select input
select input

file:a/.gitignore -> file:b/.gitignore
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -2,3 +2,18 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/compiler.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,24 @@
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+      <entry name="!?*.java" />
+      <entry name="!?*.form" />
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+      <entry name="!?*.flex" />
+      <entry name="!?*.kt" />
+      <entry name="!?*.clj" />
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/copyright/profiles_settings.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,5 @@
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+    <module2copyright />
+  </settings>

--- a/.idea/misc.xml
+++ b/.idea/misc.xml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
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--- a/.idea/scannr.iml
+++ b/.idea/scannr.iml
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
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+    <facet type="Python" name="Python">
+      <configuration sdkName="" />
+    </facet>
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/uiDesigner.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,126 @@
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+++ b/.idea/workspace.xml
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@@ -20,24 +58,55 @@
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@@ -46,7 +115,34 @@
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file:a/404.html -> file:b/404.html
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-            <p>Sorry, but the page you were trying to view does not exist.</p>
-            <p>It looks like this was the result of either:</p>
-            <ul>
-                <li>a mistyped address</li>
-                <li>an out-of-date link</li>
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-            <script>
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+    </style>
+<div class="container">
+    <h1>Not found <span>:(</span></h1>
+    <p>Sorry, but the page you were trying to view does not exist.</p>
+    <p>It looks like this was the result of either:</p>
+    <ul>
+        <li>a mistyped address</li>
+        <li>an out-of-date link</li>
+    </ul>
+    <script>
+        var GOOG_FIXURL_LANG = (navigator.language || '').slice(0, 2), GOOG_FIXURL_SITE =;
+    </script>
+    <script src=""></script>

--- a/calllog.php
+++ b/calllog.php
@@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
 include ('');
-    $sth = $conn->prepare( 'select * from recordings
-            order by call_timestamp desc limit 10');
+$sth = $conn->prepare('select * from recordings
+            order by call_timestamp desc limit 1000');
-    $sth->execute(Array());
 $row = 0;
 echo "<table>";
 foreach ($sth->fetchAll() as $data) {
-        echo "<tr>";
-        for ($c=0; $c < count($data); $c++) {
-            echo '<td>'.$data[$c] . "</td>\n";
-        }
-        echo "</tr>";
-        }
-        $row++;
+    echo "<tr>";
+    for ($c = 0; $c < count($data); $c++) {
+        echo '<td>' . $data[$c] . "</td>\n";
+    }
+    echo "</tr>";
 echo "</table>";

--- a/calls.json.php
+++ b/calls.json.php
@@ -1,54 +1,67 @@
-function getTGIDValuesByHour($TGID, $timeFrom, $timeTo) {
+function getTGIDValuesByHour($TGID, $timeFrom, $timeTo)
     global $conn;
-    $sth = $conn->prepare( 'select tgid, min(call_timestamp) as time, count(*), min(length), max(length), avg(length), stddev(length) from recordings
+    $sth = $conn->prepare('select tgid, min(call_timestamp) as time, count(*), min(length), max(length), avg(length), stddev(length) from recordings
 where call_timestamp between to_timestamp(?) and to_timestamp(?)
             group by tgid, date_trunc(\'hour\', call_timestamp) order by time');
     $sth->execute(Array($timeFrom, $timeTo));
-        return  $sth->fetchAll();
+    return $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
-function getTGIDValuesByDay($TGID, $dayFrom, $dayTo) {
+function getTGIDValuesByDay($TGID, $dayFrom, $dayTo)
     global $conn;
     $sth = $conn->prepare('select min(time) as time, min(value), max(value), avg(value), stddev(value) from sensor_values where sensor_id = ?
             group by sensor_id, date_trunc(\'day\', time) order by time');
-    $sth->execute( Array($TGID));
-    return  $sth->fetchAll();
+    $sth->execute(Array($TGID));
+    return $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
-function getTGIDDataYears($TGID, $timeFrom, $timeTo) {
+function getTGIDDataYears($TGID, $timeFrom, $timeTo)
     global $conn;
     $sth = $conn->prepare("select distinct extract('year' from call_timestamp) as year from recordings where tgid = ? order by year");
-    return  $sth->fetchAll();
+    return $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
-function getTGIDDataMonths($TGID, $timeFrom, $timeTo) {
+function getTGIDDataMonths($TGID, $timeFrom, $timeTo)
     global $conn;
     $sth = $conn->prepare("select distinct extract('month' from call_timestamp) as month, extract('year' from call_timestamp) as year from recordings where tgid = ?  order by year, month");
-    return  $sth->fetchAll();
+    return $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
-function getTGIDDataDays($TGID, $timeFrom, $timeTo) {
+function getTGIDDataDays($TGID, $timeFrom, $timeTo)
     global $conn;
     $sth = $conn->prepare("select distinct extract('day' from call_timestamp) as day, extract('month' from call_timestamp) as month, extract('year' from call_timestamp) as year from recordings where tgid = ?  order by year,month,day");
-    return  $sth->fetchAll();
+    return $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
 $action = (isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : '');
 $TGID = (isset($_REQUEST['tgid']) ? $_REQUEST['tgid'] : '');
 $timefrom = (isset($_REQUEST['from']) ? $_REQUEST['from'] : '');
 $timeto = (isset($_REQUEST['to']) ? $_REQUEST['to'] : '');
+if ($action == "data") {
+$sth = $conn->prepare('select * from recordings
+            order by call_timestamp desc limit 100');
+echo json_encode ($sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC));
 if ($action == "data_description") {
     $timefrom = strtotime($timefrom);
     $timeto = strtotime($timeto);
@@ -58,23 +71,23 @@
     $days = getTGIDDataDays($TGID, $timefrom, $timeto);
     echo json_encode(Array("years" => $years, "months" => $months, "days" => $days
-                    ));
+    ));
-if (strpos($action,"graph") !== false) {
+if (strpos($action, "graph") !== false) {
     $values = getTGIDValuesByHour($TGID, $timefrom, $timeto);
     $label = $TGID;
     $data = Array();
     $tzoffset = get_timezone_offset("UTC");
     foreach ($values as $value) {
         if ($action == "graphlength") {
-        $data[$value['tgid']][] = Array((strtotime($value['time']) + $tzoffset) * 1000, intval($value['avg']));
+            $data[$value['tgid']][] = Array((strtotime($value['time']) + $tzoffset) * 1000, intval($value['avg']));
         } else if ($action == "graphcount") {
             $data[$value['tgid']][] = Array((strtotime($value['time']) + $tzoffset) * 1000, intval($value['count']));
-   echo json_encode(Array("label" => $label, "data" => $data,
+    echo json_encode(Array("label" => $label, "data" => $data,
             "previous" => Array(
                 "from" => $timefrom - (24 * 60 * 60),
                 "to" => $timefrom)

--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -3,11 +3,10 @@
 try {
     $conn = new PDO("pgsql:dbname=scannr;user=postgres;password=snmc;host=localhost");
     $conn->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
-catch(PDOException $e) {
+} catch (PDOException $e) {
     die('Unable to connect to database server.');
-catch(Exception $e) {
+catch (Exception $e) {
     die('Unknown error in ' . __FILE__ . '.');
@@ -15,11 +14,12 @@
 $DATA_DIR = "./data";
 /**    Returns the offset from the origin timezone to the remote timezone, in seconds.
- *    @param $remote_tz;
- *    @param $origin_tz; If null the servers current timezone is used as the origin.
- *    @return int;
+ * @param $remote_tz;
+ * @param $origin_tz; If null the servers current timezone is used as the origin.
+ * @return int;
-function get_timezone_offset($remote_tz, $origin_tz = null) {
+function get_timezone_offset($remote_tz, $origin_tz = null)
     if ($origin_tz === null) {
         if (!is_string($origin_tz = date_default_timezone_get())) {
             return false; // A UTC timestamp was returned -- bail out!
@@ -34,60 +34,69 @@
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--- a/generateConvos.php
+++ b/generateConvos.php
@@ -1,25 +1,35 @@
+//select tgid, extract(hour from call_timestamp) ahour, date_trunc('day', call_timestamp) aday, count(filename), array_to_string(array_agg(filename), ' ') from recordings group by tgid, ahour, aday order by  aday, ahour, tgid
-  $sth = $conn->prepare( 'select * from recordings limit 100;');
+$sth = $conn->prepare('select * from recordings limit 100;');
-    $sth->execute( );
 $recordings = $sth->fetchAll();
 $convos = Array();
 $convo = Array();
 foreach ($recordings as $i => $recording) {
-	if (count($convo) > 0 && strcasecmp($convo[count($convos)]['tgid'], $recording['tgid']) != 0) {
-		$convos[] = $convo;
-		$convo = Array();
-	} ;
-	//print_r($recording);
-	$convo[] = $recording;
-	//print_r($convo);
-	echo "<br>\n";
+    if (count($convo) > 0) {
+        echo "<br> " . strcasecmp($convos[count($convos) - 1][0]['call_timestamp'], $recording['call_timestamp']);
+        if (abs(strcasecmp($convos[count($convos) - 1][0]['call_timestamp'], $recording['call_timestamp'])) > 2) {
+            echo " " . $convos[count($convos) - 1][0]['call_timestamp'] . " " . $recording['call_timestamp'];
+        }
+        if (strcasecmp($convos[count($convos) - 1][0]['tgid'], $recording['tgid']) != 0) {
+            $convos[] = $convo;
+            $convo = Array();
+        }
+    }
+    ;
+    //print_r($recording);
+    $convo[] = $recording;
+    //print_r($convo);
+    //echo "<br>\n";
 foreach ($convos as $i => $convo) {
-	print_r($convo);
-	echo "<br>\n";
+    foreach ($convo as $recording) {
+        echo $recording['filename'] . " , ";
+    }
+    echo "<br><hr>\n";

--- /dev/null
+++ b/generateHourlys.php
@@ -1,1 +1,33 @@
+function processHourly($hourly) {
+    $filename = $hourly['tgid'].'-'.str_replace(' 00:00:00+1','',$hourly['aday']).'-'.$hourly['ahour'].'.3gp';
+    if(!file_exists("hourly/".$filename)) {
+        $filenames = explode(",",$hourly['filenames']);
+        $cmd = "/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -i data/".implode(" -i data/",$filenames)." -ar 8000 -ab 4.75k -ac 1 hourly/".$filename . ' 2>&1';
+        //print_r($hourly);
+        exec ( $cmd,$output,$returncode );
+        echo $cmd."<br>\n";
+        if ($returncode != 10) {
+            //print_r($output);
+            //die();
+        }
+    }
+$sth = $conn->prepare("select tgid, extract(hour from call_timestamp) ahour, date_trunc('day', call_timestamp) aday, count(filename), array_to_string(array_agg(filename order by call_timestamp), ',') filenames from recordings group by tgid, ahour, aday order by  aday DESC, ahour, tgid;");
+$hourlies = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
+foreach($hourlies as $hourly) {
+    //processHourly($hourly);
+$sth = $conn->prepare("select 'hour' as tgid, extract(hour from call_timestamp) ahour, date_trunc('day', call_timestamp) aday, count(filename), array_to_string(array_agg(filename order by call_timestamp), ',') filenames from recordings group by ahour, aday order by  aday DESC, ahour;");
+$hourlies = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
+foreach($hourlies as $hourly) {
+    processHourly($hourly);

file:b/getfile.php (new)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/getfile.php
@@ -1,1 +1,20 @@
+$reqfile = "path/to/file.3gp";
+$contenttype = "audio/3gpp";
+if ($fn = fopen($reqfile, "rba")) {
+    header("Content-Type: " . $contenttype);
+    header("Content-Length: " . filesize($reqfile));
+    header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
+    header("Pragma: no-cache");
+    header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 06:00:00 GMT");
+    header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
+    passthru("ffmpeg -i 2012-09-29-1348911268.34-demo.wav -ar 8000 -ab 4.75k -");
+    fpassthru($fn);
+    fclose($fn);
+} else {
+    exit("error....");

--- a/js/flotr2/lib/jasmine/jasmine-html.js
+++ b/js/flotr2/lib/jasmine/jasmine-html.js
@@ -1,617 +1,621 @@
 jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers = {};
-jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.createDom = function(type, attrs, childrenVarArgs) {
-  var el = document.createElement(type);
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-      el[attr] = attrs[attr];
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-      el.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr]);
-    }
-  }
-  return el;
-jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.getSpecStatus = function(child) {
-  var results = child.results();
-  var status = results.passed() ? 'passed' : 'failed';
-  if (results.skipped) {
-    status = 'skipped';
-  }
-  return status;
-jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.appendToSummary = function(child, childElement) {
-  var parentDiv = this.dom.summary;
-  var parentSuite = (typeof child.parentSuite == 'undefined') ? 'suite' : 'parentSuite';
-  var parent = child[parentSuite];
-  if (parent) {
-    if (typeof this.views.suites[] == 'undefined') {
-      this.views.suites[] = new jasmine.HtmlReporter.SuiteView(parent, this.dom, this.views);
-    }
-    parentDiv = this.views.suites[].element;
-  }
-  parentDiv.appendChild(childElement);
-jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.addHelpers = function(ctor) {
-  for(var fn in jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers) {
-    ctor.prototype[fn] = jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers[fn];
-  }
-jasmine.HtmlReporter = function(_doc) {
-  var self = this;
-  var doc = _doc || window.document;
-  var reporterView;
-  var dom = {};
-  // Jasmine Reporter Public Interface
-  self.logRunningSpecs = false;
-  self.reportRunnerStarting = function(runner) {
-    var specs = runner.specs() || [];
-    if (specs.length == 0) {
-      return;
-    }
-    createReporterDom(runner.env.versionString());
-    doc.body.appendChild(dom.reporter);
-    reporterView = new jasmine.HtmlReporter.ReporterView(dom);
-    reporterView.addSpecs(specs, self.specFilter);
-  };
-  self.reportRunnerResults = function(runner) {
-    reporterView && reporterView.complete();
-  };
-  self.reportSuiteResults = function(suite) {
-    reporterView.suiteComplete(suite);
-  };
-  self.reportSpecStarting = function(spec) {
-    if (self.logRunningSpecs) {
-      self.log('>> Jasmine Running ' + spec.suite.description + ' ' + spec.description + '...');
-    }
-  };
-  self.reportSpecResults = function(spec) {
-    reporterView.specComplete(spec);
-  };
-  self.log = function() {
+jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.createDom = function (type, attrs, childrenVarArgs) {
+    var el = document.createElement(type);
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+            el[attr] = attrs[attr];
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+            el.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr]);
+        }
+    }
+    return el;
+jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.getSpecStatus = function (child) {
+    var results = child.results();
+    var status = results.passed() ? 'passed' : 'failed';
+    if (results.skipped) {
+        status = 'skipped';
+    }
+    return status;
+jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.appendToSummary = function (child, childElement) {
+    var parentDiv = this.dom.summary;
+    var parentSuite = (typeof child.parentSuite == 'undefined') ? 'suite' : 'parentSuite';
+    var parent = child[parentSuite];
+    if (parent) {
+        if (typeof this.views.suites[] == 'undefined') {
+            this.views.suites[] = new jasmine.HtmlReporter.SuiteView(parent, this.dom, this.views);
+        }
+        parentDiv = this.views.suites[].element;
+    }
+    parentDiv.appendChild(childElement);
+jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.addHelpers = function (ctor) {
+    for (var fn in jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers) {
+        ctor.prototype[fn] = jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers[fn];
+    }
+jasmine.HtmlReporter = function (_doc) {
+    var self = this;
+    var doc = _doc || window.document;
+    var reporterView;
+    var dom = {};
+    // Jasmine Reporter Public Interface
+    self.logRunningSpecs = false;
+    self.reportRunnerStarting = function (runner) {
+        var specs = runner.specs() || [];
+        if (specs.length == 0) {
+            return;
+        }
+        createReporterDom(runner.env.versionString());
+        doc.body.appendChild(dom.reporter);
+        reporterView = new jasmine.HtmlReporter.ReporterView(dom);
+        reporterView.addSpecs(specs, self.specFilter);
+    };
+    self.reportRunnerResults = function (runner) {
+        reporterView && reporterView.complete();
+    };
+    self.reportSuiteResults = function (suite) {
+        reporterView.suiteComplete(suite);
+    };
+    self.reportSpecStarting = function (spec) {
+        if (self.logRunningSpecs) {
+            self.log('>> Jasmine Running ' + spec.suite.description + ' ' + spec.description + '...');
+        }
+    };
+    self.reportSpecResults = function (spec) {
+        reporterView.specComplete(spec);
+    };
+    self.log = function () {
+        var console = jasmine.getGlobal().console;
+        if (console && console.log) {
+            if (console.log.apply) {
+                console.log.apply(console, arguments);
+            } else {
+                console.log(arguments); // ie fix: console.log.apply doesn't exist on ie
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    self.specFilter = function (spec) {
+        if (!focusedSpecName()) {
+            return true;
+        }
+        return spec.getFullName().indexOf(focusedSpecName()) === 0;
+    };
+    return self;
+    function focusedSpecName() {
+        var specName;
+        (function memoizeFocusedSpec() {
+            if (specName) {
+                return;
+            }
+            var paramMap = [];
+            var params ='&');
+            for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
+                var p = params[i].split('=');
+                paramMap[decodeURIComponent(p[0])] = decodeURIComponent(p[1]);
+            }
+            specName = paramMap.spec;
+        })();
+        return specName;
+    }
+    function createReporterDom(version) {
+        dom.reporter = self.createDom('div', { id: 'HTMLReporter', className: 'jasmine_reporter' },
+            dom.banner = self.createDom('div', { className: 'banner' },
+                self.createDom('span', { className: 'title' }, "Jasmine "),
+                self.createDom('span', { className: 'version' }, version)),
+            dom.symbolSummary = self.createDom('ul', {className: 'symbolSummary'}),
+            dom.alert = self.createDom('div', {className: 'alert'}),
+            dom.results = self.createDom('div', {className: 'results'},
+                dom.summary = self.createDom('div', { className: 'summary' }),
+                dom.details = self.createDom('div', { id: 'details' }))
+        );
+    }
+jasmine.HtmlReporter.ReporterView = function (dom) {
+    this.startedAt = new Date();
+    this.runningSpecCount = 0;
+    this.completeSpecCount = 0;
+    this.passedCount = 0;
+    this.failedCount = 0;
+    this.skippedCount = 0;
+    this.createResultsMenu = function () {
+        this.resultsMenu = this.createDom('span', {className: 'resultsMenu bar'},
+            this.summaryMenuItem = this.createDom('a', {className: 'summaryMenuItem', href: "#"}, '0 specs'),
+            ' | ',
+            this.detailsMenuItem = this.createDom('a', {className: 'detailsMenuItem', href: "#"}, '0 failing'));
+        this.summaryMenuItem.onclick = function () {
+            dom.reporter.className = dom.reporter.className.replace(/ showDetails/g, '');
+        };
+        this.detailsMenuItem.onclick = function () {
+            showDetails();
+        };
+    };
+    this.addSpecs = function (specs, specFilter) {
+        this.totalSpecCount = specs.length;
+        this.views = {
+            specs: {},
+            suites: {}
+        };
+        for (var i = 0; i < specs.length; i++) {
+            var spec = specs[i];
+            this.views.specs[] = new jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView(spec, dom, this.views);
+            if (specFilter(spec)) {
+                this.runningSpecCount++;
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    this.specComplete = function (spec) {
+        this.completeSpecCount++;
+        if (isUndefined(this.views.specs[])) {
+            this.views.specs[] = new jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView(spec, dom);
+        }
+        var specView = this.views.specs[];
+        switch (specView.status()) {
+            case 'passed':
+                this.passedCount++;
+                break;
+            case 'failed':
+                this.failedCount++;
+                break;
+            case 'skipped':
+                this.skippedCount++;
+                break;
+        }
+        specView.refresh();
+        this.refresh();
+    };
+    this.suiteComplete = function (suite) {
+        var suiteView = this.views.suites[];
+        if (isUndefined(suiteView)) {
+            return;
+        }
+        suiteView.refresh();
+    };
+    this.refresh = function () {
+        if (isUndefined(this.resultsMenu)) {
+            this.createResultsMenu();
+        }
+        // currently running UI
+        if (isUndefined(this.runningAlert)) {
+            this.runningAlert = this.createDom('a', {href: "?", className: "runningAlert bar"});
+            dom.alert.appendChild(this.runningAlert);
+        }
+        this.runningAlert.innerHTML = "Running " + this.completeSpecCount + " of " + specPluralizedFor(this.totalSpecCount);
+        // skipped specs UI
+        if (isUndefined(this.skippedAlert)) {
+            this.skippedAlert = this.createDom('a', {href: "?", className: "skippedAlert bar"});
+        }
+        this.skippedAlert.innerHTML = "Skipping " + this.skippedCount + " of " + specPluralizedFor(this.totalSpecCount) + " - run all";
+        if (this.skippedCount === 1 && isDefined(dom.alert)) {
+            dom.alert.appendChild(this.skippedAlert);
+        }
+        // passing specs UI
+        if (isUndefined(this.passedAlert)) {
+            this.passedAlert = this.createDom('span', {href: "?", className: "passingAlert bar"});
+        }
+        this.passedAlert.innerHTML = "Passing " + specPluralizedFor(this.passedCount);
+        // failing specs UI
+        if (isUndefined(this.failedAlert)) {
+            this.failedAlert = this.createDom('span', {href: "?", className: "failingAlert bar"});
+        }
+        this.failedAlert.innerHTML = "Failing " + specPluralizedFor(this.failedCount);
+        if (this.failedCount === 1 && isDefined(dom.alert)) {
+            dom.alert.appendChild(this.failedAlert);
+            dom.alert.appendChild(this.resultsMenu);
+        }
+        // summary info
+        this.summaryMenuItem.innerHTML = "" + specPluralizedFor(this.runningSpecCount);
+        this.detailsMenuItem.innerHTML = "" + this.failedCount + " failing";
+    };
+    this.complete = function () {
+        dom.alert.removeChild(this.runningAlert);
+        this.skippedAlert.innerHTML = "Ran " + this.runningSpecCount + " of " + specPluralizedFor(this.totalSpecCount) + " - run all";
+        if (this.failedCount === 0) {
+            dom.alert.appendChild(this.createDom('span', {className: 'passingAlert bar'}, "Passing " + specPluralizedFor(this.passedCount)));
+        } else {
+            showDetails();
+        }
+        dom.banner.appendChild(this.createDom('span', {className: 'duration'}, "finished in " + ((new Date().getTime() - this.startedAt.getTime()) / 1000) + "s"));
+    };
+    return this;
+    function showDetails() {
+        if ( === -1) {
+            dom.reporter.className += " showDetails";
+        }
+    }
+    function isUndefined(obj) {
+        return typeof obj === 'undefined';
+    }
+    function isDefined(obj) {
+        return !isUndefined(obj);
+    }
+    function specPluralizedFor(count) {
+        var str = count + " spec";
+        if (count > 1) {
+            str += "s"
+        }
+        return str;
+    }
+jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView = function (spec, dom, views) {
+    this.spec = spec;
+    this.dom = dom;
+    this.views = views;
+    this.symbol = this.createDom('li', { className: 'pending' });
+    this.dom.symbolSummary.appendChild(this.symbol);
+    this.summary = this.createDom('div', { className: 'specSummary' },
+        this.createDom('a', {
+            className: 'description',
+            href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(this.spec.getFullName()),
+            title: this.spec.getFullName()
+        }, this.spec.description)
+    );
+    this.detail = this.createDom('div', { className: 'specDetail' },
+        this.createDom('a', {
+            className: 'description',
+            href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(this.spec.getFullName()),
+            title: this.spec.getFullName()
+        }, this.spec.getFullName())
+    );
+jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView.prototype.status = function () {
+    return this.getSpecStatus(this.spec);
+jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView.prototype.refresh = function () {
+    this.symbol.className = this.status();
+    switch (this.status()) {
+        case 'skipped':
+            break;
+        case 'passed':
+            this.appendSummaryToSuiteDiv();
+            break;
+        case 'failed':
+            this.appendSummaryToSuiteDiv();
+            this.appendFailureDetail();
+            break;
+    }
+jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView.prototype.appendSummaryToSuiteDiv = function () {
+    this.summary.className += ' ' + this.status();
+    this.appendToSummary(this.spec, this.summary);
+jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView.prototype.appendFailureDetail = function () {
+    this.detail.className += ' ' + this.status();
+    var resultItems = this.spec.results().getItems();
+    var messagesDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'messages' });
+    for (var i = 0; i < resultItems.length; i++) {
+        var result = resultItems[i];
+        if (result.type == 'log') {
+            messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'resultMessage log'}, result.toString()));
+        } else if (result.type == 'expect' && result.passed && !result.passed()) {
+            messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'resultMessage fail'}, result.message));
+            if (result.trace.stack) {
+                messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'stackTrace'}, result.trace.stack));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (messagesDiv.childNodes.length > 0) {
+        this.detail.appendChild(messagesDiv);
+        this.dom.details.appendChild(this.detail);
+    }
+jasmine.HtmlReporter.SuiteView = function (suite, dom, views) {
+    this.suite = suite;
+    this.dom = dom;
+    this.views = views;
+    this.element = this.createDom('div', { className: 'suite' },
+        this.createDom('a', { className: 'description', href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(this.suite.getFullName()) }, this.suite.description)
+    );
+    this.appendToSummary(this.suite, this.element);
+jasmine.HtmlReporter.SuiteView.prototype.status = function () {
+    return this.getSpecStatus(this.suite);
+jasmine.HtmlReporter.SuiteView.prototype.refresh = function () {
+    this.element.className += " " + this.status();
+/* @deprecated Use jasmine.HtmlReporter instead
+ */
+jasmine.TrivialReporter = function (doc) {
+    this.document = doc || document;
+    this.suiteDivs = {};
+    this.logRunningSpecs = false;
+jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.createDom = function (type, attrs, childrenVarArgs) {
+    var el = document.createElement(type);
+    for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+        var child = arguments[i];
+        if (typeof child === 'string') {
+            el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(child));
+        } else {
+            if (child) {
+                el.appendChild(child);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    for (var attr in attrs) {
+        if (attr == "className") {
+            el[attr] = attrs[attr];
+        } else {
+            el.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr]);
+        }
+    }
+    return el;
+jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportRunnerStarting = function (runner) {
+    var showPassed, showSkipped;
+    this.outerDiv = this.createDom('div', { id: 'TrivialReporter', className: 'jasmine_reporter' },
+        this.createDom('div', { className: 'banner' },
+            this.createDom('div', { className: 'logo' },
+                this.createDom('span', { className: 'title' }, "Jasmine"),
+                this.createDom('span', { className: 'version' }, runner.env.versionString())),
+            this.createDom('div', { className: 'options' },
+                "Show ",
+                showPassed = this.createDom('input', { id: "__jasmine_TrivialReporter_showPassed__", type: 'checkbox' }),
+                this.createDom('label', { "for": "__jasmine_TrivialReporter_showPassed__" }, " passed "),
+                showSkipped = this.createDom('input', { id: "__jasmine_TrivialReporter_showSkipped__", type: 'checkbox' }),
+                this.createDom('label', { "for": "__jasmine_TrivialReporter_showSkipped__" }, " skipped")
+            )
+        ),
+        this.runnerDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'runner running' },
+            this.createDom('a', { className: 'run_spec', href: '?' }, "run all"),
+            this.runnerMessageSpan = this.createDom('span', {}, "Running..."),
+            this.finishedAtSpan = this.createDom('span', { className: 'finished-at' }, ""))
+    );
+    this.document.body.appendChild(this.outerDiv);
+    var suites = runner.suites();
+    for (var i = 0; i < suites.length; i++) {
+        var suite = suites[i];
+        var suiteDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'suite' },
+            this.createDom('a', { className: 'run_spec', href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(suite.getFullName()) }, "run"),
+            this.createDom('a', { className: 'description', href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(suite.getFullName()) }, suite.description));
+        this.suiteDivs[] = suiteDiv;
+        var parentDiv = this.outerDiv;
+        if (suite.parentSuite) {
+            parentDiv = this.suiteDivs[];
+        }
+        parentDiv.appendChild(suiteDiv);
+    }
+    this.startedAt = new Date();
+    var self = this;
+    showPassed.onclick = function (evt) {
+        if (showPassed.checked) {
+            self.outerDiv.className += ' show-passed';
+        } else {
+            self.outerDiv.className = self.outerDiv.className.replace(/ show-passed/, '');
+        }
+    };
+    showSkipped.onclick = function (evt) {
+        if (showSkipped.checked) {
+            self.outerDiv.className += ' show-skipped';
+        } else {
+            self.outerDiv.className = self.outerDiv.className.replace(/ show-skipped/, '');
+        }
+    };
+jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportRunnerResults = function (runner) {
+    var results = runner.results();
+    var className = (results.failedCount > 0) ? "runner failed" : "runner passed";
+    this.runnerDiv.setAttribute("class", className);
+    //do it twice for IE
+    this.runnerDiv.setAttribute("className", className);
+    var specs = runner.specs();
+    var specCount = 0;
+    for (var i = 0; i < specs.length; i++) {
+        if (this.specFilter(specs[i])) {
+            specCount++;
+        }
+    }
+    var message = "" + specCount + " spec" + (specCount == 1 ? "" : "s" ) + ", " + results.failedCount + " failure" + ((results.failedCount == 1) ? "" : "s");
+    message += " in " + ((new Date().getTime() - this.startedAt.getTime()) / 1000) + "s";
+    this.runnerMessageSpan.replaceChild(this.createDom('a', { className: 'description', href: '?'}, message), this.runnerMessageSpan.firstChild);
+    this.finishedAtSpan.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Finished at " + new Date().toString()));
+jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportSuiteResults = function (suite) {
+    var results = suite.results();
+    var status = results.passed() ? 'passed' : 'failed';
+    if (results.totalCount === 0) { // todo: change this to check results.skipped
+        status = 'skipped';
+    }
+    this.suiteDivs[].className += " " + status;
+jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportSpecStarting = function (spec) {
+    if (this.logRunningSpecs) {
+        this.log('>> Jasmine Running ' + spec.suite.description + ' ' + spec.description + '...');
+    }
+jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportSpecResults = function (spec) {
+    var results = spec.results();
+    var status = results.passed() ? 'passed' : 'failed';
+    if (results.skipped) {
+        status = 'skipped';
+    }
+    var specDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'spec ' + status },
+        this.createDom('a', { className: 'run_spec', href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(spec.getFullName()) }, "run"),
+        this.createDom('a', {
+            className: 'description',
+            href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(spec.getFullName()),
+            title: spec.getFullName()
+        }, spec.description));
+    var resultItems = results.getItems();
+    var messagesDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'messages' });
+    for (var i = 0; i < resultItems.length; i++) {
+        var result = resultItems[i];
+        if (result.type == 'log') {
+            messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'resultMessage log'}, result.toString()));
+        } else if (result.type == 'expect' && result.passed && !result.passed()) {
+            messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'resultMessage fail'}, result.message));
+            if (result.trace.stack) {
+                messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'stackTrace'}, result.trace.stack));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (messagesDiv.childNodes.length > 0) {
+        specDiv.appendChild(messagesDiv);
+    }
+    this.suiteDivs[].appendChild(specDiv);
+jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.log = function () {
     var console = jasmine.getGlobal().console;
     if (console && console.log) {
-      if (console.log.apply) {
-        console.log.apply(console, arguments);
-      } else {
-        console.log(arguments); // ie fix: console.log.apply doesn't exist on ie
-      }
-    }
-  };
-  self.specFilter = function(spec) {
-    if (!focusedSpecName()) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    return spec.getFullName().indexOf(focusedSpecName()) === 0;
-  };
-  return self;
-  function focusedSpecName() {
-    var specName;
-    (function memoizeFocusedSpec() {
-      if (specName) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var paramMap = [];
-      var params ='&');
-      for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
+        if (console.log.apply) {
+            console.log.apply(console, arguments);
+        } else {
+            console.log(arguments); // ie fix: console.log.apply doesn't exist on ie
+        }
+    }
+jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.getLocation = function () {
+    return this.document.location;
+jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.specFilter = function (spec) {
+    var paramMap = {};
+    var params = this.getLocation().search.substring(1).split('&');
+    for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
         var p = params[i].split('=');
         paramMap[decodeURIComponent(p[0])] = decodeURIComponent(p[1]);
-      }
-      specName = paramMap.spec;
-    })();
-    return specName;
-  }
-  function createReporterDom(version) {
-    dom.reporter = self.createDom('div', { id: 'HTMLReporter', className: 'jasmine_reporter' },
-      dom.banner = self.createDom('div', { className: 'banner' },
-        self.createDom('span', { className: 'title' }, "Jasmine "),
-        self.createDom('span', { className: 'version' }, version)),
-      dom.symbolSummary = self.createDom('ul', {className: 'symbolSummary'}),
-      dom.alert = self.createDom('div', {className: 'alert'}),
-      dom.results = self.createDom('div', {className: 'results'},
-        dom.summary = self.createDom('div', { className: 'summary' }),
-        dom.details = self.createDom('div', { id: 'details' }))
-    );
-  }
-jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.addHelpers(jasmine.HtmlReporter);jasmine.HtmlReporter.ReporterView = function(dom) {
-  this.startedAt = new Date();
-  this.runningSpecCount = 0;
-  this.completeSpecCount = 0;
-  this.passedCount = 0;
-  this.failedCount = 0;
-  this.skippedCount = 0;
-  this.createResultsMenu = function() {
-    this.resultsMenu = this.createDom('span', {className: 'resultsMenu bar'},
-      this.summaryMenuItem = this.createDom('a', {className: 'summaryMenuItem', href: "#"}, '0 specs'),
-      ' | ',
-      this.detailsMenuItem = this.createDom('a', {className: 'detailsMenuItem', href: "#"}, '0 failing'));
-    this.summaryMenuItem.onclick = function() {
-      dom.reporter.className = dom.reporter.className.replace(/ showDetails/g, '');
-    };
-    this.detailsMenuItem.onclick = function() {
-      showDetails();
-    };
-  };
-  this.addSpecs = function(specs, specFilter) {
-    this.totalSpecCount = specs.length;
-    this.views = {
-      specs: {},
-      suites: {}
-    };
-    for (var i = 0; i < specs.length; i++) {
-      var spec = specs[i];
-      this.views.specs[] = new jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView(spec, dom, this.views);
-      if (specFilter(spec)) {
-        this.runningSpecCount++;
-      }
-    }
-  };
-  this.specComplete = function(spec) {
-    this.completeSpecCount++;
-    if (isUndefined(this.views.specs[])) {
-      this.views.specs[] = new jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView(spec, dom);
-    }
-    var specView = this.views.specs[];
-    switch (specView.status()) {
-      case 'passed':
-        this.passedCount++;
-        break;
-      case 'failed':
-        this.failedCount++;
-        break;
-      case 'skipped':
-        this.skippedCount++;
-        break;
-    }
-    specView.refresh();
-    this.refresh();
-  };
-  this.suiteComplete = function(suite) {
-    var suiteView = this.views.suites[];
-    if (isUndefined(suiteView)) {
-      return;
-    }
-    suiteView.refresh();
-  };
-  this.refresh = function() {
-    if (isUndefined(this.resultsMenu)) {
-      this.createResultsMenu();
-    }
-    // currently running UI
-    if (isUndefined(this.runningAlert)) {
-      this.runningAlert = this.createDom('a', {href: "?", className: "runningAlert bar"});
-      dom.alert.appendChild(this.runningAlert);
-    }
-    this.runningAlert.innerHTML = "Running " + this.completeSpecCount + " of " + specPluralizedFor(this.totalSpecCount);
-    // skipped specs UI
-    if (isUndefined(this.skippedAlert)) {
-      this.skippedAlert = this.createDom('a', {href: "?", className: "skippedAlert bar"});
-    }
-    this.skippedAlert.innerHTML = "Skipping " + this.skippedCount + " of " + specPluralizedFor(this.totalSpecCount) + " - run all";
-    if (this.skippedCount === 1 && isDefined(dom.alert)) {
-      dom.alert.appendChild(this.skippedAlert);
-    }
-    // passing specs UI
-    if (isUndefined(this.passedAlert)) {
-      this.passedAlert = this.createDom('span', {href: "?", className: "passingAlert bar"});
-    }
-    this.passedAlert.innerHTML = "Passing " + specPluralizedFor(this.passedCount);
-    // failing specs UI
-    if (isUndefined(this.failedAlert)) {
-      this.failedAlert = this.createDom('span', {href: "?", className: "failingAlert bar"});
-    }
-    this.failedAlert.innerHTML = "Failing " + specPluralizedFor(this.failedCount);
-    if (this.failedCount === 1 && isDefined(dom.alert)) {
-      dom.alert.appendChild(this.failedAlert);
-      dom.alert.appendChild(this.resultsMenu);
-    }
-    // summary info
-    this.summaryMenuItem.innerHTML = "" + specPluralizedFor(this.runningSpecCount);
-    this.detailsMenuItem.innerHTML = "" + this.failedCount + " failing";
-  };
-  this.complete = function() {
-    dom.alert.removeChild(this.runningAlert);
-    this.skippedAlert.innerHTML = "Ran " + this.runningSpecCount + " of " + specPluralizedFor(this.totalSpecCount) + " - run all";
-    if (this.failedCount === 0) {
-      dom.alert.appendChild(this.createDom('span', {className: 'passingAlert bar'}, "Passing " + specPluralizedFor(this.passedCount)));
-    } else {
-      showDetails();
-    }
-    dom.banner.appendChild(this.createDom('span', {className: 'duration'}, "finished in " + ((new Date().getTime() - this.startedAt.getTime()) / 1000) + "s"));
-  };
-  return this;
-  function showDetails() {
-    if ( === -1) {
-      dom.reporter.className += " showDetails";
-    }
-  }
-  function isUndefined(obj) {
-    return typeof obj === 'undefined';
-  }
-  function isDefined(obj) {
-    return !isUndefined(obj);
-  }
-  function specPluralizedFor(count) {
-    var str = count + " spec";
-    if (count > 1) {
-      str += "s"
-    }
-    return str;
-  }
-jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView = function(spec, dom, views) {
-  this.spec = spec;
-  this.dom = dom;
-  this.views = views;
-  this.symbol = this.createDom('li', { className: 'pending' });
-  this.dom.symbolSummary.appendChild(this.symbol);
-  this.summary = this.createDom('div', { className: 'specSummary' },
-      this.createDom('a', {
-        className: 'description',
-        href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(this.spec.getFullName()),
-        title: this.spec.getFullName()
-      }, this.spec.description)
-  );
-  this.detail = this.createDom('div', { className: 'specDetail' },
-      this.createDom('a', {
-        className: 'description',
-        href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(this.spec.getFullName()),
-        title: this.spec.getFullName()
-      }, this.spec.getFullName())
-  );
-jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView.prototype.status = function() {
-  return this.getSpecStatus(this.spec);
-jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView.prototype.refresh = function() {
-  this.symbol.className = this.status();
-  switch (this.status()) {
-    case 'skipped':
-      break;
-    case 'passed':
-      this.appendSummaryToSuiteDiv();
-      break;
-    case 'failed':
-      this.appendSummaryToSuiteDiv();
-      this.appendFailureDetail();
-      break;
-  }
-jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView.prototype.appendSummaryToSuiteDiv = function() {
-  this.summary.className += ' ' + this.status();
-  this.appendToSummary(this.spec, this.summary);
-jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView.prototype.appendFailureDetail = function() {
-  this.detail.className += ' ' + this.status();
-  var resultItems = this.spec.results().getItems();
-  var messagesDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'messages' });
-  for (var i = 0; i < resultItems.length; i++) {
-    var result = resultItems[i];
-    if (result.type == 'log') {
-      messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'resultMessage log'}, result.toString()));
-    } else if (result.type == 'expect' && result.passed && !result.passed()) {
-      messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'resultMessage fail'}, result.message));
-      if (result.trace.stack) {
-        messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'stackTrace'}, result.trace.stack));
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (messagesDiv.childNodes.length > 0) {
-    this.detail.appendChild(messagesDiv);
-    this.dom.details.appendChild(this.detail);
-  }
-jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.addHelpers(jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView);jasmine.HtmlReporter.SuiteView = function(suite, dom, views) {
-  this.suite = suite;
-  this.dom = dom;
-  this.views = views;
-  this.element = this.createDom('div', { className: 'suite' },
-      this.createDom('a', { className: 'description', href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(this.suite.getFullName()) }, this.suite.description)
-  );
-  this.appendToSummary(this.suite, this.element);
-jasmine.HtmlReporter.SuiteView.prototype.status = function() {
-  return this.getSpecStatus(this.suite);
-jasmine.HtmlReporter.SuiteView.prototype.refresh = function() {
-  this.element.className += " " + this.status();
-/* @deprecated Use jasmine.HtmlReporter instead
- */
-jasmine.TrivialReporter = function(doc) {
-  this.document = doc || document;
-  this.suiteDivs = {};
-  this.logRunningSpecs = false;
-jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.createDom = function(type, attrs, childrenVarArgs) {
-  var el = document.createElement(type);
-  for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) {
-    var child = arguments[i];
-    if (typeof child === 'string') {
-      el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(child));
-    } else {
-      if (child) { el.appendChild(child); }
-    }
-  }
-  for (var attr in attrs) {
-    if (attr == "className") {
-      el[attr] = attrs[attr];
-    } else {
-      el.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr]);
-    }
-  }
-  return el;
-jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportRunnerStarting = function(runner) {
-  var showPassed, showSkipped;
-  this.outerDiv = this.createDom('div', { id: 'TrivialReporter', className: 'jasmine_reporter' },
-      this.createDom('div', { className: 'banner' },
-        this.createDom('div', { className: 'logo' },
-            this.createDom('span', { className: 'title' }, "Jasmine"),
-            this.createDom('span', { className: 'version' }, runner.env.versionString())),
-        this.createDom('div', { className: 'options' },
-            "Show ",
-            showPassed = this.createDom('input', { id: "__jasmine_TrivialReporter_showPassed__", type: 'checkbox' }),
-            this.createDom('label', { "for": "__jasmine_TrivialReporter_showPassed__" }, " passed "),
-            showSkipped = this.createDom('input', { id: "__jasmine_TrivialReporter_showSkipped__", type: 'checkbox' }),
-            this.createDom('label', { "for": "__jasmine_TrivialReporter_showSkipped__" }, " skipped")
-            )
-          ),
-      this.runnerDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'runner running' },
-          this.createDom('a', { className: 'run_spec', href: '?' }, "run all"),
-          this.runnerMessageSpan = this.createDom('span', {}, "Running..."),
-          this.finishedAtSpan = this.createDom('span', { className: 'finished-at' }, ""))
-      );
-  this.document.body.appendChild(this.outerDiv);
-  var suites = runner.suites();
-  for (var i = 0; i < suites.length; i++) {
-    var suite = suites[i];
-    var suiteDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'suite' },
-        this.createDom('a', { className: 'run_spec', href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(suite.getFullName()) }, "run"),
-        this.createDom('a', { className: 'description', href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(suite.getFullName()) }, suite.description));
-    this.suiteDivs[] = suiteDiv;
-    var parentDiv = this.outerDiv;
-    if (suite.parentSuite) {
-      parentDiv = this.suiteDivs[];
-    }
-    parentDiv.appendChild(suiteDiv);
-  }
-  this.startedAt = new Date();
-  var self = this;
-  showPassed.onclick = function(evt) {
-    if (showPassed.checked) {
-      self.outerDiv.className += ' show-passed';
-    } else {
-      self.outerDiv.className = self.outerDiv.className.replace(/ show-passed/, '');
-    }
-  };
-  showSkipped.onclick = function(evt) {
-    if (showSkipped.checked) {
-      self.outerDiv.className += ' show-skipped';
-    } else {
-      self.outerDiv.className = self.outerDiv.className.replace(/ show-skipped/, '');
-    }
-  };
-jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportRunnerResults = function(runner) {
-  var results = runner.results();
-  var className = (results.failedCount > 0) ? "runner failed" : "runner passed";
-  this.runnerDiv.setAttribute("class", className);
-  //do it twice for IE
-  this.runnerDiv.setAttribute("className", className);
-  var specs = runner.specs();
-  var specCount = 0;
-  for (var i = 0; i < specs.length; i++) {
-    if (this.specFilter(specs[i])) {
-      specCount++;
-    }
-  }
-  var message = "" + specCount + " spec" + (specCount == 1 ? "" : "s" ) + ", " + results.failedCount + " failure" + ((results.failedCount == 1) ? "" : "s");
-  message += " in " + ((new Date().getTime() - this.startedAt.getTime()) / 1000) + "s";
-  this.runnerMessageSpan.replaceChild(this.createDom('a', { className: 'description', href: '?'}, message), this.runnerMessageSpan.firstChild);
-  this.finishedAtSpan.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Finished at " + new Date().toString()));
-jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportSuiteResults = function(suite) {
-  var results = suite.results();
-  var status = results.passed() ? 'passed' : 'failed';
-  if (results.totalCount === 0) { // todo: change this to check results.skipped
-    status = 'skipped';
-  }
-  this.suiteDivs[].className += " " + status;
-jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportSpecStarting = function(spec) {
-  if (this.logRunningSpecs) {
-    this.log('>> Jasmine Running ' + spec.suite.description + ' ' + spec.description + '...');
-  }
-jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportSpecResults = function(spec) {
-  var results = spec.results();
-  var status = results.passed() ? 'passed' : 'failed';
-  if (results.skipped) {
-    status = 'skipped';
-  }
-  var specDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'spec '  + status },
-      this.createDom('a', { className: 'run_spec', href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(spec.getFullName()) }, "run"),
-      this.createDom('a', {
-        className: 'description',
-        href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(spec.getFullName()),
-        title: spec.getFullName()
-      }, spec.description));
-  var resultItems = results.getItems();
-  var messagesDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'messages' });
-  for (var i = 0; i < resultItems.length; i++) {
-    var result = resultItems[i];
-    if (result.type == 'log') {
-      messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'resultMessage log'}, result.toString()));
-    } else if (result.type == 'expect' && result.passed && !result.passed()) {
-      messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'resultMessage fail'}, result.message));
-      if (result.trace.stack) {
-        messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'stackTrace'}, result.trace.stack));
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (messagesDiv.childNodes.length > 0) {
-    specDiv.appendChild(messagesDiv);
-  }
-  this.suiteDivs[].appendChild(specDiv);
-jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.log = function() {
-  var console = jasmine.getGlobal().console;
-  if (console && console.log) {
-    if (console.log.apply) {
-      console.log.apply(console, arguments);
-    } else {
-      console.log(arguments); // ie fix: console.log.apply doesn't exist on ie
-    }
-  }
-jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.getLocation = function() {
-  return this.document.location;
-jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.specFilter = function(spec) {
-  var paramMap = {};
-  var params = this.getLocation().search.substring(1).split('&');
-  for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
-    var p = params[i].split('=');
-    paramMap[decodeURIComponent(p[0])] = decodeURIComponent(p[1]);
-  }
-  if (!paramMap.spec) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  return spec.getFullName().indexOf(paramMap.spec) === 0;
+    }
+    if (!paramMap.spec) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    return spec.getFullName().indexOf(paramMap.spec) === 0;

--- a/js/flotr2/lib/jasmine/jasmine.css
+++ b/js/flotr2/lib/jasmine/jasmine.css
@@ -1,82 +1,403 @@
-body { background-color: #eeeeee; padding: 0; margin: 5px; overflow-y: scroll; }
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-#HTMLReporter .banner, #HTMLReporter .symbolSummary, #HTMLReporter .summary, #HTMLReporter .resultMessage, #HTMLReporter .specDetail .description, #HTMLReporter .alert .bar, #HTMLReporter .stackTrace { padding-left: 9px; padding-right: 9px; }
-#HTMLReporter #jasmine_content { position: fixed; right: 100%; }
-#HTMLReporter .version { color: #aaaaaa; }
-#HTMLReporter .banner { margin-top: 14px; }
-#HTMLReporter .duration { color: #aaaaaa; float: right; }
-#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary { overflow: hidden; *zoom: 1; margin: 14px 0; }
-#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li { display: block; float: left; height: 7px; width: 14px; margin-bottom: 7px; font-size: 16px; }
-#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.passed { font-size: 14px; }
-#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.passed:before { color: #5e7d00; content: "\02022"; }
-#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.failed { line-height: 9px; }
-#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.failed:before { color: #b03911; content: "x"; font-weight: bold; margin-left: -1px; }
-#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.skipped { font-size: 14px; }
-#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.skipped:before { color: #bababa; content: "\02022"; }
-#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.pending { line-height: 11px; }
-#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.pending:before { color: #aaaaaa; content: "-"; }
-#HTMLReporter .bar { line-height: 28px; font-size: 14px; display: block; color: #eee; }
-#HTMLReporter .runningAlert { background-color: #666666; }
-#HTMLReporter .skippedAlert { background-color: #aaaaaa; }
-#HTMLReporter .skippedAlert:first-child { background-color: #333333; }
-#HTMLReporter .skippedAlert:hover { text-decoration: none; color: white; text-decoration: underline; }
-#HTMLReporter .passingAlert { background-color: #a6b779; }
-#HTMLReporter .passingAlert:first-child { background-color: #5e7d00; }
-#HTMLReporter .failingAlert { background-color: #cf867e; }
-#HTMLReporter .failingAlert:first-child { background-color: #b03911; }
-#HTMLReporter .results { margin-top: 14px; }
-#HTMLReporter #details { display: none; }
-#HTMLReporter .resultsMenu, #HTMLReporter .resultsMenu a { background-color: #fff; color: #333333; }
-#HTMLReporter.showDetails .summaryMenuItem { font-weight: normal; text-decoration: inherit; }
-#HTMLReporter.showDetails .summaryMenuItem:hover { text-decoration: underline; }
-#HTMLReporter.showDetails .detailsMenuItem { font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; }
-#HTMLReporter.showDetails .summary { display: none; }
-#HTMLReporter.showDetails #details { display: block; }
-#HTMLReporter .summaryMenuItem { font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; }
-#HTMLReporter .summary { margin-top: 14px; }
-#HTMLReporter .summary .suite .suite, #HTMLReporter .summary .specSummary { margin-left: 14px; }
-#HTMLReporter .summary .specSummary.passed a { color: #5e7d00; }
-#HTMLReporter .summary .specSummary.failed a { color: #b03911; }
-#HTMLReporter .description + .suite { margin-top: 0; }
-#HTMLReporter .suite { margin-top: 14px; }
-#HTMLReporter .suite a { color: #333333; }
-#HTMLReporter #details .specDetail { margin-bottom: 28px; }
-#HTMLReporter #details .specDetail .description { display: block; color: white; background-color: #b03911; }
-#HTMLReporter .resultMessage { padding-top: 14px; color: #333333; }
-#HTMLReporter .resultMessage span.result { display: block; }
-#HTMLReporter .stackTrace { margin: 5px 0 0 0; max-height: 224px; overflow: auto; line-height: 18px; color: #666666; border: 1px solid #ddd; background: white; white-space: pre; }
-#TrivialReporter { padding: 8px 13px; position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; overflow-y: scroll; background-color: white; font-family: "Helvetica Neue Light", "Lucida Grande", "Calibri", "Arial", sans-serif; /*.resultMessage {*/ /*white-space: pre;*/ /*}*/ }
-#TrivialReporter a:visited, #TrivialReporter a { color: #303; }
-#TrivialReporter a:hover, #TrivialReporter a:active { color: blue; }
-#TrivialReporter .run_spec { float: right; padding-right: 5px; font-size: .8em; text-decoration: none; }
-#TrivialReporter .banner { color: #303; background-color: #fef; padding: 5px; }
-#TrivialReporter .logo { float: left; font-size: 1.1em; padding-left: 5px; }
-#TrivialReporter .logo .version { font-size: .6em; padding-left: 1em; }
-#TrivialReporter .runner.running { background-color: yellow; }
-#TrivialReporter .options { text-align: right; font-size: .8em; }
-#TrivialReporter .suite { border: 1px outset gray; margin: 5px 0; padding-left: 1em; }
-#TrivialReporter .suite .suite { margin: 5px; }
-#TrivialReporter .suite.passed { background-color: #dfd; }
-#TrivialReporter .suite.failed { background-color: #fdd; }
-#TrivialReporter .spec { margin: 5px; padding-left: 1em; clear: both; }
-#TrivialReporter .spec.failed, #TrivialReporter .spec.passed, #TrivialReporter .spec.skipped { padding-bottom: 5px; border: 1px solid gray; }
-#TrivialReporter .spec.failed { background-color: #fbb; border-color: red; }
-#TrivialReporter .spec.passed { background-color: #bfb; border-color: green; }
-#TrivialReporter .spec.skipped { background-color: #bbb; }
-#TrivialReporter .messages { border-left: 1px dashed gray; padding-left: 1em; padding-right: 1em; }
-#TrivialReporter .passed { background-color: #cfc; display: none; }
-#TrivialReporter .failed { background-color: #fbb; }
-#TrivialReporter .skipped { color: #777; background-color: #eee; display: none; }
-#TrivialReporter .resultMessage span.result { display: block; line-height: 2em; color: black; }
-#TrivialReporter .resultMessage .mismatch { color: black; }
-#TrivialReporter .stackTrace { white-space: pre; font-size: .8em; margin-left: 10px; max-height: 5em; overflow: auto; border: 1px inset red; padding: 1em; background: #eef; }
-#TrivialReporter .finished-at { padding-left: 1em; font-size: .6em; } .passed, .skipped { display: block; }
-#TrivialReporter #jasmine_content { position: fixed; right: 100%; }
-#TrivialReporter .runner { border: 1px solid gray; display: block; margin: 5px 0; padding: 2px 0 2px 10px; }
+body {
+    background-color: #eeeeee;
+    padding: 0;
+    margin: 5px;
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+    font-family: Monaco, "Lucida Console", monospace;
+    line-height: 14px;
+    color: #333333;
+#HTMLReporter a {
+    text-decoration: none;
+#HTMLReporter a:hover {
+    text-decoration: underline;
+#HTMLReporter p, #HTMLReporter h1, #HTMLReporter h2, #HTMLReporter h3, #HTMLReporter h4, #HTMLReporter h5, #HTMLReporter h6 {
+    margin: 0;
+    line-height: 14px;
+#HTMLReporter .banner, #HTMLReporter .symbolSummary, #HTMLReporter .summary, #HTMLReporter .resultMessage, #HTMLReporter .specDetail .description, #HTMLReporter .alert .bar, #HTMLReporter .stackTrace {
+    padding-left: 9px;
+    padding-right: 9px;
+#HTMLReporter #jasmine_content {
+    position: fixed;
+    right: 100%;
+#HTMLReporter .version {
+    color: #aaaaaa;
+#HTMLReporter .banner {
+    margin-top: 14px;
+#HTMLReporter .duration {
+    color: #aaaaaa;
+    float: right;
+#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary {
+    overflow: hidden;
+    *zoom: 1;
+    margin: 14px 0;
+#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li {
+    display: block;
+    float: left;
+    height: 7px;
+    width: 14px;
+    margin-bottom: 7px;
+    font-size: 16px;
+#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.passed {
+    font-size: 14px;
+#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.passed:before {
+    color: #5e7d00;
+    content: "\02022";
+#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.failed {
+    line-height: 9px;
+#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.failed:before {
+    color: #b03911;
+    content: "x";
+    font-weight: bold;
+    margin-left: -1px;
+#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.skipped {
+    font-size: 14px;
+#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.skipped:before {
+    color: #bababa;
+    content: "\02022";
+#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.pending {
+    line-height: 11px;
+#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.pending:before {
+    color: #aaaaaa;
+    content: "-";
+#HTMLReporter .bar {
+    line-height: 28px;
+    font-size: 14px;
+    display: block;
+    color: #eee;
+#HTMLReporter .runningAlert {
+    background-color: #666666;
+#HTMLReporter .skippedAlert {
+    background-color: #aaaaaa;
+#HTMLReporter .skippedAlert:first-child {
+    background-color: #333333;
+#HTMLReporter .skippedAlert:hover {
+    text-decoration: none;
+    color: white;
+    text-decoration: underline;
+#HTMLReporter .passingAlert {
+    background-color: #a6b779;
+#HTMLReporter .passingAlert:first-child {
+    background-color: #5e7d00;
+#HTMLReporter .failingAlert {
+    background-color: #cf867e;
+#HTMLReporter .failingAlert:first-child {
+    background-color: #b03911;
+#HTMLReporter .results {
+    margin-top: 14px;
+#HTMLReporter #details {
+    display: none;
+#HTMLReporter .resultsMenu, #HTMLReporter .resultsMenu a {
+    background-color: #fff;
+    color: #333333;
+#HTMLReporter.showDetails .summaryMenuItem {
+    font-weight: normal;
+    text-decoration: inherit;
+#HTMLReporter.showDetails .summaryMenuItem:hover {
+    text-decoration: underline;
+#HTMLReporter.showDetails .detailsMenuItem {
+    font-weight: bold;
+    text-decoration: underline;
+#HTMLReporter.showDetails .summary {
+    display: none;
+#HTMLReporter.showDetails #details {
+    display: block;
+#HTMLReporter .summaryMenuItem {
+    font-weight: bold;
+    text-decoration: underline;
+#HTMLReporter .summary {
+    margin-top: 14px;
+#HTMLReporter .summary .suite .suite, #HTMLReporter .summary .specSummary {
+    margin-left: 14px;
+#HTMLReporter .summary .specSummary.passed a {
+    color: #5e7d00;
+#HTMLReporter .summary .specSummary.failed a {
+    color: #b03911;
+#HTMLReporter .description + .suite {
+    margin-top: 0;
+#HTMLReporter .suite {
+    margin-top: 14px;
+#HTMLReporter .suite a {
+    color: #333333;
+#HTMLReporter #details .specDetail {
+    margin-bottom: 28px;
+#HTMLReporter #details .specDetail .description {
+    display: block;
+    color: white;
+    background-color: #b03911;
+#HTMLReporter .resultMessage {
+    padding-top: 14px;
+    color: #333333;
+#HTMLReporter .resultMessage span.result {
+    display: block;
+#HTMLReporter .stackTrace {
+    margin: 5px 0 0 0;
+    max-height: 224px;
+    overflow: auto;
+    line-height: 18px;
+    color: #666666;
+    border: 1px solid #ddd;
+    background: white;
+    white-space: pre;
+#TrivialReporter {
+    padding: 8px 13px;
+    position: absolute;
+    top: 0;
+    bottom: 0;
+    left: 0;
+    right: 0;
+    overflow-y: scroll;
+    background-color: white;
+    font-family: "Helvetica Neue Light", "Lucida Grande", "Calibri", "Arial", sans-serif; /*.resultMessage {*/
+    /*white-space: pre;*/
+    /*}*/
+#TrivialReporter a:visited, #TrivialReporter a {
+    color: #303;
+#TrivialReporter a:hover, #TrivialReporter a:active {
+    color: blue;
+#TrivialReporter .run_spec {
+    float: right;
+    padding-right: 5px;
+    font-size: .8em;
+    text-decoration: none;
+#TrivialReporter .banner {
+    color: #303;
+    background-color: #fef;
+    padding: 5px;
+#TrivialReporter .logo {
+    float: left;
+    font-size: 1.1em;
+    padding-left: 5px;
+#TrivialReporter .logo .version {
+    font-size: .6em;
+    padding-left: 1em;
+#TrivialReporter .runner.running {
+    background-color: yellow;
+#TrivialReporter .options {
+    text-align: right;
+    font-size: .8em;
+#TrivialReporter .suite {
+    border: 1px outset gray;
+    margin: 5px 0;
+    padding-left: 1em;
+#TrivialReporter .suite .suite {
+    margin: 5px;
+#TrivialReporter .suite.passed {
+    background-color: #dfd;
+#TrivialReporter .suite.failed {
+    background-color: #fdd;
+#TrivialReporter .spec {
+    margin: 5px;
+    padding-left: 1em;
+    clear: both;
+#TrivialReporter .spec.failed, #TrivialReporter .spec.passed, #TrivialReporter .spec.skipped {
+    padding-bottom: 5px;
+    border: 1px solid gray;
+#TrivialReporter .spec.failed {
+    background-color: #fbb;
+    border-color: red;
+#TrivialReporter .spec.passed {
+    background-color: #bfb;
+    border-color: green;
+#TrivialReporter .spec.skipped {
+    background-color: #bbb;
+#TrivialReporter .messages {
+    border-left: 1px dashed gray;
+    padding-left: 1em;
+    padding-right: 1em;
+#TrivialReporter .passed {
+    background-color: #cfc;
+    display: none;
+#TrivialReporter .failed {
+    background-color: #fbb;
+#TrivialReporter .skipped {
+    color: #777;
+    background-color: #eee;
+    display: none;
+#TrivialReporter .resultMessage span.result {
+    display: block;
+    line-height: 2em;
+    color: black;
+#TrivialReporter .resultMessage .mismatch {
+    color: black;
+#TrivialReporter .stackTrace {
+    white-space: pre;
+    font-size: .8em;
+    margin-left: 10px;
+    max-height: 5em;
+    overflow: auto;
+    border: 1px inset red;
+    padding: 1em;
+    background: #eef;
+#TrivialReporter .finished-at {
+    padding-left: 1em;
+    font-size: .6em;
+ .passed, .skipped {
+    display: block;
+#TrivialReporter #jasmine_content {
+    position: fixed;
+    right: 100%;
+#TrivialReporter .runner {
+    border: 1px solid gray;
+    display: block;
+    margin: 5px 0;
+    padding: 2px 0 2px 10px;

