Parallelise http transfers for trip planner tester
[busui.git] / lib / rolling-curl / README.txt
blob:a/lib/rolling-curl/README.txt -> blob:b/lib/rolling-curl/README.txt
--- a/lib/rolling-curl/README.txt
+++ b/lib/rolling-curl/README.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,210 @@
+Rolling Curl
+RollingCurl allows you to process multiple HTTP requests in parallel using CURL PHP library.
+Released under the Apache License 2.0.
+- Was originally written by [Josh Fraser](
+- Currently maintained by [Alexander Makarov](
+- Received significant updates and patched from [LionsAd](
+RollingCurl is a more efficient implementation of curl_multi() curl_multi is a great way to process multiple HTTP requests in parallel in PHP.
+curl_multi is particularly handy when working with large data sets (like fetching thousands of RSS feeds at one time). Unfortunately there is
+very little documentation on the best way to implement curl_multi. As a result, most of the examples around the web are either inefficient or
+fail entirely when asked to handle more than a few hundred requests.
+The problem is that most implementations of curl_multi wait for each set of requests to complete before processing them. If there are too many requests
+to process at once, they usually get broken into groups that are then processed one at a time. The problem with this is that each group has to wait for
+the slowest request to download. In a group of 100 requests, all it takes is one slow one to delay the processing of 99 others. The larger the number of
+requests you are dealing with, the more noticeable this latency becomes.
+The solution is to process each request as soon as it completes. This eliminates the wasted CPU cycles from busy waiting. Also there is a queue of
+cURL requests to allow for maximum throughput. Each time a request is completed, a new one is added from the queue. By dynamically adding and removing
+links, we keep a constant number of links downloading at all times. This gives us a way to throttle the amount of simultaneous requests we are sending.
+The result is a faster and more efficient way of processing large quantities of cURL requests in parallel.
+Each of requests usually do have a callback to process results that is being executed when request is done
+(both successfully or not).
+Callback accepts three parameters and can look like the following one:
+function request_callback($response, $info, $request){
+    // doing something with the data received
+- $response contains received page body.
+- $info is an associative array that holds various information about response such as HTTP response code, content type,
+time taken to make request etc.
+- $request contains RollingCurlRequest that was used to make request.
+### Hello world
+// an array of URL's to fetch
+$urls = array("",
+              "",
+              "");
+// a function that will process the returned responses
+function request_callback($response, $info, $request) {
+	// parse the page title out of the returned HTML
+	if (preg_match("~<title>(.*?)</title>~i", $response, $out)) {
+		$title = $out[1];
+	}
+	echo "<b>$title</b><br />";
+	print_r($info);
+	echo "<hr>";
+// create a new RollingCurl object and pass it the name of your custom callback function
+$rc = new RollingCurl("request_callback");
+// the window size determines how many simultaneous requests to allow.
+$rc->window_size = 20;
+foreach ($urls as $url) {
+    // add each request to the RollingCurl object
+    $request = new RollingCurlRequest($url);
+    $rc->add($request);
+### Setting custom options
+Set custom options for EVERY request:
+$rc = new RollingCurl("request_callback");
+$rc->options = array(CURLOPT_HEADER => true, CURLOPT_NOBODY => true);
+Set custom options for A SINGLE request:
+$rc = new RollingCurl("request_callback");
+$request = new RollingCurlRequest($url);
+$request->options = array(CURLOPT_HEADER => true, CURLOPT_NOBODY => true);
+### Shortcuts
+$rc = new RollingCurl("request_callback");
+### Class callbacks
+class MyInfoCollector {
+    private $rc;
+    function __construct(){
+        $this->rc = new RollingCurl(array($this, 'processPage'));
+    }
+    function processPage($response, $info, $request){
+      //...
+    }
+    function run($urls){
+        foreach ($urls as $url){
+            $request = new RollingCurlRequest($url);
+            $this->rc->add($request);
+        }
+        $this->rc->execute();
+    }
+$collector = new MyInfoCollector();
+    '',
+    ''
+### Using RollingCurlGroup
+class TestCurlRequest extends RollingCurlGroupRequest {
+    public $test_verbose = true;
+    function process($output, $info) {
+        echo "Processing " . $this->url . "\n";
+        if ($this->test_verbose)
+            print_r($info);
+        parent::process($output, $info);
+    }
+class TestCurlGroup extends RollingCurlGroup {
+    function process($output, $info, $request) {
+        echo "Group CB: Progress " . $this->name . " (" . ($this->finished_requests + 1) . "/" . $this->num_requests . ")\n";
+        parent::process($output, $info, $request);
+    }
+    function finished() {
+        echo "Group CB: Finished" . $this->name . "\n";
+        parent::finished();
+    }
+$group = new TestCurlGroup("High");
+$group->add(new TestCurlRequest(""));
+$group->add(new TestCurlRequest(""));
+$group->add(new TestCurlRequest(""));
+$reqs[] = $group;
+$group = new TestCurlGroup("Normal");
+$group->add(new TestCurlRequest(""));
+$group->add(new TestCurlRequest(""));
+$group->add(new TestCurlRequest(""));
+$reqs[] = $group;
+$reqs[] = new TestCurlRequest("");
+// No callback here, as its done in Request class
+$rc = new GroupRollingCurl();
+foreach ($reqs as $req)
+The same function (add) can be used both for adding requests and groups of requests.
+The "callback" in request and groups is:
+process($output, $info)
+process($output, $info, $request)
+Also you can override RollingCurlGroup::finished() that will be executed right after finishing group processing.