Refine stop trips with timing to improve performance
Refine stop trips with timing to improve performance

--- a/feedback.php
+++ b/feedback.php
@@ -31,18 +31,22 @@
 <h3>Add/Move/Delete a Bus Stop Location</h3>
 or StopCode:
+<small> if you click on feedback from a stop page, these will get filled in automatically. else describe the location/street of the stop <input type="text" name="stoplocation" /> </small>
 Suggested Stop Location (lat/long or words):
+<small> if your device supports javascript, you can pick a location from the map above</small>
 <h3>Bug Report/Feedback</h3>
+Please leave feedback about bugs/errors or general suggestions about improvements that could be made to the way the data is presented!
 <textarea id="feedback">
 <textarea id="extrainfo">
     Referrer URL
     User Agent
     User host/IP
+    Server host/IP
     Current date/time
     Dump of $_SESSION

--- a/layar_api.php
+++ b/layar_api.php
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
         $hotspot['distance'] = distance($row[2], $row[3], $_REQUEST['lat'], $_REQUEST['lon']);
         if (!isset($_REQUEST['radius']) || $hotspot['distance'] < $_REQUEST['radius']) {
             $hotspot['actions'] = Array(Array("label" => 'View more trips/information', 'uri' => ''.'stop.php?stopid='.$row[0]));
-            $url = $APIurl."/json/stoptrips?stop=".$row[0]."&time=".midnight_seconds()."&service_period=".service_period()."&limit=4";
+            $url = $APIurl."/json/stoptrips?stop=".$row[0]."&time=".midnight_seconds()."&service_period=".service_period()."&limit=4&time_range=".str(90*60);
             $trips = json_decode(getPage($url));
             foreach ($trips as $key => $row)

--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -421,23 +421,57 @@
       if s.stop_id.lower() == query:
         return StopToTuple(s)
     return []
+  def handle_json_GET_stopalltrips(self, params):
+    """Given a stop_id return all trips to visit the stop."""
+    schedule = self.server.schedule
+    stop = schedule.GetStop(params.get('stop', None))
+    service_period = params.get('service_period', None)
+    time_trips = stop.GetStopTimeTrips(schedule)
+    result = []
+    for time, (trip, index), tp in time_trips:
+      headsign = None
+      # Find the most recent headsign from the StopTime objects
+      for stoptime in trip.GetStopTimes()[index::-1]:
+        if stoptime.stop_headsign:
+          headsign = stoptime.stop_headsign
+          break
+      # If stop_headsign isn't found, look for a trip_headsign
+      if not headsign:
+        headsign = trip.trip_headsign
+      route = schedule.GetRoute(trip.route_id)
+      trip_name = ''
+      if route.route_short_name:
+        trip_name += route.route_short_name
+      if route.route_long_name:
+        if len(trip_name):
+          trip_name += " - "
+        trip_name += route.route_long_name
+      if service_period == None or trip.service_id == service_period:
+        result.append((time, (trip.trip_id, trip_name, trip.service_id), tp))
+    return result
   def handle_json_GET_stoptrips(self, params):
     """Given a stop_id and time in seconds since midnight return the next
     trips to visit the stop."""
     schedule = self.server.schedule
     stop = schedule.GetStop(params.get('stop', None))
-    time = int(params.get('time', 0))
+    requested_time = int(params.get('time', 0))
     limit = int(params.get('limit', 15))
     service_period = params.get('service_period', None)
-    time_trips = stop.GetStopTimeTrips(schedule)
-    time_trips.sort()  # OPT: use bisect.insort to make this O(N*ln(N)) -> O(N)
-    # Keep the first 15 after param 'time'.
-    # Need make a tuple to find correct bisect point
-    time_trips = time_trips[bisect.bisect_left(time_trips, (time, 0)):]
-    time_trips = time_trips[:15]
+    time_range = params.get('time_range', 24*60*60)
+    filtered_time_trips = []
+    for trip, index in stop._GetTripIndex(schedule):
+      tripstarttime = trip.GetStartTime()
+      if tripstarttime > requested_time and tripstarttime < (requested_time + time_range):
+        time, stoptime, tp = trip.GetTimeInterpolatedStops()[index]
+        if time > requested_time and time < (requested_time + time_range):
+          bisect.insort(filtered_time_trips, (time, (trip, index), tp))
     result = []
-    for time, (trip, index), tp in time_trips:
+    for time, (trip, index), tp in filtered_time_trips:
       if len(result) > limit:
       headsign = None