--- a/js/flotr2/lib/jasmine/jasmine.js
+++ b/js/flotr2/lib/jasmine/jasmine.js
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
  * @private
-jasmine.unimplementedMethod_ = function() {
-  throw new Error("unimplemented method");
+jasmine.unimplementedMethod_ = function () {
+    throw new Error("unimplemented method");
@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@
-jasmine.getGlobal = function() {
-  function getGlobal() {
-    return this;
-  }
-  return getGlobal();
+jasmine.getGlobal = function () {
+    function getGlobal() {
+        return this;
+    }
+    return getGlobal();
@@ -55,16 +55,16 @@
  * @param base {Object} bound 'this' for the function
  * @param name {Function} function to find
-jasmine.bindOriginal_ = function(base, name) {
-  var original = base[name];
-  if (original.apply) {
-    return function() {
-      return original.apply(base, arguments);
-    };
-  } else {
-    // IE support
-    return jasmine.getGlobal()[name];
-  }
+jasmine.bindOriginal_ = function (base, name) {
+    var original = base[name];
+    if (original.apply) {
+        return function () {
+            return original.apply(base, arguments);
+        };
+    } else {
+        // IE support
+        return jasmine.getGlobal()[name];
+    }
 jasmine.setTimeout = jasmine.bindOriginal_(jasmine.getGlobal(), 'setTimeout');
@@ -72,51 +72,51 @@
 jasmine.setInterval = jasmine.bindOriginal_(jasmine.getGlobal(), 'setInterval');
 jasmine.clearInterval = jasmine.bindOriginal_(jasmine.getGlobal(), 'clearInterval');
-jasmine.MessageResult = function(values) {
-  this.type = 'log';
-  this.values = values;
-  this.trace = new Error(); // todo: test better
-jasmine.MessageResult.prototype.toString = function() {
-  var text = "";
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.values.length; i++) {
-    if (i > 0) text += " ";
-    if (jasmine.isString_(this.values[i])) {
-      text += this.values[i];
-    } else {
-      text += jasmine.pp(this.values[i]);
-    }
-  }
-  return text;
-jasmine.ExpectationResult = function(params) {
-  this.type = 'expect';
-  this.matcherName = params.matcherName;
-  this.passed_ = params.passed;
-  this.expected = params.expected;
-  this.actual = params.actual;
-  this.message = this.passed_ ? 'Passed.' : params.message;
-  var trace = (params.trace || new Error(this.message));
-  this.trace = this.passed_ ? '' : trace;
+jasmine.MessageResult = function (values) {
+    this.type = 'log';
+    this.values = values;
+    this.trace = new Error(); // todo: test better
+jasmine.MessageResult.prototype.toString = function () {
+    var text = "";
+    for (var i = 0; i < this.values.length; i++) {
+        if (i > 0) text += " ";
+        if (jasmine.isString_(this.values[i])) {
+            text += this.values[i];
+        } else {
+            text += jasmine.pp(this.values[i]);
+        }
+    }
+    return text;
+jasmine.ExpectationResult = function (params) {
+    this.type = 'expect';
+    this.matcherName = params.matcherName;
+    this.passed_ = params.passed;
+    this.expected = params.expected;
+    this.actual = params.actual;
+    this.message = this.passed_ ? 'Passed.' : params.message;
+    var trace = (params.trace || new Error(this.message));
+    this.trace = this.passed_ ? '' : trace;
 jasmine.ExpectationResult.prototype.toString = function () {
-  return this.message;
+    return this.message;
 jasmine.ExpectationResult.prototype.passed = function () {
-  return this.passed_;
+    return this.passed_;
  * Getter for the Jasmine environment. Ensures one gets created
-jasmine.getEnv = function() {
-  var env = jasmine.currentEnv_ = jasmine.currentEnv_ || new jasmine.Env();
-  return env;
+jasmine.getEnv = function () {
+    var env = jasmine.currentEnv_ = jasmine.currentEnv_ || new jasmine.Env();
+    return env;
@@ -125,8 +125,8 @@
  * @param value
  * @returns {Boolean}
-jasmine.isArray_ = function(value) {
-  return jasmine.isA_("Array", value);
+jasmine.isArray_ = function (value) {
+    return jasmine.isA_("Array", value);
@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@
  * @param value
  * @returns {Boolean}
-jasmine.isString_ = function(value) {
-  return jasmine.isA_("String", value);
+jasmine.isString_ = function (value) {
+    return jasmine.isA_("String", value);
@@ -145,8 +145,8 @@
  * @param value
  * @returns {Boolean}
-jasmine.isNumber_ = function(value) {
-  return jasmine.isA_("Number", value);
+jasmine.isNumber_ = function (value) {
+    return jasmine.isA_("Number", value);
@@ -156,8 +156,8 @@
  * @param value
  * @returns {Boolean}
-jasmine.isA_ = function(typeName, value) {
-  return Object.prototype.toString.apply(value) === '[object ' + typeName + ']';
+jasmine.isA_ = function (typeName, value) {
+    return Object.prototype.toString.apply(value) === '[object ' + typeName + ']';
@@ -166,10 +166,10 @@
  * @param value {Object} an object to be outputted
  * @returns {String}
-jasmine.pp = function(value) {
-  var stringPrettyPrinter = new jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter();
-  stringPrettyPrinter.format(value);
-  return stringPrettyPrinter.string;
+jasmine.pp = function (value) {
+    var stringPrettyPrinter = new jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter();
+    stringPrettyPrinter.format(value);
+    return stringPrettyPrinter.string;
@@ -178,8 +178,8 @@
  * @param {Object} obj object to check
  * @returns {Boolean}
-jasmine.isDomNode = function(obj) {
-  return obj.nodeType > 0;
+jasmine.isDomNode = function (obj) {
+    return obj.nodeType > 0;
@@ -192,8 +192,8 @@
  * @param {Class} clazz
  * @returns matchable object of the type clazz
-jasmine.any = function(clazz) {
-  return new jasmine.Matchers.Any(clazz);
+jasmine.any = function (clazz) {
+    return new jasmine.Matchers.Any(clazz);
@@ -255,41 +255,41 @@
  * @see spyOn, jasmine.createSpy, jasmine.createSpyObj
  * @param {String} name
-jasmine.Spy = function(name) {
-  /**
-   * The name of the spy, if provided.
-   */
-  this.identity = name || 'unknown';
-  /**
-   *  Is this Object a spy?
-   */
-  this.isSpy = true;
-  /**
-   * The actual function this spy stubs.
-   */
-  this.plan = function() {
-  };
-  /**
-   * Tracking of the most recent call to the spy.
-   * @example
-   * var mySpy = jasmine.createSpy('foo');
-   * mySpy(1, 2);
-   * mySpy.mostRecentCall.args = [1, 2];
-   */
-  this.mostRecentCall = {};
-  /**
-   * Holds arguments for each call to the spy, indexed by call count
-   * @example
-   * var mySpy = jasmine.createSpy('foo');
-   * mySpy(1, 2);
-   * mySpy(7, 8);
-   * mySpy.mostRecentCall.args = [7, 8];
-   * mySpy.argsForCall[0] = [1, 2];
-   * mySpy.argsForCall[1] = [7, 8];
-   */
-  this.argsForCall = [];
-  this.calls = [];
+jasmine.Spy = function (name) {
+    /**
+     * The name of the spy, if provided.
+     */
+    this.identity = name || 'unknown';
+    /**
+     *  Is this Object a spy?
+     */
+    this.isSpy = true;
+    /**
+     * The actual function this spy stubs.
+     */
+    this.plan = function () {
+    };
+    /**
+     * Tracking of the most recent call to the spy.
+     * @example
+     * var mySpy = jasmine.createSpy('foo');
+     * mySpy(1, 2);
+     * mySpy.mostRecentCall.args = [1, 2];
+     */
+    this.mostRecentCall = {};
+    /**
+     * Holds arguments for each call to the spy, indexed by call count
+     * @example
+     * var mySpy = jasmine.createSpy('foo');
+     * mySpy(1, 2);
+     * mySpy(7, 8);
+     * mySpy.mostRecentCall.args = [7, 8];
+     * mySpy.argsForCall[0] = [1, 2];
+     * mySpy.argsForCall[1] = [7, 8];
+     */
+    this.argsForCall = [];
+    this.calls = [];
@@ -303,9 +303,9 @@
  * // defining a spy on an existing property:
  * spyOn(foo, 'bar').andCallThrough();
-jasmine.Spy.prototype.andCallThrough = function() {
-  this.plan = this.originalValue;
-  return this;
+jasmine.Spy.prototype.andCallThrough = function () {
+    this.plan = this.originalValue;
+    return this;
@@ -320,11 +320,11 @@
  * @param {Object} value
-jasmine.Spy.prototype.andReturn = function(value) {
-  this.plan = function() {
-    return value;
-  };
-  return this;
+jasmine.Spy.prototype.andReturn = function (value) {
+    this.plan = function () {
+        return value;
+    };
+    return this;
@@ -339,11 +339,11 @@
  * @param {String} exceptionMsg
-jasmine.Spy.prototype.andThrow = function(exceptionMsg) {
-  this.plan = function() {
-    throw exceptionMsg;
-  };
-  return this;
+jasmine.Spy.prototype.andThrow = function (exceptionMsg) {
+    this.plan = function () {
+        throw exceptionMsg;
+    };
+    return this;
@@ -361,9 +361,9 @@
  * @param {Function} fakeFunc
-jasmine.Spy.prototype.andCallFake = function(fakeFunc) {
-  this.plan = fakeFunc;
-  return this;
+jasmine.Spy.prototype.andCallFake = function (fakeFunc) {
+    this.plan = fakeFunc;
+    return this;
@@ -380,36 +380,36 @@
  * expect(;
-jasmine.Spy.prototype.reset = function() {
-  this.wasCalled = false;
-  this.callCount = 0;
-  this.argsForCall = [];
-  this.calls = [];
-  this.mostRecentCall = {};
-jasmine.createSpy = function(name) {
-  var spyObj = function() {
-    spyObj.wasCalled = true;
-    spyObj.callCount++;
-    var args = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments);
-    spyObj.mostRecentCall.object = this;
-    spyObj.mostRecentCall.args = args;
-    spyObj.argsForCall.push(args);
-    spyObj.calls.push({object: this, args: args});
-    return spyObj.plan.apply(this, arguments);
-  };
-  var spy = new jasmine.Spy(name);
-  for (var prop in spy) {
-    spyObj[prop] = spy[prop];
-  }
-  spyObj.reset();
-  return spyObj;
+jasmine.Spy.prototype.reset = function () {
+    this.wasCalled = false;
+    this.callCount = 0;
+    this.argsForCall = [];
+    this.calls = [];
+    this.mostRecentCall = {};
+jasmine.createSpy = function (name) {
+    var spyObj = function () {
+        spyObj.wasCalled = true;
+        spyObj.callCount++;
+        var args = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments);
+        spyObj.mostRecentCall.object = this;
+        spyObj.mostRecentCall.args = args;
+        spyObj.argsForCall.push(args);
+        spyObj.calls.push({object: this, args: args});
+        return spyObj.plan.apply(this, arguments);
+    };
+    var spy = new jasmine.Spy(name);
+    for (var prop in spy) {
+        spyObj[prop] = spy[prop];
+    }
+    spyObj.reset();
+    return spyObj;
@@ -418,8 +418,8 @@
  * @param {jasmine.Spy|Object} putativeSpy
  * @returns {Boolean}
-jasmine.isSpy = function(putativeSpy) {
-  return putativeSpy && putativeSpy.isSpy;
+jasmine.isSpy = function (putativeSpy) {
+    return putativeSpy && putativeSpy.isSpy;
@@ -429,15 +429,15 @@
  * @param {String} baseName name of spy class
  * @param {Array} methodNames array of names of methods to make spies
-jasmine.createSpyObj = function(baseName, methodNames) {
-  if (!jasmine.isArray_(methodNames) || methodNames.length === 0) {
-    throw new Error('createSpyObj requires a non-empty array of method names to create spies for');
-  }
-  var obj = {};
-  for (var i = 0; i < methodNames.length; i++) {
-    obj[methodNames[i]] = jasmine.createSpy(baseName + '.' + methodNames[i]);
-  }
-  return obj;
+jasmine.createSpyObj = function (baseName, methodNames) {
+    if (!jasmine.isArray_(methodNames) || methodNames.length === 0) {
+        throw new Error('createSpyObj requires a non-empty array of method names to create spies for');
+    }
+    var obj = {};
+    for (var i = 0; i < methodNames.length; i++) {
+        obj[methodNames[i]] = jasmine.createSpy(baseName + '.' + methodNames[i]);
+    }
+    return obj;
@@ -445,9 +445,9 @@
  * Be careful not to leave calls to <code>jasmine.log</code> in production code.
-jasmine.log = function() {
-  var spec = jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec;
-  spec.log.apply(spec, arguments);
+jasmine.log = function () {
+    var spec = jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec;
+    spec.log.apply(spec, arguments);
@@ -465,8 +465,8 @@
  * @param methodName
  * @returns a Jasmine spy that can be chained with all spy methods
-var spyOn = function(obj, methodName) {
-  return jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.spyOn(obj, methodName);
+var spyOn = function (obj, methodName) {
+    return jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.spyOn(obj, methodName);
 if (isCommonJS) exports.spyOn = spyOn;
@@ -483,8 +483,8 @@
  * @param {String} desc description of this specification
  * @param {Function} func defines the preconditions and expectations of the spec
-var it = function(desc, func) {
-  return jasmine.getEnv().it(desc, func);
+var it = function (desc, func) {
+    return jasmine.getEnv().it(desc, func);
 if (isCommonJS) = it;
@@ -496,8 +496,8 @@
  * @param {String} desc description of this specification
  * @param {Function} func defines the preconditions and expectations of the spec
-var xit = function(desc, func) {
-  return jasmine.getEnv().xit(desc, func);
+var xit = function (desc, func) {
+    return jasmine.getEnv().xit(desc, func);
 if (isCommonJS) exports.xit = xit;
@@ -509,8 +509,8 @@
  * @param {Object} actual Actual value to test against and expected value
-var expect = function(actual) {
-  return jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.expect(actual);
+var expect = function (actual) {
+    return jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.expect(actual);
 if (isCommonJS) exports.expect = expect;
@@ -519,8 +519,8 @@
  * @param {Function} func Function that defines part of a jasmine spec.
-var runs = function(func) {
-  jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.runs(func);
+var runs = function (func) {
+    jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.runs(func);
 if (isCommonJS) exports.runs = runs;
@@ -530,8 +530,8 @@
  * @deprecated Use waitsFor() instead
  * @param {Number} timeout milliseconds to wait
-var waits = function(timeout) {
-  jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.waits(timeout);
+var waits = function (timeout) {
+    jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.waits(timeout);
 if (isCommonJS) exports.waits = waits;
@@ -542,8 +542,8 @@
  * @param {String} optional_timeoutMessage
  * @param {Number} optional_timeout
-var waitsFor = function(latchFunction, optional_timeoutMessage, optional_timeout) {
-  jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.waitsFor.apply(jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec, arguments);
+var waitsFor = function (latchFunction, optional_timeoutMessage, optional_timeout) {
+    jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.waitsFor.apply(jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec, arguments);
 if (isCommonJS) exports.waitsFor = waitsFor;
@@ -554,8 +554,8 @@
  * @param {Function} beforeEachFunction
-var beforeEach = function(beforeEachFunction) {
-  jasmine.getEnv().beforeEach(beforeEachFunction);
+var beforeEach = function (beforeEachFunction) {
+    jasmine.getEnv().beforeEach(beforeEachFunction);
 if (isCommonJS) exports.beforeEach = beforeEach;
@@ -566,8 +566,8 @@
  * @param {Function} afterEachFunction
-var afterEach = function(afterEachFunction) {
-  jasmine.getEnv().afterEach(afterEachFunction);
+var afterEach = function (afterEachFunction) {
+    jasmine.getEnv().afterEach(afterEachFunction);
 if (isCommonJS) exports.afterEach = afterEach;
@@ -586,8 +586,8 @@
  * @param {String} description A string, usually the class under test.
  * @param {Function} specDefinitions function that defines several specs.
-var describe = function(description, specDefinitions) {
-  return jasmine.getEnv().describe(description, specDefinitions);
+var describe = function (description, specDefinitions) {
+    return jasmine.getEnv().describe(description, specDefinitions);
 if (isCommonJS) exports.describe = describe;
@@ -597,38 +597,38 @@
  * @param {String} description A string, usually the class under test.
  * @param {Function} specDefinitions function that defines several specs.
-var xdescribe = function(description, specDefinitions) {
-  return jasmine.getEnv().xdescribe(description, specDefinitions);
+var xdescribe = function (description, specDefinitions) {
+    return jasmine.getEnv().xdescribe(description, specDefinitions);
 if (isCommonJS) exports.xdescribe = xdescribe;
 // Provide the XMLHttpRequest class for IE 5.x-6.x:
-jasmine.XmlHttpRequest = (typeof XMLHttpRequest == "undefined") ? function() {
-  function tryIt(f) {
-    try {
-      return f();
-    } catch(e) {
-    }
-    return null;
-  }
-  var xhr = tryIt(function() {
-    return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0");
-  }) ||
-    tryIt(function() {
-      return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0");
+jasmine.XmlHttpRequest = (typeof XMLHttpRequest == "undefined") ? function () {
+    function tryIt(f) {
+        try {
+            return f();
+        } catch (e) {
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    var xhr = tryIt(function () {
+        return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0");
     }) ||
-    tryIt(function() {
-      return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
-    }) ||
-    tryIt(function() {
-      return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
-    });
-  if (!xhr) throw new Error("This browser does not support XMLHttpRequest.");
-  return xhr;
+        tryIt(function () {
+            return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0");
+        }) ||
+        tryIt(function () {
+            return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
+        }) ||
+        tryIt(function () {
+            return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
+        });
+    if (!xhr) throw new Error("This browser does not support XMLHttpRequest.");
+    return xhr;
 } : XMLHttpRequest;
  * @namespace
@@ -642,59 +642,59 @@
  * @param {Function} childClass
  * @param {Function} parentClass
-jasmine.util.inherit = function(childClass, parentClass) {
-  /**
-   * @private
-   */
-  var subclass = function() {
-  };
-  subclass.prototype = parentClass.prototype;
-  childClass.prototype = new subclass();
-jasmine.util.formatException = function(e) {
-  var lineNumber;
-  if (e.line) {
-    lineNumber = e.line;
-  }
-  else if (e.lineNumber) {
-    lineNumber = e.lineNumber;
-  }
-  var file;
-  if (e.sourceURL) {
-    file = e.sourceURL;
-  }
-  else if (e.fileName) {
-    file = e.fileName;
-  }
-  var message = ( && e.message) ? ( + ': ' + e.message) : e.toString();
-  if (file && lineNumber) {
-    message += ' in ' + file + ' (line ' + lineNumber + ')';
-  }
-  return message;
-jasmine.util.htmlEscape = function(str) {
-  if (!str) return str;
-  return str.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
-    .replace(/</g, '&lt;')
-    .replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
-jasmine.util.argsToArray = function(args) {
-  var arrayOfArgs = [];
-  for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) arrayOfArgs.push(args[i]);
-  return arrayOfArgs;
-jasmine.util.extend = function(destination, source) {
-  for (var property in source) destination[property] = source[property];
-  return destination;
+jasmine.util.inherit = function (childClass, parentClass) {
+    /**
+     * @private
+     */
+    var subclass = function () {
+    };
+    subclass.prototype = parentClass.prototype;
+    childClass.prototype = new subclass();
+jasmine.util.formatException = function (e) {
+    var lineNumber;
+    if (e.line) {
+        lineNumber = e.line;
+    }
+    else if (e.lineNumber) {
+        lineNumber = e.lineNumber;
+    }
+    var file;
+    if (e.sourceURL) {
+        file = e.sourceURL;
+    }
+    else if (e.fileName) {
+        file = e.fileName;
+    }
+    var message = ( && e.message) ? ( + ': ' + e.message) : e.toString();
+    if (file && lineNumber) {
+        message += ' in ' + file + ' (line ' + lineNumber + ')';
+    }
+    return message;
+jasmine.util.htmlEscape = function (str) {
+    if (!str) return str;
+    return str.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
+        .replace(/</g, '&lt;')
+        .replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
+jasmine.util.argsToArray = function (args) {
+    var arrayOfArgs = [];
+    for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) arrayOfArgs.push(args[i]);
+    return arrayOfArgs;
+jasmine.util.extend = function (destination, source) {
+    for (var property in source) destination[property] = source[property];
+    return destination;
@@ -702,31 +702,31 @@
  * @constructor
-jasmine.Env = function() {
-  this.currentSpec = null;
-  this.currentSuite = null;
-  this.currentRunner_ = new jasmine.Runner(this);
-  this.reporter = new jasmine.MultiReporter();
-  this.updateInterval = jasmine.DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL;
-  this.defaultTimeoutInterval = jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL;
-  this.lastUpdate = 0;
-  this.specFilter = function() {
-    return true;
-  };
-  this.nextSpecId_ = 0;
-  this.nextSuiteId_ = 0;
-  this.equalityTesters_ = [];
-  // wrap matchers
-  this.matchersClass = function() {
-    jasmine.Matchers.apply(this, arguments);
-  };
-  jasmine.util.inherit(this.matchersClass, jasmine.Matchers);
-  jasmine.Matchers.wrapInto_(jasmine.Matchers.prototype, this.matchersClass);
+jasmine.Env = function () {
+    this.currentSpec = null;
+    this.currentSuite = null;
+    this.currentRunner_ = new jasmine.Runner(this);
+    this.reporter = new jasmine.MultiReporter();
+    this.updateInterval = jasmine.DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL;
+    this.defaultTimeoutInterval = jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL;
+    this.lastUpdate = 0;
+    this.specFilter = function () {
+        return true;
+    };
+    this.nextSpecId_ = 0;
+    this.nextSuiteId_ = 0;
+    this.equalityTesters_ = [];
+    // wrap matchers
+    this.matchersClass = function () {
+        jasmine.Matchers.apply(this, arguments);
+    };
+    jasmine.util.inherit(this.matchersClass, jasmine.Matchers);
+    jasmine.Matchers.wrapInto_(jasmine.Matchers.prototype, this.matchersClass);
@@ -739,270 +739,270 @@
  * @returns an object containing jasmine version build info, if set.
 jasmine.Env.prototype.version = function () {
-  if (jasmine.version_) {
-    return jasmine.version_;
-  } else {
-    throw new Error('Version not set');
-  }
+    if (jasmine.version_) {
+        return jasmine.version_;
+    } else {
+        throw new Error('Version not set');
+    }
  * @returns string containing jasmine version build info, if set.
-jasmine.Env.prototype.versionString = function() {
-  if (!jasmine.version_) {
-    return "version unknown";
-  }
-  var version = this.version();
-  var versionString = version.major + "." + version.minor + "." +;
-  if (version.release_candidate) {
-    versionString += ".rc" + version.release_candidate;
-  }
-  versionString += " revision " + version.revision;
-  return versionString;
+jasmine.Env.prototype.versionString = function () {
+    if (!jasmine.version_) {
+        return "version unknown";
+    }
+    var version = this.version();
+    var versionString = version.major + "." + version.minor + "." +;
+    if (version.release_candidate) {
+        versionString += ".rc" + version.release_candidate;
+    }
+    versionString += " revision " + version.revision;
+    return versionString;
  * @returns a sequential integer starting at 0
 jasmine.Env.prototype.nextSpecId = function () {
-  return this.nextSpecId_++;
+    return this.nextSpecId_++;
  * @returns a sequential integer starting at 0
 jasmine.Env.prototype.nextSuiteId = function () {
-  return this.nextSuiteId_++;
+    return this.nextSuiteId_++;
  * Register a reporter to receive status updates from Jasmine.
  * @param {jasmine.Reporter} reporter An object which will receive status updates.
-jasmine.Env.prototype.addReporter = function(reporter) {
-  this.reporter.addReporter(reporter);
-jasmine.Env.prototype.execute = function() {
-  this.currentRunner_.execute();
-jasmine.Env.prototype.describe = function(description, specDefinitions) {
-  var suite = new jasmine.Suite(this, description, specDefinitions, this.currentSuite);
-  var parentSuite = this.currentSuite;
-  if (parentSuite) {
-    parentSuite.add(suite);
-  } else {
-    this.currentRunner_.add(suite);
-  }
-  this.currentSuite = suite;
-  var declarationError = null;
-  try {
-  } catch(e) {
-    declarationError = e;
-  }
-  if (declarationError) {
-"encountered a declaration exception", function() {
-      throw declarationError;
-    });
-  }
-  this.currentSuite = parentSuite;
-  return suite;
-jasmine.Env.prototype.beforeEach = function(beforeEachFunction) {
-  if (this.currentSuite) {
-    this.currentSuite.beforeEach(beforeEachFunction);
-  } else {
-    this.currentRunner_.beforeEach(beforeEachFunction);
-  }
+jasmine.Env.prototype.addReporter = function (reporter) {
+    this.reporter.addReporter(reporter);
+jasmine.Env.prototype.execute = function () {
+    this.currentRunner_.execute();
+jasmine.Env.prototype.describe = function (description, specDefinitions) {
+    var suite = new jasmine.Suite(this, description, specDefinitions, this.currentSuite);
+    var parentSuite = this.currentSuite;
+    if (parentSuite) {
+        parentSuite.add(suite);
+    } else {
+        this.currentRunner_.add(suite);
+    }
+    this.currentSuite = suite;
+    var declarationError = null;
+    try {
+    } catch (e) {
+        declarationError = e;
+    }
+    if (declarationError) {
+"encountered a declaration exception", function () {
+            throw declarationError;
+        });
+    }
+    this.currentSuite = parentSuite;
+    return suite;
+jasmine.Env.prototype.beforeEach = function (beforeEachFunction) {
+    if (this.currentSuite) {
+        this.currentSuite.beforeEach(beforeEachFunction);
+    } else {
+        this.currentRunner_.beforeEach(beforeEachFunction);
+    }
 jasmine.Env.prototype.currentRunner = function () {
-  return this.currentRunner_;
-jasmine.Env.prototype.afterEach = function(afterEachFunction) {
-  if (this.currentSuite) {
-    this.currentSuite.afterEach(afterEachFunction);
-  } else {
-    this.currentRunner_.afterEach(afterEachFunction);
-  }
-jasmine.Env.prototype.xdescribe = function(desc, specDefinitions) {
-  return {
-    execute: function() {
-    }
-  };
- = function(description, func) {
-  var spec = new jasmine.Spec(this, this.currentSuite, description);
-  this.currentSuite.add(spec);
-  this.currentSpec = spec;
-  if (func) {
-    spec.runs(func);
-  }
-  return spec;
-jasmine.Env.prototype.xit = function(desc, func) {
-  return {
-    id: this.nextSpecId(),
-    runs: function() {
-    }
-  };
-jasmine.Env.prototype.compareObjects_ = function(a, b, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues) {
-  if (a.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ === b && b.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ === a) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  a.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ = b;
-  b.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ = a;
-  var hasKey = function(obj, keyName) {
-    return obj !== null && obj[keyName] !== jasmine.undefined;
-  };
-  for (var property in b) {
-    if (!hasKey(a, property) && hasKey(b, property)) {
-      mismatchKeys.push("expected has key '" + property + "', but missing from actual.");
-    }
-  }
-  for (property in a) {
-    if (!hasKey(b, property) && hasKey(a, property)) {
-      mismatchKeys.push("expected missing key '" + property + "', but present in actual.");
-    }
-  }
-  for (property in b) {
-    if (property == '__Jasmine_been_here_before__') continue;
-    if (!this.equals_(a[property], b[property], mismatchKeys, mismatchValues)) {
-      mismatchValues.push("'" + property + "' was '" + (b[property] ? jasmine.util.htmlEscape(b[property].toString()) : b[property]) + "' in expected, but was '" + (a[property] ? jasmine.util.htmlEscape(a[property].toString()) : a[property]) + "' in actual.");
-    }
-  }
-  if (jasmine.isArray_(a) && jasmine.isArray_(b) && a.length != b.length) {
-    mismatchValues.push("arrays were not the same length");
-  }
-  delete a.__Jasmine_been_here_before__;
-  delete b.__Jasmine_been_here_before__;
-  return (mismatchKeys.length === 0 && mismatchValues.length === 0);
-jasmine.Env.prototype.equals_ = function(a, b, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues) {
-  mismatchKeys = mismatchKeys || [];
-  mismatchValues = mismatchValues || [];
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.equalityTesters_.length; i++) {
-    var equalityTester = this.equalityTesters_[i];
-    var result = equalityTester(a, b, this, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues);
-    if (result !== jasmine.undefined) return result;
-  }
-  if (a === b) return true;
-  if (a === jasmine.undefined || a === null || b === jasmine.undefined || b === null) {
-    return (a == jasmine.undefined && b == jasmine.undefined);
-  }
-  if (jasmine.isDomNode(a) && jasmine.isDomNode(b)) {
-    return a === b;
-  }
-  if (a instanceof Date && b instanceof Date) {
-    return a.getTime() == b.getTime();
-  }
-  if (a.jasmineMatches) {
-    return a.jasmineMatches(b);
-  }
-  if (b.jasmineMatches) {
-    return b.jasmineMatches(a);
-  }
-  if (a instanceof jasmine.Matchers.ObjectContaining) {
-    return a.matches(b);
-  }
-  if (b instanceof jasmine.Matchers.ObjectContaining) {
-    return b.matches(a);
-  }
-  if (jasmine.isString_(a) && jasmine.isString_(b)) {
-    return (a == b);
-  }
-  if (jasmine.isNumber_(a) && jasmine.isNumber_(b)) {
-    return (a == b);
-  }
-  if (typeof a === "object" && typeof b === "object") {
-    return this.compareObjects_(a, b, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues);
-  }
-  //Straight check
-  return (a === b);
-jasmine.Env.prototype.contains_ = function(haystack, needle) {
-  if (jasmine.isArray_(haystack)) {
-    for (var i = 0; i < haystack.length; i++) {
-      if (this.equals_(haystack[i], needle)) return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  return haystack.indexOf(needle) >= 0;
-jasmine.Env.prototype.addEqualityTester = function(equalityTester) {
-  this.equalityTesters_.push(equalityTester);
+    return this.currentRunner_;
+jasmine.Env.prototype.afterEach = function (afterEachFunction) {
+    if (this.currentSuite) {
+        this.currentSuite.afterEach(afterEachFunction);
+    } else {
+        this.currentRunner_.afterEach(afterEachFunction);
+    }
+jasmine.Env.prototype.xdescribe = function (desc, specDefinitions) {
+    return {
+        execute: function () {
+        }
+    };
+ = function (description, func) {
+    var spec = new jasmine.Spec(this, this.currentSuite, description);
+    this.currentSuite.add(spec);
+    this.currentSpec = spec;
+    if (func) {
+        spec.runs(func);
+    }
+    return spec;
+jasmine.Env.prototype.xit = function (desc, func) {
+    return {
+        id: this.nextSpecId(),
+        runs: function () {
+        }
+    };
+jasmine.Env.prototype.compareObjects_ = function (a, b, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues) {
+    if (a.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ === b && b.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ === a) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    a.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ = b;
+    b.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ = a;
+    var hasKey = function (obj, keyName) {
+        return obj !== null && obj[keyName] !== jasmine.undefined;
+    };
+    for (var property in b) {
+        if (!hasKey(a, property) && hasKey(b, property)) {
+            mismatchKeys.push("expected has key '" + property + "', but missing from actual.");
+        }
+    }
+    for (property in a) {
+        if (!hasKey(b, property) && hasKey(a, property)) {
+            mismatchKeys.push("expected missing key '" + property + "', but present in actual.");
+        }
+    }
+    for (property in b) {
+        if (property == '__Jasmine_been_here_before__') continue;
+        if (!this.equals_(a[property], b[property], mismatchKeys, mismatchValues)) {
+            mismatchValues.push("'" + property + "' was '" + (b[property] ? jasmine.util.htmlEscape(b[property].toString()) : b[property]) + "' in expected, but was '" + (a[property] ? jasmine.util.htmlEscape(a[property].toString()) : a[property]) + "' in actual.");
+        }
+    }
+    if (jasmine.isArray_(a) && jasmine.isArray_(b) && a.length != b.length) {
+        mismatchValues.push("arrays were not the same length");
+    }
+    delete a.__Jasmine_been_here_before__;
+    delete b.__Jasmine_been_here_before__;
+    return (mismatchKeys.length === 0 && mismatchValues.length === 0);
+jasmine.Env.prototype.equals_ = function (a, b, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues) {
+    mismatchKeys = mismatchKeys || [];
+    mismatchValues = mismatchValues || [];
+    for (var i = 0; i < this.equalityTesters_.length; i++) {
+        var equalityTester = this.equalityTesters_[i];
+        var result = equalityTester(a, b, this, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues);
+        if (result !== jasmine.undefined) return result;
+    }
+    if (a === b) return true;
+    if (a === jasmine.undefined || a === null || b === jasmine.undefined || b === null) {
+        return (a == jasmine.undefined && b == jasmine.undefined);
+    }
+    if (jasmine.isDomNode(a) && jasmine.isDomNode(b)) {
+        return a === b;
+    }
+    if (a instanceof Date && b instanceof Date) {
+        return a.getTime() == b.getTime();
+    }
+    if (a.jasmineMatches) {
+        return a.jasmineMatches(b);
+    }
+    if (b.jasmineMatches) {
+        return b.jasmineMatches(a);
+    }
+    if (a instanceof jasmine.Matchers.ObjectContaining) {
+        return a.matches(b);
+    }
+    if (b instanceof jasmine.Matchers.ObjectContaining) {
+        return b.matches(a);
+    }
+    if (jasmine.isString_(a) && jasmine.isString_(b)) {
+        return (a == b);
+    }
+    if (jasmine.isNumber_(a) && jasmine.isNumber_(b)) {
+        return (a == b);
+    }
+    if (typeof a === "object" && typeof b === "object") {
+        return this.compareObjects_(a, b, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues);
+    }
+    //Straight check
+    return (a === b);
+jasmine.Env.prototype.contains_ = function (haystack, needle) {
+    if (jasmine.isArray_(haystack)) {
+        for (var i = 0; i < haystack.length; i++) {
+            if (this.equals_(haystack[i], needle)) return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    return haystack.indexOf(needle) >= 0;
+jasmine.Env.prototype.addEqualityTester = function (equalityTester) {
+    this.equalityTesters_.push(equalityTester);
 /** No-op base class for Jasmine reporters.
  * @constructor
-jasmine.Reporter = function() {
+jasmine.Reporter = function () {
 //noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
-jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportRunnerStarting = function(runner) {
+jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportRunnerStarting = function (runner) {
 //noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
-jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportRunnerResults = function(runner) {
+jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportRunnerResults = function (runner) {
 //noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
-jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportSuiteResults = function(suite) {
+jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportSuiteResults = function (suite) {
 //noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
-jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportSpecStarting = function(spec) {
+jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportSpecStarting = function (spec) {
 //noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
-jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportSpecResults = function(spec) {
+jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportSpecResults = function (spec) {
 //noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
-jasmine.Reporter.prototype.log = function(str) {
+jasmine.Reporter.prototype.log = function (str) {
@@ -1013,120 +1013,120 @@
  * @param {Function} func
  * @param {jasmine.Spec} spec
-jasmine.Block = function(env, func, spec) {
-  this.env = env;
-  this.func = func;
-  this.spec = spec;
-jasmine.Block.prototype.execute = function(onComplete) {  
-  try {
-    this.func.apply(this.spec);
-  } catch (e) {
-  }
-  onComplete();
+jasmine.Block = function (env, func, spec) {
+    this.env = env;
+    this.func = func;
+    this.spec = spec;
+jasmine.Block.prototype.execute = function (onComplete) {
+    try {
+        this.func.apply(this.spec);
+    } catch (e) {
+    }
+    onComplete();
 /** JavaScript API reporter.
  * @constructor
-jasmine.JsApiReporter = function() {
-  this.started = false;
-  this.finished = false;
-  this.suites_ = [];
-  this.results_ = {};
-jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.reportRunnerStarting = function(runner) {
-  this.started = true;
-  var suites = runner.topLevelSuites();
-  for (var i = 0; i < suites.length; i++) {
-    var suite = suites[i];
-    this.suites_.push(this.summarize_(suite));
-  }
-jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.suites = function() {
-  return this.suites_;
-jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.summarize_ = function(suiteOrSpec) {
-  var isSuite = suiteOrSpec instanceof jasmine.Suite;
-  var summary = {
-    id:,
-    name: suiteOrSpec.description,
-    type: isSuite ? 'suite' : 'spec',
-    children: []
-  };
-  if (isSuite) {
-    var children = suiteOrSpec.children();
-    for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
-      summary.children.push(this.summarize_(children[i]));
-    }
-  }
-  return summary;
-jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.results = function() {
-  return this.results_;
-jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.resultsForSpec = function(specId) {
-  return this.results_[specId];
+jasmine.JsApiReporter = function () {
+    this.started = false;
+    this.finished = false;
+    this.suites_ = [];
+    this.results_ = {};
+jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.reportRunnerStarting = function (runner) {
+    this.started = true;
+    var suites = runner.topLevelSuites();
+    for (var i = 0; i < suites.length; i++) {
+        var suite = suites[i];
+        this.suites_.push(this.summarize_(suite));
+    }
+jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.suites = function () {
+    return this.suites_;
+jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.summarize_ = function (suiteOrSpec) {
+    var isSuite = suiteOrSpec instanceof jasmine.Suite;
+    var summary = {
+        id:,
+        name: suiteOrSpec.description,
+        type: isSuite ? 'suite' : 'spec',
+        children: []
+    };
+    if (isSuite) {
+        var children = suiteOrSpec.children();
+        for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
+            summary.children.push(this.summarize_(children[i]));
+        }
+    }
+    return summary;
+jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.results = function () {
+    return this.results_;
+jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.resultsForSpec = function (specId) {
+    return this.results_[specId];
 //noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
-jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.reportRunnerResults = function(runner) {
-  this.finished = true;
+jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.reportRunnerResults = function (runner) {
+    this.finished = true;
 //noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
-jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.reportSuiteResults = function(suite) {
+jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.reportSuiteResults = function (suite) {
 //noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
-jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.reportSpecResults = function(spec) {
-  this.results_[] = {
-    messages: spec.results().getItems(),
-    result: spec.results().failedCount > 0 ? "failed" : "passed"
-  };
+jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.reportSpecResults = function (spec) {
+    this.results_[] = {
+        messages: spec.results().getItems(),
+        result: spec.results().failedCount > 0 ? "failed" : "passed"
+    };
 //noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols
-jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.log = function(str) {
-jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.resultsForSpecs = function(specIds){
-  var results = {};
-  for (var i = 0; i < specIds.length; i++) {
-    var specId = specIds[i];
-    results[specId] = this.summarizeResult_(this.results_[specId]);
-  }
-  return results;
-jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.summarizeResult_ = function(result){
-  var summaryMessages = [];
-  var messagesLength = result.messages.length;
-  for (var messageIndex = 0; messageIndex < messagesLength; messageIndex++) {
-    var resultMessage = result.messages[messageIndex];
-    summaryMessages.push({
-      text: resultMessage.type == 'log' ? resultMessage.toString() : jasmine.undefined,
-      passed: resultMessage.passed ? resultMessage.passed() : true,
-      type: resultMessage.type,
-      message: resultMessage.message,
-      trace: {
-        stack: resultMessage.passed && !resultMessage.passed() ? resultMessage.trace.stack : jasmine.undefined
-      }
-    });
-  }
-  return {
-    result : result.result,
-    messages : summaryMessages
-  };
+jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.log = function (str) {
+jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.resultsForSpecs = function (specIds) {
+    var results = {};
+    for (var i = 0; i < specIds.length; i++) {
+        var specId = specIds[i];
+        results[specId] = this.summarizeResult_(this.results_[specId]);
+    }
+    return results;
+jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.summarizeResult_ = function (result) {
+    var summaryMessages = [];
+    var messagesLength = result.messages.length;
+    for (var messageIndex = 0; messageIndex < messagesLength; messageIndex++) {
+        var resultMessage = result.messages[messageIndex];
+        summaryMessages.push({
+            text: resultMessage.type == 'log' ? resultMessage.toString() : jasmine.undefined,
+            passed: resultMessage.passed ? resultMessage.passed() : true,
+            type: resultMessage.type,
+            message: resultMessage.message,
+            trace: {
+                stack: resultMessage.passed && !resultMessage.passed() ? resultMessage.trace.stack : jasmine.undefined
+            }
+        });
+    }
+    return {
+        result: result.result,
+        messages: summaryMessages
+    };
@@ -1135,83 +1135,83 @@
  * @param actual
  * @param {jasmine.Spec} spec
-jasmine.Matchers = function(env, actual, spec, opt_isNot) {
-  this.env = env;
-  this.actual = actual;
-  this.spec = spec;
-  this.isNot = opt_isNot || false;
-  this.reportWasCalled_ = false;
+jasmine.Matchers = function (env, actual, spec, opt_isNot) {
+    this.env = env;
+    this.actual = actual;
+    this.spec = spec;
+    this.isNot = opt_isNot || false;
+    this.reportWasCalled_ = false;
 // todo: @deprecated as of Jasmine 0.11, remove soon [xw]
-jasmine.Matchers.pp = function(str) {
-  throw new Error("jasmine.Matchers.pp() is no longer supported, please use jasmine.pp() instead!");
+jasmine.Matchers.pp = function (str) {
+    throw new Error("jasmine.Matchers.pp() is no longer supported, please use jasmine.pp() instead!");
 // todo: @deprecated Deprecated as of Jasmine 0.10. Rewrite your custom matchers to return true or false. [xw] = function(result, failing_message, details) {
-  throw new Error("As of jasmine 0.11, custom matchers must be implemented differently -- please see jasmine docs");
-jasmine.Matchers.wrapInto_ = function(prototype, matchersClass) {
-  for (var methodName in prototype) {
-    if (methodName == 'report') continue;
-    var orig = prototype[methodName];
-    matchersClass.prototype[methodName] = jasmine.Matchers.matcherFn_(methodName, orig);
-  }
-jasmine.Matchers.matcherFn_ = function(matcherName, matcherFunction) {
-  return function() {
-    var matcherArgs = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments);
-    var result = matcherFunction.apply(this, arguments);
-    if (this.isNot) {
-      result = !result;
-    }
-    if (this.reportWasCalled_) return result;
-    var message;
-    if (!result) {
-      if (this.message) {
-        message = this.message.apply(this, arguments);
-        if (jasmine.isArray_(message)) {
-          message = message[this.isNot ? 1 : 0];
-        }
-      } else {
-        var englishyPredicate = matcherName.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(s) { return ' ' + s.toLowerCase(); });
-        message = "Expected " + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + (this.isNot ? " not " : " ") + englishyPredicate;
-        if (matcherArgs.length > 0) {
-          for (var i = 0; i < matcherArgs.length; i++) {
-            if (i > 0) message += ",";
-            message += " " + jasmine.pp(matcherArgs[i]);
-          }
-        }
-        message += ".";
-      }
-    }
-    var expectationResult = new jasmine.ExpectationResult({
-      matcherName: matcherName,
-      passed: result,
-      expected: matcherArgs.length > 1 ? matcherArgs : matcherArgs[0],
-      actual: this.actual,
-      message: message
-    });
-    this.spec.addMatcherResult(expectationResult);
-    return jasmine.undefined;
-  };
- = function (result, failing_message, details) {
+    throw new Error("As of jasmine 0.11, custom matchers must be implemented differently -- please see jasmine docs");
+jasmine.Matchers.wrapInto_ = function (prototype, matchersClass) {
+    for (var methodName in prototype) {
+        if (methodName == 'report') continue;
+        var orig = prototype[methodName];
+        matchersClass.prototype[methodName] = jasmine.Matchers.matcherFn_(methodName, orig);
+    }
+jasmine.Matchers.matcherFn_ = function (matcherName, matcherFunction) {
+    return function () {
+        var matcherArgs = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments);
+        var result = matcherFunction.apply(this, arguments);
+        if (this.isNot) {
+            result = !result;
+        }
+        if (this.reportWasCalled_) return result;
+        var message;
+        if (!result) {
+            if (this.message) {
+                message = this.message.apply(this, arguments);
+                if (jasmine.isArray_(message)) {
+                    message = message[this.isNot ? 1 : 0];
+                }
+            } else {
+                var englishyPredicate = matcherName.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function (s) {
+                    return ' ' + s.toLowerCase();
+                });
+                message = "Expected " + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + (this.isNot ? " not " : " ") + englishyPredicate;
+                if (matcherArgs.length > 0) {
+                    for (var i = 0; i < matcherArgs.length; i++) {
+                        if (i > 0) message += ",";
+                        message += " " + jasmine.pp(matcherArgs[i]);
+                    }
+                }
+                message += ".";
+            }
+        }
+        var expectationResult = new jasmine.ExpectationResult({
+            matcherName: matcherName,
+            passed: result,
+            expected: matcherArgs.length > 1 ? matcherArgs : matcherArgs[0],
+            actual: this.actual,
+            message: message
+        });
+        this.spec.addMatcherResult(expectationResult);
+        return jasmine.undefined;
+    };
  * toBe: compares the actual to the expected using ===
  * @param expected
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBe = function(expected) {
-  return this.actual === expected;
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBe = function (expected) {
+    return this.actual === expected;
@@ -1219,8 +1219,8 @@
  * @param expected
  * @deprecated as of 1.0. Use not.toBe() instead.
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toNotBe = function(expected) {
-  return this.actual !== expected;
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toNotBe = function (expected) {
+    return this.actual !== expected;
@@ -1228,8 +1228,8 @@
  * @param expected
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toEqual = function(expected) {
-  return this.env.equals_(this.actual, expected);
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toEqual = function (expected) {
+    return this.env.equals_(this.actual, expected);
@@ -1237,8 +1237,8 @@
  * @param expected
  * @deprecated as of 1.0. Use not.toEqual() instead.
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toNotEqual = function(expected) {
-  return !this.env.equals_(this.actual, expected);
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toNotEqual = function (expected) {
+    return !this.env.equals_(this.actual, expected);
@@ -1247,8 +1247,8 @@
  * @param expected
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toMatch = function(expected) {
-  return new RegExp(expected).test(this.actual);
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toMatch = function (expected) {
+    return new RegExp(expected).test(this.actual);
@@ -1256,67 +1256,67 @@
  * @param expected
  * @deprecated as of 1.0. Use not.toMatch() instead.
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toNotMatch = function(expected) {
-  return !(new RegExp(expected).test(this.actual));
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toNotMatch = function (expected) {
+    return !(new RegExp(expected).test(this.actual));
  * Matcher that compares the actual to jasmine.undefined.
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeDefined = function() {
-  return (this.actual !== jasmine.undefined);
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeDefined = function () {
+    return (this.actual !== jasmine.undefined);
  * Matcher that compares the actual to jasmine.undefined.
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeUndefined = function() {
-  return (this.actual === jasmine.undefined);
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeUndefined = function () {
+    return (this.actual === jasmine.undefined);
  * Matcher that compares the actual to null.
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeNull = function() {
-  return (this.actual === null);
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeNull = function () {
+    return (this.actual === null);
  * Matcher that boolean not-nots the actual.
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeTruthy = function() {
-  return !!this.actual;
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeTruthy = function () {
+    return !!this.actual;
  * Matcher that boolean nots the actual.
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeFalsy = function() {
-  return !this.actual;
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeFalsy = function () {
+    return !this.actual;
  * Matcher that checks to see if the actual, a Jasmine spy, was called.
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toHaveBeenCalled = function() {
-  if (arguments.length > 0) {
-    throw new Error('toHaveBeenCalled does not take arguments, use toHaveBeenCalledWith');
-  }
-  if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) {
-    throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.');
-  }
-  this.message = function() {
-    return [
-      "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to have been called.",
-      "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " not to have been called."
-    ];
-  };
-  return this.actual.wasCalled;
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toHaveBeenCalled = function () {
+    if (arguments.length > 0) {
+        throw new Error('toHaveBeenCalled does not take arguments, use toHaveBeenCalledWith');
+    }
+    if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) {
+        throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.');
+    }
+    this.message = function () {
+        return [
+            "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to have been called.",
+            "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " not to have been called."
+        ];
+    };
+    return this.actual.wasCalled;
 /** @deprecated Use expect(xxx).toHaveBeenCalled() instead */
@@ -1327,23 +1327,23 @@
  * @deprecated Use expect(xxx).not.toHaveBeenCalled() instead
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.wasNotCalled = function() {
-  if (arguments.length > 0) {
-    throw new Error('wasNotCalled does not take arguments');
-  }
-  if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) {
-    throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.');
-  }
-  this.message = function() {
-    return [
-      "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to not have been called.",
-      "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to have been called."
-    ];
-  };
-  return !this.actual.wasCalled;
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.wasNotCalled = function () {
+    if (arguments.length > 0) {
+        throw new Error('wasNotCalled does not take arguments');
+    }
+    if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) {
+        throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.');
+    }
+    this.message = function () {
+        return [
+            "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to not have been called.",
+            "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to have been called."
+        ];
+    };
+    return !this.actual.wasCalled;
@@ -1352,47 +1352,47 @@
  * @example
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toHaveBeenCalledWith = function() {
-  var expectedArgs = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments);
-  if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) {
-    throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.');
-  }
-  this.message = function() {
-    if (this.actual.callCount === 0) {
-      // todo: what should the failure message for .not.toHaveBeenCalledWith() be? is this right? test better. [xw]
-      return [
-        "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was never called.",
-        "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " not to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was."
-      ];
-    } else {
-      return [
-        "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but was called with " + jasmine.pp(this.actual.argsForCall),
-        "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " not to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but was called with " + jasmine.pp(this.actual.argsForCall)
-      ];
-    }
-  };
-  return this.env.contains_(this.actual.argsForCall, expectedArgs);
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toHaveBeenCalledWith = function () {
+    var expectedArgs = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments);
+    if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) {
+        throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.');
+    }
+    this.message = function () {
+        if (this.actual.callCount === 0) {
+            // todo: what should the failure message for .not.toHaveBeenCalledWith() be? is this right? test better. [xw]
+            return [
+                "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was never called.",
+                "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " not to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was."
+            ];
+        } else {
+            return [
+                "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but was called with " + jasmine.pp(this.actual.argsForCall),
+                "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " not to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but was called with " + jasmine.pp(this.actual.argsForCall)
+            ];
+        }
+    };
+    return this.env.contains_(this.actual.argsForCall, expectedArgs);
 /** @deprecated Use expect(xxx).toHaveBeenCalledWith() instead */
 jasmine.Matchers.prototype.wasCalledWith = jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toHaveBeenCalledWith;
 /** @deprecated Use expect(xxx).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith() instead */
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.wasNotCalledWith = function() {
-  var expectedArgs = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments);
-  if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) {
-    throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.');
-  }
-  this.message = function() {
-    return [
-      "Expected spy not to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was",
-      "Expected spy to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was"
-    ];
-  };
-  return !this.env.contains_(this.actual.argsForCall, expectedArgs);
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.wasNotCalledWith = function () {
+    var expectedArgs = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments);
+    if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) {
+        throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.');
+    }
+    this.message = function () {
+        return [
+            "Expected spy not to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was",
+            "Expected spy to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was"
+        ];
+    };
+    return !this.env.contains_(this.actual.argsForCall, expectedArgs);
@@ -1400,8 +1400,8 @@
  * @param {Object} expected
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toContain = function(expected) {
-  return this.env.contains_(this.actual, expected);
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toContain = function (expected) {
+    return this.env.contains_(this.actual, expected);
@@ -1410,16 +1410,16 @@
  * @param {Object} expected
  * @deprecated as of 1.0. Use not.toContain() instead.
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toNotContain = function(expected) {
-  return !this.env.contains_(this.actual, expected);
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeLessThan = function(expected) {
-  return this.actual < expected;
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeGreaterThan = function(expected) {
-  return this.actual > expected;
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toNotContain = function (expected) {
+    return !this.env.contains_(this.actual, expected);
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeLessThan = function (expected) {
+    return this.actual < expected;
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeGreaterThan = function (expected) {
+    return this.actual > expected;
@@ -1429,14 +1429,14 @@
  * @param {Number} expected
  * @param {Number} precision
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeCloseTo = function(expected, precision) {
-  if (!(precision === 0)) {
-    precision = precision || 2;
-  }
-  var multiplier = Math.pow(10, precision);
-  var actual = Math.round(this.actual * multiplier);
-  expected = Math.round(expected * multiplier);
-  return expected == actual;
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeCloseTo = function (expected, precision) {
+    if (!(precision === 0)) {
+        precision = precision || 2;
+    }
+    var multiplier = Math.pow(10, precision);
+    var actual = Math.round(this.actual * multiplier);
+    expected = Math.round(expected * multiplier);
+    return expected == actual;
@@ -1444,335 +1444,335 @@
  * @param {String} expected
-jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toThrow = function(expected) {
-  var result = false;
-  var exception;
-  if (typeof this.actual != 'function') {
-    throw new Error('Actual is not a function');
-  }
-  try {
-    this.actual();
-  } catch (e) {
-    exception = e;
-  }
-  if (exception) {
-    result = (expected === jasmine.undefined || this.env.equals_(exception.message || exception, expected.message || expected));
-  }
-  var not = this.isNot ? "not " : "";
-  this.message = function() {
-    if (exception && (expected === jasmine.undefined || !this.env.equals_(exception.message || exception, expected.message || expected))) {
-      return ["Expected function " + not + "to throw", expected ? expected.message || expected : "an exception", ", but it threw", exception.message || exception].join(' ');
-    } else {
-      return "Expected function to throw an exception.";
-    }
-  };
-  return result;
-jasmine.Matchers.Any = function(expectedClass) {
-  this.expectedClass = expectedClass;
-jasmine.Matchers.Any.prototype.jasmineMatches = function(other) {
-  if (this.expectedClass == String) {
-    return typeof other == 'string' || other instanceof String;
-  }
-  if (this.expectedClass == Number) {
-    return typeof other == 'number' || other instanceof Number;
-  }
-  if (this.expectedClass == Function) {
-    return typeof other == 'function' || other instanceof Function;
-  }
-  if (this.expectedClass == Object) {
-    return typeof other == 'object';
-  }
-  return other instanceof this.expectedClass;
-jasmine.Matchers.Any.prototype.jasmineToString = function() {
-  return '<jasmine.any(' + this.expectedClass + ')>';
+jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toThrow = function (expected) {
+    var result = false;
+    var exception;
+    if (typeof this.actual != 'function') {
+        throw new Error('Actual is not a function');
+    }
+    try {
+        this.actual();
+    } catch (e) {
+        exception = e;
+    }
+    if (exception) {
+        result = (expected === jasmine.undefined || this.env.equals_(exception.message || exception, expected.message || expected));
+    }
+    var not = this.isNot ? "not " : "";
+    this.message = function () {
+        if (exception && (expected === jasmine.undefined || !this.env.equals_(exception.message || exception, expected.message || expected))) {
+            return ["Expected function " + not + "to throw", expected ? expected.message || expected : "an exception", ", but it threw", exception.message || exception].join(' ');
+        } else {
+            return "Expected function to throw an exception.";
+        }
+    };
+    return result;
+jasmine.Matchers.Any = function (expectedClass) {
+    this.expectedClass = expectedClass;
+jasmine.Matchers.Any.prototype.jasmineMatches = function (other) {
+    if (this.expectedClass == String) {
+        return typeof other == 'string' || other instanceof String;
+    }
+    if (this.expectedClass == Number) {
+        return typeof other == 'number' || other instanceof Number;
+    }
+    if (this.expectedClass == Function) {
+        return typeof other == 'function' || other instanceof Function;
+    }
+    if (this.expectedClass == Object) {
+        return typeof other == 'object';
+    }
+    return other instanceof this.expectedClass;
+jasmine.Matchers.Any.prototype.jasmineToString = function () {
+    return '<jasmine.any(' + this.expectedClass + ')>';
 jasmine.Matchers.ObjectContaining = function (sample) {
-  this.sample = sample;
-jasmine.Matchers.ObjectContaining.prototype.jasmineMatches = function(other, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues) {
-  mismatchKeys = mismatchKeys || [];
-  mismatchValues = mismatchValues || [];
-  var env = jasmine.getEnv();
-  var hasKey = function(obj, keyName) {
-    return obj != null && obj[keyName] !== jasmine.undefined;
-  };
-  for (var property in this.sample) {
-    if (!hasKey(other, property) && hasKey(this.sample, property)) {
-      mismatchKeys.push("expected has key '" + property + "', but missing from actual.");
-    }
-    else if (!env.equals_(this.sample[property], other[property], mismatchKeys, mismatchValues)) {
-      mismatchValues.push("'" + property + "' was '" + (other[property] ? jasmine.util.htmlEscape(other[property].toString()) : other[property]) + "' in expected, but was '" + (this.sample[property] ? jasmine.util.htmlEscape(this.sample[property].toString()) : this.sample[property]) + "' in actual.");
-    }
-  }
-  return (mismatchKeys.length === 0 && mismatchValues.length === 0);
+    this.sample = sample;
+jasmine.Matchers.ObjectContaining.prototype.jasmineMatches = function (other, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues) {
+    mismatchKeys = mismatchKeys || [];
+    mismatchValues = mismatchValues || [];
+    var env = jasmine.getEnv();
+    var hasKey = function (obj, keyName) {
+        return obj != null && obj[keyName] !== jasmine.undefined;
+    };
+    for (var property in this.sample) {
+        if (!hasKey(other, property) && hasKey(this.sample, property)) {
+            mismatchKeys.push("expected has key '" + property + "', but missing from actual.");
+        }
+        else if (!env.equals_(this.sample[property], other[property], mismatchKeys, mismatchValues)) {
+            mismatchValues.push("'" + property + "' was '" + (other[property] ? jasmine.util.htmlEscape(other[property].toString()) : other[property]) + "' in expected, but was '" + (this.sample[property] ? jasmine.util.htmlEscape(this.sample[property].toString()) : this.sample[property]) + "' in actual.");
+        }
+    }
+    return (mismatchKeys.length === 0 && mismatchValues.length === 0);
 jasmine.Matchers.ObjectContaining.prototype.jasmineToString = function () {
-  return "<jasmine.objectContaining(" + jasmine.pp(this.sample) + ")>";
+    return "<jasmine.objectContaining(" + jasmine.pp(this.sample) + ")>";
 // Mock setTimeout, clearTimeout
 // Contributed by Pivotal Computer Systems,
-jasmine.FakeTimer = function() {
-  this.reset();
-  var self = this;
-  self.setTimeout = function(funcToCall, millis) {
-    self.timeoutsMade++;
-    self.scheduleFunction(self.timeoutsMade, funcToCall, millis, false);
-    return self.timeoutsMade;
-  };
-  self.setInterval = function(funcToCall, millis) {
-    self.timeoutsMade++;
-    self.scheduleFunction(self.timeoutsMade, funcToCall, millis, true);
-    return self.timeoutsMade;
-  };
-  self.clearTimeout = function(timeoutKey) {
-    self.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey] = jasmine.undefined;
-  };
-  self.clearInterval = function(timeoutKey) {
-    self.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey] = jasmine.undefined;
-  };
-jasmine.FakeTimer.prototype.reset = function() {
-  this.timeoutsMade = 0;
-  this.scheduledFunctions = {};
-  this.nowMillis = 0;
-jasmine.FakeTimer.prototype.tick = function(millis) {
-  var oldMillis = this.nowMillis;
-  var newMillis = oldMillis + millis;
-  this.runFunctionsWithinRange(oldMillis, newMillis);
-  this.nowMillis = newMillis;
-jasmine.FakeTimer.prototype.runFunctionsWithinRange = function(oldMillis, nowMillis) {
-  var scheduledFunc;
-  var funcsToRun = [];
-  for (var timeoutKey in this.scheduledFunctions) {
-    scheduledFunc = this.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey];
-    if (scheduledFunc != jasmine.undefined &&
-        scheduledFunc.runAtMillis >= oldMillis &&
-        scheduledFunc.runAtMillis <= nowMillis) {
-      funcsToRun.push(scheduledFunc);
-      this.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey] = jasmine.undefined;
-    }
-  }
-  if (funcsToRun.length > 0) {
-    funcsToRun.sort(function(a, b) {
-      return a.runAtMillis - b.runAtMillis;
-    });
-    for (var i = 0; i < funcsToRun.length; ++i) {
-      try {
-        var funcToRun = funcsToRun[i];
-        this.nowMillis = funcToRun.runAtMillis;
-        funcToRun.funcToCall();
-        if (funcToRun.recurring) {
-          this.scheduleFunction(funcToRun.timeoutKey,
-              funcToRun.funcToCall,
-              funcToRun.millis,
-              true);
-        }
-      } catch(e) {
-      }
-    }
-    this.runFunctionsWithinRange(oldMillis, nowMillis);
-  }
-jasmine.FakeTimer.prototype.scheduleFunction = function(timeoutKey, funcToCall, millis, recurring) {
-  this.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey] = {
-    runAtMillis: this.nowMillis + millis,
-    funcToCall: funcToCall,
-    recurring: recurring,
-    timeoutKey: timeoutKey,
-    millis: millis
-  };
+jasmine.FakeTimer = function () {
+    this.reset();
+    var self = this;
+    self.setTimeout = function (funcToCall, millis) {
+        self.timeoutsMade++;
+        self.scheduleFunction(self.timeoutsMade, funcToCall, millis, false);
+        return self.timeoutsMade;
+    };
+    self.setInterval = function (funcToCall, millis) {
+        self.timeoutsMade++;
+        self.scheduleFunction(self.timeoutsMade, funcToCall, millis, true);
+        return self.timeoutsMade;
+    };
+    self.clearTimeout = function (timeoutKey) {
+        self.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey] = jasmine.undefined;
+    };
+    self.clearInterval = function (timeoutKey) {
+        self.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey] = jasmine.undefined;
+    };
+jasmine.FakeTimer.prototype.reset = function () {
+    this.timeoutsMade = 0;
+    this.scheduledFunctions = {};
+    this.nowMillis = 0;
+jasmine.FakeTimer.prototype.tick = function (millis) {
+    var oldMillis = this.nowMillis;
+    var newMillis = oldMillis + millis;
+    this.runFunctionsWithinRange(oldMillis, newMillis);
+    this.nowMillis = newMillis;
+jasmine.FakeTimer.prototype.runFunctionsWithinRange = function (oldMillis, nowMillis) {
+    var scheduledFunc;
+    var funcsToRun = [];
+    for (var timeoutKey in this.scheduledFunctions) {
+        scheduledFunc = this.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey];
+        if (scheduledFunc != jasmine.undefined &&
+            scheduledFunc.runAtMillis >= oldMillis &&
+            scheduledFunc.runAtMillis <= nowMillis) {
+            funcsToRun.push(scheduledFunc);
+            this.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey] = jasmine.undefined;
+        }
+    }
+    if (funcsToRun.length > 0) {
+        funcsToRun.sort(function (a, b) {
+            return a.runAtMillis - b.runAtMillis;
+        });
+        for (var i = 0; i < funcsToRun.length; ++i) {
+            try {
+                var funcToRun = funcsToRun[i];
+                this.nowMillis = funcToRun.runAtMillis;
+                funcToRun.funcToCall();
+                if (funcToRun.recurring) {
+                    this.scheduleFunction(funcToRun.timeoutKey,
+                        funcToRun.funcToCall,
+                        funcToRun.millis,
+                        true);
+                }
+            } catch (e) {
+            }
+        }
+        this.runFunctionsWithinRange(oldMillis, nowMillis);
+    }
+jasmine.FakeTimer.prototype.scheduleFunction = function (timeoutKey, funcToCall, millis, recurring) {
+    this.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey] = {
+        runAtMillis: this.nowMillis + millis,
+        funcToCall: funcToCall,
+        recurring: recurring,
+        timeoutKey: timeoutKey,
+        millis: millis
+    };
  * @namespace
 jasmine.Clock = {
-  defaultFakeTimer: new jasmine.FakeTimer(),
-  reset: function() {
-    jasmine.Clock.assertInstalled();
-    jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer.reset();
-  },
-  tick: function(millis) {
-    jasmine.Clock.assertInstalled();
-    jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer.tick(millis);
-  },
-  runFunctionsWithinRange: function(oldMillis, nowMillis) {
-    jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer.runFunctionsWithinRange(oldMillis, nowMillis);
-  },
-  scheduleFunction: function(timeoutKey, funcToCall, millis, recurring) {
-    jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer.scheduleFunction(timeoutKey, funcToCall, millis, recurring);
-  },
-  useMock: function() {
-    if (!jasmine.Clock.isInstalled()) {
-      var spec = jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec;
-      spec.after(jasmine.Clock.uninstallMock);
-      jasmine.Clock.installMock();
-    }
-  },
-  installMock: function() {
-    jasmine.Clock.installed = jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer;
-  },
-  uninstallMock: function() {
-    jasmine.Clock.assertInstalled();
-    jasmine.Clock.installed = jasmine.Clock.real;
-  },
-  real: {
-    setTimeout: jasmine.getGlobal().setTimeout,
-    clearTimeout: jasmine.getGlobal().clearTimeout,
-    setInterval: jasmine.getGlobal().setInterval,
-    clearInterval: jasmine.getGlobal().clearInterval
-  },
-  assertInstalled: function() {
-    if (!jasmine.Clock.isInstalled()) {
-      throw new Error("Mock clock is not installed, use jasmine.Clock.useMock()");
-    }
-  },
-  isInstalled: function() {
-    return jasmine.Clock.installed == jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer;
-  },
-  installed: null
+    defaultFakeTimer: new jasmine.FakeTimer(),
+    reset: function () {
+        jasmine.Clock.assertInstalled();
+        jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer.reset();
+    },
+    tick: function (millis) {
+        jasmine.Clock.assertInstalled();
+        jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer.tick(millis);
+    },
+    runFunctionsWithinRange: function (oldMillis, nowMillis) {
+        jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer.runFunctionsWithinRange(oldMillis, nowMillis);
+    },
+    scheduleFunction: function (timeoutKey, funcToCall, millis, recurring) {
+        jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer.scheduleFunction(timeoutKey, funcToCall, millis, recurring);
+    },
+    useMock: function () {
+        if (!jasmine.Clock.isInstalled()) {
+            var spec = jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec;
+            spec.after(jasmine.Clock.uninstallMock);
+            jasmine.Clock.installMock();
+        }
+    },
+    installMock: function () {
+        jasmine.Clock.installed = jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer;
+    },
+    uninstallMock: function () {
+        jasmine.Clock.assertInstalled();
+        jasmine.Clock.installed = jasmine.Clock.real;
+    },
+    real: {
+        setTimeout: jasmine.getGlobal().setTimeout,
+        clearTimeout: jasmine.getGlobal().clearTimeout,
+        setInterval: jasmine.getGlobal().setInterval,
+        clearInterval: jasmine.getGlobal().clearInterval
+    },
+    assertInstalled: function () {
+        if (!jasmine.Clock.isInstalled()) {
+            throw new Error("Mock clock is not installed, use jasmine.Clock.useMock()");
+        }
+    },
+    isInstalled: function () {
+        return jasmine.Clock.installed == jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer;
+    },
+    installed: null
 jasmine.Clock.installed = jasmine.Clock.real;
 //else for IE support
-jasmine.getGlobal().setTimeout = function(funcToCall, millis) {
-  if (jasmine.Clock.installed.setTimeout.apply) {
-    return jasmine.Clock.installed.setTimeout.apply(this, arguments);
-  } else {
-    return jasmine.Clock.installed.setTimeout(funcToCall, millis);
-  }
-jasmine.getGlobal().setInterval = function(funcToCall, millis) {
-  if (jasmine.Clock.installed.setInterval.apply) {
-    return jasmine.Clock.installed.setInterval.apply(this, arguments);
-  } else {
-    return jasmine.Clock.installed.setInterval(funcToCall, millis);
-  }
-jasmine.getGlobal().clearTimeout = function(timeoutKey) {
-  if (jasmine.Clock.installed.clearTimeout.apply) {
-    return jasmine.Clock.installed.clearTimeout.apply(this, arguments);
-  } else {
-    return jasmine.Clock.installed.clearTimeout(timeoutKey);
-  }
-jasmine.getGlobal().clearInterval = function(timeoutKey) {
-  if (jasmine.Clock.installed.clearTimeout.apply) {
-    return jasmine.Clock.installed.clearInterval.apply(this, arguments);
-  } else {
-    return jasmine.Clock.installed.clearInterval(timeoutKey);
-  }
+jasmine.getGlobal().setTimeout = function (funcToCall, millis) {
+    if (jasmine.Clock.installed.setTimeout.apply) {
+        return jasmine.Clock.installed.setTimeout.apply(this, arguments);
+    } else {
+        return jasmine.Clock.installed.setTimeout(funcToCall, millis);
+    }
+jasmine.getGlobal().setInterval = function (funcToCall, millis) {
+    if (jasmine.Clock.installed.setInterval.apply) {
+        return jasmine.Clock.installed.setInterval.apply(this, arguments);
+    } else {
+        return jasmine.Clock.installed.setInterval(funcToCall, millis);
+    }
+jasmine.getGlobal().clearTimeout = function (timeoutKey) {
+    if (jasmine.Clock.installed.clearTimeout.apply) {
+        return jasmine.Clock.installed.clearTimeout.apply(this, arguments);
+    } else {
+        return jasmine.Clock.installed.clearTimeout(timeoutKey);
+    }
+jasmine.getGlobal().clearInterval = function (timeoutKey) {
+    if (jasmine.Clock.installed.clearTimeout.apply) {
+        return jasmine.Clock.installed.clearInterval.apply(this, arguments);
+    } else {
+        return jasmine.Clock.installed.clearInterval(timeoutKey);
+    }
  * @constructor
-jasmine.MultiReporter = function() {
-  this.subReporters_ = [];
+jasmine.MultiReporter = function () {
+    this.subReporters_ = [];
 jasmine.util.inherit(jasmine.MultiReporter, jasmine.Reporter);
-jasmine.MultiReporter.prototype.addReporter = function(reporter) {
-  this.subReporters_.push(reporter);
-(function() {
-  var functionNames = [
-    "reportRunnerStarting",
-    "reportRunnerResults",
-    "reportSuiteResults",
-    "reportSpecStarting",
-    "reportSpecResults",
-    "log"
-  ];
-  for (var i = 0; i < functionNames.length; i++) {
-    var functionName = functionNames[i];
-    jasmine.MultiReporter.prototype[functionName] = (function(functionName) {
-      return function() {
-        for (var j = 0; j < this.subReporters_.length; j++) {
-          var subReporter = this.subReporters_[j];
-          if (subReporter[functionName]) {
-            subReporter[functionName].apply(subReporter, arguments);
-          }
-        }
-      };
-    })(functionName);
-  }
+jasmine.MultiReporter.prototype.addReporter = function (reporter) {
+    this.subReporters_.push(reporter);
+(function () {
+    var functionNames = [
+        "reportRunnerStarting",
+        "reportRunnerResults",
+        "reportSuiteResults",
+        "reportSpecStarting",
+        "reportSpecResults",
+        "log"
+    ];
+    for (var i = 0; i < functionNames.length; i++) {
+        var functionName = functionNames[i];
+        jasmine.MultiReporter.prototype[functionName] = (function (functionName) {
+            return function () {
+                for (var j = 0; j < this.subReporters_.length; j++) {
+                    var subReporter = this.subReporters_[j];
+                    if (subReporter[functionName]) {
+                        subReporter[functionName].apply(subReporter, arguments);
+                    }
+                }
+            };
+        })(functionName);
+    }
  * Holds results for a set of Jasmine spec. Allows for the results array to hold another jasmine.NestedResults
  * @constructor
-jasmine.NestedResults = function() {
-  /**
-   * The total count of results
-   */
-  this.totalCount = 0;
-  /**
-   * Number of passed results
-   */
-  this.passedCount = 0;
-  /**
-   * Number of failed results
-   */
-  this.failedCount = 0;
-  /**
-   * Was this suite/spec skipped?
-   */
-  this.skipped = false;
-  /**
-   * @ignore
-   */
-  this.items_ = [];
+jasmine.NestedResults = function () {
+    /**
+     * The total count of results
+     */
+    this.totalCount = 0;
+    /**
+     * Number of passed results
+     */
+    this.passedCount = 0;
+    /**
+     * Number of failed results
+     */
+    this.failedCount = 0;
+    /**
+     * Was this suite/spec skipped?
+     */
+    this.skipped = false;
+    /**
+     * @ignore
+     */
+    this.items_ = [];
@@ -1780,58 +1780,58 @@
  * @param result
-jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.rollupCounts = function(result) {
-  this.totalCount += result.totalCount;
-  this.passedCount += result.passedCount;
-  this.failedCount += result.failedCount;
+jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.rollupCounts = function (result) {
+    this.totalCount += result.totalCount;
+    this.passedCount += result.passedCount;
+    this.failedCount += result.failedCount;
  * Adds a log message.
  * @param values Array of message parts which will be concatenated later.
-jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.log = function(values) {
-  this.items_.push(new jasmine.MessageResult(values));
+jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.log = function (values) {
+    this.items_.push(new jasmine.MessageResult(values));
  * Getter for the results: message & results.
-jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.getItems = function() {
-  return this.items_;
+jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.getItems = function () {
+    return this.items_;
  * Adds a result, tracking counts (total, passed, & failed)
  * @param {jasmine.ExpectationResult|jasmine.NestedResults} result
-jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.addResult = function(result) {
-  if (result.type != 'log') {
-    if (result.items_) {
-      this.rollupCounts(result);
-    } else {
-      this.totalCount++;
-      if (result.passed()) {
-        this.passedCount++;
-      } else {
-        this.failedCount++;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  this.items_.push(result);
+jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.addResult = function (result) {
+    if (result.type != 'log') {
+        if (result.items_) {
+            this.rollupCounts(result);
+        } else {
+            this.totalCount++;
+            if (result.passed()) {
+                this.passedCount++;
+            } else {
+                this.failedCount++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    this.items_.push(result);
  * @returns {Boolean} True if <b>everything</b> below passed
-jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.passed = function() {
-  return this.passedCount === this.totalCount;
+jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.passed = function () {
+    return this.passedCount === this.totalCount;
  * Base class for pretty printing for expectation results.
-jasmine.PrettyPrinter = function() {
-  this.ppNestLevel_ = 0;
+jasmine.PrettyPrinter = function () {
+    this.ppNestLevel_ = 0;
@@ -1839,57 +1839,57 @@
  * @param value
-jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.format = function(value) {
-  if (this.ppNestLevel_ > 40) {
-    throw new Error('jasmine.PrettyPrinter: format() nested too deeply!');
-  }
-  this.ppNestLevel_++;
-  try {
-    if (value === jasmine.undefined) {
-      this.emitScalar('undefined');
-    } else if (value === null) {
-      this.emitScalar('null');
-    } else if (value === jasmine.getGlobal()) {
-      this.emitScalar('<global>');
-    } else if (value.jasmineToString) {
-      this.emitScalar(value.jasmineToString());
-    } else if (typeof value === 'string') {
-      this.emitString(value);
-    } else if (jasmine.isSpy(value)) {
-      this.emitScalar("spy on " + value.identity);
-    } else if (value instanceof RegExp) {
-      this.emitScalar(value.toString());
-    } else if (typeof value === 'function') {
-      this.emitScalar('Function');
-    } else if (typeof value.nodeType === 'number') {
-      this.emitScalar('HTMLNode');
-    } else if (value instanceof Date) {
-      this.emitScalar('Date(' + value + ')');
-    } else if (value.__Jasmine_been_here_before__) {
-      this.emitScalar('<circular reference: ' + (jasmine.isArray_(value) ? 'Array' : 'Object') + '>');
-    } else if (jasmine.isArray_(value) || typeof value == 'object') {
-      value.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ = true;
-      if (jasmine.isArray_(value)) {
-        this.emitArray(value);
-      } else {
-        this.emitObject(value);
-      }
-      delete value.__Jasmine_been_here_before__;
-    } else {
-      this.emitScalar(value.toString());
-    }
-  } finally {
-    this.ppNestLevel_--;
-  }
-jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.iterateObject = function(obj, fn) {
-  for (var property in obj) {
-    if (property == '__Jasmine_been_here_before__') continue;
-    fn(property, obj.__lookupGetter__ ? (obj.__lookupGetter__(property) !== jasmine.undefined && 
-                                         obj.__lookupGetter__(property) !== null) : false);
-  }
+jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.format = function (value) {
+    if (this.ppNestLevel_ > 40) {
+        throw new Error('jasmine.PrettyPrinter: format() nested too deeply!');
+    }
+    this.ppNestLevel_++;
+    try {
+        if (value === jasmine.undefined) {
+            this.emitScalar('undefined');
+        } else if (value === null) {
+            this.emitScalar('null');
+        } else if (value === jasmine.getGlobal()) {
+            this.emitScalar('<global>');
+        } else if (value.jasmineToString) {
+            this.emitScalar(value.jasmineToString());
+        } else if (typeof value === 'string') {
+            this.emitString(value);
+        } else if (jasmine.isSpy(value)) {
+            this.emitScalar("spy on " + value.identity);
+        } else if (value instanceof RegExp) {
+            this.emitScalar(value.toString());
+        } else if (typeof value === 'function') {
+            this.emitScalar('Function');
+        } else if (typeof value.nodeType === 'number') {
+            this.emitScalar('HTMLNode');
+        } else if (value instanceof Date) {
+            this.emitScalar('Date(' + value + ')');
+        } else if (value.__Jasmine_been_here_before__) {
+            this.emitScalar('<circular reference: ' + (jasmine.isArray_(value) ? 'Array' : 'Object') + '>');
+        } else if (jasmine.isArray_(value) || typeof value == 'object') {
+            value.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ = true;
+            if (jasmine.isArray_(value)) {
+                this.emitArray(value);
+            } else {
+                this.emitObject(value);
+            }
+            delete value.__Jasmine_been_here_before__;
+        } else {
+            this.emitScalar(value.toString());
+        }
+    } finally {
+        this.ppNestLevel_--;
+    }
+jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.iterateObject = function (obj, fn) {
+    for (var property in obj) {
+        if (property == '__Jasmine_been_here_before__') continue;
+        fn(property, obj.__lookupGetter__ ? (obj.__lookupGetter__(property) !== jasmine.undefined &&
+            obj.__lookupGetter__(property) !== null) : false);
+    }
 jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.emitArray = jasmine.unimplementedMethod_;
@@ -1897,155 +1897,155 @@
 jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.emitScalar = jasmine.unimplementedMethod_;
 jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.emitString = jasmine.unimplementedMethod_;
-jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter = function() {
-  this.string = '';
+jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter = function () {
+    this.string = '';
 jasmine.util.inherit(jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter, jasmine.PrettyPrinter);
-jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitScalar = function(value) {
-  this.append(value);
-jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitString = function(value) {
-  this.append("'" + value + "'");
-jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitArray = function(array) {
-  this.append('[ ');
-  for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
-    if (i > 0) {
-      this.append(', ');
-    }
-    this.format(array[i]);
-  }
-  this.append(' ]');
-jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitObject = function(obj) {
-  var self = this;
-  this.append('{ ');
-  var first = true;
-  this.iterateObject(obj, function(property, isGetter) {
-    if (first) {
-      first = false;
-    } else {
-      self.append(', ');
-    }
-    self.append(property);
-    self.append(' : ');
-    if (isGetter) {
-      self.append('<getter>');
-    } else {
-      self.format(obj[property]);
-    }
-  });
-  this.append(' }');
-jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.append = function(value) {
-  this.string += value;
-jasmine.Queue = function(env) {
-  this.env = env;
-  this.blocks = [];
-  this.running = false;
-  this.index = 0;
-  this.offset = 0;
-  this.abort = false;
-jasmine.Queue.prototype.addBefore = function(block) {
-  this.blocks.unshift(block);
-jasmine.Queue.prototype.add = function(block) {
-  this.blocks.push(block);
-jasmine.Queue.prototype.insertNext = function(block) {
-  this.blocks.splice((this.index + this.offset + 1), 0, block);
-  this.offset++;
-jasmine.Queue.prototype.start = function(onComplete) {
-  this.running = true;
-  this.onComplete = onComplete;
-  this.next_();
-jasmine.Queue.prototype.isRunning = function() {
-  return this.running;
+jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitScalar = function (value) {
+    this.append(value);
+jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitString = function (value) {
+    this.append("'" + value + "'");
+jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitArray = function (array) {
+    this.append('[ ');
+    for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
+        if (i > 0) {
+            this.append(', ');
+        }
+        this.format(array[i]);
+    }
+    this.append(' ]');
+jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitObject = function (obj) {
+    var self = this;
+    this.append('{ ');
+    var first = true;
+    this.iterateObject(obj, function (property, isGetter) {
+        if (first) {
+            first = false;
+        } else {
+            self.append(', ');
+        }
+        self.append(property);
+        self.append(' : ');
+        if (isGetter) {
+            self.append('<getter>');
+        } else {
+            self.format(obj[property]);
+        }
+    });
+    this.append(' }');
+jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.append = function (value) {
+    this.string += value;
+jasmine.Queue = function (env) {
+    this.env = env;
+    this.blocks = [];
+    this.running = false;
+    this.index = 0;
+    this.offset = 0;
+    this.abort = false;
+jasmine.Queue.prototype.addBefore = function (block) {
+    this.blocks.unshift(block);
+jasmine.Queue.prototype.add = function (block) {
+    this.blocks.push(block);
+jasmine.Queue.prototype.insertNext = function (block) {
+    this.blocks.splice((this.index + this.offset + 1), 0, block);
+    this.offset++;
+jasmine.Queue.prototype.start = function (onComplete) {
+    this.running = true;
+    this.onComplete = onComplete;
+    this.next_();
+jasmine.Queue.prototype.isRunning = function () {
+    return this.running;
 jasmine.Queue.LOOP_DONT_RECURSE = true;
-jasmine.Queue.prototype.next_ = function() {
-  var self = this;
-  var goAgain = true;
-  while (goAgain) {
-    goAgain = false;
-    if (self.index < self.blocks.length && !this.abort) {
-      var calledSynchronously = true;
-      var completedSynchronously = false;
-      var onComplete = function () {
-        if (jasmine.Queue.LOOP_DONT_RECURSE && calledSynchronously) {
-          completedSynchronously = true;
-          return;
-        }
-        if (self.blocks[self.index].abort) {
-          self.abort = true;
-        }
-        self.offset = 0;
-        self.index++;
-        var now = new Date().getTime();
-        if (self.env.updateInterval && now - self.env.lastUpdate > self.env.updateInterval) {
-          self.env.lastUpdate = now;
-          self.env.setTimeout(function() {
-            self.next_();
-          }, 0);
+jasmine.Queue.prototype.next_ = function () {
+    var self = this;
+    var goAgain = true;
+    while (goAgain) {
+        goAgain = false;
+        if (self.index < self.blocks.length && !this.abort) {
+            var calledSynchronously = true;
+            var completedSynchronously = false;
+            var onComplete = function () {
+                if (jasmine.Queue.LOOP_DONT_RECURSE && calledSynchronously) {
+                    completedSynchronously = true;
+                    return;
+                }
+                if (self.blocks[self.index].abort) {
+                    self.abort = true;
+                }
+                self.offset = 0;
+                self.index++;
+                var now = new Date().getTime();
+                if (self.env.updateInterval && now - self.env.lastUpdate > self.env.updateInterval) {
+                    self.env.lastUpdate = now;
+                    self.env.setTimeout(function () {
+                        self.next_();
+                    }, 0);
+                } else {
+                    if (jasmine.Queue.LOOP_DONT_RECURSE && completedSynchronously) {
+                        goAgain = true;
+                    } else {
+                        self.next_();
+                    }
+                }
+            };
+            self.blocks[self.index].execute(onComplete);
+            calledSynchronously = false;
+            if (completedSynchronously) {
+                onComplete();
+            }
         } else {
-          if (jasmine.Queue.LOOP_DONT_RECURSE && completedSynchronously) {
-            goAgain = true;
-          } else {
-            self.next_();
-          }
-        }
-      };
-      self.blocks[self.index].execute(onComplete);
-      calledSynchronously = false;
-      if (completedSynchronously) {
-        onComplete();
-      }
-    } else {
-      self.running = false;
-      if (self.onComplete) {
-        self.onComplete();
-      }
-    }
-  }
-jasmine.Queue.prototype.results = function() {
-  var results = new jasmine.NestedResults();
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.blocks.length; i++) {
-    if (this.blocks[i].results) {
-      results.addResult(this.blocks[i].results());
-    }
-  }
-  return results;
+            self.running = false;
+            if (self.onComplete) {
+                self.onComplete();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+jasmine.Queue.prototype.results = function () {
+    var results = new jasmine.NestedResults();
+    for (var i = 0; i < this.blocks.length; i++) {
+        if (this.blocks[i].results) {
+            results.addResult(this.blocks[i].results());
+        }
+    }
+    return results;
@@ -2055,76 +2055,76 @@
  * @constructor
  * @param {jasmine.Env} env
-jasmine.Runner = function(env) {
-  var self = this;
-  self.env = env;
-  self.queue = new jasmine.Queue(env);
-  self.before_ = [];
-  self.after_ = [];
-  self.suites_ = [];
-jasmine.Runner.prototype.execute = function() {
-  var self = this;
-  if (self.env.reporter.reportRunnerStarting) {
-    self.env.reporter.reportRunnerStarting(this);
-  }
-  self.queue.start(function () {
-    self.finishCallback();
-  });
-jasmine.Runner.prototype.beforeEach = function(beforeEachFunction) {
-  beforeEachFunction.typeName = 'beforeEach';
-  this.before_.splice(0,0,beforeEachFunction);
-jasmine.Runner.prototype.afterEach = function(afterEachFunction) {
-  afterEachFunction.typeName = 'afterEach';
-  this.after_.splice(0,0,afterEachFunction);
-jasmine.Runner.prototype.finishCallback = function() {
-  this.env.reporter.reportRunnerResults(this);
-jasmine.Runner.prototype.addSuite = function(suite) {
-  this.suites_.push(suite);
-jasmine.Runner.prototype.add = function(block) {
-  if (block instanceof jasmine.Suite) {
-    this.addSuite(block);
-  }
-  this.queue.add(block);
+jasmine.Runner = function (env) {
+    var self = this;
+    self.env = env;
+    self.queue = new jasmine.Queue(env);
+    self.before_ = [];
+    self.after_ = [];
+    self.suites_ = [];
+jasmine.Runner.prototype.execute = function () {
+    var self = this;
+    if (self.env.reporter.reportRunnerStarting) {
+        self.env.reporter.reportRunnerStarting(this);
+    }
+    self.queue.start(function () {
+        self.finishCallback();
+    });
+jasmine.Runner.prototype.beforeEach = function (beforeEachFunction) {
+    beforeEachFunction.typeName = 'beforeEach';
+    this.before_.splice(0, 0, beforeEachFunction);
+jasmine.Runner.prototype.afterEach = function (afterEachFunction) {
+    afterEachFunction.typeName = 'afterEach';
+    this.after_.splice(0, 0, afterEachFunction);
+jasmine.Runner.prototype.finishCallback = function () {
+    this.env.reporter.reportRunnerResults(this);
+jasmine.Runner.prototype.addSuite = function (suite) {
+    this.suites_.push(suite);
+jasmine.Runner.prototype.add = function (block) {
+    if (block instanceof jasmine.Suite) {
+        this.addSuite(block);
+    }
+    this.queue.add(block);
 jasmine.Runner.prototype.specs = function () {
-  var suites = this.suites();
-  var specs = [];
-  for (var i = 0; i < suites.length; i++) {
-    specs = specs.concat(suites[i].specs());
-  }
-  return specs;
-jasmine.Runner.prototype.suites = function() {
-  return this.suites_;
-jasmine.Runner.prototype.topLevelSuites = function() {
-  var topLevelSuites = [];
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.suites_.length; i++) {
-    if (!this.suites_[i].parentSuite) {
-      topLevelSuites.push(this.suites_[i]);
-    }
-  }
-  return topLevelSuites;
-jasmine.Runner.prototype.results = function() {
-  return this.queue.results();
+    var suites = this.suites();
+    var specs = [];
+    for (var i = 0; i < suites.length; i++) {
+        specs = specs.concat(suites[i].specs());
+    }
+    return specs;
+jasmine.Runner.prototype.suites = function () {
+    return this.suites_;
+jasmine.Runner.prototype.topLevelSuites = function () {
+    var topLevelSuites = [];
+    for (var i = 0; i < this.suites_.length; i++) {
+        if (!this.suites_[i].parentSuite) {
+            topLevelSuites.push(this.suites_[i]);
+        }
+    }
+    return topLevelSuites;
+jasmine.Runner.prototype.results = function () {
+    return this.queue.results();
  * Internal representation of a Jasmine specification, or test.
@@ -2134,35 +2134,35 @@
  * @param {jasmine.Suite} suite
  * @param {String} description
-jasmine.Spec = function(env, suite, description) {
-  if (!env) {
-    throw new Error('jasmine.Env() required');
-  }
-  if (!suite) {
-    throw new Error('jasmine.Suite() required');
-  }
-  var spec = this;
- = env.nextSpecId ? env.nextSpecId() : null;
-  spec.env = env;
-  spec.suite = suite;
-  spec.description = description;
-  spec.queue = new jasmine.Queue(env);
-  spec.afterCallbacks = [];
-  spec.spies_ = [];
-  spec.results_ = new jasmine.NestedResults();
-  spec.results_.description = description;
-  spec.matchersClass = null;
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.getFullName = function() {
-  return this.suite.getFullName() + ' ' + this.description + '.';
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.results = function() {
-  return this.results_;
+jasmine.Spec = function (env, suite, description) {
+    if (!env) {
+        throw new Error('jasmine.Env() required');
+    }
+    if (!suite) {
+        throw new Error('jasmine.Suite() required');
+    }
+    var spec = this;
+ = env.nextSpecId ? env.nextSpecId() : null;
+    spec.env = env;
+    spec.suite = suite;
+    spec.description = description;
+    spec.queue = new jasmine.Queue(env);
+    spec.afterCallbacks = [];
+    spec.spies_ = [];
+    spec.results_ = new jasmine.NestedResults();
+    spec.results_.description = description;
+    spec.matchersClass = null;
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.getFullName = function () {
+    return this.suite.getFullName() + ' ' + this.description + '.';
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.results = function () {
+    return this.results_;
@@ -2170,35 +2170,35 @@
  * Be careful not to leave calls to <code>jasmine.log</code> in production code.
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.log = function() {
-  return this.results_.log(arguments);
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.log = function () {
+    return this.results_.log(arguments);
 jasmine.Spec.prototype.runs = function (func) {
-  var block = new jasmine.Block(this.env, func, this);
-  this.addToQueue(block);
-  return this;
+    var block = new jasmine.Block(this.env, func, this);
+    this.addToQueue(block);
+    return this;
 jasmine.Spec.prototype.addToQueue = function (block) {
-  if (this.queue.isRunning()) {
-    this.queue.insertNext(block);
-  } else {
-    this.queue.add(block);
-  }
+    if (this.queue.isRunning()) {
+        this.queue.insertNext(block);
+    } else {
+        this.queue.add(block);
+    }
  * @param {jasmine.ExpectationResult} result
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.addMatcherResult = function(result) {
-  this.results_.addResult(result);
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.expect = function(actual) {
-  var positive = new (this.getMatchersClass_())(this.env, actual, this);
-  positive.not = new (this.getMatchersClass_())(this.env, actual, this, true);
-  return positive;
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.addMatcherResult = function (result) {
+    this.results_.addResult(result);
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.expect = function (actual) {
+    var positive = new (this.getMatchersClass_())(this.env, actual, this);
+    positive.not = new (this.getMatchersClass_())(this.env, actual, this, true);
+    return positive;
@@ -2207,10 +2207,10 @@
  * @deprecated Use waitsFor() instead
  * @param {Number} timeout milliseconds to wait
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.waits = function(timeout) {
-  var waitsFunc = new jasmine.WaitsBlock(this.env, timeout, this);
-  this.addToQueue(waitsFunc);
-  return this;
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.waits = function (timeout) {
+    var waitsFunc = new jasmine.WaitsBlock(this.env, timeout, this);
+    this.addToQueue(waitsFunc);
+    return this;
@@ -2220,153 +2220,153 @@
  * @param {String} optional_timeoutMessage
  * @param {Number} optional_timeout
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.waitsFor = function(latchFunction, optional_timeoutMessage, optional_timeout) {
-  var latchFunction_ = null;
-  var optional_timeoutMessage_ = null;
-  var optional_timeout_ = null;
-  for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
-    var arg = arguments[i];
-    switch (typeof arg) {
-      case 'function':
-        latchFunction_ = arg;
-        break;
-      case 'string':
-        optional_timeoutMessage_ = arg;
-        break;
-      case 'number':
-        optional_timeout_ = arg;
-        break;
-    }
-  }
-  var waitsForFunc = new jasmine.WaitsForBlock(this.env, optional_timeout_, latchFunction_, optional_timeoutMessage_, this);
-  this.addToQueue(waitsForFunc);
-  return this;
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.waitsFor = function (latchFunction, optional_timeoutMessage, optional_timeout) {
+    var latchFunction_ = null;
+    var optional_timeoutMessage_ = null;
+    var optional_timeout_ = null;
+    for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+        var arg = arguments[i];
+        switch (typeof arg) {
+            case 'function':
+                latchFunction_ = arg;
+                break;
+            case 'string':
+                optional_timeoutMessage_ = arg;
+                break;
+            case 'number':
+                optional_timeout_ = arg;
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    var waitsForFunc = new jasmine.WaitsForBlock(this.env, optional_timeout_, latchFunction_, optional_timeoutMessage_, this);
+    this.addToQueue(waitsForFunc);
+    return this;
 }; = function (e) {
-  var expectationResult = new jasmine.ExpectationResult({
-    passed: false,
-    message: e ? jasmine.util.formatException(e) : 'Exception',
-    trace: { stack: e.stack }
-  });
-  this.results_.addResult(expectationResult);
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.getMatchersClass_ = function() {
-  return this.matchersClass || this.env.matchersClass;
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.addMatchers = function(matchersPrototype) {
-  var parent = this.getMatchersClass_();
-  var newMatchersClass = function() {
-    parent.apply(this, arguments);
-  };
-  jasmine.util.inherit(newMatchersClass, parent);
-  jasmine.Matchers.wrapInto_(matchersPrototype, newMatchersClass);
-  this.matchersClass = newMatchersClass;
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.finishCallback = function() {
-  this.env.reporter.reportSpecResults(this);
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.finish = function(onComplete) {
-  this.removeAllSpies();
-  this.finishCallback();
-  if (onComplete) {
-    onComplete();
-  }
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.after = function(doAfter) {
-  if (this.queue.isRunning()) {
-    this.queue.add(new jasmine.Block(this.env, doAfter, this));
-  } else {
-    this.afterCallbacks.unshift(doAfter);
-  }
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.execute = function(onComplete) {
-  var spec = this;
-  if (!spec.env.specFilter(spec)) {
-    spec.results_.skipped = true;
-    spec.finish(onComplete);
-    return;
-  }
-  this.env.reporter.reportSpecStarting(this);
-  spec.env.currentSpec = spec;
-  spec.addBeforesAndAftersToQueue();
-  spec.queue.start(function () {
-    spec.finish(onComplete);
-  });
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.addBeforesAndAftersToQueue = function() {
-  var runner = this.env.currentRunner();
-  var i;
-  for (var suite = this.suite; suite; suite = suite.parentSuite) {
-    for (i = 0; i < suite.before_.length; i++) {
-      this.queue.addBefore(new jasmine.Block(this.env, suite.before_[i], this));
-    }
-  }
-  for (i = 0; i < runner.before_.length; i++) {
-    this.queue.addBefore(new jasmine.Block(this.env, runner.before_[i], this));
-  }
-  for (i = 0; i < this.afterCallbacks.length; i++) {
-    this.queue.add(new jasmine.Block(this.env, this.afterCallbacks[i], this));
-  }
-  for (suite = this.suite; suite; suite = suite.parentSuite) {
-    for (i = 0; i < suite.after_.length; i++) {
-      this.queue.add(new jasmine.Block(this.env, suite.after_[i], this));
-    }
-  }
-  for (i = 0; i < runner.after_.length; i++) {
-    this.queue.add(new jasmine.Block(this.env, runner.after_[i], this));
-  }
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.explodes = function() {
-  throw 'explodes function should not have been called';
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.spyOn = function(obj, methodName, ignoreMethodDoesntExist) {
-  if (obj == jasmine.undefined) {
-    throw "spyOn could not find an object to spy upon for " + methodName + "()";
-  }
-  if (!ignoreMethodDoesntExist && obj[methodName] === jasmine.undefined) {
-    throw methodName + '() method does not exist';
-  }
-  if (!ignoreMethodDoesntExist && obj[methodName] && obj[methodName].isSpy) {
-    throw new Error(methodName + ' has already been spied upon');
-  }
-  var spyObj = jasmine.createSpy(methodName);
-  this.spies_.push(spyObj);
-  spyObj.baseObj = obj;
-  spyObj.methodName = methodName;
-  spyObj.originalValue = obj[methodName];
-  obj[methodName] = spyObj;
-  return spyObj;
-jasmine.Spec.prototype.removeAllSpies = function() {
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.spies_.length; i++) {
-    var spy = this.spies_[i];
-    spy.baseObj[spy.methodName] = spy.originalValue;
-  }
-  this.spies_ = [];
+    var expectationResult = new jasmine.ExpectationResult({
+        passed: false,
+        message: e ? jasmine.util.formatException(e) : 'Exception',
+        trace: { stack: e.stack }
+    });
+    this.results_.addResult(expectationResult);
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.getMatchersClass_ = function () {
+    return this.matchersClass || this.env.matchersClass;
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.addMatchers = function (matchersPrototype) {
+    var parent = this.getMatchersClass_();
+    var newMatchersClass = function () {
+        parent.apply(this, arguments);
+    };
+    jasmine.util.inherit(newMatchersClass, parent);
+    jasmine.Matchers.wrapInto_(matchersPrototype, newMatchersClass);
+    this.matchersClass = newMatchersClass;
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.finishCallback = function () {
+    this.env.reporter.reportSpecResults(this);
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.finish = function (onComplete) {
+    this.removeAllSpies();
+    this.finishCallback();
+    if (onComplete) {
+        onComplete();
+    }
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.after = function (doAfter) {
+    if (this.queue.isRunning()) {
+        this.queue.add(new jasmine.Block(this.env, doAfter, this));
+    } else {
+        this.afterCallbacks.unshift(doAfter);
+    }
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.execute = function (onComplete) {
+    var spec = this;
+    if (!spec.env.specFilter(spec)) {
+        spec.results_.skipped = true;
+        spec.finish(onComplete);
+        return;
+    }
+    this.env.reporter.reportSpecStarting(this);
+    spec.env.currentSpec = spec;
+    spec.addBeforesAndAftersToQueue();
+    spec.queue.start(function () {
+        spec.finish(onComplete);
+    });
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.addBeforesAndAftersToQueue = function () {
+    var runner = this.env.currentRunner();
+    var i;
+    for (var suite = this.suite; suite; suite = suite.parentSuite) {
+        for (i = 0; i < suite.before_.length; i++) {
+            this.queue.addBefore(new jasmine.Block(this.env, suite.before_[i], this));
+        }
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < runner.before_.length; i++) {
+        this.queue.addBefore(new jasmine.Block(this.env, runner.before_[i], this));
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < this.afterCallbacks.length; i++) {
+        this.queue.add(new jasmine.Block(this.env, this.afterCallbacks[i], this));
+    }
+    for (suite = this.suite; suite; suite = suite.parentSuite) {
+        for (i = 0; i < suite.after_.length; i++) {
+            this.queue.add(new jasmine.Block(this.env, suite.after_[i], this));
+        }
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < runner.after_.length; i++) {
+        this.queue.add(new jasmine.Block(this.env, runner.after_[i], this));
+    }
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.explodes = function () {
+    throw 'explodes function should not have been called';
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.spyOn = function (obj, methodName, ignoreMethodDoesntExist) {
+    if (obj == jasmine.undefined) {
+        throw "spyOn could not find an object to spy upon for " + methodName + "()";
+    }
+    if (!ignoreMethodDoesntExist && obj[methodName] === jasmine.undefined) {
+        throw methodName + '() method does not exist';
+    }
+    if (!ignoreMethodDoesntExist && obj[methodName] && obj[methodName].isSpy) {
+        throw new Error(methodName + ' has already been spied upon');
+    }
+    var spyObj = jasmine.createSpy(methodName);
+    this.spies_.push(spyObj);
+    spyObj.baseObj = obj;
+    spyObj.methodName = methodName;
+    spyObj.originalValue = obj[methodName];
+    obj[methodName] = spyObj;
+    return spyObj;
+jasmine.Spec.prototype.removeAllSpies = function () {
+    for (var i = 0; i < this.spies_.length; i++) {
+        var spy = this.spies_[i];
+        spy.baseObj[spy.methodName] = spy.originalValue;
+    }
+    this.spies_ = [];
@@ -2378,93 +2378,93 @@
  * @param {Function} specDefinitions
  * @param {jasmine.Suite} parentSuite
-jasmine.Suite = function(env, description, specDefinitions, parentSuite) {
-  var self = this;
- = env.nextSuiteId ? env.nextSuiteId() : null;
-  self.description = description;
-  self.queue = new jasmine.Queue(env);
-  self.parentSuite = parentSuite;
-  self.env = env;
-  self.before_ = [];
-  self.after_ = [];
-  self.children_ = [];
-  self.suites_ = [];
-  self.specs_ = [];
-jasmine.Suite.prototype.getFullName = function() {
-  var fullName = this.description;
-  for (var parentSuite = this.parentSuite; parentSuite; parentSuite = parentSuite.parentSuite) {
-    fullName = parentSuite.description + ' ' + fullName;
-  }
-  return fullName;
-jasmine.Suite.prototype.finish = function(onComplete) {
-  this.env.reporter.reportSuiteResults(this);
-  this.finished = true;
-  if (typeof(onComplete) == 'function') {
-    onComplete();
-  }
-jasmine.Suite.prototype.beforeEach = function(beforeEachFunction) {
-  beforeEachFunction.typeName = 'beforeEach';
-  this.before_.unshift(beforeEachFunction);
-jasmine.Suite.prototype.afterEach = function(afterEachFunction) {
-  afterEachFunction.typeName = 'afterEach';
-  this.after_.unshift(afterEachFunction);
-jasmine.Suite.prototype.results = function() {
-  return this.queue.results();
-jasmine.Suite.prototype.add = function(suiteOrSpec) {
-  this.children_.push(suiteOrSpec);
-  if (suiteOrSpec instanceof jasmine.Suite) {
-    this.suites_.push(suiteOrSpec);
-    this.env.currentRunner().addSuite(suiteOrSpec);
-  } else {
-    this.specs_.push(suiteOrSpec);
-  }
-  this.queue.add(suiteOrSpec);
-jasmine.Suite.prototype.specs = function() {
-  return this.specs_;
-jasmine.Suite.prototype.suites = function() {
-  return this.suites_;
-jasmine.Suite.prototype.children = function() {
-  return this.children_;
-jasmine.Suite.prototype.execute = function(onComplete) {
-  var self = this;
-  this.queue.start(function () {
-    self.finish(onComplete);
-  });
-jasmine.WaitsBlock = function(env, timeout, spec) {
-  this.timeout = timeout;
-, env, null, spec);
+jasmine.Suite = function (env, description, specDefinitions, parentSuite) {
+    var self = this;
+ = env.nextSuiteId ? env.nextSuiteId() : null;
+    self.description = description;
+    self.queue = new jasmine.Queue(env);
+    self.parentSuite = parentSuite;
+    self.env = env;
+    self.before_ = [];
+    self.after_ = [];
+    self.children_ = [];
+    self.suites_ = [];
+    self.specs_ = [];
+jasmine.Suite.prototype.getFullName = function () {
+    var fullName = this.description;
+    for (var parentSuite = this.parentSuite; parentSuite; parentSuite = parentSuite.parentSuite) {
+        fullName = parentSuite.description + ' ' + fullName;
+    }
+    return fullName;
+jasmine.Suite.prototype.finish = function (onComplete) {
+    this.env.reporter.reportSuiteResults(this);
+    this.finished = true;
+    if (typeof(onComplete) == 'function') {
+        onComplete();
+    }
+jasmine.Suite.prototype.beforeEach = function (beforeEachFunction) {
+    beforeEachFunction.typeName = 'beforeEach';
+    this.before_.unshift(beforeEachFunction);
+jasmine.Suite.prototype.afterEach = function (afterEachFunction) {
+    afterEachFunction.typeName = 'afterEach';
+    this.after_.unshift(afterEachFunction);
+jasmine.Suite.prototype.results = function () {
+    return this.queue.results();
+jasmine.Suite.prototype.add = function (suiteOrSpec) {
+    this.children_.push(suiteOrSpec);
+    if (suiteOrSpec instanceof jasmine.Suite) {
+        this.suites_.push(suiteOrSpec);
+        this.env.currentRunner().addSuite(suiteOrSpec);
+    } else {
+        this.specs_.push(suiteOrSpec);
+    }
+    this.queue.add(suiteOrSpec);
+jasmine.Suite.prototype.specs = function () {
+    return this.specs_;
+jasmine.Suite.prototype.suites = function () {
+    return this.suites_;
+jasmine.Suite.prototype.children = function () {
+    return this.children_;
+jasmine.Suite.prototype.execute = function (onComplete) {
+    var self = this;
+    this.queue.start(function () {
+        self.finish(onComplete);
+    });
+jasmine.WaitsBlock = function (env, timeout, spec) {
+    this.timeout = timeout;
+, env, null, spec);
 jasmine.util.inherit(jasmine.WaitsBlock, jasmine.Block);
 jasmine.WaitsBlock.prototype.execute = function (onComplete) {
-  if (jasmine.VERBOSE) {
-    this.env.reporter.log('>> Jasmine waiting for ' + this.timeout + ' ms...');
-  }
-  this.env.setTimeout(function () {
-    onComplete();
-  }, this.timeout);
+    if (jasmine.VERBOSE) {
+        this.env.reporter.log('>> Jasmine waiting for ' + this.timeout + ' ms...');
+    }
+    this.env.setTimeout(function () {
+        onComplete();
+    }, this.timeout);
  * A block which waits for some condition to become true, with timeout.
@@ -2477,54 +2477,54 @@
  * @param {String} message The message to display if the desired condition hasn't been met within the given time period.
  * @param {jasmine.Spec} spec The Jasmine spec.
-jasmine.WaitsForBlock = function(env, timeout, latchFunction, message, spec) {
-  this.timeout = timeout || env.defaultTimeoutInterval;
-  this.latchFunction = latchFunction;
-  this.message = message;
-  this.totalTimeSpentWaitingForLatch = 0;
-, env, null, spec);
+jasmine.WaitsForBlock = function (env, timeout, latchFunction, message, spec) {
+    this.timeout = timeout || env.defaultTimeoutInterval;
+    this.latchFunction = latchFunction;
+    this.message = message;
+    this.totalTimeSpentWaitingForLatch = 0;
+, env, null, spec);
 jasmine.util.inherit(jasmine.WaitsForBlock, jasmine.Block);
 jasmine.WaitsForBlock.TIMEOUT_INCREMENT = 10;
-jasmine.WaitsForBlock.prototype.execute = function(onComplete) {
-  if (jasmine.VERBOSE) {
-    this.env.reporter.log('>> Jasmine waiting for ' + (this.message || 'something to happen'));
-  }
-  var latchFunctionResult;
-  try {
-    latchFunctionResult = this.latchFunction.apply(this.spec);
-  } catch (e) {
-    onComplete();
-    return;
-  }
-  if (latchFunctionResult) {
-    onComplete();
-  } else if (this.totalTimeSpentWaitingForLatch >= this.timeout) {
-    var message = 'timed out after ' + this.timeout + ' msec waiting for ' + (this.message || 'something to happen');
-      name: 'timeout',
-      message: message
-    });
-    this.abort = true;
-    onComplete();
-  } else {
-    this.totalTimeSpentWaitingForLatch += jasmine.WaitsForBlock.TIMEOUT_INCREMENT;
-    var self = this;
-    this.env.setTimeout(function() {
-      self.execute(onComplete);
-    }, jasmine.WaitsForBlock.TIMEOUT_INCREMENT);
-  }
-jasmine.version_= {
-  "major": 1,
-  "minor": 2,
-  "build": 0,
-  "revision": 1337005947
+jasmine.WaitsForBlock.prototype.execute = function (onComplete) {
+    if (jasmine.VERBOSE) {
+        this.env.reporter.log('>> Jasmine waiting for ' + (this.message || 'something to happen'));
+    }
+    var latchFunctionResult;
+    try {
+        latchFunctionResult = this.latchFunction.apply(this.spec);
+    } catch (e) {
+        onComplete();
+        return;
+    }
+    if (latchFunctionResult) {
+        onComplete();
+    } else if (this.totalTimeSpentWaitingForLatch >= this.timeout) {
+        var message = 'timed out after ' + this.timeout + ' msec waiting for ' + (this.message || 'something to happen');
+            name: 'timeout',
+            message: message
+        });
+        this.abort = true;
+        onComplete();
+    } else {
+        this.totalTimeSpentWaitingForLatch += jasmine.WaitsForBlock.TIMEOUT_INCREMENT;
+        var self = this;
+        this.env.setTimeout(function () {
+            self.execute(onComplete);
+        }, jasmine.WaitsForBlock.TIMEOUT_INCREMENT);
+    }
+jasmine.version_ = {
+    "major": 1,
+    "minor": 2,
+    "build": 0,
+    "revision": 1337005947

