s[]= '     * @return ' . $this->normalizeNS($method->getOutputType());
+        $s[]= '     */';
+        $s[]= '    public function ' . $method->getName() . '(' . $this->normalizeNS($method->getInputType()) . ' $input);';
+        $s[]= '';
+        endforeach;
+        $s[]= '  }';
+        $s[]= '}';
+        $s[]= '';
+        return implode(PHP_EOL, $s) . PHP_EOL;
+    }
+    protected function generatePublicField(proto\FieldDescriptorProto $field, $ns, $indent)
+    {
+        $cmt = $this->compiler->getComment($ns . '.' . $field->getNumber(), "$indent * ");
+        if ($cmt) {
+            $cmt = "\n" . $cmt . "\n$indent *";
+        }
+        if ($field->getLabel() === Protobuf::RULE_REPEATED) {
+            $s[]= "/** $cmt @var " . $this->getJavaDocType($field) . "[] " . ($cmt ? "\n$indent" : '') . " */";
+            $s[]= 'public $' . $field->getName() . " = array();";
+        } else {
+            $s[]= "/** $cmt @var " . $this->getJavaDocType($field) . ($cmt ? "\n$indent" : '') . " */";
+            $default = 'null';
+            if ($field->hasDefaultValue()) {
+                switch ($field->getType()) {
+                case Protobuf::TYPE_BOOL:
+                    $default = $field->getDefaultValue() ? 'true' : 'false';
+                    break;
+                case Protobuf::TYPE_STRING:
+                    $default = '"' . addcslashes($field->getDefaultValue(), '"\\') . '"';
+                    break;
+                case Protobuf::TYPE_ENUM:
+                    $default = '\\' . $this->normalizeNS($field->getTypeName()) . '::' . $field->getDefaultValue();
+                    break;
+                default: // Numbers
+                    $default = $field->getDefaultValue();
+                }
+            }
+            $s[]= 'public $' . $field->getName() . ' = ' . $default . ';';
+        }
+        $s[]= "";
+        return $indent . implode(PHP_EOL.$indent, $s);
+    }
+    protected function generateAccessors(proto\FieldDescriptorProto $field, $ns, $indent)
+    {
+        $tag = $field->getNumber();
+        $name = $field->getName();
+        $camel = $this->compiler->camelize(ucfirst($name));
+        $typehint = '';
+        $typedoc = $this->getJavaDocType($field);
+        if (0 === strpos($typedoc, '\\')) {
+            $typehint = $typedoc;
+        }
+        // hasXXX
+        $s[]= "/**";
+        $s[]= " * Check if <$name> has a value";
+        $s[]= " *";
+        $s[]= " * @return boolean";
+        $s[]= " */";
+        $s[]= "public function has$camel(){";
+        $s[]= "  return \$this->_has($tag);";
+        $s[]= "}";
+        $s[]= "";
+        // clearXXX
+        $s[]= "/**";
+        $s[]= " * Clear <$name> value";
+        $s[]= " *";
+        $s[]= " * @return \\" . $this->normalizeNS($ns);
+        $s[]= " */";
+        $s[]= "public function clear$camel(){";
+        $s[]= "  return \$this->_clear($tag);";
+        $s[]= "}";
+        $s[]= "";
+        if ($field->getLabel() === Protobuf::RULE_REPEATED):
+        // getXXX
+        $s[]= "/**";
+        $s[]= " * Get <$name> value";
+        $s[]= " *";
+        $s[]= " * @param int \$idx";
+        $s[]= " * @return $typedoc";
+        $s[]= " */";
+        $s[]= "public function get$camel(\$idx = NULL){";
+        $s[]= "  return \$this->_get($tag, \$idx);";
+        $s[]= "}";
+        $s[]= "";
+        // setXXX
+        $s[]= "/**";
+        $s[]= " * Set <$name> value";
+        $s[]= " *";
+        $s[]= " * @param $typedoc \$value";
+        $s[]= " * @return \\" . $this->normalizeNS($ns);
+        $s[]= " */";
+        $s[]= "public function set$camel($typehint \$value, \$idx = NULL){";
+        $s[]= "  return \$this->_set($tag, \$value, \$idx);";
+        $s[]= "}";
+        $s[]= "";
+        $s[]= "/**";
+        $s[]= " * Get all elements of <$name>";
