add zooming to graph
[scannr.git] / viewcalls.php
blob:a/viewcalls.php -> blob:b/viewcalls.php
--- a/viewcalls.php
+++ b/viewcalls.php
@@ -12,12 +12,19 @@
            var options = {
             lines: { show: true },
             points: { show: true },
-            xaxis: { mode: "time" },
+               xaxis : {
+                   mode : 'time',
+                   labelsAngle : 45
+               },
                selection : { mode : 'x', fps : 30 },
             series: {
                 lines: { show: true },
                 points: { show: true }
-            }
+            },
+               mouse : {
+                   track : true,
+                   relative : true
+               }
         $(function () {
         // graph
@@ -32,7 +39,7 @@
                 // Draw graph with new area
                 graph = drawGraph({
-                    xaxis: {min:area.x1, max:area.x2},
+                    xaxis: {min:area.x1, max:area.x2, mode : 'time', labelsAngle : 45},
                     yaxis: {min:area.y1, max:area.y2}