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+        ]
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-      "./examples/js/Example.js",
-      "./examples/js/Editor.js",
-      "./examples/js/Profile.js"
-    ],
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-      "./examples/js/ExampleList.js",
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-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-bubble.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-candle.js",
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-      "./examples/js/examples/mouse-zoom.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/mouse-drag.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-time.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/negative-values.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/click-example.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/download-image.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/download-data.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/advanced-titles.js",
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-      "./examples/js/examples/profile-bars.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-timeline.js",
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+            },
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+            }
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+            "./examples/js/Example.js",
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+            "./examples/js/Profile.js"
+        ],
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+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-stacked.js",
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+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-bubble.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-candle.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-legend.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/mouse-tracking.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/mouse-zoom.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/mouse-drag.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-time.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/negative-values.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/click-example.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/download-image.js",
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+            "./examples/js/examples/profile-bars.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-timeline.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/advanced-markers.js"
+        ]
+    }

--- a/js/flotr2/make/examples.json
+++ b/js/flotr2/make/examples.json
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
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-      "./examples/js/Examples.js",
-      "./examples/js/Example.js",
-      "./examples/js/Editor.js",
-      "./examples/js/Profile.js"
-    ],
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-      "./examples/js/examples/basic.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-stacked.js",
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-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-bars-stacked.js",
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-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-candle.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-legend.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/mouse-tracking.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/mouse-zoom.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/mouse-drag.js",
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-      "./examples/js/examples/negative-values.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/click-example.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/download-image.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/download-data.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/advanced-titles.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/color-gradients.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/profile-bars.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/basic-timeline.js",
-      "./examples/js/examples/advanced-markers.js"
-    ]
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+            "./examples/js/Examples.js",
+            "./examples/js/Example.js",
+            "./examples/js/Editor.js",
+            "./examples/js/Profile.js"
+        ],
+        "examples-types": [
+            "./examples/js/ExampleList.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-stacked.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-stepped.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-axis.js",
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+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-bars-stacked.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-pie.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-radar.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-bubble.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-candle.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-legend.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/mouse-tracking.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/mouse-zoom.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/mouse-drag.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-time.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/negative-values.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/click-example.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/download-image.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/download-data.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/advanced-titles.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/color-gradients.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/profile-bars.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/basic-timeline.js",
+            "./examples/js/examples/advanced-markers.js"
+        ]
+    }

--- a/js/flotr2/make/flotr2.json
+++ b/js/flotr2/make/flotr2.json
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-    "flotr2": [
-      "./js/Flotr.js",
-      "./js/DefaultOptions.js",
-      "./js/Color.js",
-      "./js/Date.js",
-      "./js/DOM.js",
-      "./js/EventAdapter.js",
-      "./js/Text.js",
-      "./js/Graph.js",
-      "./js/Axis.js",
-      "./js/Series.js",
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-      "./js/types/bars.js",
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-      "./js/types/candles.js",
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-      "./js/plugins/grid.js",
-      "./js/plugins/hit.js",
-      "./js/plugins/selection.js",
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-      "./js/plugins/legend.js",
-      "./js/plugins/spreadsheet.js",
-      "./js/plugins/titles.js"
-    ]
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+        "DIST_DIR": "./build",
+        "flotr2": [
+            "./js/Flotr.js",
+            "./js/DefaultOptions.js",
+            "./js/Color.js",
+            "./js/Date.js",
+            "./js/DOM.js",
+            "./js/EventAdapter.js",
+            "./js/Text.js",
+            "./js/Graph.js",
+            "./js/Axis.js",
+            "./js/Series.js",
+            "./js/types/lines.js",
+            "./js/types/bars.js",
+            "./js/types/bubbles.js",
+            "./js/types/candles.js",
+            "./js/types/gantt.js",
+            "./js/types/markers.js",
+            "./js/types/pie.js",
+            "./js/types/points.js",
+            "./js/types/radar.js",
+            "./js/types/timeline.js",
+            "./js/plugins/crosshair.js",
+            "./js/plugins/download.js",
+            "./js/plugins/grid.js",
+            "./js/plugins/hit.js",
+            "./js/plugins/selection.js",
+            "./js/plugins/labels.js",
+            "./js/plugins/legend.js",
+            "./js/plugins/spreadsheet.js",
+            "./js/plugins/titles.js"
+        ]
+    }

--- a/js/flotr2/make/ie.json
+++ b/js/flotr2/make/ie.json
@@ -1,11 +1,20 @@
-    "DIST_DIR": "./build",
-    "ie": [
-      { "src": "./lib/excanvas.js", "jshint": false },
-      { "src": "./lib/base64.js", "jshint": false },
-      { "src": "./lib/canvastext.js", "jshint": false }
-    ]
-  }
+    "JAVASCRIPT": {
+        "DIST_DIR": "./build",
+        "ie": [
+            {
+                "src": "./lib/excanvas.js",
+                "jshint": false
+            },
+            {
+                "src": "./lib/base64.js",
+                "jshint": false
+            },
+            {
+                "src": "./lib/canvastext.js",
+                "jshint": false
+            }
+        ]
+    }

--- a/js/flotr2/make/lib.json
+++ b/js/flotr2/make/lib.json
@@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
-    "DIST_DIR": "./build",
-    "bean": [
-      { "src": "./lib/bean.js", "jshint": false }
-    ],
-    "underscore": [
-      { "src": "./lib/underscore.js", "jshint": false }
-    ]
-  }
+    "JAVASCRIPT": {
+        "DIST_DIR": "./build",
+        "bean": [
+            {
+                "src": "./lib/bean.js",
+                "jshint": false
+            }
+        ],
+        "underscore": [
+            {
+                "src": "./lib/underscore.js",
+                "jshint": false
+            }
+        ]
+    }

--- a/js/flotr2/spec/Chart.js
+++ b/js/flotr2/spec/Chart.js
@@ -1,121 +1,133 @@
 describe('Charts', function () {
-  var
-    width = 480,
-    height = 320,
-    a, b, options, defaults;
+    var
+        width = 480,
+        height = 320,
+        a, b, options, defaults;
-  defaults = {
-    width : 480,
-    height : 320,
-    color : "rgb(192,216,0)",
-    context : null,
-    data : null,
-    fill : false,
-    fillColor : null,
-    fillOpacity : 0.4,
-    fillStyle : "rgba(192,216,0,0.4)",
-    fontColor : "#545454",
-    fontSize : 7.5,
-    htmlText : true,
-    lineWidth : 2,
-    shadowSize : 4,
-    show : false,
-    stacked : false,
-    textEnabled : true,
-    xScale : function (x) { return x; },
-    yScale : function (y) { return height - y; }
-  };
+    defaults = {
+        width: 480,
+        height: 320,
+        color: "rgb(192,216,0)",
+        context: null,
+        data: null,
+        fill: false,
+        fillColor: null,
+        fillOpacity: 0.4,
+        fillStyle: "rgba(192,216,0,0.4)",
+        fontColor: "#545454",
+        fontSize: 7.5,
+        htmlText: true,
+        lineWidth: 2,
+        shadowSize: 4,
+        show: false,
+        stacked: false,
+        textEnabled: true,
+        xScale: function (x) {
+            return x;
+        },
+        yScale: function (y) {
+            return height - y;
+        }
+    };
-  /**
-   * @param skip bool  Skip test against development version (use this when developing test)
-   */
-  function drawTest (data, o, skip) {
- = data;
-    if (o) _.extend(options, o);
+    /**
+     * @param skip bool  Skip test against development version (use this when developing test)
+     */
+    function drawTest(data, o, skip) {
+ = data;
+        if (o) _.extend(options, o);
-    if (!skip) TestFlotr.graphTypes.lines.draw(options);
-    options.context = b.getContext('2d');
-    StableFlotr.graphTypes.lines.draw(options);
+        if (!skip) TestFlotr.graphTypes.lines.draw(options);
+        options.context = b.getContext('2d');
+        StableFlotr.graphTypes.lines.draw(options);
-    expect(b).toImageDiffEqual(a);
-  }
+        expect(b).toImageDiffEqual(a);
+    }
-  describe('Lines', function () {
+    describe('Lines', function () {
-    beforeEach(function () {
-      options = _.clone(defaults);
+        beforeEach(function () {
+            options = _.clone(defaults);
+        });
+        /*
+         describe('Data', function () {
+         it('gets a range', function () {
+         options.stacked = true;
+ = [[0, 0], [240, 160], [480, 320]];
+         range = TestFlotr.graphTypes.lines.range(options);
+         expect(range.min).toEqual(0);
+         expect(range.max).toEqual(320);
+         });
+         });
+         */
+        describe('Draw', function () {
+            beforeEach(function () {
+                this.addMatchers(imagediff.jasmine);
+                a = imagediff.createCanvas(width, height);
+                b = imagediff.createCanvas(width, height);
+                options.context = a.getContext('2d');
+            });
+            it('draws a line chart', function () {
+                drawTest([
+                    [0, 0],
+                    [240, 300],
+                    [480, 0]
+                ]);
+            });
+            it('skips null values', function () {
+                drawTest([
+                    [0, 0],
+                    [100, 50],
+                    [200, null],
+                    [300, 150],
+                    [400, 200],
+                    [480, 240]
+                ]);
+            });
+            it('draws two lines', function () {
+                // First line
+                drawTest([
+                    [0, 0],
+                    [240, 160],
+                    [480, 320]
+                ]);
+                // Second Line
+                options.context = a.getContext('2d');
+                drawTest([
+                    [0, 320],
+                    [240, 160],
+                    [480, 0]
+                ]);
+            });
+            it('fills a line', function () {
+                drawTest([
+                    [0, 0],
+                    [240, 300],
+                    [480, 0]
+                ], {
+                    fill: true
+                });
+            });
+            it('draws no shadow', function () {
+                drawTest([
+                    [0, 0],
+                    [240, 300],
+                    [480, 0]
+                ], {
+                    shadowSize: 0
+                });
+            });
+        });
-    /*
-    describe('Data', function () {
-      it('gets a range', function () {
-        options.stacked = true;
- = [[0, 0], [240, 160], [480, 320]];
-        range = TestFlotr.graphTypes.lines.range(options);
-        expect(range.min).toEqual(0);
-        expect(range.max).toEqual(320);
-      });
-    });
-    */
-    describe('Draw', function () {
-      beforeEach(function () {
-        this.addMatchers(imagediff.jasmine);
-        a = imagediff.createCanvas(width, height);
-        b = imagediff.createCanvas(width, height);
-        options.context = a.getContext('2d');
-      });
-      it('draws a line chart', function () {
-        drawTest([
-          [0, 0],
-          [240, 300],
-          [480, 0]
-        ]);
-      });
-      it('skips null values', function () {
-        drawTest([
-          [0, 0],
-          [100, 50],
-          [200, null],
-          [300, 150],
-          [400, 200],
-          [480, 240]
-        ]);
-      });
-      it('draws two lines', function () {
-        // First line
-        drawTest([[0, 0], [240, 160], [480, 320]]);
-        // Second Line
-        options.context = a.getContext('2d');
-        drawTest([[0, 320], [240, 160], [480, 0]]);
-      });
-      it('fills a line', function () {
-        drawTest([
-          [0, 0],
-          [240, 300],
-          [480, 0]
-        ], {
-          fill : true
-        });
-      });
-      it('draws no shadow', function () {
-        drawTest([
-          [0, 0],
-          [240, 300],
-          [480, 0]
-        ], {
-          shadowSize : 0
-        });
-      });
-    });
-  });

--- a/js/flotr2/spec/Color.js
+++ b/js/flotr2/spec/Color.js
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
 describe('Colors', function () {
-  describe('Color Construction', function () {
-    it('should have a color class', function () {
-      expect(TestFlotr.Color).not.toBeUndefined();
+    describe('Color Construction', function () {
+        it('should have a color class', function () {
+            expect(TestFlotr.Color).not.toBeUndefined();
+        });
+        it('should create a color', function () {
+            var color = new TestFlotr.Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
+            expect(color).toBeTruthy();
+        });
+        it('should have rgba attributes', function () {
+            var color = new TestFlotr.Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
+            expect(color.r).toEqual(0);
+            expect(color.g).toEqual(0);
+            expect(color.b).toEqual(0);
+            expect(color.a).toEqual(1.0);
+        });
-    it('should create a color', function () {
-      var color = new TestFlotr.Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
-      expect(color).toBeTruthy();
+    describe('Color Manipulation', function () {
+        var
+            color;
+        afterEach(function () {
+            color = null;
+        });
+        it('normalizes colors to upper bound', function () {
+            color = new TestFlotr.Color(1000, 1000, 1000, 10);
+            expect(color.r).toEqual(255);
+            expect(color.g).toEqual(255);
+            expect(color.b).toEqual(255);
+            expect(color.a).toEqual(1.0);
+        });
+        it('normalizes colors to lower bound', function () {
+            color = new TestFlotr.Color(-1000, -1000, -1000, -10);
+            expect(color.r).toEqual(0);
+            expect(color.g).toEqual(0);
+            expect(color.b).toEqual(0);
+            expect(color.a).toEqual(0.0);
+        });
+        it('scales colors', function () {
+            color = new TestFlotr.Color(200, 200, 200, 1.0);
+            color.scale(.5, .5, .5, .5);
+            expect(color.r).toEqual(100);
+            expect(color.g).toEqual(100);
+            expect(color.b).toEqual(100);
+            expect(color.a).toEqual(0.5);
+        });
-    it('should have rgba attributes', function () {
-      var color = new TestFlotr.Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
-      expect(color.r).toEqual(0);
-      expect(color.g).toEqual(0);
-      expect(color.b).toEqual(0);
-      expect(color.a).toEqual(1.0);
+    describe('Color Conversion', function () {
+        var
+            color;
+        beforeEach(function () {
+            color = new TestFlotr.Color(200, 200, 200, 1.0);
+        });
+        afterEach(function () {
+            color = null;
+        });
+        it('should convert colors to strings, rgb', function () {
+            expect(color.toString()).toEqual('rgb(200,200,200)');
+        });
+        it('should convert colors to strings, rgba', function () {
+            color.a = 0.5;
+            color.normalize();
+            expect(color.toString()).toEqual('rgba(200,200,200,0.5)');
+        });
+        it('should clone colors', function () {
+            var
+                color2 = color.clone();
+            expect(color.toString()).toEqual(color2.toString());
+            color.a = 0.5;
+            color.normalize();
+            color2 = color.clone();
+            expect(color.toString()).toEqual(color2.toString());
+        });
-  });
-  describe('Color Manipulation', function () {
-    var
-      color;
-    afterEach(function () {
-      color = null;
-    });
-    it('normalizes colors to upper bound', function () {
-      color = new TestFlotr.Color(1000, 1000, 1000, 10);
-      expect(color.r).toEqual(255);
-      expect(color.g).toEqual(255);
-      expect(color.b).toEqual(255);
-      expect(color.a).toEqual(1.0);
-    });
-    it('normalizes colors to lower bound', function () {
-      color = new TestFlotr.Color(-1000, -1000, -1000, -10);
-      expect(color.r).toEqual(0);
-      expect(color.g).toEqual(0);
-      expect(color.b).toEqual(0);
-      expect(color.a).toEqual(0.0);
-    });
-    it('scales colors', function () {
-	    color = new TestFlotr.Color(200, 200, 200, 1.0);
-      color.scale(.5, .5, .5, .5);
-      expect(color.r).toEqual(100);
-      expect(color.g).toEqual(100);
-      expect(color.b).toEqual(100);
-      expect(color.a).toEqual(0.5);
-    });
-  });
-  describe('Color Conversion', function () {
-    var
-      color;
-    beforeEach(function () {
-	    color = new TestFlotr.Color(200, 200, 200, 1.0);
-    });
-    afterEach(function () {
-      color = null;
-    });
-    it('should convert colors to strings, rgb', function () {
-      expect(color.toString()).toEqual('rgb(200,200,200)');
-    });
-    it('should convert colors to strings, rgba', function () {
-      color.a = 0.5;
-      color.normalize();
-      expect(color.toString()).toEqual('rgba(200,200,200,0.5)');
-    });
-    it('should clone colors', function () {
-      var
-        color2 = color.clone();
-      expect(color.toString()).toEqual(color2.toString());
-      color.a = 0.5;
-      color.normalize();
-      color2 = color.clone();
-      expect(color.toString()).toEqual(color2.toString());
-    });
-  });

--- a/js/flotr2/spec/Flotr.js
+++ b/js/flotr2/spec/Flotr.js
@@ -1,77 +1,77 @@
 describe('Flotr', function () {
-  describe('Plots', function () {
+    describe('Plots', function () {
-    var
-      nodeA, nodeB,
-      a, b;
+        var
+            nodeA, nodeB,
+            a, b;
-    beforeEach(function () {
+        beforeEach(function () {
-      // Add imagediff matchers
-      this.addMatchers(imagediff.jasmine);
+            // Add imagediff matchers
+            this.addMatchers(imagediff.jasmine);
-      nodeA = buildNode();
-      nodeB = buildNode();
+            nodeA = buildNode();
+            nodeB = buildNode();
+        });
+        afterEach(function () {
+            destroyNode(nodeA);
+            destroyNode(nodeB);
+            a = null;
+            b = null;
+            Flotr = null;
+        });
+        _.each(TestFlotr.ExampleList.examples, function (example, key) {
+            it('should draw a `' + + '`line graph', function () {
+                executeExampleTest(example, StableFlotr, nodeA);
+                executeExampleTest(example, TestFlotr, nodeB);
+                if (example.timeout) {
+                    waits(example.timeout);
+                    runs(function () {
+                        expect(nodeB.graph.ctx).toImageDiffEqual(nodeA.graph.ctx, example.tolerance || 0);
+                    });
+                } else {
+                    expect(nodeB.graph.ctx).toImageDiffEqual(nodeA.graph.ctx, example.tolerance || 0);
+                }
+            });
+        });
+        // Helpers
+        function executeExampleTest(example, flotr, node) {
+            Math.seedrandom(example.key);
+            Flotr = flotr;
+            example.callback.apply(this, [node].concat(example.args || []));
+        }
+        function buildNode() {
+            var node = document.createElement('div');
+            document.body.appendChild(node);
+   = '320px';
+   = '240px';
+            return node;
+        }
+        function destroyNode(node) {
+            document.body.removeChild(node);
+        }
-    afterEach(function () {
-      destroyNode(nodeA);
-      destroyNode(nodeB);
-      a = null;
-      b = null;
-      Flotr = null;
+    describe('Main', function () {
+        it('gets a tick size', function () {
+            expect(TestFlotr.getTickSize).not.toBeUndefined();
+            expect(TestFlotr.getTickSize(10, 0, 100, 1)).toEqual(10);
+            expect(TestFlotr.getTickSize(20, 0, 100, 1)).toEqual(5);
+            expect(TestFlotr.getTickSize(5, 10, 110, 1)).toEqual(20);
+            expect(TestFlotr.getTickSize(0, 0, 10, 1)).toEqual(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
+            expect(isNaN(TestFlotr.getTickSize(0, 0, -10, 1))).toBeTruthy();
+        });
-    _.each(TestFlotr.ExampleList.examples, function (example, key) {
-      it('should draw a `' + + '`line graph', function () {
-        executeExampleTest(example, StableFlotr, nodeA);
-        executeExampleTest(example, TestFlotr, nodeB);
-        if (example.timeout) {
-          waits(example.timeout);
-          runs (function () {
-            expect(nodeB.graph.ctx).toImageDiffEqual(nodeA.graph.ctx, example.tolerance || 0);
-          });
-        } else {
-          expect(nodeB.graph.ctx).toImageDiffEqual(nodeA.graph.ctx, example.tolerance || 0);
-        }
-      });
-    });
-    // Helpers
-    function executeExampleTest (example, flotr, node) {
-      Math.seedrandom(example.key);
-      Flotr = flotr;
-      example.callback.apply(this, [node].concat(example.args || []));
-    }
-    function buildNode () {
-      var node = document.createElement('div');
-      document.body.appendChild(node);
- = '320px';
- = '240px';
-      return node;
-    }
-    function destroyNode (node) {
-      document.body.removeChild(node);
-    }
-  });
-  describe('Main', function () {
-    it('gets a tick size', function () {
-      expect(TestFlotr.getTickSize).not.toBeUndefined();
-      expect(TestFlotr.getTickSize(10, 0, 100, 1)).toEqual(10);
-      expect(TestFlotr.getTickSize(20, 0, 100, 1)).toEqual(5);
-      expect(TestFlotr.getTickSize(5, 10, 110, 1)).toEqual(20);
-      expect(TestFlotr.getTickSize(0, 0, 10, 1)).toEqual(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
-      expect(isNaN(TestFlotr.getTickSize(0, 0, -10, 1))).toBeTruthy();
-    });
-  });

--- a/js/flotr2/spec/Graph.js
+++ b/js/flotr2/spec/Graph.js
@@ -1,80 +1,80 @@
 describe('Graph', function () {
-  describe('Options', function () {
-    var
-      nodeA, nodeB,
-      a, b, x, i,
-      d1 = [],
-      options = {};
+    describe('Options', function () {
+        var
+            nodeA, nodeB,
+            a, b, x, i,
+            d1 = [],
+            options = {};
-      for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-        x = (i*1000*3600*24*36.5);
-        d1.push([x, i+Math.random()*30+Math.sin(i/20+Math.random()*2)*20+Math.sin(i/10+Math.random())*10]);
-      }
+        for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+            x = (i * 1000 * 3600 * 24 * 36.5);
+            d1.push([x, i + Math.random() * 30 + Math.sin(i / 20 + Math.random() * 2) * 20 + Math.sin(i / 10 + Math.random()) * 10]);
+        }
-      options = {
-        xaxis : {
-          mode : 'time',
-          labelsAngle : 45
-        },
-        selection : {
-          mode : 'x'
-        },
-        HtmlText : false,
-      };
+        options = {
+            xaxis: {
+                mode: 'time',
+                labelsAngle: 45
+            },
+            selection: {
+                mode: 'x'
+            },
+            HtmlText: false,
+        };
-    beforeEach(function () {
-      nodeA = buildNode();
-      Flotr = TestFlotr;
+        beforeEach(function () {
+            nodeA = buildNode();
+            Flotr = TestFlotr;
+        });
+        afterEach(function () {
+            destroyNode(nodeA);
+            a = b = null;
+            Flotr = null;
+        });
+        it('should override nested default options with user options', function () {
+            a = new TestFlotr.Graph(nodeA, d1, options);
+            expect(a.options.xaxis.mode).toEqual(options.xaxis.mode);
+        });
+        it('should retain default options if user option\'s nested object does not define property', function () {
+            a = new TestFlotr.Graph(nodeA, d1, options);
+            expect(a.options.xaxis.tickFormatter).toBeTruthy();
+        });
+        it('should not affect default options when modifying graph options (objects)', function () {
+            a = new TestFlotr.Graph(nodeA, d1, options);
+            a.options.x2axis = {
+                titleAlign: 'left'
+            };
+            a.options.xaxis.scaling = 'logarithmic';
+            expect(TestFlotr.defaultOptions.xaxis.scaling).toEqual('linear');
+            expect(TestFlotr.defaultOptions.x2axis.titleAlign).toBeFalsy();
+        });
+        /*
+         it('should not affect default options when modifying graph options (arrays)', function() {
+         a = new TestFlotr.Graph(nodeA, d1, options);
+         a.options.colors[1] = '#bada55';
+         expect(TestFlotr.defaultOptions.colors[1]).toNotBe('#bada55');
+         });
+         */
-    afterEach(function () {
-      destroyNode(nodeA);
-      a = b = null;
-      Flotr = null;
-    });
+    function buildNode() {
+        var node = document.createElement('div');
+        document.body.appendChild(node);
+ = '320px';
+ = '240px';
+        return node;
+    }
-    it('should override nested default options with user options', function() {
-      a = new TestFlotr.Graph(nodeA, d1, options);
-      expect(a.options.xaxis.mode).toEqual(options.xaxis.mode);
-    });
-    it('should retain default options if user option\'s nested object does not define property', function() {
-      a = new TestFlotr.Graph(nodeA, d1, options);
-      expect(a.options.xaxis.tickFormatter).toBeTruthy();
-    });
-    it('should not affect default options when modifying graph options (objects)', function() {
-      a = new TestFlotr.Graph(nodeA, d1, options);
-      a.options.x2axis = {  
-        titleAlign : 'left'
-      };
-      a.options.xaxis.scaling = 'logarithmic';
-      expect(TestFlotr.defaultOptions.xaxis.scaling).toEqual('linear');
-      expect(TestFlotr.defaultOptions.x2axis.titleAlign).toBeFalsy();
-    });
-    /*
-    it('should not affect default options when modifying graph options (arrays)', function() {
-      a = new TestFlotr.Graph(nodeA, d1, options);
-      a.options.colors[1] = '#bada55';
-      expect(TestFlotr.defaultOptions.colors[1]).toNotBe('#bada55');
-    });
-    */
-  });
-  function buildNode () {
-    var node = document.createElement('div');
-    document.body.appendChild(node);
- = '320px';
- = '240px';
-    return node;
-  }
-  function destroyNode (node) {
-    document.body.removeChild(node);
-  }
+    function destroyNode(node) {
+        document.body.removeChild(node);
+    }

--- a/js/flotr2/spec/index.html
+++ b/js/flotr2/spec/index.html
@@ -1,103 +1,103 @@
 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
-  "">
+        "">
-  <title>Jasmine Spec Runner</title>
+    <title>Jasmine Spec Runner</title>
-  <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="../lib/jasmine/jasmine_favicon.png">
+    <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="../lib/jasmine/jasmine_favicon.png">
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../lib/jasmine/jasmine.css">
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/jasmine/jasmine.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/jasmine/jasmine-html.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/imagediff.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="../examples/lib/randomseed.js"></script>
+    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../lib/jasmine/jasmine.css">
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/jasmine/jasmine.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/jasmine/jasmine-html.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="../lib/imagediff.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="../examples/lib/randomseed.js"></script>
-  <!-- include source files here... -->
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/flotr2.stable.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript">
-      var StableFlotr = Flotr.noConflict();
-  </script>
+    <!-- include source files here... -->
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/flotr2.stable.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript">
+        var StableFlotr = Flotr.noConflict();
+    </script>
-  <script src="../lib/bean.js"></script>
-  <script src="../lib/underscore.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/Flotr.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/DefaultOptions.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/Color.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/Date.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/DOM.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/EventAdapter.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/Text.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/Graph.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/Axis.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/Series.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/types/lines.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/types/bars.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/types/bubbles.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/types/candles.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/types/gantt.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/types/markers.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/types/pie.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/types/points.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/types/radar.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/types/timeline.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/plugins/crosshair.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/plugins/download.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/plugins/grid.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/plugins/hit.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/plugins/selection.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/plugins/labels.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/plugins/legend.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/plugins/spreadsheet.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/plugins/titles.js"></script>
-  <script src="../js/charts/lines.js"></script>
+    <script src="../lib/bean.js"></script>
+    <script src="../lib/underscore.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/Flotr.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/DefaultOptions.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/Color.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/Date.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/DOM.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/EventAdapter.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/Text.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/Graph.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/Axis.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/Series.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/types/lines.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/types/bars.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/types/bubbles.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/types/candles.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/types/gantt.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/types/markers.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/types/pie.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/types/points.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/types/radar.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/types/timeline.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/plugins/crosshair.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/plugins/download.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/plugins/grid.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/plugins/hit.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/plugins/selection.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/plugins/labels.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/plugins/legend.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/plugins/spreadsheet.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/plugins/titles.js"></script>
+    <script src="../js/charts/lines.js"></script>
-  <!-- Test Examples -->
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="../flotr2.examples.types.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/test-background.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/test-boundaries.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/test-mountain-nulls.js"></script>
+    <!-- Test Examples -->
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="../flotr2.examples.types.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/test-background.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/test-boundaries.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/test-mountain-nulls.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript">
-    var TestFlotr = Flotr.noConflict();
-  </script>
+    <script type="text/javascript">
+        var TestFlotr = Flotr.noConflict();
+    </script>
-  <!-- include spec files here... -->
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="Flotr.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="Color.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="Graph.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="Chart.js"></script>
+    <!-- include spec files here... -->
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="Flotr.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="Color.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="Graph.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="Chart.js"></script>
 <script type="text/javascript">
-(function() {
-  var jasmineEnv = jasmine.getEnv();
-  jasmineEnv.updateInterval = 1000;
+    (function () {
+        var jasmineEnv = jasmine.getEnv();
+        jasmineEnv.updateInterval = 1000;
-  var reporter = new jasmine.HtmlReporter();
+        var reporter = new jasmine.HtmlReporter();
-  jasmineEnv.addReporter(reporter);
+        jasmineEnv.addReporter(reporter);
-  jasmineEnv.specFilter = function(spec) {
-    return reporter.specFilter(spec);
-  };
+        jasmineEnv.specFilter = function (spec) {
+            return reporter.specFilter(spec);
+        };
-  var currentWindowOnload = window.onload;
+        var currentWindowOnload = window.onload;
-  window.onload = function() {
-    if (currentWindowOnload) {
-      currentWindowOnload();
-    }
-    execJasmine();
-  };
+        window.onload = function () {
+            if (currentWindowOnload) {
+                currentWindowOnload();
+            }
+            execJasmine();
+        };
-  function execJasmine() {
-    jasmineEnv.execute();
-  }
+        function execJasmine() {
+            jasmineEnv.execute();
+        }
+    })();

