html5 boiler plate
[scannr.git] /
blob:a/ -> blob:b/
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,1 +1,88 @@
+### HEAD
+### 4.0.0 (28 August, 2012)
+* Improve the Apache compression configuration ([#1012](, [#1173](
+* Add a HiDPI example media query ([#1127](
+* Add bundled docs ([#1154](
+* Add MIT license ([#1139](
+* Update to Normalize.css 1.0.1.
+* Separate Normalize.css from the rest of the CSS ([#1160](
+* Improve `console.log` protection ([#1107](
+* Replace hot pink text selection color with a neutral color.
+* Change image replacement technique ([#1149](
+* Code format and consistency changes ([#1112](
+* Rename CSS file and rename JS files and subdirectories.
+* Update to jQuery 1.8 ([#1161](
+* Update to Modernizr 2.6.1 ([#1086](
+* Remove uncompressed jQuery ([#1153](
+* Remove superfluous inline comments ([#1150](
+### 3.0.2 (February 19, 2012)
+* Update to Modernizr 2.5.3.
+### 3.0.1 (February 08, 2012).
+* Update to Modernizr 2.5.2 (includes html5shiv 3.3).
+### 3.0.0 (February 06, 2012)
+* Improvements to `.htaccess`.
+* Improve 404 design.
+* Simplify JS folder structure.
+* Change `html` IE class names changed to target ranges rather than specific versions of IE.
+* Update CSS to include latest normalize.css changes and better typographic defaults ([#825](
+* Update to Modernizr 2.5 (includes yepnope 1.5 and html5shiv 3.2).
+* Update to jQuery 1.7.1.
+* Revert to async snippet for the Google Analytics script.
+* Remove the ant build script ([#826](
+* Remove Respond.js ([#816](
+* Remove the `demo/` directory ([#808](
+* Remove the `test/` directory ([#808](
+* Remove Google Chrome Frame script for IE6 users; replace with links to Chrome Frame and options for alternative browsers.
+* Remove `initial-scale=1` from the viewport `meta` ([#824](
+* Remove `defer` from all scripts to avoid legacy IE bugs.
+* Remove explicit Site Speed tracking for Google Analytics. It's now enabled by default.
+### 2.0.0 (August 10, 2011)
+* Change starting CSS to be based on normalize.css instead of reset.css ([#500](
+* Add Respond.js media query polyfill.
+* Add Google Chrome Frame script prompt for IE6 users.
+* Simplify the `html` conditional comments for modern browsers and add an `oldie` class.
+* Update clearfix to use "micro clearfix".
+* Add placeholder CSS MQs for mobile-first approach.
+* Add `textarea { resize: vertical; }` to only allow vertical resizing.
+* Add `img { max-width: 100%; }` to the print styles; prevents images being truncated.
+* Add Site Speed tracking for Google Analytics.
+* Update to jQuery 1.6.2 (and use minified by default).
+* Update to Modernizr 2.0 Complete, Production minified (includes yepnope, html5shiv, and Respond.js).
+* Use `Modernizr.load()` to load the Google Analytics script.
+* Much faster build process.
+* Add build script options for CSSLint, JSLint, JSHint tools.
+* Build script now compresses all images in subfolders.
+* Build script now versions files by SHA hash.
+* Many `.htaccess` improvements including: disable directory browsing, improved support for all versions of Apache, more robust and extensive HTTP compression rules.
+* Remove `handheld.css` as it has very poor device support.
+* Remove touch-icon `link` elements from the HTML and include improved touch-icon support.
+* Remove the cache-busting query paramaters from files references in the HTML.
+* Remove IE6 PNGFix.
+### 1.0.0 (March 21, 2011)
+* Rewrite build script to make it more customizable and flexible.
+* Add a humans.txt.
+* Numerous `.htaccess` improvements (including inline documentation).
+* Move the alternative server configurations to the H5BP server configs repo.
+* Use a protocol-relative url to reference jQuery and prevent mixed content warnings.
+* Optimize the Google Analytics snippet.
+* Use Eric Meyer's recent CSS reset update and the HTML5 Doctor reset.
+* More robust `sub`/`sup` CSS styles.
+* Add keyboard `.focusable` helper class that extends `.visuallyhidden`.
+* Print styles no longer print hash or JavaScript links.
+* Add a print reset for IE's proprietary filters.
+* Remove IE9-specific conditional class on the `html` element.
+* Remove margins from lists within `nav` elements.
+* Remove YUI profiling.