Start of service alerts API
[busui.git] / servicealerts_api.php
blob:a/servicealerts_api.php -> blob:b/servicealerts_api.php
--- a/servicealerts_api.php
+++ b/servicealerts_api.php
@@ -6,48 +6,43 @@
          - add,remove,patch
             - stop
             - trip
+            - network
           - patterns (WHERE=)
             - route (short_name or route_id)
             - street
             - stop
             - trip */
-/* header {
-  gtrtfs_version: "1"
-  timestamp: 1307926866
+$return = Array();
+$return['header']['gtrtfs_version'] = "1";
+$return['header']['timestamp'] = time();
+$return['entities'] = Array();
+foreach(getCurrentAlerts() as $alert) {
+	$informedEntities = getInformedAlerts($alert['id'],$filter_class,$filter_id);
+	if (sizeof($informedEntities) >0) {
+		$entity = Array();
+		$entity['id'] = $alert['id'];
+		$entity['alert']['active_period']['start'] = $alert['start'];
+		$entity['alert']['active_period']['start'] = $alert['end'];
+		$entity['alert']['url']['translation'] = $alert['url'];
+		$entity['alert']['description']['translation'] = $alert['description'];
+		foreach ($informedEntities as $informedEntity) {
+			$informed = Array();
+			$informed[$informedEntity['informed_class']."_id"] = $informedEntity['informed_id'];
+			if ($informedEntity['informed_action'] != "") $informed["x-action"] = $informedEntity['informed_action'];
+			//$informed[$informedEntity['class']."_type"] = $informedEntity['type'];
+			$entity['informed'][] = $informed; 
+		}
+		$return['entities'][] = $entity;
+	}
-entity {
-  id: "21393"
-  alert {
-    active_period {
-      start: 1307955600
-      end: 1307988000
-    }
-    informed_entity {
-      route_id: "100"
-      route_type: 1
-    }
-    url {
-      translation {
-        text: ""
-      }
-    }
-    description_text {
-      translation {
-        text: "Rose Festival fleet departures will cause bridge lifts until around 10 a.m. Expect delays."
-      }
-    }
-  }
-$return = Array();
-header('Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=utf8');
+//header('Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=utf8');
 // header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin:');
 header('Access-Control-Max-Age: 3628800');
 header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE');
 if (isset($_GET['callback'])) {
 	$json = '(' . json_encode($return) . ');'; //must wrap in parens and end with semicolon
-	print_r($_GET['callback'] . $json); //callback is prepended for json-p
+	//print_r($_GET['callback'] . $json); //callback is prepended for json-p
 else echo json_encode($return);