--- a/js/flotr2/spec/js/flotr2.stable.js
+++ b/js/flotr2/spec/js/flotr2.stable.js
@@ -1,505 +1,500 @@
-  * bean.js - copyright Jacob Thornton 2011
-  *
-  * MIT License
-  * special thanks to:
-  * dean edwards:
-  * dperini:
-  * the entire mootools team:
-  */
+ * bean.js - copyright Jacob Thornton 2011
+ *
+ * MIT License
+ * special thanks to:
+ * dean edwards:
+ * dperini:
+ * the entire mootools team:
+ */
 /*global module:true, define:true*/
 !function (name, context, definition) {
-  if (typeof module !== 'undefined') module.exports = definition(name, context);
-  else if (typeof define === 'function' && typeof define.amd  === 'object') define(definition);
-  else context[name] = definition(name, context);
+    if (typeof module !== 'undefined') module.exports = definition(name, context);
+    else if (typeof define === 'function' && typeof define.amd === 'object') define(definition);
+    else context[name] = definition(name, context);
 }('bean', this, function (name, context) {
-  var win = window
-    , old = context[name]
-    , overOut = /over|out/
-    , namespaceRegex = /[^\.]*(?=\..*)\.|.*/
-    , nameRegex = /\..*/
-    , addEvent = 'addEventListener'
-    , attachEvent = 'attachEvent'
-    , removeEvent = 'removeEventListener'
-    , detachEvent = 'detachEvent'
-    , doc = document || {}
-    , root = doc.documentElement || {}
-    , W3C_MODEL = root[addEvent]
-    , eventSupport = W3C_MODEL ? addEvent : attachEvent
-    , slice = Array.prototype.slice
-    , mouseTypeRegex = /click|mouse|menu|drag|drop/i
-    , touchTypeRegex = /^touch|^gesture/i
-    , ONE = { one: 1 } // singleton for quick matching making add() do one()
-    , nativeEvents = (function (hash, events, i) {
-        for (i = 0; i < events.length; i++)
-          hash[events[i]] = 1
-        return hash
-      })({}, (
-          'click dblclick mouseup mousedown contextmenu ' +                  // mouse buttons
-          'mousewheel DOMMouseScroll ' +                                     // mouse wheel
-          'mouseover mouseout mousemove selectstart selectend ' +            // mouse movement
-          'keydown keypress keyup ' +                                        // keyboard
-          'orientationchange ' +                                             // mobile
-          'focus blur change reset select submit ' +                         // form elements
-          'load unload beforeunload resize move DOMContentLoaded readystatechange ' + // window
-          'error abort scroll ' +                                            // misc
-          (W3C_MODEL ? // element.fireEvent('onXYZ'... is not forgiving if we try to fire an event
-                       // that doesn't actually exist, so make sure we only do these on newer browsers
-            'show ' +                                                          // mouse buttons
-            'input invalid ' +                                                 // form elements
-            'touchstart touchmove touchend touchcancel ' +                     // touch
-            'gesturestart gesturechange gestureend ' +                         // gesture
-            'message readystatechange pageshow pagehide popstate ' +           // window
-            'hashchange offline online ' +                                     // window
-            'afterprint beforeprint ' +                                        // printing
-            'dragstart dragenter dragover dragleave drag drop dragend ' +      // dnd
-            'loadstart progress suspend emptied stalled loadmetadata ' +       // media
-            'loadeddata canplay canplaythrough playing waiting seeking ' +     // media
-            'seeked ended durationchange timeupdate play pause ratechange ' +  // media
-            'volumechange cuechange ' +                                        // media
-            'checking noupdate downloading cached updateready obsolete ' +     // appcache
-            '' : '')
-        ).split(' ')
-      )
-    , customEvents = (function () {
-        function isDescendant(parent, node) {
-          while ((node = node.parentNode) !== null) {
-            if (node === parent) return true
-          }
-          return false
-        }
-        function check(event) {
-          var related = event.relatedTarget
-          if (!related) return related === null
-          return (related !== this && related.prefix !== 'xul' && !/document/.test(this.toString()) && !isDescendant(this, related))
-        }
-        return {
-            mouseenter: { base: 'mouseover', condition: check }
-          , mouseleave: { base: 'mouseout', condition: check }
-          , mousewheel: { base: /Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? 'DOMMouseScroll' : 'mousewheel' }
-        }
-      })()
-    , fixEvent = (function () {
-        var commonProps = 'altKey attrChange attrName bubbles cancelable ctrlKey currentTarget detail eventPhase getModifierState isTrusted metaKey relatedNode relatedTarget shiftKey srcElement target timeStamp type view which'.split(' ')
-          , mouseProps = commonProps.concat('button buttons clientX clientY dataTransfer fromElement offsetX offsetY pageX pageY screenX screenY toElement'.split(' '))
-          , keyProps = commonProps.concat('char charCode key keyCode'.split(' '))
-          , touchProps = commonProps.concat('touches targetTouches changedTouches scale rotation'.split(' '))
-          , preventDefault = 'preventDefault'
-          , createPreventDefault = function (event) {
-              return function () {
-                if (event[preventDefault])
-                  event[preventDefault]()
-                else
-                  event.returnValue = false
-              }
-            }
-          , stopPropagation = 'stopPropagation'
-          , createStopPropagation = function (event) {
-              return function () {
-                if (event[stopPropagation])
-                  event[stopPropagation]()
-                else
-                  event.cancelBubble = true
-              }
-            }
-          , createStop = function (synEvent) {
-              return function () {
-                synEvent[preventDefault]()
-                synEvent[stopPropagation]()
-                synEvent.stopped = true
-              }
-            }
-          , copyProps = function (event, result, props) {
-              var i, p
-              for (i = props.length; i--;) {
-                p = props[i]
-                if (!(p in result) && p in event) result[p] = event[p]
-              }
-            }
-        return function (event, isNative) {
-          var result = { originalEvent: event, isNative: isNative }
-          if (!event)
-            return result
-          var props
-            , type = event.type
-            , target = || event.srcElement
-          result[preventDefault] = createPreventDefault(event)
-          result[stopPropagation] = createStopPropagation(event)
-          result.stop = createStop(result)
- = target && target.nodeType === 3 ? target.parentNode : target
-          if (isNative) { // we only need basic augmentation on custom events, the rest is too expensive
-            if (type.indexOf('key') !== -1) {
-              props = keyProps
-              result.keyCode = event.which || event.keyCode
-            } else if (mouseTypeRegex.test(type)) {
-              props = mouseProps
-              result.rightClick = event.which === 3 || event.button === 2
-              result.pos = { x: 0, y: 0 }
-              if (event.pageX || event.pageY) {
-                result.clientX = event.pageX
-                result.clientY = event.pageY
-              } else if (event.clientX || event.clientY) {
-                result.clientX = event.clientX + doc.body.scrollLeft + root.scrollLeft
-                result.clientY = event.clientY + doc.body.scrollTop + root.scrollTop
-              }
-              if (overOut.test(type))
-                result.relatedTarget = event.relatedTarget || event[(type === 'mouseover' ? 'from' : 'to') + 'Element']
-            } else if (touchTypeRegex.test(type)) {
-              props = touchProps
-            }
-            copyProps(event, result, props || commonProps)
-          }
-          return result
-        }
-      })()
-      // if we're in old IE we can't do onpropertychange on doc or win so we use doc.documentElement for both
-    , targetElement = function (element, isNative) {
-        return !W3C_MODEL && !isNative && (element === doc || element === win) ? root : element
-      }
-      // we use one of these per listener, of any type
-    , RegEntry = (function () {
-        function entry(element, type, handler, original, namespaces) {
-          this.element = element
-          this.type = type
-          this.handler = handler
-          this.original = original
-          this.namespaces = namespaces
-          this.custom = customEvents[type]
-          this.isNative = nativeEvents[type] && element[eventSupport]
-          this.eventType = W3C_MODEL || this.isNative ? type : 'propertychange'
-          this.customType = !W3C_MODEL && !this.isNative && type
- = targetElement(element, this.isNative)
-          this.eventSupport =[eventSupport]
-        }
-        entry.prototype = {
-            // given a list of namespaces, is our entry in any of them?
-            inNamespaces: function (checkNamespaces) {
-              var i, j
-              if (!checkNamespaces)
-                return true
-              if (!this.namespaces)
+    var win = window
+        , old = context[name]
+        , overOut = /over|out/
+        , namespaceRegex = /[^\.]*(?=\..*)\.|.*/
+        , nameRegex = /\..*/
+        , addEvent = 'addEventListener'
+        , attachEvent = 'attachEvent'
+        , removeEvent = 'removeEventListener'
+        , detachEvent = 'detachEvent'
+        , doc = document || {}
+        , root = doc.documentElement || {}
+        , W3C_MODEL = root[addEvent]
+        , eventSupport = W3C_MODEL ? addEvent : attachEvent
+        , slice = Array.prototype.slice
+        , mouseTypeRegex = /click|mouse|menu|drag|drop/i
+        , touchTypeRegex = /^touch|^gesture/i
+        , ONE = { one: 1 } // singleton for quick matching making add() do one()
+        , nativeEvents = (function (hash, events, i) {
+            for (i = 0; i < events.length; i++)
+                hash[events[i]] = 1
+            return hash
+        })({}, (
+            'click dblclick mouseup mousedown contextmenu ' +                  // mouse buttons
+                'mousewheel DOMMouseScroll ' +                                     // mouse wheel
+                'mouseover mouseout mousemove selectstart selectend ' +            // mouse movement
+                'keydown keypress keyup ' +                                        // keyboard
+                'orientationchange ' +                                             // mobile
+                'focus blur change reset select submit ' +                         // form elements
+                'load unload beforeunload resize move DOMContentLoaded readystatechange ' + // window
+                'error abort scroll ' +                                            // misc
+                (W3C_MODEL ? // element.fireEvent('onXYZ'... is not forgiving if we try to fire an event
+                    // that doesn't actually exist, so make sure we only do these on newer browsers
+                    'show ' +                                                          // mouse buttons
+                        'input invalid ' +                                                 // form elements
+                        'touchstart touchmove touchend touchcancel ' +                     // touch
+                        'gesturestart gesturechange gestureend ' +                         // gesture
+                        'message readystatechange pageshow pagehide popstate ' +           // window
+                        'hashchange offline online ' +                                     // window
+                        'afterprint beforeprint ' +                                        // printing
+                        'dragstart dragenter dragover dragleave drag drop dragend ' +      // dnd
+                        'loadstart progress suspend emptied stalled loadmetadata ' +       // media
+                        'loadeddata canplay canplaythrough playing waiting seeking ' +     // media
+                        'seeked ended durationchange timeupdate play pause ratechange ' +  // media
+                        'volumechange cuechange ' +                                        // media
+                        'checking noupdate downloading cached updateready obsolete ' +     // appcache
+                        '' : '')
+            ).split(' ')
+        )
+        , customEvents = (function () {
+            function isDescendant(parent, node) {
+                while ((node = node.parentNode) !== null) {
+                    if (node === parent) return true
+                }
                 return false
-              for (i = checkNamespaces.length; i--;) {
-                for (j = this.namespaces.length; j--;) {
-                  if (checkNamespaces[i] === this.namespaces[j])
-                    return true
-                }
-              }
-              return false
-            }
-            // match by element, original fn (opt), handler fn (opt)
-          , matches: function (checkElement, checkOriginal, checkHandler) {
-              return this.element === checkElement &&
-                (!checkOriginal || this.original === checkOriginal) &&
-                (!checkHandler || this.handler === checkHandler)
-            }
-        }
-        return entry
-      })()
-    , registry = (function () {
-        // our map stores arrays by event type, just because it's better than storing
-        // everything in a single array. uses '$' as a prefix for the keys for safety
-        var map = {}
-          // generic functional search of our registry for matching listeners,
-          // `fn` returns false to break out of the loop
-          , forAll = function (element, type, original, handler, fn) {
-              if (!type || type === '*') {
-                // search the whole registry
-                for (var t in map) {
-                  if (t.charAt(0) === '$')
-                    forAll(element, t.substr(1), original, handler, fn)
-                }
-              } else {
-                var i = 0, l, list = map['$' + type], all = element === '*'
-                if (!list)
-                  return
-                for (l = list.length; i < l; i++) {
-                  if (all || list[i].matches(element, original, handler))
-                    if (!fn(list[i], list, i, type))
-                      return
-                }
-              }
-            }
-          , has = function (element, type, original) {
-              // we're not using forAll here simply because it's a bit slower and this
-              // needs to be fast
-              var i, list = map['$' + type]
-              if (list) {
-                for (i = list.length; i--;) {
-                  if (list[i].matches(element, original, null))
-                    return true
-                }
-              }
-              return false
-            }
-          , get = function (element, type, original) {
-              var entries = []
-              forAll(element, type, original, null, function (entry) { return entries.push(entry) })
-              return entries
-            }
-          , put = function (entry) {
-              (map['$' + entry.type] || (map['$' + entry.type] = [])).push(entry)
-              return entry
-            }
-          , del = function (entry) {
-              forAll(entry.element, entry.type, null, entry.handler, function (entry, list, i) {
-                list.splice(i, 1)
-                if (list.length === 0)
-                  delete map['$' + entry.type]
-                return false
-              })
-            }
+            }
+            function check(event) {
+                var related = event.relatedTarget
+                if (!related) return related === null
+                return (related !== this && related.prefix !== 'xul' && !/document/.test(this.toString()) && !isDescendant(this, related))
+            }
+            return {
+                mouseenter: { base: 'mouseover', condition: check }, mouseleave: { base: 'mouseout', condition: check }, mousewheel: { base: /Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? 'DOMMouseScroll' : 'mousewheel' }
+            }
+        })()
+        , fixEvent = (function () {
+            var commonProps = 'altKey attrChange attrName bubbles cancelable ctrlKey currentTarget detail eventPhase getModifierState isTrusted metaKey relatedNode relatedTarget shiftKey srcElement target timeStamp type view which'.split(' ')
+                , mouseProps = commonProps.concat('button buttons clientX clientY dataTransfer fromElement offsetX offsetY pageX pageY screenX screenY toElement'.split(' '))
+                , keyProps = commonProps.concat('char charCode key keyCode'.split(' '))
+                , touchProps = commonProps.concat('touches targetTouches changedTouches scale rotation'.split(' '))
+                , preventDefault = 'preventDefault'
+                , createPreventDefault = function (event) {
+                    return function () {
+                        if (event[preventDefault])
+                            event[preventDefault]()
+                        else
+                            event.returnValue = false
+                    }
+                }
+                , stopPropagation = 'stopPropagation'
+                , createStopPropagation = function (event) {
+                    return function () {
+                        if (event[stopPropagation])
+                            event[stopPropagation]()
+                        else
+                            event.cancelBubble = true
+                    }
+                }
+                , createStop = function (synEvent) {
+                    return function () {
+                        synEvent[preventDefault]()
+                        synEvent[stopPropagation]()
+                        synEvent.stopped = true
+                    }
+                }
+                , copyProps = function (event, result, props) {
+                    var i, p
+                    for (i = props.length; i--;) {
+                        p = props[i]
+                        if (!(p in result) && p in event) result[p] = event[p]
+                    }
+                }
+            return function (event, isNative) {
+                var result = { originalEvent: event, isNative: isNative }
+                if (!event)
+                    return result
+                var props
+                    , type = event.type
+                    , target = || event.srcElement
+                result[preventDefault] = createPreventDefault(event)
+                result[stopPropagation] = createStopPropagation(event)
+                result.stop = createStop(result)
+       = target && target.nodeType === 3 ? target.parentNode : target
+                if (isNative) { // we only need basic augmentation on custom events, the rest is too expensive
+                    if (type.indexOf('key') !== -1) {
+                        props = keyProps
+                        result.keyCode = event.which || event.keyCode
+                    } else if (mouseTypeRegex.test(type)) {
+                        props = mouseProps
+                        result.rightClick = event.which === 3 || event.button === 2
+                        result.pos = { x: 0, y: 0 }
+                        if (event.pageX || event.pageY) {
+                            result.clientX = event.pageX
+                            result.clientY = event.pageY
+                        } else if (event.clientX || event.clientY) {
+                            result.clientX = event.clientX + doc.body.scrollLeft + root.scrollLeft
+                            result.clientY = event.clientY + doc.body.scrollTop + root.scrollTop
+                        }
+                        if (overOut.test(type))
+                            result.relatedTarget = event.relatedTarget || event[(type === 'mouseover' ? 'from' : 'to') + 'Element']
+                    } else if (touchTypeRegex.test(type)) {
+                        props = touchProps
+                    }
+                    copyProps(event, result, props || commonProps)
+                }
+                return result
+            }
+        })()
+    // if we're in old IE we can't do onpropertychange on doc or win so we use doc.documentElement for both
+        , targetElement = function (element, isNative) {
+            return !W3C_MODEL && !isNative && (element === doc || element === win) ? root : element
+        }
+    // we use one of these per listener, of any type
+        , RegEntry = (function () {
+            function entry(element, type, handler, original, namespaces) {
+                this.element = element
+                this.type = type
+                this.handler = handler
+                this.original = original
+                this.namespaces = namespaces
+                this.custom = customEvents[type]
+                this.isNative = nativeEvents[type] && element[eventSupport]
+                this.eventType = W3C_MODEL || this.isNative ? type : 'propertychange'
+                this.customType = !W3C_MODEL && !this.isNative && type
+       = targetElement(element, this.isNative)
+                this.eventSupport =[eventSupport]
+            }
+            entry.prototype = {
+                // given a list of namespaces, is our entry in any of them?
+                inNamespaces: function (checkNamespaces) {
+                    var i, j
+                    if (!checkNamespaces)
+                        return true
+                    if (!this.namespaces)
+                        return false
+                    for (i = checkNamespaces.length; i--;) {
+                        for (j = this.namespaces.length; j--;) {
+                            if (checkNamespaces[i] === this.namespaces[j])
+                                return true
+                        }
+                    }
+                    return false
+                }
+                // match by element, original fn (opt), handler fn (opt)
+                , matches: function (checkElement, checkOriginal, checkHandler) {
+                    return this.element === checkElement &&
+                        (!checkOriginal || this.original === checkOriginal) &&
+                        (!checkHandler || this.handler === checkHandler)
+                }
+            }
+            return entry
+        })()
+        , registry = (function () {
+            // our map stores arrays by event type, just because it's better than storing
+            // everything in a single array. uses '$' as a prefix for the keys for safety
+            var map = {}
+            // generic functional search of our registry for matching listeners,
+            // `fn` returns false to break out of the loop
+                , forAll = function (element, type, original, handler, fn) {
+                    if (!type || type === '*') {
+                        // search the whole registry
+                        for (var t in map) {
+                            if (t.charAt(0) === '$')
+                                forAll(element, t.substr(1), original, handler, fn)
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        var i = 0, l, list = map['$' + type], all = element === '*'
+                        if (!list)
+                            return
+                        for (l = list.length; i < l; i++) {
+                            if (all || list[i].matches(element, original, handler))
+                                if (!fn(list[i], list, i, type))
+                                    return
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                , has = function (element, type, original) {
+                    // we're not using forAll here simply because it's a bit slower and this
+                    // needs to be fast
+                    var i, list = map['$' + type]
+                    if (list) {
+                        for (i = list.length; i--;) {
+                            if (list[i].matches(element, original, null))
+                                return true
+                        }
+                    }
+                    return false
+                }
+                , get = function (element, type, original) {
+                    var entries = []
+                    forAll(element, type, original, null, function (entry) {
+                        return entries.push(entry)
+                    })
+                    return entries
+                }
+                , put = function (entry) {
+                    (map['$' + entry.type] || (map['$' + entry.type] = [])).push(entry)
+                    return entry
+                }
+                , del = function (entry) {
+                    forAll(entry.element, entry.type, null, entry.handler, function (entry, list, i) {
+                        list.splice(i, 1)
+                        if (list.length === 0)
+                            delete map['$' + entry.type]
+                        return false
+                    })
+                }
             // dump all entries, used for onunload
-          , entries = function () {
-              var t, entries = []
-              for (t in map) {
-                if (t.charAt(0) === '$')
-                  entries = entries.concat(map[t])
-              }
-              return entries
-            }
-        return { has: has, get: get, put: put, del: del, entries: entries }
-      })()
-      // add and remove listeners to DOM elements
-    , listener = W3C_MODEL ? function (element, type, fn, add) {
-        element[add ? addEvent : removeEvent](type, fn, false)
-      } : function (element, type, fn, add, custom) {
-        if (custom && add && element['_on' + custom] === null)
-          element['_on' + custom] = 0
-        element[add ? attachEvent : detachEvent]('on' + type, fn)
-      }
-    , nativeHandler = function (element, fn, args) {
-        return function (event) {
-          event = fixEvent(event || ((this.ownerDocument || this.document || this).parentWindow || win).event, true)
-          return fn.apply(element, [event].concat(args))
-        }
-      }
-    , customHandler = function (element, fn, type, condition, args, isNative) {
-        return function (event) {
-          if (condition ? condition.apply(this, arguments) : W3C_MODEL ? true : event && event.propertyName === '_on' + type || !event) {
-            if (event)
-              event = fixEvent(event || ((this.ownerDocument || this.document || this).parentWindow || win).event, isNative)
-            fn.apply(element, event && (!args || args.length === 0) ? arguments :, event ? 0 : 1).concat(args))
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    , once = function (rm, element, type, fn, originalFn) {
-        // wrap the handler in a handler that does a remove as well
-        return function () {
-          rm(element, type, originalFn)
-          fn.apply(this, arguments)
-        }
-      }
-    , removeListener = function (element, orgType, handler, namespaces) {
-        var i, l, entry
-          , type = (orgType && orgType.replace(nameRegex, ''))
-          , handlers = registry.get(element, type, handler)
-        for (i = 0, l = handlers.length; i < l; i++) {
-          if (handlers[i].inNamespaces(namespaces)) {
-            if ((entry = handlers[i]).eventSupport)
-              listener(, entry.eventType, entry.handler, false, entry.type)
-            // TODO: this is problematic, we have a registry.get() and registry.del() that
-            // both do registry searches so we waste cycles doing this. Needs to be rolled into
-            // a single registry.forAll(fn) that removes while finding, but the catch is that
-            // we'll be splicing the arrays that we're iterating over. Needs extra tests to
-            // make sure we don't screw it up. @rvagg
-            registry.del(entry)
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    , addListener = function (element, orgType, fn, originalFn, args) {
-        var entry
-          , type = orgType.replace(nameRegex, '')
-          , namespaces = orgType.replace(namespaceRegex, '').split('.')
-        if (registry.has(element, type, fn))
-          return element // no dupe
-        if (type === 'unload')
-          fn = once(removeListener, element, type, fn, originalFn) // self clean-up
-        if (customEvents[type]) {
-          if (customEvents[type].condition)
-            fn = customHandler(element, fn, type, customEvents[type].condition, true)
-          type = customEvents[type].base || type
-        }
-        entry = registry.put(new RegEntry(element, type, fn, originalFn, namespaces[0] && namespaces))
-        entry.handler = entry.isNative ?
-          nativeHandler(element, entry.handler, args) :
-          customHandler(element, entry.handler, type, false, args, false)
-        if (entry.eventSupport)
-          listener(, entry.eventType, entry.handler, true, entry.customType)
-      }
-    , del = function (selector, fn, $) {
-        return function (e) {
-          var target, i, array = typeof selector === 'string' ? $(selector, this) : selector
-          for (target =; target && target !== this; target = target.parentNode) {
-            for (i = array.length; i--;) {
-              if (array[i] === target) {
-                return fn.apply(target, arguments)
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    , remove = function (element, typeSpec, fn) {
-        var k, m, type, namespaces, i
-          , rm = removeListener
-          , isString = typeSpec && typeof typeSpec === 'string'
-        if (isString && typeSpec.indexOf(' ') > 0) {
-          // remove(el, 't1 t2 t3', fn) or remove(el, 't1 t2 t3')
-          typeSpec = typeSpec.split(' ')
-          for (i = typeSpec.length; i--;)
-            remove(element, typeSpec[i], fn)
-          return element
-        }
-        type = isString && typeSpec.replace(nameRegex, '')
-        if (type && customEvents[type])
-          type = customEvents[type].type
-        if (!typeSpec || isString) {
-          // remove(el) or remove(el, t1.ns) or remove(el, .ns) or remove(el, .ns1.ns2.ns3)
-          if (namespaces = isString && typeSpec.replace(namespaceRegex, ''))
-            namespaces = namespaces.split('.')
-          rm(element, type, fn, namespaces)
-        } else if (typeof typeSpec === 'function') {
-          // remove(el, fn)
-          rm(element, null, typeSpec)
-        } else {
-          // remove(el, { t1: fn1, t2, fn2 })
-          for (k in typeSpec) {
-            if (typeSpec.hasOwnProperty(k))
-              remove(element, k, typeSpec[k])
-          }
-        }
-        return element
-      }
-    , add = function (element, events, fn, delfn, $) {
-        var type, types, i, args
-          , originalFn = fn
-          , isDel = fn && typeof fn === 'string'
-        if (events && !fn && typeof events === 'object') {
-          for (type in events) {
-            if (events.hasOwnProperty(type))
-              add.apply(this, [ element, type, events[type] ])
-          }
-        } else {
-          args = arguments.length > 3 ?, 3) : []
-          types = (isDel ? fn : events).split(' ')
-          isDel && (fn = del(events, (originalFn = delfn), $)) && (args =, 1))
-          // special case for one()
-          this === ONE && (fn = once(remove, element, events, fn, originalFn))
-          for (i = types.length; i--;) addListener(element, types[i], fn, originalFn, args)
-        }
-        return element
-      }
-    , one = function () {
-        return add.apply(ONE, arguments)
-      }
-    , fireListener = W3C_MODEL ? function (isNative, type, element) {
-        var evt = doc.createEvent(isNative ? 'HTMLEvents' : 'UIEvents')
-        evt[isNative ? 'initEvent' : 'initUIEvent'](type, true, true, win, 1)
-        element.dispatchEvent(evt)
-      } : function (isNative, type, element) {
-        element = targetElement(element, isNative)
-        // if not-native then we're using onpropertychange so we just increment a custom property
-        isNative ? element.fireEvent('on' + type, doc.createEventObject()) : element['_on' + type]++
-      }
-    , fire = function (element, type, args) {
-        var i, j, l, names, handlers
-          , types = type.split(' ')
-        for (i = types.length; i--;) {
-          type = types[i].replace(nameRegex, '')
-          if (names = types[i].replace(namespaceRegex, ''))
-            names = names.split('.')
-          if (!names && !args && element[eventSupport]) {
-            fireListener(nativeEvents[type], type, element)
-          } else {
-            // non-native event, either because of a namespace, arguments or a non DOM element
-            // iterate over all listeners and manually 'fire'
-            handlers = registry.get(element, type)
-            args = [false].concat(args)
-            for (j = 0, l = handlers.length; j < l; j++) {
-              if (handlers[j].inNamespaces(names))
-                handlers[j].handler.apply(element, args)
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        return element
-      }
-    , clone = function (element, from, type) {
-        var i = 0
-          , handlers = registry.get(from, type)
-          , l = handlers.length
-        for (;i < l; i++)
-          handlers[i].original && add(element, handlers[i].type, handlers[i].original)
-        return element
-      }
-    , bean = {
-          add: add
-        , one: one
-        , remove: remove
-        , clone: clone
-        , fire: fire
-        , noConflict: function () {
-            context[name] = old
-            return this
-          }
-      }
-  if (win[attachEvent]) {
-    // for IE, clean up on unload to avoid leaks
-    var cleanup = function () {
-      var i, entries = registry.entries()
-      for (i in entries) {
-        if (entries[i].type && entries[i].type !== 'unload')
-          remove(entries[i].element, entries[i].type)
-      }
-      win[detachEvent]('onunload', cleanup)
-      win.CollectGarbage && win.CollectGarbage()
+                , entries = function () {
+                    var t, entries = []
+                    for (t in map) {
+                        if (t.charAt(0) === '$')
+                            entries = entries.concat(map[t])
+                    }
+                    return entries
+                }
+            return { has: has, get: get, put: put, del: del, entries: entries }
+        })()
+    // add and remove listeners to DOM elements
+        , listener = W3C_MODEL ? function (element, type, fn, add) {
+            element[add ? addEvent : removeEvent](type, fn, false)
+        } : function (element, type, fn, add, custom) {
+            if (custom && add && element['_on' + custom] === null)
+                element['_on' + custom] = 0
+            element[add ? attachEvent : detachEvent]('on' + type, fn)
+        }
+        , nativeHandler = function (element, fn, args) {
+            return function (event) {
+                event = fixEvent(event || ((this.ownerDocument || this.document || this).parentWindow || win).event, true)
+                return fn.apply(element, [event].concat(args))
+            }
+        }
+        , customHandler = function (element, fn, type, condition, args, isNative) {
+            return function (event) {
+                if (condition ? condition.apply(this, arguments) : W3C_MODEL ? true : event && event.propertyName === '_on' + type || !event) {
+                    if (event)
+                        event = fixEvent(event || ((this.ownerDocument || this.document || this).parentWindow || win).event, isNative)
+                    fn.apply(element, event && (!args || args.length === 0) ? arguments :, event ? 0 : 1).concat(args))
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        , once = function (rm, element, type, fn, originalFn) {
+            // wrap the handler in a handler that does a remove as well
+            return function () {
+                rm(element, type, originalFn)
+                fn.apply(this, arguments)
+            }
+        }
+        , removeListener = function (element, orgType, handler, namespaces) {
+            var i, l, entry
+                , type = (orgType && orgType.replace(nameRegex, ''))
+                , handlers = registry.get(element, type, handler)
+            for (i = 0, l = handlers.length; i < l; i++) {
+                if (handlers[i].inNamespaces(namespaces)) {
+                    if ((entry = handlers[i]).eventSupport)
+                        listener(, entry.eventType, entry.handler, false, entry.type)
+                    // TODO: this is problematic, we have a registry.get() and registry.del() that
+                    // both do registry searches so we waste cycles doing this. Needs to be rolled into
+                    // a single registry.forAll(fn) that removes while finding, but the catch is that
+                    // we'll be splicing the arrays that we're iterating over. Needs extra tests to
+                    // make sure we don't screw it up. @rvagg
+                    registry.del(entry)
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        , addListener = function (element, orgType, fn, originalFn, args) {
+            var entry
+                , type = orgType.replace(nameRegex, '')
+                , namespaces = orgType.replace(namespaceRegex, '').split('.')
+            if (registry.has(element, type, fn))
+                return element // no dupe
+            if (type === 'unload')
+                fn = once(removeListener, element, type, fn, originalFn) // self clean-up
+            if (customEvents[type]) {
+                if (customEvents[type].condition)
+                    fn = customHandler(element, fn, type, customEvents[type].condition, true)
+                type = customEvents[type].base || type
+            }
+            entry = registry.put(new RegEntry(element, type, fn, originalFn, namespaces[0] && namespaces))
+            entry.handler = entry.isNative ?
+                nativeHandler(element, entry.handler, args) :
+                customHandler(element, entry.handler, type, false, args, false)
+            if (entry.eventSupport)
+                listener(, entry.eventType, entry.handler, true, entry.customType)
+        }
+        , del = function (selector, fn, $) {
+            return function (e) {
+                var target, i, array = typeof selector === 'string' ? $(selector, this) : selector
+                for (target =; target && target !== this; target = target.parentNode) {
+                    for (i = array.length; i--;) {
+                        if (array[i] === target) {
+                            return fn.apply(target, arguments)
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        , remove = function (element, typeSpec, fn) {
+            var k, m, type, namespaces, i
+                , rm = removeListener
+                , isString = typeSpec && typeof typeSpec === 'string'
+            if (isString && typeSpec.indexOf(' ') > 0) {
+                // remove(el, 't1 t2 t3', fn) or remove(el, 't1 t2 t3')
+                typeSpec = typeSpec.split(' ')
+                for (i = typeSpec.length; i--;)
+                    remove(element, typeSpec[i], fn)
+                return element
+            }
+            type = isString && typeSpec.replace(nameRegex, '')
+            if (type && customEvents[type])
+                type = customEvents[type].type
+            if (!typeSpec || isString) {
+                // remove(el) or remove(el, t1.ns) or remove(el, .ns) or remove(el, .ns1.ns2.ns3)
+                if (namespaces = isString && typeSpec.replace(namespaceRegex, ''))
+                    namespaces = namespaces.split('.')
+                rm(element, type, fn, namespaces)
+            } else if (typeof typeSpec === 'function') {
+                // remove(el, fn)
+                rm(element, null, typeSpec)
+            } else {
+                // remove(el, { t1: fn1, t2, fn2 })
+                for (k in typeSpec) {
+                    if (typeSpec.hasOwnProperty(k))
+                        remove(element, k, typeSpec[k])
+                }
+            }
+            return element
+        }
+        , add = function (element, events, fn, delfn, $) {
+            var type, types, i, args
+                , originalFn = fn
+                , isDel = fn && typeof fn === 'string'
+            if (events && !fn && typeof events === 'object') {
+                for (type in events) {
+                    if (events.hasOwnProperty(type))
+                        add.apply(this, [ element, type, events[type] ])
+                }
+            } else {
+                args = arguments.length > 3 ?, 3) : []
+                types = (isDel ? fn : events).split(' ')
+                isDel && (fn = del(events, (originalFn = delfn), $)) && (args =, 1))
+                // special case for one()
+                this === ONE && (fn = once(remove, element, events, fn, originalFn))
+                for (i = types.length; i--;) addListener(element, types[i], fn, originalFn, args)
+            }
+            return element
+        }
+        , one = function () {
+            return add.apply(ONE, arguments)
+        }
+        , fireListener = W3C_MODEL ? function (isNative, type, element) {
+            var evt = doc.createEvent(isNative ? 'HTMLEvents' : 'UIEvents')
+            evt[isNative ? 'initEvent' : 'initUIEvent'](type, true, true, win, 1)
+            element.dispatchEvent(evt)
+        } : function (isNative, type, element) {
+            element = targetElement(element, isNative)
+            // if not-native then we're using onpropertychange so we just increment a custom property
+            isNative ? element.fireEvent('on' + type, doc.createEventObject()) : element['_on' + type]++
+        }
+        , fire = function (element, type, args) {
+            var i, j, l, names, handlers
+                , types = type.split(' ')
+            for (i = types.length; i--;) {
+                type = types[i].replace(nameRegex, '')
+                if (names = types[i].replace(namespaceRegex, ''))
+                    names = names.split('.')
+                if (!names && !args && element[eventSupport]) {
+                    fireListener(nativeEvents[type], type, element)
+                } else {
+                    // non-native event, either because of a namespace, arguments or a non DOM element
+                    // iterate over all listeners and manually 'fire'
+                    handlers = registry.get(element, type)
+                    args = [false].concat(args)
+                    for (j = 0, l = handlers.length; j < l; j++) {
+                        if (handlers[j].inNamespaces(names))
+                            handlers[j].handler.apply(element, args)
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            return element
+        }
+        , clone = function (element, from, type) {
+            var i = 0
+                , handlers = registry.get(from, type)
+                , l = handlers.length
+            for (; i < l; i++)
+                handlers[i].original && add(element, handlers[i].type, handlers[i].original)
+            return element
+        }
+        , bean = {
+            add: add, one: one, remove: remove, clone: clone, fire: fire, noConflict: function () {
+                context[name] = old
+                return this
+            }
+        }
+    if (win[attachEvent]) {
+        // for IE, clean up on unload to avoid leaks
+        var cleanup = function () {
+            var i, entries = registry.entries()
+            for (i in entries) {
+                if (entries[i].type && entries[i].type !== 'unload')
+                    remove(entries[i].element, entries[i].type)
+            }
+            win[detachEvent]('onunload', cleanup)
+            win.CollectGarbage && win.CollectGarbage()
+        }
+        win[attachEvent]('onunload', cleanup)
-    win[attachEvent]('onunload', cleanup)
-  }
-  return bean
+    return bean
 //     Underscore.js 1.1.7
 //     (c) 2011 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud Inc.
@@ -509,835 +504,851 @@
 //     For all details and documentation:
-(function() {
-  // Baseline setup
-  // --------------
-  // Establish the root object, `window` in the browser, or `global` on the server.
-  var root = this;
-  // Save the previous value of the `_` variable.
-  var previousUnderscore = root._;
-  // Establish the object that gets returned to break out of a loop iteration.
-  var breaker = {};
-  // Save bytes in the minified (but not gzipped) version:
-  var ArrayProto = Array.prototype, ObjProto = Object.prototype, FuncProto = Function.prototype;
-  // Create quick reference variables for speed access to core prototypes.
-  var slice            = ArrayProto.slice,
-      unshift          = ArrayProto.unshift,
-      toString         = ObjProto.toString,
-      hasOwnProperty   = ObjProto.hasOwnProperty;
-  // All **ECMAScript 5** native function implementations that we hope to use
-  // are declared here.
-  var
-    nativeForEach      = ArrayProto.forEach,
-    nativeMap          =,
-    nativeReduce       = ArrayProto.reduce,
-    nativeReduceRight  = ArrayProto.reduceRight,
-    nativeFilter       = ArrayProto.filter,
-    nativeEvery        = ArrayProto.every,
-    nativeSome         = ArrayProto.some,
-    nativeIndexOf      = ArrayProto.indexOf,
-    nativeLastIndexOf  = ArrayProto.lastIndexOf,
-    nativeIsArray      = Array.isArray,
-    nativeKeys         = Object.keys,
-    nativeBind         = FuncProto.bind;
-  // Create a safe reference to the Underscore object for use below.
-  var _ = function(obj) { return new wrapper(obj); };
-  // Export the Underscore object for **CommonJS**, with backwards-compatibility
-  // for the old `require()` API. If we're not in CommonJS, add `_` to the
-  // global object.
-  if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
-    module.exports = _;
-    _._ = _;
-  } else {
-    // Exported as a string, for Closure Compiler "advanced" mode.
-    root['_'] = _;
-  }
-  // Current version.
-  _.VERSION = '1.1.7';
-  // Collection Functions
-  // --------------------
-  // The cornerstone, an `each` implementation, aka `forEach`.
-  // Handles objects with the built-in `forEach`, arrays, and raw objects.
-  // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `forEach` if available.
-  var each = _.each = _.forEach = function(obj, iterator, context) {
-    if (obj == null) return;
-    if (nativeForEach && obj.forEach === nativeForEach) {
-      obj.forEach(iterator, context);
-    } else if (obj.length === +obj.length) {
-      for (var i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) {
-        if (i in obj &&, obj[i], i, obj) === breaker) return;
-      }
+(function () {
+    // Baseline setup
+    // --------------
+    // Establish the root object, `window` in the browser, or `global` on the server.
+    var root = this;
+    // Save the previous value of the `_` variable.
+    var previousUnderscore = root._;
+    // Establish the object that gets returned to break out of a loop iteration.
+    var breaker = {};
+    // Save bytes in the minified (but not gzipped) version:
+    var ArrayProto = Array.prototype, ObjProto = Object.prototype, FuncProto = Function.prototype;
+    // Create quick reference variables for speed access to core prototypes.
+    var slice = ArrayProto.slice,
+        unshift = ArrayProto.unshift,
+        toString = ObjProto.toString,
+        hasOwnProperty = ObjProto.hasOwnProperty;
+    // All **ECMAScript 5** native function implementations that we hope to use
+    // are declared here.
+    var
+        nativeForEach = ArrayProto.forEach,
+        nativeMap =,
+        nativeReduce = ArrayProto.reduce,
+        nativeReduceRight = ArrayProto.reduceRight,
+        nativeFilter = ArrayProto.filter,
+        nativeEvery = ArrayProto.every,
+        nativeSome = ArrayProto.some,
+        nativeIndexOf = ArrayProto.indexOf,
+        nativeLastIndexOf = ArrayProto.lastIndexOf,
+        nativeIsArray = Array.isArray,
+        nativeKeys = Object.keys,
+        nativeBind = FuncProto.bind;
+    // Create a safe reference to the Underscore object for use below.
+    var _ = function (obj) {
+        return new wrapper(obj);
+    };
+    // Export the Underscore object for **CommonJS**, with backwards-compatibility
+    // for the old `require()` API. If we're not in CommonJS, add `_` to the
+    // global object.
+    if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
+        module.exports = _;
+        _._ = _;
     } else {
-      for (var key in obj) {
-        if (, key)) {
-          if (, obj[key], key, obj) === breaker) return;
-        }
-      }
+        // Exported as a string, for Closure Compiler "advanced" mode.
+        root['_'] = _;
-  };
-  // Return the results of applying the iterator to each element.
-  // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `map` if available.
- = function(obj, iterator, context) {
-    var results = [];
-    if (obj == null) return results;
-    if (nativeMap && === nativeMap) return, context);
-    each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
-      results[results.length] =, value, index, list);
+    // Current version.
+    _.VERSION = '1.1.7';
+    // Collection Functions
+    // --------------------
+    // The cornerstone, an `each` implementation, aka `forEach`.
+    // Handles objects with the built-in `forEach`, arrays, and raw objects.
+    // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `forEach` if available.
+    var each = _.each = _.forEach = function (obj, iterator, context) {
+        if (obj == null) return;
+        if (nativeForEach && obj.forEach === nativeForEach) {
+            obj.forEach(iterator, context);
+        } else if (obj.length === +obj.length) {
+            for (var i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) {
+                if (i in obj &&, obj[i], i, obj) === breaker) return;
+            }
+        } else {
+            for (var key in obj) {
+                if (, key)) {
+                    if (, obj[key], key, obj) === breaker) return;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    // Return the results of applying the iterator to each element.
+    // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `map` if available.
+ = function (obj, iterator, context) {
+        var results = [];
+        if (obj == null) return results;
+        if (nativeMap && === nativeMap) return, context);
+        each(obj, function (value, index, list) {
+            results[results.length] =, value, index, list);
+        });
+        return results;
+    };
+    // **Reduce** builds up a single result from a list of values, aka `inject`,
+    // or `foldl`. Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `reduce` if available.
+    _.reduce = _.foldl = _.inject = function (obj, iterator, memo, context) {
+        var initial = memo !== void 0;
+        if (obj == null) obj = [];
+        if (nativeReduce && obj.reduce === nativeReduce) {
+            if (context) iterator = _.bind(iterator, context);
+            return initial ? obj.reduce(iterator, memo) : obj.reduce(iterator);
+        }
+        each(obj, function (value, index, list) {
+            if (!initial) {
+                memo = value;
+                initial = true;
+            } else {
+                memo =, memo, value, index, list);
+            }
+        });
+        if (!initial) throw new TypeError("Reduce of empty array with no initial value");
+        return memo;
+    };
+    // The right-associative version of reduce, also known as `foldr`.
+    // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `reduceRight` if available.
+    _.reduceRight = _.foldr = function (obj, iterator, memo, context) {
+        if (obj == null) obj = [];
+        if (nativeReduceRight && obj.reduceRight === nativeReduceRight) {
+            if (context) iterator = _.bind(iterator, context);
+            return memo !== void 0 ? obj.reduceRight(iterator, memo) : obj.reduceRight(iterator);
+        }
+        var reversed = (_.isArray(obj) ? obj.slice() : _.toArray(obj)).reverse();
+        return _.reduce(reversed, iterator, memo, context);
+    };
+    // Return the first value which passes a truth test. Aliased as `detect`.
+    _.find = _.detect = function (obj, iterator, context) {
+        var result;
+        any(obj, function (value, index, list) {
+            if (, value, index, list)) {
+                result = value;
+                return true;
+            }
+        });
+        return result;
+    };
+    // Return all the elements that pass a truth test.
+    // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `filter` if available.
+    // Aliased as `select`.
+    _.filter = = function (obj, iterator, context) {
+        var results = [];
+        if (obj == null) return results;
+        if (nativeFilter && obj.filter === nativeFilter) return obj.filter(iterator, context);
+        each(obj, function (value, index, list) {
+            if (, value, index, list)) results[results.length] = value;
+        });
+        return results;
+    };
+    // Return all the elements for which a truth test fails.
+    _.reject = function (obj, iterator, context) {
+        var results = [];
+        if (obj == null) return results;
+        each(obj, function (value, index, list) {
+            if (!, value, index, list)) results[results.length] = value;
+        });
+        return results;
+    };
+    // Determine whether all of the elements match a truth test.
+    // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `every` if available.
+    // Aliased as `all`.
+    _.every = _.all = function (obj, iterator, context) {
+        var result = true;
+        if (obj == null) return result;
+        if (nativeEvery && obj.every === nativeEvery) return obj.every(iterator, context);
+        each(obj, function (value, index, list) {
+            if (!(result = result &&, value, index, list))) return breaker;
+        });
+        return result;
+    };
+    // Determine if at least one element in the object matches a truth test.
+    // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `some` if available.
+    // Aliased as `any`.
+    var any = _.some = _.any = function (obj, iterator, context) {
+        iterator = iterator || _.identity;
+        var result = false;
+        if (obj == null) return result;
+        if (nativeSome && obj.some === nativeSome) return obj.some(iterator, context);
+        each(obj, function (value, index, list) {
+            if (result |=, value, index, list)) return breaker;
+        });
+        return !!result;
+    };
+    // Determine if a given value is included in the array or object using `===`.
+    // Aliased as `contains`.
+    _.include = _.contains = function (obj, target) {
+        var found = false;
+        if (obj == null) return found;
+        if (nativeIndexOf && obj.indexOf === nativeIndexOf) return obj.indexOf(target) != -1;
+        any(obj, function (value) {
+            if (found = value === target) return true;
+        });
+        return found;
+    };
+    // Invoke a method (with arguments) on every item in a collection.
+    _.invoke = function (obj, method) {
+        var args =, 2);
+        return, function (value) {
+            return ( ? method || value : value[method]).apply(value, args);
+        });
+    };
+    // Convenience version of a common use case of `map`: fetching a property.
+    _.pluck = function (obj, key) {
+        return, function (value) {
+            return value[key];
+        });
+    };
+    // Return the maximum element or (element-based computation).
+    _.max = function (obj, iterator, context) {
+        if (!iterator && _.isArray(obj)) return Math.max.apply(Math, obj);
+        var result = {computed: -Infinity};
+        each(obj, function (value, index, list) {
+            var computed = iterator ?, value, index, list) : value;
+            computed >= result.computed && (result = {value: value, computed: computed});
+        });
+        return result.value;
+    };
+    // Return the minimum element (or element-based computation).
+    _.min = function (obj, iterator, context) {
+        if (!iterator && _.isArray(obj)) return Math.min.apply(Math, obj);
+        var result = {computed: Infinity};
+        each(obj, function (value, index, list) {
+            var computed = iterator ?, value, index, list) : value;
+            computed < result.computed && (result = {value: value, computed: computed});
+        });
+        return result.value;
+    };
+    // Sort the object's values by a criterion produced by an iterator.
+    _.sortBy = function (obj, iterator, context) {
+        return _.pluck(,function (value, index, list) {
+            return {
+                value: value,
+                criteria:, value, index, list)
+            };
+        }).sort(function (left, right) {
+                var a = left.criteria, b = right.criteria;
+                return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0;
+            }), 'value');
+    };
+    // Groups the object's values by a criterion produced by an iterator
+    _.groupBy = function (obj, iterator) {
+        var result = {};
+        each(obj, function (value, index) {
+            var key = iterator(value, index);
+            (result[key] || (result[key] = [])).push(value);
+        });
+        return result;
+    };
+    // Use a comparator function to figure out at what index an object should
+    // be inserted so as to maintain order. Uses binary search.
+    _.sortedIndex = function (array, obj, iterator) {
+        iterator || (iterator = _.identity);
+        var low = 0, high = array.length;
+        while (low < high) {
+            var mid = (low + high) >> 1;
+            iterator(array[mid]) < iterator(obj) ? low = mid + 1 : high = mid;
+        }
+        return low;
+    };
+    // Safely convert anything iterable into a real, live array.
+    _.toArray = function (iterable) {
+        if (!iterable)                return [];
+        if (iterable.toArray)         return iterable.toArray();
+        if (_.isArray(iterable))      return;
+        if (_.isArguments(iterable))  return;
+        return _.values(iterable);
+    };
+    // Return the number of elements in an object.
+    _.size = function (obj) {
+        return _.toArray(obj).length;
+    };
+    // Array Functions
+    // ---------------
+    // Get the first element of an array. Passing **n** will return the first N
+    // values in the array. Aliased as `head`. The **guard** check allows it to work
+    // with ``.
+    _.first = _.head = function (array, n, guard) {
+        return (n != null) && !guard ?, 0, n) : array[0];
+    };
+    // Returns everything but the first entry of the array. Aliased as `tail`.
+    // Especially useful on the arguments object. Passing an **index** will return
+    // the rest of the values in the array from that index onward. The **guard**
+    // check allows it to work with ``.
+ = _.tail = function (array, index, guard) {
+        return, (index == null) || guard ? 1 : index);
+    };
+    // Get the last element of an array.
+    _.last = function (array) {
+        return array[array.length - 1];
+    };
+    // Trim out all falsy values from an array.
+    _.compact = function (array) {
+        return _.filter(array, function (value) {
+            return !!value;
+        });
+    };
+    // Return a completely flattened version of an array.
+    _.flatten = function (array) {
+        return _.reduce(array, function (memo, value) {
+            if (_.isArray(value)) return memo.concat(_.flatten(value));
+            memo[memo.length] = value;
+            return memo;
+        }, []);
+    };
+    // Return a version of the array that does not contain the specified value(s).
+    _.without = function (array) {
+        return _.difference(array,, 1));
+    };
+    // Produce a duplicate-free version of the array. If the array has already
+    // been sorted, you have the option of using a faster algorithm.
+    // Aliased as `unique`.
+    _.uniq = _.unique = function (array, isSorted) {
+        return _.reduce(array, function (memo, el, i) {
+            if (0 == i || (isSorted === true ? _.last(memo) != el : !_.include(memo, el))) memo[memo.length] = el;
+            return memo;
+        }, []);
+    };
+    // Produce an array that contains the union: each distinct element from all of
+    // the passed-in arrays.
+    _.union = function () {
+        return _.uniq(_.flatten(arguments));
+    };
+    // Produce an array that contains every item shared between all the
+    // passed-in arrays. (Aliased as "intersect" for back-compat.)
+    _.intersection = _.intersect = function (array) {
+        var rest =, 1);
+        return _.filter(_.uniq(array), function (item) {
+            return _.every(rest, function (other) {
+                return _.indexOf(other, item) >= 0;
+            });
+        });
+    };
+    // Take the difference between one array and another.
+    // Only the elements present in just the first array will remain.
+    _.difference = function (array, other) {
+        return _.filter(array, function (value) {
+            return !_.include(other, value);
+        });
+    };
+    // Zip together multiple lists into a single array -- elements that share
+    // an index go together.
+ = function () {
+        var args =;
+        var length = _.max(_.pluck(args, 'length'));
+        var results = new Array(length);
+        for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) results[i] = _.pluck(args, "" + i);
+        return results;
+    };
+    // If the browser doesn't supply us with indexOf (I'm looking at you, **MSIE**),
+    // we need this function. Return the position of the first occurrence of an
+    // item in an array, or -1 if the item is not included in the array.
+    // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `indexOf` if available.
+    // If the array is large and already in sort order, pass `true`
+    // for **isSorted** to use binary search.
+    _.indexOf = function (array, item, isSorted) {
+        if (array == null) return -1;
+        var i, l;
+        if (isSorted) {
+            i = _.sortedIndex(array, item);
+            return array[i] === item ? i : -1;
+        }
+        if (nativeIndexOf && array.indexOf === nativeIndexOf) return array.indexOf(item);
+        for (i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++) if (array[i] === item) return i;
+        return -1;
+    };
+    // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `lastIndexOf` if available.
+    _.lastIndexOf = function (array, item) {
+        if (array == null) return -1;
+        if (nativeLastIndexOf && array.lastIndexOf === nativeLastIndexOf) return array.lastIndexOf(item);
+        var i = array.length;
+        while (i--) if (array[i] === item) return i;
+        return -1;
+    };
+    // Generate an integer Array containing an arithmetic progression. A port of
+    // the native Python `range()` function. See
+    // [the Python documentation](
+    _.range = function (start, stop, step) {
+        if (arguments.length <= 1) {
+            stop = start || 0;
+            start = 0;
+        }
+        step = arguments[2] || 1;
+        var len = Math.max(Math.ceil((stop - start) / step), 0);
+        var idx = 0;
+        var range = new Array(len);
+        while (idx < len) {
+            range[idx++] = start;
+            start += step;
+        }
+        return range;
+    };
+    // Function (ahem) Functions
+    // ------------------
+    // Create a function bound to a given object (assigning `this`, and arguments,
+    // optionally). Binding with arguments is also known as `curry`.
+    // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `Function.bind` if available.
+    // We check for `func.bind` first, to fail fast when `func` is undefined.
+    _.bind = function (func, obj) {
+        if (func.bind === nativeBind && nativeBind) return nativeBind.apply(func,, 1));
+        var args =, 2);
+        return function () {
+            return func.apply(obj, args.concat(;
+        };
+    };
+    // Bind all of an object's methods to that object. Useful for ensuring that
+    // all callbacks defined on an object belong to it.
+    _.bindAll = function (obj) {
+        var funcs =, 1);
+        if (funcs.length == 0) funcs = _.functions(obj);
+        each(funcs, function (f) {
+            obj[f] = _.bind(obj[f], obj);
+        });
+        return obj;
+    };
+    // Memoize an expensive function by storing its results.
+    _.memoize = function (func, hasher) {
+        var memo = {};
+        hasher || (hasher = _.identity);
+        return function () {
+            var key = hasher.apply(this, arguments);
+            return, key) ? memo[key] : (memo[key] = func.apply(this, arguments));
+        };
+    };
+    // Delays a function for the given number of milliseconds, and then calls
+    // it with the arguments supplied.
+    _.delay = function (func, wait) {
+        var args =, 2);
+        return setTimeout(function () {
+            return func.apply(func, args);
+        }, wait);
+    };
+    // Defers a function, scheduling it to run after the current call stack has
+    // cleared.
+    _.defer = function (func) {
+        return _.delay.apply(_, [func, 1].concat(, 1)));
+    };
+    // Internal function used to implement `_.throttle` and `_.debounce`.
+    var limit = function (func, wait, debounce) {
+        var timeout;
+        return function () {
+            var context = this, args = arguments;
+            var throttler = function () {
+                timeout = null;
+                func.apply(context, args);
+            };
+            if (debounce) clearTimeout(timeout);
+            if (debounce || !timeout) timeout = setTimeout(throttler, wait);
+        };
+    };
+    // Returns a function, that, when invoked, will only be triggered at most once
+    // during a given window of time.
+    _.throttle = function (func, wait) {
+        return limit(func, wait, false);
+    };
+    // Returns a function, that, as long as it continues to be invoked, will not
+    // be triggered. The function will be called after it stops being called for
+    // N milliseconds.
+    _.debounce = function (func, wait) {
+        return limit(func, wait, true);
+    };
+    // Returns a function that will be executed at most one time, no matter how
+    // often you call it. Useful for lazy initialization.
+    _.once = function (func) {
+        var ran = false, memo;
+        return function () {
+            if (ran) return memo;
+            ran = true;
+            return memo = func.apply(this, arguments);
+        };
+    };
+    // Returns the first function passed as an argument to the second,
+    // allowing you to adjust arguments, run code before and after, and
+    // conditionally execute the original function.
+    _.wrap = function (func, wrapper) {
+        return function () {
+            var args = [func].concat(;
+            return wrapper.apply(this, args);
+        };
+    };
+    // Returns a function that is the composition of a list of functions, each
+    // consuming the return value of the function that follows.
+    _.compose = function () {
+        var funcs =;
+        return function () {
+            var args =;
+            for (var i = funcs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+                args = [funcs[i].apply(this, args)];
+            }
+            return args[0];
+        };
+    };
+    // Returns a function that will only be executed after being called N times.
+    _.after = function (times, func) {
+        return function () {
+            if (--times < 1) {
+                return func.apply(this, arguments);
+            }
+        };
+    };
+    // Object Functions
+    // ----------------
+    // Retrieve the names of an object's properties.
+    // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `Object.keys`
+    _.keys = nativeKeys || function (obj) {
+        if (obj !== Object(obj)) throw new TypeError('Invalid object');
+        var keys = [];
+        for (var key in obj) if (, key)) keys[keys.length] = key;
+        return keys;
+    };
+    // Retrieve the values of an object's properties.
+    _.values = function (obj) {
+        return, _.identity);
+    };
+    // Return a sorted list of the function names available on the object.
+    // Aliased as `methods`
+    _.functions = _.methods = function (obj) {
+        var names = [];
+        for (var key in obj) {
+            if (_.isFunction(obj[key])) names.push(key);
+        }
+        return names.sort();
+    };
+    // Extend a given object with all the properties in passed-in object(s).
+    _.extend = function (obj) {
+        each(, 1), function (source) {
+            for (var prop in source) {
+                if (source[prop] !== void 0) obj[prop] = source[prop];
+            }
+        });
+        return obj;
+    };
+    // Fill in a given object with default properties.
+    _.defaults = function (obj) {
+        each(, 1), function (source) {
+            for (var prop in source) {
+                if (obj[prop] == null) obj[prop] = source[prop];
+            }
+        });
+        return obj;
+    };
+    // Create a (shallow-cloned) duplicate of an object.
+    _.clone = function (obj) {
+        return _.isArray(obj) ? obj.slice() : _.extend({}, obj);
+    };
+    // Invokes interceptor with the obj, and then returns obj.
+    // The primary purpose of this method is to "tap into" a method chain, in
+    // order to perform operations on intermediate results within the chain.
+    _.tap = function (obj, interceptor) {
+        interceptor(obj);
+        return obj;
+    };
+    // Perform a deep comparison to check if two objects are equal.
+    _.isEqual = function (a, b) {
+        // Check object identity.
+        if (a === b) return true;
+        // Different types?
+        var atype = typeof(a), btype = typeof(b);
+        if (atype != btype) return false;
+        // Basic equality test (watch out for coercions).
+        if (a == b) return true;
+        // One is falsy and the other truthy.
+        if ((!a && b) || (a && !b)) return false;
+        // Unwrap any wrapped objects.
+        if (a._chain) a = a._wrapped;
+        if (b._chain) b = b._wrapped;
+        // One of them implements an isEqual()?
+        if (a.isEqual) return a.isEqual(b);
+        if (b.isEqual) return b.isEqual(a);
+        // Check dates' integer values.
+        if (_.isDate(a) && _.isDate(b)) return a.getTime() === b.getTime();
+        // Both are NaN?
+        if (_.isNaN(a) && _.isNaN(b)) return false;
+        // Compare regular expressions.
+        if (_.isRegExp(a) && _.isRegExp(b))
+            return a.source === b.source &&
+       === &&
+                a.ignoreCase === b.ignoreCase &&
+                a.multiline === b.multiline;
+        // If a is not an object by this point, we can't handle it.
+        if (atype !== 'object') return false;
+        // Check for different array lengths before comparing contents.
+        if (a.length && (a.length !== b.length)) return false;
+        // Nothing else worked, deep compare the contents.
+        var aKeys = _.keys(a), bKeys = _.keys(b);
+        // Different object sizes?
+        if (aKeys.length != bKeys.length) return false;
+        // Recursive comparison of contents.
+        for (var key in a) if (!(key in b) || !_.isEqual(a[key], b[key])) return false;
+        return true;
+    };
+    // Is a given array or object empty?
+    _.isEmpty = function (obj) {
+        if (_.isArray(obj) || _.isString(obj)) return obj.length === 0;
+        for (var key in obj) if (, key)) return false;
+        return true;
+    };
+    // Is a given value a DOM element?
+    _.isElement = function (obj) {
+        return !!(obj && obj.nodeType == 1);
+    };
+    // Is a given value an array?
+    // Delegates to ECMA5's native Array.isArray
+    _.isArray = nativeIsArray || function (obj) {
+        return === '[object Array]';
+    };
+    // Is a given variable an object?
+    _.isObject = function (obj) {
+        return obj === Object(obj);
+    };
+    // Is a given variable an arguments object?
+    _.isArguments = function (obj) {
+        return !!(obj &&, 'callee'));
+    };
+    // Is a given value a function?
+    _.isFunction = function (obj) {
+        return !!(obj && obj.constructor && && obj.apply);
+    };
+    // Is a given value a string?
+    _.isString = function (obj) {
+        return !!(obj === '' || (obj && obj.charCodeAt && obj.substr));
+    };
+    // Is a given value a number?
+    _.isNumber = function (obj) {
+        return !!(obj === 0 || (obj && obj.toExponential && obj.toFixed));
+    };
+    // Is the given value `NaN`? `NaN` happens to be the only value in JavaScript
+    // that does not equal itself.
+    _.isNaN = function (obj) {
+        return obj !== obj;
+    };
+    // Is a given value a boolean?
+    _.isBoolean = function (obj) {
+        return obj === true || obj === false;
+    };
+    // Is a given value a date?
+    _.isDate = function (obj) {
+        return !!(obj && obj.getTimezoneOffset && obj.setUTCFullYear);
+    };
+    // Is the given value a regular expression?
+    _.isRegExp = function (obj) {
+        return !!(obj && obj.test && obj.exec && (obj.ignoreCase || obj.ignoreCase === false));
+    };
+    // Is a given value equal to null?
+    _.isNull = function (obj) {
+        return obj === null;
+    };
+    // Is a given variable undefined?
+    _.isUndefined = function (obj) {
+        return obj === void 0;
+    };
+    // Utility Functions
+    // -----------------
+    // Run Underscore.js in *noConflict* mode, returning the `_` variable to its
+    // previous owner. Returns a reference to the Underscore object.
+    _.noConflict = function () {
+        root._ = previousUnderscore;
+        return this;
+    };
+    // Keep the identity function around for default iterators.
+    _.identity = function (value) {
+        return value;
+    };
+    // Run a function **n** times.
+    _.times = function (n, iterator, context) {
+        for (var i = 0; i < n; i++), i);
+    };
+    // Add your own custom functions to the Underscore object, ensuring that
+    // they're correctly added to the OOP wrapper as well.
+    _.mixin = function (obj) {
+        each(_.functions(obj), function (name) {
+            addToWrapper(name, _[name] = obj[name]);
+        });
+    };
+    // Generate a unique integer id (unique within the entire client session).
+    // Useful for temporary DOM ids.
+    var idCounter = 0;
+    _.uniqueId = function (prefix) {
+        var id = idCounter++;
+        return prefix ? prefix + id : id;
+    };
+    // By default, Underscore uses ERB-style template delimiters, change the
+    // following template settings to use alternative delimiters.
+    _.templateSettings = {
+        evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
+        interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g
+    };
+    // JavaScript micro-templating, similar to John Resig's implementation.
+    // Underscore templating handles arbitrary delimiters, preserves whitespace,
+    // and correctly escapes quotes within interpolated code.
+    _.template = function (str, data) {
+        var c = _.templateSettings;
+        var tmpl = 'var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};' +
+            'with(obj||{}){__p.push(\'' +
+            str.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')
+                .replace(/'/g, "\\'")
+                .replace(c.interpolate, function (match, code) {
+                    return "'," + code.replace(/\\'/g, "'") + ",'";
+                })
+                .replace(c.evaluate || null, function (match, code) {
+                    return "');" + code.replace(/\\'/g, "'")
+                        .replace(/[\r\n\t]/g, ' ') + "__p.push('";
+                })
+                .replace(/\r/g, '\\r')
+                .replace(/\n/g, '\\n')
+                .replace(/\t/g, '\\t')
+            + "');}return __p.join('');";
+        var func = new Function('obj', tmpl);
+        return data ? func(data) : func;
+    };
+    // The OOP Wrapper
+    // ---------------
+    // If Underscore is called as a function, it returns a wrapped object that
+    // can be used OO-style. This wrapper holds altered versions of all the
+    // underscore functions. Wrapped objects may be chained.
+    var wrapper = function (obj) {
+        this._wrapped = obj;
+    };
+    // Expose `wrapper.prototype` as `_.prototype`
+    _.prototype = wrapper.prototype;
+    // Helper function to continue chaining intermediate results.
+    var result = function (obj, chain) {
+        return chain ? _(obj).chain() : obj;
+    };
+    // A method to easily add functions to the OOP wrapper.
+    var addToWrapper = function (name, func) {
+        wrapper.prototype[name] = function () {
+            var args =;
+  , this._wrapped);
+            return result(func.apply(_, args), this._chain);
+        };
+    };
+    // Add all of the Underscore functions to the wrapper object.
+    _.mixin(_);
+    // Add all mutator Array functions to the wrapper.
+    each(['pop', 'push', 'reverse', 'shift', 'sort', 'splice', 'unshift'], function (name) {
+        var method = ArrayProto[name];
+        wrapper.prototype[name] = function () {
+            method.apply(this._wrapped, arguments);
+            return result(this._wrapped, this._chain);
+        };
-    return results;
-  };
-  // **Reduce** builds up a single result from a list of values, aka `inject`,
-  // or `foldl`. Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `reduce` if available.
-  _.reduce = _.foldl = _.inject = function(obj, iterator, memo, context) {
-    var initial = memo !== void 0;
-    if (obj == null) obj = [];
-    if (nativeReduce && obj.reduce === nativeReduce) {
-      if (context) iterator = _.bind(iterator, context);
-      return initial ? obj.reduce(iterator, memo) : obj.reduce(iterator);
-    }
-    each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
-      if (!initial) {
-        memo = value;
-        initial = true;
-      } else {
-        memo =, memo, value, index, list);
-      }
+    // Add all accessor Array functions to the wrapper.
+    each(['concat', 'join', 'slice'], function (name) {
+        var method = ArrayProto[name];
+        wrapper.prototype[name] = function () {
+            return result(method.apply(this._wrapped, arguments), this._chain);
+        };
-    if (!initial) throw new TypeError("Reduce of empty array with no initial value");
-    return memo;
-  };
-  // The right-associative version of reduce, also known as `foldr`.
-  // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `reduceRight` if available.
-  _.reduceRight = _.foldr = function(obj, iterator, memo, context) {
-    if (obj == null) obj = [];
-    if (nativeReduceRight && obj.reduceRight === nativeReduceRight) {
-      if (context) iterator = _.bind(iterator, context);
-      return memo !== void 0 ? obj.reduceRight(iterator, memo) : obj.reduceRight(iterator);
-    }
-    var reversed = (_.isArray(obj) ? obj.slice() : _.toArray(obj)).reverse();
-    return _.reduce(reversed, iterator, memo, context);
-  };
-  // Return the first value which passes a truth test. Aliased as `detect`.
-  _.find = _.detect = function(obj, iterator, context) {
-    var result;
-    any(obj, function(value, index, list) {
-      if (, value, index, list)) {
-        result = value;
-        return true;
-      }
-    });
-    return result;
-  };
-  // Return all the elements that pass a truth test.
-  // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `filter` if available.
-  // Aliased as `select`.
-  _.filter = = function(obj, iterator, context) {
-    var results = [];
-    if (obj == null) return results;
-    if (nativeFilter && obj.filter === nativeFilter) return obj.filter(iterator, context);
-    each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
-      if (, value, index, list)) results[results.length] = value;
-    });
-    return results;
-  };
-  // Return all the elements for which a truth test fails.
-  _.reject = function(obj, iterator, context) {
-    var results = [];
-    if (obj == null) return results;
-    each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
-      if (!, value, index, list)) results[results.length] = value;
-    });
-    return results;
-  };
-  // Determine whether all of the elements match a truth test.
-  // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `every` if available.
-  // Aliased as `all`.
-  _.every = _.all = function(obj, iterator, context) {
-    var result = true;
-    if (obj == null) return result;
-    if (nativeEvery && obj.every === nativeEvery) return obj.every(iterator, context);
-    each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
-      if (!(result = result &&, value, index, list))) return breaker;
-    });
-    return result;
-  };
-  // Determine if at least one element in the object matches a truth test.
-  // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `some` if available.
-  // Aliased as `any`.
-  var any = _.some = _.any = function(obj, iterator, context) {
-    iterator = iterator || _.identity;
-    var result = false;
-    if (obj == null) return result;
-    if (nativeSome && obj.some === nativeSome) return obj.some(iterator, context);
-    each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
-      if (result |=, value, index, list)) return breaker;
-    });
-    return !!result;
-  };
-  // Determine if a given value is included in the array or object using `===`.
-  // Aliased as `contains`.
-  _.include = _.contains = function(obj, target) {
-    var found = false;
-    if (obj == null) return found;
-    if (nativeIndexOf && obj.indexOf === nativeIndexOf) return obj.indexOf(target) != -1;
-    any(obj, function(value) {
-      if (found = value === target) return true;
-    });
-    return found;
-  };
-  // Invoke a method (with arguments) on every item in a collection.
-  _.invoke = function(obj, method) {
-    var args =, 2);
-    return, function(value) {
-      return ( ? method || value : value[method]).apply(value, args);
-    });
-  };
-  // Convenience version of a common use case of `map`: fetching a property.
-  _.pluck = function(obj, key) {
-    return, function(value){ return value[key]; });
-  };
-  // Return the maximum element or (element-based computation).
-  _.max = function(obj, iterator, context) {
-    if (!iterator && _.isArray(obj)) return Math.max.apply(Math, obj);
-    var result = {computed : -Infinity};
-    each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
-      var computed = iterator ?, value, index, list) : value;
-      computed >= result.computed && (result = {value : value, computed : computed});
-    });
-    return result.value;
-  };
-  // Return the minimum element (or element-based computation).
-  _.min = function(obj, iterator, context) {
-    if (!iterator && _.isArray(obj)) return Math.min.apply(Math, obj);
-    var result = {computed : Infinity};
-    each(obj, function(value, index, list) {
-      var computed = iterator ?, value, index, list) : value;
-      computed < result.computed && (result = {value : value, computed : computed});
-    });
-    return result.value;
-  };
-  // Sort the object's values by a criterion produced by an iterator.
-  _.sortBy = function(obj, iterator, context) {
-    return _.pluck(, function(value, index, list) {
-      return {
-        value : value,
-        criteria :, value, index, list)
-      };
-    }).sort(function(left, right) {
-      var a = left.criteria, b = right.criteria;
-      return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0;
-    }), 'value');
-  };
-  // Groups the object's values by a criterion produced by an iterator
-  _.groupBy = function(obj, iterator) {
-    var result = {};
-    each(obj, function(value, index) {
-      var key = iterator(value, index);
-      (result[key] || (result[key] = [])).push(value);
-    });
-    return result;
-  };
-  // Use a comparator function to figure out at what index an object should
-  // be inserted so as to maintain order. Uses binary search.
-  _.sortedIndex = function(array, obj, iterator) {
-    iterator || (iterator = _.identity);
-    var low = 0, high = array.length;
-    while (low < high) {
-      var mid = (low + high) >> 1;
-      iterator(array[mid]) < iterator(obj) ? low = mid + 1 : high = mid;
-    }
-    return low;
-  };
-  // Safely convert anything iterable into a real, live array.
-  _.toArray = function(iterable) {
-    if (!iterable)                return [];
-    if (iterable.toArray)         return iterable.toArray();
-    if (_.isArray(iterable))      return;
-    if (_.isArguments(iterable))  return;
-    return _.values(iterable);
-  };
-  // Return the number of elements in an object.
-  _.size = function(obj) {
-    return _.toArray(obj).length;
-  };
-  // Array Functions
-  // ---------------
-  // Get the first element of an array. Passing **n** will return the first N
-  // values in the array. Aliased as `head`. The **guard** check allows it to work
-  // with ``.
-  _.first = _.head = function(array, n, guard) {
-    return (n != null) && !guard ?, 0, n) : array[0];
-  };
-  // Returns everything but the first entry of the array. Aliased as `tail`.
-  // Especially useful on the arguments object. Passing an **index** will return
-  // the rest of the values in the array from that index onward. The **guard**
-  // check allows it to work with ``.
- = _.tail = function(array, index, guard) {
-    return, (index == null) || guard ? 1 : index);
-  };
-  // Get the last element of an array.
-  _.last = function(array) {
-    return array[array.length - 1];
-  };
-  // Trim out all falsy values from an array.
-  _.compact = function(array) {
-    return _.filter(array, function(value){ return !!value; });
-  };
-  // Return a completely flattened version of an array.
-  _.flatten = function(array) {
-    return _.reduce(array, function(memo, value) {
-      if (_.isArray(value)) return memo.concat(_.flatten(value));
-      memo[memo.length] = value;
-      return memo;
-    }, []);
-  };
-  // Return a version of the array that does not contain the specified value(s).
-  _.without = function(array) {
-    return _.difference(array,, 1));
-  };
-  // Produce a duplicate-free version of the array. If the array has already
-  // been sorted, you have the option of using a faster algorithm.
-  // Aliased as `unique`.
-  _.uniq = _.unique = function(array, isSorted) {
-    return _.reduce(array, function(memo, el, i) {
-      if (0 == i || (isSorted === true ? _.last(memo) != el : !_.include(memo, el))) memo[memo.length] = el;
-      return memo;
-    }, []);
-  };
-  // Produce an array that contains the union: each distinct element from all of
-  // the passed-in arrays.
-  _.union = function() {
-    return _.uniq(_.flatten(arguments));
-  };
-  // Produce an array that contains every item shared between all the
-  // passed-in arrays. (Aliased as "intersect" for back-compat.)
-  _.intersection = _.intersect = function(array) {
-    var rest =, 1);
-    return _.filter(_.uniq(array), function(item) {
-      return _.every(rest, function(other) {
-        return _.indexOf(other, item) >= 0;
-      });
-    });
-  };
-  // Take the difference between one array and another.
-  // Only the elements present in just the first array will remain.
-  _.difference = function(array, other) {
-    return _.filter(array, function(value){ return !_.include(other, value); });
-  };
-  // Zip together multiple lists into a single array -- elements that share
-  // an index go together.
- = function() {
-    var args =;
-    var length = _.max(_.pluck(args, 'length'));
-    var results = new Array(length);
-    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) results[i] = _.pluck(args, "" + i);
-    return results;
-  };
-  // If the browser doesn't supply us with indexOf (I'm looking at you, **MSIE**),
-  // we need this function. Return the position of the first occurrence of an
-  // item in an array, or -1 if the item is not included in the array.
-  // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `indexOf` if available.
-  // If the array is large and already in sort order, pass `true`
-  // for **isSorted** to use binary search.
-  _.indexOf = function(array, item, isSorted) {
-    if (array == null) return -1;
-    var i, l;
-    if (isSorted) {
-      i = _.sortedIndex(array, item);
-      return array[i] === item ? i : -1;
-    }
-    if (nativeIndexOf && array.indexOf === nativeIndexOf) return array.indexOf(item);
-    for (i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++) if (array[i] === item) return i;
-    return -1;
-  };
-  // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `lastIndexOf` if available.
-  _.lastIndexOf = function(array, item) {
-    if (array == null) return -1;
-    if (nativeLastIndexOf && array.lastIndexOf === nativeLastIndexOf) return array.lastIndexOf(item);
-    var i = array.length;
-    while (i--) if (array[i] === item) return i;
-    return -1;
-  };
-  // Generate an integer Array containing an arithmetic progression. A port of
-  // the native Python `range()` function. See
-  // [the Python documentation](
-  _.range = function(start, stop, step) {
-    if (arguments.length <= 1) {
-      stop = start || 0;
-      start = 0;
-    }
-    step = arguments[2] || 1;
-    var len = Math.max(Math.ceil((stop - start) / step), 0);
-    var idx = 0;
-    var range = new Array(len);
-    while(idx < len) {
-      range[idx++] = start;
-      start += step;
-    }
-    return range;
-  };
-  // Function (ahem) Functions
-  // ------------------
-  // Create a function bound to a given object (assigning `this`, and arguments,
-  // optionally). Binding with arguments is also known as `curry`.
-  // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `Function.bind` if available.
-  // We check for `func.bind` first, to fail fast when `func` is undefined.
-  _.bind = function(func, obj) {
-    if (func.bind === nativeBind && nativeBind) return nativeBind.apply(func,, 1));
-    var args =, 2);
-    return function() {
-      return func.apply(obj, args.concat(;
-    };
-  };
-  // Bind all of an object's methods to that object. Useful for ensuring that
-  // all callbacks defined on an object belong to it.
-  _.bindAll = function(obj) {
-    var funcs =, 1);
-    if (funcs.length == 0) funcs = _.functions(obj);
-    each(funcs, function(f) { obj[f] = _.bind(obj[f], obj); });
-    return obj;
-  };
-  // Memoize an expensive function by storing its results.
-  _.memoize = function(func, hasher) {
-    var memo = {};
-    hasher || (hasher = _.identity);
-    return function() {
-      var key = hasher.apply(this, arguments);
-      return, key) ? memo[key] : (memo[key] = func.apply(this, arguments));
-    };
-  };
-  // Delays a function for the given number of milliseconds, and then calls
-  // it with the arguments supplied.
-  _.delay = function(func, wait) {
-    var args =, 2);
-    return setTimeout(function(){ return func.apply(func, args); }, wait);
-  };
-  // Defers a function, scheduling it to run after the current call stack has
-  // cleared.
-  _.defer = function(func) {
-    return _.delay.apply(_, [func, 1].concat(, 1)));
-  };
-  // Internal function used to implement `_.throttle` and `_.debounce`.
-  var limit = function(func, wait, debounce) {
-    var timeout;
-    return function() {
-      var context = this, args = arguments;
-      var throttler = function() {
-        timeout = null;
-        func.apply(context, args);
-      };
-      if (debounce) clearTimeout(timeout);
-      if (debounce || !timeout) timeout = setTimeout(throttler, wait);
-    };
-  };
-  // Returns a function, that, when invoked, will only be triggered at most once
-  // during a given window of time.
-  _.throttle = function(func, wait) {
-    return limit(func, wait, false);
-  };
-  // Returns a function, that, as long as it continues to be invoked, will not
-  // be triggered. The function will be called after it stops being called for
-  // N milliseconds.
-  _.debounce = function(func, wait) {
-    return limit(func, wait, true);
-  };
-  // Returns a function that will be executed at most one time, no matter how
-  // often you call it. Useful for lazy initialization.
-  _.once = function(func) {
-    var ran = false, memo;
-    return function() {
-      if (ran) return memo;
-      ran = true;
-      return memo = func.apply(this, arguments);
-    };
-  };
-  // Returns the first function passed as an argument to the second,
-  // allowing you to adjust arguments, run code before and after, and
-  // conditionally execute the original function.
-  _.wrap = function(func, wrapper) {
-    return function() {
-      var args = [func].concat(;
-      return wrapper.apply(this, args);
-    };
-  };
-  // Returns a function that is the composition of a list of functions, each
-  // consuming the return value of the function that follows.
-  _.compose = function() {
-    var funcs =;
-    return function() {
-      var args =;
-      for (var i = funcs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-        args = [funcs[i].apply(this, args)];
-      }
-      return args[0];
-    };
-  };
-  // Returns a function that will only be executed after being called N times.
-  _.after = function(times, func) {
-    return function() {
-      if (--times < 1) { return func.apply(this, arguments); }
-    };
-  };
-  // Object Functions
-  // ----------------
-  // Retrieve the names of an object's properties.
-  // Delegates to **ECMAScript 5**'s native `Object.keys`
-  _.keys = nativeKeys || function(obj) {
-    if (obj !== Object(obj)) throw new TypeError('Invalid object');
-    var keys = [];
-    for (var key in obj) if (, key)) keys[keys.length] = key;
-    return keys;
-  };
-  // Retrieve the values of an object's properties.
-  _.values = function(obj) {
-    return, _.identity);
-  };
-  // Return a sorted list of the function names available on the object.
-  // Aliased as `methods`
-  _.functions = _.methods = function(obj) {
-    var names = [];
-    for (var key in obj) {
-      if (_.isFunction(obj[key])) names.push(key);
-    }
-    return names.sort();
-  };
-  // Extend a given object with all the properties in passed-in object(s).
-  _.extend = function(obj) {
-    each(, 1), function(source) {
-      for (var prop in source) {
-        if (source[prop] !== void 0) obj[prop] = source[prop];
-      }
-    });
-    return obj;
-  };
-  // Fill in a given object with default properties.
-  _.defaults = function(obj) {
-    each(, 1), function(source) {
-      for (var prop in source) {
-        if (obj[prop] == null) obj[prop] = source[prop];
-      }
-    });
-    return obj;
-  };
-  // Create a (shallow-cloned) duplicate of an object.
-  _.clone = function(obj) {
-    return _.isArray(obj) ? obj.slice() : _.extend({}, obj);
-  };
-  // Invokes interceptor with the obj, and then returns obj.
-  // The primary purpose of this method is to "tap into" a method chain, in
-  // order to perform operations on intermediate results within the chain.
-  _.tap = function(obj, interceptor) {
-    interceptor(obj);
-    return obj;
-  };
-  // Perform a deep comparison to check if two objects are equal.
-  _.isEqual = function(a, b) {
-    // Check object identity.
-    if (a === b) return true;
-    // Different types?
-    var atype = typeof(a), btype = typeof(b);
-    if (atype != btype) return false;
-    // Basic equality test (watch out for coercions).
-    if (a == b) return true;
-    // One is falsy and the other truthy.
-    if ((!a && b) || (a && !b)) return false;
-    // Unwrap any wrapped objects.
-    if (a._chain) a = a._wrapped;
-    if (b._chain) b = b._wrapped;
-    // One of them implements an isEqual()?
-    if (a.isEqual) return a.isEqual(b);
-    if (b.isEqual) return b.isEqual(a);
-    // Check dates' integer values.
-    if (_.isDate(a) && _.isDate(b)) return a.getTime() === b.getTime();
-    // Both are NaN?
-    if (_.isNaN(a) && _.isNaN(b)) return false;
-    // Compare regular expressions.
-    if (_.isRegExp(a) && _.isRegExp(b))
-      return a.source     === b.source &&
-        === &&
-             a.ignoreCase === b.ignoreCase &&
-             a.multiline  === b.multiline;
-    // If a is not an object by this point, we can't handle it.
-    if (atype !== 'object') return false;
-    // Check for different array lengths before comparing contents.
-    if (a.length && (a.length !== b.length)) return false;
-    // Nothing else worked, deep compare the contents.
-    var aKeys = _.keys(a), bKeys = _.keys(b);
-    // Different object sizes?
-    if (aKeys.length != bKeys.length) return false;
-    // Recursive comparison of contents.
-    for (var key in a) if (!(key in b) || !_.isEqual(a[key], b[key])) return false;
-    return true;
-  };
-  // Is a given array or object empty?
-  _.isEmpty = function(obj) {
-    if (_.isArray(obj) || _.isString(obj)) return obj.length === 0;
-    for (var key in obj) if (, key)) return false;
-    return true;
-  };
-  // Is a given value a DOM element?
-  _.isElement = function(obj) {
-    return !!(obj && obj.nodeType == 1);
-  };
-  // Is a given value an array?
-  // Delegates to ECMA5's native Array.isArray
-  _.isArray = nativeIsArray || function(obj) {
-    return === '[object Array]';
-  };
-  // Is a given variable an object?
-  _.isObject = function(obj) {
-    return obj === Object(obj);
-  };
-  // Is a given variable an arguments object?
-  _.isArguments = function(obj) {
-    return !!(obj &&, 'callee'));
-  };
-  // Is a given value a function?
-  _.isFunction = function(obj) {
-    return !!(obj && obj.constructor && && obj.apply);
-  };
-  // Is a given value a string?
-  _.isString = function(obj) {
-    return !!(obj === '' || (obj && obj.charCodeAt && obj.substr));
-  };
-  // Is a given value a number?
-  _.isNumber = function(obj) {
-    return !!(obj === 0 || (obj && obj.toExponential && obj.toFixed));
-  };
-  // Is the given value `NaN`? `NaN` happens to be the only value in JavaScript
-  // that does not equal itself.
-  _.isNaN = function(obj) {
-    return obj !== obj;
-  };
-  // Is a given value a boolean?
-  _.isBoolean = function(obj) {
-    return obj === true || obj === false;
-  };
-  // Is a given value a date?
-  _.isDate = function(obj) {
-    return !!(obj && obj.getTimezoneOffset && obj.setUTCFullYear);
-  };
-  // Is the given value a regular expression?
-  _.isRegExp = function(obj) {
-    return !!(obj && obj.test && obj.exec && (obj.ignoreCase || obj.ignoreCase === false));
-  };
-  // Is a given value equal to null?
-  _.isNull = function(obj) {
-    return obj === null;
-  };
-  // Is a given variable undefined?
-  _.isUndefined = function(obj) {
-    return obj === void 0;
-  };
-  // Utility Functions
-  // -----------------
-  // Run Underscore.js in *noConflict* mode, returning the `_` variable to its
-  // previous owner. Returns a reference to the Underscore object.
-  _.noConflict = function() {
-    root._ = previousUnderscore;
-    return this;
-  };
-  // Keep the identity function around for default iterators.
-  _.identity = function(value) {
-    return value;
-  };
-  // Run a function **n** times.
-  _.times = function (n, iterator, context) {
-    for (var i = 0; i < n; i++), i);
-  };
-  // Add your own custom functions to the Underscore object, ensuring that
-  // they're correctly added to the OOP wrapper as well.
-  _.mixin = function(obj) {
-    each(_.functions(obj), function(name){
-      addToWrapper(name, _[name] = obj[name]);
-    });
-  };
-  // Generate a unique integer id (unique within the entire client session).
-  // Useful for temporary DOM ids.
-  var idCounter = 0;
-  _.uniqueId = function(prefix) {
-    var id = idCounter++;
-    return prefix ? prefix + id : id;
-  };
-  // By default, Underscore uses ERB-style template delimiters, change the
-  // following template settings to use alternative delimiters.
-  _.templateSettings = {
-    evaluate    : /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
-    interpolate : /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g
-  };
-  // JavaScript micro-templating, similar to John Resig's implementation.
-  // Underscore templating handles arbitrary delimiters, preserves whitespace,
-  // and correctly escapes quotes within interpolated code.
-  _.template = function(str, data) {
-    var c  = _.templateSettings;
-    var tmpl = 'var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};' +
-      'with(obj||{}){__p.push(\'' +
-      str.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')
-         .replace(/'/g, "\\'")
-         .replace(c.interpolate, function(match, code) {
-           return "'," + code.replace(/\\'/g, "'") + ",'";
-         })
-         .replace(c.evaluate || null, function(match, code) {
-           return "');" + code.replace(/\\'/g, "'")
-                              .replace(/[\r\n\t]/g, ' ') + "__p.push('";
-         })
-         .replace(/\r/g, '\\r')
-         .replace(/\n/g, '\\n')
-         .replace(/\t/g, '\\t')
-         + "');}return __p.join('');";
-    var func = new Function('obj', tmpl);
-    return data ? func(data) : func;
-  };
-  // The OOP Wrapper
-  // ---------------
-  // If Underscore is called as a function, it returns a wrapped object that
-  // can be used OO-style. This wrapper holds altered versions of all the
-  // underscore functions. Wrapped objects may be chained.
-  var wrapper = function(obj) { this._wrapped = obj; };
-  // Expose `wrapper.prototype` as `_.prototype`
-  _.prototype = wrapper.prototype;
-  // Helper function to continue chaining intermediate results.
-  var result = function(obj, chain) {
-    return chain ? _(obj).chain() : obj;
-  };
-  // A method to easily add functions to the OOP wrapper.
-  var addToWrapper = function(name, func) {
-    wrapper.prototype[name] = function() {
-      var args =;
-, this._wrapped);
-      return result(func.apply(_, args), this._chain);
-    };
-  };
-  // Add all of the Underscore functions to the wrapper object.
-  _.mixin(_);
-  // Add all mutator Array functions to the wrapper.
-  each(['pop', 'push', 'reverse', 'shift', 'sort', 'splice', 'unshift'], function(name) {
-    var method = ArrayProto[name];
-    wrapper.prototype[name] = function() {
-      method.apply(this._wrapped, arguments);
-      return result(this._wrapped, this._chain);
-    };
-  });
-  // Add all accessor Array functions to the wrapper.
-  each(['concat', 'join', 'slice'], function(name) {
-    var method = ArrayProto[name];
-    wrapper.prototype[name] = function() {
-      return result(method.apply(this._wrapped, arguments), this._chain);
-    };
-  });
-  // Start chaining a wrapped Underscore object.
-  wrapper.prototype.chain = function() {
-    this._chain = true;
-    return this;
-  };
-  // Extracts the result from a wrapped and chained object.
-  wrapper.prototype.value = function() {
-    return this._wrapped;
-  };
+    // Start chaining a wrapped Underscore object.
+    wrapper.prototype.chain = function () {
+        this._chain = true;
+        return this;
+    };
+    // Extracts the result from a wrapped and chained object.
+    wrapper.prototype.value = function () {
+        return this._wrapped;
+    };
@@ -1349,245 +1360,245 @@
 (function () {
-  global = this,
-  previousFlotr = this.Flotr,
-  Flotr;
-Flotr = {
-  _: _,
-  bean: bean,
-  isIphone: /iphone/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
-  isIE: (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1 ? parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE")[1]) : false),
-  /**
-   * An object of the registered graph types. Use Flotr.addType(type, object)
-   * to add your own type.
-   */
-  graphTypes: {},
-  /**
-   * The list of the registered plugins
-   */
-  plugins: {},
-  /**
-   * Can be used to add your own chart type. 
-   * @param {String} name - Type of chart, like 'pies', 'bars' etc.
-   * @param {String} graphType - The object containing the basic drawing functions (draw, etc)
-   */
-  addType: function(name, graphType){
-    Flotr.graphTypes[name] = graphType;
-    Flotr.defaultOptions[name] = graphType.options || {};
-    Flotr.defaultOptions.defaultType = Flotr.defaultOptions.defaultType || name;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Can be used to add a plugin
-   * @param {String} name - The name of the plugin
-   * @param {String} plugin - The object containing the plugin's data (callbacks, options, function1, function2, ...)
-   */
-  addPlugin: function(name, plugin){
-    Flotr.plugins[name] = plugin;
-    Flotr.defaultOptions[name] = plugin.options || {};
-  },
-  /**
-   * Draws the graph. This function is here for backwards compatibility with Flotr version 0.1.0alpha.
-   * You could also draw graphs by directly calling Flotr.Graph(element, data, options).
-   * @param {Element} el - element to insert the graph into
-   * @param {Object} data - an array or object of dataseries
-   * @param {Object} options - an object containing options
-   * @param {Class} _GraphKlass_ - (optional) Class to pass the arguments to, defaults to Flotr.Graph
-   * @return {Object} returns a new graph object and of course draws the graph.
-   */
-  draw: function(el, data, options, GraphKlass){  
-    GraphKlass = GraphKlass || Flotr.Graph;
-    return new GraphKlass(el, data, options);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Recursively merges two objects.
-   * @param {Object} src - source object (likely the object with the least properties)
-   * @param {Object} dest - destination object (optional, object with the most properties)
-   * @return {Object} recursively merged Object
-   * @TODO See if we can't remove this.
-   */
-  merge: function(src, dest){
-    var i, v, result = dest || {};
-    for (i in src) {
-      v = src[i];
-      if (v && typeof(v) === 'object') {
-        if (v.constructor === Array) {
-          result[i] = this._.clone(v);
-        } else if (v.constructor !== RegExp && !this._.isElement(v)) {
-          result[i] = Flotr.merge(v, (dest ? dest[i] : undefined));
-        } else {
-          result[i] = v;
-        }
-      } else {
-        result[i] = v;
-      }
-    }
-    return result;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Recursively clones an object.
-   * @param {Object} object - The object to clone
-   * @return {Object} the clone
-   * @TODO See if we can't remove this.
-   */
-  clone: function(object){
-    return Flotr.merge(object, {});
-  },
-  /**
-   * Function calculates the ticksize and returns it.
-   * @param {Integer} noTicks - number of ticks
-   * @param {Integer} min - lower bound integer value for the current axis
-   * @param {Integer} max - upper bound integer value for the current axis
-   * @param {Integer} decimals - number of decimals for the ticks
-   * @return {Integer} returns the ticksize in pixels
-   */
-  getTickSize: function(noTicks, min, max, decimals){
-    var delta = (max - min) / noTicks,
-        magn = Flotr.getMagnitude(delta),
-        tickSize = 10,
-        norm = delta / magn; // Norm is between 1.0 and 10.0.
-    if(norm < 1.5) tickSize = 1;
-    else if(norm < 2.25) tickSize = 2;
-    else if(norm < 3) tickSize = ((decimals === 0) ? 2 : 2.5);
-    else if(norm < 7.5) tickSize = 5;
-    return tickSize * magn;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Default tick formatter.
-   * @param {String, Integer} val - tick value integer
-   * @param {Object} axisOpts - the axis' options
-   * @return {String} formatted tick string
-   */
-  defaultTickFormatter: function(val, axisOpts){
-    return val+'';
-  },
-  /**
-   * Formats the mouse tracker values.
-   * @param {Object} obj - Track value Object {x:..,y:..}
-   * @return {String} Formatted track string
-   */
-  defaultTrackFormatter: function(obj){
-    return '('+obj.x+', '+obj.y+')';
-  }, 
-  /**
-   * Utility function to convert file size values in bytes to kB, MB, ...
-   * @param value {Number} - The value to convert
-   * @param precision {Number} - The number of digits after the comma (default: 2)
-   * @param base {Number} - The base (default: 1000)
-   */
-  engineeringNotation: function(value, precision, base){
-    var sizes =         ['Y','Z','E','P','T','G','M','k',''],
-        fractionSizes = ['y','z','a','f','p','n','µ','m',''],
-        total = sizes.length;
-    base = base || 1000;
-    precision = Math.pow(10, precision || 2);
-    if (value === 0) return 0;
-    if (value > 1) {
-      while (total-- && (value >= base)) value /= base;
-    }
-    else {
-      sizes = fractionSizes;
-      total = sizes.length;
-      while (total-- && (value < 1)) value *= base;
-    }
-    return (Math.round(value * precision) / precision) + sizes[total];
-  },
-  /**
-   * Returns the magnitude of the input value.
-   * @param {Integer, Float} x - integer or float value
-   * @return {Integer, Float} returns the magnitude of the input value
-   */
-  getMagnitude: function(x){
-    return Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(x) / Math.LN10));
-  },
-  toPixel: function(val){
-    return Math.floor(val)+0.5;//((val-Math.round(val) < 0.4) ? (Math.floor(val)-0.5) : val);
-  },
-  toRad: function(angle){
-    return -angle * (Math.PI/180);
-  },
-  floorInBase: function(n, base) {
-    return base * Math.floor(n / base);
-  },
-  drawText: function(ctx, text, x, y, style) {
-    if (!ctx.fillText) {
-      ctx.drawText(text, x, y, style);
-      return;
-    }
-    style = this._.extend({
-      size: Flotr.defaultOptions.fontSize,
-      color: '#000000',
-      textAlign: 'left',
-      textBaseline: 'bottom',
-      weight: 1,
-      angle: 0
-    }, style);
-    ctx.translate(x, y);
-    ctx.rotate(style.angle);
-    ctx.fillStyle = style.color;
-    ctx.font = (style.weight > 1 ? "bold " : "") + (style.size*1.3) + "px sans-serif";
-    ctx.textAlign = style.textAlign;
-    ctx.textBaseline = style.textBaseline;
-    ctx.fillText(text, 0, 0);
-    ctx.restore();
-  },
-  getBestTextAlign: function(angle, style) {
-    style = style || {textAlign: 'center', textBaseline: 'middle'};
-    angle += Flotr.getTextAngleFromAlign(style);
-    if (Math.abs(Math.cos(angle)) > 10e-3) 
-      style.textAlign    = (Math.cos(angle) > 0 ? 'right' : 'left');
-    if (Math.abs(Math.sin(angle)) > 10e-3) 
-      style.textBaseline = (Math.sin(angle) > 0 ? 'top' : 'bottom');
-    return style;
-  },
-  alignTable: {
-    'right middle' : 0,
-    'right top'    : Math.PI/4,
-    'center top'   : Math.PI/2,
-    'left top'     : 3*(Math.PI/4),
-    'left middle'  : Math.PI,
-    'left bottom'  : -3*(Math.PI/4),
-    'center bottom': -Math.PI/2,
-    'right bottom' : -Math.PI/4,
-    'center middle': 0
-  },
-  getTextAngleFromAlign: function(style) {
-    return Flotr.alignTable[style.textAlign+' '+style.textBaseline] || 0;
-  },
-  noConflict : function () {
-    global.Flotr = previousFlotr;
-    return this;
-  }
-global.Flotr = Flotr;
+    var
+        global = this,
+        previousFlotr = this.Flotr,
+        Flotr;
+    Flotr = {
+        _: _,
+        bean: bean,
+        isIphone: /iphone/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
+        isIE: (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1 ? parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE")[1]) : false),
+        /**
+         * An object of the registered graph types. Use Flotr.addType(type, object)
+         * to add your own type.
+         */
+        graphTypes: {},
+        /**
+         * The list of the registered plugins
+         */
+        plugins: {},
+        /**
+         * Can be used to add your own chart type.
+         * @param {String} name - Type of chart, like 'pies', 'bars' etc.
+         * @param {String} graphType - The object containing the basic drawing functions (draw, etc)
+         */
+        addType: function (name, graphType) {
+            Flotr.graphTypes[name] = graphType;
+            Flotr.defaultOptions[name] = graphType.options || {};
+            Flotr.defaultOptions.defaultType = Flotr.defaultOptions.defaultType || name;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Can be used to add a plugin
+         * @param {String} name - The name of the plugin
+         * @param {String} plugin - The object containing the plugin's data (callbacks, options, function1, function2, ...)
+         */
+        addPlugin: function (name, plugin) {
+            Flotr.plugins[name] = plugin;
+            Flotr.defaultOptions[name] = plugin.options || {};
+        },
+        /**
+         * Draws the graph. This function is here for backwards compatibility with Flotr version 0.1.0alpha.
+         * You could also draw graphs by directly calling Flotr.Graph(element, data, options).
+         * @param {Element} el - element to insert the graph into
+         * @param {Object} data - an array or object of dataseries
+         * @param {Object} options - an object containing options
+         * @param {Class} _GraphKlass_ - (optional) Class to pass the arguments to, defaults to Flotr.Graph
+         * @return {Object} returns a new graph object and of course draws the graph.
+         */
+        draw: function (el, data, options, GraphKlass) {
+            GraphKlass = GraphKlass || Flotr.Graph;
+            return new GraphKlass(el, data, options);
+        },
+        /**
+         * Recursively merges two objects.
+         * @param {Object} src - source object (likely the object with the least properties)
+         * @param {Object} dest - destination object (optional, object with the most properties)
+         * @return {Object} recursively merged Object
+         * @TODO See if we can't remove this.
+         */
+        merge: function (src, dest) {
+            var i, v, result = dest || {};
+            for (i in src) {
+                v = src[i];
+                if (v && typeof(v) === 'object') {
+                    if (v.constructor === Array) {
+                        result[i] = this._.clone(v);
+                    } else if (v.constructor !== RegExp && !this._.isElement(v)) {
+                        result[i] = Flotr.merge(v, (dest ? dest[i] : undefined));
+                    } else {
+                        result[i] = v;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    result[i] = v;
+                }
+            }
+            return result;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Recursively clones an object.
+         * @param {Object} object - The object to clone
+         * @return {Object} the clone
+         * @TODO See if we can't remove this.
+         */
+        clone: function (object) {
+            return Flotr.merge(object, {});
+        },
+        /**
+         * Function calculates the ticksize and returns it.
+         * @param {Integer} noTicks - number of ticks
+         * @param {Integer} min - lower bound integer value for the current axis
+         * @param {Integer} max - upper bound integer value for the current axis
+         * @param {Integer} decimals - number of decimals for the ticks
+         * @return {Integer} returns the ticksize in pixels
+         */
+        getTickSize: function (noTicks, min, max, decimals) {
+            var delta = (max - min) / noTicks,
+                magn = Flotr.getMagnitude(delta),
+                tickSize = 10,
+                norm = delta / magn; // Norm is between 1.0 and 10.0.
+            if (norm < 1.5) tickSize = 1;
+            else if (norm < 2.25) tickSize = 2;
+            else if (norm < 3) tickSize = ((decimals === 0) ? 2 : 2.5);
+            else if (norm < 7.5) tickSize = 5;
+            return tickSize * magn;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Default tick formatter.
+         * @param {String, Integer} val - tick value integer
+         * @param {Object} axisOpts - the axis' options
+         * @return {String} formatted tick string
+         */
+        defaultTickFormatter: function (val, axisOpts) {
+            return val + '';
+        },
+        /**
+         * Formats the mouse tracker values.
+         * @param {Object} obj - Track value Object {x:..,y:..}
+         * @return {String} Formatted track string
+         */
+        defaultTrackFormatter: function (obj) {
+            return '(' + obj.x + ', ' + obj.y + ')';
+        },
+        /**
+         * Utility function to convert file size values in bytes to kB, MB, ...
+         * @param value {Number} - The value to convert
+         * @param precision {Number} - The number of digits after the comma (default: 2)
+         * @param base {Number} - The base (default: 1000)
+         */
+        engineeringNotation: function (value, precision, base) {
+            var sizes = ['Y', 'Z', 'E', 'P', 'T', 'G', 'M', 'k', ''],
+                fractionSizes = ['y', 'z', 'a', 'f', 'p', 'n', 'µ', 'm', ''],
+                total = sizes.length;
+            base = base || 1000;
+            precision = Math.pow(10, precision || 2);
+            if (value === 0) return 0;
+            if (value > 1) {
+                while (total-- && (value >= base)) value /= base;
+            }
+            else {
+                sizes = fractionSizes;
+                total = sizes.length;
+                while (total-- && (value < 1)) value *= base;
+            }
+            return (Math.round(value * precision) / precision) + sizes[total];
+        },
+        /**
+         * Returns the magnitude of the input value.
+         * @param {Integer, Float} x - integer or float value
+         * @return {Integer, Float} returns the magnitude of the input value
+         */
+        getMagnitude: function (x) {
+            return Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(x) / Math.LN10));
+        },
+        toPixel: function (val) {
+            return Math.floor(val) + 0.5;//((val-Math.round(val) < 0.4) ? (Math.floor(val)-0.5) : val);
+        },
+        toRad: function (angle) {
+            return -angle * (Math.PI / 180);
+        },
+        floorInBase: function (n, base) {
+            return base * Math.floor(n / base);
+        },
+        drawText: function (ctx, text, x, y, style) {
+            if (!ctx.fillText) {
+                ctx.drawText(text, x, y, style);
+                return;
+            }
+            style = this._.extend({
+                size: Flotr.defaultOptions.fontSize,
+                color: '#000000',
+                textAlign: 'left',
+                textBaseline: 'bottom',
+                weight: 1,
+                angle: 0
+            }, style);
+  ;
+            ctx.translate(x, y);
+            ctx.rotate(style.angle);
+            ctx.fillStyle = style.color;
+            ctx.font = (style.weight > 1 ? "bold " : "") + (style.size * 1.3) + "px sans-serif";
+            ctx.textAlign = style.textAlign;
+            ctx.textBaseline = style.textBaseline;
+            ctx.fillText(text, 0, 0);
+            ctx.restore();
+        },
+        getBestTextAlign: function (angle, style) {
+            style = style || {textAlign: 'center', textBaseline: 'middle'};
+            angle += Flotr.getTextAngleFromAlign(style);
+            if (Math.abs(Math.cos(angle)) > 10e-3)
+                style.textAlign = (Math.cos(angle) > 0 ? 'right' : 'left');
+            if (Math.abs(Math.sin(angle)) > 10e-3)
+                style.textBaseline = (Math.sin(angle) > 0 ? 'top' : 'bottom');
+            return style;
+        },
+        alignTable: {
+            'right middle': 0,
+            'right top': Math.PI / 4,
+            'center top': Math.PI / 2,
+            'left top': 3 * (Math.PI / 4),
+            'left middle': Math.PI,
+            'left bottom': -3 * (Math.PI / 4),
+            'center bottom': -Math.PI / 2,
+            'right bottom': -Math.PI / 4,
+            'center middle': 0
+        },
+        getTextAngleFromAlign: function (style) {
+            return Flotr.alignTable[style.textAlign + ' ' + style.textBaseline] || 0;
+        },
+        noConflict: function () {
+            global.Flotr = previousFlotr;
+            return this;
+        }
+    };
+    global.Flotr = Flotr;
@@ -1595,99 +1606,99 @@
  * Flotr Defaults
 Flotr.defaultOptions = {
-  colors: ['#00A8F0', '#C0D800', '#CB4B4B', '#4DA74D', '#9440ED'], //=> The default colorscheme. When there are > 5 series, additional colors are generated.
-  ieBackgroundColor: '#FFFFFF', // Background color for excanvas clipping
-  title: null,             // => The graph's title
-  subtitle: null,          // => The graph's subtitle
-  shadowSize: 4,           // => size of the 'fake' shadow
-  defaultType: null,       // => default series type
-  HtmlText: true,          // => wether to draw the text using HTML or on the canvas
-  fontColor: '#545454',    // => default font color
-  fontSize: 7.5,           // => canvas' text font size
-  resolution: 1,           // => resolution of the graph, to have printer-friendly graphs !
-  parseFloat: true,        // => whether to preprocess data for floats (ie. if input is string)
-  xaxis: {
-    ticks: null,           // => format: either [1, 3] or [[1, 'a'], 3]
-    minorTicks: null,      // => format: either [1, 3] or [[1, 'a'], 3]
-    showLabels: true,      // => setting to true will show the axis ticks labels, hide otherwise
-    showMinorLabels: false,// => true to show the axis minor ticks labels, false to hide
-    labelsAngle: 0,        // => labels' angle, in degrees
-    title: null,           // => axis title
-    titleAngle: 0,         // => axis title's angle, in degrees
-    noTicks: 5,            // => number of ticks for automagically generated ticks
-    minorTickFreq: null,   // => number of minor ticks between major ticks for autogenerated ticks
-    tickFormatter: Flotr.defaultTickFormatter, // => fn: number, Object -> string
-    tickDecimals: null,    // => no. of decimals, null means auto
-    min: null,             // => min. value to show, null means set automatically
-    max: null,             // => max. value to show, null means set automatically
-    autoscale: false,      // => Turns autoscaling on with true
-    autoscaleMargin: 0,    // => margin in % to add if auto-setting min/max
-    color: null,           // => color of the ticks
-    mode: 'normal',        // => can be 'time' or 'normal'
-    timeFormat: null,
-    timeMode:'UTC',        // => For UTC time ('local' for local time).
-    timeUnit:'millisecond',// => Unit for time (millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, month, year)
-    scaling: 'linear',     // => Scaling, can be 'linear' or 'logarithmic'
-    base: Math.E,
-    titleAlign: 'center',
-    margin: true           // => Turn off margins with false
-  },
-  x2axis: {},
-  yaxis: {
-    ticks: null,           // => format: either [1, 3] or [[1, 'a'], 3]
-    minorTicks: null,      // => format: either [1, 3] or [[1, 'a'], 3]
-    showLabels: true,      // => setting to true will show the axis ticks labels, hide otherwise
-    showMinorLabels: false,// => true to show the axis minor ticks labels, false to hide
-    labelsAngle: 0,        // => labels' angle, in degrees
-    title: null,           // => axis title
-    titleAngle: 90,        // => axis title's angle, in degrees
-    noTicks: 5,            // => number of ticks for automagically generated ticks
-    minorTickFreq: null,   // => number of minor ticks between major ticks for autogenerated ticks
-    tickFormatter: Flotr.defaultTickFormatter, // => fn: number, Object -> string
-    tickDecimals: null,    // => no. of decimals, null means auto
-    min: null,             // => min. value to show, null means set automatically
-    max: null,             // => max. value to show, null means set automatically
-    autoscale: false,      // => Turns autoscaling on with true
-    autoscaleMargin: 0,    // => margin in % to add if auto-setting min/max
-    color: null,           // => The color of the ticks
-    scaling: 'linear',     // => Scaling, can be 'linear' or 'logarithmic'
-    base: Math.E,
-    titleAlign: 'center',
-    margin: true           // => Turn off margins with false
-  },
-  y2axis: {
-    titleAngle: 270
-  },
-  grid: {
-    color: '#545454',      // => primary color used for outline and labels
-    backgroundColor: null, // => null for transparent, else color
-    backgroundImage: null, // => background image. String or object with src, left and top
-    watermarkAlpha: 0.4,   // => 
-    tickColor: '#DDDDDD',  // => color used for the ticks
-    labelMargin: 3,        // => margin in pixels
-    verticalLines: true,   // => whether to show gridlines in vertical direction
-    minorVerticalLines: null, // => whether to show gridlines for minor ticks in vertical dir.
-    horizontalLines: true, // => whether to show gridlines in horizontal direction
-    minorHorizontalLines: null, // => whether to show gridlines for minor ticks in horizontal dir.
-    outlineWidth: 1,       // => width of the grid outline/border in pixels
-    outline : 'nsew',      // => walls of the outline to display
-    circular: false        // => if set to true, the grid will be circular, must be used when radars are drawn
-  },
-  mouse: {
-    track: false,          // => true to track the mouse, no tracking otherwise
-    trackAll: false,
-    position: 'se',        // => position of the value box (default south-east)
-    relative: false,       // => next to the mouse cursor
-    trackFormatter: Flotr.defaultTrackFormatter, // => formats the values in the value box
-    margin: 5,             // => margin in pixels of the valuebox
-    lineColor: '#FF3F19',  // => line color of points that are drawn when mouse comes near a value of a series
-    trackDecimals: 1,      // => decimals for the track values
-    sensibility: 2,        // => the lower this number, the more precise you have to aim to show a value
-    trackY: true,          // => whether or not to track the mouse in the y axis
-    radius: 3,             // => radius of the track point
-    fillColor: null,       // => color to fill our select bar with only applies to bar and similar graphs (only bars for now)
-    fillOpacity: 0.4       // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill 
-  }
+    colors: ['#00A8F0', '#C0D800', '#CB4B4B', '#4DA74D', '#9440ED'], //=> The default colorscheme. When there are > 5 series, additional colors are generated.
+    ieBackgroundColor: '#FFFFFF', // Background color for excanvas clipping
+    title: null,             // => The graph's title
+    subtitle: null,          // => The graph's subtitle
+    shadowSize: 4,           // => size of the 'fake' shadow
+    defaultType: null,       // => default series type
+    HtmlText: true,          // => wether to draw the text using HTML or on the canvas
+    fontColor: '#545454',    // => default font color
+    fontSize: 7.5,           // => canvas' text font size
+    resolution: 1,           // => resolution of the graph, to have printer-friendly graphs !
+    parseFloat: true,        // => whether to preprocess data for floats (ie. if input is string)
+    xaxis: {
+        ticks: null,           // => format: either [1, 3] or [[1, 'a'], 3]
+        minorTicks: null,      // => format: either [1, 3] or [[1, 'a'], 3]
+        showLabels: true,      // => setting to true will show the axis ticks labels, hide otherwise
+        showMinorLabels: false,// => true to show the axis minor ticks labels, false to hide
+        labelsAngle: 0,        // => labels' angle, in degrees
+        title: null,           // => axis title
+        titleAngle: 0,         // => axis title's angle, in degrees
+        noTicks: 5,            // => number of ticks for automagically generated ticks
+        minorTickFreq: null,   // => number of minor ticks between major ticks for autogenerated ticks
+        tickFormatter: Flotr.defaultTickFormatter, // => fn: number, Object -> string
+        tickDecimals: null,    // => no. of decimals, null means auto
+        min: null,             // => min. value to show, null means set automatically
+        max: null,             // => max. value to show, null means set automatically
+        autoscale: false,      // => Turns autoscaling on with true
+        autoscaleMargin: 0,    // => margin in % to add if auto-setting min/max
+        color: null,           // => color of the ticks
+        mode: 'normal',        // => can be 'time' or 'normal'
+        timeFormat: null,
+        timeMode: 'UTC',        // => For UTC time ('local' for local time).
+        timeUnit: 'millisecond',// => Unit for time (millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, month, year)
+        scaling: 'linear',     // => Scaling, can be 'linear' or 'logarithmic'
+        base: Math.E,
+        titleAlign: 'center',
+        margin: true           // => Turn off margins with false
+    },
+    x2axis: {},
+    yaxis: {
+        ticks: null,           // => format: either [1, 3] or [[1, 'a'], 3]
+        minorTicks: null,      // => format: either [1, 3] or [[1, 'a'], 3]
+        showLabels: true,      // => setting to true will show the axis ticks labels, hide otherwise
+        showMinorLabels: false,// => true to show the axis minor ticks labels, false to hide
+        labelsAngle: 0,        // => labels' angle, in degrees
+        title: null,           // => axis title
+        titleAngle: 90,        // => axis title's angle, in degrees
+        noTicks: 5,            // => number of ticks for automagically generated ticks
+        minorTickFreq: null,   // => number of minor ticks between major ticks for autogenerated ticks
+        tickFormatter: Flotr.defaultTickFormatter, // => fn: number, Object -> string
+        tickDecimals: null,    // => no. of decimals, null means auto
+        min: null,             // => min. value to show, null means set automatically
+        max: null,             // => max. value to show, null means set automatically
+        autoscale: false,      // => Turns autoscaling on with true
+        autoscaleMargin: 0,    // => margin in % to add if auto-setting min/max
+        color: null,           // => The color of the ticks
+        scaling: 'linear',     // => Scaling, can be 'linear' or 'logarithmic'
+        base: Math.E,
+        titleAlign: 'center',
+        margin: true           // => Turn off margins with false
+    },
+    y2axis: {
+        titleAngle: 270
+    },
+    grid: {
+        color: '#545454',      // => primary color used for outline and labels
+        backgroundColor: null, // => null for transparent, else color
+        backgroundImage: null, // => background image. String or object with src, left and top
+        watermarkAlpha: 0.4,   // => 
+        tickColor: '#DDDDDD',  // => color used for the ticks
+        labelMargin: 3,        // => margin in pixels
+        verticalLines: true,   // => whether to show gridlines in vertical direction
+        minorVerticalLines: null, // => whether to show gridlines for minor ticks in vertical dir.
+        horizontalLines: true, // => whether to show gridlines in horizontal direction
+        minorHorizontalLines: null, // => whether to show gridlines for minor ticks in horizontal dir.
+        outlineWidth: 1,       // => width of the grid outline/border in pixels
+        outline: 'nsew',      // => walls of the outline to display
+        circular: false        // => if set to true, the grid will be circular, must be used when radars are drawn
+    },
+    mouse: {
+        track: false,          // => true to track the mouse, no tracking otherwise
+        trackAll: false,
+        position: 'se',        // => position of the value box (default south-east)
+        relative: false,       // => next to the mouse cursor
+        trackFormatter: Flotr.defaultTrackFormatter, // => formats the values in the value box
+        margin: 5,             // => margin in pixels of the valuebox
+        lineColor: '#FF3F19',  // => line color of points that are drawn when mouse comes near a value of a series
+        trackDecimals: 1,      // => decimals for the track values
+        sensibility: 2,        // => the lower this number, the more precise you have to aim to show a value
+        trackY: true,          // => whether or not to track the mouse in the y axis
+        radius: 3,             // => radius of the track point
+        fillColor: null,       // => color to fill our select bar with only applies to bar and similar graphs (only bars for now)
+        fillOpacity: 0.4       // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill 
+    }
@@ -1696,161 +1707,161 @@
 (function () {
-  _ = Flotr._;
+    var
+        _ = Flotr._;
 // Constructor
-function Color (r, g, b, a) {
-  this.rgba = ['r','g','b','a'];
-  var x = 4;
-  while(-1<--x){
-    this[this.rgba[x]] = arguments[x] || ((x==3) ? 1.0 : 0);
-  }
-  this.normalize();
+    function Color(r, g, b, a) {
+        this.rgba = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'a'];
+        var x = 4;
+        while (-1 < --x) {
+            this[this.rgba[x]] = arguments[x] || ((x == 3) ? 1.0 : 0);
+        }
+        this.normalize();
+    }
 // Constants
-var COLOR_NAMES = {
-  aqua:[0,255,255],azure:[240,255,255],beige:[245,245,220],black:[0,0,0],blue:[0,0,255],
-  brown:[165,42,42],cyan:[0,255,255],darkblue:[0,0,139],darkcyan:[0,139,139],darkgrey:[169,169,169],
-  darkgreen:[0,100,0],darkkhaki:[189,183,107],darkmagenta:[139,0,139],darkolivegreen:[85,107,47],
-  darkorange:[255,140,0],darkorchid:[153,50,204],darkred:[139,0,0],darksalmon:[233,150,122],
-  darkviolet:[148,0,211],fuchsia:[255,0,255],gold:[255,215,0],green:[0,128,0],indigo:[75,0,130],
-  khaki:[240,230,140],lightblue:[173,216,230],lightcyan:[224,255,255],lightgreen:[144,238,144],
-  lightgrey:[211,211,211],lightpink:[255,182,193],lightyellow:[255,255,224],lime:[0,255,0],magenta:[255,0,255],
-  maroon:[128,0,0],navy:[0,0,128],olive:[128,128,0],orange:[255,165,0],pink:[255,192,203],purple:[128,0,128],
-  violet:[128,0,128],red:[255,0,0],silver:[192,192,192],white:[255,255,255],yellow:[255,255,0]
-Color.prototype = {
-  scale: function(rf, gf, bf, af){
-    var x = 4;
-    while (-1 < --x) {
-      if (!_.isUndefined(arguments[x])) this[this.rgba[x]] *= arguments[x];
-    }
-    return this.normalize();
-  },
-  alpha: function(alpha) {
-    if (!_.isUndefined(alpha) && !_.isNull(alpha)) {
-      this.a = alpha;
-    }
-    return this.normalize();
-  },
-  clone: function(){
-    return new Color(this.r, this.b, this.g, this.a);
-  },
-  limit: function(val,minVal,maxVal){
-    return Math.max(Math.min(val, maxVal), minVal);
-  },
-  normalize: function(){
-    var limit = this.limit;
-    this.r = limit(parseInt(this.r, 10), 0, 255);
-    this.g = limit(parseInt(this.g, 10), 0, 255);
-    this.b = limit(parseInt(this.b, 10), 0, 255);
-    this.a = limit(this.a, 0, 1);
-    return this;
-  },
-  distance: function(color){
-    if (!color) return;
-    color = new Color.parse(color);
-    var dist = 0, x = 3;
-    while(-1<--x){
-      dist += Math.abs(this[this.rgba[x]] - color[this.rgba[x]]);
-    }
-    return dist;
-  },
-  toString: function(){
-    return (this.a >= 1.0) ? 'rgb('+[this.r,this.g,this.b].join(',')+')' : 'rgba('+[this.r,this.g,this.b,this.a].join(',')+')';
-  },
-  contrast: function () {
-    var
-      test = 1 - ( 0.299 * this.r + 0.587 * this.g + 0.114 * this.b) / 255;
-    return (test < 0.5 ? '#000000' : '#ffffff');
-  }
-_.extend(Color, {
-  /**
-   * Parses a color string and returns a corresponding Color.
-   * The different tests are in order of probability to improve speed.
-   * @param {String, Color} str - string thats representing a color
-   * @return {Color} returns a Color object or false
-   */
-  parse: function(color){
-    if (color instanceof Color) return color;
-    var result;
-    // #a0b1c2
-    if((result = /#([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/.exec(color)))
-      return new Color(parseInt(result[1], 16), parseInt(result[2], 16), parseInt(result[3], 16));
-    // rgb(num,num,num)
-    if((result = /rgb\(\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*\)/.exec(color)))
-      return new Color(parseInt(result[1], 10), parseInt(result[2], 10), parseInt(result[3], 10));
-    // #fff
-    if((result = /#([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])/.exec(color)))
-      return new Color(parseInt(result[1]+result[1],16), parseInt(result[2]+result[2],16), parseInt(result[3]+result[3],16));
-    // rgba(num,num,num,num)
-    if((result = /rgba\(\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\s*\)/.exec(color)))
-      return new Color(parseInt(result[1], 10), parseInt(result[2], 10), parseInt(result[3], 10), parseFloat(result[4]));
-    // rgb(num%,num%,num%)
-    if((result = /rgb\(\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*\)/.exec(color)))
-      return new Color(parseFloat(result[1])*2.55, parseFloat(result[2])*2.55, parseFloat(result[3])*2.55);
-    // rgba(num%,num%,num%,num)
-    if((result = /rgba\(\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\s*\)/.exec(color)))
-      return new Color(parseFloat(result[1])*2.55, parseFloat(result[2])*2.55, parseFloat(result[3])*2.55, parseFloat(result[4]));
-    // Otherwise, we're most likely dealing with a named color.
-    var name = (color+'').replace(/^\s*([\S\s]*?)\s*$/, '$1').toLowerCase();
-    if(name == 'transparent'){
-      return new Color(255, 255, 255, 0);
-    }
-    return (result = COLOR_NAMES[name]) ? new Color(result[0], result[1], result[2]) : new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Process color and options into color style.
-   */
-  processColor: function(color, options) {
-    var opacity = options.opacity;
-    if (!color) return 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)';
-    if (color instanceof Color) return color.alpha(opacity).toString();
-    if (_.isString(color)) return Color.parse(color).alpha(opacity).toString();
-    var grad = color.colors ? color : {colors: color};
-    if (!options.ctx) {
-      if (!_.isArray(grad.colors)) return 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)';
-      return Color.parse(_.isArray(grad.colors[0]) ? grad.colors[0][1] : grad.colors[0]).alpha(opacity).toString();
-    }
-    grad = _.extend({start: 'top', end: 'bottom'}, grad); 
-    if (/top/i.test(grad.start))  options.x1 = 0;
-    if (/left/i.test(grad.start)) options.y1 = 0;
-    if (/bottom/i.test(grad.end)) options.x2 = 0;
-    if (/right/i.test(grad.end))  options.y2 = 0;
-    var i, c, stop, gradient = options.ctx.createLinearGradient(options.x1, options.y1, options.x2, options.y2);
-    for (i = 0; i < grad.colors.length; i++) {
-      c = grad.colors[i];
-      if (_.isArray(c)) {
-        stop = c[0];
-        c = c[1];
-      }
-      else stop = i / (grad.colors.length-1);
-      gradient.addColorStop(stop, Color.parse(c).alpha(opacity));
-    }
-    return gradient;
-  }
-Flotr.Color = Color;
+    var COLOR_NAMES = {
+        aqua: [0, 255, 255], azure: [240, 255, 255], beige: [245, 245, 220], black: [0, 0, 0], blue: [0, 0, 255],
+        brown: [165, 42, 42], cyan: [0, 255, 255], darkblue: [0, 0, 139], darkcyan: [0, 139, 139], darkgrey: [169, 169, 169],
+        darkgreen: [0, 100, 0], darkkhaki: [189, 183, 107], darkmagenta: [139, 0, 139], darkolivegreen: [85, 107, 47],
+        darkorange: [255, 140, 0], darkorchid: [153, 50, 204], darkred: [139, 0, 0], darksalmon: [233, 150, 122],
+        darkviolet: [148, 0, 211], fuchsia: [255, 0, 255], gold: [255, 215, 0], green: [0, 128, 0], indigo: [75, 0, 130],
+        khaki: [240, 230, 140], lightblue: [173, 216, 230], lightcyan: [224, 255, 255], lightgreen: [144, 238, 144],
+        lightgrey: [211, 211, 211], lightpink: [255, 182, 193], lightyellow: [255, 255, 224], lime: [0, 255, 0], magenta: [255, 0, 255],
+        maroon: [128, 0, 0], navy: [0, 0, 128], olive: [128, 128, 0], orange: [255, 165, 0], pink: [255, 192, 203], purple: [128, 0, 128],
+        violet: [128, 0, 128], red: [255, 0, 0], silver: [192, 192, 192], white: [255, 255, 255], yellow: [255, 255, 0]
+    };
+    Color.prototype = {
+        scale: function (rf, gf, bf, af) {
+            var x = 4;
+            while (-1 < --x) {
+                if (!_.isUndefined(arguments[x])) this[this.rgba[x]] *= arguments[x];
+            }
+            return this.normalize();
+        },
+        alpha: function (alpha) {
+            if (!_.isUndefined(alpha) && !_.isNull(alpha)) {
+                this.a = alpha;
+            }
+            return this.normalize();
+        },
+        clone: function () {
+            return new Color(this.r, this.b, this.g, this.a);
+        },
+        limit: function (val, minVal, maxVal) {
+            return Math.max(Math.min(val, maxVal), minVal);
+        },
+        normalize: function () {
+            var limit = this.limit;
+            this.r = limit(parseInt(this.r, 10), 0, 255);
+            this.g = limit(parseInt(this.g, 10), 0, 255);
+            this.b = limit(parseInt(this.b, 10), 0, 255);
+            this.a = limit(this.a, 0, 1);
+            return this;
+        },
+        distance: function (color) {
+            if (!color) return;
+            color = new Color.parse(color);
+            var dist = 0, x = 3;
+            while (-1 < --x) {
+                dist += Math.abs(this[this.rgba[x]] - color[this.rgba[x]]);
+            }
+            return dist;
+        },
+        toString: function () {
+            return (this.a >= 1.0) ? 'rgb(' + [this.r, this.g, this.b].join(',') + ')' : 'rgba(' + [this.r, this.g, this.b, this.a].join(',') + ')';
+        },
+        contrast: function () {
+            var
+                test = 1 - ( 0.299 * this.r + 0.587 * this.g + 0.114 * this.b) / 255;
+            return (test < 0.5 ? '#000000' : '#ffffff');
+        }
+    };
+    _.extend(Color, {
+        /**
+         * Parses a color string and returns a corresponding Color.
+         * The different tests are in order of probability to improve speed.
+         * @param {String, Color} str - string thats representing a color
+         * @return {Color} returns a Color object or false
+         */
+        parse: function (color) {
+            if (color instanceof Color) return color;
+            var result;
+            // #a0b1c2
+            if ((result = /#([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/.exec(color)))
+                return new Color(parseInt(result[1], 16), parseInt(result[2], 16), parseInt(result[3], 16));
+            // rgb(num,num,num)
+            if ((result = /rgb\(\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*\)/.exec(color)))
+                return new Color(parseInt(result[1], 10), parseInt(result[2], 10), parseInt(result[3], 10));
+            // #fff
+            if ((result = /#([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])/.exec(color)))
+                return new Color(parseInt(result[1] + result[1], 16), parseInt(result[2] + result[2], 16), parseInt(result[3] + result[3], 16));
+            // rgba(num,num,num,num)
+            if ((result = /rgba\(\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\s*\)/.exec(color)))
+                return new Color(parseInt(result[1], 10), parseInt(result[2], 10), parseInt(result[3], 10), parseFloat(result[4]));
+            // rgb(num%,num%,num%)
+            if ((result = /rgb\(\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*\)/.exec(color)))
+                return new Color(parseFloat(result[1]) * 2.55, parseFloat(result[2]) * 2.55, parseFloat(result[3]) * 2.55);
+            // rgba(num%,num%,num%,num)
+            if ((result = /rgba\(\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\s*\)/.exec(color)))
+                return new Color(parseFloat(result[1]) * 2.55, parseFloat(result[2]) * 2.55, parseFloat(result[3]) * 2.55, parseFloat(result[4]));
+            // Otherwise, we're most likely dealing with a named color.
+            var name = (color + '').replace(/^\s*([\S\s]*?)\s*$/, '$1').toLowerCase();
+            if (name == 'transparent') {
+                return new Color(255, 255, 255, 0);
+            }
+            return (result = COLOR_NAMES[name]) ? new Color(result[0], result[1], result[2]) : new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
+        },
+        /**
+         * Process color and options into color style.
+         */
+        processColor: function (color, options) {
+            var opacity = options.opacity;
+            if (!color) return 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)';
+            if (color instanceof Color) return color.alpha(opacity).toString();
+            if (_.isString(color)) return Color.parse(color).alpha(opacity).toString();
+            var grad = color.colors ? color : {colors: color};
+            if (!options.ctx) {
+                if (!_.isArray(grad.colors)) return 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)';
+                return Color.parse(_.isArray(grad.colors[0]) ? grad.colors[0][1] : grad.colors[0]).alpha(opacity).toString();
+            }
+            grad = _.extend({start: 'top', end: 'bottom'}, grad);
+            if (/top/i.test(grad.start))  options.x1 = 0;
+            if (/left/i.test(grad.start)) options.y1 = 0;
+            if (/bottom/i.test(grad.end)) options.x2 = 0;
+            if (/right/i.test(grad.end))  options.y2 = 0;
+            var i, c, stop, gradient = options.ctx.createLinearGradient(options.x1, options.y1, options.x2, options.y2);
+            for (i = 0; i < grad.colors.length; i++) {
+                c = grad.colors[i];
+                if (_.isArray(c)) {
+                    stop = c[0];
+                    c = c[1];
+                }
+                else stop = i / (grad.colors.length - 1);
+                gradient.addColorStop(stop, Color.parse(c).alpha(opacity));
+            }
+            return gradient;
+        }
+    });
+    Flotr.Color = Color;
@@ -1859,295 +1870,332 @@
 Flotr.Date = {
-  set : function (date, name, mode, value) {
-    mode = mode || 'UTC';
-    name = 'set' + (mode === 'UTC' ? 'UTC' : '') + name;
-    date[name](value);
-  },
-  get : function (date, name, mode) {
-    mode = mode || 'UTC';
-    name = 'get' + (mode === 'UTC' ? 'UTC' : '') + name;
-    return date[name]();
-  },
-  format: function(d, format, mode) {
-    if (!d) return;
-    // We should maybe use an "official" date format spec, like PHP date() or ColdFusion 
-    //
-    //
-    var
-      get = this.get,
-      tokens = {
-        h: get(d, 'Hours', mode).toString(),
-        H: leftPad(get(d, 'Hours', mode)),
-        M: leftPad(get(d, 'Minutes', mode)),
-        S: leftPad(get(d, 'Seconds', mode)),
-        s: get(d, 'Milliseconds', mode),
-        d: get(d, 'Date', mode).toString(),
-        m: (get(d, 'Month') + 1).toString(),
-        y: get(d, 'FullYear').toString(),
-        b: Flotr.Date.monthNames[get(d, 'Month', mode)]
-      };
-    function leftPad(n){
-      n += '';
-      return n.length == 1 ? "0" + n : n;
-    }
-    var r = [], c,
-        escape = false;
-    for (var i = 0; i < format.length; ++i) {
-      c = format.charAt(i);
-      if (escape) {
-        r.push(tokens[c] || c);
-        escape = false;
-      }
-      else if (c == "%")
-        escape = true;
-      else
-        r.push(c);
-    }
-    return r.join('');
-  },
-  getFormat: function(time, span) {
-    var tu = Flotr.Date.timeUnits;
-         if (time < tu.second) return "%h:%M:%S.%s";
-    else if (time < tu.minute) return "%h:%M:%S";
-    else if (time <    return (span < 2 * ? "%h:%M" : "%b %d %h:%M";
-    else if (time < tu.month)  return "%b %d";
-    else if (time < tu.year)   return (span < tu.year) ? "%b" : "%b %y";
-    else                       return "%y";
-  },
-  formatter: function (v, axis) {
-    var
-      options = axis.options,
-      scale = Flotr.Date.timeUnits[options.timeUnit],
-      d = new Date(v * scale);
-    // first check global format
-    if (axis.options.timeFormat)
-      return Flotr.Date.format(d, options.timeFormat, options.timeMode);
-    var span = (axis.max - axis.min) * scale,
-        t = axis.tickSize * Flotr.Date.timeUnits[axis.tickUnit];
-    return Flotr.Date.format(d, Flotr.Date.getFormat(t, span), options.timeMode);
-  },
-  generator: function(axis) {
-     var
-      set       = this.set,
-      get       = this.get,
-      timeUnits = this.timeUnits,
-      spec      = this.spec,
-      options   = axis.options,
-      mode      = options.timeMode,
-      scale     = timeUnits[options.timeUnit],
-      min       = axis.min * scale,
-      max       = axis.max * scale,
-      delta     = (max - min) / options.noTicks,
-      ticks     = [],
-      tickSize  = axis.tickSize,
-      tickUnit,
-      formatter, i;
-    // Use custom formatter or time tick formatter
-    formatter = (options.tickFormatter === Flotr.defaultTickFormatter ?
-      this.formatter : options.tickFormatter
-    );
-    for (i = 0; i < spec.length - 1; ++i) {
-      var d = spec[i][0] * timeUnits[spec[i][1]];
-      if (delta < (d + spec[i+1][0] * timeUnits[spec[i+1][1]]) / 2 && d >= tickSize)
-        break;
-    }
-    tickSize = spec[i][0];
-    tickUnit = spec[i][1];
-    // special-case the possibility of several years
-    if (tickUnit == "year") {
-      tickSize = Flotr.getTickSize(options.noTicks*timeUnits.year, min, max, 0);
-      // Fix for 0.5 year case
-      if (tickSize == 0.5) {
-        tickUnit = "month";
-        tickSize = 6;
-      }
-    }
-    axis.tickUnit = tickUnit;
-    axis.tickSize = tickSize;
-    var
-      d = new Date(min);
-    var step = tickSize * timeUnits[tickUnit];
-    function setTick (name) {
-      set(d, name, mode, Flotr.floorInBase(
-        get(d, name, mode), tickSize
-      ));
-    }
-    switch (tickUnit) {
-      case "millisecond": setTick('Milliseconds'); break;
-      case "second": setTick('Seconds'); break;
-      case "minute": setTick('Minutes'); break;
-      case "hour": setTick('Hours'); break;
-      case "month": setTick('Month'); break;
-      case "year": setTick('FullYear'); break;
-    }
-    // reset smaller components
-    if (step >= timeUnits.second)  set(d, 'Milliseconds', mode, 0);
-    if (step >= timeUnits.minute)  set(d, 'Seconds', mode, 0);
-    if (step >= timeUnits.hour)    set(d, 'Minutes', mode, 0);
-    if (step >=     set(d, 'Hours', mode, 0);
-    if (step >= * 4) set(d, 'Date', mode, 1);
-    if (step >= timeUnits.year)    set(d, 'Month', mode, 0);
-    var carry = 0, v = NaN, prev;
-    do {
-      prev = v;
-      v = d.getTime();
-      ticks.push({ v: v / scale, label: formatter(v / scale, axis) });
-      if (tickUnit == "month") {
-        if (tickSize < 1) {
-          /* a bit complicated - we'll divide the month up but we need to take care of fractions
-           so we don't end up in the middle of a day */
-          set(d, 'Date', mode, 1);
-          var start = d.getTime();
-          set(d, 'Month', mode, get(d, 'Month', mode) + 1)
-          var end = d.getTime();
-          d.setTime(v + carry * timeUnits.hour + (end - start) * tickSize);
-          carry = get(d, 'Hours', mode)
-          set(d, 'Hours', mode, 0);
-        }
-        else
-          set(d, 'Month', mode, get(d, 'Month', mode) + tickSize);
-      }
-      else if (tickUnit == "year") {
-        set(d, 'FullYear', mode, get(d, 'FullYear', mode) + tickSize);
-      }
-      else
-        d.setTime(v + step);
-    } while (v < max && v != prev);
-    return ticks;
-  },
-  timeUnits: {
-    millisecond: 1,
-    second: 1000,
-    minute: 1000 * 60,
-    hour:   1000 * 60 * 60,
-    day:    1000 * 60 * 60 * 24,
-    month:  1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30,
-    year:   1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.2425
-  },
-  // the allowed tick sizes, after 1 year we use an integer algorithm
-  spec: [
-    [1, "millisecond"], [20, "millisecond"], [50, "millisecond"], [100, "millisecond"], [200, "millisecond"], [500, "millisecond"], 
-    [1, "second"],   [2, "second"],  [5, "second"], [10, "second"], [30, "second"], 
-    [1, "minute"],   [2, "minute"],  [5, "minute"], [10, "minute"], [30, "minute"], 
-    [1, "hour"],     [2, "hour"],    [4, "hour"],   [8, "hour"],    [12, "hour"],
-    [1, "day"],      [2, "day"],     [3, "day"],
-    [0.25, "month"], [0.5, "month"], [1, "month"],  [2, "month"],   [3, "month"], [6, "month"],
-    [1, "year"]
-  ],
-  monthNames: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
+    set: function (date, name, mode, value) {
+        mode = mode || 'UTC';
+        name = 'set' + (mode === 'UTC' ? 'UTC' : '') + name;
+        date[name](value);
+    },
+    get: function (date, name, mode) {
+        mode = mode || 'UTC';
+        name = 'get' + (mode === 'UTC' ? 'UTC' : '') + name;
+        return date[name]();
+    },
+    format: function (d, format, mode) {
+        if (!d) return;
+        // We should maybe use an "official" date format spec, like PHP date() or ColdFusion 
+        //
+        //
+        var
+            get = this.get,
+            tokens = {
+                h: get(d, 'Hours', mode).toString(),
+                H: leftPad(get(d, 'Hours', mode)),
+                M: leftPad(get(d, 'Minutes', mode)),
+                S: leftPad(get(d, 'Seconds', mode)),
+                s: get(d, 'Milliseconds', mode),
+                d: get(d, 'Date', mode).toString(),
+                m: (get(d, 'Month') + 1).toString(),
+                y: get(d, 'FullYear').toString(),
+                b: Flotr.Date.monthNames[get(d, 'Month', mode)]
+            };
+        function leftPad(n) {
+            n += '';
+            return n.length == 1 ? "0" + n : n;
+        }
+        var r = [], c,
+            escape = false;
+        for (var i = 0; i < format.length; ++i) {
+            c = format.charAt(i);
+            if (escape) {
+                r.push(tokens[c] || c);
+                escape = false;
+            }
+            else if (c == "%")
+                escape = true;
+            else
+                r.push(c);
+        }
+        return r.join('');
+    },
+    getFormat: function (time, span) {
+        var tu = Flotr.Date.timeUnits;
+        if (time < tu.second) return "%h:%M:%S.%s";
+        else if (time < tu.minute) return "%h:%M:%S";
+        else if (time <    return (span < 2 * ? "%h:%M" : "%b %d %h:%M";
+        else if (time < tu.month)  return "%b %d";
+        else if (time < tu.year)   return (span < tu.year) ? "%b" : "%b %y";
+        else                       return "%y";
+    },
+    formatter: function (v, axis) {
+        var
+            options = axis.options,
+            scale = Flotr.Date.timeUnits[options.timeUnit],
+            d = new Date(v * scale);
+        // first check global format
+        if (axis.options.timeFormat)
+            return Flotr.Date.format(d, options.timeFormat, options.timeMode);
+        var span = (axis.max - axis.min) * scale,
+            t = axis.tickSize * Flotr.Date.timeUnits[axis.tickUnit];
+        return Flotr.Date.format(d, Flotr.Date.getFormat(t, span), options.timeMode);
+    },
+    generator: function (axis) {
+        var
+            set = this.set,
+            get = this.get,
+            timeUnits = this.timeUnits,
+            spec = this.spec,
+            options = axis.options,
+            mode = options.timeMode,
+            scale = timeUnits[options.timeUnit],
+            min = axis.min * scale,
+            max = axis.max * scale,
+            delta = (max - min) / options.noTicks,
+            ticks = [],
+            tickSize = axis.tickSize,
+            tickUnit,
+            formatter, i;
+        // Use custom formatter or time tick formatter
+        formatter = (options.tickFormatter === Flotr.defaultTickFormatter ?
+            this.formatter : options.tickFormatter
+            );
+        for (i = 0; i < spec.length - 1; ++i) {
+            var d = spec[i][0] * timeUnits[spec[i][1]];
+            if (delta < (d + spec[i + 1][0] * timeUnits[spec[i + 1][1]]) / 2 && d >= tickSize)
+                break;
+        }
+        tickSize = spec[i][0];
+        tickUnit = spec[i][1];
+        // special-case the possibility of several years
+        if (tickUnit == "year") {
+            tickSize = Flotr.getTickSize(options.noTicks * timeUnits.year, min, max, 0);
+            // Fix for 0.5 year case
+            if (tickSize == 0.5) {
+                tickUnit = "month";
+                tickSize = 6;
+            }
+        }
+        axis.tickUnit = tickUnit;
+        axis.tickSize = tickSize;
+        var
+            d = new Date(min);
+        var step = tickSize * timeUnits[tickUnit];
+        function setTick(name) {
+            set(d, name, mode, Flotr.floorInBase(
+                get(d, name, mode), tickSize
+            ));
+        }
+        switch (tickUnit) {
+            case "millisecond":
+                setTick('Milliseconds');
+                break;
+            case "second":
+                setTick('Seconds');
+                break;
+            case "minute":
+                setTick('Minutes');
+                break;
+            case "hour":
+                setTick('Hours');
+                break;
+            case "month":
+                setTick('Month');
+                break;
+            case "year":
+                setTick('FullYear');
+                break;
+        }
+        // reset smaller components
+        if (step >= timeUnits.second)  set(d, 'Milliseconds', mode, 0);
+        if (step >= timeUnits.minute)  set(d, 'Seconds', mode, 0);
+        if (step >= timeUnits.hour)    set(d, 'Minutes', mode, 0);
+        if (step >=     set(d, 'Hours', mode, 0);
+        if (step >= * 4) set(d, 'Date', mode, 1);
+        if (step >= timeUnits.year)    set(d, 'Month', mode, 0);
+        var carry = 0, v = NaN, prev;
+        do {
+            prev = v;
+            v = d.getTime();
+            ticks.push({ v: v / scale, label: formatter(v / scale, axis) });
+            if (tickUnit == "month") {
+                if (tickSize < 1) {
+                    /* a bit complicated - we'll divide the month up but we need to take care of fractions
+                     so we don't end up in the middle of a day */
+                    set(d, 'Date', mode, 1);
+                    var start = d.getTime();
+                    set(d, 'Month', mode, get(d, 'Month', mode) + 1)
+                    var end = d.getTime();
+                    d.setTime(v + carry * timeUnits.hour + (end - start) * tickSize);
+                    carry = get(d, 'Hours', mode)
+                    set(d, 'Hours', mode, 0);
+                }
+                else
+                    set(d, 'Month', mode, get(d, 'Month', mode) + tickSize);
+            }
+            else if (tickUnit == "year") {
+                set(d, 'FullYear', mode, get(d, 'FullYear', mode) + tickSize);
+            }
+            else
+                d.setTime(v + step);
+        } while (v < max && v != prev);
+        return ticks;
+    },
+    timeUnits: {
+        millisecond: 1,
+        second: 1000,
+        minute: 1000 * 60,
+        hour: 1000 * 60 * 60,
+        day: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24,
+        month: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30,
+        year: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.2425
+    },
+    // the allowed tick sizes, after 1 year we use an integer algorithm
+    spec: [
+        [1, "millisecond"],
+        [20, "millisecond"],
+        [50, "millisecond"],
+        [100, "millisecond"],
+        [200, "millisecond"],
+        [500, "millisecond"],
+        [1, "second"],
+        [2, "second"],
+        [5, "second"],
+        [10, "second"],
+        [30, "second"],
+        [1, "minute"],
+        [2, "minute"],
+        [5, "minute"],
+        [10, "minute"],
+        [30, "minute"],
+        [1, "hour"],
+        [2, "hour"],
+        [4, "hour"],
+        [8, "hour"],
+        [12, "hour"],
+        [1, "day"],
+        [2, "day"],
+        [3, "day"],
+        [0.25, "month"],
+        [0.5, "month"],
+        [1, "month"],
+        [2, "month"],
+        [3, "month"],
+        [6, "month"],
+        [1, "year"]
+    ],
+    monthNames: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
 (function () {
-var _ = Flotr._;
-Flotr.DOM = {
-  addClass: function(element, name){
-    var classList = (element.className ? element.className : '');
-      if (_.include(classList.split(/\s+/g), name)) return;
-    element.className = (classList ? classList + ' ' : '') + name;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Create an element.
-   */
-  create: function(tag){
-    return document.createElement(tag);
-  },
-  node: function(html) {
-    var div = Flotr.DOM.create('div'), n;
-    div.innerHTML = html;
-    n = div.children[0];
-    div.innerHTML = '';
-    return n;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Remove all children.
-   */
-  empty: function(element){
-    element.innerHTML = '';
-    /*
-    if (!element) return;
-    _.each(element.childNodes, function (e) {
-      Flotr.DOM.empty(e);
-      element.removeChild(e);
-    });
-    */
-  },
-  hide: function(element){
-    Flotr.DOM.setStyles(element, {display:'none'});
-  },
-  /**
-   * Insert a child.
-   * @param {Element} element
-   * @param {Element|String} Element or string to be appended.
-   */
-  insert: function(element, child){
-    if(_.isString(child))
-      element.innerHTML += child;
-    else if (_.isElement(child))
-      element.appendChild(child);
-  },
-  // @TODO find xbrowser implementation
-  opacity: function(element, opacity) {
- = opacity;
-  },
-  position: function(element, p){
-    if (!element.offsetParent)
-      return {left: (element.offsetLeft || 0), top: (element.offsetTop || 0)};
-    p = this.position(element.offsetParent);
-    p.left  += element.offsetLeft;
-   += element.offsetTop;
-    return p;
-  },
-  removeClass: function(element, name) {
-    var classList = (element.className ? element.className : '');
-    element.className = _.filter(classList.split(/\s+/g), function (c) {
-      if (c != name) return true; }
-    ).join(' ');
-  },
-  setStyles: function(element, o) {
-    _.each(o, function (value, key) {
-[key] = value;
-    });
-  },
-  show: function(element){
-    Flotr.DOM.setStyles(element, {display:''});
-  },
-  /**
-   * Return element size.
-   */
-  size: function(element){
-    return {
-      height : element.offsetHeight,
-      width : element.offsetWidth };
-  }
+    var _ = Flotr._;
+    Flotr.DOM = {
+        addClass: function (element, name) {
+            var classList = (element.className ? element.className : '');
+            if (_.include(classList.split(/\s+/g), name)) return;
+            element.className = (classList ? classList + ' ' : '') + name;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Create an element.
+         */
+        create: function (tag) {
+            return document.createElement(tag);
+        },
+        node: function (html) {
+            var div = Flotr.DOM.create('div'), n;
+            div.innerHTML = html;
+            n = div.children[0];
+            div.innerHTML = '';
+            return n;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Remove all children.
+         */
+        empty: function (element) {
+            element.innerHTML = '';
+            /*
+             if (!element) return;
+             _.each(element.childNodes, function (e) {
+             Flotr.DOM.empty(e);
+             element.removeChild(e);
+             });
+             */
+        },
+        hide: function (element) {
+            Flotr.DOM.setStyles(element, {display: 'none'});
+        },
+        /**
+         * Insert a child.
+         * @param {Element} element
+         * @param {Element|String} Element or string to be appended.
+         */
+        insert: function (element, child) {
+            if (_.isString(child))
+                element.innerHTML += child;
+            else if (_.isElement(child))
+                element.appendChild(child);
+        },
+        // @TODO find xbrowser implementation
+        opacity: function (element, opacity) {
+   = opacity;
+        },
+        position: function (element, p) {
+            if (!element.offsetParent)
+                return {left: (element.offsetLeft || 0), top: (element.offsetTop || 0)};
+            p = this.position(element.offsetParent);
+            p.left += element.offsetLeft;
+   += element.offsetTop;
+            return p;
+        },
+        removeClass: function (element, name) {
+            var classList = (element.className ? element.className : '');
+            element.className = _.filter(classList.split(/\s+/g),function (c) {
+                    if (c != name) return true;
+                }
+            ).join(' ');
+        },
+        setStyles: function (element, o) {
+            _.each(o, function (value, key) {
+      [key] = value;
+            });
+        },
+        show: function (element) {
+            Flotr.DOM.setStyles(element, {display: ''});
+        },
+        /**
+         * Return element size.
+         */
+        size: function (element) {
+            return {
+                height: element.offsetHeight,
+                width: element.offsetWidth };
+        }
+    };
@@ -2155,53 +2203,53 @@
  * Flotr Event Adapter
 (function () {
-  F = Flotr,
-  bean = F.bean;
-F.EventAdapter = {
-  observe: function(object, name, callback) {
-    bean.add(object, name, callback);
-    return this;
-  },
-  fire: function(object, name, args) {
-, name, args);
-    if (typeof(Prototype) != 'undefined')
-, name, args);
-    // @TODO Someone who uses mootools, add mootools adapter for existing applciations.
-    return this;
-  },
-  stopObserving: function(object, name, callback) {
-    bean.remove(object, name, callback);
-    return this;
-  },
-  eventPointer: function(e) {
-    if (!F._.isUndefined(e.touches) && e.touches.length > 0) {
-      return {
-        x : e.touches[0].pageX,
-        y : e.touches[0].pageY
-      };
-    } else if (!F._.isUndefined(e.changedTouches) && e.changedTouches.length > 0) {
-      return {
-        x : e.changedTouches[0].pageX,
-        y : e.changedTouches[0].pageY
-      };
-    } else if (e.pageX || e.pageY) {
-      return {
-        x : e.pageX,
-        y : e.pageY
-      };
-    } else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) {
-      var
-        d = document,
-        b = d.body,
-        de = d.documentElement;
-      return {
-        x: e.clientX + b.scrollLeft + de.scrollLeft,
-        y: e.clientY + b.scrollTop + de.scrollTop
-      };
-    }
-  }
+    var
+        F = Flotr,
+        bean = F.bean;
+    F.EventAdapter = {
+        observe: function (object, name, callback) {
+            bean.add(object, name, callback);
+            return this;
+        },
+        fire: function (object, name, args) {
+  , name, args);
+            if (typeof(Prototype) != 'undefined')
+      , name, args);
+            // @TODO Someone who uses mootools, add mootools adapter for existing applciations.
+            return this;
+        },
+        stopObserving: function (object, name, callback) {
+            bean.remove(object, name, callback);
+            return this;
+        },
+        eventPointer: function (e) {
+            if (!F._.isUndefined(e.touches) && e.touches.length > 0) {
+                return {
+                    x: e.touches[0].pageX,
+                    y: e.touches[0].pageY
+                };
+            } else if (!F._.isUndefined(e.changedTouches) && e.changedTouches.length > 0) {
+                return {
+                    x: e.changedTouches[0].pageX,
+                    y: e.changedTouches[0].pageY
+                };
+            } else if (e.pageX || e.pageY) {
+                return {
+                    x: e.pageX,
+                    y: e.pageY
+                };
+            } else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) {
+                var
+                    d = document,
+                    b = d.body,
+                    de = d.documentElement;
+                return {
+                    x: e.clientX + b.scrollLeft + de.scrollLeft,
+                    y: e.clientY + b.scrollTop + de.scrollTop
+                };
+            }
+        }
+    };
@@ -2209,87 +2257,87 @@
 (function () {
-  F = Flotr,
-  D = F.DOM,
-  _ = F._,
-Text = function (o) {
-  this.o = o;
-Text.prototype = {
-  dimensions : function (text, canvasStyle, htmlStyle, className) {
-    if (!text) return { width : 0, height : 0 };
-    return (this.o.html) ?
-      this.html(text, this.o.element, htmlStyle, className) : 
-      this.canvas(text, canvasStyle);
-  },
-  canvas : function (text, style) {
-    if (!this.o.textEnabled) return;
-    style = style || {};
-      metrics = this.measureText(text, style),
-      width = metrics.width,
-      height = style.size || F.defaultOptions.fontSize,
-      angle = style.angle || 0,
-      cosAngle = Math.cos(angle),
-      sinAngle = Math.sin(angle),
-      widthPadding = 2,
-      heightPadding = 6,
-      bounds;
-    bounds = {
-      width: Math.abs(cosAngle * width) + Math.abs(sinAngle * height) + widthPadding,
-      height: Math.abs(sinAngle * width) + Math.abs(cosAngle * height) + heightPadding
-    };
-    return bounds;
-  },
-  html : function (text, element, style, className) {
-    var div = D.create('div');
-    D.setStyles(div, { 'position' : 'absolute', 'top' : '-10000px' });
-    D.insert(div, '<div style="'+style+'" class="'+className+' flotr-dummy-div">' + text + '</div>');
-    D.insert(this.o.element, div);
-    return D.size(div);
-  },
-  measureText : function (text, style) {
-    var
-      context = this.o.ctx,
-      metrics;
-    if (!context.fillText || (F.isIphone && context.measure)) {
-      return { width : context.measure(text, style)};
-    }
-    style = _.extend({
-      size: F.defaultOptions.fontSize,
-      weight: 1,
-      angle: 0
-    }, style);
-    context.font = (style.weight > 1 ? "bold " : "") + (style.size*1.3) + "px sans-serif";
-    metrics = context.measureText(text);
-    context.restore();
-    return metrics;
-  }
-Flotr.Text = Text;
+        F = Flotr,
+        D = F.DOM,
+        _ = F._,
+        Text = function (o) {
+            this.o = o;
+        };
+    Text.prototype = {
+        dimensions: function (text, canvasStyle, htmlStyle, className) {
+            if (!text) return { width: 0, height: 0 };
+            return (this.o.html) ?
+                this.html(text, this.o.element, htmlStyle, className) :
+                this.canvas(text, canvasStyle);
+        },
+        canvas: function (text, style) {
+            if (!this.o.textEnabled) return;
+            style = style || {};
+            var
+                metrics = this.measureText(text, style),
+                width = metrics.width,
+                height = style.size || F.defaultOptions.fontSize,
+                angle = style.angle || 0,
+                cosAngle = Math.cos(angle),
+                sinAngle = Math.sin(angle),
+                widthPadding = 2,
+                heightPadding = 6,
+                bounds;
+            bounds = {
+                width: Math.abs(cosAngle * width) + Math.abs(sinAngle * height) + widthPadding,
+                height: Math.abs(sinAngle * width) + Math.abs(cosAngle * height) + heightPadding
+            };
+            return bounds;
+        },
+        html: function (text, element, style, className) {
+            var div = D.create('div');
+            D.setStyles(div, { 'position': 'absolute', 'top': '-10000px' });
+            D.insert(div, '<div style="' + style + '" class="' + className + ' flotr-dummy-div">' + text + '</div>');
+            D.insert(this.o.element, div);
+            return D.size(div);
+        },
+        measureText: function (text, style) {
+            var
+                context = this.o.ctx,
+                metrics;
+            if (!context.fillText || (F.isIphone && context.measure)) {
+                return { width: context.measure(text, style)};
+            }
+            style = _.extend({
+                size: F.defaultOptions.fontSize,
+                weight: 1,
+                angle: 0
+            }, style);
+  ;
+            context.font = (style.weight > 1 ? "bold " : "") + (style.size * 1.3) + "px sans-serif";
+            metrics = context.measureText(text);
+            context.restore();
+            return metrics;
+        }
+    };
+    Flotr.Text = Text;
@@ -2298,745 +2346,745 @@
 (function () {
-  D     = Flotr.DOM,
-  E     = Flotr.EventAdapter,
-  _     = Flotr._,
-  flotr = Flotr;
- * Flotr Graph constructor.
- * @param {Element} el - element to insert the graph into
- * @param {Object} data - an array or object of dataseries
- * @param {Object} options - an object containing options
- */
-Graph = function(el, data, options){
+    var
+        D = Flotr.DOM,
+        E = Flotr.EventAdapter,
+        _ = Flotr._,
+        flotr = Flotr;
+    /**
+     * Flotr Graph constructor.
+     * @param {Element} el - element to insert the graph into
+     * @param {Object} data - an array or object of dataseries
+     * @param {Object} options - an object containing options
+     */
+    Graph = function (el, data, options) {
 // Let's see if we can get away with out this [JS]
 //  try {
-    this._setEl(el);
-    this._initMembers();
-    this._initPlugins();
-, 'flotr:beforeinit', [this]);
- = data;
-    this.series = flotr.Series.getSeries(data);
-    this._initOptions(options);
-    this._initGraphTypes();
-    this._initCanvas();
-    this._text = new flotr.Text({
-      element : this.el,
-      ctx : this.ctx,
-      html : this.options.HtmlText,
-      textEnabled : this.textEnabled
-    });
-, 'flotr:afterconstruct', [this]);
-    this._initEvents();
-    this.findDataRanges();
-    this.calculateSpacing();
-    this.draw(_.bind(function() {
-, 'flotr:afterinit', [this]);
-    }, this));
-    try {
-  } catch (e) {
-    try {
-      console.error(e);
-    } catch (e2) {}
-  }*/
-function observe (object, name, callback) {
-  E.observe.apply(this, arguments);
-  this._handles.push(arguments);
-  return this;
-Graph.prototype = {
-  destroy: function () {
-, 'flotr:destroy');
-    _.each(this._handles, function (handle) {
-      E.stopObserving.apply(this, handle);
-    });
-    this._handles = [];
-    this.el.graph = null;
-  },
-  observe : observe,
-  /**
-   * @deprecated
-   */
-  _observe : observe,
-  processColor: function(color, options){
-    var o = { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: this.plotWidth, y2: this.plotHeight, opacity: 1, ctx: this.ctx };
-    _.extend(o, options);
-    return flotr.Color.processColor(color, o);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Function determines the min and max values for the xaxis and yaxis.
-   *
-   * TODO logarithmic range validation (consideration of 0)
-   */
-  findDataRanges: function(){
-    var a = this.axes,
-      xaxis, yaxis, range;
-    _.each(this.series, function (series) {
-      range = series.getRange();
-      if (range) {
-        xaxis = series.xaxis;
-        yaxis = series.yaxis;
-        xaxis.datamin = Math.min(range.xmin, xaxis.datamin);
-        xaxis.datamax = Math.max(range.xmax, xaxis.datamax);
-        yaxis.datamin = Math.min(range.ymin, yaxis.datamin);
-        yaxis.datamax = Math.max(range.ymax, yaxis.datamax);
-        xaxis.used = (xaxis.used || range.xused);
-        yaxis.used = (yaxis.used || range.yused);
-      }
-    }, this);
-    // Check for empty data, no data case (none used)
-    if (!a.x.used && !a.x2.used) a.x.used = true;
-    if (!a.y.used && !a.y2.used) a.y.used = true;
-    _.each(a, function (axis) {
-      axis.calculateRange();
-    });
-    var
-      types = _.keys(flotr.graphTypes),
-      drawn = false;
-    _.each(this.series, function (series) {
-      if (series.hide) return;
-      _.each(types, function (type) {
-        if (series[type] && series[type].show) {
-          this.extendRange(type, series);
-          drawn = true;
-        }
-      }, this);
-      if (!drawn) {
-        this.extendRange(this.options.defaultType, series);
-      }
-    }, this);
-  },
-  extendRange : function (type, series) {
-    if (this[type].extendRange) this[type].extendRange(series,, series[type], this[type]);
-    if (this[type].extendYRange) this[type].extendYRange(series.yaxis,, series[type], this[type]);
-    if (this[type].extendXRange) this[type].extendXRange(series.xaxis,, series[type], this[type]);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Calculates axis label sizes.
-   */
-  calculateSpacing: function(){
-    var a = this.axes,
-        options = this.options,
-        series = this.series,
-        margin = options.grid.labelMargin,
-        T = this._text,
-        x = a.x,
-        x2 = a.x2,
-        y = a.y,
-        y2 = a.y2,
-        maxOutset = options.grid.outlineWidth,
-        i, j, l, dim;
-    // TODO post refactor, fix this
-    _.each(a, function (axis) {
-      axis.calculateTicks();
-      axis.calculateTextDimensions(T, options);
-    });
-    // Title height
-    dim = T.dimensions(
-      options.title,
-      {size: options.fontSize*1.5},
-      'font-size:1em;font-weight:bold;',
-      'flotr-title'
-    );
-    this.titleHeight = dim.height;
-    // Subtitle height
-    dim = T.dimensions(
-      options.subtitle,
-      {size: options.fontSize},
-      'font-size:smaller;',
-      'flotr-subtitle'
-    );
-    this.subtitleHeight = dim.height;
-    for(j = 0; j < options.length; ++j){
-      if (series[j]{
-        maxOutset = Math.max(maxOutset, series[j].points.radius + series[j].points.lineWidth/2);
-      }
+        this._setEl(el);
+        this._initMembers();
+        this._initPlugins();
+, 'flotr:beforeinit', [this]);
+ = data;
+        this.series = flotr.Series.getSeries(data);
+        this._initOptions(options);
+        this._initGraphTypes();
+        this._initCanvas();
+        this._text = new flotr.Text({
+            element: this.el,
+            ctx: this.ctx,
+            html: this.options.HtmlText,
+            textEnabled: this.textEnabled
+        });
+, 'flotr:afterconstruct', [this]);
+        this._initEvents();
+        this.findDataRanges();
+        this.calculateSpacing();
+        this.draw(_.bind(function () {
+  , 'flotr:afterinit', [this]);
+        }, this));
+        /*
+         try {
+         } catch (e) {
+         try {
+         console.error(e);
+         } catch (e2) {}
+         }*/
+    };
+    function observe(object, name, callback) {
+        E.observe.apply(this, arguments);
+        this._handles.push(arguments);
+        return this;
-    var p = this.plotOffset;
-    if (x.options.margin === false) {
-      p.bottom = 0;
-    = 0;
-    } else {
-      p.bottom += (options.grid.circular ? 0 : (x.used && x.options.showLabels ?  (x.maxLabel.height + margin) : 0)) +
-                  (x.used && x.options.title ? (x.titleSize.height + margin) : 0) + maxOutset;
-    += (options.grid.circular ? 0 : (x2.used && x2.options.showLabels ? (x2.maxLabel.height + margin) : 0)) +
-                  (x2.used && x2.options.title ? (x2.titleSize.height + margin) : 0) + this.subtitleHeight + this.titleHeight + maxOutset;
-    }
-    if (y.options.margin === false) {
-      p.left  = 0;
-      p.right = 0;
-    } else {
-      p.left   += (options.grid.circular ? 0 : (y.used && y.options.showLabels ?  (y.maxLabel.width + margin) : 0)) +
-                  (y.used && y.options.title ? (y.titleSize.width + margin) : 0) + maxOutset;
-      p.right  += (options.grid.circular ? 0 : (y2.used && y2.options.showLabels ? (y2.maxLabel.width + margin) : 0)) +
-                  (y2.used && y2.options.title ? (y2.titleSize.width + margin) : 0) + maxOutset;
-    }
- = Math.floor(; // In order the outline not to be blured
-    this.plotWidth  = this.canvasWidth - p.left - p.right;
-    this.plotHeight = this.canvasHeight - p.bottom -;
-    // TODO post refactor, fix this
-    x.length = x2.length = this.plotWidth;
-    y.length = y2.length = this.plotHeight;
-    y.offset = y2.offset = this.plotHeight;
-    x.setScale();
-    x2.setScale();
-    y.setScale();
-    y2.setScale();
-  },
-  /**
-   * Draws grid, labels, series and outline.
-   */
-  draw: function(after) {
-    var
-      context = this.ctx,
-      i;
-, 'flotr:beforedraw', [this.series, this]);
-    if (this.series.length) {
-      context.translate(this.plotOffset.left,;
-      for (i = 0; i < this.series.length; i++) {
-        if (!this.series[i].hide) this.drawSeries(this.series[i]);
-      }
-      context.restore();
-      this.clip();
-    }
-, 'flotr:afterdraw', [this.series, this]);
-    if (after) after();
-  },
-  /**
-   * Actually draws the graph.
-   * @param {Object} series - series to draw
-   */
-  drawSeries: function(series){
-    function drawChart (series, typeKey) {
-      var options = this.getOptions(series, typeKey);
-      this[typeKey].draw(options);
-    }
-    var drawn = false;
-    series = series || this.series;
-    _.each(flotr.graphTypes, function (type, typeKey) {
-      if (series[typeKey] && series[typeKey].show && this[typeKey]) {
-        drawn = true;
-, series, typeKey);
-      }
-    }, this);
-    if (!drawn), series, this.options.defaultType);
-  },
-  getOptions : function (series, typeKey) {
-    var
-      type = series[typeKey],
-      graphType = this[typeKey],
-      options = {
-        context     : this.ctx,
-        width       : this.plotWidth,
-        height      : this.plotHeight,
-        fontSize    : this.options.fontSize,
-        fontColor   : this.options.fontColor,
-        textEnabled : this.textEnabled,
-        htmlText    : this.options.HtmlText,
-        text        : this._text, // TODO Is this necessary?
-        element     : this.el,
-        data        :,
-        color       : series.color,
-        shadowSize  : series.shadowSize,
-        xScale      : _.bind(series.xaxis.d2p, series.xaxis),
-        yScale      : _.bind(series.yaxis.d2p, series.yaxis)
-      };
-    options = flotr.merge(type, options);
-    // Fill
-    options.fillStyle = this.processColor(
-      type.fillColor || series.color,
-      {opacity: type.fillOpacity}
-    );
-    return options;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Calculates the coordinates from a mouse event object.
-   * @param {Event} event - Mouse Event object.
-   * @return {Object} Object with coordinates of the mouse.
-   */
-  getEventPosition: function (e){
-    var
-      d = document,
-      b = d.body,
-      de = d.documentElement,
-      axes = this.axes,
-      plotOffset = this.plotOffset,
-      lastMousePos = this.lastMousePos,
-      pointer = E.eventPointer(e),
-      dx = pointer.x - lastMousePos.pageX,
-      dy = pointer.y - lastMousePos.pageY,
-      r, rx, ry;
-    if ('ontouchstart' in this.el) {
-      r = D.position(this.overlay);
-      rx = pointer.x - r.left - plotOffset.left;
-      ry = pointer.y - -;
-    } else {
-      r = this.overlay.getBoundingClientRect();
-      rx = e.clientX - r.left - plotOffset.left - b.scrollLeft - de.scrollLeft;
-      ry = e.clientY - - - b.scrollTop - de.scrollTop;
-    }
-    return {
-      x:  axes.x.p2d(rx),
-      x2: axes.x2.p2d(rx),
-      y:  axes.y.p2d(ry),
-      y2: axes.y2.p2d(ry),
-      relX: rx,
-      relY: ry,
-      dX: dx,
-      dY: dy,
-      absX: pointer.x,
-      absY: pointer.y,
-      pageX: pointer.x,
-      pageY: pointer.y
-    };
-  },
-  /**
-   * Observes the 'click' event and fires the 'flotr:click' event.
-   * @param {Event} event - 'click' Event object.
-   */
-  clickHandler: function(event){
-    if(this.ignoreClick){
-      this.ignoreClick = false;
-      return this.ignoreClick;
-    }
-, 'flotr:click', [this.getEventPosition(event), this]);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Observes mouse movement over the graph area. Fires the 'flotr:mousemove' event.
-   * @param {Event} event - 'mousemove' Event object.
-   */
-  mouseMoveHandler: function(event){
-    if (this.mouseDownMoveHandler) return;
-    var pos = this.getEventPosition(event);
-, 'flotr:mousemove', [event, pos, this]);
-    this.lastMousePos = pos;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Observes the 'mousedown' event.
-   * @param {Event} event - 'mousedown' Event object.
-   */
-  mouseDownHandler: function (event){
-    /*
-    // @TODO Context menu?
-    if(event.isRightClick()) {
-      event.stop();
-      var overlay = this.overlay;
-      overlay.hide();
-      function cancelContextMenu () {
-        E.stopObserving(document, 'mousemove', cancelContextMenu);
-      }
-      E.observe(document, 'mousemove', cancelContextMenu);
-      return;
-    }
-    */
-    if (this.mouseUpHandler) return;
-    this.mouseUpHandler = _.bind(function (e) {
-      E.stopObserving(document, 'mouseup', this.mouseUpHandler);
-      E.stopObserving(document, 'mousemove', this.mouseDownMoveHandler);
-      this.mouseDownMoveHandler = null;
-      this.mouseUpHandler = null;
-      // @TODO why?
-      //e.stop();
-, 'flotr:mouseup', [e, this]);
-    }, this);
-    this.mouseDownMoveHandler = _.bind(function (e) {
-        var pos = this.getEventPosition(e);
-, 'flotr:mousemove', [event, pos, this]);
-        this.lastMousePos = pos;
-    }, this);
-    E.observe(document, 'mouseup', this.mouseUpHandler);
-    E.observe(document, 'mousemove', this.mouseDownMoveHandler);
-, 'flotr:mousedown', [event, this]);
-    this.ignoreClick = false;
-  },
-  drawTooltip: function(content, x, y, options) {
-    var mt = this.getMouseTrack(),
-        style = 'opacity:0.7;background-color:#000;color:#fff;display:none;position:absolute;padding:2px 8px;-moz-border-radius:4px;border-radius:4px;white-space:nowrap;',
-        p = options.position,
-        m = options.margin,
-        plotOffset = this.plotOffset;
-    if(x !== null && y !== null){
-      if (!options.relative) { // absolute to the canvas
-             if(p.charAt(0) == 'n') style += 'top:' + (m + + 'px;bottom:auto;';
-        else if(p.charAt(0) == 's') style += 'bottom:' + (m + plotOffset.bottom) + 'px;top:auto;';
-             if(p.charAt(1) == 'e') style += 'right:' + (m + plotOffset.right) + 'px;left:auto;';
-        else if(p.charAt(1) == 'w') style += 'left:' + (m + plotOffset.left) + 'px;right:auto;';
-      }
-      else { // relative to the mouse
-             if(p.charAt(0) == 'n') style += 'bottom:' + (m - - y + this.canvasHeight) + 'px;top:auto;';
-        else if(p.charAt(0) == 's') style += 'top:' + (m + + y) + 'px;bottom:auto;';
-             if(p.charAt(1) == 'e') style += 'left:' + (m + plotOffset.left + x) + 'px;right:auto;';
-        else if(p.charAt(1) == 'w') style += 'right:' + (m - plotOffset.left - x + this.canvasWidth) + 'px;left:auto;';
-      }
- = style;
-      D.empty(mt);
-      D.insert(mt, content);
-    }
-    else {
-      D.hide(mt);
-    }
-  },
-  clip: function (ctx) {
-    var
-      o   = this.plotOffset,
-      w   = this.canvasWidth,
-      h   = this.canvasHeight;
-    ctx = ctx || this.ctx;
-    if (flotr.isIE && flotr.isIE < 9) {
-      // Clipping for excanvas :-(
-      ctx.fillStyle = this.processColor(this.options.ieBackgroundColor);
-      ctx.fillRect(0, 0, w,;
-      ctx.fillRect(0, 0, o.left, h);
-      ctx.fillRect(0, h - o.bottom, w, o.bottom);
-      ctx.fillRect(w - o.right, 0, o.right,h);
-      ctx.restore();
-    } else {
-      ctx.clearRect(0, 0, w,;
-      ctx.clearRect(0, 0, o.left, h);
-      ctx.clearRect(0, h - o.bottom, w, o.bottom);
-      ctx.clearRect(w - o.right, 0, o.right,h);
-    }
-  },
-  _initMembers: function() {
-    this._handles = [];
-    this.lastMousePos = {pageX: null, pageY: null };
-    this.plotOffset = {left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0};
-    this.ignoreClick = true;
-    this.prevHit = null;
-  },
-  _initGraphTypes: function() {
-    _.each(flotr.graphTypes, function(handler, graphType){
-      this[graphType] = flotr.clone(handler);
-    }, this);
-  },
-  _initEvents: function () {
-    var
-      el = this.el,
-      touchendHandler, movement, touchend;
-    if ('ontouchstart' in el) {
-      touchendHandler = _.bind(function (e) {
-        touchend = true;
-        E.stopObserving(document, 'touchend', touchendHandler);
-, 'flotr:mouseup', [event, this]);
-        this.multitouches = null;
-        if (!movement) {
-          this.clickHandler(e);
-        }
-      }, this);
-      this.observe(this.overlay, 'touchstart', _.bind(function (e) {
-        movement = false;
-        touchend = false;
-        this.ignoreClick = false;
-        if (e.touches && e.touches.length > 1) {
-          this.multitouches = e.touches;
-        }
-, 'flotr:mousedown', [event, this]);
-        this.observe(document, 'touchend', touchendHandler);
-      }, this));
-      this.observe(this.overlay, 'touchmove', _.bind(function (e) {
-        var pos = this.getEventPosition(e);
-        e.preventDefault();
-        movement = true;
-        if (this.multitouches || (e.touches && e.touches.length > 1)) {
-          this.multitouches = e.touches;
-        } else {
-          if (!touchend) {
-  , 'flotr:mousemove', [event, pos, this]);
-          }
-        }
-        this.lastMousePos = pos;
-      }, this));
-    } else {
-      this.
-        observe(this.overlay, 'mousedown', _.bind(this.mouseDownHandler, this)).
-        observe(el, 'mousemove', _.bind(this.mouseMoveHandler, this)).
-        observe(this.overlay, 'click', _.bind(this.clickHandler, this)).
-        observe(el, 'mouseout', function () {
-, 'flotr:mouseout');
-        });
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Initializes the canvas and it's overlay canvas element. When the browser is IE, this makes use
-   * of excanvas. The overlay canvas is inserted for displaying interactions. After the canvas elements
-   * are created, the elements are inserted into the container element.
-   */
-  _initCanvas: function(){
-    var el = this.el,
-      o = this.options,
-      children = el.children,
-      removedChildren = [],
-      child, i,
-      size, style;
-    // Empty the el
-    for (i = children.length; i--;) {
-      child = children[i];
-      if (!this.canvas && child.className === 'flotr-canvas') {
-        this.canvas = child;
-      } else if (!this.overlay && child.className === 'flotr-overlay') {
-        this.overlay = child;
-      } else {
-        removedChildren.push(child);
-      }
-    }
-    for (i = removedChildren.length; i--;) {
-      el.removeChild(removedChildren[i]);
-    }
-    D.setStyles(el, {position: 'relative'}); // For positioning labels and overlay.
-    size = {};
-    size.width = el.clientWidth;
-    size.height = el.clientHeight;
-    if(size.width <= 0 || size.height <= 0 || o.resolution <= 0){
-      throw 'Invalid dimensions for plot, width = ' + size.width + ', height = ' + size.height + ', resolution = ' + o.resolution;
-    }
-    // Main canvas for drawing graph types
-    this.canvas = getCanvas(this.canvas, 'canvas');
-    // Overlay canvas for interactive features
-    this.overlay = getCanvas(this.overlay, 'overlay');
-    this.ctx = getContext(this.canvas);
-    this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
-    this.octx = getContext(this.overlay);
-    this.octx.clearRect(0, 0, this.overlay.width, this.overlay.height);
-    this.canvasHeight = size.height;
-    this.canvasWidth = size.width;
-    this.textEnabled = !!this.ctx.drawText || !!this.ctx.fillText; // Enable text functions
-    function getCanvas(canvas, name){
-      if(!canvas){
-        canvas = D.create('canvas');
-        if (typeof FlashCanvas != "undefined" && typeof canvas.getContext === 'function') {
-          FlashCanvas.initElement(canvas);
-        }
-        canvas.className = 'flotr-'+name;
- = 'position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;';
-        D.insert(el, canvas);
-      }
-      _.each(size, function(size, attribute){
-        if (name == 'canvas' && canvas.getAttribute(attribute) === size) {
-          return;
-        }
-        canvas.setAttribute(attribute, size * o.resolution);
-[attribute] = size + 'px';
-      });
-      canvas.context_ = null; // Reset the ExCanvas context
-      return canvas;
-    }
-    function getContext(canvas){
-      if(window.G_vmlCanvasManager) window.G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(canvas); // For ExCanvas
-      var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
-      if(!window.G_vmlCanvasManager) context.scale(o.resolution, o.resolution);
-      return context;
-    }
-  },
-  _initPlugins: function(){
-    // TODO Should be moved to flotr and mixed in.
-    _.each(flotr.plugins, function(plugin, name){
-      _.each(plugin.callbacks, function(fn, c){
-        this.observe(this.el, c, _.bind(fn, this));
-      }, this);
-      this[name] = flotr.clone(plugin);
-      _.each(this[name], function(fn, p){
-        if (_.isFunction(fn))
-          this[name][p] = _.bind(fn, this);
-      }, this);
-    }, this);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Sets options and initializes some variables and color specific values, used by the constructor.
-   * @param {Object} opts - options object
-   */
-  _initOptions: function(opts){
-    var options = flotr.clone(flotr.defaultOptions);
-    options.x2axis = _.extend(_.clone(options.xaxis), options.x2axis);
-    options.y2axis = _.extend(_.clone(options.yaxis), options.y2axis);
-    this.options = flotr.merge(opts || {}, options);
-    if (this.options.grid.minorVerticalLines === null &&
-      this.options.xaxis.scaling === 'logarithmic') {
-      this.options.grid.minorVerticalLines = true;
-    }
-    if (this.options.grid.minorHorizontalLines === null &&
-      this.options.yaxis.scaling === 'logarithmic') {
-      this.options.grid.minorHorizontalLines = true;
-    }
-, 'flotr:afterinitoptions', [this]);
-    this.axes = flotr.Axis.getAxes(this.options);
-    // Initialize some variables used throughout this function.
-    var assignedColors = [],
-        colors = [],
-        ln = this.series.length,
-        neededColors = this.series.length,
-        oc = this.options.colors,
-        usedColors = [],
-        variation = 0,
-        c, i, j, s;
-    // Collect user-defined colors from series.
-    for(i = neededColors - 1; i > -1; --i){
-      c = this.series[i].color;
-      if(c){
-        --neededColors;
-        if(_.isNumber(c)) assignedColors.push(c);
-        else usedColors.push(flotr.Color.parse(c));
-      }
-    }
-    // Calculate the number of colors that need to be generated.
-    for(i = assignedColors.length - 1; i > -1; --i)
-      neededColors = Math.max(neededColors, assignedColors[i] + 1);
-    // Generate needed number of colors.
-    for(i = 0; colors.length < neededColors;){
-      c = (oc.length == i) ? new flotr.Color(100, 100, 100) : flotr.Color.parse(oc[i]);
-      // Make sure each serie gets a different color.
-      var sign = variation % 2 == 1 ? -1 : 1,
-          factor = 1 + sign * Math.ceil(variation / 2) * 0.2;
-      c.scale(factor, factor, factor);
-      /**
-       * @todo if we're getting too close to something else, we should probably skip this one
-       */
-      colors.push(c);
-      if(++i >= oc.length){
-        i = 0;
-        ++variation;
-      }
-    }
-    // Fill the options with the generated colors.
-    for(i = 0, j = 0; i < ln; ++i){
-      s = this.series[i];
-      // Assign the color.
-      if (!s.color){
-        s.color = colors[j++].toString();
-      }else if(_.isNumber(s.color)){
-        s.color = colors[s.color].toString();
-      }
-      // Every series needs an axis
-      if (!s.xaxis) s.xaxis = this.axes.x;
-           if (s.xaxis == 1) s.xaxis = this.axes.x;
-      else if (s.xaxis == 2) s.xaxis = this.axes.x2;
-      if (!s.yaxis) s.yaxis = this.axes.y;
-           if (s.yaxis == 1) s.yaxis = this.axes.y;
-      else if (s.yaxis == 2) s.yaxis = this.axes.y2;
-      // Apply missing options to the series.
-      for (var t in flotr.graphTypes){
-        s[t] = _.extend(_.clone(this.options[t]), s[t]);
-      }
-      s.mouse = _.extend(_.clone(this.options.mouse), s.mouse);
-      if (_.isUndefined(s.shadowSize)) s.shadowSize = this.options.shadowSize;
-    }
-  },
-  _setEl: function(el) {
-    if (!el) throw 'The target container doesn\'t exist';
-    else if (el.graph instanceof Graph) el.graph.destroy();
-    else if (!el.clientWidth) throw 'The target container must be visible';
-    el.graph = this;
-    this.el = el;
-  }
-Flotr.Graph = Graph;
+    Graph.prototype = {
+        destroy: function () {
+  , 'flotr:destroy');
+            _.each(this._handles, function (handle) {
+                E.stopObserving.apply(this, handle);
+            });
+            this._handles = [];
+            this.el.graph = null;
+        },
+        observe: observe,
+        /**
+         * @deprecated
+         */
+        _observe: observe,
+        processColor: function (color, options) {
+            var o = { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: this.plotWidth, y2: this.plotHeight, opacity: 1, ctx: this.ctx };
+            _.extend(o, options);
+            return flotr.Color.processColor(color, o);
+        },
+        /**
+         * Function determines the min and max values for the xaxis and yaxis.
+         *
+         * TODO logarithmic range validation (consideration of 0)
+         */
+        findDataRanges: function () {
+            var a = this.axes,
+                xaxis, yaxis, range;
+            _.each(this.series, function (series) {
+                range = series.getRange();
+                if (range) {
+                    xaxis = series.xaxis;
+                    yaxis = series.yaxis;
+                    xaxis.datamin = Math.min(range.xmin, xaxis.datamin);
+                    xaxis.datamax = Math.max(range.xmax, xaxis.datamax);
+                    yaxis.datamin = Math.min(range.ymin, yaxis.datamin);
+                    yaxis.datamax = Math.max(range.ymax, yaxis.datamax);
+                    xaxis.used = (xaxis.used || range.xused);
+                    yaxis.used = (yaxis.used || range.yused);
+                }
+            }, this);
+            // Check for empty data, no data case (none used)
+            if (!a.x.used && !a.x2.used) a.x.used = true;
+            if (!a.y.used && !a.y2.used) a.y.used = true;
+            _.each(a, function (axis) {
+                axis.calculateRange();
+            });
+            var
+                types = _.keys(flotr.graphTypes),
+                drawn = false;
+            _.each(this.series, function (series) {
+                if (series.hide) return;
+                _.each(types, function (type) {
+                    if (series[type] && series[type].show) {
+                        this.extendRange(type, series);
+                        drawn = true;
+                    }
+                }, this);
+                if (!drawn) {
+                    this.extendRange(this.options.defaultType, series);
+                }
+            }, this);
+        },
+        extendRange: function (type, series) {
+            if (this[type].extendRange) this[type].extendRange(series,, series[type], this[type]);
+            if (this[type].extendYRange) this[type].extendYRange(series.yaxis,, series[type], this[type]);
+            if (this[type].extendXRange) this[type].extendXRange(series.xaxis,, series[type], this[type]);
+        },
+        /**
+         * Calculates axis label sizes.
+         */
+        calculateSpacing: function () {
+            var a = this.axes,
+                options = this.options,
+                series = this.series,
+                margin = options.grid.labelMargin,
+                T = this._text,
+                x = a.x,
+                x2 = a.x2,
+                y = a.y,
+                y2 = a.y2,
+                maxOutset = options.grid.outlineWidth,
+                i, j, l, dim;
+            // TODO post refactor, fix this
+            _.each(a, function (axis) {
+                axis.calculateTicks();
+                axis.calculateTextDimensions(T, options);
+            });
+            // Title height
+            dim = T.dimensions(
+                options.title,
+                {size: options.fontSize * 1.5},
+                'font-size:1em;font-weight:bold;',
+                'flotr-title'
+            );
+            this.titleHeight = dim.height;
+            // Subtitle height
+            dim = T.dimensions(
+                options.subtitle,
+                {size: options.fontSize},
+                'font-size:smaller;',
+                'flotr-subtitle'
+            );
+            this.subtitleHeight = dim.height;
+            for (j = 0; j < options.length; ++j) {
+                if (series[j] {
+                    maxOutset = Math.max(maxOutset, series[j].points.radius + series[j].points.lineWidth / 2);
+                }
+            }
+            var p = this.plotOffset;
+            if (x.options.margin === false) {
+                p.bottom = 0;
+       = 0;
+            } else {
+                p.bottom += (options.grid.circular ? 0 : (x.used && x.options.showLabels ? (x.maxLabel.height + margin) : 0)) +
+                    (x.used && x.options.title ? (x.titleSize.height + margin) : 0) + maxOutset;
+       += (options.grid.circular ? 0 : (x2.used && x2.options.showLabels ? (x2.maxLabel.height + margin) : 0)) +
+                    (x2.used && x2.options.title ? (x2.titleSize.height + margin) : 0) + this.subtitleHeight + this.titleHeight + maxOutset;
+            }
+            if (y.options.margin === false) {
+                p.left = 0;
+                p.right = 0;
+            } else {
+                p.left += (options.grid.circular ? 0 : (y.used && y.options.showLabels ? (y.maxLabel.width + margin) : 0)) +
+                    (y.used && y.options.title ? (y.titleSize.width + margin) : 0) + maxOutset;
+                p.right += (options.grid.circular ? 0 : (y2.used && y2.options.showLabels ? (y2.maxLabel.width + margin) : 0)) +
+                    (y2.used && y2.options.title ? (y2.titleSize.width + margin) : 0) + maxOutset;
+            }
+   = Math.floor(; // In order the outline not to be blured
+            this.plotWidth = this.canvasWidth - p.left - p.right;
+            this.plotHeight = this.canvasHeight - p.bottom -;
+            // TODO post refactor, fix this
+            x.length = x2.length = this.plotWidth;
+            y.length = y2.length = this.plotHeight;
+            y.offset = y2.offset = this.plotHeight;
+            x.setScale();
+            x2.setScale();
+            y.setScale();
+            y2.setScale();
+        },
+        /**
+         * Draws grid, labels, series and outline.
+         */
+        draw: function (after) {
+            var
+                context = this.ctx,
+                i;
+  , 'flotr:beforedraw', [this.series, this]);
+            if (this.series.length) {
+      ;
+                context.translate(this.plotOffset.left,;
+                for (i = 0; i < this.series.length; i++) {
+                    if (!this.series[i].hide) this.drawSeries(this.series[i]);
+                }
+                context.restore();
+                this.clip();
+            }
+  , 'flotr:afterdraw', [this.series, this]);
+            if (after) after();
+        },
+        /**
+         * Actually draws the graph.
+         * @param {Object} series - series to draw
+         */
+        drawSeries: function (series) {
+            function drawChart(series, typeKey) {
+                var options = this.getOptions(series, typeKey);
+                this[typeKey].draw(options);
+            }
+            var drawn = false;
+            series = series || this.series;
+            _.each(flotr.graphTypes, function (type, typeKey) {
+                if (series[typeKey] && series[typeKey].show && this[typeKey]) {
+                    drawn = true;
+          , series, typeKey);
+                }
+            }, this);
+            if (!drawn), series, this.options.defaultType);
+        },
+        getOptions: function (series, typeKey) {
+            var
+                type = series[typeKey],
+                graphType = this[typeKey],
+                options = {
+                    context: this.ctx,
+                    width: this.plotWidth,
+                    height: this.plotHeight,
+                    fontSize: this.options.fontSize,
+                    fontColor: this.options.fontColor,
+                    textEnabled: this.textEnabled,
+                    htmlText: this.options.HtmlText,
+                    text: this._text, // TODO Is this necessary?
+                    element: this.el,
+                    data:,
+                    color: series.color,
+                    shadowSize: series.shadowSize,
+                    xScale: _.bind(series.xaxis.d2p, series.xaxis),
+                    yScale: _.bind(series.yaxis.d2p, series.yaxis)
+                };
+            options = flotr.merge(type, options);
+            // Fill
+            options.fillStyle = this.processColor(
+                type.fillColor || series.color,
+                {opacity: type.fillOpacity}
+            );
+            return options;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Calculates the coordinates from a mouse event object.
+         * @param {Event} event - Mouse Event object.
+         * @return {Object} Object with coordinates of the mouse.
+         */
+        getEventPosition: function (e) {
+            var
+                d = document,
+                b = d.body,
+                de = d.documentElement,
+                axes = this.axes,
+                plotOffset = this.plotOffset,
+                lastMousePos = this.lastMousePos,
+                pointer = E.eventPointer(e),
+                dx = pointer.x - lastMousePos.pageX,
+                dy = pointer.y - lastMousePos.pageY,
+                r, rx, ry;
+            if ('ontouchstart' in this.el) {
+                r = D.position(this.overlay);
+                rx = pointer.x - r.left - plotOffset.left;
+                ry = pointer.y - -;
+            } else {
+                r = this.overlay.getBoundingClientRect();
+                rx = e.clientX - r.left - plotOffset.left - b.scrollLeft - de.scrollLeft;
+                ry = e.clientY - - - b.scrollTop - de.scrollTop;
+            }
+            return {
+                x: axes.x.p2d(rx),
+                x2: axes.x2.p2d(rx),
+                y: axes.y.p2d(ry),
+                y2: axes.y2.p2d(ry),
+                relX: rx,
+                relY: ry,
+                dX: dx,
+                dY: dy,
+                absX: pointer.x,
+                absY: pointer.y,
+                pageX: pointer.x,
+                pageY: pointer.y
+            };
+        },
+        /**
+         * Observes the 'click' event and fires the 'flotr:click' event.
+         * @param {Event} event - 'click' Event object.
+         */
+        clickHandler: function (event) {
+            if (this.ignoreClick) {
+                this.ignoreClick = false;
+                return this.ignoreClick;
+            }
+  , 'flotr:click', [this.getEventPosition(event), this]);
+        },
+        /**
+         * Observes mouse movement over the graph area. Fires the 'flotr:mousemove' event.
+         * @param {Event} event - 'mousemove' Event object.
+         */
+        mouseMoveHandler: function (event) {
+            if (this.mouseDownMoveHandler) return;
+            var pos = this.getEventPosition(event);
+  , 'flotr:mousemove', [event, pos, this]);
+            this.lastMousePos = pos;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Observes the 'mousedown' event.
+         * @param {Event} event - 'mousedown' Event object.
+         */
+        mouseDownHandler: function (event) {
+            /*
+             // @TODO Context menu?
+             if(event.isRightClick()) {
+             event.stop();
+             var overlay = this.overlay;
+             overlay.hide();
+             function cancelContextMenu () {
+   ;
+             E.stopObserving(document, 'mousemove', cancelContextMenu);
+             }
+             E.observe(document, 'mousemove', cancelContextMenu);
+             return;
+             }
+             */
+            if (this.mouseUpHandler) return;
+            this.mouseUpHandler = _.bind(function (e) {
+                E.stopObserving(document, 'mouseup', this.mouseUpHandler);
+                E.stopObserving(document, 'mousemove', this.mouseDownMoveHandler);
+                this.mouseDownMoveHandler = null;
+                this.mouseUpHandler = null;
+                // @TODO why?
+                //e.stop();
+      , 'flotr:mouseup', [e, this]);
+            }, this);
+            this.mouseDownMoveHandler = _.bind(function (e) {
+                var pos = this.getEventPosition(e);
+      , 'flotr:mousemove', [event, pos, this]);
+                this.lastMousePos = pos;
+            }, this);
+            E.observe(document, 'mouseup', this.mouseUpHandler);
+            E.observe(document, 'mousemove', this.mouseDownMoveHandler);
+  , 'flotr:mousedown', [event, this]);
+            this.ignoreClick = false;
+        },
+        drawTooltip: function (content, x, y, options) {
+            var mt = this.getMouseTrack(),
+                style = 'opacity:0.7;background-color:#000;color:#fff;display:none;position:absolute;padding:2px 8px;-moz-border-radius:4px;border-radius:4px;white-space:nowrap;',
+                p = options.position,
+                m = options.margin,
+                plotOffset = this.plotOffset;
+            if (x !== null && y !== null) {
+                if (!options.relative) { // absolute to the canvas
+                    if (p.charAt(0) == 'n') style += 'top:' + (m + + 'px;bottom:auto;';
+                    else if (p.charAt(0) == 's') style += 'bottom:' + (m + plotOffset.bottom) + 'px;top:auto;';
+                    if (p.charAt(1) == 'e') style += 'right:' + (m + plotOffset.right) + 'px;left:auto;';
+                    else if (p.charAt(1) == 'w') style += 'left:' + (m + plotOffset.left) + 'px;right:auto;';
+                }
+                else { // relative to the mouse
+                    if (p.charAt(0) == 'n') style += 'bottom:' + (m - - y + this.canvasHeight) + 'px;top:auto;';
+                    else if (p.charAt(0) == 's') style += 'top:' + (m + + y) + 'px;bottom:auto;';
+                    if (p.charAt(1) == 'e') style += 'left:' + (m + plotOffset.left + x) + 'px;right:auto;';
+                    else if (p.charAt(1) == 'w') style += 'right:' + (m - plotOffset.left - x + this.canvasWidth) + 'px;left:auto;';
+                }
+       = style;
+                D.empty(mt);
+                D.insert(mt, content);
+      ;
+            }
+            else {
+                D.hide(mt);
+            }
+        },
+        clip: function (ctx) {
+            var
+                o = this.plotOffset,
+                w = this.canvasWidth,
+                h = this.canvasHeight;
+            ctx = ctx || this.ctx;
+            if (flotr.isIE && flotr.isIE < 9) {
+                // Clipping for excanvas :-(
+      ;
+                ctx.fillStyle = this.processColor(this.options.ieBackgroundColor);
+                ctx.fillRect(0, 0, w,;
+                ctx.fillRect(0, 0, o.left, h);
+                ctx.fillRect(0, h - o.bottom, w, o.bottom);
+                ctx.fillRect(w - o.right, 0, o.right, h);
+                ctx.restore();
+            } else {
+                ctx.clearRect(0, 0, w,;
+                ctx.clearRect(0, 0, o.left, h);
+                ctx.clearRect(0, h - o.bottom, w, o.bottom);
+                ctx.clearRect(w - o.right, 0, o.right, h);
+            }
+        },
+        _initMembers: function () {
+            this._handles = [];
+            this.lastMousePos = {pageX: null, pageY: null };
+            this.plotOffset = {left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0};
+            this.ignoreClick = true;
+            this.prevHit = null;
+        },
+        _initGraphTypes: function () {
+            _.each(flotr.graphTypes, function (handler, graphType) {
+                this[graphType] = flotr.clone(handler);
+            }, this);
+        },
+        _initEvents: function () {
+            var
+                el = this.el,
+                touchendHandler, movement, touchend;
+            if ('ontouchstart' in el) {
+                touchendHandler = _.bind(function (e) {
+                    touchend = true;
+                    E.stopObserving(document, 'touchend', touchendHandler);
+          , 'flotr:mouseup', [event, this]);
+                    this.multitouches = null;
+                    if (!movement) {
+                        this.clickHandler(e);
+                    }
+                }, this);
+                this.observe(this.overlay, 'touchstart', _.bind(function (e) {
+                    movement = false;
+                    touchend = false;
+                    this.ignoreClick = false;
+                    if (e.touches && e.touches.length > 1) {
+                        this.multitouches = e.touches;
+                    }
+          , 'flotr:mousedown', [event, this]);
+                    this.observe(document, 'touchend', touchendHandler);
+                }, this));
+                this.observe(this.overlay, 'touchmove', _.bind(function (e) {
+                    var pos = this.getEventPosition(e);
+                    e.preventDefault();
+                    movement = true;
+                    if (this.multitouches || (e.touches && e.touches.length > 1)) {
+                        this.multitouches = e.touches;
+                    } else {
+                        if (!touchend) {
+                  , 'flotr:mousemove', [event, pos, this]);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    this.lastMousePos = pos;
+                }, this));
+            } else {
+                this.
+                    observe(this.overlay, 'mousedown', _.bind(this.mouseDownHandler, this)).
+                    observe(el, 'mousemove', _.bind(this.mouseMoveHandler, this)).
+                    observe(this.overlay, 'click', _.bind(this.clickHandler, this)).
+                    observe(el, 'mouseout', function () {
+              , 'flotr:mouseout');
+                    });
+            }
+        },
+        /**
+         * Initializes the canvas and it's overlay canvas element. When the browser is IE, this makes use
+         * of excanvas. The overlay canvas is inserted for displaying interactions. After the canvas elements
+         * are created, the elements are inserted into the container element.
+         */
+        _initCanvas: function () {
+            var el = this.el,
+                o = this.options,
+                children = el.children,
+                removedChildren = [],
+                child, i,
+                size, style;
+            // Empty the el
+            for (i = children.length; i--;) {
+                child = children[i];
+                if (!this.canvas && child.className === 'flotr-canvas') {
+                    this.canvas = child;
+                } else if (!this.overlay && child.className === 'flotr-overlay') {
+                    this.overlay = child;
+                } else {
+                    removedChildren.push(child);
+                }
+            }
+            for (i = removedChildren.length; i--;) {
+                el.removeChild(removedChildren[i]);
+            }
+            D.setStyles(el, {position: 'relative'}); // For positioning labels and overlay.
+            size = {};
+            size.width = el.clientWidth;
+            size.height = el.clientHeight;
+            if (size.width <= 0 || size.height <= 0 || o.resolution <= 0) {
+                throw 'Invalid dimensions for plot, width = ' + size.width + ', height = ' + size.height + ', resolution = ' + o.resolution;
+            }
+            // Main canvas for drawing graph types
+            this.canvas = getCanvas(this.canvas, 'canvas');
+            // Overlay canvas for interactive features
+            this.overlay = getCanvas(this.overlay, 'overlay');
+            this.ctx = getContext(this.canvas);
+            this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
+            this.octx = getContext(this.overlay);
+            this.octx.clearRect(0, 0, this.overlay.width, this.overlay.height);
+            this.canvasHeight = size.height;
+            this.canvasWidth = size.width;
+            this.textEnabled = !!this.ctx.drawText || !!this.ctx.fillText; // Enable text functions
+            function getCanvas(canvas, name) {
+                if (!canvas) {
+                    canvas = D.create('canvas');
+                    if (typeof FlashCanvas != "undefined" && typeof canvas.getContext === 'function') {
+                        FlashCanvas.initElement(canvas);
+                    }
+                    canvas.className = 'flotr-' + name;
+           = 'position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;';
+                    D.insert(el, canvas);
+                }
+                _.each(size, function (size, attribute) {
+          ;
+                    if (name == 'canvas' && canvas.getAttribute(attribute) === size) {
+                        return;
+                    }
+                    canvas.setAttribute(attribute, size * o.resolution);
+          [attribute] = size + 'px';
+                });
+                canvas.context_ = null; // Reset the ExCanvas context
+                return canvas;
+            }
+            function getContext(canvas) {
+                if (window.G_vmlCanvasManager) window.G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(canvas); // For ExCanvas
+                var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
+                if (!window.G_vmlCanvasManager) context.scale(o.resolution, o.resolution);
+                return context;
+            }
+        },
+        _initPlugins: function () {
+            // TODO Should be moved to flotr and mixed in.
+            _.each(flotr.plugins, function (plugin, name) {
+                _.each(plugin.callbacks, function (fn, c) {
+                    this.observe(this.el, c, _.bind(fn, this));
+                }, this);
+                this[name] = flotr.clone(plugin);
+                _.each(this[name], function (fn, p) {
+                    if (_.isFunction(fn))
+                        this[name][p] = _.bind(fn, this);
+                }, this);
+            }, this);
+        },
+        /**
+         * Sets options and initializes some variables and color specific values, used by the constructor.
+         * @param {Object} opts - options object
+         */
+        _initOptions: function (opts) {
+            var options = flotr.clone(flotr.defaultOptions);
+            options.x2axis = _.extend(_.clone(options.xaxis), options.x2axis);
+            options.y2axis = _.extend(_.clone(options.yaxis), options.y2axis);
+            this.options = flotr.merge(opts || {}, options);
+            if (this.options.grid.minorVerticalLines === null &&
+                this.options.xaxis.scaling === 'logarithmic') {
+                this.options.grid.minorVerticalLines = true;
+            }
+            if (this.options.grid.minorHorizontalLines === null &&
+                this.options.yaxis.scaling === 'logarithmic') {
+                this.options.grid.minorHorizontalLines = true;
+            }
+  , 'flotr:afterinitoptions', [this]);
+            this.axes = flotr.Axis.getAxes(this.options);
+            // Initialize some variables used throughout this function.
+            var assignedColors = [],
+                colors = [],
+                ln = this.series.length,
+                neededColors = this.series.length,
+                oc = this.options.colors,
+                usedColors = [],
+                variation = 0,
+                c, i, j, s;
+            // Collect user-defined colors from series.
+            for (i = neededColors - 1; i > -1; --i) {
+                c = this.series[i].color;
+                if (c) {
+                    --neededColors;
+                    if (_.isNumber(c)) assignedColors.push(c);
+                    else usedColors.push(flotr.Color.parse(c));
+                }
+            }
+            // Calculate the number of colors that need to be generated.
+            for (i = assignedColors.length - 1; i > -1; --i)
+                neededColors = Math.max(neededColors, assignedColors[i] + 1);
+            // Generate needed number of colors.
+            for (i = 0; colors.length < neededColors;) {
+                c = (oc.length == i) ? new flotr.Color(100, 100, 100) : flotr.Color.parse(oc[i]);
+                // Make sure each serie gets a different color.
+                var sign = variation % 2 == 1 ? -1 : 1,
+                    factor = 1 + sign * Math.ceil(variation / 2) * 0.2;
+                c.scale(factor, factor, factor);
+                /**
+                 * @todo if we're getting too close to something else, we should probably skip this one
+                 */
+                colors.push(c);
+                if (++i >= oc.length) {
+                    i = 0;
+                    ++variation;
+                }
+            }
+            // Fill the options with the generated colors.
+            for (i = 0, j = 0; i < ln; ++i) {
+                s = this.series[i];
+                // Assign the color.
+                if (!s.color) {
+                    s.color = colors[j++].toString();
+                } else if (_.isNumber(s.color)) {
+                    s.color = colors[s.color].toString();
+                }
+                // Every series needs an axis
+                if (!s.xaxis) s.xaxis = this.axes.x;
+                if (s.xaxis == 1) s.xaxis = this.axes.x;
+                else if (s.xaxis == 2) s.xaxis = this.axes.x2;
+                if (!s.yaxis) s.yaxis = this.axes.y;
+                if (s.yaxis == 1) s.yaxis = this.axes.y;
+                else if (s.yaxis == 2) s.yaxis = this.axes.y2;
+                // Apply missing options to the series.
+                for (var t in flotr.graphTypes) {
+                    s[t] = _.extend(_.clone(this.options[t]), s[t]);
+                }
+                s.mouse = _.extend(_.clone(this.options.mouse), s.mouse);
+                if (_.isUndefined(s.shadowSize)) s.shadowSize = this.options.shadowSize;
+            }
+        },
+        _setEl: function (el) {
+            if (!el) throw 'The target container doesn\'t exist';
+            else if (el.graph instanceof Graph) el.graph.destroy();
+            else if (!el.clientWidth) throw 'The target container must be visible';
+            el.graph = this;
+            this.el = el;
+        }
+    };
+    Flotr.Graph = Graph;
@@ -3046,305 +3094,309 @@
 (function () {
-  _ = Flotr._,
-  LOGARITHMIC = 'logarithmic';
-function Axis (o) {
-  this.orientation = 1;
-  this.offset = 0;
-  this.datamin = Number.MAX_VALUE;
-  this.datamax = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
-  _.extend(this, o);
-  this._setTranslations();
+    var
+        _ = Flotr._,
+        LOGARITHMIC = 'logarithmic';
+    function Axis(o) {
+        this.orientation = 1;
+        this.offset = 0;
+        this.datamin = Number.MAX_VALUE;
+        this.datamax = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
+        _.extend(this, o);
+        this._setTranslations();
+    }
 // Prototype
-Axis.prototype = {
-  setScale : function () {
-    var length = this.length;
-    if (this.options.scaling == LOGARITHMIC) {
-      this.scale = length / (log(this.max, this.options.base) - log(this.min, this.options.base));
-    } else {
-      this.scale = length / (this.max - this.min);
+    Axis.prototype = {
+        setScale: function () {
+            var length = this.length;
+            if (this.options.scaling == LOGARITHMIC) {
+                this.scale = length / (log(this.max, this.options.base) - log(this.min, this.options.base));
+            } else {
+                this.scale = length / (this.max - this.min);
+            }
+        },
+        calculateTicks: function () {
+            var options = this.options;
+            this.ticks = [];
+            this.minorTicks = [];
+            // User Ticks
+            if (options.ticks) {
+                this._cleanUserTicks(options.ticks, this.ticks);
+                this._cleanUserTicks(options.minorTicks || [], this.minorTicks);
+            }
+            else {
+                if (options.mode == 'time') {
+                    this._calculateTimeTicks();
+                } else if (options.scaling === 'logarithmic') {
+                    this._calculateLogTicks();
+                } else {
+                    this._calculateTicks();
+                }
+            }
+            // Ticks to strings
+            _.each(this.ticks, function (tick) {
+                tick.label += '';
+            });
+            _.each(this.minorTicks, function (tick) {
+                tick.label += '';
+            });
+        },
+        /**
+         * Calculates the range of an axis to apply autoscaling.
+         */
+        calculateRange: function () {
+            if (!this.used) return;
+            var axis = this,
+                o = axis.options,
+                min = o.min !== null ? o.min : axis.datamin,
+                max = o.max !== null ? o.max : axis.datamax,
+                margin = o.autoscaleMargin;
+            if (o.scaling == 'logarithmic') {
+                if (min <= 0) min = axis.datamin;
+                // Let it widen later on
+                if (max <= 0) max = min;
+            }
+            if (max == min) {
+                var widen = max ? 0.01 : 1.00;
+                if (o.min === null) min -= widen;
+                if (o.max === null) max += widen;
+            }
+            if (o.scaling === 'logarithmic') {
+                if (min < 0) min = max / o.base;  // Could be the result of widening
+                var maxexp = Math.log(max);
+                if (o.base != Math.E) maxexp /= Math.log(o.base);
+                maxexp = Math.ceil(maxexp);
+                var minexp = Math.log(min);
+                if (o.base != Math.E) minexp /= Math.log(o.base);
+                minexp = Math.ceil(minexp);
+                axis.tickSize = Flotr.getTickSize(o.noTicks, minexp, maxexp, o.tickDecimals === null ? 0 : o.tickDecimals);
+                // Try to determine a suitable amount of miniticks based on the length of a decade
+                if (o.minorTickFreq === null) {
+                    if (maxexp - minexp > 10)
+                        o.minorTickFreq = 0;
+                    else if (maxexp - minexp > 5)
+                        o.minorTickFreq = 2;
+                    else
+                        o.minorTickFreq = 5;
+                }
+            } else {
+                axis.tickSize = Flotr.getTickSize(o.noTicks, min, max, o.tickDecimals);
+            }
+            axis.min = min;
+            axis.max = max; //extendRange may use axis.min or axis.max, so it should be set before it is caled
+            // Autoscaling. @todo This probably fails with log scale. Find a testcase and fix it
+            if (o.min === null && o.autoscale) {
+                axis.min -= axis.tickSize * margin;
+                // Make sure we don't go below zero if all values are positive.
+                if (axis.min < 0 && axis.datamin >= 0) axis.min = 0;
+                axis.min = axis.tickSize * Math.floor(axis.min / axis.tickSize);
+            }
+            if (o.max === null && o.autoscale) {
+                axis.max += axis.tickSize * margin;
+                if (axis.max > 0 && axis.datamax <= 0 && axis.datamax != axis.datamin) axis.max = 0;
+                axis.max = axis.tickSize * Math.ceil(axis.max / axis.tickSize);
+            }
+            if (axis.min == axis.max) axis.max = axis.min + 1;
+        },
+        calculateTextDimensions: function (T, options) {
+            var maxLabel = '',
+                length,
+                i;
+            if (this.options.showLabels) {
+                for (i = 0; i < this.ticks.length; ++i) {
+                    length = this.ticks[i].label.length;
+                    if (length > maxLabel.length) {
+                        maxLabel = this.ticks[i].label;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            this.maxLabel = T.dimensions(
+                maxLabel,
+                {size: options.fontSize, angle: Flotr.toRad(this.options.labelsAngle)},
+                'font-size:smaller;',
+                'flotr-grid-label'
+            );
+            this.titleSize = T.dimensions(
+                this.options.title,
+                {size: options.fontSize * 1.2, angle: Flotr.toRad(this.options.titleAngle)},
+                'font-weight:bold;',
+                'flotr-axis-title'
+            );
+        },
+        _cleanUserTicks: function (ticks, axisTicks) {
+            var axis = this, options = this.options,
+                v, i, label, tick;
+            if (_.isFunction(ticks)) ticks = ticks({min: axis.min, max: axis.max});
+            for (i = 0; i < ticks.length; ++i) {
+                tick = ticks[i];
+                if (typeof(tick) === 'object') {
+                    v = tick[0];
+                    label = (tick.length > 1) ? tick[1] : options.tickFormatter(v, {min: axis.min, max: axis.max});
+                } else {
+                    v = tick;
+                    label = options.tickFormatter(v, {min: this.min, max: this.max});
+                }
+                axisTicks[i] = { v: v, label: label };
+            }
+        },
+        _calculateTimeTicks: function () {
+            this.ticks = Flotr.Date.generator(this);
+        },
+        _calculateLogTicks: function () {
+            var axis = this,
+                o = axis.options,
+                v,
+                decadeStart;
+            var max = Math.log(axis.max);
+            if (o.base != Math.E) max /= Math.log(o.base);
+            max = Math.ceil(max);
+            var min = Math.log(axis.min);
+            if (o.base != Math.E) min /= Math.log(o.base);
+            min = Math.ceil(min);
+            for (i = min; i < max; i += axis.tickSize) {
+                decadeStart = (o.base == Math.E) ? Math.exp(i) : Math.pow(o.base, i);
+                // Next decade begins here:
+                var decadeEnd = decadeStart * ((o.base == Math.E) ? Math.exp(axis.tickSize) : Math.pow(o.base, axis.tickSize));
+                var stepSize = (decadeEnd - decadeStart) / o.minorTickFreq;
+                axis.ticks.push({v: decadeStart, label: o.tickFormatter(decadeStart, {min: axis.min, max: axis.max})});
+                for (v = decadeStart + stepSize; v < decadeEnd; v += stepSize)
+                    axis.minorTicks.push({v: v, label: o.tickFormatter(v, {min: axis.min, max: axis.max})});
+            }
+            // Always show the value at the would-be start of next decade (end of this decade)
+            decadeStart = (o.base == Math.E) ? Math.exp(i) : Math.pow(o.base, i);
+            axis.ticks.push({v: decadeStart, label: o.tickFormatter(decadeStart, {min: axis.min, max: axis.max})});
+        },
+        _calculateTicks: function () {
+            var axis = this,
+                o = axis.options,
+                tickSize = axis.tickSize,
+                min = axis.min,
+                max = axis.max,
+                start = tickSize * Math.ceil(min / tickSize), // Round to nearest multiple of tick size.
+                decimals,
+                minorTickSize,
+                v, v2,
+                i, j;
+            if (o.minorTickFreq)
+                minorTickSize = tickSize / o.minorTickFreq;
+            // Then store all possible ticks.
+            for (i = 0; (v = v2 = start + i * tickSize) <= max; ++i) {
+                // Round (this is always needed to fix numerical instability).
+                decimals = o.tickDecimals;
+                if (decimals === null) decimals = 1 - Math.floor(Math.log(tickSize) / Math.LN10);
+                if (decimals < 0) decimals = 0;
+                v = v.toFixed(decimals);
+                axis.ticks.push({ v: v, label: o.tickFormatter(v, {min: axis.min, max: axis.max}) });
+                if (o.minorTickFreq) {
+                    for (j = 0; j < o.minorTickFreq && (i * tickSize + j * minorTickSize) < max; ++j) {
+                        v = v2 + j * minorTickSize;
+                        axis.minorTicks.push({ v: v, label: o.tickFormatter(v, {min: axis.min, max: axis.max}) });
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        _setTranslations: function (logarithmic) {
+            this.d2p = (logarithmic ? d2pLog : d2p);
+            this.p2d = (logarithmic ? p2dLog : p2d);
+        }
+    };
+// Static Methods
+    _.extend(Axis, {
+        getAxes: function (options) {
+            return {
+                x: new Axis({options: options.xaxis, n: 1, length: this.plotWidth}),
+                x2: new Axis({options: options.x2axis, n: 2, length: this.plotWidth}),
+                y: new Axis({options: options.yaxis, n: 1, length: this.plotHeight, offset: this.plotHeight, orientation: -1}),
+                y2: new Axis({options: options.y2axis, n: 2, length: this.plotHeight, offset: this.plotHeight, orientation: -1})
+            };
+        }
+    });
+// Helper Methods
+    function d2p(dataValue) {
+        return this.offset + this.orientation * (dataValue - this.min) * this.scale;
-  },
-  calculateTicks : function () {
-    var options = this.options;
-    this.ticks = [];
-    this.minorTicks = [];
-    // User Ticks
-    if(options.ticks){
-      this._cleanUserTicks(options.ticks, this.ticks);
-      this._cleanUserTicks(options.minorTicks || [], this.minorTicks);
+    function p2d(pointValue) {
+        return (this.offset + this.orientation * pointValue) / this.scale + this.min;
-    else {
-      if (options.mode == 'time') {
-        this._calculateTimeTicks();
-      } else if (options.scaling === 'logarithmic') {
-        this._calculateLogTicks();
-      } else {
-        this._calculateTicks();
-      }
+    function d2pLog(dataValue) {
+        return this.offset + this.orientation * (log(dataValue, this.options.base) - log(this.min, this.options.base)) * this.scale;
-    // Ticks to strings
-    _.each(this.ticks, function (tick) { tick.label += ''; });
-    _.each(this.minorTicks, function (tick) { tick.label += ''; });
-  },
-  /**
-   * Calculates the range of an axis to apply autoscaling.
-   */
-  calculateRange: function () {
-    if (!this.used) return;
-    var axis  = this,
-      o       = axis.options,
-      min     = o.min !== null ? o.min : axis.datamin,
-      max     = o.max !== null ? o.max : axis.datamax,
-      margin  = o.autoscaleMargin;
-    if (o.scaling == 'logarithmic') {
-      if (min <= 0) min = axis.datamin;
-      // Let it widen later on
-      if (max <= 0) max = min;
+    function p2dLog(pointValue) {
+        return exp((this.offset + this.orientation * pointValue) / this.scale + log(this.min, this.options.base), this.options.base);
-    if (max == min) {
-      var widen = max ? 0.01 : 1.00;
-      if (o.min === null) min -= widen;
-      if (o.max === null) max += widen;
+    function log(value, base) {
+        value = Math.log(Math.max(value, Number.MIN_VALUE));
+        if (base !== Math.E)
+            value /= Math.log(base);
+        return value;
-    if (o.scaling === 'logarithmic') {
-      if (min < 0) min = max / o.base;  // Could be the result of widening
-      var maxexp = Math.log(max);
-      if (o.base != Math.E) maxexp /= Math.log(o.base);
-      maxexp = Math.ceil(maxexp);
-      var minexp = Math.log(min);
-      if (o.base != Math.E) minexp /= Math.log(o.base);
-      minexp = Math.ceil(minexp);
-      axis.tickSize = Flotr.getTickSize(o.noTicks, minexp, maxexp, o.tickDecimals === null ? 0 : o.tickDecimals);
-      // Try to determine a suitable amount of miniticks based on the length of a decade
-      if (o.minorTickFreq === null) {
-        if (maxexp - minexp > 10)
-          o.minorTickFreq = 0;
-        else if (maxexp - minexp > 5)
-          o.minorTickFreq = 2;
-        else
-          o.minorTickFreq = 5;
-      }
-    } else {
-      axis.tickSize = Flotr.getTickSize(o.noTicks, min, max, o.tickDecimals);
+    function exp(value, base) {
+        return (base === Math.E) ? Math.exp(value) : Math.pow(base, value);
-    axis.min = min;
-    axis.max = max; //extendRange may use axis.min or axis.max, so it should be set before it is caled
-    // Autoscaling. @todo This probably fails with log scale. Find a testcase and fix it
-    if(o.min === null && o.autoscale){
-      axis.min -= axis.tickSize * margin;
-      // Make sure we don't go below zero if all values are positive.
-      if(axis.min < 0 && axis.datamin >= 0) axis.min = 0;
-      axis.min = axis.tickSize * Math.floor(axis.min / axis.tickSize);
-    }
-    if(o.max === null && o.autoscale){
-      axis.max += axis.tickSize * margin;
-      if(axis.max > 0 && axis.datamax <= 0 && axis.datamax != axis.datamin) axis.max = 0;        
-      axis.max = axis.tickSize * Math.ceil(axis.max / axis.tickSize);
-    }
-    if (axis.min == axis.max) axis.max = axis.min + 1;
-  },
-  calculateTextDimensions : function (T, options) {
-    var maxLabel = '',
-      length,
-      i;
-    if (this.options.showLabels) {
-      for (i = 0; i < this.ticks.length; ++i) {
-        length = this.ticks[i].label.length;
-        if (length > maxLabel.length){
-          maxLabel = this.ticks[i].label;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    this.maxLabel = T.dimensions(
-      maxLabel,
-      {size:options.fontSize, angle: Flotr.toRad(this.options.labelsAngle)},
-      'font-size:smaller;',
-      'flotr-grid-label'
-    );
-    this.titleSize = T.dimensions(
-      this.options.title, 
-      {size:options.fontSize*1.2, angle: Flotr.toRad(this.options.titleAngle)},
-      'font-weight:bold;',
-      'flotr-axis-title'
-    );
-  },
-  _cleanUserTicks : function (ticks, axisTicks) {
-    var axis = this, options = this.options,
-      v, i, label, tick;
-    if(_.isFunction(ticks)) ticks = ticks({min : axis.min, max : axis.max});
-    for(i = 0; i < ticks.length; ++i){
-      tick = ticks[i];
-      if(typeof(tick) === 'object'){
-        v = tick[0];
-        label = (tick.length > 1) ? tick[1] : options.tickFormatter(v, {min : axis.min, max : axis.max});
-      } else {
-        v = tick;
-        label = options.tickFormatter(v, {min : this.min, max : this.max});
-      }
-      axisTicks[i] = { v: v, label: label };
-    }
-  },
-  _calculateTimeTicks : function () {
-    this.ticks = Flotr.Date.generator(this);
-  },
-  _calculateLogTicks : function () {
-    var axis = this,
-      o = axis.options,
-      v,
-      decadeStart;
-    var max = Math.log(axis.max);
-    if (o.base != Math.E) max /= Math.log(o.base);
-    max = Math.ceil(max);
-    var min = Math.log(axis.min);
-    if (o.base != Math.E) min /= Math.log(o.base);
-    min = Math.ceil(min);
-    for (i = min; i < max; i += axis.tickSize) {
-      decadeStart = (o.base == Math.E) ? Math.exp(i) : Math.pow(o.base, i);
-      // Next decade begins here:
-      var decadeEnd = decadeStart * ((o.base == Math.E) ? Math.exp(axis.tickSize) : Math.pow(o.base, axis.tickSize));
-      var stepSize = (decadeEnd - decadeStart) / o.minorTickFreq;
-      axis.ticks.push({v: decadeStart, label: o.tickFormatter(decadeStart, {min : axis.min, max : axis.max})});
-      for (v = decadeStart + stepSize; v < decadeEnd; v += stepSize)
-        axis.minorTicks.push({v: v, label: o.tickFormatter(v, {min : axis.min, max : axis.max})});
-    }
-    // Always show the value at the would-be start of next decade (end of this decade)
-    decadeStart = (o.base == Math.E) ? Math.exp(i) : Math.pow(o.base, i);
-    axis.ticks.push({v: decadeStart, label: o.tickFormatter(decadeStart, {min : axis.min, max : axis.max})});
-  },
-  _calculateTicks : function () {
-    var axis      = this,
-        o         = axis.options,
-        tickSize  = axis.tickSize,
-        min       = axis.min,
-        max       = axis.max,
-        start     = tickSize * Math.ceil(min / tickSize), // Round to nearest multiple of tick size.
-        decimals,
-        minorTickSize,
-        v, v2,
-        i, j;
-    if (o.minorTickFreq)
-      minorTickSize = tickSize / o.minorTickFreq;
-    // Then store all possible ticks.
-    for (i = 0; (v = v2 = start + i * tickSize) <= max; ++i){
-      // Round (this is always needed to fix numerical instability).
-      decimals = o.tickDecimals;
-      if (decimals === null) decimals = 1 - Math.floor(Math.log(tickSize) / Math.LN10);
-      if (decimals < 0) decimals = 0;
-      v = v.toFixed(decimals);
-      axis.ticks.push({ v: v, label: o.tickFormatter(v, {min : axis.min, max : axis.max}) });
-      if (o.minorTickFreq) {
-        for (j = 0; j < o.minorTickFreq && (i * tickSize + j * minorTickSize) < max; ++j) {
-          v = v2 + j * minorTickSize;
-          axis.minorTicks.push({ v: v, label: o.tickFormatter(v, {min : axis.min, max : axis.max}) });
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  _setTranslations : function (logarithmic) {
-    this.d2p = (logarithmic ? d2pLog : d2p);
-    this.p2d = (logarithmic ? p2dLog : p2d);
-  }
-// Static Methods
-_.extend(Axis, {
-  getAxes : function (options) {
-    return {
-      x:  new Axis({options: options.xaxis,  n: 1, length: this.plotWidth}),
-      x2: new Axis({options: options.x2axis, n: 2, length: this.plotWidth}),
-      y:  new Axis({options: options.yaxis,  n: 1, length: this.plotHeight, offset: this.plotHeight, orientation: -1}),
-      y2: new Axis({options: options.y2axis, n: 2, length: this.plotHeight, offset: this.plotHeight, orientation: -1})
-    };
-  }
-// Helper Methods
-function d2p (dataValue) {
-  return this.offset + this.orientation * (dataValue - this.min) * this.scale;
-function p2d (pointValue) {
-  return (this.offset + this.orientation * pointValue) / this.scale + this.min;
-function d2pLog (dataValue) {
-  return this.offset + this.orientation * (log(dataValue, this.options.base) - log(this.min, this.options.base)) * this.scale;
-function p2dLog (pointValue) {
-  return exp((this.offset + this.orientation * pointValue) / this.scale + log(this.min, this.options.base), this.options.base);
-function log (value, base) {
-  value = Math.log(Math.max(value, Number.MIN_VALUE));
-  if (base !== Math.E) 
-    value /= Math.log(base);
-  return value;
-function exp (value, base) {
-  return (base === Math.E) ? Math.exp(value) : Math.pow(base, value);
-Flotr.Axis = Axis;
+    Flotr.Axis = Axis;
@@ -3354,908 +3406,920 @@
 (function () {
-  _ = Flotr._;
-function Series (o) {
-  _.extend(this, o);
-Series.prototype = {
-  getRange: function () {
-      data =,
-      length = data.length,
-      xmin = Number.MAX_VALUE,
-      ymin = Number.MAX_VALUE,
-      xmax = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
-      ymax = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
-      xused = false,
-      yused = false,
-      x, y, i;
-    if (length < 0 || this.hide) return false;
-    for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-      x = data[i][0];
-      y = data[i][1];
-      if (x < xmin) { xmin = x; xused = true; }
-      if (x > xmax) { xmax = x; xused = true; }
-      if (y < ymin) { ymin = y; yused = true; }
-      if (y > ymax) { ymax = y; yused = true; }
+        _ = Flotr._;
+    function Series(o) {
+        _.extend(this, o);
-    return {
-      xmin : xmin,
-      xmax : xmax,
-      ymin : ymin,
-      ymax : ymax,
-      xused : xused,
-      yused : yused
-    };
-  }
-_.extend(Series, {
-  /**
-   * Collects dataseries from input and parses the series into the right format. It returns an Array 
-   * of Objects each having at least the 'data' key set.
-   * @param {Array, Object} data - Object or array of dataseries
-   * @return {Array} Array of Objects parsed into the right format ({(...,) data: [[x1,y1], [x2,y2], ...] (, ...)})
-   */
-  getSeries: function(data){
-    return, function(s){
-      var series;
-      if ( {
-        series = new Series();
-        _.extend(series, s);
-      } else {
-        series = new Series({data:s});
-      }
-      return series;
+    Series.prototype = {
+        getRange: function () {
+            var
+                data =,
+                length = data.length,
+                xmin = Number.MAX_VALUE,
+                ymin = Number.MAX_VALUE,
+                xmax = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
+                ymax = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
+                xused = false,
+                yused = false,
+                x, y, i;
+            if (length < 0 || this.hide) return false;
+            for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+                x = data[i][0];
+                y = data[i][1];
+                if (x < xmin) {
+                    xmin = x;
+                    xused = true;
+                }
+                if (x > xmax) {
+                    xmax = x;
+                    xused = true;
+                }
+                if (y < ymin) {
+                    ymin = y;
+                    yused = true;
+                }
+                if (y > ymax) {
+                    ymax = y;
+                    yused = true;
+                }
+            }
+            return {
+                xmin: xmin,
+                xmax: xmax,
+                ymin: ymin,
+                ymax: ymax,
+                xused: xused,
+                yused: yused
+            };
+        }
+    };
+    _.extend(Series, {
+        /**
+         * Collects dataseries from input and parses the series into the right format. It returns an Array
+         * of Objects each having at least the 'data' key set.
+         * @param {Array, Object} data - Object or array of dataseries
+         * @return {Array} Array of Objects parsed into the right format ({(...,) data: [[x1,y1], [x2,y2], ...] (, ...)})
+         */
+        getSeries: function (data) {
+            return, function (s) {
+                var series;
+                if ( {
+                    series = new Series();
+                    _.extend(series, s);
+                } else {
+                    series = new Series({data: s});
+                }
+                return series;
+            });
+        }
-  }
-Flotr.Series = Series;
+    Flotr.Series = Series;
 /** Lines **/
 Flotr.addType('lines', {
-  options: {
-    show: false,           // => setting to true will show lines, false will hide
-    lineWidth: 2,          // => line width in pixels
-    fill: false,           // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
-    fillBorder: false,     // => draw a border around the fill
-    fillColor: null,       // => fill color
-    fillOpacity: 0.4,      // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
-    steps: false,          // => draw steps
-    stacked: false         // => setting to true will show stacked lines, false will show normal lines
-  },
-  stack : {
-    values : []
-  },
-  /**
-   * Draws lines series in the canvas element.
-   * @param {Object} options
-   */
-  draw : function (options) {
-    var
-      context     = options.context,
-      lineWidth   = options.lineWidth,
-      shadowSize  = options.shadowSize,
-      offset;
-    context.lineJoin = 'round';
-    if (shadowSize) {
-      context.lineWidth = shadowSize / 2;
-      offset = lineWidth / 2 + context.lineWidth / 2;
-      // @TODO do this instead with a linear gradient
-      context.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)";
-      this.plot(options, offset + shadowSize / 2, false);
-      context.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.2)";
-      this.plot(options, offset, false);
+    options: {
+        show: false,           // => setting to true will show lines, false will hide
+        lineWidth: 2,          // => line width in pixels
+        fill: false,           // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
+        fillBorder: false,     // => draw a border around the fill
+        fillColor: null,       // => fill color
+        fillOpacity: 0.4,      // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
+        steps: false,          // => draw steps
+        stacked: false         // => setting to true will show stacked lines, false will show normal lines
+    },
+    stack: {
+        values: []
+    },
+    /**
+     * Draws lines series in the canvas element.
+     * @param {Object} options
+     */
+    draw: function (options) {
+        var
+            context = options.context,
+            lineWidth = options.lineWidth,
+            shadowSize = options.shadowSize,
+            offset;
+        context.lineJoin = 'round';
+        if (shadowSize) {
+            context.lineWidth = shadowSize / 2;
+            offset = lineWidth / 2 + context.lineWidth / 2;
+            // @TODO do this instead with a linear gradient
+            context.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)";
+            this.plot(options, offset + shadowSize / 2, false);
+            context.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.2)";
+            this.plot(options, offset, false);
+        }
+        context.lineWidth = lineWidth;
+        context.strokeStyle = options.color;
+        this.plot(options, 0, true);
+        context.restore();
+    },
+    plot: function (options, shadowOffset, incStack) {
+        var
+            context = options.context,
+            width = options.width,
+            height = options.height,
+            xScale = options.xScale,
+            yScale = options.yScale,
+            data =,
+            stack = options.stacked ? this.stack : false,
+            length = data.length - 1,
+            prevx = null,
+            prevy = null,
+            zero = yScale(0),
+            start = null,
+            x1, x2, y1, y2, stack1, stack2, i;
+        if (length < 1) return;
+        context.beginPath();
+        for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
+            // To allow empty values
+            if (data[i][1] === null || data[i + 1][1] === null) {
+                if (options.fill) {
+                    if (i > 0 && data[i][1]) {
+                        context.stroke();
+                        fill();
+                        start = null;
+                        context.closePath();
+                        context.beginPath();
+                    }
+                }
+                continue;
+            }
+            // Zero is infinity for log scales
+            // TODO handle zero for logarithmic
+            // if (xa.options.scaling === 'logarithmic' && (data[i][0] <= 0 || data[i+1][0] <= 0)) continue;
+            // if (ya.options.scaling === 'logarithmic' && (data[i][1] <= 0 || data[i+1][1] <= 0)) continue;
+            x1 = xScale(data[i][0]);
+            x2 = xScale(data[i + 1][0]);
+            if (start === null) start = data[i];
+            if (stack) {
+                stack1 = stack.values[data[i][0]] || 0;
+                stack2 = stack.values[data[i + 1][0]] || stack.values[data[i][0]] || 0;
+                y1 = yScale(data[i][1] + stack1);
+                y2 = yScale(data[i + 1][1] + stack2);
+                if (incStack) {
+                    stack.values[data[i][0]] = data[i][1] + stack1;
+                    if (i == length - 1)
+                        stack.values[data[i + 1][0]] = data[i + 1][1] + stack2;
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                y1 = yScale(data[i][1]);
+                y2 = yScale(data[i + 1][1]);
+            }
+            if (
+                (y1 > height && y2 > height) ||
+                    (y1 < 0 && y2 < 0) ||
+                    (x1 < 0 && x2 < 0) ||
+                    (x1 > width && x2 > width)
+                ) continue;
+            if ((prevx != x1) || (prevy != y1 + shadowOffset))
+                context.moveTo(x1, y1 + shadowOffset);
+            prevx = x2;
+            prevy = y2 + shadowOffset;
+            if (options.steps) {
+                context.lineTo(prevx + shadowOffset / 2, y1 + shadowOffset);
+                context.lineTo(prevx + shadowOffset / 2, prevy);
+            } else {
+                context.lineTo(prevx, prevy);
+            }
+        }
+        if (!options.fill || options.fill && !options.fillBorder) context.stroke();
+        fill();
+        function fill() {
+            // TODO stacked lines
+            if (!shadowOffset && options.fill && start) {
+                x1 = xScale(start[0]);
+                context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
+                context.lineTo(x2, zero);
+                context.lineTo(x1, zero);
+                context.lineTo(x1, yScale(start[1]));
+                context.fill();
+                if (options.fillBorder) {
+                    context.stroke();
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        context.closePath();
+    },
+    // Perform any pre-render precalculations (this should be run on data first)
+    // - Pie chart total for calculating measures
+    // - Stacks for lines and bars
+    // precalculate : function () {
+    // }
+    //
+    //
+    // Get any bounds after pre calculation (axis can fetch this if does not have explicit min/max)
+    // getBounds : function () {
+    // }
+    // getMin : function () {
+    // }
+    // getMax : function () {
+    // }
+    //
+    //
+    // Padding around rendered elements
+    // getPadding : function () {
+    // }
+    extendYRange: function (axis, data, options, lines) {
+        var o = axis.options;
+        // If stacked and auto-min
+        if (options.stacked && ((!o.max && o.max !== 0) || (!o.min && o.min !== 0))) {
+            var
+                newmax = axis.max,
+                newmin = axis.min,
+                positiveSums = lines.positiveSums || {},
+                negativeSums = lines.negativeSums || {},
+                x, j;
+            for (j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
+                x = data[j][0] + '';
+                // Positive
+                if (data[j][1] > 0) {
+                    positiveSums[x] = (positiveSums[x] || 0) + data[j][1];
+                    newmax = Math.max(newmax, positiveSums[x]);
+                }
+                // Negative
+                else {
+                    negativeSums[x] = (negativeSums[x] || 0) + data[j][1];
+                    newmin = Math.min(newmin, negativeSums[x]);
+                }
+            }
+            lines.negativeSums = negativeSums;
+            lines.positiveSums = positiveSums;
+            axis.max = newmax;
+            axis.min = newmin;
+        }
+        if (options.steps) {
+            this.hit = function (options) {
+                var
+                    data =,
+                    args = options.args,
+                    yScale = options.yScale,
+                    mouse = args[0],
+                    length = data.length,
+                    n = args[1],
+                    x = mouse.x,
+                    relY = mouse.relY,
+                    i;
+                for (i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {
+                    if (x >= data[i][0] && x <= data[i + 1][0]) {
+                        if (Math.abs(yScale(data[i][1]) - relY) < 8) {
+                            n.x = data[i][0];
+                            n.y = data[i][1];
+                            n.index = i;
+                            n.seriesIndex = options.index;
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            };
+            this.drawHit = function (options) {
+                var
+                    context = options.context,
+                    args = options.args,
+                    data =,
+                    xScale = options.xScale,
+                    index = args.index,
+                    x = xScale(args.x),
+                    y = options.yScale(args.y),
+                    x2;
+                if (data.length - 1 > index) {
+                    x2 = options.xScale(data[index + 1][0]);
+          ;
+                    context.strokeStyle = options.color;
+                    context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
+                    context.beginPath();
+                    context.moveTo(x, y);
+                    context.lineTo(x2, y);
+                    context.stroke();
+                    context.closePath();
+                    context.restore();
+                }
+            };
+            this.clearHit = function (options) {
+                var
+                    context = options.context,
+                    args = options.args,
+                    data =,
+                    xScale = options.xScale,
+                    width = options.lineWidth,
+                    index = args.index,
+                    x = xScale(args.x),
+                    y = options.yScale(args.y),
+                    x2;
+                if (data.length - 1 > index) {
+                    x2 = options.xScale(data[index + 1][0]);
+                    context.clearRect(x - width, y - width, x2 - x + 2 * width, 2 * width);
+                }
+            };
+        }
-    context.lineWidth = lineWidth;
-    context.strokeStyle = options.color;
-    this.plot(options, 0, true);
-    context.restore();
-  },
-  plot : function (options, shadowOffset, incStack) {
-    var
-      context   = options.context,
-      width     = options.width, 
-      height    = options.height,
-      xScale    = options.xScale,
-      yScale    = options.yScale,
-      data      =, 
-      stack     = options.stacked ? this.stack : false,
-      length    = data.length - 1,
-      prevx     = null,
-      prevy     = null,
-      zero      = yScale(0),
-      start     = null,
-      x1, x2, y1, y2, stack1, stack2, i;
-    if (length < 1) return;
-    context.beginPath();
-    for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
-      // To allow empty values
-      if (data[i][1] === null || data[i+1][1] === null) {
-        if (options.fill) {
-          if (i > 0 && data[i][1]) {
-            context.stroke();
-            fill();
-            start = null;
-            context.closePath();
-            context.beginPath();
-          }
-        }
-        continue;
-      }
-      // Zero is infinity for log scales
-      // TODO handle zero for logarithmic
-      // if (xa.options.scaling === 'logarithmic' && (data[i][0] <= 0 || data[i+1][0] <= 0)) continue;
-      // if (ya.options.scaling === 'logarithmic' && (data[i][1] <= 0 || data[i+1][1] <= 0)) continue;
-      x1 = xScale(data[i][0]);
-      x2 = xScale(data[i+1][0]);
-      if (start === null) start = data[i];
-      if (stack) {
-        stack1 = stack.values[data[i][0]] || 0;
-        stack2 = stack.values[data[i+1][0]] || stack.values[data[i][0]] || 0;
-        y1 = yScale(data[i][1] + stack1);
-        y2 = yScale(data[i+1][1] + stack2);
-        if(incStack){
-          stack.values[data[i][0]] = data[i][1]+stack1;
-          if(i == length-1)
-            stack.values[data[i+1][0]] = data[i+1][1]+stack2;
-        }
-      }
-      else{
-        y1 = yScale(data[i][1]);
-        y2 = yScale(data[i+1][1]);
-      }
-      if (
-        (y1 > height && y2 > height) ||
-        (y1 < 0 && y2 < 0) ||
-        (x1 < 0 && x2 < 0) ||
-        (x1 > width && x2 > width)
-      ) continue;
-      if((prevx != x1) || (prevy != y1 + shadowOffset))
-        context.moveTo(x1, y1 + shadowOffset);
-      prevx = x2;
-      prevy = y2 + shadowOffset;
-      if (options.steps) {
-        context.lineTo(prevx + shadowOffset / 2, y1 + shadowOffset);
-        context.lineTo(prevx + shadowOffset / 2, prevy);
-      } else {
-        context.lineTo(prevx, prevy);
-      }
-    }
-    if (!options.fill || options.fill && !options.fillBorder) context.stroke();
-    fill();
-    function fill () {
-      // TODO stacked lines
-      if(!shadowOffset && options.fill && start){
-        x1 = xScale(start[0]);
-        context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
-        context.lineTo(x2, zero);
-        context.lineTo(x1, zero);
-        context.lineTo(x1, yScale(start[1]));
-        context.fill();
-        if (options.fillBorder) {
-          context.stroke();
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    context.closePath();
-  },
-  // Perform any pre-render precalculations (this should be run on data first)
-  // - Pie chart total for calculating measures
-  // - Stacks for lines and bars
-  // precalculate : function () {
-  // }
-  //
-  //
-  // Get any bounds after pre calculation (axis can fetch this if does not have explicit min/max)
-  // getBounds : function () {
-  // }
-  // getMin : function () {
-  // }
-  // getMax : function () {
-  // }
-  //
-  //
-  // Padding around rendered elements
-  // getPadding : function () {
-  // }
-  extendYRange : function (axis, data, options, lines) {
-    var o = axis.options;
-    // If stacked and auto-min
-    if (options.stacked && ((!o.max && o.max !== 0) || (!o.min && o.min !== 0))) {
-      var
-        newmax = axis.max,
-        newmin = axis.min,
-        positiveSums = lines.positiveSums || {},
-        negativeSums = lines.negativeSums || {},
-        x, j;
-      for (j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
-        x = data[j][0] + '';
-        // Positive
-        if (data[j][1] > 0) {
-          positiveSums[x] = (positiveSums[x] || 0) + data[j][1];
-          newmax = Math.max(newmax, positiveSums[x]);
-        }
-        // Negative
-        else {
-          negativeSums[x] = (negativeSums[x] || 0) + data[j][1];
-          newmin = Math.min(newmin, negativeSums[x]);
-        }
-      }
-      lines.negativeSums = negativeSums;
-      lines.positiveSums = positiveSums;
-      axis.max = newmax;
-      axis.min = newmin;
-    }
-    if (options.steps) {
-      this.hit = function (options) {
-        var
-          data =,
-          args = options.args,
-          yScale = options.yScale,
-          mouse = args[0],
-          length = data.length,
-          n = args[1],
-          x = mouse.x,
-          relY = mouse.relY,
-          i;
-        for (i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {
-          if (x >= data[i][0] && x <= data[i+1][0]) {
-            if (Math.abs(yScale(data[i][1]) - relY) < 8) {
-              n.x = data[i][0];
-              n.y = data[i][1];
-              n.index = i;
-              n.seriesIndex = options.index;
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      };
-      this.drawHit = function (options) {
-        var
-          context = options.context,
-          args    = options.args,
-          data    =,
-          xScale  = options.xScale,
-          index   = args.index,
-          x       = xScale(args.x),
-          y       = options.yScale(args.y),
-          x2;
-        if (data.length - 1 > index) {
-          x2 = options.xScale(data[index + 1][0]);
-          context.strokeStyle = options.color;
-          context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
-          context.beginPath();
-          context.moveTo(x, y);
-          context.lineTo(x2, y);
-          context.stroke();
-          context.closePath();
-          context.restore();
-        }
-      };
-      this.clearHit = function (options) {
-        var
-          context = options.context,
-          args    = options.args,
-          data    =,
-          xScale  = options.xScale,
-          width   = options.lineWidth,
-          index   = args.index,
-          x       = xScale(args.x),
-          y       = options.yScale(args.y),
-          x2;
-        if (data.length - 1 > index) {
-          x2 = options.xScale(data[index + 1][0]);
-          context.clearRect(x - width, y - width, x2 - x + 2 * width, 2 * width);
-        }
-      };
-    }
-  }
 /** Bars **/
 Flotr.addType('bars', {
-  options: {
-    show: false,           // => setting to true will show bars, false will hide
-    lineWidth: 2,          // => in pixels
-    barWidth: 1,           // => in units of the x axis
-    fill: true,            // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
-    fillColor: null,       // => fill color
-    fillOpacity: 0.4,      // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
-    horizontal: false,     // => horizontal bars (x and y inverted)
-    stacked: false,        // => stacked bar charts
-    centered: true,        // => center the bars to their x axis value
-    topPadding: 0.1,       // => top padding in percent
-    grouped: false         // => groups bars together which share x value, hit not supported.
-  },
-  stack : { 
-    positive : [],
-    negative : [],
-    _positive : [], // Shadow
-    _negative : []  // Shadow
-  },
-  draw : function (options) {
-    var
-      context = options.context;
-    this.current += 1;
-    context.lineJoin = 'miter';
-    // @TODO linewidth not interpreted the right way.
-    context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
-    context.strokeStyle = options.color;
-    if (options.fill) context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
-    this.plot(options);
-    context.restore();
-  },
-  plot : function (options) {
-    var
-      data            =,
-      context         = options.context,
-      shadowSize      = options.shadowSize,
-      i, geometry, left, top, width, height;
-    if (data.length < 1) return;
-    this.translate(context, options.horizontal);
-    for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
-      geometry = this.getBarGeometry(data[i][0], data[i][1], options);
-      if (geometry === null) continue;
-      left    = geometry.left;
-      top     =;
-      width   = geometry.width;
-      height  = geometry.height;
-      if (options.fill) context.fillRect(left, top, width, height);
-      if (shadowSize) {
+    options: {
+        show: false,           // => setting to true will show bars, false will hide
+        lineWidth: 2,          // => in pixels
+        barWidth: 1,           // => in units of the x axis
+        fill: true,            // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
+        fillColor: null,       // => fill color
+        fillOpacity: 0.4,      // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
+        horizontal: false,     // => horizontal bars (x and y inverted)
+        stacked: false,        // => stacked bar charts
+        centered: true,        // => center the bars to their x axis value
+        topPadding: 0.1,       // => top padding in percent
+        grouped: false         // => groups bars together which share x value, hit not supported.
+    },
+    stack: {
+        positive: [],
+        negative: [],
+        _positive: [], // Shadow
+        _negative: []  // Shadow
+    },
+    draw: function (options) {
+        var
+            context = options.context;
+        this.current += 1;
-        context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
-        context.fillRect(left + shadowSize, top + shadowSize, width, height);
+        context.lineJoin = 'miter';
+        // @TODO linewidth not interpreted the right way.
+        context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
+        context.strokeStyle = options.color;
+        if (options.fill) context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
+        this.plot(options);
-      }
-      if (options.lineWidth) {
-        context.strokeRect(left, top, width, height);
-      }
+    },
+    plot: function (options) {
+        var
+            data =,
+            context = options.context,
+            shadowSize = options.shadowSize,
+            i, geometry, left, top, width, height;
+        if (data.length < 1) return;
+        this.translate(context, options.horizontal);
+        for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+            geometry = this.getBarGeometry(data[i][0], data[i][1], options);
+            if (geometry === null) continue;
+            left = geometry.left;
+            top =;
+            width = geometry.width;
+            height = geometry.height;
+            if (options.fill) context.fillRect(left, top, width, height);
+            if (shadowSize) {
+      ;
+                context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
+                context.fillRect(left + shadowSize, top + shadowSize, width, height);
+                context.restore();
+            }
+            if (options.lineWidth) {
+                context.strokeRect(left, top, width, height);
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    translate: function (context, horizontal) {
+        if (horizontal) {
+            context.rotate(-Math.PI / 2);
+            context.scale(-1, 1);
+        }
+    },
+    getBarGeometry: function (x, y, options) {
+        var
+            horizontal = options.horizontal,
+            barWidth = options.barWidth,
+            centered = options.centered,
+            stack = options.stacked ? this.stack : false,
+            lineWidth = options.lineWidth,
+            bisection = centered ? barWidth / 2 : 0,
+            xScale = horizontal ? options.yScale : options.xScale,
+            yScale = horizontal ? options.xScale : options.yScale,
+            xValue = horizontal ? y : x,
+            yValue = horizontal ? x : y,
+            stackOffset = 0,
+            stackValue, left, right, top, bottom;
+        if (options.grouped) {
+            this.current / this.groups
+            xValue = xValue - bisection;
+            barWidth = barWidth / this.groups;
+            bisection = barWidth / 2;
+            xValue = xValue + barWidth * this.current - bisection;
+        }
+        // Stacked bars
+        if (stack) {
+            stackValue = yValue > 0 ? stack.positive : stack.negative;
+            stackOffset = stackValue[xValue] || stackOffset;
+            stackValue[xValue] = stackOffset + yValue;
+        }
+        left = xScale(xValue - bisection);
+        right = xScale(xValue + barWidth - bisection);
+        top = yScale(yValue + stackOffset);
+        bottom = yScale(stackOffset);
+        // TODO for test passing... probably looks better without this
+        if (bottom < 0) bottom = 0;
+        // TODO Skipping...
+        // if (right < xa.min || left > xa.max || top < ya.min || bottom > ya.max) continue;
+        return (x === null || y === null) ? null : {
+            x: xValue,
+            y: yValue,
+            xScale: xScale,
+            yScale: yScale,
+            top: top,
+            left: Math.min(left, right) - lineWidth / 2,
+            width: Math.abs(right - left) - lineWidth,
+            height: bottom - top
+        };
+    },
+    hit: function (options) {
+        var
+            data =,
+            args = options.args,
+            mouse = args[0],
+            n = args[1],
+            x = mouse.x,
+            y = mouse.y,
+            hitGeometry = this.getBarGeometry(x, y, options),
+            width = hitGeometry.width / 2,
+            left = hitGeometry.left,
+            geometry, i;
+        for (i = data.length; i--;) {
+            geometry = this.getBarGeometry(data[i][0], data[i][1], options);
+            if (geometry.y > hitGeometry.y && Math.abs(left - geometry.left) < width) {
+                n.x = data[i][0];
+                n.y = data[i][1];
+                n.index = i;
+                n.seriesIndex = options.index;
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    drawHit: function (options) {
+        // TODO hits for stacked bars; implement using calculateStack option?
+        var
+            context = options.context,
+            args = options.args,
+            geometry = this.getBarGeometry(args.x, args.y, options),
+            left = geometry.left,
+            top =,
+            width = geometry.width,
+            height = geometry.height;
+        context.strokeStyle = options.color;
+        context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
+        this.translate(context, options.horizontal);
+        // Draw highlight
+        context.beginPath();
+        context.moveTo(left, top + height);
+        context.lineTo(left, top);
+        context.lineTo(left + width, top);
+        context.lineTo(left + width, top + height);
+        if (options.fill) {
+            context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
+            context.fill();
+        }
+        context.stroke();
+        context.closePath();
+        context.restore();
+    },
+    clearHit: function (options) {
+        var
+            context = options.context,
+            args = options.args,
+            geometry = this.getBarGeometry(args.x, args.y, options),
+            left = geometry.left,
+            width = geometry.width,
+            top =,
+            height = geometry.height,
+            lineWidth = 2 * options.lineWidth;
+        this.translate(context, options.horizontal);
+        context.clearRect(
+            left - lineWidth,
+            Math.min(top, top + height) - lineWidth,
+            width + 2 * lineWidth,
+            Math.abs(height) + 2 * lineWidth
+        );
+        context.restore();
+    },
+    extendXRange: function (axis, data, options, bars) {
+        this._extendRange(axis, data, options, bars);
+        this.groups = (this.groups + 1) || 1;
+        this.current = 0;
+    },
+    extendYRange: function (axis, data, options, bars) {
+        this._extendRange(axis, data, options, bars);
+    },
+    _extendRange: function (axis, data, options, bars) {
+        var
+            max = axis.options.max;
+        if (_.isNumber(max) || _.isString(max)) return;
+        var
+            newmin = axis.min,
+            newmax = axis.max,
+            horizontal = options.horizontal,
+            orientation = axis.orientation,
+            positiveSums = this.positiveSums || {},
+            negativeSums = this.negativeSums || {},
+            value, datum, index, j;
+        // Sides of bars
+        if ((orientation == 1 && !horizontal) || (orientation == -1 && horizontal)) {
+            if (options.centered) {
+                newmax = Math.max(axis.datamax + options.barWidth, newmax);
+                newmin = Math.min(axis.datamin - options.barWidth, newmin);
+            }
+        }
+        if (options.stacked &&
+            ((orientation == 1 && horizontal) || (orientation == -1 && !horizontal))) {
+            for (j = data.length; j--;) {
+                value = data[j][(orientation == 1 ? 1 : 0)] + '';
+                datum = data[j][(orientation == 1 ? 0 : 1)];
+                // Positive
+                if (datum > 0) {
+                    positiveSums[value] = (positiveSums[value] || 0) + datum;
+                    newmax = Math.max(newmax, positiveSums[value]);
+                }
+                // Negative
+                else {
+                    negativeSums[value] = (negativeSums[value] || 0) + datum;
+                    newmin = Math.min(newmin, negativeSums[value]);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // End of bars
+        if ((orientation == 1 && horizontal) || (orientation == -1 && !horizontal)) {
+            if (options.topPadding && (axis.max === axis.datamax || (options.stacked && this.stackMax !== newmax))) {
+                newmax += options.topPadding * (newmax - newmin);
+            }
+        }
+        this.stackMin = newmin;
+        this.stackMax = newmax;
+        this.negativeSums = negativeSums;
+        this.positiveSums = positiveSums;
+        axis.max = newmax;
+        axis.min = newmin;
-  },
-  translate : function (context, horizontal) {
-    if (horizontal) {
-      context.rotate(-Math.PI / 2);
-      context.scale(-1, 1);
-    }
-  },
-  getBarGeometry : function (x, y, options) {
-    var
-      horizontal    = options.horizontal,
-      barWidth      = options.barWidth,
-      centered      = options.centered,
-      stack         = options.stacked ? this.stack : false,
-      lineWidth     = options.lineWidth,
-      bisection     = centered ? barWidth / 2 : 0,
-      xScale        = horizontal ? options.yScale : options.xScale,
-      yScale        = horizontal ? options.xScale : options.yScale,
-      xValue        = horizontal ? y : x,
-      yValue        = horizontal ? x : y,
-      stackOffset   = 0,
-      stackValue, left, right, top, bottom;
-    if (options.grouped) {
-      this.current / this.groups
-      xValue = xValue - bisection;
-      barWidth = barWidth / this.groups;
-      bisection = barWidth / 2;
-      xValue = xValue + barWidth * this.current - bisection;
-    }
-    // Stacked bars
-    if (stack) {
-      stackValue          = yValue > 0 ? stack.positive : stack.negative;
-      stackOffset         = stackValue[xValue] || stackOffset;
-      stackValue[xValue]  = stackOffset + yValue;
-    }
-    left    = xScale(xValue - bisection);
-    right   = xScale(xValue + barWidth - bisection);
-    top     = yScale(yValue + stackOffset);
-    bottom  = yScale(stackOffset);
-    // TODO for test passing... probably looks better without this
-    if (bottom < 0) bottom = 0;
-    // TODO Skipping...
-    // if (right < xa.min || left > xa.max || top < ya.min || bottom > ya.max) continue;
-    return (x === null || y === null) ? null : {
-      x         : xValue,
-      y         : yValue,
-      xScale    : xScale,
-      yScale    : yScale,
-      top       : top,
-      left      : Math.min(left, right) - lineWidth / 2,
-      width     : Math.abs(right - left) - lineWidth,
-      height    : bottom - top
-    };
-  },
-  hit : function (options) {
-    var
-      data =,
-      args = options.args,
-      mouse = args[0],
-      n = args[1],
-      x = mouse.x,
-      y = mouse.y,
-      hitGeometry = this.getBarGeometry(x, y, options),
-      width = hitGeometry.width / 2,
-      left = hitGeometry.left,
-      geometry, i;
-    for (i = data.length; i--;) {
-      geometry = this.getBarGeometry(data[i][0], data[i][1], options);
-      if (geometry.y > hitGeometry.y && Math.abs(left - geometry.left) < width) {
-        n.x = data[i][0];
-        n.y = data[i][1];
-        n.index = i;
-        n.seriesIndex = options.index;
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  drawHit : function (options) {
-    // TODO hits for stacked bars; implement using calculateStack option?
-    var
-      context     = options.context,
-      args        = options.args,
-      geometry    = this.getBarGeometry(args.x, args.y, options),
-      left        = geometry.left,
-      top         =,
-      width       = geometry.width,
-      height      = geometry.height;
-    context.strokeStyle = options.color;
-    context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
-    this.translate(context, options.horizontal);
-    // Draw highlight
-    context.beginPath();
-    context.moveTo(left, top + height);
-    context.lineTo(left, top);
-    context.lineTo(left + width, top);
-    context.lineTo(left + width, top + height);
-    if (options.fill) {
-      context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
-      context.fill();
-    }
-    context.stroke();
-    context.closePath();
-    context.restore();
-  },
-  clearHit: function (options) {
-    var
-      context     = options.context,
-      args        = options.args,
-      geometry    = this.getBarGeometry(args.x, args.y, options),
-      left        = geometry.left,
-      width       = geometry.width,
-      top         =,
-      height      = geometry.height,
-      lineWidth   = 2 * options.lineWidth;
-    this.translate(context, options.horizontal);
-    context.clearRect(
-      left - lineWidth,
-      Math.min(top, top + height) - lineWidth,
-      width + 2 * lineWidth,
-      Math.abs(height) + 2 * lineWidth
-    );
-    context.restore();
-  },
-  extendXRange : function (axis, data, options, bars) {
-    this._extendRange(axis, data, options, bars);
-    this.groups = (this.groups + 1) || 1;
-    this.current = 0;
-  },
-  extendYRange : function (axis, data, options, bars) {
-    this._extendRange(axis, data, options, bars);
-  },
-  _extendRange: function (axis, data, options, bars) {
-    var
-      max = axis.options.max;
-    if (_.isNumber(max) || _.isString(max)) return; 
-    var
-      newmin = axis.min,
-      newmax = axis.max,
-      horizontal = options.horizontal,
-      orientation = axis.orientation,
-      positiveSums = this.positiveSums || {},
-      negativeSums = this.negativeSums || {},
-      value, datum, index, j;
-    // Sides of bars
-    if ((orientation == 1 && !horizontal) || (orientation == -1 && horizontal)) {
-      if (options.centered) {
-        newmax = Math.max(axis.datamax + options.barWidth, newmax);
-        newmin = Math.min(axis.datamin - options.barWidth, newmin);
-      }
-    }
-    if (options.stacked && 
-        ((orientation == 1 && horizontal) || (orientation == -1 && !horizontal))){
-      for (j = data.length; j--;) {
-        value = data[j][(orientation == 1 ? 1 : 0)]+'';
-        datum = data[j][(orientation == 1 ? 0 : 1)];
-        // Positive
-        if (datum > 0) {
-          positiveSums[value] = (positiveSums[value] || 0) + datum;
-          newmax = Math.max(newmax, positiveSums[value]);
-        }
-        // Negative
-        else {
-          negativeSums[value] = (negativeSums[value] || 0) + datum;
-          newmin = Math.min(newmin, negativeSums[value]);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // End of bars
-    if ((orientation == 1 && horizontal) || (orientation == -1 && !horizontal)) {
-      if (options.topPadding && (axis.max === axis.datamax || (options.stacked && this.stackMax !== newmax))) {
-        newmax += options.topPadding * (newmax - newmin);
-      }
-    }
-    this.stackMin = newmin;
-    this.stackMax = newmax;
-    this.negativeSums = negativeSums;
-    this.positiveSums = positiveSums;
-    axis.max = newmax;
-    axis.min = newmin;
-  }
 /** Bubbles **/
 Flotr.addType('bubbles', {
-  options: {
-    show: false,      // => setting to true will show radar chart, false will hide
-    lineWidth: 2,     // => line width in pixels
-    fill: true,       // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
-    fillOpacity: 0.4, // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
-    baseRadius: 2     // => ratio of the radar, against the plot size
-  },
-  draw : function (options) {
-    var
-      context     = options.context,
-      shadowSize  = options.shadowSize;
-    context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
-    // Shadows
-    context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
-    context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
-    this.plot(options, shadowSize / 2);
-    context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)';
-    this.plot(options, shadowSize / 4);
-    // Chart
-    context.strokeStyle = options.color;
-    context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
-    this.plot(options);
-    context.restore();
-  },
-  plot : function (options, offset) {
-    var
-      data    =,
-      context = options.context,
-      geometry,
-      i, x, y, z;
-    offset = offset || 0;
-    for (i = 0; i < data.length; ++i){
-      geometry = this.getGeometry(data[i], options);
-      context.beginPath();
-      context.arc(geometry.x + offset, geometry.y + offset, geometry.z, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);
-      context.stroke();
-      if (options.fill) context.fill();
-      context.closePath();
+    options: {
+        show: false,      // => setting to true will show radar chart, false will hide
+        lineWidth: 2,     // => line width in pixels
+        fill: true,       // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
+        fillOpacity: 0.4, // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
+        baseRadius: 2     // => ratio of the radar, against the plot size
+    },
+    draw: function (options) {
+        var
+            context = options.context,
+            shadowSize = options.shadowSize;
+        context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
+        // Shadows
+        context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
+        context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
+        this.plot(options, shadowSize / 2);
+        context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)';
+        this.plot(options, shadowSize / 4);
+        // Chart
+        context.strokeStyle = options.color;
+        context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
+        this.plot(options);
+        context.restore();
+    },
+    plot: function (options, offset) {
+        var
+            data =,
+            context = options.context,
+            geometry,
+            i, x, y, z;
+        offset = offset || 0;
+        for (i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
+            geometry = this.getGeometry(data[i], options);
+            context.beginPath();
+            context.arc(geometry.x + offset, geometry.y + offset, geometry.z, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);
+            context.stroke();
+            if (options.fill) context.fill();
+            context.closePath();
+        }
+    },
+    getGeometry: function (point, options) {
+        return {
+            x: options.xScale(point[0]),
+            y: options.yScale(point[1]),
+            z: point[2] * options.baseRadius
+        };
+    },
+    hit: function (options) {
+        var
+            data =,
+            args = options.args,
+            mouse = args[0],
+            n = args[1],
+            x = mouse.x,
+            y = mouse.y,
+            distance,
+            geometry,
+            dx, dy;
+ = || Number.MAX_VALUE;
+        for (i = data.length; i--;) {
+            geometry = this.getGeometry(data[i], options);
+            dx = geometry.x - options.xScale(x);
+            dy = geometry.y - options.yScale(y);
+            distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
+            if (distance < geometry.z && geometry.z < {
+                n.x = data[i][0];
+                n.y = data[i][1];
+                n.index = i;
+                n.seriesIndex = options.index;
+       = geometry.z;
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    drawHit: function (options) {
+        var
+            context = options.context,
+            geometry = this.getGeometry([options.args.index], options);
+        context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
+        context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
+        context.strokeStyle = options.color;
+        context.beginPath();
+        context.arc(geometry.x, geometry.y, geometry.z, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);
+        context.fill();
+        context.stroke();
+        context.closePath();
+        context.restore();
+    },
+    clearHit: function (options) {
+        var
+            context = options.context,
+            geometry = this.getGeometry([options.args.index], options),
+            offset = geometry.z + options.lineWidth;
+        context.clearRect(
+            geometry.x - offset,
+            geometry.y - offset,
+            2 * offset,
+            2 * offset
+        );
+        context.restore();
-  },
-  getGeometry : function (point, options) {
-    return {
-      x : options.xScale(point[0]),
-      y : options.yScale(point[1]),
-      z : point[2] * options.baseRadius
-    };
-  },
-  hit : function (options) {
-    var
-      data =,
-      args = options.args,
-      mouse = args[0],
-      n = args[1],
-      x = mouse.x,
-      y = mouse.y,
-      distance,
-      geometry,
-      dx, dy;
- = || Number.MAX_VALUE;
-    for (i = data.length; i--;) {
-      geometry = this.getGeometry(data[i], options);
-      dx = geometry.x - options.xScale(x);
-      dy = geometry.y - options.yScale(y);
-      distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
-      if (distance < geometry.z && geometry.z < {
-        n.x = data[i][0];
-        n.y = data[i][1];
-        n.index = i;
-        n.seriesIndex = options.index;
- = geometry.z;
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  drawHit : function (options) {
-    var
-      context = options.context,
-      geometry = this.getGeometry([options.args.index], options);
-    context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
-    context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
-    context.strokeStyle = options.color;
-    context.beginPath();
-    context.arc(geometry.x, geometry.y, geometry.z, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);
-    context.fill();
-    context.stroke();
-    context.closePath();
-    context.restore();
-  },
-  clearHit : function (options) {
-    var
-      context = options.context,
-      geometry = this.getGeometry([options.args.index], options),
-      offset = geometry.z + options.lineWidth;
-    context.clearRect(
-      geometry.x - offset, 
-      geometry.y - offset,
-      2 * offset,
-      2 * offset
-    );
-    context.restore();
-  }
-  // TODO Add a hit calculation method (like pie)
+    // TODO Add a hit calculation method (like pie)
 /** Candles **/
 Flotr.addType('candles', {
-  options: {
-    show: false,           // => setting to true will show candle sticks, false will hide
-    lineWidth: 1,          // => in pixels
-    wickLineWidth: 1,      // => in pixels
-    candleWidth: 0.6,      // => in units of the x axis
-    fill: true,            // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
-    upFillColor: '#00A8F0',// => up sticks fill color
-    downFillColor: '#CB4B4B',// => down sticks fill color
-    fillOpacity: 0.5,      // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
-    // TODO Test this barcharts option.
-    barcharts: false       // => draw as barcharts (not standard bars but financial barcharts)
-  },
-  draw : function (options) {
-    var
-      context = options.context;
-    context.lineJoin = 'miter';
-    context.lineCap = 'butt';
-    // @TODO linewidth not interpreted the right way.
-    context.lineWidth = options.wickLineWidth || options.lineWidth;
-    this.plot(options);
-    context.restore();
-  },
-  plot : function (options) {
-    var
-      data          =,
-      context       = options.context,
-      xScale        = options.xScale,
-      yScale        = options.yScale,
-      width         = options.candleWidth / 2,
-      shadowSize    = options.shadowSize,
-      lineWidth     = options.lineWidth,
-      wickLineWidth = options.wickLineWidth,
-      pixelOffset   = (wickLineWidth % 2) / 2,
-      color,
-      datum, x, y,
-      open, high, low, close,
-      left, right, bottom, top, bottom2, top2,
-      i;
-    if (data.length < 1) return;
-    for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
-      datum   = data[i];
-      x       = datum[0];
-      open    = datum[1];
-      high    = datum[2];
-      low     = datum[3];
-      close   = datum[4];
-      left    = xScale(x - width);
-      right   = xScale(x + width);
-      bottom  = yScale(low);
-      top     = yScale(high);
-      bottom2 = yScale(Math.min(open, close));
-      top2    = yScale(Math.max(open, close));
-      /*
-      // TODO skipping
-      if(right < xa.min || left > xa.max || top < ya.min || bottom > ya.max)
-        continue;
-      */
-      color = options[open > close ? 'downFillColor' : 'upFillColor'];
-      // Fill the candle.
-      // TODO Test the barcharts option
-      if (options.fill && !options.barcharts) {
-        context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
-        context.fillRect(left + shadowSize, top2 + shadowSize, right - left, bottom2 - top2);
+    options: {
+        show: false,           // => setting to true will show candle sticks, false will hide
+        lineWidth: 1,          // => in pixels
+        wickLineWidth: 1,      // => in pixels
+        candleWidth: 0.6,      // => in units of the x axis
+        fill: true,            // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
+        upFillColor: '#00A8F0',// => up sticks fill color
+        downFillColor: '#CB4B4B',// => down sticks fill color
+        fillOpacity: 0.5,      // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
+        // TODO Test this barcharts option.
+        barcharts: false       // => draw as barcharts (not standard bars but financial barcharts)
+    },
+    draw: function (options) {
+        var
+            context = options.context;
-        context.globalAlpha = options.fillOpacity;
-        context.fillStyle = color;
-        context.fillRect(left, top2 + lineWidth, right - left, bottom2 - top2);
+        context.lineJoin = 'miter';
+        context.lineCap = 'butt';
+        // @TODO linewidth not interpreted the right way.
+        context.lineWidth = options.wickLineWidth || options.lineWidth;
+        this.plot(options);
-      }
-      // Draw candle outline/border, high, low.
-      if (lineWidth || wickLineWidth) {
-        x = Math.floor((left + right) / 2) + pixelOffset;
-        context.strokeStyle = color;
-        context.beginPath();
-        // TODO Again with the bartcharts
-        if (options.barcharts) {
-          context.moveTo(x, Math.floor(top + width));
-          context.lineTo(x, Math.floor(bottom + width));
-          y = Math.floor(open + width) + 0.5;
-          context.moveTo(Math.floor(left) + pixelOffset, y);
-          context.lineTo(x, y);
-          y = Math.floor(close + width) + 0.5;
-          context.moveTo(Math.floor(right) + pixelOffset, y);
-          context.lineTo(x, y);
-        } else {
-          context.strokeRect(left, top2 + lineWidth, right - left, bottom2 - top2);
-          context.moveTo(x, Math.floor(top2 + lineWidth));
-          context.lineTo(x, Math.floor(top + lineWidth));
-          context.moveTo(x, Math.floor(bottom2 + lineWidth));
-          context.lineTo(x, Math.floor(bottom + lineWidth));
-        }
-        context.closePath();
-        context.stroke();
-      }
+    },
+    plot: function (options) {
+        var
+            data =,
+            context = options.context,
+            xScale = options.xScale,
+            yScale = options.yScale,
+            width = options.candleWidth / 2,
+            shadowSize = options.shadowSize,
+            lineWidth = options.lineWidth,
+            wickLineWidth = options.wickLineWidth,
+            pixelOffset = (wickLineWidth % 2) / 2,
+            color,
+            datum, x, y,
+            open, high, low, close,
+            left, right, bottom, top, bottom2, top2,
+            i;
+        if (data.length < 1) return;
+        for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+            datum = data[i];
+            x = datum[0];
+            open = datum[1];
+            high = datum[2];
+            low = datum[3];
+            close = datum[4];
+            left = xScale(x - width);
+            right = xScale(x + width);
+            bottom = yScale(low);
+            top = yScale(high);
+            bottom2 = yScale(Math.min(open, close));
+            top2 = yScale(Math.max(open, close));
+            /*
+             // TODO skipping
+             if(right < xa.min || left > xa.max || top < ya.min || bottom > ya.max)
+             continue;
+             */
+            color = options[open > close ? 'downFillColor' : 'upFillColor'];
+            // Fill the candle.
+            // TODO Test the barcharts option
+            if (options.fill && !options.barcharts) {
+                context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
+                context.fillRect(left + shadowSize, top2 + shadowSize, right - left, bottom2 - top2);
+      ;
+                context.globalAlpha = options.fillOpacity;
+                context.fillStyle = color;
+                context.fillRect(left, top2 + lineWidth, right - left, bottom2 - top2);
+                context.restore();
+            }
+            // Draw candle outline/border, high, low.
+            if (lineWidth || wickLineWidth) {
+                x = Math.floor((left + right) / 2) + pixelOffset;
+                context.strokeStyle = color;
+                context.beginPath();
+                // TODO Again with the bartcharts
+                if (options.barcharts) {
+                    context.moveTo(x, Math.floor(top + width));
+                    context.lineTo(x, Math.floor(bottom + width));
+                    y = Math.floor(open + width) + 0.5;
+                    context.moveTo(Math.floor(left) + pixelOffset, y);
+                    context.lineTo(x, y);
+                    y = Math.floor(close + width) + 0.5;
+                    context.moveTo(Math.floor(right) + pixelOffset, y);
+                    context.lineTo(x, y);
+                } else {
+                    context.strokeRect(left, top2 + lineWidth, right - left, bottom2 - top2);
+                    context.moveTo(x, Math.floor(top2 + lineWidth));
+                    context.lineTo(x, Math.floor(top + lineWidth));
+                    context.moveTo(x, Math.floor(bottom2 + lineWidth));
+                    context.lineTo(x, Math.floor(bottom + lineWidth));
+                }
+                context.closePath();
+                context.stroke();
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    extendXRange: function (axis, data, options) {
+        if (axis.options.max === null) {
+            axis.max = Math.max(axis.datamax + 0.5, axis.max);
+            axis.min = Math.min(axis.datamin - 0.5, axis.min);
+        }
-  },
-  extendXRange: function (axis, data, options) {
-    if (axis.options.max === null) {
-      axis.max = Math.max(axis.datamax + 0.5, axis.max);
-      axis.min = Math.min(axis.datamin - 0.5, axis.min);
-    }
-  }
 /** Gantt
@@ -4265,227 +4329,227 @@
  * d - task duration
  * **/
 Flotr.addType('gantt', {
-  options: {
-    show: false,           // => setting to true will show gantt, false will hide
-    lineWidth: 2,          // => in pixels
-    barWidth: 1,           // => in units of the x axis
-    fill: true,            // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
-    fillColor: null,       // => fill color
-    fillOpacity: 0.4,      // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
-    centered: true         // => center the bars to their x axis value
-  },
-  /**
-   * Draws gantt series in the canvas element.
-   * @param {Object} series - Series with = true.
-   */
-  draw: function(series) {
-    var ctx = this.ctx,
-      bw = series.gantt.barWidth,
-      lw = Math.min(series.gantt.lineWidth, bw);
-    ctx.translate(this.plotOffset.left,;
-    ctx.lineJoin = 'miter';
+    options: {
+        show: false,           // => setting to true will show gantt, false will hide
+        lineWidth: 2,          // => in pixels
+        barWidth: 1,           // => in units of the x axis
+        fill: true,            // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
+        fillColor: null,       // => fill color
+        fillOpacity: 0.4,      // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
+        centered: true         // => center the bars to their x axis value
+    },
-     * @todo linewidth not interpreted the right way.
+     * Draws gantt series in the canvas element.
+     * @param {Object} series - Series with = true.
-    ctx.lineWidth = lw;
-    ctx.strokeStyle = series.color;
-    this.gantt.plotShadows(series, bw, 0, series.gantt.fill);
-    ctx.restore();
-    if(series.gantt.fill){
-      var color = series.gantt.fillColor || series.color;
-      ctx.fillStyle = this.processColor(color, {opacity: series.gantt.fillOpacity});
+    draw: function (series) {
+        var ctx = this.ctx,
+            bw = series.gantt.barWidth,
+            lw = Math.min(series.gantt.lineWidth, bw);
+        ctx.translate(this.plotOffset.left,;
+        ctx.lineJoin = 'miter';
+        /**
+         * @todo linewidth not interpreted the right way.
+         */
+        ctx.lineWidth = lw;
+        ctx.strokeStyle = series.color;
+        this.gantt.plotShadows(series, bw, 0, series.gantt.fill);
+        ctx.restore();
+        if (series.gantt.fill) {
+            var color = series.gantt.fillColor || series.color;
+            ctx.fillStyle = this.processColor(color, {opacity: series.gantt.fillOpacity});
+        }
+        this.gantt.plot(series, bw, 0, series.gantt.fill);
+        ctx.restore();
+    },
+    plot: function (series, barWidth, offset, fill) {
+        var data =;
+        if (data.length < 1) return;
+        var xa = series.xaxis,
+            ya = series.yaxis,
+            ctx = this.ctx, i;
+        for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+            var y = data[i][0],
+                s = data[i][1],
+                d = data[i][2],
+                drawLeft = true, drawTop = true, drawRight = true;
+            if (s === null || d === null) continue;
+            var left = s,
+                right = s + d,
+                bottom = y - (series.gantt.centered ? barWidth / 2 : 0),
+                top = y + barWidth - (series.gantt.centered ? barWidth / 2 : 0);
+            if (right < xa.min || left > xa.max || top < ya.min || bottom > ya.max)
+                continue;
+            if (left < xa.min) {
+                left = xa.min;
+                drawLeft = false;
+            }
+            if (right > xa.max) {
+                right = xa.max;
+                if (xa.lastSerie != series)
+                    drawTop = false;
+            }
+            if (bottom < ya.min)
+                bottom = ya.min;
+            if (top > ya.max) {
+                top = ya.max;
+                if (ya.lastSerie != series)
+                    drawTop = false;
+            }
+            /**
+             * Fill the bar.
+             */
+            if (fill) {
+                ctx.beginPath();
+                ctx.moveTo(xa.d2p(left), ya.d2p(bottom) + offset);
+                ctx.lineTo(xa.d2p(left), ya.d2p(top) + offset);
+                ctx.lineTo(xa.d2p(right), ya.d2p(top) + offset);
+                ctx.lineTo(xa.d2p(right), ya.d2p(bottom) + offset);
+                ctx.fill();
+                ctx.closePath();
+            }
+            /**
+             * Draw bar outline/border.
+             */
+            if (series.gantt.lineWidth && (drawLeft || drawRight || drawTop)) {
+                ctx.beginPath();
+                ctx.moveTo(xa.d2p(left), ya.d2p(bottom) + offset);
+                ctx[drawLeft ? 'lineTo' : 'moveTo'](xa.d2p(left), ya.d2p(top) + offset);
+                ctx[drawTop ? 'lineTo' : 'moveTo'](xa.d2p(right), ya.d2p(top) + offset);
+                ctx[drawRight ? 'lineTo' : 'moveTo'](xa.d2p(right), ya.d2p(bottom) + offset);
+                ctx.stroke();
+                ctx.closePath();
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    plotShadows: function (series, barWidth, offset) {
+        var data =;
+        if (data.length < 1) return;
+        var i, y, s, d,
+            xa = series.xaxis,
+            ya = series.yaxis,
+            ctx = this.ctx,
+            sw = this.options.shadowSize;
+        for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+            y = data[i][0];
+            s = data[i][1];
+            d = data[i][2];
+            if (s === null || d === null) continue;
+            var left = s,
+                right = s + d,
+                bottom = y - (series.gantt.centered ? barWidth / 2 : 0),
+                top = y + barWidth - (series.gantt.centered ? barWidth / 2 : 0);
+            if (right < xa.min || left > xa.max || top < ya.min || bottom > ya.max)
+                continue;
+            if (left < xa.min)   left = xa.min;
+            if (right > xa.max)  right = xa.max;
+            if (bottom < ya.min) bottom = ya.min;
+            if (top > ya.max)    top = ya.max;
+            var width = xa.d2p(right) - xa.d2p(left) - ((xa.d2p(right) + sw <= this.plotWidth) ? 0 : sw);
+            var height = ya.d2p(bottom) - ya.d2p(top) - ((ya.d2p(bottom) + sw <= this.plotHeight) ? 0 : sw );
+            ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
+            ctx.fillRect(Math.min(xa.d2p(left) + sw, this.plotWidth), Math.min(ya.d2p(top) + sw, this.plotHeight), width, height);
+        }
+    },
+    extendXRange: function (axis) {
+        if (axis.options.max === null) {
+            var newmin = axis.min,
+                newmax = axis.max,
+                i, j, x, s, g,
+                stackedSumsPos = {},
+                stackedSumsNeg = {},
+                lastSerie = null;
+            for (i = 0; i < this.series.length; ++i) {
+                s = this.series[i];
+                g = s.gantt;
+                if ( && s.xaxis == axis) {
+                    for (j = 0; j <; j++) {
+                        if ( {
+                            y =[j][0] + '';
+                            stackedSumsPos[y] = Math.max((stackedSumsPos[y] || 0),[j][1] +[j][2]);
+                            lastSerie = s;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    for (j in stackedSumsPos) {
+                        newmax = Math.max(stackedSumsPos[j], newmax);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            axis.lastSerie = lastSerie;
+            axis.max = newmax;
+            axis.min = newmin;
+        }
+    },
+    extendYRange: function (axis) {
+        if (axis.options.max === null) {
+            var newmax = Number.MIN_VALUE,
+                newmin = Number.MAX_VALUE,
+                i, j, s, g,
+                stackedSumsPos = {},
+                stackedSumsNeg = {},
+                lastSerie = null;
+            for (i = 0; i < this.series.length; ++i) {
+                s = this.series[i];
+                g = s.gantt;
+                if ( && !s.hide && s.yaxis == axis) {
+                    var datamax = Number.MIN_VALUE, datamin = Number.MAX_VALUE;
+                    for (j = 0; j <; j++) {
+                        datamax = Math.max(datamax,[j][0]);
+                        datamin = Math.min(datamin,[j][0]);
+                    }
+                    if (g.centered) {
+                        newmax = Math.max(datamax + 0.5, newmax);
+                        newmin = Math.min(datamin - 0.5, newmin);
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        newmax = Math.max(datamax + 1, newmax);
+                        newmin = Math.min(datamin, newmin);
+                    }
+                    // For normal horizontal bars
+                    if (g.barWidth + datamax > newmax) {
+                        newmax = axis.max + g.barWidth;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            axis.lastSerie = lastSerie;
+            axis.max = newmax;
+            axis.min = newmin;
+            axis.tickSize = Flotr.getTickSize(axis.options.noTicks, newmin, newmax, axis.options.tickDecimals);
+        }
-    this.gantt.plot(series, bw, 0, series.gantt.fill);
-    ctx.restore();
-  },
-  plot: function(series, barWidth, offset, fill){
-    var data =;
-    if(data.length < 1) return;
-    var xa = series.xaxis,
-        ya = series.yaxis,
-        ctx = this.ctx, i;
-    for(i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
-      var y = data[i][0],
-          s = data[i][1],
-          d = data[i][2],
-          drawLeft = true, drawTop = true, drawRight = true;
-      if (s === null || d === null) continue;
-      var left = s, 
-          right = s + d,
-          bottom = y - (series.gantt.centered ? barWidth/2 : 0), 
-          top = y + barWidth - (series.gantt.centered ? barWidth/2 : 0);
-      if(right < xa.min || left > xa.max || top < ya.min || bottom > ya.max)
-        continue;
-      if(left < xa.min){
-        left = xa.min;
-        drawLeft = false;
-      }
-      if(right > xa.max){
-        right = xa.max;
-        if (xa.lastSerie != series)
-          drawTop = false;
-      }
-      if(bottom < ya.min)
-        bottom = ya.min;
-      if(top > ya.max){
-        top = ya.max;
-        if (ya.lastSerie != series)
-          drawTop = false;
-      }
-      /**
-       * Fill the bar.
-       */
-      if(fill){
-        ctx.beginPath();
-        ctx.moveTo(xa.d2p(left), ya.d2p(bottom) + offset);
-        ctx.lineTo(xa.d2p(left), ya.d2p(top) + offset);
-        ctx.lineTo(xa.d2p(right), ya.d2p(top) + offset);
-        ctx.lineTo(xa.d2p(right), ya.d2p(bottom) + offset);
-        ctx.fill();
-        ctx.closePath();
-      }
-      /**
-       * Draw bar outline/border.
-       */
-      if(series.gantt.lineWidth && (drawLeft || drawRight || drawTop)){
-        ctx.beginPath();
-        ctx.moveTo(xa.d2p(left), ya.d2p(bottom) + offset);
-        ctx[drawLeft ?'lineTo':'moveTo'](xa.d2p(left), ya.d2p(top) + offset);
-        ctx[drawTop  ?'lineTo':'moveTo'](xa.d2p(right), ya.d2p(top) + offset);
-        ctx[drawRight?'lineTo':'moveTo'](xa.d2p(right), ya.d2p(bottom) + offset);
-        ctx.stroke();
-        ctx.closePath();
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  plotShadows: function(series, barWidth, offset){
-    var data =;
-    if(data.length < 1) return;
-    var i, y, s, d,
-        xa = series.xaxis,
-        ya = series.yaxis,
-        ctx = this.ctx,
-        sw = this.options.shadowSize;
-    for(i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
-      y = data[i][0];
-      s = data[i][1];
-      d = data[i][2];
-      if (s === null || d === null) continue;
-      var left = s, 
-          right = s + d,
-          bottom = y - (series.gantt.centered ? barWidth/2 : 0), 
-          top = y + barWidth - (series.gantt.centered ? barWidth/2 : 0);
-      if(right < xa.min || left > xa.max || top < ya.min || bottom > ya.max)
-        continue;
-      if(left < xa.min)   left = xa.min;
-      if(right > xa.max)  right = xa.max;
-      if(bottom < ya.min) bottom = ya.min;
-      if(top > ya.max)    top = ya.max;
-      var width =  xa.d2p(right)-xa.d2p(left)-((xa.d2p(right)+sw <= this.plotWidth) ? 0 : sw);
-      var height = ya.d2p(bottom)-ya.d2p(top)-((ya.d2p(bottom)+sw <= this.plotHeight) ? 0 : sw );
-      ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
-      ctx.fillRect(Math.min(xa.d2p(left)+sw, this.plotWidth), Math.min(ya.d2p(top)+sw, this.plotHeight), width, height);
-    }
-  },
-  extendXRange: function(axis) {
-    if(axis.options.max === null){
-      var newmin = axis.min,
-          newmax = axis.max,
-          i, j, x, s, g,
-          stackedSumsPos = {},
-          stackedSumsNeg = {},
-          lastSerie = null;
-      for(i = 0; i < this.series.length; ++i){
-        s = this.series[i];
-        g = s.gantt;
-        if( && s.xaxis == axis) {
-            for (j = 0; j <; j++) {
-              if ( {
-                y =[j][0]+'';
-                stackedSumsPos[y] = Math.max((stackedSumsPos[y] || 0),[j][1][j][2]);
-                lastSerie = s;
-              }
-            }
-            for (j in stackedSumsPos) {
-              newmax = Math.max(stackedSumsPos[j], newmax);
-            }
-        }
-      }
-      axis.lastSerie = lastSerie;
-      axis.max = newmax;
-      axis.min = newmin;
-    }
-  },
-  extendYRange: function(axis){
-    if(axis.options.max === null){
-      var newmax = Number.MIN_VALUE,
-          newmin = Number.MAX_VALUE,
-          i, j, s, g,
-          stackedSumsPos = {},
-          stackedSumsNeg = {},
-          lastSerie = null;
-      for(i = 0; i < this.series.length; ++i){
-        s = this.series[i];
-        g = s.gantt;
-        if ( && !s.hide && s.yaxis == axis) {
-          var datamax = Number.MIN_VALUE, datamin = Number.MAX_VALUE;
-          for(j=0; j <; j++){
-            datamax = Math.max(datamax,[j][0]);
-            datamin = Math.min(datamin,[j][0]);
-          }
-          if (g.centered) {
-            newmax = Math.max(datamax + 0.5, newmax);
-            newmin = Math.min(datamin - 0.5, newmin);
-          }
-        else {
-          newmax = Math.max(datamax + 1, newmax);
-            newmin = Math.min(datamin, newmin);
-          }
-          // For normal horizontal bars
-          if (g.barWidth + datamax > newmax){
-            newmax = axis.max + g.barWidth;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      axis.lastSerie = lastSerie;
-      axis.max = newmax;
-      axis.min = newmin;
-      axis.tickSize = Flotr.getTickSize(axis.options.noTicks, newmin, newmax, axis.options.tickDecimals);
-    }
-  }
 /** Markers **/
@@ -4496,136 +4560,136 @@
 (function () {
-Flotr.defaultMarkerFormatter = function(obj){
-  return (Math.round(obj.y*100)/100)+'';
-Flotr.addType('markers', {
-  options: {
-    show: false,           // => setting to true will show markers, false will hide
-    lineWidth: 1,          // => line width of the rectangle around the marker
-    color: '#000000',      // => text color
-    fill: false,           // => fill or not the marekers' rectangles
-    fillColor: "#FFFFFF",  // => fill color
-    fillOpacity: 0.4,      // => fill opacity
-    stroke: false,         // => draw the rectangle around the markers
-    position: 'ct',        // => the markers position (vertical align: b, m, t, horizontal align: l, c, r)
-    verticalMargin: 0,     // => the margin between the point and the text.
-    labelFormatter: Flotr.defaultMarkerFormatter,
-    fontSize: Flotr.defaultOptions.fontSize,
-    stacked: false,        // => true if markers should be stacked
-    stackingType: 'b',     // => define staching behavior, (b- bars like, a - area like) (see Issue 125 for details)
-    horizontal: false      // => true if markers should be horizontal (For now only in a case on horizontal stacked bars, stacks should be calculated horizontaly)
-  },
-  // TODO test stacked markers.
-  stack : {
-      positive : [],
-      negative : [],
-      values : []
-  },
-  draw : function (options) {
-    var
-      data            =,
-      context         = options.context,
-      stack           = options.stacked ? options.stack : false,
-      stackType       = options.stackingType,
-      stackOffsetNeg,
-      stackOffsetPos,
-      stackOffset,
-      i, x, y, label;
-    context.lineJoin = 'round';
-    context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
-    context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)';
-    context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
-    function stackPos (a, b) {
-      stackOffsetPos = stack.negative[a] || 0;
-      stackOffsetNeg = stack.positive[a] || 0;
-      if (b > 0) {
-        stack.positive[a] = stackOffsetPos + b;
-        return stackOffsetPos + b;
-      } else {
-        stack.negative[a] = stackOffsetNeg + b;
-        return stackOffsetNeg + b;
-      }
+    Flotr.defaultMarkerFormatter = function (obj) {
+        return (Math.round(obj.y * 100) / 100) + '';
+    };
+    Flotr.addType('markers', {
+        options: {
+            show: false,           // => setting to true will show markers, false will hide
+            lineWidth: 1,          // => line width of the rectangle around the marker
+            color: '#000000',      // => text color
+            fill: false,           // => fill or not the marekers' rectangles
+            fillColor: "#FFFFFF",  // => fill color
+            fillOpacity: 0.4,      // => fill opacity
+            stroke: false,         // => draw the rectangle around the markers
+            position: 'ct',        // => the markers position (vertical align: b, m, t, horizontal align: l, c, r)
+            verticalMargin: 0,     // => the margin between the point and the text.
+            labelFormatter: Flotr.defaultMarkerFormatter,
+            fontSize: Flotr.defaultOptions.fontSize,
+            stacked: false,        // => true if markers should be stacked
+            stackingType: 'b',     // => define staching behavior, (b- bars like, a - area like) (see Issue 125 for details)
+            horizontal: false      // => true if markers should be horizontal (For now only in a case on horizontal stacked bars, stacks should be calculated horizontaly)
+        },
+        // TODO test stacked markers.
+        stack: {
+            positive: [],
+            negative: [],
+            values: []
+        },
+        draw: function (options) {
+            var
+                data =,
+                context = options.context,
+                stack = options.stacked ? options.stack : false,
+                stackType = options.stackingType,
+                stackOffsetNeg,
+                stackOffsetPos,
+                stackOffset,
+                i, x, y, label;
+  ;
+            context.lineJoin = 'round';
+            context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
+            context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)';
+            context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
+            function stackPos(a, b) {
+                stackOffsetPos = stack.negative[a] || 0;
+                stackOffsetNeg = stack.positive[a] || 0;
+                if (b > 0) {
+                    stack.positive[a] = stackOffsetPos + b;
+                    return stackOffsetPos + b;
+                } else {
+                    stack.negative[a] = stackOffsetNeg + b;
+                    return stackOffsetNeg + b;
+                }
+            }
+            for (i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
+                x = data[i][0];
+                y = data[i][1];
+                if (stack) {
+                    if (stackType == 'b') {
+                        if (options.horizontal) y = stackPos(y, x);
+                        else x = stackPos(x, y);
+                    } else if (stackType == 'a') {
+                        stackOffset = stack.values[x] || 0;
+                        stack.values[x] = stackOffset + y;
+                        y = stackOffset + y;
+                    }
+                }
+                label = options.labelFormatter({x: x, y: y, index: i, data: data});
+                this.plot(options.xScale(x), options.yScale(y), label, options);
+            }
+            context.restore();
+        },
+        plot: function (x, y, label, options) {
+            var context = options.context;
+            if (isImage(label) && !label.complete) {
+                throw 'Marker image not loaded.';
+            } else {
+                this._plot(x, y, label, options);
+            }
+        },
+        _plot: function (x, y, label, options) {
+            var context = options.context,
+                margin = 2,
+                left = x,
+                top = y,
+                dim;
+            if (isImage(label))
+                dim = {height: label.height, width: label.width};
+            else
+                dim = options.text.canvas(label);
+            dim.width = Math.floor(dim.width + margin * 2);
+            dim.height = Math.floor(dim.height + margin * 2);
+            if (options.position.indexOf('c') != -1) left -= dim.width / 2 + margin;
+            else if (options.position.indexOf('l') != -1) left -= dim.width;
+            if (options.position.indexOf('m') != -1) top -= dim.height / 2 + margin;
+            else if (options.position.indexOf('t') != -1) top -= dim.height + options.verticalMargin;
+            else top += options.verticalMargin;
+            left = Math.floor(left) + 0.5;
+            top = Math.floor(top) + 0.5;
+            if (options.fill)
+                context.fillRect(left, top, dim.width, dim.height);
+            if (options.stroke)
+                context.strokeRect(left, top, dim.width, dim.height);
+            if (isImage(label))
+                context.drawImage(label, left + margin, top + margin);
+            else
+                Flotr.drawText(context, label, left + margin, top + margin, {textBaseline: 'top', textAlign: 'left', size: options.fontSize, color: options.color});
+        }
+    });
+    function isImage(i) {
+        return typeof i === 'object' && i.constructor && (Image ? true : i.constructor === Image);
-    for (i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
-      x = data[i][0];
-      y = data[i][1];
-      if (stack) {
-        if (stackType == 'b') {
-          if (options.horizontal) y = stackPos(y, x);
-          else x = stackPos(x, y);
-        } else if (stackType == 'a') {
-          stackOffset = stack.values[x] || 0;
-          stack.values[x] = stackOffset + y;
-          y = stackOffset + y;
-        }
-      }
-      label = options.labelFormatter({x: x, y: y, index: i, data : data});
-      this.plot(options.xScale(x), options.yScale(y), label, options);
-    }
-    context.restore();
-  },
-  plot: function(x, y, label, options) {
-    var context = options.context;
-    if (isImage(label) && !label.complete) {
-      throw 'Marker image not loaded.';
-    } else {
-      this._plot(x, y, label, options);
-    }
-  },
-  _plot: function(x, y, label, options) {
-    var context = options.context,
-        margin = 2,
-        left = x,
-        top = y,
-        dim;
-    if (isImage(label))
-      dim = {height : label.height, width: label.width};
-    else
-      dim = options.text.canvas(label);
-    dim.width = Math.floor(dim.width+margin*2);
-    dim.height = Math.floor(dim.height+margin*2);
-         if (options.position.indexOf('c') != -1) left -= dim.width/2 + margin;
-    else if (options.position.indexOf('l') != -1) left -= dim.width;
-         if (options.position.indexOf('m') != -1) top -= dim.height/2 + margin;
-    else if (options.position.indexOf('t') != -1) top -= dim.height + options.verticalMargin;
-    else top += options.verticalMargin;
-    left = Math.floor(left)+0.5;
-    top = Math.floor(top)+0.5;
-    if(options.fill)
-      context.fillRect(left, top, dim.width, dim.height);
-    if(options.stroke)
-      context.strokeRect(left, top, dim.width, dim.height);
-    if (isImage(label))
-      context.drawImage(label, left+margin, top+margin);
-    else
-      Flotr.drawText(context, label, left+margin, top+margin, {textBaseline: 'top', textAlign: 'left', size: options.fontSize, color: options.color});
-  }
-function isImage (i) {
-  return typeof i === 'object' && i.constructor && (Image ? true : i.constructor === Image);
@@ -4637,1117 +4701,1120 @@
 (function () {
-  _ = Flotr._;
-Flotr.defaultPieLabelFormatter = function (total, value) {
-  return (100 * value / total).toFixed(2)+'%';
-Flotr.addType('pie', {
-  options: {
-    show: false,           // => setting to true will show bars, false will hide
-    lineWidth: 1,          // => in pixels
-    fill: true,            // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
-    fillColor: null,       // => fill color
-    fillOpacity: 0.6,      // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
-    explode: 6,            // => the number of pixels the splices will be far from the center
-    sizeRatio: 0.6,        // => the size ratio of the pie relative to the plot 
-    startAngle: Math.PI/4, // => the first slice start angle
-    labelFormatter: Flotr.defaultPieLabelFormatter,
-    pie3D: false,          // => whether to draw the pie in 3 dimenstions or not (ineffective) 
-    pie3DviewAngle: (Math.PI/2 * 0.8),
-    pie3DspliceThickness: 20
-  },
-  draw : function (options) {
-    // TODO 3D charts what?
-      data          =,
-      context       = options.context,
-      canvas        = context.canvas,
-      lineWidth     = options.lineWidth,
-      shadowSize    = options.shadowSize,
-      sizeRatio     = options.sizeRatio,
-      height        = options.height,
-      width         = options.width,
-      explode       = options.explode,
-      color         = options.color,
-      fill          = options.fill,
-      fillStyle     = options.fillStyle,
-      radius        = Math.min(canvas.width, canvas.height) * sizeRatio / 2,
-      value         = data[0][1],
-      html          = [],
-      vScale        = 1,//Math.cos(series.pie.viewAngle);
-      measure       = Math.PI * 2 * value /,
-      startAngle    = this.startAngle || (2 * Math.PI * options.startAngle), // TODO: this initial startAngle is already in radians (fixing will be test-unstable)
-      endAngle      = startAngle + measure,
-      bisection     = startAngle + measure / 2,
-      label         = options.labelFormatter(, value),
-      //plotTickness  = Math.sin(series.pie.viewAngle)*series.pie.spliceThickness / vScale;
-      explodeCoeff  = explode + radius + 4,
-      distX         = Math.cos(bisection) * explodeCoeff,
-      distY         = Math.sin(bisection) * explodeCoeff,
-      textAlign     = distX < 0 ? 'right' : 'left',
-      textBaseline  = distY > 0 ? 'top' : 'bottom',
-      style,
-      x, y,
-      distX, distY;
-    context.translate(width / 2, height / 2);
-    context.scale(1, vScale);
-    x = Math.cos(bisection) * explode;
-    y = Math.sin(bisection) * explode;
-    // Shadows
-    if (shadowSize > 0) {
-      this.plotSlice(x + shadowSize, y + shadowSize, radius, startAngle, endAngle, context);
-      if (fill) {
-        context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)';
-        context.fill();
-      }
-    }
-    this.plotSlice(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, context);
-    if (fill) {
-      context.fillStyle = fillStyle;
-      context.fill();
-    }
-    context.lineWidth = lineWidth;
-    context.strokeStyle = color;
-    context.stroke();
-    style = {
-      size : options.fontSize * 1.2,
-      color : options.fontColor,
-      weight : 1.5
-    };
-    if (label) {
-      if (options.htmlText || !options.textEnabled) {
-        divStyle = 'position:absolute;' + textBaseline + ':' + (height / 2 + (textBaseline === 'top' ? distY : -distY)) + 'px;';
-        divStyle += textAlign + ':' + (width / 2 + (textAlign === 'right' ? -distX : distX)) + 'px;';
-        html.push('<div style="', divStyle, '" class="flotr-grid-label">', label, '</div>');
-      }
-      else {
-        style.textAlign = textAlign;
-        style.textBaseline = textBaseline;
-        Flotr.drawText(context, label, distX, distY, style);
-      }
-    }
-    if (options.htmlText || !options.textEnabled) {
-      var div = Flotr.DOM.node('<div style="color:' + options.fontColor + '" class="flotr-labels"></div>');
-      Flotr.DOM.insert(div, html.join(''));
-      Flotr.DOM.insert(options.element, div);
-    }
-    context.restore();
-    // New start angle
-    this.startAngle = endAngle;
-    this.slices = this.slices || [];
-    this.slices.push({
-      radius : Math.min(canvas.width, canvas.height) * sizeRatio / 2,
-      x : x,
-      y : y,
-      explode : explode,
-      start : startAngle,
-      end : endAngle
+        _ = Flotr._;
+    Flotr.defaultPieLabelFormatter = function (total, value) {
+        return (100 * value / total).toFixed(2) + '%';
+    };
+    Flotr.addType('pie', {
+        options: {
+            show: false,           // => setting to true will show bars, false will hide
+            lineWidth: 1,          // => in pixels
+            fill: true,            // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
+            fillColor: null,       // => fill color
+            fillOpacity: 0.6,      // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
+            explode: 6,            // => the number of pixels the splices will be far from the center
+            sizeRatio: 0.6,        // => the size ratio of the pie relative to the plot 
+            startAngle: Math.PI / 4, // => the first slice start angle
+            labelFormatter: Flotr.defaultPieLabelFormatter,
+            pie3D: false,          // => whether to draw the pie in 3 dimenstions or not (ineffective) 
+            pie3DviewAngle: (Math.PI / 2 * 0.8),
+            pie3DspliceThickness: 20
+        },
+        draw: function (options) {
+            // TODO 3D charts what?
+            var
+                data =,
+                context = options.context,
+                canvas = context.canvas,
+                lineWidth = options.lineWidth,
+                shadowSize = options.shadowSize,
+                sizeRatio = options.sizeRatio,
+                height = options.height,
+                width = options.width,
+                explode = options.explode,
+                color = options.color,
+                fill = options.fill,
+                fillStyle = options.fillStyle,
+                radius = Math.min(canvas.width, canvas.height) * sizeRatio / 2,
+                value = data[0][1],
+                html = [],
+                vScale = 1,//Math.cos(series.pie.viewAngle);
+                measure = Math.PI * 2 * value /,
+                startAngle = this.startAngle || (2 * Math.PI * options.startAngle), // TODO: this initial startAngle is already in radians (fixing will be test-unstable)
+                endAngle = startAngle + measure,
+                bisection = startAngle + measure / 2,
+                label = options.labelFormatter(, value),
+            //plotTickness  = Math.sin(series.pie.viewAngle)*series.pie.spliceThickness / vScale;
+                explodeCoeff = explode + radius + 4,
+                distX = Math.cos(bisection) * explodeCoeff,
+                distY = Math.sin(bisection) * explodeCoeff,
+                textAlign = distX < 0 ? 'right' : 'left',
+                textBaseline = distY > 0 ? 'top' : 'bottom',
+                style,
+                x, y,
+                distX, distY;
+  ;
+            context.translate(width / 2, height / 2);
+            context.scale(1, vScale);
+            x = Math.cos(bisection) * explode;
+            y = Math.sin(bisection) * explode;
+            // Shadows
+            if (shadowSize > 0) {
+                this.plotSlice(x + shadowSize, y + shadowSize, radius, startAngle, endAngle, context);
+                if (fill) {
+                    context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)';
+                    context.fill();
+                }
+            }
+            this.plotSlice(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, context);
+            if (fill) {
+                context.fillStyle = fillStyle;
+                context.fill();
+            }
+            context.lineWidth = lineWidth;
+            context.strokeStyle = color;
+            context.stroke();
+            style = {
+                size: options.fontSize * 1.2,
+                color: options.fontColor,
+                weight: 1.5
+            };
+            if (label) {
+                if (options.htmlText || !options.textEnabled) {
+                    divStyle = 'position:absolute;' + textBaseline + ':' + (height / 2 + (textBaseline === 'top' ? distY : -distY)) + 'px;';
+                    divStyle += textAlign + ':' + (width / 2 + (textAlign === 'right' ? -distX : distX)) + 'px;';
+                    html.push('<div style="', divStyle, '" class="flotr-grid-label">', label, '</div>');
+                }
+                else {
+                    style.textAlign = textAlign;
+                    style.textBaseline = textBaseline;
+                    Flotr.drawText(context, label, distX, distY, style);
+                }
+            }
+            if (options.htmlText || !options.textEnabled) {
+                var div = Flotr.DOM.node('<div style="color:' + options.fontColor + '" class="flotr-labels"></div>');
+                Flotr.DOM.insert(div, html.join(''));
+                Flotr.DOM.insert(options.element, div);
+            }
+            context.restore();
+            // New start angle
+            this.startAngle = endAngle;
+            this.slices = this.slices || [];
+            this.slices.push({
+                radius: Math.min(canvas.width, canvas.height) * sizeRatio / 2,
+                x: x,
+                y: y,
+                explode: explode,
+                start: startAngle,
+                end: endAngle
+            });
+        },
+        plotSlice: function (x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, context) {
+            context.beginPath();
+            context.moveTo(x, y);
+            context.arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, false);
+            context.lineTo(x, y);
+            context.closePath();
+        },
+        hit: function (options) {
+            var
+                data =[0],
+                args = options.args,
+                index = options.index,
+                mouse = args[0],
+                n = args[1],
+                slice = this.slices[index],
+                x = mouse.relX - options.width / 2,
+                y = mouse.relY - options.height / 2,
+                r = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y),
+                theta = Math.atan(y / x),
+                circle = Math.PI * 2,
+                explode = slice.explode || options.explode,
+                start = slice.start % circle,
+                end = slice.end % circle;
+            if (x < 0) {
+                theta += Math.PI;
+            } else if (x > 0 && y < 0) {
+                theta += circle;
+            }
+            if (r < slice.radius + explode && r > explode) {
+                if ((start >= end && (theta < end || theta > start)) ||
+                    (theta > start && theta < end)) {
+                    // TODO Decouple this from hit plugin (chart shouldn't know what n means)
+                    n.x = data[0];
+                    n.y = data[1];
+                    n.sAngle = start;
+                    n.eAngle = end;
+                    n.index = 0;
+                    n.seriesIndex = index;
+                    n.fraction = data[1] /;
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        drawHit: function (options) {
+            var
+                context = options.context,
+                slice = this.slices[options.args.seriesIndex];
+  ;
+            context.translate(options.width / 2, options.height / 2);
+            this.plotSlice(slice.x, slice.y, slice.radius, slice.start, slice.end, context);
+            context.stroke();
+            context.restore();
+        },
+        clearHit: function (options) {
+            var
+                context = options.context,
+                slice = this.slices[options.args.seriesIndex],
+                padding = 2 * options.lineWidth,
+                radius = slice.radius + padding;
+  ;
+            context.translate(options.width / 2, options.height / 2);
+            context.clearRect(
+                slice.x - radius,
+                slice.y - radius,
+                2 * radius + padding,
+                2 * radius + padding
+            );
+            context.restore();
+        },
+        extendYRange: function (axis, data) {
+   = ( || 0) + data[0][1];
+        }
-  },
-  plotSlice : function (x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, context) {
-    context.beginPath();
-    context.moveTo(x, y);
-    context.arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, false);
-    context.lineTo(x, y);
-    context.closePath();
-  },
-  hit : function (options) {
-    var
-      data      =[0],
-      args      = options.args,
-      index     = options.index,
-      mouse     = args[0],
-      n         = args[1],
-      slice     = this.slices[index],
-      x         = mouse.relX - options.width / 2,
-      y         = mouse.relY - options.height / 2,
-      r         = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y),
-      theta     = Math.atan(y / x),
-      circle    = Math.PI * 2,
-      explode   = slice.explode || options.explode,
-      start     = slice.start % circle,
-      end       = slice.end % circle;
-    if (x < 0) {
-      theta += Math.PI;
-    } else if (x > 0 && y < 0) {
-      theta += circle;
-    }
-    if (r < slice.radius + explode && r > explode) {
-      if ((start >= end && (theta < end || theta > start)) ||
-        (theta > start && theta < end)) {
-        // TODO Decouple this from hit plugin (chart shouldn't know what n means)
-         n.x = data[0];
-         n.y = data[1];
-         n.sAngle = start;
-         n.eAngle = end;
-         n.index = 0;
-         n.seriesIndex = index;
-         n.fraction = data[1] /;
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  drawHit: function (options) {
-    var
-      context = options.context,
-      slice = this.slices[options.args.seriesIndex];
-    context.translate(options.width / 2, options.height / 2);
-    this.plotSlice(slice.x, slice.y, slice.radius, slice.start, slice.end, context);
-    context.stroke();
-    context.restore();
-  },
-  clearHit : function (options) {
-    var
-      context = options.context,
-      slice = this.slices[options.args.seriesIndex],
-      padding = 2 * options.lineWidth,
-      radius = slice.radius + padding;
-    context.translate(options.width / 2, options.height / 2);
-    context.clearRect(
-      slice.x - radius,
-      slice.y - radius,
-      2 * radius + padding,
-      2 * radius + padding 
-    );
-    context.restore();
-  },
-  extendYRange : function (axis, data) {
- = ( || 0) + data[0][1];
-  }
 /** Points **/
 Flotr.addType('points', {
-  options: {
-    show: false,           // => setting to true will show points, false will hide
-    radius: 3,             // => point radius (pixels)
-    lineWidth: 2,          // => line width in pixels
-    fill: true,            // => true to fill the points with a color, false for (transparent) no fill
-    fillColor: '#FFFFFF',  // => fill color
-    fillOpacity: 0.4       // => opacity of color inside the points
-  },
-  draw : function (options) {
-    var
-      context     = options.context,
-      lineWidth   = options.lineWidth,
-      shadowSize  = options.shadowSize;
-    if (shadowSize > 0) {
-      context.lineWidth = shadowSize / 2;
-      context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)';
-      this.plot(options, shadowSize / 2 + context.lineWidth / 2);
-      context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)';
-      this.plot(options, context.lineWidth / 2);
+    options: {
+        show: false,           // => setting to true will show points, false will hide
+        radius: 3,             // => point radius (pixels)
+        lineWidth: 2,          // => line width in pixels
+        fill: true,            // => true to fill the points with a color, false for (transparent) no fill
+        fillColor: '#FFFFFF',  // => fill color
+        fillOpacity: 0.4       // => opacity of color inside the points
+    },
+    draw: function (options) {
+        var
+            context = options.context,
+            lineWidth = options.lineWidth,
+            shadowSize = options.shadowSize;
+        if (shadowSize > 0) {
+            context.lineWidth = shadowSize / 2;
+            context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)';
+            this.plot(options, shadowSize / 2 + context.lineWidth / 2);
+            context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)';
+            this.plot(options, context.lineWidth / 2);
+        }
+        context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
+        context.strokeStyle = options.color;
+        context.fillStyle = options.fillColor || options.color;
+        this.plot(options);
+        context.restore();
+    },
+    plot: function (options, offset) {
+        var
+            data =,
+            context = options.context,
+            xScale = options.xScale,
+            yScale = options.yScale,
+            i, x, y;
+        for (i = data.length - 1; i > -1; --i) {
+            y = data[i][1];
+            if (y === null) continue;
+            x = xScale(data[i][0]);
+            y = yScale(y);
+            if (x < 0 || x > options.width || y < 0 || y > options.height) continue;
+            context.beginPath();
+            if (offset) {
+                context.arc(x, y + offset, options.radius, 0, Math.PI, false);
+            } else {
+                context.arc(x, y, options.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);
+                if (options.fill) context.fill();
+            }
+            context.stroke();
+            context.closePath();
+        }
-    context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
-    context.strokeStyle = options.color;
-    context.fillStyle = options.fillColor || options.color;
-    this.plot(options);
-    context.restore();
-  },
-  plot : function (options, offset) {
-    var
-      data    =,
-      context = options.context,
-      xScale  = options.xScale,
-      yScale  = options.yScale,
-      i, x, y;
-    for (i = data.length - 1; i > -1; --i) {
-      y = data[i][1];
-      if (y === null) continue;
-      x = xScale(data[i][0]);
-      y = yScale(y);
-      if (x < 0 || x > options.width || y < 0 || y > options.height) continue;
-      context.beginPath();
-      if (offset) {
-        context.arc(x, y + offset, options.radius, 0, Math.PI, false);
-      } else {
-        context.arc(x, y, options.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);
-        if (options.fill) context.fill();
-      }
-      context.stroke();
-      context.closePath();
-    }
-  }
 /** Radar **/
 Flotr.addType('radar', {
-  options: {
-    show: false,           // => setting to true will show radar chart, false will hide
-    lineWidth: 2,          // => line width in pixels
-    fill: true,            // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
-    fillOpacity: 0.4,      // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
-    radiusRatio: 0.90      // => ratio of the radar, against the plot size
-  },
-  draw : function (options) {
+    options: {
+        show: false,           // => setting to true will show radar chart, false will hide
+        lineWidth: 2,          // => line width in pixels
+        fill: true,            // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
+        fillOpacity: 0.4,      // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
+        radiusRatio: 0.90      // => ratio of the radar, against the plot size
+    },
+    draw: function (options) {
+        var
+            context = options.context,
+            shadowSize = options.shadowSize;
+        context.translate(options.width / 2, options.height / 2);
+        context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
+        // Shadow
+        context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
+        context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
+        this.plot(options, shadowSize / 2);
+        context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)';
+        this.plot(options, shadowSize / 4);
+        // Chart
+        context.strokeStyle = options.color;
+        context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
+        this.plot(options);
+        context.restore();
+    },
+    plot: function (options, offset) {
+        var
+            data =,
+            context = options.context,
+            radius = Math.min(options.height, options.width) * options.radiusRatio / 2,
+            step = 2 * Math.PI / data.length,
+            angle = -Math.PI / 2,
+            i, ratio;
+        offset = offset || 0;
+        context.beginPath();
+        for (i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
+            ratio = data[i][1] / this.max;
+            context[i === 0 ? 'moveTo' : 'lineTo'](
+                Math.cos(i * step + angle) * radius * ratio + offset,
+                Math.sin(i * step + angle) * radius * ratio + offset
+            );
+        }
+        context.closePath();
+        if (options.fill) context.fill();
+        context.stroke();
+    },
+    extendYRange: function (axis, data) {
+        this.max = Math.max(axis.max, this.max || -Number.MAX_VALUE);
+    }
+Flotr.addType('timeline', {
+    options: {
+        show: false,
+        lineWidth: 1,
+        barWidth: 0.2,
+        fill: true,
+        fillColor: null,
+        fillOpacity: 0.4,
+        centered: true
+    },
+    draw: function (options) {
+        var
+            context = options.context;
+        context.lineJoin = 'miter';
+        context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
+        context.strokeStyle = options.color;
+        context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
+        this.plot(options);
+        context.restore();
+    },
+    plot: function (options) {
+        var
+            data =,
+            context = options.context,
+            xScale = options.xScale,
+            yScale = options.yScale,
+            barWidth = options.barWidth,
+            lineWidth = options.lineWidth,
+            i;
+        Flotr._.each(data, function (timeline) {
+            var
+                x = timeline[0],
+                y = timeline[1],
+                w = timeline[2],
+                h = barWidth,
+                xt = Math.ceil(xScale(x)),
+                wt = Math.ceil(xScale(x + w)) - xt,
+                yt = Math.round(yScale(y)),
+                ht = Math.round(yScale(y - h)) - yt,
+                x0 = xt - lineWidth / 2,
+                y0 = Math.round(yt - ht / 2) - lineWidth / 2;
+            context.strokeRect(x0, y0, wt, ht);
+            context.fillRect(x0, y0, wt, ht);
+        });
+    },
+    extendRange: function (series) {
+        var
+            data =,
+            xa = series.xaxis,
+            ya = series.yaxis,
+            w = series.timeline.barWidth;
+        if (xa.options.min === null)
+            xa.min = xa.datamin - w / 2;
+        if (xa.options.max === null) {
+            var
+                max = xa.max;
+            Flotr._.each(data, function (timeline) {
+                max = Math.max(max, timeline[0] + timeline[2]);
+            }, this);
+            xa.max = max + w / 2;
+        }
+        if (ya.options.min === null)
+            ya.min = ya.datamin - w;
+        if (ya.options.min === null)
+            ya.max = ya.datamax + w;
+    }
+(function () {
+    var D = Flotr.DOM;
+    Flotr.addPlugin('crosshair', {
+        options: {
+            mode: null,            // => one of null, 'x', 'y' or 'xy'
+            color: '#FF0000',      // => crosshair color
+            hideCursor: true       // => hide the cursor when the crosshair is shown
+        },
+        callbacks: {
+            'flotr:mousemove': function (e, pos) {
+                if (this.options.crosshair.mode) {
+                    this.crosshair.clearCrosshair();
+                    this.crosshair.drawCrosshair(pos);
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        /**
+         * Draws the selection box.
+         */
+        drawCrosshair: function (pos) {
+            var octx = this.octx,
+                options = this.options.crosshair,
+                plotOffset = this.plotOffset,
+                x = plotOffset.left + pos.relX + 0.5,
+                y = + pos.relY + 0.5;
+            if (pos.relX < 0 || pos.relY < 0 || pos.relX > this.plotWidth || pos.relY > this.plotHeight) {
+       = null;
+                D.removeClass(this.el, 'flotr-crosshair');
+                return;
+            }
+            if (options.hideCursor) {
+       = 'none';
+                D.addClass(this.el, 'flotr-crosshair');
+            }
+  ;
+            octx.strokeStyle = options.color;
+            octx.lineWidth = 1;
+            octx.beginPath();
+            if (options.mode.indexOf('x') != -1) {
+                octx.moveTo(x,;
+                octx.lineTo(x, + this.plotHeight);
+            }
+            if (options.mode.indexOf('y') != -1) {
+                octx.moveTo(plotOffset.left, y);
+                octx.lineTo(plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth, y);
+            }
+            octx.stroke();
+            octx.restore();
+        },
+        /**
+         * Removes the selection box from the overlay canvas.
+         */
+        clearCrosshair: function () {
+            var
+                plotOffset = this.plotOffset,
+                position = this.lastMousePos,
+                context = this.octx;
+            if (position) {
+                context.clearRect(
+                    position.relX + plotOffset.left,
+          ,
+                    1,
+                    this.plotHeight + 1
+                );
+                context.clearRect(
+                    plotOffset.left,
+                    position.relY +,
+                    this.plotWidth + 1,
+                    1
+                );
+            }
+        }
+    });
+(function () {
-      context = options.context,
-      shadowSize = options.shadowSize;
-    context.translate(options.width / 2, options.height / 2);
-    context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
-    // Shadow
-    context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
-    context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
-    this.plot(options, shadowSize / 2);
-    context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)';
-    this.plot(options, shadowSize / 4);
-    // Chart
-    context.strokeStyle = options.color;
-    context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
-    this.plot(options);
-    context.restore();
-  },
-  plot : function (options, offset) {
+        D = Flotr.DOM,
+        _ = Flotr._;
+    function getImage(type, canvas, width, height) {
+        // TODO add scaling for w / h
+        var
+            mime = 'image/' + type,
+            data = canvas.toDataURL(mime),
+            image = new Image();
+        image.src = data;
+        return image;
+    }
+    Flotr.addPlugin('download', {
+        saveImage: function (type, width, height, replaceCanvas) {
+            var image = null;
+            if (Flotr.isIE && Flotr.isIE < 9) {
+                image = '<html><body>' + this.canvas.firstChild.innerHTML + '</body></html>';
+                return;
+            }
+            if (type !== 'jpeg' && type !== 'png') return;
+            image = getImage(type, this.canvas, width, height);
+            if (_.isElement(image) && replaceCanvas) {
+      ;
+                D.hide(this.canvas);
+                D.hide(this.overlay);
+                D.setStyles({position: 'absolute'});
+                D.insert(this.el, image);
+                this.saveImageElement = image;
+            } else {
+                return;
+            }
+        },
+        restoreCanvas: function () {
+  ;
+  ;
+            if (this.saveImageElement) this.el.removeChild(this.saveImageElement);
+            this.saveImageElement = null;
+        }
+    });
+(function () {
+    var E = Flotr.EventAdapter,
+        _ = Flotr._;
+    Flotr.addPlugin('graphGrid', {
+        callbacks: {
+            'flotr:beforedraw': function () {
+                this.graphGrid.drawGrid();
+            },
+            'flotr:afterdraw': function () {
+                this.graphGrid.drawOutline();
+            }
+        },
+        drawGrid: function () {
+            var
+                ctx = this.ctx,
+                options = this.options,
+                grid = options.grid,
+                verticalLines = grid.verticalLines,
+                horizontalLines = grid.horizontalLines,
+                minorVerticalLines = grid.minorVerticalLines,
+                minorHorizontalLines = grid.minorHorizontalLines,
+                plotHeight = this.plotHeight,
+                plotWidth = this.plotWidth,
+                a, v, i, j;
+            if (verticalLines || minorVerticalLines ||
+                horizontalLines || minorHorizontalLines) {
+      , 'flotr:beforegrid', [this.axes.x, this.axes.y, options, this]);
+            }
+  ;
+            ctx.lineWidth = 1;
+            ctx.strokeStyle = grid.tickColor;
+            function circularHorizontalTicks(ticks) {
+                for (i = 0; i < ticks.length; ++i) {
+                    var ratio = ticks[i].v / a.max;
+                    for (j = 0; j <= sides; ++j) {
+                        ctx[j === 0 ? 'moveTo' : 'lineTo'](
+                            Math.cos(j * coeff + angle) * radius * ratio,
+                            Math.sin(j * coeff + angle) * radius * ratio
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            function drawGridLines(ticks, callback) {
+                _.each(_.pluck(ticks, 'v'), function (v) {
+                    // Don't show lines on upper and lower bounds.
+                    if ((v <= a.min || v >= a.max) ||
+                        (v == a.min || v == a.max) && grid.outlineWidth)
+                        return;
+                    callback(Math.floor(a.d2p(v)) + ctx.lineWidth / 2);
+                });
+            }
+            function drawVerticalLines(x) {
+                ctx.moveTo(x, 0);
+                ctx.lineTo(x, plotHeight);
+            }
+            function drawHorizontalLines(y) {
+                ctx.moveTo(0, y);
+                ctx.lineTo(plotWidth, y);
+            }
+            if (grid.circular) {
+                ctx.translate(this.plotOffset.left + plotWidth / 2, + plotHeight / 2);
+                var radius = Math.min(plotHeight, plotWidth) * options.radar.radiusRatio / 2,
+                    sides = this.axes.x.ticks.length,
+                    coeff = 2 * (Math.PI / sides),
+                    angle = -Math.PI / 2;
+                // Draw grid lines in vertical direction.
+                ctx.beginPath();
+                a = this.axes.y;
+                if (horizontalLines) {
+                    circularHorizontalTicks(a.ticks);
+                }
+                if (minorHorizontalLines) {
+                    circularHorizontalTicks(a.minorTicks);
+                }
+                if (verticalLines) {
+                    _.times(sides, function (i) {
+                        ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
+                        ctx.lineTo(Math.cos(i * coeff + angle) * radius, Math.sin(i * coeff + angle) * radius);
+                    });
+                }
+                ctx.stroke();
+            }
+            else {
+                ctx.translate(this.plotOffset.left,;
+                // Draw grid background, if present in options.
+                if (grid.backgroundColor) {
+                    ctx.fillStyle = this.processColor(grid.backgroundColor, {x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: plotWidth, y2: plotHeight});
+                    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, plotWidth, plotHeight);
+                }
+                ctx.beginPath();
+                a = this.axes.x;
+                if (verticalLines)        drawGridLines(a.ticks, drawVerticalLines);
+                if (minorVerticalLines)   drawGridLines(a.minorTicks, drawVerticalLines);
+                a = this.axes.y;
+                if (horizontalLines)      drawGridLines(a.ticks, drawHorizontalLines);
+                if (minorHorizontalLines) drawGridLines(a.minorTicks, drawHorizontalLines);
+                ctx.stroke();
+            }
+            ctx.restore();
+            if (verticalLines || minorVerticalLines ||
+                horizontalLines || minorHorizontalLines) {
+      , 'flotr:aftergrid', [this.axes.x, this.axes.y, options, this]);
+            }
+        },
+        drawOutline: function () {
+            var
+                that = this,
+                options = that.options,
+                grid = options.grid,
+                outline = grid.outline,
+                ctx = that.ctx,
+                backgroundImage = grid.backgroundImage,
+                plotOffset = that.plotOffset,
+                leftOffset = plotOffset.left,
+                topOffset =,
+                plotWidth = that.plotWidth,
+                plotHeight = that.plotHeight,
+                v, img, src, left, top, globalAlpha;
+            if (!grid.outlineWidth) return;
+  ;
+            if (grid.circular) {
+                ctx.translate(leftOffset + plotWidth / 2, topOffset + plotHeight / 2);
+                var radius = Math.min(plotHeight, plotWidth) * options.radar.radiusRatio / 2,
+                    sides = this.axes.x.ticks.length,
+                    coeff = 2 * (Math.PI / sides),
+                    angle = -Math.PI / 2;
+                // Draw axis/grid border.
+                ctx.beginPath();
+                ctx.lineWidth = grid.outlineWidth;
+                ctx.strokeStyle = grid.color;
+                ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
+                for (i = 0; i <= sides; ++i) {
+                    ctx[i === 0 ? 'moveTo' : 'lineTo'](Math.cos(i * coeff + angle) * radius, Math.sin(i * coeff + angle) * radius);
+                }
+                //ctx.arc(0, 0, radius, 0, Math.PI*2, true);
+                ctx.stroke();
+            }
+            else {
+                ctx.translate(leftOffset, topOffset);
+                // Draw axis/grid border.
+                var lw = grid.outlineWidth,
+                    orig = 0.5 - lw + ((lw + 1) % 2 / 2),
+                    lineTo = 'lineTo',
+                    moveTo = 'moveTo';
+                ctx.lineWidth = lw;
+                ctx.strokeStyle = grid.color;
+                ctx.lineJoin = 'miter';
+                ctx.beginPath();
+                ctx.moveTo(orig, orig);
+                plotWidth = plotWidth - (lw / 2) % 1;
+                plotHeight = plotHeight + lw / 2;
+                ctx[outline.indexOf('n') !== -1 ? lineTo : moveTo](plotWidth, orig);
+                ctx[outline.indexOf('e') !== -1 ? lineTo : moveTo](plotWidth, plotHeight);
+                ctx[outline.indexOf('s') !== -1 ? lineTo : moveTo](orig, plotHeight);
+                ctx[outline.indexOf('w') !== -1 ? lineTo : moveTo](orig, orig);
+                ctx.stroke();
+                ctx.closePath();
+            }
+            ctx.restore();
+            if (backgroundImage) {
+                src = backgroundImage.src || backgroundImage;
+                left = (parseInt(backgroundImage.left, 10) || 0) + plotOffset.left;
+                top = (parseInt(, 10) || 0) +;
+                img = new Image();
+                img.onload = function () {
+          ;
+                    if (backgroundImage.alpha) ctx.globalAlpha = backgroundImage.alpha;
+                    ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-over';
+                    ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height, left, top, plotWidth, plotHeight);
+                    ctx.restore();
+                };
+                img.src = src;
+            }
+        }
+    });
+(function () {
-      data    =,
-      context = options.context,
-      radius  = Math.min(options.height, options.width) * options.radiusRatio / 2,
-      step    = 2 * Math.PI / data.length,
-      angle   = -Math.PI / 2,
-      i, ratio;
-    offset = offset || 0;
-    context.beginPath();
-    for (i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
-      ratio = data[i][1] / this.max;
-      context[i === 0 ? 'moveTo' : 'lineTo'](
-        Math.cos(i * step + angle) * radius * ratio + offset,
-        Math.sin(i * step + angle) * radius * ratio + offset
-      );
-    }
-    context.closePath();
-    if (options.fill) context.fill();
-    context.stroke();
-  },
-  extendYRange : function (axis, data) {
-    this.max = Math.max(axis.max, this.max || -Number.MAX_VALUE);
-  }
-Flotr.addType('timeline', {
-  options: {
-    show: false,
-    lineWidth: 1,
-    barWidth: 0.2,
-    fill: true,
-    fillColor: null,
-    fillOpacity: 0.4,
-    centered: true
-  },
-  draw : function (options) {
-    var
-      context = options.context;
-    context.lineJoin    = 'miter';
-    context.lineWidth   = options.lineWidth;
-    context.strokeStyle = options.color;
-    context.fillStyle   = options.fillStyle;
-    this.plot(options);
-    context.restore();
-  },
-  plot : function (options) {
-    var
-      data      =,
-      context   = options.context,
-      xScale    = options.xScale,
-      yScale    = options.yScale,
-      barWidth  = options.barWidth,
-      lineWidth = options.lineWidth,
-      i;
-    Flotr._.each(data, function (timeline) {
-      var 
-        x   = timeline[0],
-        y   = timeline[1],
-        w   = timeline[2],
-        h   = barWidth,
-        xt  = Math.ceil(xScale(x)),
-        wt  = Math.ceil(xScale(x + w)) - xt,
-        yt  = Math.round(yScale(y)),
-        ht  = Math.round(yScale(y - h)) - yt,
-        x0  = xt - lineWidth / 2,
-        y0  = Math.round(yt - ht / 2) - lineWidth / 2;
-      context.strokeRect(x0, y0, wt, ht);
-      context.fillRect(x0, y0, wt, ht);
+        D = Flotr.DOM,
+        _ = Flotr._,
+        flotr = Flotr,
+        S_MOUSETRACK = 'opacity:0.7;background-color:#000;color:#fff;display:none;position:absolute;padding:2px 8px;-moz-border-radius:4px;border-radius:4px;white-space:nowrap;';
+    Flotr.addPlugin('hit', {
+        callbacks: {
+            'flotr:mousemove': function (e, pos) {
+                this.hit.track(pos);
+            },
+            'flotr:click': function (pos) {
+                this.hit.track(pos);
+            },
+            'flotr:mouseout': function () {
+                this.hit.clearHit();
+            }
+        },
+        track: function (pos) {
+            if (this.options.mouse.track || _.any(this.series, function (s) {
+                return s.mouse && s.mouse.track;
+            })) {
+                this.hit.hit(pos);
+            }
+        },
+        /**
+         * Try a method on a graph type.  If the method exists, execute it.
+         * @param {Object} series
+         * @param {String} method  Method name.
+         * @param {Array} args  Arguments applied to method.
+         * @return executed successfully or failed.
+         */
+        executeOnType: function (s, method, args) {
+            var
+                success = false,
+                options;
+            if (!_.isArray(s)) s = [s];
+            function e(s, index) {
+                _.each(_.keys(flotr.graphTypes), function (type) {
+                    if (s[type] && s[type].show && this[type][method]) {
+                        options = this.getOptions(s, type);
+                        options.fill = !!s.mouse.fillColor;
+                        options.fillStyle = this.processColor(s.mouse.fillColor || '#ffffff', {opacity: s.mouse.fillOpacity});
+                        options.color = s.mouse.lineColor;
+                        options.context = this.octx;
+                        options.index = index;
+                        if (args) options.args = args;
+                        this[type][method].call(this[type], options);
+                        success = true;
+                    }
+                }, this);
+            }
+            _.each(s, e, this);
+            return success;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Updates the mouse tracking point on the overlay.
+         */
+        drawHit: function (n) {
+            var octx = this.octx,
+                s = n.series;
+            if (s.mouse.lineColor) {
+      ;
+                octx.lineWidth = (s.points ? s.points.lineWidth : 1);
+                octx.strokeStyle = s.mouse.lineColor;
+                octx.fillStyle = this.processColor(s.mouse.fillColor || '#ffffff', {opacity: s.mouse.fillOpacity});
+                octx.translate(this.plotOffset.left,;
+                if (!this.hit.executeOnType(s, 'drawHit', n)) {
+                    var xa = n.xaxis,
+                        ya = n.yaxis;
+                    octx.beginPath();
+                    // TODO fix this (points) should move to general testable graph mixin
+                    octx.arc(xa.d2p(n.x), ya.d2p(n.y), s.points.radius || s.mouse.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);
+                    octx.fill();
+                    octx.stroke();
+                    octx.closePath();
+                }
+                octx.restore();
+                this.clip(octx);
+            }
+            this.prevHit = n;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Removes the mouse tracking point from the overlay.
+         */
+        clearHit: function () {
+            var prev = this.prevHit,
+                octx = this.octx,
+                plotOffset = this.plotOffset;
+  ;
+            octx.translate(plotOffset.left,;
+            if (prev) {
+                if (!this.hit.executeOnType(prev.series, 'clearHit', this.prevHit)) {
+                    // TODO fix this (points) should move to general testable graph mixin
+                    var
+                        s = prev.series,
+                        lw = (s.points ? s.points.lineWidth : 1);
+                    offset = (s.points.radius || s.mouse.radius) + lw;
+                    octx.clearRect(
+                        prev.xaxis.d2p(prev.x) - offset,
+                        prev.yaxis.d2p(prev.y) - offset,
+                        offset * 2,
+                        offset * 2
+                    );
+                }
+                D.hide(this.mouseTrack);
+                this.prevHit = null;
+            }
+            octx.restore();
+        },
+        /**
+         * Retrieves the nearest data point from the mouse cursor. If it's within
+         * a certain range, draw a point on the overlay canvas and display the x and y
+         * value of the data.
+         * @param {Object} mouse - Object that holds the relative x and y coordinates of the cursor.
+         */
+        hit: function (mouse) {
+            var
+                options = this.options,
+                prevHit = this.prevHit,
+                closest, sensibility, dataIndex, seriesIndex, series, value, xaxis, yaxis;
+            if (this.series.length === 0) return;
+            // Nearest data element.
+            // dist, x, y, relX, relY, absX, absY, sAngle, eAngle, fraction, mouse,
+            // xaxis, yaxis, series, index, seriesIndex
+            n = {
+                relX: mouse.relX,
+                relY: mouse.relY,
+                absX: mouse.absX,
+                absY: mouse.absY
+            };
+            if (options.mouse.trackY && !options.mouse.trackAll &&
+                this.hit.executeOnType(this.series, 'hit', [mouse, n])) {
+                if (!_.isUndefined(n.seriesIndex)) {
+                    series = this.series[n.seriesIndex];
+                    n.series = series;
+                    n.mouse = series.mouse;
+                    n.xaxis = series.xaxis;
+                    n.yaxis = series.yaxis;
+                }
+            } else {
+                closest = this.hit.closest(mouse);
+                if (closest) {
+                    closest = options.mouse.trackY ? closest.point : closest.x;
+                    seriesIndex = closest.seriesIndex;
+                    series = this.series[seriesIndex];
+                    xaxis = series.xaxis;
+                    yaxis = series.yaxis;
+                    sensibility = 2 * series.mouse.sensibility;
+                    if
+                        (options.mouse.trackAll ||
+                        (closest.distanceX < sensibility / xaxis.scale &&
+                            (!options.mouse.trackY || closest.distanceY < sensibility / yaxis.scale))) {
+                        n.series = series;
+                        n.xaxis = series.xaxis;
+                        n.yaxis = series.yaxis;
+                        n.mouse = series.mouse;
+                        n.x = closest.x;
+                        n.y = closest.y;
+                        n.dist = closest.distance;
+                        n.index = closest.dataIndex;
+                        n.seriesIndex = seriesIndex;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if (!prevHit || (prevHit.index !== n.index || prevHit.seriesIndex !== n.seriesIndex)) {
+                this.hit.clearHit();
+                if (n.series && n.mouse && n.mouse.track) {
+                    this.hit.drawMouseTrack(n);
+                    this.hit.drawHit(n);
+          , 'flotr:hit', [n, this]);
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        closest: function (mouse) {
+            var
+                series = this.series,
+                options = this.options,
+                relX = mouse.relX,
+                relY = mouse.relY,
+                compare = Number.MAX_VALUE,
+                compareX = Number.MAX_VALUE,
+                closest = {},
+                closestX = {},
+                check = false,
+                serie, data,
+                distance, distanceX, distanceY,
+                mouseX, mouseY,
+                x, y, i, j;
+            function setClosest(o) {
+                o.distance = distance;
+                o.distanceX = distanceX;
+                o.distanceY = distanceY;
+                o.seriesIndex = i;
+                o.dataIndex = j;
+                o.x = x;
+                o.y = y;
+            }
+            for (i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
+                serie = series[i];
+                data =;
+                mouseX = serie.xaxis.p2d(relX);
+                mouseY = serie.yaxis.p2d(relY);
+                if (data.length) check = true;
+                for (j = data.length; j--;) {
+                    x = data[j][0];
+                    y = data[j][1];
+                    if (x === null || y === null) continue;
+                    // don't check if the point isn't visible in the current range
+                    if (x < serie.xaxis.min || x > serie.xaxis.max) continue;
+                    distanceX = Math.abs(x - mouseX);
+                    distanceY = Math.abs(y - mouseY);
+                    // Skip square root for speed
+                    distance = distanceX * distanceX + distanceY * distanceY;
+                    if (distance < compare) {
+                        compare = distance;
+                        setClosest(closest);
+                    }
+                    if (distanceX < compareX) {
+                        compareX = distanceX;
+                        setClosest(closestX);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            return check ? {
+                point: closest,
+                x: closestX
+            } : false;
+        },
+        drawMouseTrack: function (n) {
+            var
+                pos = '',
+                s = n.series,
+                p = n.mouse.position,
+                m = n.mouse.margin,
+                elStyle = S_MOUSETRACK,
+                mouseTrack = this.mouseTrack,
+                plotOffset = this.plotOffset,
+                left = plotOffset.left,
+                right = plotOffset.right,
+                bottom = plotOffset.bottom,
+                top =,
+                decimals = n.mouse.trackDecimals,
+                options = this.options;
+            // Create
+            if (!mouseTrack) {
+                mouseTrack = D.node('<div class="flotr-mouse-value"></div>');
+                this.mouseTrack = mouseTrack;
+                D.insert(this.el, mouseTrack);
+            }
+            if (!n.mouse.relative) { // absolute to the canvas
+                if (p.charAt(0) == 'n') pos += 'top:' + (m + top) + 'px;bottom:auto;';
+                else if (p.charAt(0) == 's') pos += 'bottom:' + (m + bottom) + 'px;top:auto;';
+                if (p.charAt(1) == 'e') pos += 'right:' + (m + right) + 'px;left:auto;';
+                else if (p.charAt(1) == 'w') pos += 'left:' + (m + left) + 'px;right:auto;';
+                // Bars
+            } else if ( {
+                pos += 'bottom:' + (m - top - n.yaxis.d2p(n.y / 2) + this.canvasHeight) + 'px;top:auto;';
+                pos += 'left:' + (m + left + n.xaxis.d2p(n.x - options.bars.barWidth / 2)) + 'px;right:auto;';
+                // Pie
+            } else if ( {
+                var center = {
+                        x: (this.plotWidth) / 2,
+                        y: (this.plotHeight) / 2
+                    },
+                    radius = (Math.min(this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight) * s.pie.sizeRatio) / 2,
+                    bisection = n.sAngle < n.eAngle ? (n.sAngle + n.eAngle) / 2 : (n.sAngle + n.eAngle + 2 * Math.PI) / 2;
+                pos += 'bottom:' + (m - top - center.y - Math.sin(bisection) * radius / 2 + this.canvasHeight) + 'px;top:auto;';
+                pos += 'left:' + (m + left + center.x + Math.cos(bisection) * radius / 2) + 'px;right:auto;';
+                // Default
+            } else {
+                if (p.charAt(0) == 'n') pos += 'bottom:' + (m - top - n.yaxis.d2p(n.y) + this.canvasHeight) + 'px;top:auto;';
+                else if (p.charAt(0) == 's') pos += 'top:' + (m + top + n.yaxis.d2p(n.y)) + 'px;bottom:auto;';
+                if (p.charAt(1) == 'e') pos += 'left:' + (m + left + n.xaxis.d2p(n.x)) + 'px;right:auto;';
+                else if (p.charAt(1) == 'w') pos += 'right:' + (m - left - n.xaxis.d2p(n.x) + this.canvasWidth) + 'px;left:auto;';
+            }
+            elStyle += pos;
+   = elStyle;
+            if (!decimals || decimals < 0) decimals = 0;
+            mouseTrack.innerHTML = n.mouse.trackFormatter({
+                x: n.x.toFixed(decimals),
+                y: n.y.toFixed(decimals),
+                series: n.series,
+                index: n.index,
+                nearest: n,
+                fraction: n.fraction
+            });
+  ;
+        }
-  },
-  extendRange : function (series) {
-    var
-      data  =,
-      xa    = series.xaxis,
-      ya    = series.yaxis,
-      w     = series.timeline.barWidth;
-    if (xa.options.min === null)
-      xa.min = xa.datamin - w / 2;
-    if (xa.options.max === null) {
-      var
-        max = xa.max;
-      Flotr._.each(data, function (timeline) {
-        max = Math.max(max, timeline[0] + timeline[2]);
-      }, this);
-      xa.max = max + w / 2;
-    }
-    if (ya.options.min === null)
-      ya.min = ya.datamin - w;
-    if (ya.options.min === null)
-      ya.max = ya.datamax + w;
-  }
-(function () {
-var D = Flotr.DOM;
-Flotr.addPlugin('crosshair', {
-  options: {
-    mode: null,            // => one of null, 'x', 'y' or 'xy'
-    color: '#FF0000',      // => crosshair color
-    hideCursor: true       // => hide the cursor when the crosshair is shown
-  },
-  callbacks: {
-    'flotr:mousemove': function(e, pos) {
-      if (this.options.crosshair.mode) {
-        this.crosshair.clearCrosshair();
-        this.crosshair.drawCrosshair(pos);
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  /**   
-   * Draws the selection box.
-   */
-  drawCrosshair: function(pos) {
-    var octx = this.octx,
-      options = this.options.crosshair,
-      plotOffset = this.plotOffset,
-      x = plotOffset.left + pos.relX + 0.5,
-      y = + pos.relY + 0.5;
-    if (pos.relX < 0 || pos.relY < 0 || pos.relX > this.plotWidth || pos.relY > this.plotHeight) {
- = null;
-      D.removeClass(this.el, 'flotr-crosshair');
-      return; 
-    }
-    if (options.hideCursor) {
- = 'none';
-      D.addClass(this.el, 'flotr-crosshair');
-    }
-    octx.strokeStyle = options.color;
-    octx.lineWidth = 1;
-    octx.beginPath();
-    if (options.mode.indexOf('x') != -1) {
-      octx.moveTo(x,;
-      octx.lineTo(x, + this.plotHeight);
-    }
-    if (options.mode.indexOf('y') != -1) {
-      octx.moveTo(plotOffset.left, y);
-      octx.lineTo(plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth, y);
-    }
-    octx.stroke();
-    octx.restore();
-  },
-  /**
-   * Removes the selection box from the overlay canvas.
-   */
-  clearCrosshair: function() {
-    var
-      plotOffset = this.plotOffset,
-      position = this.lastMousePos,
-      context = this.octx;
-    if (position) {
-      context.clearRect(
-        position.relX + plotOffset.left,
-        1,
-        this.plotHeight + 1
-      );
-      context.clearRect(
-        plotOffset.left,
-        position.relY +,
-        this.plotWidth + 1,
-        1
-      );    
-    }
-  }
-(function() {
-  D = Flotr.DOM,
-  _ = Flotr._;
-function getImage (type, canvas, width, height) {
-  // TODO add scaling for w / h
-  var
-    mime = 'image/'+type,
-    data = canvas.toDataURL(mime),
-    image = new Image();
-  image.src = data;
-  return image;
-Flotr.addPlugin('download', {
-  saveImage: function (type, width, height, replaceCanvas) {
-    var image = null;
-    if (Flotr.isIE && Flotr.isIE < 9) {
-      image = '<html><body>'+this.canvas.firstChild.innerHTML+'</body></html>';
-      return;
-    }
-    if (type !== 'jpeg' && type !== 'png') return;
-    image = getImage(type, this.canvas, width, height);
-    if (_.isElement(image) && replaceCanvas) {
-      D.hide(this.canvas);
-      D.hide(this.overlay);
-      D.setStyles({position: 'absolute'});
-      D.insert(this.el, image);
-      this.saveImageElement = image;
-    } else {
-      return;
-    }
-  },
-  restoreCanvas: function() {
-    if (this.saveImageElement) this.el.removeChild(this.saveImageElement);
-    this.saveImageElement = null;
-  }
-(function () {
-var E = Flotr.EventAdapter,
-    _ = Flotr._;
-Flotr.addPlugin('graphGrid', {
-  callbacks: {
-    'flotr:beforedraw' : function () {
-      this.graphGrid.drawGrid();
-    },
-    'flotr:afterdraw' : function () {
-      this.graphGrid.drawOutline();
-    }
-  },
-  drawGrid: function(){
-    var
-      ctx = this.ctx,
-      options = this.options,
-      grid = options.grid,
-      verticalLines = grid.verticalLines,
-      horizontalLines = grid.horizontalLines,
-      minorVerticalLines = grid.minorVerticalLines,
-      minorHorizontalLines = grid.minorHorizontalLines,
-      plotHeight = this.plotHeight,
-      plotWidth = this.plotWidth,
-      a, v, i, j;
-    if(verticalLines || minorVerticalLines || 
-           horizontalLines || minorHorizontalLines){
-, 'flotr:beforegrid', [this.axes.x, this.axes.y, options, this]);
-    }
-    ctx.lineWidth = 1;
-    ctx.strokeStyle = grid.tickColor;
-    function circularHorizontalTicks (ticks) {
-      for(i = 0; i < ticks.length; ++i){
-        var ratio = ticks[i].v / a.max;
-        for(j = 0; j <= sides; ++j){
-          ctx[j === 0 ? 'moveTo' : 'lineTo'](
-            Math.cos(j*coeff+angle)*radius*ratio,
-            Math.sin(j*coeff+angle)*radius*ratio
-          );
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    function drawGridLines (ticks, callback) {
-      _.each(_.pluck(ticks, 'v'), function(v){
-        // Don't show lines on upper and lower bounds.
-        if ((v <= a.min || v >= a.max) || 
-            (v == a.min || v == a.max) && grid.outlineWidth)
-          return;
-        callback(Math.floor(a.d2p(v)) + ctx.lineWidth/2);
-      });
-    }
-    function drawVerticalLines (x) {
-      ctx.moveTo(x, 0);
-      ctx.lineTo(x, plotHeight);
-    }
-    function drawHorizontalLines (y) {
-      ctx.moveTo(0, y);
-      ctx.lineTo(plotWidth, y);
-    }
-    if (grid.circular) {
-      ctx.translate(this.plotOffset.left+plotWidth/2,;
-      var radius = Math.min(plotHeight, plotWidth)*options.radar.radiusRatio/2,
-          sides = this.axes.x.ticks.length,
-          coeff = 2*(Math.PI/sides),
-          angle = -Math.PI/2;
-      // Draw grid lines in vertical direction.
-      ctx.beginPath();
-      a = this.axes.y;
-      if(horizontalLines){
-        circularHorizontalTicks(a.ticks);
-      }
-      if(minorHorizontalLines){
-        circularHorizontalTicks(a.minorTicks);
-      }
-      if(verticalLines){
-        _.times(sides, function(i){
-          ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
-          ctx.lineTo(Math.cos(i*coeff+angle)*radius, Math.sin(i*coeff+angle)*radius);
-        });
-      }
-      ctx.stroke();
-    }
-    else {
-      ctx.translate(this.plotOffset.left,;
-      // Draw grid background, if present in options.
-      if(grid.backgroundColor){
-        ctx.fillStyle = this.processColor(grid.backgroundColor, {x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: plotWidth, y2: plotHeight});
-        ctx.fillRect(0, 0, plotWidth, plotHeight);
-      }
-      ctx.beginPath();
-      a = this.axes.x;
-      if (verticalLines)        drawGridLines(a.ticks, drawVerticalLines);
-      if (minorVerticalLines)   drawGridLines(a.minorTicks, drawVerticalLines);
-      a = this.axes.y;
-      if (horizontalLines)      drawGridLines(a.ticks, drawHorizontalLines);
-      if (minorHorizontalLines) drawGridLines(a.minorTicks, drawHorizontalLines);
-      ctx.stroke();
-    }
-    ctx.restore();
-    if(verticalLines || minorVerticalLines ||
-       horizontalLines || minorHorizontalLines){
-, 'flotr:aftergrid', [this.axes.x, this.axes.y, options, this]);
-    }
-  }, 
-  drawOutline: function(){
-    var
-      that = this,
-      options = that.options,
-      grid = options.grid,
-      outline = grid.outline,
-      ctx = that.ctx,
-      backgroundImage = grid.backgroundImage,
-      plotOffset = that.plotOffset,
-      leftOffset = plotOffset.left,
-      topOffset =,
-      plotWidth = that.plotWidth,
-      plotHeight = that.plotHeight,
-      v, img, src, left, top, globalAlpha;
-    if (!grid.outlineWidth) return;
-    if (grid.circular) {
-      ctx.translate(leftOffset + plotWidth / 2, topOffset + plotHeight / 2);
-      var radius = Math.min(plotHeight, plotWidth) * options.radar.radiusRatio / 2,
-          sides = this.axes.x.ticks.length,
-          coeff = 2*(Math.PI/sides),
-          angle = -Math.PI/2;
-      // Draw axis/grid border.
-      ctx.beginPath();
-      ctx.lineWidth = grid.outlineWidth;
-      ctx.strokeStyle = grid.color;
-      ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
-      for(i = 0; i <= sides; ++i){
-        ctx[i === 0 ? 'moveTo' : 'lineTo'](Math.cos(i*coeff+angle)*radius, Math.sin(i*coeff+angle)*radius);
-      }
-      //ctx.arc(0, 0, radius, 0, Math.PI*2, true);
-      ctx.stroke();
-    }
-    else {
-      ctx.translate(leftOffset, topOffset);
-      // Draw axis/grid border.
-      var lw = grid.outlineWidth,
-          orig = 0.5-lw+((lw+1)%2/2),
-          lineTo = 'lineTo',
-          moveTo = 'moveTo';
-      ctx.lineWidth = lw;
-      ctx.strokeStyle = grid.color;
-      ctx.lineJoin = 'miter';
-      ctx.beginPath();
-      ctx.moveTo(orig, orig);
-      plotWidth = plotWidth - (lw / 2) % 1;
-      plotHeight = plotHeight + lw / 2;
-      ctx[outline.indexOf('n') !== -1 ? lineTo : moveTo](plotWidth, orig);
-      ctx[outline.indexOf('e') !== -1 ? lineTo : moveTo](plotWidth, plotHeight);
-      ctx[outline.indexOf('s') !== -1 ? lineTo : moveTo](orig, plotHeight);
-      ctx[outline.indexOf('w') !== -1 ? lineTo : moveTo](orig, orig);
-      ctx.stroke();
-      ctx.closePath();
-    }
-    ctx.restore();
-    if (backgroundImage) {
-      src = backgroundImage.src || backgroundImage;
-      left = (parseInt(backgroundImage.left, 10) || 0) + plotOffset.left;
-      top = (parseInt(, 10) || 0) +;
-      img = new Image();
-      img.onload = function() {
-        if (backgroundImage.alpha) ctx.globalAlpha = backgroundImage.alpha;
-        ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-over';
-        ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height, left, top, plotWidth, plotHeight);
-        ctx.restore();
-      };
-      img.src = src;
-    }
-  }
-(function () {
-  D = Flotr.DOM,
-  _ = Flotr._,
-  flotr = Flotr,
-  S_MOUSETRACK = 'opacity:0.7;background-color:#000;color:#fff;display:none;position:absolute;padding:2px 8px;-moz-border-radius:4px;border-radius:4px;white-space:nowrap;';
-Flotr.addPlugin('hit', {
-  callbacks: {
-    'flotr:mousemove': function(e, pos) {
-      this.hit.track(pos);
-    },
-    'flotr:click': function(pos) {
-      this.hit.track(pos);
-    },
-    'flotr:mouseout': function() {
-      this.hit.clearHit();
-    }
-  },
-  track : function (pos) {
-    if (this.options.mouse.track || _.any(this.series, function(s){return s.mouse && s.mouse.track;})) {
-      this.hit.hit(pos);
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Try a method on a graph type.  If the method exists, execute it.
-   * @param {Object} series
-   * @param {String} method  Method name.
-   * @param {Array} args  Arguments applied to method.
-   * @return executed successfully or failed.
-   */
-  executeOnType: function(s, method, args){
-    var
-      success = false,
-      options;
-    if (!_.isArray(s)) s = [s];
-    function e(s, index) {
-      _.each(_.keys(flotr.graphTypes), function (type) {
-        if (s[type] && s[type].show && this[type][method]) {
-          options = this.getOptions(s, type);
-          options.fill = !!s.mouse.fillColor;
-          options.fillStyle = this.processColor(s.mouse.fillColor || '#ffffff', {opacity: s.mouse.fillOpacity});
-          options.color = s.mouse.lineColor;
-          options.context = this.octx;
-          options.index = index;
-          if (args) options.args = args;
-          this[type][method].call(this[type], options);
-          success = true;
-        }
-      }, this);
-    }
-    _.each(s, e, this);
-    return success;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Updates the mouse tracking point on the overlay.
-   */
-  drawHit: function(n){
-    var octx = this.octx,
-      s = n.series;
-    if (s.mouse.lineColor) {
-      octx.lineWidth = (s.points ? s.points.lineWidth : 1);
-      octx.strokeStyle = s.mouse.lineColor;
-      octx.fillStyle = this.processColor(s.mouse.fillColor || '#ffffff', {opacity: s.mouse.fillOpacity});
-      octx.translate(this.plotOffset.left,;
-      if (!this.hit.executeOnType(s, 'drawHit', n)) {
-        var xa = n.xaxis,
-          ya = n.yaxis;
-        octx.beginPath();
-          // TODO fix this (points) should move to general testable graph mixin
-          octx.arc(xa.d2p(n.x), ya.d2p(n.y), s.points.radius || s.mouse.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);
-          octx.fill();
-          octx.stroke();
-        octx.closePath();
-      }
-      octx.restore();
-      this.clip(octx);
-    }
-    this.prevHit = n;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Removes the mouse tracking point from the overlay.
-   */
-  clearHit: function(){
-    var prev = this.prevHit,
-        octx = this.octx,
-        plotOffset = this.plotOffset;
-    octx.translate(plotOffset.left,;
-    if (prev) {
-      if (!this.hit.executeOnType(prev.series, 'clearHit', this.prevHit)) {
-        // TODO fix this (points) should move to general testable graph mixin
-        var
-          s = prev.series,
-          lw = (s.points ? s.points.lineWidth : 1);
-          offset = (s.points.radius || s.mouse.radius) + lw;
-        octx.clearRect(
-          prev.xaxis.d2p(prev.x) - offset,
-          prev.yaxis.d2p(prev.y) - offset,
-          offset*2,
-          offset*2
-        );
-      }
-      D.hide(this.mouseTrack);
-      this.prevHit = null;
-    }
-    octx.restore();
-  },
-  /**
-   * Retrieves the nearest data point from the mouse cursor. If it's within
-   * a certain range, draw a point on the overlay canvas and display the x and y
-   * value of the data.
-   * @param {Object} mouse - Object that holds the relative x and y coordinates of the cursor.
-   */
-  hit: function(mouse){
-    var
-      options = this.options,
-      prevHit = this.prevHit,
-      closest, sensibility, dataIndex, seriesIndex, series, value, xaxis, yaxis;
-    if (this.series.length === 0) return;
-    // Nearest data element.
-    // dist, x, y, relX, relY, absX, absY, sAngle, eAngle, fraction, mouse,
-    // xaxis, yaxis, series, index, seriesIndex
-    n = {
-      relX : mouse.relX,
-      relY : mouse.relY,
-      absX : mouse.absX,
-      absY : mouse.absY
-    };
-    if (options.mouse.trackY &&
-        !options.mouse.trackAll &&
-        this.hit.executeOnType(this.series, 'hit', [mouse, n]))
-      {
-      if (!_.isUndefined(n.seriesIndex)) {
-        series    = this.series[n.seriesIndex];
-        n.series  = series;
-        n.mouse   = series.mouse;
-        n.xaxis   = series.xaxis;
-        n.yaxis   = series.yaxis;
-      }
-    } else {
-      closest = this.hit.closest(mouse);
-      if (closest) {
-        closest     = options.mouse.trackY ? closest.point : closest.x;
-        seriesIndex = closest.seriesIndex;
-        series      = this.series[seriesIndex];
-        xaxis       = series.xaxis;
-        yaxis       = series.yaxis;
-        sensibility = 2 * series.mouse.sensibility;
-        if
-          (options.mouse.trackAll ||
-          (closest.distanceX < sensibility / xaxis.scale &&
-          (!options.mouse.trackY || closest.distanceY < sensibility / yaxis.scale)))
-        {
-          n.series      = series;
-          n.xaxis       = series.xaxis;
-          n.yaxis       = series.yaxis;
-          n.mouse       = series.mouse;
-          n.x           = closest.x;
-          n.y           = closest.y;
-          n.dist        = closest.distance;
-          n.index       = closest.dataIndex;
-          n.seriesIndex = seriesIndex;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (!prevHit || (prevHit.index !== n.index || prevHit.seriesIndex !== n.seriesIndex)) {
-      this.hit.clearHit();
-      if (n.series && n.mouse && n.mouse.track) {
-        this.hit.drawMouseTrack(n);
-        this.hit.drawHit(n);
-, 'flotr:hit', [n, this]);
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  closest : function (mouse) {
-    var
-      series    = this.series,
-      options   = this.options,
-      relX      = mouse.relX,
-      relY      = mouse.relY,
-      compare   = Number.MAX_VALUE,
-      compareX  = Number.MAX_VALUE,
-      closest   = {},
-      closestX  = {},
-      check     = false,
-      serie, data,
-      distance, distanceX, distanceY,
-      mouseX, mouseY,
-      x, y, i, j;
-    function setClosest (o) {
-      o.distance = distance;
-      o.distanceX = distanceX;
-      o.distanceY = distanceY;
-      o.seriesIndex = i;
-      o.dataIndex = j;
-      o.x = x;
-      o.y = y;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
-      serie = series[i];
-      data =;
-      mouseX = serie.xaxis.p2d(relX);
-      mouseY = serie.yaxis.p2d(relY);
-      if (data.length) check = true;
-      for (j = data.length; j--;) {
-        x = data[j][0];
-        y = data[j][1];
-        if (x === null || y === null) continue;
-        // don't check if the point isn't visible in the current range
-        if (x < serie.xaxis.min || x > serie.xaxis.max) continue;
-        distanceX = Math.abs(x - mouseX);
-        distanceY = Math.abs(y - mouseY);
-        // Skip square root for speed
-        distance = distanceX * distanceX + distanceY * distanceY;
-        if (distance < compare) {
-          compare = distance;
-          setClosest(closest);
-        }
-        if (distanceX < compareX) {
-          compareX = distanceX;
-          setClosest(closestX);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return check ? {
-      point : closest,
-      x : closestX
-    } : false;
-  },
-  drawMouseTrack : function (n) {
-    var
-      pos         = '', 
-      s           = n.series,
-      p           = n.mouse.position, 
-      m           = n.mouse.margin,
-      elStyle     = S_MOUSETRACK,
-      mouseTrack  = this.mouseTrack,
-      plotOffset  = this.plotOffset,
-      left        = plotOffset.left,
-      right       = plotOffset.right,
-      bottom      = plotOffset.bottom,
-      top         =,
-      decimals    = n.mouse.trackDecimals,
-      options     = this.options;
-    // Create
-    if (!mouseTrack) {
-      mouseTrack = D.node('<div class="flotr-mouse-value"></div>');
-      this.mouseTrack = mouseTrack;
-      D.insert(this.el, mouseTrack);
-    }
-    if (!n.mouse.relative) { // absolute to the canvas
-      if      (p.charAt(0) == 'n') pos += 'top:' + (m + top) + 'px;bottom:auto;';
-      else if (p.charAt(0) == 's') pos += 'bottom:' + (m + bottom) + 'px;top:auto;';
-      if      (p.charAt(1) == 'e') pos += 'right:' + (m + right) + 'px;left:auto;';
-      else if (p.charAt(1) == 'w') pos += 'left:' + (m + left) + 'px;right:auto;';
-    // Bars
-    } else if ( {
-        pos += 'bottom:' + (m - top - n.yaxis.d2p(n.y/2) + this.canvasHeight) + 'px;top:auto;';
-        pos += 'left:' + (m + left + n.xaxis.d2p(n.x - options.bars.barWidth/2)) + 'px;right:auto;';
-    // Pie
-    } else if ( {
-      var center = {
-          x: (this.plotWidth)/2,
-          y: (this.plotHeight)/2
-        },
-        radius = (Math.min(this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight) * s.pie.sizeRatio) / 2,
-        bisection = n.sAngle<n.eAngle ? (n.sAngle + n.eAngle) / 2: (n.sAngle + n.eAngle + 2* Math.PI) / 2;
-      pos += 'bottom:' + (m - top - center.y - Math.sin(bisection) * radius/2 + this.canvasHeight) + 'px;top:auto;';
-      pos += 'left:' + (m + left + center.x + Math.cos(bisection) * radius/2) + 'px;right:auto;';
-    // Default
-    } else {
-      if      (p.charAt(0) == 'n') pos += 'bottom:' + (m - top - n.yaxis.d2p(n.y) + this.canvasHeight) + 'px;top:auto;';
-      else if (p.charAt(0) == 's') pos += 'top:' + (m + top + n.yaxis.d2p(n.y)) + 'px;bottom:auto;';
-      if      (p.charAt(1) == 'e') pos += 'left:' + (m + left + n.xaxis.d2p(n.x)) + 'px;right:auto;';
-      else if (p.charAt(1) == 'w') pos += 'right:' + (m - left - n.xaxis.d2p(n.x) + this.canvasWidth) + 'px;left:auto;';
-    }
-    elStyle += pos;
- = elStyle;
-    if (!decimals || decimals < 0) decimals = 0;
-    mouseTrack.innerHTML = n.mouse.trackFormatter({
-      x: n.x.toFixed(decimals), 
-      y: n.y.toFixed(decimals), 
-      series: n.series, 
-      index: n.index,
-      nearest: n,
-      fraction: n.fraction
-    });
-  }
  * Selection Handles Plugin
@@ -5758,834 +5825,866 @@
 (function () {
-function isLeftClick (e, type) {
-  return (e.which ? (e.which === 1) : (e.button === 0 || e.button === 1));
-function boundX(x, graph) {
-  return Math.min(Math.max(0, x), graph.plotWidth - 1);
-function boundY(y, graph) {
-  return Math.min(Math.max(0, y), graph.plotHeight);
-  D = Flotr.DOM,
-  E = Flotr.EventAdapter,
-  _ = Flotr._;
-Flotr.addPlugin('selection', {
-  options: {
-    pinchOnly: null,       // Only select on pinch
-    mode: null,            // => one of null, 'x', 'y' or 'xy'
-    color: '#B6D9FF',      // => selection box color
-    fps: 20                // => frames-per-second
-  },
-  callbacks: {
-    'flotr:mouseup' : function (event) {
-      var
-        options = this.options.selection,
-        selection = this.selection,
-        pointer = this.getEventPosition(event);
-      if (!options || !options.mode) return;
-      if (selection.interval) clearInterval(selection.interval);
-      if (this.multitouches) {
-        selection.updateSelection();
-      } else
-      if (!options.pinchOnly) {
-        selection.setSelectionPos(selection.selection.second, pointer);
-      }
-      selection.clearSelection();
-      if(selection.selecting && selection.selectionIsSane()){
-        selection.drawSelection();
-        selection.fireSelectEvent();
-        this.ignoreClick = true;
-      }
-    },
-    'flotr:mousedown' : function (event) {
-      var
-        options = this.options.selection,
-        selection = this.selection,
-        pointer = this.getEventPosition(event);
-      if (!options || !options.mode) return;
-      if (!options.mode || (!isLeftClick(event) && _.isUndefined(event.touches))) return;
-      if (!options.pinchOnly) selection.setSelectionPos(selection.selection.first, pointer);
-      if (selection.interval) clearInterval(selection.interval);
-      this.lastMousePos.pageX = null;
-      selection.selecting = false;
-      selection.interval = setInterval(
-        _.bind(selection.updateSelection, this),
-        1000 / options.fps
-      );
-    },
-    'flotr:destroy' : function (event) {
-      clearInterval(this.selection.interval);
+    function isLeftClick(e, type) {
+        return (e.which ? (e.which === 1) : (e.button === 0 || e.button === 1));
-  },
-  // TODO This isn't used.  Maybe it belongs in the draw area and fire select event methods?
-  getArea: function() {
-    var s = this.selection.selection,
-      first = s.first,
-      second = s.second;
-    return {
-      x1: Math.min(first.x, second.x),
-      x2: Math.max(first.x, second.x),
-      y1: Math.min(first.y, second.y),
-      y2: Math.max(first.y, second.y)
-    };
-  },
-  selection: {first: {x: -1, y: -1}, second: {x: -1, y: -1}},
-  prevSelection: null,
-  interval: null,
-  /**
-   * Fires the 'flotr:select' event when the user made a selection.
-   */
-  fireSelectEvent: function(name){
-    var a = this.axes,
-        s = this.selection.selection,
-        x1, x2, y1, y2;
-    name = name || 'select';
-    x1 = a.x.p2d(s.first.x);
-    x2 = a.x.p2d(s.second.x);
-    y1 = a.y.p2d(s.first.y);
-    y2 = a.y.p2d(s.second.y);
-, 'flotr:'+name, [{
-      x1:Math.min(x1, x2), 
-      y1:Math.min(y1, y2), 
-      x2:Math.max(x1, x2), 
-      y2:Math.max(y1, y2),
-      xfirst:x1, xsecond:x2, yfirst:y1, ysecond:y2
-    }, this]);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Allows the user the manually select an area.
-   * @param {Object} area - Object with coordinates to select.
-   */
-  setSelection: function(area, preventEvent){
-    var options = this.options,
-      xa = this.axes.x,
-      ya = this.axes.y,
-      vertScale = ya.scale,
-      hozScale = xa.scale,
-      selX = options.selection.mode.indexOf('x') != -1,
-      selY = options.selection.mode.indexOf('y') != -1,
-      s = this.selection.selection;
-    this.selection.clearSelection();
-    s.first.y  = boundY((selX && !selY) ? 0 : (ya.max - area.y1) * vertScale, this);
-    s.second.y = boundY((selX && !selY) ? this.plotHeight - 1: (ya.max - area.y2) * vertScale, this);
-    s.first.x  = boundX((selY && !selX) ? 0 : area.x1, this);
-    s.second.x = boundX((selY && !selX) ? this.plotWidth : area.x2, this);
-    this.selection.drawSelection();
-    if (!preventEvent)
-      this.selection.fireSelectEvent();
-  },
-  /**
-   * Calculates the position of the selection.
-   * @param {Object} pos - Position object.
-   * @param {Event} event - Event object.
-   */
-  setSelectionPos: function(pos, pointer) {
-    var mode = this.options.selection.mode,
-        selection = this.selection.selection;
-    if(mode.indexOf('x') == -1) {
-      pos.x = (pos == selection.first) ? 0 : this.plotWidth;         
-    }else{
-      pos.x = boundX(pointer.relX, this);
+    function boundX(x, graph) {
+        return Math.min(Math.max(0, x), graph.plotWidth - 1);
-    if (mode.indexOf('y') == -1) {
-      pos.y = (pos == selection.first) ? 0 : this.plotHeight - 1;
-    }else{
-      pos.y = boundY(pointer.relY, this);
+    function boundY(y, graph) {
+        return Math.min(Math.max(0, y), graph.plotHeight);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Draws the selection box.
-   */
-  drawSelection: function() {
-    this.selection.fireSelectEvent('selecting');
-    var s = this.selection.selection,
-      octx = this.octx,
-      options = this.options,
-      plotOffset = this.plotOffset,
-      prevSelection = this.selection.prevSelection;
-    if (prevSelection &&
-      s.first.x == prevSelection.first.x &&
-      s.first.y == prevSelection.first.y && 
-      s.second.x == prevSelection.second.x &&
-      s.second.y == prevSelection.second.y) {
-      return;
+    var
+        D = Flotr.DOM,
+        E = Flotr.EventAdapter,
+        _ = Flotr._;
+    Flotr.addPlugin('selection', {
+        options: {
+            pinchOnly: null,       // Only select on pinch
+            mode: null,            // => one of null, 'x', 'y' or 'xy'
+            color: '#B6D9FF',      // => selection box color
+            fps: 20                // => frames-per-second
+        },
+        callbacks: {
+            'flotr:mouseup': function (event) {
+                var
+                    options = this.options.selection,
+                    selection = this.selection,
+                    pointer = this.getEventPosition(event);
+                if (!options || !options.mode) return;
+                if (selection.interval) clearInterval(selection.interval);
+                if (this.multitouches) {
+                    selection.updateSelection();
+                } else if (!options.pinchOnly) {
+                    selection.setSelectionPos(selection.selection.second, pointer);
+                }
+                selection.clearSelection();
+                if (selection.selecting && selection.selectionIsSane()) {
+                    selection.drawSelection();
+                    selection.fireSelectEvent();
+                    this.ignoreClick = true;
+                }
+            },
+            'flotr:mousedown': function (event) {
+                var
+                    options = this.options.selection,
+                    selection = this.selection,
+                    pointer = this.getEventPosition(event);
+                if (!options || !options.mode) return;
+                if (!options.mode || (!isLeftClick(event) && _.isUndefined(event.touches))) return;
+                if (!options.pinchOnly) selection.setSelectionPos(selection.selection.first, pointer);
+                if (selection.interval) clearInterval(selection.interval);
+                this.lastMousePos.pageX = null;
+                selection.selecting = false;
+                selection.interval = setInterval(
+                    _.bind(selection.updateSelection, this),
+                    1000 / options.fps
+                );
+            },
+            'flotr:destroy': function (event) {
+                clearInterval(this.selection.interval);
+            }
+        },
+        // TODO This isn't used.  Maybe it belongs in the draw area and fire select event methods?
+        getArea: function () {
+            var s = this.selection.selection,
+                first = s.first,
+                second = s.second;
+            return {
+                x1: Math.min(first.x, second.x),
+                x2: Math.max(first.x, second.x),
+                y1: Math.min(first.y, second.y),
+                y2: Math.max(first.y, second.y)
+            };
+        },
+        selection: {first: {x: -1, y: -1}, second: {x: -1, y: -1}},
+        prevSelection: null,
+        interval: null,
+        /**
+         * Fires the 'flotr:select' event when the user made a selection.
+         */
+        fireSelectEvent: function (name) {
+            var a = this.axes,
+                s = this.selection.selection,
+                x1, x2, y1, y2;
+            name = name || 'select';
+            x1 = a.x.p2d(s.first.x);
+            x2 = a.x.p2d(s.second.x);
+            y1 = a.y.p2d(s.first.y);
+            y2 = a.y.p2d(s.second.y);
+  , 'flotr:' + name, [
+                {
+                    x1: Math.min(x1, x2),
+                    y1: Math.min(y1, y2),
+                    x2: Math.max(x1, x2),
+                    y2: Math.max(y1, y2),
+                    xfirst: x1, xsecond: x2, yfirst: y1, ysecond: y2
+                },
+                this
+            ]);
+        },
+        /**
+         * Allows the user the manually select an area.
+         * @param {Object} area - Object with coordinates to select.
+         */
+        setSelection: function (area, preventEvent) {
+            var options = this.options,
+                xa = this.axes.x,
+                ya = this.axes.y,
+                vertScale = ya.scale,
+                hozScale = xa.scale,
+                selX = options.selection.mode.indexOf('x') != -1,
+                selY = options.selection.mode.indexOf('y') != -1,
+                s = this.selection.selection;
+            this.selection.clearSelection();
+            s.first.y = boundY((selX && !selY) ? 0 : (ya.max - area.y1) * vertScale, this);
+            s.second.y = boundY((selX && !selY) ? this.plotHeight - 1 : (ya.max - area.y2) * vertScale, this);
+            s.first.x = boundX((selY && !selX) ? 0 : area.x1, this);
+            s.second.x = boundX((selY && !selX) ? this.plotWidth : area.x2, this);
+            this.selection.drawSelection();
+            if (!preventEvent)
+                this.selection.fireSelectEvent();
+        },
+        /**
+         * Calculates the position of the selection.
+         * @param {Object} pos - Position object.
+         * @param {Event} event - Event object.
+         */
+        setSelectionPos: function (pos, pointer) {
+            var mode = this.options.selection.mode,
+                selection = this.selection.selection;
+            if (mode.indexOf('x') == -1) {
+                pos.x = (pos == selection.first) ? 0 : this.plotWidth;
+            } else {
+                pos.x = boundX(pointer.relX, this);
+            }
+            if (mode.indexOf('y') == -1) {
+                pos.y = (pos == selection.first) ? 0 : this.plotHeight - 1;
+            } else {
+                pos.y = boundY(pointer.relY, this);
+            }
+        },
+        /**
+         * Draws the selection box.
+         */
+        drawSelection: function () {
+            this.selection.fireSelectEvent('selecting');
+            var s = this.selection.selection,
+                octx = this.octx,
+                options = this.options,
+                plotOffset = this.plotOffset,
+                prevSelection = this.selection.prevSelection;
+            if (prevSelection &&
+                s.first.x == prevSelection.first.x &&
+                s.first.y == prevSelection.first.y &&
+                s.second.x == prevSelection.second.x &&
+                s.second.y == prevSelection.second.y) {
+                return;
+            }
+  ;
+            octx.strokeStyle = this.processColor(options.selection.color, {opacity: 0.8});
+            octx.lineWidth = 1;
+            octx.lineJoin = 'miter';
+            octx.fillStyle = this.processColor(options.selection.color, {opacity: 0.4});
+            this.selection.prevSelection = {
+                first: { x: s.first.x, y: s.first.y },
+                second: { x: s.second.x, y: s.second.y }
+            };
+            var x = Math.min(s.first.x, s.second.x),
+                y = Math.min(s.first.y, s.second.y),
+                w = Math.abs(s.second.x - s.first.x),
+                h = Math.abs(s.second.y - s.first.y);
+            octx.fillRect(x + plotOffset.left + 0.5, y + + 0.5, w, h);
+            octx.strokeRect(x + plotOffset.left + 0.5, y + + 0.5, w, h);
+            octx.restore();
+        },
+        /**
+         * Updates (draws) the selection box.
+         */
+        updateSelection: function () {
+            if (!this.lastMousePos.pageX) return;
+            this.selection.selecting = true;
+            if (this.multitouches) {
+                this.selection.setSelectionPos(this.selection.selection.first, this.getEventPosition(this.multitouches[0]));
+                this.selection.setSelectionPos(this.selection.selection.second, this.getEventPosition(this.multitouches[1]));
+            } else if (this.options.selection.pinchOnly) {
+                return;
+            } else {
+                this.selection.setSelectionPos(this.selection.selection.second, this.lastMousePos);
+            }
+            this.selection.clearSelection();
+            if (this.selection.selectionIsSane()) {
+                this.selection.drawSelection();
+            }
+        },
+        /**
+         * Removes the selection box from the overlay canvas.
+         */
+        clearSelection: function () {
+            if (!this.selection.prevSelection) return;
+            var prevSelection = this.selection.prevSelection,
+                lw = 1,
+                plotOffset = this.plotOffset,
+                x = Math.min(prevSelection.first.x, prevSelection.second.x),
+                y = Math.min(prevSelection.first.y, prevSelection.second.y),
+                w = Math.abs(prevSelection.second.x - prevSelection.first.x),
+                h = Math.abs(prevSelection.second.y - prevSelection.first.y);
+            this.octx.clearRect(x + plotOffset.left - lw + 0.5,
+                y + - lw,
+                w + 2 * lw + 0.5,
+                h + 2 * lw + 0.5);
+            this.selection.prevSelection = null;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Determines whether or not the selection is sane and should be drawn.
+         * @return {Boolean} - True when sane, false otherwise.
+         */
+        selectionIsSane: function () {
+            var s = this.selection.selection;
+            return Math.abs(s.second.x - s.first.x) >= 5 ||
+                Math.abs(s.second.y - s.first.y) >= 5;
+        }
+    });
+(function () {
+    var D = Flotr.DOM;
+    Flotr.addPlugin('labels', {
+        callbacks: {
+            'flotr:afterdraw': function () {
+                this.labels.draw();
+            }
+        },
+        draw: function () {
+            // Construct fixed width label boxes, which can be styled easily.
+            var
+                axis, tick, left, top, xBoxWidth,
+                radius, sides, coeff, angle,
+                div, i, html = '',
+                noLabels = 0,
+                options = this.options,
+                ctx = this.ctx,
+                a = this.axes,
+                style = { size: options.fontSize };
+            for (i = 0; i < a.x.ticks.length; ++i) {
+                if (a.x.ticks[i].label) {
+                    ++noLabels;
+                }
+            }
+            xBoxWidth = this.plotWidth / noLabels;
+            if (options.grid.circular) {
+      ;
+                ctx.translate(this.plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth / 2,
+           + this.plotHeight / 2);
+                radius = this.plotHeight * options.radar.radiusRatio / 2 + options.fontSize;
+                sides = this.axes.x.ticks.length;
+                coeff = 2 * (Math.PI / sides);
+                angle = -Math.PI / 2;
+                drawLabelCircular(this, a.x, false);
+                drawLabelCircular(this, a.x, true);
+                drawLabelCircular(this, a.y, false);
+                drawLabelCircular(this, a.y, true);
+                ctx.restore();
+            }
+            if (!options.HtmlText && this.textEnabled) {
+                drawLabelNoHtmlText(this, a.x, 'center', 'top');
+                drawLabelNoHtmlText(this, a.x2, 'center', 'bottom');
+                drawLabelNoHtmlText(this, a.y, 'right', 'middle');
+                drawLabelNoHtmlText(this, a.y2, 'left', 'middle');
+            } else if ((
+                a.x.options.showLabels ||
+                    a.x2.options.showLabels ||
+                    a.y.options.showLabels ||
+                    a.y2.options.showLabels) && !options.grid.circular
+                ) {
+                html = '';
+                drawLabelHtml(this, a.x);
+                drawLabelHtml(this, a.x2);
+                drawLabelHtml(this, a.y);
+                drawLabelHtml(this, a.y2);
+                ctx.stroke();
+                ctx.restore();
+                div = D.create('div');
+                D.setStyles(div, {
+                    fontSize: 'smaller',
+                    color: options.grid.color
+                });
+                div.className = 'flotr-labels';
+                D.insert(this.el, div);
+                D.insert(div, html);
+            }
+            function drawLabelCircular(graph, axis, minorTicks) {
+                var
+                    ticks = minorTicks ? axis.minorTicks : axis.ticks,
+                    isX = axis.orientation === 1,
+                    isFirst = axis.n === 1,
+                    style, offset;
+                style = {
+                    color: axis.options.color || options.grid.color,
+                    angle: Flotr.toRad(axis.options.labelsAngle),
+                    textBaseline: 'middle'
+                };
+                for (i = 0; i < ticks.length &&
+                    (minorTicks ? axis.options.showMinorLabels : axis.options.showLabels); ++i) {
+                    tick = ticks[i];
+                    tick.label += '';
+                    if (!tick.label || !tick.label.length) {
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    x = Math.cos(i * coeff + angle) * radius;
+                    y = Math.sin(i * coeff + angle) * radius;
+                    style.textAlign = isX ? (Math.abs(x) < 0.1 ? 'center' : (x < 0 ? 'right' : 'left')) : 'left';
+                    Flotr.drawText(
+                        ctx, tick.label,
+                        isX ? x : 3,
+                        isX ? y : -(axis.ticks[i].v / axis.max) * (radius - options.fontSize),
+                        style
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            function drawLabelNoHtmlText(graph, axis, textAlign, textBaseline) {
+                var
+                    isX = axis.orientation === 1,
+                    isFirst = axis.n === 1,
+                    style, offset;
+                style = {
+                    color: axis.options.color || options.grid.color,
+                    textAlign: textAlign,
+                    textBaseline: textBaseline,
+                    angle: Flotr.toRad(axis.options.labelsAngle)
+                };
+                style = Flotr.getBestTextAlign(style.angle, style);
+                for (i = 0; i < axis.ticks.length && continueShowingLabels(axis); ++i) {
+                    tick = axis.ticks[i];
+                    if (!tick.label || !tick.label.length) {
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    offset = axis.d2p(tick.v);
+                    if (offset < 0 ||
+                        offset > (isX ? graph.plotWidth : graph.plotHeight)) {
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    Flotr.drawText(
+                        ctx, tick.label,
+                        leftOffset(graph, isX, isFirst, offset),
+                        topOffset(graph, isX, isFirst, offset),
+                        style
+                    );
+                    // Only draw on axis y2
+                    if (!isX && !isFirst) {
+              ;
+                        ctx.strokeStyle = style.color;
+                        ctx.beginPath();
+                        ctx.moveTo(graph.plotOffset.left + graph.plotWidth - 8, + axis.d2p(tick.v));
+                        ctx.lineTo(graph.plotOffset.left + graph.plotWidth, + axis.d2p(tick.v));
+                        ctx.stroke();
+                        ctx.restore();
+                    }
+                }
+                function continueShowingLabels(axis) {
+                    return axis.options.showLabels && axis.used;
+                }
+                function leftOffset(graph, isX, isFirst, offset) {
+                    return graph.plotOffset.left +
+                        (isX ? offset :
+                            (isFirst ?
+                                -options.grid.labelMargin :
+                                options.grid.labelMargin + graph.plotWidth));
+                }
+                function topOffset(graph, isX, isFirst, offset) {
+                    return +
+                        (isX ? options.grid.labelMargin : offset) +
+                        ((isX && isFirst) ? graph.plotHeight : 0);
+                }
+            }
+            function drawLabelHtml(graph, axis) {
+                var
+                    isX = axis.orientation === 1,
+                    isFirst = axis.n === 1,
+                    name = '',
+                    left, style, top,
+                    offset = graph.plotOffset;
+                if (!isX && !isFirst) {
+          ;
+                    ctx.strokeStyle = axis.options.color || options.grid.color;
+                    ctx.beginPath();
+                }
+                if (axis.options.showLabels && (isFirst ? true : axis.used)) {
+                    for (i = 0; i < axis.ticks.length; ++i) {
+                        tick = axis.ticks[i];
+                        if (!tick.label || !tick.label.length ||
+                            ((isX ? offset.left : + axis.d2p(tick.v) < 0) ||
+                            ((isX ? offset.left : + axis.d2p(tick.v) > (isX ? graph.canvasWidth : graph.canvasHeight))) {
+                            continue;
+                        }
+                        top = +
+                            (isX ?
+                                ((isFirst ? 1 : -1 ) * (graph.plotHeight + options.grid.labelMargin)) :
+                                axis.d2p(tick.v) - axis.maxLabel.height / 2);
+                        left = isX ? (offset.left + axis.d2p(tick.v) - xBoxWidth / 2) : 0;
+                        name = '';
+                        if (i === 0) {
+                            name = ' first';
+                        } else if (i === axis.ticks.length - 1) {
+                            name = ' last';
+                        }
+                        name += isX ? ' flotr-grid-label-x' : ' flotr-grid-label-y';
+                        html += [
+                            '<div style="position:absolute; text-align:' + (isX ? 'center' : 'right') + '; ',
+                            'top:' + top + 'px; ',
+                            ((!isX && !isFirst) ? 'right:' : 'left:') + left + 'px; ',
+                            'width:' + (isX ? xBoxWidth : ((isFirst ? offset.left : offset.right) - options.grid.labelMargin)) + 'px; ',
+                            axis.options.color ? ('color:' + axis.options.color + '; ') : ' ',
+                            '" class="flotr-grid-label' + name + '">' + tick.label + '</div>'
+                        ].join(' ');
+                        if (!isX && !isFirst) {
+                            ctx.moveTo(offset.left + graph.plotWidth - 8, + axis.d2p(tick.v));
+                            ctx.lineTo(offset.left + graph.plotWidth, + axis.d2p(tick.v));
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    });
+(function () {
+    var
+        D = Flotr.DOM,
+        _ = Flotr._;
+    Flotr.addPlugin('legend', {
+        options: {
+            show: true,            // => setting to true will show the legend, hide otherwise
+            noColumns: 1,          // => number of colums in legend table // @todo: doesn't work for HtmlText = false
+            labelFormatter: function (v) {
+                return v;
+            }, // => fn: string -> string
+            labelBoxBorderColor: '#CCCCCC', // => border color for the little label boxes
+            labelBoxWidth: 14,
+            labelBoxHeight: 10,
+            labelBoxMargin: 5,
+            labelBoxOpacity: 0.4,
+            container: null,       // => container (as jQuery object) to put legend in, null means default on top of graph
+            position: 'nw',        // => position of default legend container within plot
+            margin: 5,             // => distance from grid edge to default legend container within plot
+            backgroundColor: null, // => null means auto-detect
+            backgroundOpacity: 0.85// => set to 0 to avoid background, set to 1 for a solid background
+        },
+        callbacks: {
+            'flotr:afterinit': function () {
+                this.legend.insertLegend();
+            }
+        },
+        /**
+         * Adds a legend div to the canvas container or draws it on the canvas.
+         */
+        insertLegend: function () {
+            if (!
+                return;
+            var series = this.series,
+                plotOffset = this.plotOffset,
+                options = this.options,
+                legend = options.legend,
+                fragments = [],
+                rowStarted = false,
+                ctx = this.ctx,
+                itemCount = _.filter(series,function (s) {
+                    return (s.label && !s.hide);
+                }).length,
+                p = legend.position,
+                m = legend.margin,
+                i, label, color;
+            if (itemCount) {
+                if (!options.HtmlText && this.textEnabled && !legend.container) {
+                    var style = {
+                        size: options.fontSize * 1.1,
+                        color: options.grid.color
+                    };
+                    var lbw = legend.labelBoxWidth,
+                        lbh = legend.labelBoxHeight,
+                        lbm = legend.labelBoxMargin,
+                        offsetX = plotOffset.left + m,
+                        offsetY = + m;
+                    // We calculate the labels' max width
+                    var labelMaxWidth = 0;
+                    for (i = series.length - 1; i > -1; --i) {
+                        if (!series[i].label || series[i].hide) continue;
+                        label = legend.labelFormatter(series[i].label);
+                        labelMaxWidth = Math.max(labelMaxWidth, this._text.measureText(label, style).width);
+                    }
+                    var legendWidth = Math.round(lbw + lbm * 3 + labelMaxWidth),
+                        legendHeight = Math.round(itemCount * (lbm + lbh) + lbm);
+                    if (p.charAt(0) == 's') offsetY = + this.plotHeight - (m + legendHeight);
+                    if (p.charAt(1) == 'e') offsetX = plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth - (m + legendWidth);
+                    // Legend box
+                    color = this.processColor(legend.backgroundColor || 'rgb(240,240,240)', {opacity: legend.backgroundOpacity || 0.1});
+                    ctx.fillStyle = color;
+                    ctx.fillRect(offsetX, offsetY, legendWidth, legendHeight);
+                    ctx.strokeStyle = legend.labelBoxBorderColor;
+                    ctx.strokeRect(Flotr.toPixel(offsetX), Flotr.toPixel(offsetY), legendWidth, legendHeight);
+                    // Legend labels
+                    var x = offsetX + lbm;
+                    var y = offsetY + lbm;
+                    for (i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
+                        if (!series[i].label || series[i].hide) continue;
+                        label = legend.labelFormatter(series[i].label);
+                        ctx.fillStyle = series[i].color;
+                        ctx.fillRect(x, y, lbw - 1, lbh - 1);
+                        ctx.strokeStyle = legend.labelBoxBorderColor;
+                        ctx.lineWidth = 1;
+                        ctx.strokeRect(Math.ceil(x) - 1.5, Math.ceil(y) - 1.5, lbw + 2, lbh + 2);
+                        // Legend text
+                        Flotr.drawText(ctx, label, x + lbw + lbm, y + lbh, style);
+                        y += lbh + lbm;
+                    }
+                }
+                else {
+                    for (i = 0; i < series.length; ++i) {
+                        if (!series[i].label || series[i].hide) continue;
+                        if (i % legend.noColumns === 0) {
+                            fragments.push(rowStarted ? '</tr><tr>' : '<tr>');
+                            rowStarted = true;
+                        }
+                        // @TODO remove requirement on bars
+                        var s = series[i],
+                            boxWidth = legend.labelBoxWidth,
+                            boxHeight = legend.labelBoxHeight,
+                            opacityValue = (s.bars ? s.bars.fillOpacity : legend.labelBoxOpacity),
+                            opacity = 'opacity:' + opacityValue + ';filter:alpha(opacity=' + opacityValue * 100 + ');';
+                        label = legend.labelFormatter(s.label);
+                        color = 'background-color:' + ((s.bars && && s.bars.fillColor && s.bars.fill) ? s.bars.fillColor : s.color) + ';';
+                        fragments.push(
+                            '<td class="flotr-legend-color-box">',
+                            '<div style="border:1px solid ', legend.labelBoxBorderColor, ';padding:1px">',
+                            '<div style="width:', (boxWidth - 1), 'px;height:', (boxHeight - 1), 'px;border:1px solid ', series[i].color, '">', // Border
+                            '<div style="width:', boxWidth, 'px;height:', boxHeight, 'px;', 'opacity:.4;', color, '"></div>', // Background
+                            '</div>',
+                            '</div>',
+                            '</td>',
+                            '<td class="flotr-legend-label">', label, '</td>'
+                        );
+                    }
+                    if (rowStarted) fragments.push('</tr>');
+                    if (fragments.length > 0) {
+                        var table = '<table style="font-size:smaller;color:' + options.grid.color + '">' + fragments.join('') + '</table>';
+                        if (legend.container) {
+                            D.insert(legend.container, table);
+                        }
+                        else {
+                            var styles = {position: 'absolute', 'z-index': 2};
+                            if (p.charAt(0) == 'n') {
+                       = (m + + 'px';
+                                styles.bottom = 'auto';
+                            }
+                            else if (p.charAt(0) == 's') {
+                                styles.bottom = (m + plotOffset.bottom) + 'px';
+                       = 'auto';
+                            }
+                            if (p.charAt(1) == 'e') {
+                                styles.right = (m + plotOffset.right) + 'px';
+                                styles.left = 'auto';
+                            }
+                            else if (p.charAt(1) == 'w') {
+                                styles.left = (m + plotOffset.left) + 'px';
+                                styles.right = 'auto';
+                            }
+                            var div = D.create('div'), size;
+                            div.className = 'flotr-legend';
+                            D.setStyles(div, styles);
+                            D.insert(div, table);
+                            D.insert(this.el, div);
+                            if (!legend.backgroundOpacity)
+                                return;
+                            var c = legend.backgroundColor || options.grid.backgroundColor || '#ffffff';
+                            _.extend(styles, D.size(div), {
+                                'backgroundColor': c,
+                                'z-index': 1
+                            });
+                            styles.width += 'px';
+                            styles.height += 'px';
+                            // Put in the transparent background separately to avoid blended labels and
+                            div = D.create('div');
+                            div.className = 'flotr-legend-bg';
+                            D.setStyles(div, styles);
+                            D.opacity(div, legend.backgroundOpacity);
+                            D.insert(div, ' ');
+                            D.insert(this.el, div);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    });
+/** Spreadsheet **/
+(function () {
+    function getRowLabel(value) {
+        if (this.options.spreadsheet.tickFormatter) {
+            //TODO maybe pass the xaxis formatter to the custom tick formatter as an opt-out?
+            return this.options.spreadsheet.tickFormatter(value);
+        }
+        else {
+            var t = _.find(this.axes.x.ticks, function (t) {
+                return t.v == value;
+            });
+            if (t) {
+                return t.label;
+            }
+            return value;
+        }
-    octx.strokeStyle = this.processColor(options.selection.color, {opacity: 0.8});
-    octx.lineWidth = 1;
-    octx.lineJoin = 'miter';
-    octx.fillStyle = this.processColor(options.selection.color, {opacity: 0.4});
-    this.selection.prevSelection = {
-      first: { x: s.first.x, y: s.first.y },
-      second: { x: s.second.x, y: s.second.y }
-    };
-    var x = Math.min(s.first.x, s.second.x),
-        y = Math.min(s.first.y, s.second.y),
-        w = Math.abs(s.second.x - s.first.x),
-        h = Math.abs(s.second.y - s.first.y);
-    octx.fillRect(x + plotOffset.left+0.5, y +, w, h);
-    octx.strokeRect(x + plotOffset.left+0.5, y +, w, h);
-    octx.restore();
-  },
-  /**
-   * Updates (draws) the selection box.
-   */
-  updateSelection: function(){
-    if (!this.lastMousePos.pageX) return;
-    this.selection.selecting = true;
-    if (this.multitouches) {
-      this.selection.setSelectionPos(this.selection.selection.first,  this.getEventPosition(this.multitouches[0]));
-      this.selection.setSelectionPos(this.selection.selection.second,  this.getEventPosition(this.multitouches[1]));
-    } else
-    if (this.options.selection.pinchOnly) {
-      return;
-    } else {
-      this.selection.setSelectionPos(this.selection.selection.second, this.lastMousePos);
-    }
-    this.selection.clearSelection();
-    if(this.selection.selectionIsSane()) {
-      this.selection.drawSelection();
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Removes the selection box from the overlay canvas.
-   */
-  clearSelection: function() {
-    if (!this.selection.prevSelection) return;
-    var prevSelection = this.selection.prevSelection,
-      lw = 1,
-      plotOffset = this.plotOffset,
-      x = Math.min(prevSelection.first.x, prevSelection.second.x),
-      y = Math.min(prevSelection.first.y, prevSelection.second.y),
-      w = Math.abs(prevSelection.second.x - prevSelection.first.x),
-      h = Math.abs(prevSelection.second.y - prevSelection.first.y);
-    this.octx.clearRect(x + plotOffset.left - lw + 0.5,
-                        y + - lw,
-                        w + 2 * lw + 0.5,
-                        h + 2 * lw + 0.5);
-    this.selection.prevSelection = null;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Determines whether or not the selection is sane and should be drawn.
-   * @return {Boolean} - True when sane, false otherwise.
-   */
-  selectionIsSane: function(){
-    var s = this.selection.selection;
-    return Math.abs(s.second.x - s.first.x) >= 5 || 
-           Math.abs(s.second.y - s.first.y) >= 5;
-  }
-(function () {
-var D = Flotr.DOM;
-Flotr.addPlugin('labels', {
-  callbacks : {
-    'flotr:afterdraw' : function () {
-      this.labels.draw();
-    }
-  },
-  draw: function(){
-    // Construct fixed width label boxes, which can be styled easily.
-      axis, tick, left, top, xBoxWidth,
-      radius, sides, coeff, angle,
-      div, i, html = '',
-      noLabels = 0,
-      options  = this.options,
-      ctx      = this.ctx,
-      a        = this.axes,
-      style    = { size: options.fontSize };
-    for (i = 0; i < a.x.ticks.length; ++i){
-      if (a.x.ticks[i].label) { ++noLabels; }
-    }
-    xBoxWidth = this.plotWidth / noLabels;
-    if (options.grid.circular) {
-      ctx.translate(this.plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth / 2,
- + this.plotHeight / 2);
-      radius = this.plotHeight * options.radar.radiusRatio / 2 + options.fontSize;
-      sides  = this.axes.x.ticks.length;
-      coeff  = 2 * (Math.PI / sides);
-      angle  = -Math.PI / 2;
-      drawLabelCircular(this, a.x, false);
-      drawLabelCircular(this, a.x, true);
-      drawLabelCircular(this, a.y, false);
-      drawLabelCircular(this, a.y, true);
-      ctx.restore();
-    }
-    if (!options.HtmlText && this.textEnabled) {
-      drawLabelNoHtmlText(this, a.x, 'center', 'top');
-      drawLabelNoHtmlText(this, a.x2, 'center', 'bottom');
-      drawLabelNoHtmlText(this, a.y, 'right', 'middle');
-      drawLabelNoHtmlText(this, a.y2, 'left', 'middle');
-    } else if ((
-        a.x.options.showLabels ||
-        a.x2.options.showLabels ||
-        a.y.options.showLabels ||
-        a.y2.options.showLabels) &&
-        !options.grid.circular
-      ) {
-      html = '';
-      drawLabelHtml(this, a.x);
-      drawLabelHtml(this, a.x2);
-      drawLabelHtml(this, a.y);
-      drawLabelHtml(this, a.y2);
-      ctx.stroke();
-      ctx.restore();
-      div = D.create('div');
-      D.setStyles(div, {
-        fontSize: 'smaller',
-        color: options.grid.color
-      });
-      div.className = 'flotr-labels';
-      D.insert(this.el, div);
-      D.insert(div, html);
-    }
-    function drawLabelCircular (graph, axis, minorTicks) {
-      var
-        ticks   = minorTicks ? axis.minorTicks : axis.ticks,
-        isX     = axis.orientation === 1,
-        isFirst = axis.n === 1,
-        style, offset;
-      style = {
-        color        : axis.options.color || options.grid.color,
-        angle        : Flotr.toRad(axis.options.labelsAngle),
-        textBaseline : 'middle'
-      };
-      for (i = 0; i < ticks.length &&
-          (minorTicks ? axis.options.showMinorLabels : axis.options.showLabels); ++i){
-        tick = ticks[i];
-        tick.label += '';
-        if (!tick.label || !tick.label.length) { continue; }
-        x = Math.cos(i * coeff + angle) * radius;
-        y = Math.sin(i * coeff + angle) * radius;
-        style.textAlign = isX ? (Math.abs(x) < 0.1 ? 'center' : (x < 0 ? 'right' : 'left')) : 'left';
-        Flotr.drawText(
-          ctx, tick.label,
-          isX ? x : 3,
-          isX ? y : -(axis.ticks[i].v / axis.max) * (radius - options.fontSize),
-          style
-        );
-      }
-    }
-    function drawLabelNoHtmlText (graph, axis, textAlign, textBaseline)  {
-      var
-        isX     = axis.orientation === 1,
-        isFirst = axis.n === 1,
-        style, offset;
-      style = {
-        color        : axis.options.color || options.grid.color,
-        textAlign    : textAlign,
-        textBaseline : textBaseline,
-        angle : Flotr.toRad(axis.options.labelsAngle)
-      };
-      style = Flotr.getBestTextAlign(style.angle, style);
-      for (i = 0; i < axis.ticks.length && continueShowingLabels(axis); ++i) {
-        tick = axis.ticks[i];
-        if (!tick.label || !tick.label.length) { continue; }
-        offset = axis.d2p(tick.v);
-        if (offset < 0 ||
-            offset > (isX ? graph.plotWidth : graph.plotHeight)) { continue; }
-        Flotr.drawText(
-          ctx, tick.label,
-          leftOffset(graph, isX, isFirst, offset),
-          topOffset(graph, isX, isFirst, offset),
-          style
-        );
-        // Only draw on axis y2
-        if (!isX && !isFirst) {
-          ctx.strokeStyle = style.color;
-          ctx.beginPath();
-          ctx.moveTo(graph.plotOffset.left + graph.plotWidth - 8, + axis.d2p(tick.v));
-          ctx.lineTo(graph.plotOffset.left + graph.plotWidth, + axis.d2p(tick.v));
-          ctx.stroke();
-          ctx.restore();
-        }
-      }
-      function continueShowingLabels (axis) {
-        return axis.options.showLabels && axis.used;
-      }
-      function leftOffset (graph, isX, isFirst, offset) {
-        return graph.plotOffset.left +
-          (isX ? offset :
-            (isFirst ?
-              -options.grid.labelMargin :
-              options.grid.labelMargin + graph.plotWidth));
-      }
-      function topOffset (graph, isX, isFirst, offset) {
-        return +
-          (isX ? options.grid.labelMargin : offset) +
-          ((isX && isFirst) ? graph.plotHeight : 0);
-      }
-    }
-    function drawLabelHtml (graph, axis) {
-      var
-        isX     = axis.orientation === 1,
-        isFirst = axis.n === 1,
-        name = '',
-        left, style, top,
-        offset = graph.plotOffset;
-      if (!isX && !isFirst) {
-        ctx.strokeStyle = axis.options.color || options.grid.color;
-        ctx.beginPath();
-      }
-      if (axis.options.showLabels && (isFirst ? true : axis.used)) {
-        for (i = 0; i < axis.ticks.length; ++i) {
-          tick = axis.ticks[i];
-          if (!tick.label || !tick.label.length ||
-              ((isX ? offset.left : + axis.d2p(tick.v) < 0) ||
-              ((isX ? offset.left : + axis.d2p(tick.v) > (isX ? graph.canvasWidth : graph.canvasHeight))) {
-            continue;
-          }
-          top = +
-            (isX ?
-              ((isFirst ? 1 : -1 ) * (graph.plotHeight + options.grid.labelMargin)) :
-              axis.d2p(tick.v) - axis.maxLabel.height / 2);
-          left = isX ? (offset.left + axis.d2p(tick.v) - xBoxWidth / 2) : 0;
-          name = '';
-          if (i === 0) {
-            name = ' first';
-          } else if (i === axis.ticks.length - 1) {
-            name = ' last';
-          }
-          name += isX ? ' flotr-grid-label-x' : ' flotr-grid-label-y';
-          html += [
-            '<div style="position:absolute; text-align:' + (isX ? 'center' : 'right') + '; ',
-            'top:' + top + 'px; ',
-            ((!isX && !isFirst) ? 'right:' : 'left:') + left + 'px; ',
-            'width:' + (isX ? xBoxWidth : ((isFirst ? offset.left : offset.right) - options.grid.labelMargin)) + 'px; ',
-            axis.options.color ? ('color:' + axis.options.color + '; ') : ' ',
-            '" class="flotr-grid-label' + name + '">' + tick.label + '</div>'
-          ].join(' ');
-          if (!isX && !isFirst) {
-            ctx.moveTo(offset.left + graph.plotWidth - 8, + axis.d2p(tick.v));
-            ctx.lineTo(offset.left + graph.plotWidth, + axis.d2p(tick.v));
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-(function () {
-  D = Flotr.DOM,
-  _ = Flotr._;
-Flotr.addPlugin('legend', {
-  options: {
-    show: true,            // => setting to true will show the legend, hide otherwise
-    noColumns: 1,          // => number of colums in legend table // @todo: doesn't work for HtmlText = false
-    labelFormatter: function(v){return v;}, // => fn: string -> string
-    labelBoxBorderColor: '#CCCCCC', // => border color for the little label boxes
-    labelBoxWidth: 14,
-    labelBoxHeight: 10,
-    labelBoxMargin: 5,
-    labelBoxOpacity: 0.4,
-    container: null,       // => container (as jQuery object) to put legend in, null means default on top of graph
-    position: 'nw',        // => position of default legend container within plot
-    margin: 5,             // => distance from grid edge to default legend container within plot
-    backgroundColor: null, // => null means auto-detect
-    backgroundOpacity: 0.85// => set to 0 to avoid background, set to 1 for a solid background
-  },
-  callbacks: {
-    'flotr:afterinit': function() {
-      this.legend.insertLegend();
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Adds a legend div to the canvas container or draws it on the canvas.
-   */
-  insertLegend: function(){
-    if(!
-      return;
-    var series      = this.series,
-      plotOffset    = this.plotOffset,
-      options       = this.options,
-      legend        = options.legend,
-      fragments     = [],
-      rowStarted    = false, 
-      ctx           = this.ctx,
-      itemCount     = _.filter(series, function(s) {return (s.label && !s.hide);}).length,
-      p             = legend.position, 
-      m             = legend.margin,
-      i, label, color;
-    if (itemCount) {
-      if (!options.HtmlText && this.textEnabled && !legend.container) {
-        var style = {
-          size: options.fontSize*1.1,
-          color: options.grid.color
-        };
-        var lbw = legend.labelBoxWidth,
-            lbh = legend.labelBoxHeight,
-            lbm = legend.labelBoxMargin,
-            offsetX = plotOffset.left + m,
-            offsetY = + m;
-        // We calculate the labels' max width
-        var labelMaxWidth = 0;
-        for(i = series.length - 1; i > -1; --i){
-          if(!series[i].label || series[i].hide) continue;
-          label = legend.labelFormatter(series[i].label);
-          labelMaxWidth = Math.max(labelMaxWidth, this._text.measureText(label, style).width);
-        }
-        var legendWidth  = Math.round(lbw + lbm*3 + labelMaxWidth),
-            legendHeight = Math.round(itemCount*(lbm+lbh) + lbm);
-        if(p.charAt(0) == 's') offsetY = + this.plotHeight - (m + legendHeight);
-        if(p.charAt(1) == 'e') offsetX = plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth - (m + legendWidth);
-        // Legend box
-        color = this.processColor(legend.backgroundColor || 'rgb(240,240,240)', {opacity: legend.backgroundOpacity || 0.1});
-        ctx.fillStyle = color;
-        ctx.fillRect(offsetX, offsetY, legendWidth, legendHeight);
-        ctx.strokeStyle = legend.labelBoxBorderColor;
-        ctx.strokeRect(Flotr.toPixel(offsetX), Flotr.toPixel(offsetY), legendWidth, legendHeight);
-        // Legend labels
-        var x = offsetX + lbm;
-        var y = offsetY + lbm;
-        for(i = 0; i < series.length; i++){
-          if(!series[i].label || series[i].hide) continue;
-          label = legend.labelFormatter(series[i].label);
-          ctx.fillStyle = series[i].color;
-          ctx.fillRect(x, y, lbw-1, lbh-1);
-          ctx.strokeStyle = legend.labelBoxBorderColor;
-          ctx.lineWidth = 1;
-          ctx.strokeRect(Math.ceil(x)-1.5, Math.ceil(y)-1.5, lbw+2, lbh+2);
-          // Legend text
-          Flotr.drawText(ctx, label, x + lbw + lbm, y + lbh, style);
-          y += lbh + lbm;
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        for(i = 0; i < series.length; ++i){
-          if(!series[i].label || series[i].hide) continue;
-          if(i % legend.noColumns === 0){
-            fragments.push(rowStarted ? '</tr><tr>' : '<tr>');
-            rowStarted = true;
-          }
-          // @TODO remove requirement on bars
-          var s = series[i],
-            boxWidth = legend.labelBoxWidth,
-            boxHeight = legend.labelBoxHeight,
-            opacityValue = (s.bars ? s.bars.fillOpacity : legend.labelBoxOpacity),
-            opacity = 'opacity:' + opacityValue + ';filter:alpha(opacity=' + opacityValue*100 + ');';
-          label = legend.labelFormatter(s.label);
-          color = 'background-color:' + ((s.bars && && s.bars.fillColor && s.bars.fill) ? s.bars.fillColor : s.color) + ';';
-          fragments.push(
-            '<td class="flotr-legend-color-box">',
-              '<div style="border:1px solid ', legend.labelBoxBorderColor, ';padding:1px">',
-                '<div style="width:', (boxWidth-1), 'px;height:', (boxHeight-1), 'px;border:1px solid ', series[i].color, '">', // Border
-                  '<div style="width:', boxWidth, 'px;height:', boxHeight, 'px;', 'opacity:.4;', color, '"></div>', // Background
-                '</div>',
-              '</div>',
-            '</td>',
-            '<td class="flotr-legend-label">', label, '</td>'
-          );
-        }
-        if(rowStarted) fragments.push('</tr>');
-        if(fragments.length > 0){
-          var table = '<table style="font-size:smaller;color:' + options.grid.color + '">' + fragments.join('') + '</table>';
-          if(legend.container){
-            D.insert(legend.container, table);
-          }
-          else {
-            var styles = {position: 'absolute', 'z-index': 2};
-                 if(p.charAt(0) == 'n') { = (m + + 'px'; styles.bottom = 'auto'; }
-            else if(p.charAt(0) == 's') { styles.bottom = (m + plotOffset.bottom) + 'px'; = 'auto'; }
-                 if(p.charAt(1) == 'e') { styles.right = (m + plotOffset.right) + 'px'; styles.left = 'auto'; }
-            else if(p.charAt(1) == 'w') { styles.left = (m + plotOffset.left) + 'px'; styles.right = 'auto'; }
-            var div = D.create('div'), size;
-            div.className = 'flotr-legend';
-            D.setStyles(div, styles);
-            D.insert(div, table);
-            D.insert(this.el, div);
-            if(!legend.backgroundOpacity)
-              return;
-            var c = legend.backgroundColor || options.grid.backgroundColor || '#ffffff';
-            _.extend(styles, D.size(div), {
-              'backgroundColor': c,
-              'z-index': 1
+        D = Flotr.DOM,
+        _ = Flotr._;
+    Flotr.addPlugin('spreadsheet', {
+        options: {
+            show: false,           // => show the data grid using two tabs
+            tabGraphLabel: 'Graph',
+            tabDataLabel: 'Data',
+            toolbarDownload: 'Download CSV', // @todo: add better language support
+            toolbarSelectAll: 'Select all',
+            csvFileSeparator: ',',
+            decimalSeparator: '.',
+            tickFormatter: null,
+            initialTab: 'graph'
+        },
+        /**
+         * Builds the tabs in the DOM
+         */
+        callbacks: {
+            'flotr:afterconstruct': function () {
+                // @TODO necessary?
+                //'.flotr-tabs-group,.flotr-datagrid-container').invoke('remove');
+                if (! return;
+                var ss = this.spreadsheet,
+                    container = D.node('<div class="flotr-tabs-group" style="position:absolute;left:0px;width:' + this.canvasWidth + 'px"></div>'),
+                    graph = D.node('<div style="float:left" class="flotr-tab selected">' + this.options.spreadsheet.tabGraphLabel + '</div>'),
+                    data = D.node('<div style="float:left" class="flotr-tab">' + this.options.spreadsheet.tabDataLabel + '</div>'),
+                    offset;
+                ss.tabsContainer = container;
+                ss.tabs = { graph: graph, data: data };
+                D.insert(container, graph);
+                D.insert(container, data);
+                D.insert(this.el, container);
+                offset = D.size(data).height + 2;
+                this.plotOffset.bottom += offset;
+                D.setStyles(container, {top: this.canvasHeight - offset + 'px'});
+                this.
+                    observe(graph, 'click',function () {
+                        ss.showTab('graph');
+                    }).
+                    observe(data, 'click', function () {
+                        ss.showTab('data');
+                    });
+                if (this.options.spreadsheet.initialTab !== 'graph') {
+                    ss.showTab(this.options.spreadsheet.initialTab);
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        /**
+         * Builds a matrix of the data to make the correspondance between the x values and the y values :
+         * X value => Y values from the axes
+         * @return {Array} The data grid
+         */
+        loadDataGrid: function () {
+            if (this.seriesData) return this.seriesData;
+            var s = this.series,
+                rows = {};
+            /* The data grid is a 2 dimensions array. There is a row for each X value.
+             * Each row contains the x value and the corresponding y value for each serie ('undefined' if there isn't one)
+             **/
+            _.each(s, function (serie, i) {
+                _.each(, function (v) {
+                    var x = v[0],
+                        y = v[1],
+                        r = rows[x];
+                    if (r) {
+                        r[i + 1] = y;
+                    } else {
+                        var newRow = [];
+                        newRow[0] = x;
+                        newRow[i + 1] = y;
+                        rows[x] = newRow;
+                    }
+                });
-            styles.width += 'px';
-            styles.height += 'px';
-             // Put in the transparent background separately to avoid blended labels and
-            div = D.create('div');
-            div.className = 'flotr-legend-bg';
-            D.setStyles(div, styles);
-            D.opacity(div, legend.backgroundOpacity);
-            D.insert(div, ' ');
-            D.insert(this.el, div);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-/** Spreadsheet **/
-(function() {
-function getRowLabel(value){
-  if (this.options.spreadsheet.tickFormatter){
-    //TODO maybe pass the xaxis formatter to the custom tick formatter as an opt-out?
-    return this.options.spreadsheet.tickFormatter(value);
-  }
-  else {
-    var t = _.find(this.axes.x.ticks, function(t){return t.v == value;});
-    if (t) {
-      return t.label;
-    }
-    return value;
-  }
-  D = Flotr.DOM,
-  _ = Flotr._;
-Flotr.addPlugin('spreadsheet', {
-  options: {
-    show: false,           // => show the data grid using two tabs
-    tabGraphLabel: 'Graph',
-    tabDataLabel: 'Data',
-    toolbarDownload: 'Download CSV', // @todo: add better language support
-    toolbarSelectAll: 'Select all',
-    csvFileSeparator: ',',
-    decimalSeparator: '.',
-    tickFormatter: null,
-    initialTab: 'graph'
-  },
-  /**
-   * Builds the tabs in the DOM
-   */
-  callbacks: {
-    'flotr:afterconstruct': function(){
-      // @TODO necessary?
-      //'.flotr-tabs-group,.flotr-datagrid-container').invoke('remove');
-      if (! return;
-      var ss = this.spreadsheet,
-        container = D.node('<div class="flotr-tabs-group" style="position:absolute;left:0px;width:'+this.canvasWidth+'px"></div>'),
-        graph = D.node('<div style="float:left" class="flotr-tab selected">'+this.options.spreadsheet.tabGraphLabel+'</div>'),
-        data = D.node('<div style="float:left" class="flotr-tab">'+this.options.spreadsheet.tabDataLabel+'</div>'),
-        offset;
-      ss.tabsContainer = container;
-      ss.tabs = { graph : graph, data : data };
-      D.insert(container, graph);
-      D.insert(container, data);
-      D.insert(this.el, container);
-      offset = D.size(data).height + 2;
-      this.plotOffset.bottom += offset;
-      D.setStyles(container, {top: this.canvasHeight-offset+'px'});
-      this.
-        observe(graph, 'click',  function(){ss.showTab('graph');}).
-        observe(data, 'click', function(){ss.showTab('data');});
-      if (this.options.spreadsheet.initialTab !== 'graph'){
-        ss.showTab(this.options.spreadsheet.initialTab);
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Builds a matrix of the data to make the correspondance between the x values and the y values :
-   * X value => Y values from the axes
-   * @return {Array} The data grid
-   */
-  loadDataGrid: function(){
-    if (this.seriesData) return this.seriesData;
-    var s = this.series,
-        rows = {};
-    /* The data grid is a 2 dimensions array. There is a row for each X value.
-     * Each row contains the x value and the corresponding y value for each serie ('undefined' if there isn't one)
-    **/
-    _.each(s, function(serie, i){
-      _.each(, function (v) {
-        var x = v[0],
-            y = v[1],
-            r = rows[x];
-        if (r) {
-          r[i+1] = y;
-        } else {
-          var newRow = [];
-          newRow[0] = x;
-          newRow[i+1] = y;
-          rows[x] = newRow;
-        }
-      });
-    });
-    // The data grid is sorted by x value
-    this.seriesData = _.sortBy(rows, function(row, x){
-      return parseInt(x, 10);
-    });
-    return this.seriesData;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Constructs the data table for the spreadsheet
-   * @todo make a spreadsheet manager (Flotr.Spreadsheet)
-   * @return {Element} The resulting table element
-   */
-  constructDataGrid: function(){
-    // If the data grid has already been built, nothing to do here
-    if (this.spreadsheet.datagrid) return this.spreadsheet.datagrid;
-    var s = this.series,
-        datagrid = this.spreadsheet.loadDataGrid(),
-        colgroup = ['<colgroup><col />'],
-        buttonDownload, buttonSelect, t;
-    // First row : series' labels
-    var html = ['<table class="flotr-datagrid"><tr class="first-row">'];
-    html.push('<th>&nbsp;</th>');
-    _.each(s, function(serie,i){
-      html.push('<th scope="col">'+(serie.label || String.fromCharCode(65+i))+'</th>');
-      colgroup.push('<col />');
-    });
-    html.push('</tr>');
-    // Data rows
-    _.each(datagrid, function(row){
-      html.push('<tr>');
-      _.times(s.length+1, function(i){
-        var tag = 'td',
-            value = row[i],
-            // TODO: do we really want to handle problems with floating point
-            // precision here?
-            content = (!_.isUndefined(value) ? Math.round(value*100000)/100000 : '');
-        if (i === 0) {
-          tag = 'th';
-          var label =, content);
-          if (label) content = label;
-        }
-        html.push('<'+tag+(tag=='th'?' scope="row"':'')+'>'+content+'</'+tag+'>');
-      }, this);
-      html.push('</tr>');
-    }, this);
-    colgroup.push('</colgroup>');
-    t = D.node(html.join(''));
-    /**
-     * @TODO disabled this
-    if (!Flotr.isIE || Flotr.isIE == 9) {
+            // The data grid is sorted by x value
+            this.seriesData = _.sortBy(rows, function (row, x) {
+                return parseInt(x, 10);
+            });
+            return this.seriesData;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Constructs the data table for the spreadsheet
+         * @todo make a spreadsheet manager (Flotr.Spreadsheet)
+         * @return {Element} The resulting table element
+         */
+        constructDataGrid: function () {
+            // If the data grid has already been built, nothing to do here
+            if (this.spreadsheet.datagrid) return this.spreadsheet.datagrid;
+            var s = this.series,
+                datagrid = this.spreadsheet.loadDataGrid(),
+                colgroup = ['<colgroup><col />'],
+                buttonDownload, buttonSelect, t;
+            // First row : series' labels
+            var html = ['<table class="flotr-datagrid"><tr class="first-row">'];
+            html.push('<th>&nbsp;</th>');
+            _.each(s, function (serie, i) {
+                html.push('<th scope="col">' + (serie.label || String.fromCharCode(65 + i)) + '</th>');
+                colgroup.push('<col />');
+            });
+            html.push('</tr>');
+            // Data rows
+            _.each(datagrid, function (row) {
+                html.push('<tr>');
+                _.times(s.length + 1, function (i) {
+                    var tag = 'td',
+                        value = row[i],
+                    // TODO: do we really want to handle problems with floating point
+                    // precision here?
+                        content = (!_.isUndefined(value) ? Math.round(value * 100000) / 100000 : '');
+                    if (i === 0) {
+                        tag = 'th';
+                        var label =, content);
+                        if (label) content = label;
+                    }
+                    html.push('<' + tag + (tag == 'th' ? ' scope="row"' : '') + '>' + content + '</' + tag + '>');
+                }, this);
+                html.push('</tr>');
+            }, this);
+            colgroup.push('</colgroup>');
+            t = D.node(html.join(''));
+            /**
+             * @TODO disabled this
+             if (!Flotr.isIE || Flotr.isIE == 9) {
       function handleMouseout(){'colgroup col.hover, th.hover').invoke('removeClassName', 'hover');
@@ -6601,311 +6700,311 @@
           observe(td, 'mouseout', handleMouseout);
-    */
-    buttonDownload = D.node(
-      '<button type="button" class="flotr-datagrid-toolbar-button">' +
-      this.options.spreadsheet.toolbarDownload +
-      '</button>');
-    buttonSelect = D.node(
-      '<button type="button" class="flotr-datagrid-toolbar-button">' +
-      this.options.spreadsheet.toolbarSelectAll+
-      '</button>');
-    this.
-      observe(buttonDownload, 'click', _.bind(this.spreadsheet.downloadCSV, this)).
-      observe(buttonSelect, 'click', _.bind(this.spreadsheet.selectAllData, this));
-    var toolbar = D.node('<div class="flotr-datagrid-toolbar"></div>');
-    D.insert(toolbar, buttonDownload);
-    D.insert(toolbar, buttonSelect);
-    var containerHeight =this.canvasHeight - D.size(this.spreadsheet.tabsContainer).height-2,
-        container = D.node('<div class="flotr-datagrid-container" style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;width:'+
-          this.canvasWidth+'px;height:'+containerHeight+'px;overflow:auto;z-index:10"></div>');
-    D.insert(container, toolbar);
-    D.insert(container, t);
-    D.insert(this.el, container);
-    this.spreadsheet.datagrid = t;
-    this.spreadsheet.container = container;
-    return t;
-  },  
-  /**
-   * Shows the specified tab, by its name
-   * @todo make a tab manager (Flotr.Tabs)
-   * @param {String} tabName - The tab name
-   */
-  showTab: function(tabName){
-    if (this.spreadsheet.activeTab === tabName){
-      return;
-    }
-    switch(tabName) {
-      case 'graph':
-        D.hide(this.spreadsheet.container);
-        D.removeClass(, 'selected');
-        D.addClass(this.spreadsheet.tabs.graph, 'selected');
-      break;
-      case 'data':
-        if (!this.spreadsheet.datagrid)
-          this.spreadsheet.constructDataGrid();
-        D.addClass(, 'selected');
-        D.removeClass(this.spreadsheet.tabs.graph, 'selected');
-      break;
-      default:
-        throw 'Illegal tab name: ' + tabName;
-    }
-    this.spreadsheet.activeTab = tabName;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Selects the data table in the DOM for copy/paste
-   */
-  selectAllData: function(){
-    if (this.spreadsheet.tabs) {
-      var selection, range, doc, win, node = this.spreadsheet.constructDataGrid();
-      this.spreadsheet.showTab('data');
-      // deferred to be able to select the table
-      setTimeout(function () {
-        if ((doc = node.ownerDocument) && (win = doc.defaultView) && 
-            win.getSelection && doc.createRange && 
-            (selection = window.getSelection()) && 
-            selection.removeAllRanges) {
-            range = doc.createRange();
-            range.selectNode(node);
-            selection.removeAllRanges();
-            selection.addRange(range);
-        }
-        else if (document.body && document.body.createTextRange && 
-                (range = document.body.createTextRange())) {
-            range.moveToElementText(node);
-  ;
-        }
-      }, 0);
-      return true;
-    }
-    else return false;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Converts the data into CSV in order to download a file
-   */
-  downloadCSV: function(){
-    var csv = '',
-        series = this.series,
-        options = this.options,
-        dg = this.spreadsheet.loadDataGrid(),
-        separator = encodeURIComponent(options.spreadsheet.csvFileSeparator);
-    if (options.spreadsheet.decimalSeparator === options.spreadsheet.csvFileSeparator) {
-      throw "The decimal separator is the same as the column separator ("+options.spreadsheet.decimalSeparator+")";
-    }
-    // The first row
-    _.each(series, function(serie, i){
-      csv += separator+'"'+(serie.label || String.fromCharCode(65+i)).replace(/\"/g, '\\"')+'"';
+             */
+            buttonDownload = D.node(
+                '<button type="button" class="flotr-datagrid-toolbar-button">' +
+                    this.options.spreadsheet.toolbarDownload +
+                    '</button>');
+            buttonSelect = D.node(
+                '<button type="button" class="flotr-datagrid-toolbar-button">' +
+                    this.options.spreadsheet.toolbarSelectAll +
+                    '</button>');
+            this.
+                observe(buttonDownload, 'click', _.bind(this.spreadsheet.downloadCSV, this)).
+                observe(buttonSelect, 'click', _.bind(this.spreadsheet.selectAllData, this));
+            var toolbar = D.node('<div class="flotr-datagrid-toolbar"></div>');
+            D.insert(toolbar, buttonDownload);
+            D.insert(toolbar, buttonSelect);
+            var containerHeight = this.canvasHeight - D.size(this.spreadsheet.tabsContainer).height - 2,
+                container = D.node('<div class="flotr-datagrid-container" style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;width:' +
+                    this.canvasWidth + 'px;height:' + containerHeight + 'px;overflow:auto;z-index:10"></div>');
+            D.insert(container, toolbar);
+            D.insert(container, t);
+            D.insert(this.el, container);
+            this.spreadsheet.datagrid = t;
+            this.spreadsheet.container = container;
+            return t;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Shows the specified tab, by its name
+         * @todo make a tab manager (Flotr.Tabs)
+         * @param {String} tabName - The tab name
+         */
+        showTab: function (tabName) {
+            if (this.spreadsheet.activeTab === tabName) {
+                return;
+            }
+            switch (tabName) {
+                case 'graph':
+                    D.hide(this.spreadsheet.container);
+                    D.removeClass(, 'selected');
+                    D.addClass(this.spreadsheet.tabs.graph, 'selected');
+                    break;
+                case 'data':
+                    if (!this.spreadsheet.datagrid)
+                        this.spreadsheet.constructDataGrid();
+          ;
+                    D.addClass(, 'selected');
+                    D.removeClass(this.spreadsheet.tabs.graph, 'selected');
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    throw 'Illegal tab name: ' + tabName;
+            }
+            this.spreadsheet.activeTab = tabName;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Selects the data table in the DOM for copy/paste
+         */
+        selectAllData: function () {
+            if (this.spreadsheet.tabs) {
+                var selection, range, doc, win, node = this.spreadsheet.constructDataGrid();
+                this.spreadsheet.showTab('data');
+                // deferred to be able to select the table
+                setTimeout(function () {
+                    if ((doc = node.ownerDocument) && (win = doc.defaultView) &&
+                        win.getSelection && doc.createRange &&
+                        (selection = window.getSelection()) &&
+                        selection.removeAllRanges) {
+                        range = doc.createRange();
+                        range.selectNode(node);
+                        selection.removeAllRanges();
+                        selection.addRange(range);
+                    }
+                    else if (document.body && document.body.createTextRange &&
+                        (range = document.body.createTextRange())) {
+                        range.moveToElementText(node);
+              ;
+                    }
+                }, 0);
+                return true;
+            }
+            else return false;
+        },
+        /**
+         * Converts the data into CSV in order to download a file
+         */
+        downloadCSV: function () {
+            var csv = '',
+                series = this.series,
+                options = this.options,
+                dg = this.spreadsheet.loadDataGrid(),
+                separator = encodeURIComponent(options.spreadsheet.csvFileSeparator);
+            if (options.spreadsheet.decimalSeparator === options.spreadsheet.csvFileSeparator) {
+                throw "The decimal separator is the same as the column separator (" + options.spreadsheet.decimalSeparator + ")";
+            }
+            // The first row
+            _.each(series, function (serie, i) {
+                csv += separator + '"' + (serie.label || String.fromCharCode(65 + i)).replace(/\"/g, '\\"') + '"';
+            });
+            csv += "%0D%0A"; // \r\n
+            // For each row
+            csv += _.reduce(dg, function (memo, row) {
+                var rowLabel =, row[0]) || '';
+                rowLabel = '"' + (rowLabel + '').replace(/\"/g, '\\"') + '"';
+                var numbers = row.slice(1).join(separator);
+                if (options.spreadsheet.decimalSeparator !== '.') {
+                    numbers = numbers.replace(/\./g, options.spreadsheet.decimalSeparator);
+                }
+                return memo + rowLabel + separator + numbers + "%0D%0A"; // \t and \r\n
+            }, '', this);
+            if (Flotr.isIE && Flotr.isIE < 9) {
+                csv = csv.replace(new RegExp(separator, 'g'), decodeURIComponent(separator)).replace(/%0A/g, '\n').replace(/%0D/g, '\r');
+      ;
+            }
+            else'data:text/csv,' + csv);
+        }
-    csv += "%0D%0A"; // \r\n
-    // For each row
-    csv += _.reduce(dg, function(memo, row){
-      var rowLabel =, row[0]) || '';
-      rowLabel = '"'+(rowLabel+'').replace(/\"/g, '\\"')+'"';
-      var numbers = row.slice(1).join(separator);
-      if (options.spreadsheet.decimalSeparator !== '.') {
-        numbers = numbers.replace(/\./g, options.spreadsheet.decimalSeparator);
-      }
-      return memo + rowLabel+separator+numbers+"%0D%0A"; // \t and \r\n
-    }, '', this);
-    if (Flotr.isIE && Flotr.isIE < 9) {
-      csv = csv.replace(new RegExp(separator, 'g'), decodeURIComponent(separator)).replace(/%0A/g, '\n').replace(/%0D/g, '\r');
-    }
-    else'data:text/csv,'+csv);
-  }
 (function () {
-var D = Flotr.DOM;
-Flotr.addPlugin('titles', {
-  callbacks: {
-    'flotr:afterdraw': function() {
-      this.titles.drawTitles();
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Draws the title and the subtitle
-   */
-  drawTitles : function () {
-    var html,
-        options = this.options,
-        margin = options.grid.labelMargin,
-        ctx = this.ctx,
-        a = this.axes;
-    if (!options.HtmlText && this.textEnabled) {
-      var style = {
-        size: options.fontSize,
-        color: options.grid.color,
-        textAlign: 'center'
-      };
-      // Add subtitle
-      if (options.subtitle){
-        Flotr.drawText(
-          ctx, options.subtitle,
-          this.plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth/2, 
-          this.titleHeight + this.subtitleHeight - 2,
-          style
-        );
-      }
-      style.weight = 1.5;
-      style.size *= 1.5;
-      // Add title
-      if (options.title){
-        Flotr.drawText(
-          ctx, options.title,
-          this.plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth/2, 
-          this.titleHeight - 2,
-          style
-        );
-      }
-      style.weight = 1.8;
-      style.size *= 0.8;
-      // Add x axis title
-      if (a.x.options.title && a.x.used){
-        style.textAlign = a.x.options.titleAlign || 'center';
-        style.textBaseline = 'top';
-        style.angle = Flotr.toRad(a.x.options.titleAngle);
-        style = Flotr.getBestTextAlign(style.angle, style);
-        Flotr.drawText(
-          ctx, a.x.options.title,
-          this.plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth/2, 
- + a.x.maxLabel.height + this.plotHeight + 2 * margin,
-          style
-        );
-      }
-      // Add x2 axis title
-      if (a.x2.options.title && a.x2.used){
-        style.textAlign = a.x2.options.titleAlign || 'center';
-        style.textBaseline = 'bottom';
-        style.angle = Flotr.toRad(a.x2.options.titleAngle);
-        style = Flotr.getBestTextAlign(style.angle, style);
-        Flotr.drawText(
-          ctx, a.x2.options.title,
-          this.plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth/2, 
- - a.x2.maxLabel.height - 2 * margin,
-          style
-        );
-      }
-      // Add y axis title
-      if (a.y.options.title && a.y.used){
-        style.textAlign = a.y.options.titleAlign || 'right';
-        style.textBaseline = 'middle';
-        style.angle = Flotr.toRad(a.y.options.titleAngle);
-        style = Flotr.getBestTextAlign(style.angle, style);
-        Flotr.drawText(
-          ctx, a.y.options.title,
-          this.plotOffset.left - a.y.maxLabel.width - 2 * margin, 
- + this.plotHeight / 2,
-          style
-        );
-      }
-      // Add y2 axis title
-      if (a.y2.options.title && a.y2.used){
-        style.textAlign = a.y2.options.titleAlign || 'left';
-        style.textBaseline = 'middle';
-        style.angle = Flotr.toRad(a.y2.options.titleAngle);
-        style = Flotr.getBestTextAlign(style.angle, style);
-        Flotr.drawText(
-          ctx, a.y2.options.title,
-          this.plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth + a.y2.maxLabel.width + 2 * margin, 
- + this.plotHeight / 2,
-          style
-        );
-      }
-    } 
-    else {
-      html = [];
-      // Add title
-      if (options.title)
-        html.push(
-          '<div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:', 
-          this.plotOffset.left, 'px;font-size:1em;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;width:',
-          this.plotWidth,'px;" class="flotr-title">', options.title, '</div>'
-        );
-      // Add subtitle
-      if (options.subtitle)
-        html.push(
-          '<div style="position:absolute;top:', this.titleHeight, 'px;left:', 
-          this.plotOffset.left, 'px;font-size:smaller;text-align:center;width:',
-          this.plotWidth, 'px;" class="flotr-subtitle">', options.subtitle, '</div>'
-        );
-      html.push('</div>');
-      html.push('<div class="flotr-axis-title" style="font-weight:bold;">');
-      // Add x axis title
-      if (a.x.options.title && a.x.used)
-        html.push(
-          '<div style="position:absolute;top:', 
-          ( + this.plotHeight + options.grid.labelMargin + a.x.titleSize.height), 
-          'px;left:', this.plotOffset.left, 'px;width:', this.plotWidth, 
-          'px;text-align:', a.x.options.titleAlign, ';" class="flotr-axis-title flotr-axis-title-x1">', a.x.options.title, '</div>'
-        );
-      // Add x2 axis title
-      if (a.x2.options.title && a.x2.used)
-        html.push(
-          '<div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:', this.plotOffset.left, 'px;width:', 
-          this.plotWidth, 'px;text-align:', a.x2.options.titleAlign, ';" class="flotr-axis-title flotr-axis-title-x2">', a.x2.options.title, '</div>'
-        );
-      // Add y axis title
-      if (a.y.options.title && a.y.used)
-        html.push(
-          '<div style="position:absolute;top:', 
-          ( + this.plotHeight/2 - a.y.titleSize.height/2), 
-          'px;left:0;text-align:', a.y.options.titleAlign, ';" class="flotr-axis-title flotr-axis-title-y1">', a.y.options.title, '</div>'
-        );
-      // Add y2 axis title
-      if (a.y2.options.title && a.y2.used)
-        html.push(
-          '<div style="position:absolute;top:', 
-          ( + this.plotHeight/2 - a.y.titleSize.height/2), 
-          'px;right:0;text-align:', a.y2.options.titleAlign, ';" class="flotr-axis-title flotr-axis-title-y2">', a.y2.options.title, '</div>'
-        );
-      html = html.join('');
-      var div = D.create('div');
-      D.setStyles({
-        color: options.grid.color 
-      });
-      div.className = 'flotr-titles';
-      D.insert(this.el, div);
-      D.insert(div, html);
-    }
-  }
+    var D = Flotr.DOM;
+    Flotr.addPlugin('titles', {
+        callbacks: {
+            'flotr:afterdraw': function () {
+                this.titles.drawTitles();
+            }
+        },
+        /**
+         * Draws the title and the subtitle
+         */
+        drawTitles: function () {
+            var html,
+                options = this.options,
+                margin = options.grid.labelMargin,
+                ctx = this.ctx,
+                a = this.axes;
+            if (!options.HtmlText && this.textEnabled) {
+                var style = {
+                    size: options.fontSize,
+                    color: options.grid.color,
+                    textAlign: 'center'
+                };
+                // Add subtitle
+                if (options.subtitle) {
+                    Flotr.drawText(
+                        ctx, options.subtitle,
+                        this.plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth / 2,
+                        this.titleHeight + this.subtitleHeight - 2,
+                        style
+                    );
+                }
+                style.weight = 1.5;
+                style.size *= 1.5;
+                // Add title
+                if (options.title) {
+                    Flotr.drawText(
+                        ctx, options.title,
+                        this.plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth / 2,
+                        this.titleHeight - 2,
+                        style
+                    );
+                }
+                style.weight = 1.8;
+                style.size *= 0.8;
+                // Add x axis title
+                if (a.x.options.title && a.x.used) {
+                    style.textAlign = a.x.options.titleAlign || 'center';
+                    style.textBaseline = 'top';
+                    style.angle = Flotr.toRad(a.x.options.titleAngle);
+                    style = Flotr.getBestTextAlign(style.angle, style);
+                    Flotr.drawText(
+                        ctx, a.x.options.title,
+                        this.plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth / 2,
+               + a.x.maxLabel.height + this.plotHeight + 2 * margin,
+                        style
+                    );
+                }
+                // Add x2 axis title
+                if (a.x2.options.title && a.x2.used) {
+                    style.textAlign = a.x2.options.titleAlign || 'center';
+                    style.textBaseline = 'bottom';
+                    style.angle = Flotr.toRad(a.x2.options.titleAngle);
+                    style = Flotr.getBestTextAlign(style.angle, style);
+                    Flotr.drawText(
+                        ctx, a.x2.options.title,
+                        this.plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth / 2,
+               - a.x2.maxLabel.height - 2 * margin,
+                        style
+                    );
+                }
+                // Add y axis title
+                if (a.y.options.title && a.y.used) {
+                    style.textAlign = a.y.options.titleAlign || 'right';
+                    style.textBaseline = 'middle';
+                    style.angle = Flotr.toRad(a.y.options.titleAngle);
+                    style = Flotr.getBestTextAlign(style.angle, style);
+                    Flotr.drawText(
+                        ctx, a.y.options.title,
+                        this.plotOffset.left - a.y.maxLabel.width - 2 * margin,
+               + this.plotHeight / 2,
+                        style
+                    );
+                }
+                // Add y2 axis title
+                if (a.y2.options.title && a.y2.used) {
+                    style.textAlign = a.y2.options.titleAlign || 'left';
+                    style.textBaseline = 'middle';
+                    style.angle = Flotr.toRad(a.y2.options.titleAngle);
+                    style = Flotr.getBestTextAlign(style.angle, style);
+                    Flotr.drawText(
+                        ctx, a.y2.options.title,
+                        this.plotOffset.left + this.plotWidth + a.y2.maxLabel.width + 2 * margin,
+               + this.plotHeight / 2,
+                        style
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                html = [];
+                // Add title
+                if (options.title)
+                    html.push(
+                        '<div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:',
+                        this.plotOffset.left, 'px;font-size:1em;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;width:',
+                        this.plotWidth, 'px;" class="flotr-title">', options.title, '</div>'
+                    );
+                // Add subtitle
+                if (options.subtitle)
+                    html.push(
+                        '<div style="position:absolute;top:', this.titleHeight, 'px;left:',
+                        this.plotOffset.left, 'px;font-size:smaller;text-align:center;width:',
+                        this.plotWidth, 'px;" class="flotr-subtitle">', options.subtitle, '</div>'
+                    );
+                html.push('</div>');
+                html.push('<div class="flotr-axis-title" style="font-weight:bold;">');
+                // Add x axis title
+                if (a.x.options.title && a.x.used)
+                    html.push(
+                        '<div style="position:absolute;top:',
+                        ( + this.plotHeight + options.grid.labelMargin + a.x.titleSize.height),
+                        'px;left:', this.plotOffset.left, 'px;width:', this.plotWidth,
+                        'px;text-align:', a.x.options.titleAlign, ';" class="flotr-axis-title flotr-axis-title-x1">', a.x.options.title, '</div>'
+                    );
+                // Add x2 axis title
+                if (a.x2.options.title && a.x2.used)
+                    html.push(
+                        '<div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:', this.plotOffset.left, 'px;width:',
+                        this.plotWidth, 'px;text-align:', a.x2.options.titleAlign, ';" class="flotr-axis-title flotr-axis-title-x2">', a.x2.options.title, '</div>'
+                    );
+                // Add y axis title
+                if (a.y.options.title && a.y.used)
+                    html.push(
+                        '<div style="position:absolute;top:',
+                        ( + this.plotHeight / 2 - a.y.titleSize.height / 2),
+                        'px;left:0;text-align:', a.y.options.titleAlign, ';" class="flotr-axis-title flotr-axis-title-y1">', a.y.options.title, '</div>'
+                    );
+                // Add y2 axis title
+                if (a.y2.options.title && a.y2.used)
+                    html.push(
+                        '<div style="position:absolute;top:',
+                        ( + this.plotHeight / 2 - a.y.titleSize.height / 2),
+                        'px;right:0;text-align:', a.y2.options.titleAlign, ';" class="flotr-axis-title flotr-axis-title-y2">', a.y2.options.title, '</div>'
+                    );
+                html = html.join('');
+                var div = D.create('div');
+                D.setStyles({
+                    color: options.grid.color
+                });
+                div.className = 'flotr-titles';
+                D.insert(this.el, div);
+                D.insert(div, html);
+            }
+        }
+    });

