beginnings of view calls
[scannr.git] / calls.json.php
blob:a/calls.json.php -> blob:b/calls.json.php
--- a/calls.json.php
+++ b/calls.json.php
@@ -1,68 +1,97 @@
+function getTGIDValuesByHour($TGID, $timeFrom, $timeTo)
+    global $conn;
+    $sth = $conn->prepare('select tgid, min(call_timestamp) as time, count(*), min(length), max(length), avg(length), stddev(length) from recordings
+where call_timestamp between to_timestamp(?) and to_timestamp(?)
+            group by tgid, date_trunc(\'hour\', call_timestamp) order by time');
-function view($sensorID) {
-    $data = Array("sensorID" => $sensorID,
-    );
-    $timefrom = 1;
-    $timeto = 1;
-    $years = $this->Sensor_model->getSensorDataYears($sensorID, $timefrom, $timeto);
-    foreach ($years as $year) {
-        $yearsItem[] = Array("title" => $year['year'], "link" => "#",
-            "onclick" => "getData('$sensorID'," . mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year['year']) . "," . mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 31, $year['year']) . ");");
-    }
-    $months = $this->Sensor_model->getSensorDataMonths($sensorID, $timefrom, $timeto);
-    foreach ($months as $month) {
-        $monthsItem[] = Array("title" => date("F", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month['month'], 10)) . ' ' . $month['year'], "link" => "#",
-            "onclick" => "getData('$sensorID'," . mktime(0, 0, 0, $month['month'], 1, $month['year']) . "," . strtotime("+1 month", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month['month'], 1, $month['year'])) . ");");
-    }
-    $days = $this->Sensor_model->getSensorDataDays($sensorID, $timefrom, $timeto);
-    foreach ($days as $day) {
-        $daysItem[] = Array("title" => date("jS F", mktime(0, 0, 0, $day['month'], $day['day'])), "link" => "#",
-            "onclick" => "getData('$sensorID'," . mktime(0, 0, 0, $day['month'], $day['day'], $day['year']) . "," . mktime(23, 59, 59, $day['month'], $day['day'], $day['year']) . ");");
-    }
+    $sth->execute(Array($timeFrom, $timeTo));
+    return $sth->fetchAll();
-    $data['sidebar'] = Array("years" => $yearsItem, "months" => $monthsItem, "days" => $daysItem
-    );
-    $this->javascript = Array("flot/jquery.flot.min.js", "flot/jquery.flot.resize.min.js", "flot/jquery.flot.crosshair.min.js");
-    $this->content = $this->load->view('pages/sensor/view', $data, true);
-    $this->render_page();
-function json_graph($sensorID, $timefrom, $timeto) {
-    $values = $this->Sensor_model->getSensorValuesByHour($sensorID, $timefrom, $timeto);
-    $label = $sensorID;
-    $data = Array();
-    $tzoffset = $this->get_timezone_offset("UTC");
-    foreach ($values as $value) {
-        $data[] = Array((strtotime($value['time']) + $tzoffset) * 1000, intval($value['avg']));
-    }
-    $this->output
-            ->set_content_type('application/json')
-            ->set_output(json_encode(Array("label" => $label, "data" => $data,
-                        "previous" => Array(
-                            "from" => $timefrom - (24 * 60 * 60),
-                            "to" => $timefrom)
-                        ,
-                        "next" => Array(
-                            "to" => $timeto + (24 * 60 * 60),
-                            "from" => $timeto)
-                            )
-                    ));
+function getTGIDValuesByDay($TGID, $dayFrom, $dayTo)
+    global $conn;
+    $sth = $conn->prepare('select min(time) as time, min(value), max(value), avg(value), stddev(value) from sensor_values where sensor_id = ?
+            group by sensor_id, date_trunc(\'day\', time) order by time');
+    $sth->execute(Array($TGID));
+    return $sth->fetchAll();
+function getTGIDDataYears($TGID, $timeFrom, $timeTo)
+    global $conn;
+    $sth = $conn->prepare("select distinct extract('year' from call_timestamp) as year from recordings where tgid = ? order by year");
+    $sth->execute(Array($TGID));
+    return $sth->fetchAll();
-function json_data_description($sensorID, $timefrom, $timeto) {
+function getTGIDDataMonths($TGID, $timeFrom, $timeTo)
+    global $conn;
+    $sth = $conn->prepare("select distinct extract('month' from call_timestamp) as month, extract('year' from call_timestamp) as year from recordings where tgid = ?  order by year, month");
+    $sth->execute(Array($TGID));
+    return $sth->fetchAll();
+function getTGIDDataDays($TGID, $timeFrom, $timeTo)
+    global $conn;
+    $sth = $conn->prepare("select distinct extract('day' from call_timestamp) as day, extract('month' from call_timestamp) as month, extract('year' from call_timestamp) as year from recordings where tgid = ?  order by year,month,day");
+    $sth->execute(Array($TGID));
+    return $sth->fetchAll();
+$action = (isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : '');
+$TGID = (isset($_REQUEST['tgid']) ? $_REQUEST['tgid'] : '');
+$timefrom = (isset($_REQUEST['from']) ? $_REQUEST['from'] : '');
+$timeto = (isset($_REQUEST['to']) ? $_REQUEST['to'] : '');
+if ($action == "data_description") {
     $timefrom = strtotime($timefrom);
     $timeto = strtotime($timeto);
-    $years = $this->Sensor_model->getSensorDataYears($sensorID, $timefrom, $timeto);
+    $years = getTGIDDataYears($TGID, $timefrom, $timeto);
-    $months = $this->Sensor_model->getSensorDataMonths($sensorID, $timefrom, $timeto);
-    $days = $this->Sensor_model->getSensorDataDays($sensorID, $timefrom, $timeto);
+    $months = getTGIDDataMonths($TGID, $timefrom, $timeto);
+    $days = getTGIDDataDays($TGID, $timefrom, $timeto);
-    $this->output
-            ->set_content_type('application/json')
-            ->set_output(json_encode(Array("years" => $years, "months" => $months, "days" => $days
-                    )));
+    echo json_encode(Array("years" => $years, "months" => $months, "days" => $days
+    ));
+if (strpos($action, "graph") !== false) {
+    $values = getTGIDValuesByHour($TGID, $timefrom, $timeto);
+    $label = $TGID;
+    $data = Array();
+    $tzoffset = get_timezone_offset("UTC");
+    foreach ($values as $value) {
+        if ($action == "graphlength") {
+            $data[$value['tgid']][] = Array((strtotime($value['time']) + $tzoffset) * 1000, intval($value['avg']));
+        } else if ($action == "graphcount") {
+            $data[$value['tgid']][] = Array((strtotime($value['time']) + $tzoffset) * 1000, intval($value['count']));
+        }
+    }
+    echo json_encode(Array("label" => $label, "data" => $data,
+            "previous" => Array(
+                "from" => $timefrom - (24 * 60 * 60),
+                "to" => $timefrom)
+        ,
+            "next" => Array(
+                "to" => $timeto + (24 * 60 * 60),
+                "from" => $timeto)
+        )
+    );