Labs Tidy up, depreciate old trip planner tester, promote myway balance/service alerts to main site
[busui.git] / myway / myway_timeliness_calculate.php
blob:a/myway/myway_timeliness_calculate.php -> blob:b/myway/myway_timeliness_calculate.php
--- a/myway/myway_timeliness_calculate.php
+++ b/myway/myway_timeliness_calculate.php
@@ -1,15 +1,32 @@
+ *    Copyright 2010,2011 Alexander Sadleir 
+  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+ */
 include ('../include/');
 include_header("MyWay Delta Calculate", "mywayDeltaCalc");
-function abssort($a, $b)
-	if ($a['timeDiff'] == $b['timeDiff']) {
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return (abs($a['timeDiff']) < abs($b['timeDiff'])) ? -1 : 1;
+function abssort($a, $b) {
+    if ($a['timeDiff'] == $b['timeDiff']) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return (abs($a['timeDiff']) < abs($b['timeDiff'])) ? -1 : 1;
 //collect all observation not in delta
 $query = "select * from myway_observations INNER JOIN myway_stops
 ON myway_observations.myway_stop=myway_stops.myway_stop INNER JOIN myway_routes
@@ -23,120 +40,119 @@
 $query = $conn->prepare($query);
 if (!$query) {
-	databaseError($conn->errorInfo());
-	return Array();
+    databaseError($conn->errorInfo());
+    return Array();
 $uncalcdObservations = $query->fetchAll();
 //Display count
 echo "<h3>" . sizeof($uncalcdObservations) . " observations not yet processed</h2>";
 //foreach observation not in delta
 foreach ($uncalcdObservations as $obsv) {
-	//var_dump($obsv);
-	echo "<h3>Observation {$obsv['observation_id']}:</h1>
+    //var_dump($obsv);
+    echo "<h3>Observation {$obsv['observation_id']}:</h1>
 <small>{$obsv['myway_stop']} @ {$obsv['time']} on {$obsv['myway_route']}</small><br>";
-	if ($obsv["stop_code"] == "") {
-		echo "error, stop '{$obsv['myway_stop']}' unknown";
-		continue;
-	}
-	if ($obsv["route_full_name"] == "") {
-		echo "error, route '{$obsv['myway_route']}' unknown";
-		continue;
-	}
-	// convert timestamp into time of day and date
+    if ($obsv["stop_code"] == "") {
+        echo "error, stop '{$obsv['myway_stop']}' unknown";
+        continue;
+    }
+    if ($obsv["route_full_name"] == "") {
+        echo "error, route '{$obsv['myway_route']}' unknown";
+        continue;
+    }
+    // convert timestamp into time of day and date
 // timezones from
-	$time = date("H:i:s", strtotime($obsv['time']));
-    $time_tz = date("H:i:s", strtotime($obsv['time']))." AESST";
-        $search_time = date("H:i:s", strtotime($obsv['time'])-(30*60)); // 30 minutes margin
-	$date = date("c", strtotime($obsv['time']));
-	$timing_period = service_period(strtotime($date));
-	$potentialStops = getStopsByStopCode($obsv["stop_code"], $obsv["stop_street"]);
-	//:get myway_stops records
-	//:search by starts with stopcode and starts with street if street is not null
-	//no result, skip and display error
-	if (sizeof($potentialStops) < 1) {
-		echo "error, potential stops for stopcode {$obsv["stop_code"]} street {$obsv["stop_street"]} unknown";
-		continue;
-	}
-	//print out stops
-	echo "Matched stops: ";
-	foreach ($potentialStops as $potentialStop) echo $potentialStop['stop_code'] . " ";
-	echo "<br>";
-	//:get myway_route record
-	//no result, skip and display error
-	//print out route
-	$potentialRoute = getRouteByFullName($obsv["route_full_name"]);
-	if ($potentialRoute["route_short_name"] == "") {
-		echo "error, route '{$obsv["route_full_name"]}' unknown";
-		continue;
-	}
-	echo "Matched route: {$potentialRoute['route_short_name']}{$potentialRoute['route_long_name']} {$timing_period}<br>";
-	$timeDeltas = Array();
-	foreach ($potentialStops as $potentialStop) {
-		$stopRoutes = getStopRoutes($potentialStop['stop_id'], $timing_period);
-		$foundRoute = Array();
-		foreach ($stopRoutes as $stopRoute) {
-			//Check if this route stops at each stop
-			if ($stopRoute['route_short_name'] . $stopRoute['route_long_name'] == $obsv["route_full_name"]) {