--- a/js/flotr2/spec/js/test-background.js
+++ b/js/flotr2/spec/js/test-background.js
@@ -1,69 +1,77 @@
 (function () {
-  key : 'test-background',
-  name : 'Test Background',
-  callback : test_background,
-  timeout : 100, 
-  tolerance : 10
+    Flotr.ExampleList.add({
+        key: 'test-background',
+        name: 'Test Background',
+        callback: test_background,
+        timeout: 100,
+        tolerance: 10
+    });
-function test_background (container) {
+    function test_background(container) {
-  var
-    d1 = [],
-    d2 = [],
-    d3 = [],
-    d4 = [],
-    d5 = [],                        // Data
-    ticks = [[ 0, "Lower"], 10, 20, 30, [40, "Upper"]], // Ticks for the Y-Axis
-    graph;
-  for(var i = 0; i <= 10; i += 0.1){
-    d1.push([i, 4 + Math.pow(i,1.5)]);
-    d2.push([i, Math.pow(i,3)]);
-    d3.push([i, i*5+3*Math.sin(i*4)]);
-    d4.push([i, i]);
-    if( i.toFixed(1)%1 == 0 ){
-      d5.push([i, 2*i]);
+        var
+            d1 = [],
+            d2 = [],
+            d3 = [],
+            d4 = [],
+            d5 = [],                        // Data
+            ticks = [
+                [ 0, "Lower"],
+                10,
+                20,
+                30,
+                [40, "Upper"]
+            ], // Ticks for the Y-Axis
+            graph;
+        for (var i = 0; i <= 10; i += 0.1) {
+            d1.push([i, 4 + Math.pow(i, 1.5)]);
+            d2.push([i, Math.pow(i, 3)]);
+            d3.push([i, i * 5 + 3 * Math.sin(i * 4)]);
+            d4.push([i, i]);
+            if (i.toFixed(1) % 1 == 0) {
+                d5.push([i, 2 * i]);
+            }
+        }
+        d3[30][1] = null;
+        d3[31][1] = null;
+        function ticksFn(n) {
+            return '(' + n + ')';
+        }
+        graph = Flotr.draw(container, [
+            { data: d1, label: 'y = 4 + x^(1.5)', lines: { fill: true } },
+            { data: d2, label: 'y = x^3'},
+            { data: d3, label: 'y = 5x + 3sin(4x)'},
+            { data: d4, label: 'y = x'},
+            { data: d5, label: 'y = 2x', lines: { show: true }, points: { show: true } }
+        ], {
+            xaxis: {
+                noTicks: 7,              // Display 7 ticks.
+                tickFormatter: ticksFn,  // Displays tick values between brackets.
+                min: 1,                  // Part of the series is not displayed.
+                max: 7.5                 // Part of the series is not displayed.
+            },
+            yaxis: {
+                ticks: ticks,            // Set Y-Axis ticks
+                max: 40                  // Maximum value along Y-Axis
+            },
+            grid: {
+                verticalLines: false,
+                backgroundImage: {
+                    src: 'img/test-background.png?' + Math.random()
+                }
+            },
+            legend: {
+                position: 'nw'
+            },
+            title: 'Basic Axis example',
+            subtitle: 'This is a subtitle'
+        });
-  }
-  d3[30][1] = null;
-  d3[31][1] = null;
-  function ticksFn (n) { return '('+n+')'; }
-  graph = Flotr.draw(container, [ 
-      { data : d1, label : 'y = 4 + x^(1.5)', lines : { fill : true } }, 
-      { data : d2, label : 'y = x^3'}, 
-      { data : d3, label : 'y = 5x + 3sin(4x)'}, 
-      { data : d4, label : 'y = x'},
-      { data : d5, label : 'y = 2x', lines : { show : true }, points : { show : true } }
-    ], {
-      xaxis : {
-        noTicks : 7,              // Display 7 ticks.
-        tickFormatter : ticksFn,  // Displays tick values between brackets.
-        min : 1,                  // Part of the series is not displayed.
-        max : 7.5                 // Part of the series is not displayed.
-      },
-      yaxis : {
-        ticks : ticks,            // Set Y-Axis ticks
-        max : 40                  // Maximum value along Y-Axis
-      },
-      grid : {
-        verticalLines : false,
-        backgroundImage : {
-          src : 'img/test-background.png?' + Math.random()
-        }
-      },
-      legend : {
-        position : 'nw'
-      },
-      title : 'Basic Axis example',
-      subtitle : 'This is a subtitle'
-  });

