Trip planner reliablity fixes
Trip planner reliablity fixes

--- a/aws/
+++ b/aws/
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 #this script should be run from a fresh git checkout from github
 #ami base must have yum install lighttpd-fastcgi, git, tomcat6 
-#screen php-cli php-gd tomcat6-webapps tomcat6-admin-webapps svn maven2
-#postgrtes postgres-server php-pg
+#php-cli php-gd tomcat6-webapps tomcat6-admin-webapps svn maven2
+#postgres postgres-server php-pg
 cp /root/aws.php /tmp/

file:a/readme.txt -> file:b/readme.txt
--- a/readme.txt
+++ b/readme.txt
@@ -2,11 +2,10 @@
 Based on the maxious-canberra-transit-feed @
 Source code for the transit 
 feed and this site available from github.
-Uses jQuery Mobile, PHP, Ruby, Python, Google Transit Feed Specification 
-tools, OpenTripPlanner, OpenLayers, OpenStreetMap, Cloudmade Geocoder 
+Uses jQuery Mobile, PHP, PostgreSQL, OpenTripPlanner, OpenLayers, OpenStreetMap, Cloudmade Geocoder 
 and Tile Service
-Must have running on port 8765 for this webapp to work
+See aws/ for example startup steps
 For static maps, may have to do
 /usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1

--- a/tripPlanner.php
+++ b/tripPlanner.php
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 include ('include/');
 include_header("Trip Planner", "tripPlanner", true, true, true);
-$from = (isset($_REQUEST['from']) ? filter_var($_REQUEST['from'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING) : "Brigalow");
-$to = (isset($_REQUEST['to']) ? filter_var($_REQUEST['to'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING) : "Barry");
+$from = (isset($_REQUEST['from']) ? filter_var($_REQUEST['from'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING) : "");
+$to = (isset($_REQUEST['to']) ? filter_var($_REQUEST['to'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING) : "");
 $date = (isset($_REQUEST['date']) ? filter_var($_REQUEST['date'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING) : date("m/d/Y"));
 $time = (isset($_REQUEST['time']) ? filter_var($_REQUEST['time'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING) : date("H:i"));
 function formatTime($timeString) {
@@ -125,7 +125,8 @@
 	else {
 		$url = $otpAPIurl . "ws/plan?date=" . urlencode($_REQUEST['date']) . "&time=" . urlencode($_REQUEST['time']) . "&mode=TRANSIT%2CWALK&optimize=QUICK&maxWalkDistance=840&wheelchair=false&toPlace=$toPlace&fromPlace=$fromPlace&intermediatePlaces=";
-		$ch = curl_init($url);
+		debug($url);
+                $ch = curl_init($url);
 		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
 		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
 		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
@@ -133,15 +134,15 @@
 		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
 		$page = curl_exec($ch);
-		if (curl_errno($ch)) {
-			tripPlanForm("Trip planner temporarily unavailable: " . curl_errno($ch) . " " . curl_error($ch) .(isDebug() ? $url : ""));
+		if (curl_errno($ch) || curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) != 200) {
+			tripPlanForm("Trip planner temporarily unavailable: " . curl_errno($ch) . " " . curl_error($ch) . " ". curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) .(isDebug() ? "<br>".$url : ""));
                         trackEvent("Trip Planner","Trip Planner Failed", $url);
 		else {
                   	trackEvent("Trip Planner","Plan Trip From", $from);
                         trackEvent("Trip Planner","Plan Trip To", $to);
 			$tripplan = json_decode($page);
-			debug(print_r($triplan, true));
+			debug(print_r($tripplan, true));
 			echo "<h1> From: {$tripplan->plan->from->name} To: {$tripplan->plan->to->name} </h1>";
 			echo "<h1> At: ".formatTime($tripplan->plan->date)." </h1>";
 			if (is_array($tripplan->plan->itineraries->itinerary)) {