+        $s[]= " *";
+        $s[]= " * @return {$typedoc}[]";
+        $s[]= " */";
+        $s[]= "public function get{$camel}List(){";
+        $s[]= " return \$this->_get($tag);";
+        $s[]= "}";
+        $s[]= "";
+        $s[]= "/**";
+        $s[]= " * Add a new element to <$name>";
+        $s[]= " *";
+        $s[]= " * @param $typedoc \$value";
+        $s[]= " * @return \\" . $this->normalizeNS($ns);
+        $s[]= " */";
+        $s[]= "public function add$camel($typehint \$value){";
+        $s[]= " return \$this->_add($tag, \$value);";
+        $s[]= "}";
+        $s[]= "";
+        else:
+        // getXXX
+        $s[]= "/**";
+        $s[]= " * Get <$name> value";
+        $s[]= " *";
+        $s[]= " * @return $typedoc";
+        $s[]= " */";
+        $s[]= "public function get$camel(){";
+        $s[]= "  return \$this->_get($tag);";
+        $s[]= "}";
+        $s[]= "";
+        // setXXX
+        $s[]= "/**";
+        $s[]= " * Set <$name> value";
+        $s[]= " *";
+        $s[]= " * @param $typedoc \$value";
+        $s[]= " * @return \\" . $this->normalizeNS($ns);
+        $s[]= " */";
+        $s[]= "public function set$camel($typehint \$value){";
+        $s[]= "  return \$this->_set($tag, \$value);";
+        $s[]= "}";
+        $s[]= "";
+        endif;
+        return $indent . implode(PHP_EOL.$indent, $s);
+    }
+    protected function getJavaDocType(proto\FieldDescriptorProto $field)
+    {
+        switch ($field->getType()) {
+        case Protobuf::TYPE_DOUBLE:
+        case Protobuf::TYPE_FLOAT:
+            return 'float';
+        case Protobuf::TYPE_INT64:
+        case Protobuf::TYPE_UINT64:
+        case Protobuf::TYPE_INT32:
+        case Protobuf::TYPE_FIXED64:
+        case Protobuf::TYPE_FIXED32:
+        case Protobuf::TYPE_UINT32:
+        case Protobuf::TYPE_SFIXED32:
+        case Protobuf::TYPE_SFIXED64:
+        case Protobuf::TYPE_SINT32:
+        case Protobuf::TYPE_SINT64:
+            return 'int';
+        case Protobuf::TYPE_BOOL:
+            return 'boolean';
+        case Protobuf::TYPE_STRING:
+            return 'string';
+        case Protobuf::TYPE_MESSAGE:
+            return '\\' . $this->normalizeNS($field->getTypeName());
+        case Protobuf::TYPE_BYTES:
+            return 'string';
+        case Protobuf::TYPE_ENUM:
+            return 'int - \\' . $this->normalizeNS($field->getTypeName());
+        case Protobuf::TYPE_GROUP:
+        default:
+            return 'unknown';
+        }
+    }
+    protected function normalizeNS($package)
+    {
+        // Remove leading dot (used in references)
+        $package = ltrim($package, '.');
+        if ($this->compiler->hasPackage($package)) {
+            return $this->compiler->getPackage($package);
+        }
+        // Check the currently registered packages to find a root one
+        $found = null;
+        foreach ($this->compiler->getPackages() as $pkg=>$ns) {
+            // Keep only the longest match
+            if (0 === strpos($package, $pkg.'.') && strlen($found) < strlen($pkg)) {
+                $found = $pkg;
+            }
+        }
+        // If no matching package was found issue a warning and use the package name
+        if (!$found) {
+            $this->compiler->warning('Non tracked package name found "' . $package . '"');
+            $namespace = str_replace('.', '\\', $package);
+        } else {
+            // Complete the namespace with the remaining package
+            $namespace = $this->compiler->getPackage($found);
+            $namespace .= substr($package, strlen($found));
+            $namespace = str_replace('.', '\\', $namespace);
+            // Set the newly found namespace in the registry
+            $this->compiler->setPackage($package, $namespace);
+        }
+        return $namespace;
+    }