--- a/js/flotr2/spec/js/test-boundaries.js
+++ b/js/flotr2/spec/js/test-boundaries.js
@@ -1,32 +1,37 @@
 (function () {
-  key : 'test-boundaries',
-  name : 'Test Boundaries',
-  callback : test_boundaries
+    Flotr.ExampleList.add({
+        key: 'test-boundaries',
+        name: 'Test Boundaries',
+        callback: test_boundaries
+    });
-function test_boundaries (container) {
+    function test_boundaries(container) {
-  var
-    d1 = [[0, 0], [5, 0], [6, 10], [9, 10]], // First data series
-    i, graph;
+        var
+            d1 = [
+                [0, 0],
+                [5, 0],
+                [6, 10],
+                [9, 10]
+            ], // First data series
+            i, graph;
-  // Draw Graph
-  graph = Flotr.draw(container, [ d1 ], {
-    title : 'test',
-    xaxis: {
-      minorTickFreq: 4
-    },
-    lines: { 
-      lineWidth : 2
-    },
-    grid: {
-      outlineWidth : 2,
-      minorVerticalLines: true
+        // Draw Graph
+        graph = Flotr.draw(container, [ d1 ], {
+            title: 'test',
+            xaxis: {
+                minorTickFreq: 4
+            },
+            lines: {
+                lineWidth: 2
+            },
+            grid: {
+                outlineWidth: 2,
+                minorVerticalLines: true
+            }
+        });
-  });