-				echo "Matching route {$stopRoute['route_id']} found at {$potentialStop['stop_code']}<br>";
-				$foundRoute = $stopRoute;
-				//if does get tripstoptimes for this route
-				$trips = getStopTrips($potentialStop['stop_id'], $timing_period, $search_time);
-				foreach ($trips as $trip) {
-					//echo $trip['route_id']." ".$stopRoute['route_id'].";";
-					if ($trip['route_id'] == $stopRoute['route_id']) {
-						$timedTrip = getTimeInterpolatedTripAtStop($trip['trip_id'], $trip['stop_sequence']);
-						$actual_time = strtotime($time);
-						$trip_time = strtotime($timedTrip['arrival_time']);
-						$timeDiff = $actual_time - $trip_time;
-						//work out time delta, put into array with index of delta
-						$timeDeltas[] = Array(
-							"timeDiff" => $timeDiff,
-							"stop_code" => $potentialStop['stop_code'],
-                                                        "stop_sequence" => $timedTrip['stop_sequence']
-						);
-						echo "Found trip {$trip['trip_id']} at stop {$potentialStop['stop_code']} (#{$potentialStop['stop_id']}, sequence #{$trip['stop_sequence']})<br>";
-                                                echo "Arriving at {$timedTrip['arrival_time']}, difference of " . round($timeDiff / 60, 2) . " minutes<br>";
-					}
-				}
-				break; // because have found route
-			}
-		}
-		if (sizeof($foundRoute) < 1) {
-			//print out that stops/does not stop
-			echo "No matching routes found at {$potentialStop['stop_code']}<br>";
-                        var_dump($stopRoutes);
-                        			flush();
-		}
-	}
-	//   lowest delta is recorded delta
-	usort($timeDeltas, "abssort");
-	$lowestDelta = $timeDeltas[0]["timeDiff"];
-	if (sizeof($timeDeltas) != 0) {
-		echo "Lowest difference of " . round($lowestDelta / 60, 2) . " minutes will be recorded for this observation<br>";
-		$observation_id = $obsv['observation_id'];
-		$route_full_name = $obsv['route_full_name'];
-		$stop_code = $timeDeltas[0]["stop_code"];
-		$stop_sequence = $timeDeltas[0]["stop_sequence"];
-		$stmt = $conn->prepare("insert into myway_timingdeltas (observation_id, route_full_name, stop_code, timing_delta, time, date, timing_period, stop_sequence)
+    $time = date("H:i:s", strtotime($obsv['time']));
+    $time_tz = date("H:i:s", strtotime($obsv['time'])) . " AESST";
+    $search_time = date("H:i:s", strtotime($obsv['time']) - (30 * 60)); // 30 minutes margin
+    $date = date("c", strtotime($obsv['time']));
+    $timing_period = service_period(strtotime($date));
+    $potentialStops = getStopsByStopCode($obsv["stop_code"], $obsv["stop_street"]);
+    //:get myway_stops records
+    //:search by starts with stopcode and starts with street if street is not null
+    //no result, skip and display error
+    if (sizeof($potentialStops) < 1) {
+        echo "error, potential stops for stopcode {$obsv["stop_code"]} street {$obsv["stop_street"]} unknown";
+        continue;
+    }
+    //print out stops
+    echo "Matched stops: ";
+    foreach ($potentialStops as $potentialStop)
+        echo $potentialStop['stop_code'] . " ";
+    echo "<br>";
+    //:get myway_route record
+    //no result, skip and display error
+    //print out route
+    $potentialRoute = getRouteByFullName($obsv["route_full_name"]);
+    if ($potentialRoute["route_short_name"] == "") {
+        echo "error, route '{$obsv["route_full_name"]}' unknown";
+        continue;
+    }
+    echo "Matched route: {$potentialRoute['route_short_name']}{$potentialRoute['route_long_name']} {$timing_period}<br>";
+    $timeDeltas = Array();
+    foreach ($potentialStops as $potentialStop) {
+        $stopRoutes = getStopRoutes($potentialStop['stop_id'], $timing_period);
+        $foundRoute = Array();
+        foreach ($stopRoutes as $stopRoute) {
+            //Check if this route stops at each stop
+            if ($stopRoute['route_short_name'] . $stopRoute['route_long_name'] == $obsv["route_full_name"]) {
