descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
last change
213fa42 Alex Sadleir backup tgids master
1f2cec8 Alex Sadleir better hourly
e2a40f7 Alex Sadleir Merge branch 'master' of ssh://apples.lambdacompl…
7f65608 Alex Sadleir group by category
cb7ea21 Maxious better hourly record
1764115 Maxious date picker
483fb5c Maxious Merge branch 'master' of ssh://maxious.lambdacomp…
730d77b Maxious move towards trunklog/categories
2ac061b Alex Sadleir tgids
49c5427 Alex Sadleir proper concat for hourlies
ade0452 Maxious tgids table
d450920 Alex Sadleir select input
8d7b3ae Alex Sadleir hourly/convo ffmpeg generrators
1b2322d Alex Sadleir android client
32f72e1 Alex Sadleir idea ide updates
12efdbf Maxious getfile and convo gen