--- a/js/flotr2/spec/js/test-mountain-nulls.js
+++ b/js/flotr2/spec/js/test-mountain-nulls.js
@@ -1,45 +1,52 @@
 (function () {
-  key : 'test-mountain-nulls',
-  name : 'Mountain Nulls',
-  callback : function (container) {
-    var
-      d1 = [[0, 3], [4, 8], [5, 6], [6, null], [7, 7], [8, 5]], // First data series
-      d2 = [],                                // Second data series
-      i, graph;
+    Flotr.ExampleList.add({
+        key: 'test-mountain-nulls',
+        name: 'Mountain Nulls',
+        callback: function (container) {
+            var
+                d1 = [
+                    [0, 3],
+                    [4, 8],
+                    [5, 6],
+                    [6, null],
+                    [7, 7],
+                    [8, 5]
+                ], // First data series
+                d2 = [],                                // Second data series
+                i, graph;
-    // Generate first data set
-    for (i = 0; i < 14; i += 0.5) {
-      d2.push([i, Math.sin(i)]);
-    }
-    // Multiple nulls
-    d2[9][1] = null;
-    d2[10][1] = null;
-    d2[11][1] = null;
-    // Single not null surrounded by null
-    d2[13][1] = null;
-    // < 0 null
-    d2[23][1] = null;
+            // Generate first data set
+            for (i = 0; i < 14; i += 0.5) {
+                d2.push([i, Math.sin(i)]);
+            }
-    // Draw Graph
-    graph = Flotr.draw(container, [ d1, d2 ], {
-      xaxis: {
-        minorTickFreq: 4
-      },
-      lines: {
-        fill : true
-      },
-      grid: {
-        minorVerticalLines: true
-      }
+            // Multiple nulls
+            d2[9][1] = null;
+            d2[10][1] = null;
+            d2[11][1] = null;
+            // Single not null surrounded by null
+            d2[13][1] = null;
+            // < 0 null
+            d2[23][1] = null;
+            // Draw Graph
+            graph = Flotr.draw(container, [ d1, d2 ], {
+                xaxis: {
+                    minorTickFreq: 4
+                },
+                lines: {
+                    fill: true
+                },
+                grid: {
+                    minorVerticalLines: true
+                }
+            });
+        },
+        type: 'test'
-  },
-  type : 'test'