+                echo "Matching route {$stopRoute['route_id']} found at {$potentialStop['stop_code']}<br>";
+                $foundRoute = $stopRoute;
+                //if does get tripstoptimes for this route
+                $trips = getStopTrips($potentialStop['stop_id'], $timing_period, $search_time);
+                foreach ($trips as $trip) {
+                    //echo $trip['route_id']." ".$stopRoute['route_id'].";";
+                    if ($trip['route_id'] == $stopRoute['route_id']) {
+                        $timedTrip = getTimeInterpolatedTripAtStop($trip['trip_id'], $trip['stop_sequence']);
+                        $actual_time = strtotime($time);
+                        $trip_time = strtotime($timedTrip['arrival_time']);
+                        $timeDiff = $actual_time - $trip_time;
+                        //work out time delta, put into array with index of delta
+                        $timeDeltas[] = Array(
+                            "timeDiff" => $timeDiff,
+                            "stop_code" => $potentialStop['stop_code'],
+                            "stop_sequence" => $timedTrip['stop_sequence']
+                        );
+                        echo "Found trip {$trip['trip_id']} at stop {$potentialStop['stop_code']} (#{$potentialStop['stop_id']}, sequence #{$trip['stop_sequence']})<br>";
+                        echo "Arriving at {$timedTrip['arrival_time']}, difference of " . round($timeDiff / 60, 2) . " minutes<br>";
+                    }
+                }
+                break; // because have found route
+            }
+        }
+        if (sizeof($foundRoute) < 1) {
+            //print out that stops/does not stop
+            echo "No matching routes found at {$potentialStop['stop_code']}<br>";
+            var_dump($stopRoutes);
+            flush();
+        }
+    }
+    //   lowest delta is recorded delta
+    usort($timeDeltas, "abssort");
+    $lowestDelta = $timeDeltas[0]["timeDiff"];
+    if (sizeof($timeDeltas) != 0) {
+        echo "Lowest difference of " . round($lowestDelta / 60, 2) . " minutes will be recorded for this observation<br>";
+        $observation_id = $obsv['observation_id'];
+        $route_full_name = $obsv['route_full_name'];
+        $stop_code = $timeDeltas[0]["stop_code"];
+        $stop_sequence = $timeDeltas[0]["stop_sequence"];
+        $stmt = $conn->prepare("insert into myway_timingdeltas (observation_id, route_full_name, stop_code, timing_delta, time, date, timing_period, stop_sequence)
 				      values (:observation_id, :route_full_name, :stop_code, :timing_delta, :time, :date, :timing_period, :stop_sequence)");
-		$stmt->bindParam(':observation_id', $observation_id);
-		$stmt->bindParam(':route_full_name', $route_full_name);
-		$stmt->bindParam(':stop_code', $stop_code);
-		$stmt->bindParam(':timing_delta', $lowestDelta);
-		$stmt->bindParam(':time', $time_tz);
-		$stmt->bindParam(':date', $date);
-		$stmt->bindParam(':timing_period', $timing_period);
-                $stmt->bindParam(':stop_sequence', $stop_sequence);
-		// insert a record
-		$stmt->execute();
-		if ($stmt->rowCount() > 0) {
-			echo "Recorded.<br>";
-		}
-		var_dump($conn->errorInfo());
-			flush();
-	}
-	flush();
+        $stmt->bindParam(':observation_id', $observation_id);
+        $stmt->bindParam(':route_full_name', $route_full_name);
+        $stmt->bindParam(':stop_code', $stop_code);
+        $stmt->bindParam(':timing_delta', $lowestDelta);
+        $stmt->bindParam(':time', $time_tz);
+        $stmt->bindParam(':date', $date);
+        $stmt->bindParam(':timing_period', $timing_period);
+        $stmt->bindParam(':stop_sequence', $stop_sequence);
+        // insert a record
+        $stmt->execute();
+        if ($stmt->rowCount() > 0) {
+            echo "Recorded.<br>";
+        }
+        var_dump($conn->errorInfo());
+        flush();
+    }
+    flush();