--- a/js/vendor/jquery-1.8.0.min.js
+++ b/js/vendor/jquery-1.8.0.min.js
@@ -1,3 +1,2333 @@
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a===e}),b.first?function(b,c){while(b=b[f])if(b.nodeType===1)return a(b,c)&&b}:function(b,e){var h,i=g+"."+d,j=i+"."+c;while(b=b[f])if(b.nodeType===1){if((h=b[q])===j)return b.sizset;if(typeof h=="string"&&h.indexOf(i)===0){if(b.sizset)return b}else{b[q]=j;if(a(b,e))return b.sizset=!0,b;b.sizset=!1}}}}function bi(a,b){return a?function(c,d){var e=b(c,d);return e&&a(e===!0?c:e,d)}:b}function bj(a,b,c){var d,e,f=0;for(;d=a[f];f++)$.relative[d.part]?e=bh(e,$.relative[d.part],b):(d.captures.push(b,c),e=bi(e,$.filter[d.part].apply(null,d.captures)));return e}function bk(a){return function(b,c){var d,e=0;for(;d=a[e];e++)if(d(b,c))return!0;return!1}}var 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+(function (a, b) {
+    function G(a) {
+        var b = F[a] = {};
+        return p.each(a.split(s), function (a, c) {
+            b[c] = !0
+        }), b
+    }
+    function J(a, c, d) {
+        if (d === b && a.nodeType === 1) {
+            var e = "data-" + c.replace(I, "-$1").toLowerCase();
+            d = a.getAttribute(e);
+            if (typeof d == "string") {
+                try {
+                    d = d === "true" ? !0 : d === "false" ? !1 : d === "null" ? null : +d + "" === d ? +d : H.test(d) ? p.parseJSON(d) : d
+                } catch (f) {
+                }
+      , c, d)
+            } else d = b
+        }
+        return d
+    }
+    function K(a) {
+        var b;
+        for (b in a) {
+            if (b === "data" && p.isEmptyObject(a[b]))continue;
+            if (b !== "toJSON")return!1
+        }
+        return!0
+    }
+    function ba() {
+        return!1
+    }
+    function bb() {
+        return!0
+    }
+    function bh(a) {
+        return!a || !a.parentNode || a.parentNode.nodeType === 11
+    }
+    function bi(a, b) {
+        do a = a[b]; while (a && a.nodeType !== 1);
+        return a
+    }
+    function bj(a, b, c) {
+        b = b || 0;
+        if (p.isFunction(b))return p.grep(a, function (a, d) {
+            var e = !!, d, a);
+            return e === c
+        });
+        if (b.nodeType)return p.grep(a, function (a, d) {
+            return a === b === c
+        });
+        if (typeof b == "string") {
+            var d = p.grep(a, function (a) {
+                return a.nodeType === 1
+            });
+            if (be.test(b))return p.filter(b, d, !c);
+            b = p.filter(b, d)
+        }
+        return p.grep(a, function (a, d) {
+            return p.inArray(a, b) >= 0 === c
+        })
+    }
+    function bk(a) {
+        var b = bl.split("|"), c = a.createDocumentFragment();
+        if (c.createElement)while (b.length)c.createElement(b.pop());
+        return c
+    }
+    function bC(a, b) {
+        return a.getElementsByTagName(b)[0] || a.appendChild(a.ownerDocument.createElement(b))
+    }
+    function bD(a, b) {
+        if (b.nodeType !== 1 || !p.hasData(a))return;
+        var c, d, e, f = p._data(a), g = p._data(b, f), h =;
+        if (h) {
+            delete g.handle, = {};
+            for (c in h)for (d = 0, e = h[c].length; d < e; d++)p.event.add(b, c, h[c][d])
+        }
+ && ( = p.extend({},
+    }
+    function bE(a, b) {
+        var c;
+        if (b.nodeType !== 1)return;
+        b.clearAttributes && b.clearAttributes(), b.mergeAttributes && b.mergeAttributes(a), c = b.nodeName.toLowerCase(), c === "object" ? (b.parentNode && (b.outerHTML = a.outerHTML), && a.innerHTML && !p.trim(b.innerHTML) && (b.innerHTML = a.innerHTML)) : c === "input" && bv.test(a.type) ? (b.defaultChecked = b.checked = a.checked, b.value !== a.value && (b.value = a.value)) : c === "option" ? b.selected = a.defaultSelected : c === "input" || c === "textarea" ? b.defaultValue = a.defaultValue : c === "script" && b.text !== a.text && (b.text = a.text), b.removeAttribute(p.expando)
+    }
+    function bF(a) {
+        return typeof a.getElementsByTagName != "undefined" ? a.getElementsByTagName("*") : typeof a.querySelectorAll != "undefined" ? a.querySelectorAll("*") : []
+    }
+    function bG(a) {
+        bv.test(a.type) && (a.defaultChecked = a.checked)
+    }
+    function bX(a, b) {
+        if (b in a)return b;
+        var c = b.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + b.slice(1), d = b, e = bV.length;
+        while (e--) {
+            b = bV[e] + c;
+            if (b in a)return b
+        }
+        return d
+    }
+    function bY(a, b) {
+        return a = b || a, p.css(a, "display") === "none" || !p.contains(a.ownerDocument, a)
+    }
+    function bZ(a, b) {
+        var c, d, e = [], f = 0, g = a.length;
+        for (; f < g; f++) {
+            c = a[f];
+            if (!;
+            e[f] = p._data(c, "olddisplay"), b ? (!e[f] && === "none" && ( = ""), === "" && bY(c) && (e[f] = p._data(c, "olddisplay", cb(c.nodeName)))) : (d = bH(c, "display"), !e[f] && d !== "none" && p._data(c, "olddisplay", d))
+        }
+        for (f = 0; f < g; f++) {
+            c = a[f];
+            if (!;
+            if (!b || === "none" || === "") = b ? e[f] || "" : "none"
+        }
+        return a
+    }
+    function b$(a, b, c) {
+        var d = bO.exec(b);
+        return d ? Math.max(0, d[1] - (c || 0)) + (d[2] || "px") : b
+    }
+    function b_(a, b, c, d) {
+        var e = c === (d ? "border" : "content") ? 4 : b === "width" ? 1 : 0, f = 0;
+        for (; e < 4; e += 2)c === "margin" && (f += p.css(a, c + bU[e], !0)), d ? (c === "content" && (f -= parseFloat(bH(a, "padding" + bU[e])) || 0), c !== "margin" && (f -= parseFloat(bH(a, "border" + bU[e] + "Width")) || 0)) : (f += parseFloat(bH(a, "padding" + bU[e])) || 0, c !== "padding" && (f += parseFloat(bH(a, "border" + bU[e] + "Width")) || 0));
+        return f
+    }
+    function ca(a, b, c) {
+        var d = b === "width" ? a.offsetWidth : a.offsetHeight, e = !0, f = && p.css(a, "boxSizing") === "border-box";
+        if (d <= 0) {
+            d = bH(a, b);
+            if (d < 0 || d == null)d =[b];
+            if (bP.test(d))return d;
+            e = f && ( || d ===[b]), d = parseFloat(d) || 0
+        }
+        return d + b_(a, b, c || (f ? "border" : "content"), e) + "px"
+    }
+    function cb(a) {
+        if (bR[a])return bR[a];
+        var b = p("<" + a + ">").appendTo(e.body), c = b.css("display");
+        b.remove();
+        if (c === "none" || c === "") {
+            bI = e.body.appendChild(bI || p.extend(e.createElement("iframe"), {frameBorder: 0, width: 0, height: 0}));
+            if (!bJ || !bI.createElement)bJ = (bI.contentWindow || bI.contentDocument).document, bJ.write("<!doctype html><html><body>"), bJ.close();
+            b = bJ.body.appendChild(bJ.createElement(a)), c = bH(b, "display"), e.body.removeChild(bI)
+        }
+        return bR[a] = c, c
+    }
+    function ch(a, b, c, d) {
+        var e;
+        if (p.isArray(b))p.each(b, function (b, e) {
+            c || cd.test(a) ? d(a, e) : ch(a + "[" + (typeof e == "object" ? b : "") + "]", e, c, d)
+        }); else if (!c && p.type(b) === "object")for (e in b)ch(a + "[" + e + "]", b[e], c, d); else d(a, b)
+    }
+    function cy(a) {
+        return function (b, c) {
+            typeof b != "string" && (c = b, b = "*");
+            var d, e, f, g = b.toLowerCase().split(s), h = 0, i = g.length;
+            if (p.isFunction(c))for (; h < i; h++)d = g[h], f = /^\+/.test(d), f && (d = d.substr(1) || "*"), e = a[d] = a[d] || [], e[f ? "unshift" : "push"](c)
+        }
+    }
+    function cz(a, c, d, e, f, g) {
+        f = f || c.dataTypes[0], g = g || {}, g[f] = !0;
+        var h, i = a[f], j = 0, k = i ? i.length : 0, l = a === cu;
+        for (; j < k && (l || !h); j++)h = i[j](c, d, e), typeof h == "string" && (!l || g[h] ? h = b : (c.dataTypes.unshift(h), h = cz(a, c, d, e, h, g)));
+        return(l || !h) && !g["*"] && (h = cz(a, c, d, e, "*", g)), h
+    }
+    function cA(a, c) {
+        var d, e, f = p.ajaxSettings.flatOptions || {};
+        for (d in c)c[d] !== b && ((f[d] ? a : e || (e = {}))[d] = c[d]);
+        e && p.extend(!0, a, e)
+    }
+    function cB(a, c, d) {
+        var e, f, g, h, i = a.contents, j = a.dataTypes, k = a.responseFields;
+        for (f in k)f in d && (c[k[f]] = d[f]);
+        while (j[0] === "*")j.shift(), e === b && (e = a.mimeType || c.getResponseHeader("content-type"));
+        if (e)for (f in i)if (i[f] && i[f].test(e)) {
+            j.unshift(f);
+            break
+        }
+        if (j[0]in d)g = j[0]; else {
+            for (f in d) {
+                if (!j[0] || a.converters[f + " " + j[0]]) {
+                    g = f;
+                    break
+                }
+                h || (h = f)
+            }
+            g = g || h
+        }
+        if (g)return g !== j[0] && j.unshift(g), d[g]
+    }
+    function cC(a, b) {
+        var c, d, e, f, g = a.dataTypes.slice(), h = g[0], i = {}, j = 0;
+        a.dataFilter && (b = a.dataFilter(b, a.dataType));
+        if (g[1])for (c in a.converters)i[c.toLowerCase()] = a.converters[c];
+        for (; e = g[++j];)if (e !== "*") {
+            if (h !== "*" && h !== e) {
+                c = i[h + " " + e] || i["* " + e];
+                if (!c)for (d in i) {
+                    f = d.split(" ");
+                    if (f[1] === e) {
+                        c = i[h + " " + f[0]] || i["* " + f[0]];
+                        if (c) {
+                            c === !0 ? c = i[d] : i[d] !== !0 && (e = f[0], g.splice(j--, 0, e));
+                            break
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if (c !== !0)if (c && a["throws"])b = c(b); else try {
+                    b = c(b)
+                } catch (k) {
+                    return{state: "parsererror", error: c ? k : "No conversion from " + h + " to " + e}
+                }
+            }
+            h = e
+        }
+        return{state: "success", data: b}
+    }
+    function cK() {
+        try {
+            return new a.XMLHttpRequest
+        } catch (b) {
+        }
+    }
+    function cL() {
+        try {
+            return new a.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
+        } catch (b) {
+        }
+    }
+    function cT() {
+        return setTimeout(function () {
+            cM = b
+        }, 0), cM =
+    }
+    function cU(a, b) {
+        p.each(b, function (b, c) {
+            var d = (cS[b] || []).concat(cS["*"]), e = 0, f = d.length;
+            for (; e < f; e++)if (d[e].call(a, b, c))return
+        })
+    }
+    function cV(a, b, c) {
+        var d, e = 0, f = 0, g = cR.length, h = p.Deferred().always(function () {
+            delete i.elem
+        }), i = function () {
+            var b = cM || cT(), c = Math.max(0, j.startTime + j.duration - b), d = 1 - (c / j.duration || 0), e = 0, f = j.tweens.length;
+            for (; e < f; e++)j.tweens[e].run(d);
+            return h.notifyWith(a, [j, d, c]), d < 1 && f ? c : (h.resolveWith(a, [j]), !1)
+        }, j = h.promise({elem: a, props: p.extend({}, b), opts: p.extend(!0, {specialEasing: {}}, c), originalProperties: b, originalOptions: c, startTime: cM || cT(), duration: c.duration, tweens: [], createTween: function (b, c, d) {
+            var e = p.Tween(a, j.opts, b, c, j.opts.specialEasing[b] || j.opts.easing);
+            return j.tweens.push(e), e
+        }, stop: function (b) {
+            var c = 0, d = b ? j.tweens.length : 0;
+            for (; c < d; c++)j.tweens[c].run(1);
+            return b ? h.resolveWith(a, [j, b]) : h.rejectWith(a, [j, b]), this
+        }}), k = j.props;
+        cW(k, j.opts.specialEasing);
+        for (; e < g; e++) {
+            d = cR[e].call(j, a, k, j.opts);
+            if (d)return d
+        }
+        return cU(j, k), p.isFunction(j.opts.start) &&, j), p.fx.timer(p.extend(i, {anim: j, queue: j.opts.queue, elem: a})), j.progress(j.opts.progress).done(j.opts.done, j.opts.complete).fail(
+    }
+    function cW(a, b) {
+        var c, d, e, f, g;
+        for (c in a) {
+            d = p.camelCase(c), e = b[d], f = a[c], p.isArray(f) && (e = f[1], f = a[c] = f[0]), c !== d && (a[d] = f, delete a[c]), g = p.cssHooks[d];
+            if (g && "expand"in g) {
+                f = g.expand(f), delete a[d];
+                for (c in f)c in a || (a[c] = f[c], b[c] = e)
+            } else b[d] = e
+        }
+    }
+    function cX(a, b, c) {
+        var d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l = this, m =, n = {}, o = [], q = a.nodeType && bY(a);
+        c.queue || (j = p._queueHooks(a, "fx"), j.unqueued == null && (j.unqueued = 0, k =, = function () {
+            j.unqueued || k()
+        }), j.unqueued++, l.always(function () {
+            l.always(function () {
+                j.unqueued--, p.queue(a, "fx").length ||
+            })
+        })), a.nodeType === 1 && ("height"in b || "width"in b) && (c.overflow = [m.overflow, m.overflowX, m.overflowY], p.css(a, "display") === "inline" && p.css(a, "float") === "none" && (! || cb(a.nodeName) === "inline" ? m.display = "inline-block" : m.zoom = 1)), c.overflow && (m.overflow = "hidden", || l.done(function () {
+            m.overflow = c.overflow[0], m.overflowX = c.overflow[1], m.overflowY = c.overflow[2]
+        }));
+        for (d in b) {
+            f = b[d];
+            if (cO.exec(f)) {
+                delete b[d];
+                if (f === (q ? "hide" : "show"))continue;
+                o.push(d)
+            }
+        }
+        g = o.length;
+        if (g) {
+            h = p._data(a, "fxshow") || p._data(a, "fxshow", {}), q ? p(a).show() : l.done(function () {
+                p(a).hide()
+            }), l.done(function () {
+                var b;
+                p.removeData(a, "fxshow", !0);
+                for (b in n), b, n[b])
+            });
+            for (d = 0; d < g; d++)e = o[d], i = l.createTween(e, q ? h[e] : 0), n[e] = h[e] ||, e), e in h || (h[e] = i.start, q && (i.end = i.start, i.start = e === "width" || e === "height" ? 1 : 0))
+        }
+    }
+    function cY(a, b, c, d, e) {
+        return new cY.prototype.init(a, b, c, d, e)
+    }
+    function cZ(a, b) {
+        var c, d = {height: a}, e = 0;
+        for (; e < 4; e += 2 - b)c = bU[e], d["margin" + c] = d["padding" + c] = a;
+        return b && (d.opacity = d.width = a), d
+    }
+    function c_(a) {
+        return p.isWindow(a) ? a : a.nodeType === 9 ? a.defaultView || a.parentWindow : !1
+    }
+    var c, d, e = a.document, f = a.location, g = a.navigator, h = a.jQuery, i = a.$, j = Array.prototype.push, k = Array.prototype.slice, l = Array.prototype.indexOf, m = Object.prototype.toString, n = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, o = String.prototype.trim, p = function (a, b) {
+        return new p.fn.init(a, b, c)
+    }, q = /[\-+]?(?:\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][\-+]?\d+|)/.source, r = /\S/, s = /\s+/, t = r.test(" ") ? /^[\s\xA0]+|[\s\xA0]+$/g : /^\s+|\s+$/g, u = /^(?:[^#<]*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*$|#([\w\-]*)$)/, v = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/, w = /^[\],:{}\s]*$/, x = /(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, y = /\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[\da-fA-F]{4})/g, z = /"[^"\\\r\n]*"|true|false|null|-?(?:\d\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][\-+]?\d+|)/g, A = /^-ms-/, B = /-([\da-z])/gi, C = function (a, b) {
+        return(b + "").toUpperCase()
+    }, D = function () {
+        e.addEventListener ? (e.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", D, !1), p.ready()) : e.readyState === "complete" && (e.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", D), p.ready())
+    }, E = {};
+    p.fn = p.prototype = {constructor: p, init: function (a, c, d) {
+        var f, g, h, i;
+        if (!a)return this;
+        if (a.nodeType)return this.context = this[0] = a, this.length = 1, this;
+        if (typeof a == "string") {
+            a.charAt(0) === "<" && a.charAt(a.length - 1) === ">" && a.length >= 3 ? f = [null, a, null] : f = u.exec(a);
+            if (f && (f[1] || !c)) {
+                if (f[1])return c = c instanceof p ? c[0] : c, i = c && c.nodeType ? c.ownerDocument || c : e, a = p.parseHTML(f[1], i, !0), v.test(f[1]) && p.isPlainObject(c) &&, c, !0), p.merge(this, a);
+                g = e.getElementById(f[2]);
+                if (g && g.parentNode) {
+                    if ( !== f[2])return d.find(a);
+                    this.length = 1, this[0] = g
+                }
+                return this.context = e, this.selector = a, this
+            }
+            return!c || c.jquery ? (c || d).find(a) : this.constructor(c).find(a)
+        }
+        return p.isFunction(a) ? d.ready(a) : (a.selector !== b && (this.selector = a.selector, this.context = a.context), p.makeArray(a, this))
+    }, selector: "", jquery: "1.8.0", length: 0, size: function () {
+        return this.length
+    }, toArray: function () {
+        return
+    }, get: function (a) {
+        return a == null ? this.toArray() : a < 0 ? this[this.length + a] : this[a]
+    }, pushStack: function (a, b, c) {
+        var d = p.merge(this.constructor(), a);
+        return d.prevObject = this, d.context = this.context, b === "find" ? d.selector = this.selector + (this.selector ? " " : "") + c : b && (d.selector = this.selector + "." + b + "(" + c + ")"), d
+    }, each: function (a, b) {
+        return p.each(this, a, b)
+    }, ready: function (a) {
+        return p.ready.promise().done(a), this
+    }, eq: function (a) {
+        return a = +a, a === -1 ? this.slice(a) : this.slice(a, a + 1)
+    }, first: function () {
+        return this.eq(0)
+    }, last: function () {
+        return this.eq(-1)
+    }, slice: function () {
+        return this.pushStack(k.apply(this, arguments), "slice",","))
+    }, map: function (a) {
+        return this.pushStack(, function (b, c) {
+            return, c, b)
+        }))
+    }, end: function () {
+        return this.prevObject || this.constructor(null)
+    }, push: j, sort: [].sort, splice: [].splice}, p.fn.init.prototype = p.fn, p.extend = p.fn.extend = function () {
+        var a, c, d, e, f, g, h = arguments[0] || {}, i = 1, j = arguments.length, k = !1;
+        typeof h == "boolean" && (k = h, h = arguments[1] || {}, i = 2), typeof h != "object" && !p.isFunction(h) && (h = {}), j === i && (h = this, --i);
+        for (; i < j; i++)if ((a = arguments[i]) != null)for (c in a) {
+            d = h[c], e = a[c];
+            if (h === e)continue;
+            k && e && (p.isPlainObject(e) || (f = p.isArray(e))) ? (f ? (f = !1, g = d && p.isArray(d) ? d : []) : g = d && p.isPlainObject(d) ? d : {}, h[c] = p.extend(k, g, e)) : e !== b && (h[c] = e)
+        }
+        return h
+    }, p.extend({noConflict: function (b) {
+        return a.$ === p && (a.$ = i), b && a.jQuery === p && (a.jQuery = h), p
+    }, isReady: !1, readyWait: 1, holdReady: function (a) {
+        a ? p.readyWait++ : p.ready(!0)
+    }, ready: function (a) {
+        if (a === !0 ? --p.readyWait : p.isReady)return;
+        if (!e.body)return setTimeout(p.ready, 1);
+        p.isReady = !0;
+        if (a !== !0 && --p.readyWait > 0)return;
+        d.resolveWith(e, [p]), p.fn.trigger && p(e).trigger("ready").off("ready")
+    }, isFunction: function (a) {
+        return p.type(a) === "function"
+    }, isArray: Array.isArray || function (a) {
+        return p.type(a) === "array"
+    }, isWindow: function (a) {
+        return a != null && a == a.window
+    }, isNumeric: function (a) {
+        return!isNaN(parseFloat(a)) && isFinite(a)
+    }, type: function (a) {
+        return a == null ? String(a) : E[] || "object"
+    }, isPlainObject: function (a) {
+        if (!a || p.type(a) !== "object" || a.nodeType || p.isWindow(a))return!1;
+        try {
+            if (a.constructor && !, "constructor") && !, "isPrototypeOf"))return!1
+        } catch (c) {
+            return!1
+        }
+        var d;
+        for (d in a);
+        return d === b ||, d)
+    }, isEmptyObject: function (a) {
+        var b;
+        for (b in a)return!1;
+        return!0
+    }, error: function (a) {
+        throw new Error(a)
+    }, parseHTML: function (a, b, c) {
+        var d;
+        return!a || typeof a != "string" ? null : (typeof b == "boolean" && (c = b, b = 0), b = b || e, (d = v.exec(a)) ? [b.createElement(d[1])] : (d = p.buildFragment([a], b, c ? null : []), p.merge([], (d.cacheable ? p.clone(d.fragment) : d.fragment).childNodes)))
+    }, parseJSON: function (b) {
+        if (!b || typeof b != "string")return null;
+        b = p.trim(b);
+        if (a.JSON && a.JSON.parse)return a.JSON.parse(b);
+        if (w.test(b.replace(y, "@").replace(z, "]").replace(x, "")))return(new Function("return " + b))();
+        p.error("Invalid JSON: " + b)
+    }, parseXML: function (c) {
+        var d, e;
+        if (!c || typeof c != "string")return null;
+        try {
+            a.DOMParser ? (e = new DOMParser, d = e.parseFromString(c, "text/xml")) : (d = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"), d.async = "false", d.loadXML(c))
+        } catch (f) {
+            d = b
+        }
+        return(!d || !d.documentElement || d.getElementsByTagName("parsererror").length) && p.error("Invalid XML: " + c), d
+    }, noop: function () {
+    }, globalEval: function (b) {
+        b && r.test(b) && (a.execScript || function (b) {
+  , b)
+        })(b)
+    }, camelCase: function (a) {
+        return a.replace(A, "ms-").replace(B, C)
+    }, nodeName: function (a, b) {
+        return a.nodeName && a.nodeName.toUpperCase() === b.toUpperCase()
+    }, each: function (a, c, d) {
+        var e, f = 0, g = a.length, h = g === b || p.isFunction(a);
+        if (d) {
+            if (h) {
+                for (e in a)if (c.apply(a[e], d) === !1)break
+            } else for (; f < g;)if (c.apply(a[f++], d) === !1)break
+        } else if (h) {
+            for (e in a)if ([e], e, a[e]) === !1)break
+        } else for (; f < g;)if ([f], f, a[f++]) === !1)break;
+        return a
+    }, trim: o ? function (a) {
+        return a == null ? "" :
+    } : function (a) {
+        return a == null ? "" : a.toString().replace(t, "")
+    }, makeArray: function (a, b) {
+        var c, d = b || [];
+        return a != null && (c = p.type(a), a.length == null || c === "string" || c === "function" || c === "regexp" || p.isWindow(a) ?, a) : p.merge(d, a)), d
+    }, inArray: function (a, b, c) {
+        var d;
+        if (b) {
+            if (l)return, a, c);
+            d = b.length, c = c ? c < 0 ? Math.max(0, d + c) : c : 0;
+            for (; c < d; c++)if (c in b && b[c] === a)return c
+        }
+        return-1
+    }, merge: function (a, c) {
+        var d = c.length, e = a.length, f = 0;
+        if (typeof d == "number")for (; f < d; f++)a[e++] = c[f]; else while (c[f] !== b)a[e++] = c[f++];
+        return a.length = e, a
+    }, grep: function (a, b, c) {
+        var d, e = [], f = 0, g = a.length;
+        c = !!c;
+        for (; f < g; f++)d = !!b(a[f], f), c !== d && e.push(a[f]);
+        return e
+    }, map: function (a, c, d) {
+        var e, f, g = [], h = 0, i = a.length, j = a instanceof p || i !== b && typeof i == "number" && (i > 0 && a[0] && a[i - 1] || i === 0 || p.isArray(a));
+        if (j)for (; h < i; h++)e = c(a[h], h, d), e != null && (g[g.length] = e); else for (f in a)e = c(a[f], f, d), e != null && (g[g.length] = e);
+        return g.concat.apply([], g)
+    }, guid: 1, proxy: function (a, c) {
+        var d, e, f;
+        return typeof c == "string" && (d = a[c], c = a, a = d), p.isFunction(a) ? (e =, 2), f = function () {
+            return a.apply(c, e.concat(
+        }, f.guid = a.guid = a.guid || f.guid || p.guid++, f) : b
+    }, access: function (a, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
+        var i, j = d == null, k = 0, l = a.length;
+        if (d && typeof d == "object") {
+            for (k in d)p.access(a, c, k, d[k], 1, g, e);
+            f = 1
+        } else if (e !== b) {
+            i = h === b && p.isFunction(e), j && (i ? (i = c, c = function (a, b, c) {
+                return, c)
+            }) : (, e), c = null));
+            if (c)for (; k < l; k++)c(a[k], d, i ?[k], k, c(a[k], d)) : e, h);
+            f = 1
+        }
+        return f ? a : j ? : l ? c(a[0], d) : g
+    }, now: function () {
+        return(new Date).getTime()
+    }}), p.ready.promise = function (b) {
+        if (!d) {
+            d = p.Deferred();
+            if (e.readyState === "complete" || e.readyState !== "loading" && e.addEventListener)setTimeout(p.ready, 1); else if (e.addEventListener)e.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", D, !1), a.addEventListener("load", p.ready, !1); else {
+                e.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", D), a.attachEvent("onload", p.ready);
+                var c = !1;
+                try {
+                    c = a.frameElement == null && e.documentElement
+                } catch (f) {
+                }
+                c && c.doScroll && function g() {
+                    if (!p.isReady) {
+                        try {
+                            c.doScroll("left")
+                        } catch (a) {
+                            return setTimeout(g, 50)
+                        }
+                        p.ready()
+                    }
+                }()
+            }
+        }
+        return d.promise(b)
+    }, p.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object".split(" "), function (a, b) {
+        E["[object " + b + "]"] = b.toLowerCase()
+    }), c = p(e);
+    var F = {};
+    p.Callbacks = function (a) {
+        a = typeof a == "string" ? F[a] || G(a) : p.extend({}, a);
+        var c, d, e, f, g, h, i = [], j = !a.once && [], k = function (b) {
+            c = a.memory && b, d = !0, h = f || 0, f = 0, g = i.length, e = !0;
+            for (; i && h < g; h++)if (i[h].apply(b[0], b[1]) === !1 && a.stopOnFalse) {
+                c = !1;
+                break
+            }
+            e = !1, i && (j ? j.length && k(j.shift()) : c ? i = [] : l.disable())
+        }, l = {add: function () {
+            if (i) {
+                var b = i.length;
+                (function d(b) {
+                    p.each(b, function (b, c) {
+                        p.isFunction(c) && (!a.unique || !l.has(c)) ? i.push(c) : c && c.length && d(c)
+                    })
+                })(arguments), e ? g = i.length : c && (f = b, k(c))
+            }
+            return this
+        }, remove: function () {
+            return i && p.each(arguments, function (a, b) {
+                var c;
+                while ((c = p.inArray(b, i, c)) > -1)i.splice(c, 1), e && (c <= g && g--, c <= h && h--)
+            }), this
+        }, has: function (a) {
+            return p.inArray(a, i) > -1
+        }, empty: function () {
+            return i = [], this
+        }, disable: function () {
+            return i = j = c = b, this
+        }, disabled: function () {
+            return!i
+        }, lock: function () {
+            return j = b, c || l.disable(), this
+        }, locked: function () {
+            return!j
+        }, fireWith: function (a, b) {
+            return b = b || [], b = [a, b.slice ? b.slice() : b], i && (!d || j) && (e ? j.push(b) : k(b)), this
+        }, fire: function () {
+            return l.fireWith(this, arguments), this
+        }, fired: function () {
+            return!!d
+        }};
+        return l
+    }, p.extend({Deferred: function (a) {
+        var b = [
+            ["resolve", "done", p.Callbacks("once memory"), "resolved"],
+            ["reject", "fail", p.Callbacks("once memory"), "rejected"],
+            ["notify", "progress", p.Callbacks("memory")]
+        ], c = "pending", d = {state: function () {
+            return c
+        }, always: function () {
+            return e.done(arguments).fail(arguments), this
+        }, then: function () {
+            var a = arguments;
+            return p.Deferred(function (c) {
+                p.each(b, function (b, d) {
+                    var f = d[0], g = a[b];
+                    e[d[1]](p.isFunction(g) ? function () {
+                        var a = g.apply(this, arguments);
+                        a && p.isFunction(a.promise) ? a.promise().done(c.resolve).fail(c.reject).progress(c.notify) : c[f + "With"](this === e ? c : this, [a])
+                    } : c[f])
+                }), a = null
+            }).promise()
+        }, promise: function (a) {
+            return typeof a == "object" ? p.extend(a, d) : d
+        }}, e = {};
+        return d.pipe = d.then, p.each(b, function (a, f) {
+            var g = f[2], h = f[3];
+            d[f[1]] = g.add, h && g.add(function () {
+                c = h
+            }, b[a ^ 1][2].disable, b[2][2].lock), e[f[0]] =, e[f[0] + "With"] = g.fireWith
+        }), d.promise(e), a &&, e), e
+    }, when: function (a) {
+        var b = 0, c =, d = c.length, e = d !== 1 || a && p.isFunction(a.promise) ? d : 0, f = e === 1 ? a : p.Deferred(), g = function (a, b, c) {
+            return function (d) {
+                b[a] = this, c[a] = arguments.length > 1 ? : d, c === h ? f.notifyWith(b, c) : --e || f.resolveWith(b, c)
+            }
+        }, h, i, j;
+        if (d > 1) {
+            h = new Array(d), i = new Array(d), j = new Array(d);
+            for (; b < d; b++)c[b] && p.isFunction(c[b].promise) ? c[b].promise().done(g(b, j, c)).fail(f.reject).progress(g(b, i, h)) : --e
+        }
+        return e || f.resolveWith(j, c), f.promise()
+    }}), = function () {
+        var b, c, d, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n = e.createElement("div");
+        n.setAttribute("className", "t"), n.innerHTML = "  <link/><table></table><a href='/a'>a</a><input type='checkbox'/>", c = n.getElementsByTagName("*"), d = n.getElementsByTagName("a")[0], = "top:1px;float:left;opacity:.5";
+        if (!c || !c.length || !d)return{};
+        f = e.createElement("select"), g = f.appendChild(e.createElement("option")), h = n.getElementsByTagName("input")[0], b = {leadingWhitespace: n.firstChild.nodeType === 3, tbody: !n.getElementsByTagName("tbody").length, htmlSerialize: !!n.getElementsByTagName("link").length, style: /top/.test(d.getAttribute("style")), hrefNormalized: d.getAttribute("href") === "/a", opacity: /^0.5/.test(, cssFloat: !!, checkOn: h.value === "on", optSelected: g.selected, getSetAttribute: n.className !== "t", enctype: !!e.createElement("form").enctype, html5Clone: e.createElement("nav").cloneNode(!0).outerHTML !== "<:nav></:nav>", boxModel: e.compatMode === "CSS1Compat", submitBubbles: !0, changeBubbles: !0, focusinBubbles: !1, deleteExpando: !0, noCloneEvent: !0, inlineBlockNeedsLayout: !1, shrinkWrapBlocks: !1, reliableMarginRight: !0, boxSizingReliable: !0, pixelPosition: !1}, h.checked = !0, b.noCloneChecked = h.cloneNode(!0).checked, f.disabled = !0, b.optDisabled = !g.disabled;
+        try {
+            delete n.test
+        } catch (o) {
+            b.deleteExpando = !1
+        }
+        !n.addEventListener && n.attachEvent && n.fireEvent && (n.attachEvent("onclick", m = function () {
+            b.noCloneEvent = !1
+        }), n.cloneNode(!0).fireEvent("onclick"), n.detachEvent("onclick", m)), h = e.createElement("input"), h.value = "t", h.setAttribute("type", "radio"), b.radioValue = h.value === "t", h.setAttribute("checked", "checked"), h.setAttribute("name", "t"), n.appendChild(h), i = e.createDocumentFragment(), i.appendChild(n.lastChild), b.checkClone = i.cloneNode(!0).cloneNode(!0).lastChild.checked, b.appendChecked = h.checked, i.removeChild(h), i.appendChild(n);
+        if (n.attachEvent)for (k in{submit: !0, change: !0, focusin: !0})j = "on" + k, l = j in n, l || (n.setAttribute(j, "return;"), l = typeof n[j] == "function"), b[k + "Bubbles"] = l;
+        return p(function () {
+            var c, d, f, g, h = "padding:0;margin:0;border:0;display:block;overflow:hidden;", i = e.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
+            if (!i)return;
+            c = e.createElement("div"), = "visibility:hidden;border:0;width:0;height:0;position:static;top:0;margin-top:1px", i.insertBefore(c, i.firstChild), d = e.createElement("div"), c.appendChild(d), d.innerHTML = "<table><tr><td></td><td>t</td></tr></table>", f = d.getElementsByTagName("td"), f[0].style.cssText = "padding:0;margin:0;border:0;display:none", l = f[0].offsetHeight === 0, f[0].style.display = "", f[1].style.display = "none", b.reliableHiddenOffsets = l && f[0].offsetHeight === 0, d.innerHTML = "", = "box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;padding:1px;border:1px;display:block;width:4px;margin-top:1%;position:absolute;top:1%;", b.boxSizing = d.offsetWidth === 4, b.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset = i.offsetTop !== 1, a.getComputedStyle && (b.pixelPosition = (a.getComputedStyle(d, null) || {}).top !== "1%", b.boxSizingReliable = (a.getComputedStyle(d, null) || {width: "4px"}).width === "4px", g = e.createElement("div"), = = h, = = "0", = "1px", d.appendChild(g), b.reliableMarginRight = !parseFloat((a.getComputedStyle(g, null) || {}).marginRight)), typeof != "undefined" && (d.innerHTML = "", = h + "width:1px;padding:1px;display:inline;zoom:1", b.inlineBlockNeedsLayout = d.offsetWidth === 3, = "block", = "visible", d.innerHTML = "<div></div>", = "5px", b.shrinkWrapBlocks = d.offsetWidth !== 3, = 1), i.removeChild(c), c = d = f = g = null
+        }), i.removeChild(n), c = d = f = g = h = i = n = null, b
+    }();
+    var H = /^(?:\{.*\}|\[.*\])$/, I = /([A-Z])/g;
+    p.extend({cache: {}, deletedIds: [], uuid: 0, expando: "jQuery" + (p.fn.jquery + Math.random()).replace(/\D/g, ""), noData: {embed: !0, object: "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000", applet: !0}, hasData: function (a) {
+        return a = a.nodeType ? p.cache[a[p.expando]] : a[p.expando], !!a && !K(a)
+    }, data: function (a, c, d, e) {
+        if (!p.acceptData(a))return;
+        var f, g, h = p.expando, i = typeof c == "string", j = a.nodeType, k = j ? p.cache : a, l = j ? a[h] : a[h] && h;
+        if ((!l || !k[l] || !e && !k[l].data) && i && d === b)return;
+        l || (j ? a[h] = l = p.deletedIds.pop() || ++p.uuid : l = h), k[l] || (k[l] = {}, j || (k[l].toJSON = p.noop));
+        if (typeof c == "object" || typeof c == "function")e ? k[l] = p.extend(k[l], c) : k[l].data = p.extend(k[l].data, c);
+        return f = k[l], e || ( || ( = {}), f =, d !== b && (f[p.camelCase(c)] = d), i ? (g = f[c], g == null && (g = f[p.camelCase(c)])) : g = f, g
+    }, removeData: function (a, b, c) {
+        if (!p.acceptData(a))return;
+        var d, e, f, g = a.nodeType, h = g ? p.cache : a, i = g ? a[p.expando] : p.expando;
+        if (!h[i])return;
+        if (b) {
+            d = c ? h[i] : h[i].data;
+            if (d) {
+                p.isArray(b) || (b in d ? b = [b] : (b = p.camelCase(b), b in d ? b = [b] : b = b.split(" ")));
+                for (e = 0, f = b.length; e < f; e++)delete d[b[e]];
+                if (!(c ? K : p.isEmptyObject)(d))return
+            }
+        }
+        if (!c) {
+            delete h[i].data;
+            if (!K(h[i]))return
+        }
+        g ? p.cleanData([a], !0) : || h != h.window ? delete h[i] : h[i] = null
+    }, _data: function (a, b, c) {
+        return, b, c, !0)
+    }, acceptData: function (a) {
+        var b = a.nodeName && p.noData[a.nodeName.toLowerCase()];
+        return!b || b !== !0 && a.getAttribute("classid") === b
+    }}), p.fn.extend({data: function (a, c) {
+        var d, e, f, g, h, i = this[0], j = 0, k = null;
+        if (a === b) {
+            if (this.length) {
+                k =;
+                if (i.nodeType === 1 && !p._data(i, "parsedAttrs")) {
+                    f = i.attributes;
+                    for (h = f.length; j < h; j++)g = f[j].name, g.indexOf("data-") === 0 && (g = p.camelCase(g.substring(5)), J(i, g, k[g]));
+                    p._data(i, "parsedAttrs", !0)
+                }
+            }
+            return k
+        }
+        return typeof a == "object" ? this.each(function () {
+  , a)
+        }) : (d = a.split(".", 2), d[1] = d[1] ? "." + d[1] : "", e = d[1] + "!", p.access(this, function (c) {
+            if (c === b)return k = this.triggerHandler("getData" + e, [d[0]]), k === b && i && (k =, a), k = J(i, a, k)), k === b && d[1] ?[0]) : k;
+            d[1] = c, this.each(function () {
+                var b = p(this);
+                b.triggerHandler("setData" + e, d),, a, c), b.triggerHandler("changeData" + e, d)
+            })
+        }, null, c, arguments.length > 1, null, !1))
+    }, removeData: function (a) {
+        return this.each(function () {
+            p.removeData(this, a)
+        })
+    }}), p.extend({queue: function (a, b, c) {
+        var d;
+        if (a)return b = (b || "fx") + "queue", d = p._data(a, b), c && (!d || p.isArray(c) ? d = p._data(a, b, p.makeArray(c)) : d.push(c)), d || []
+    }, dequeue: function (a, b) {
+        b = b || "fx";
+        var c = p.queue(a, b), d = c.shift(), e = p._queueHooks(a, b), f = function () {
+            p.dequeue(a, b)
+        };
+        d === "inprogress" && (d = c.shift()), d && (b === "fx" && c.unshift("inprogress"), delete e.stop,, f, e)), !c.length && e &&
+    }, _queueHooks: function (a, b) {
+        var c = b + "queueHooks";
+        return p._data(a, c) || p._data(a, c, {empty: p.Callbacks("once memory").add(function () {
+            p.removeData(a, b + "queue", !0), p.removeData(a, c, !0)
+        })})
+    }}), p.fn.extend({queue: function (a, c) {
+        var d = 2;
+        return typeof a != "string" && (c = a, a = "fx", d--), arguments.length < d ? p.queue(this[0], a) : c === b ? this : this.each(function () {
+            var b = p.queue(this, a, c);
+            p._queueHooks(this, a), a === "fx" && b[0] !== "inprogress" && p.dequeue(this, a)
+        })
+    }, dequeue: function (a) {
+        return this.each(function () {
+            p.dequeue(this, a)
+        })
+    }, delay: function (a, b) {
+        return a = p.fx ? p.fx.speeds[a] || a : a, b = b || "fx", this.queue(b, function (b, c) {
+            var d = setTimeout(b, a);
+            c.stop = function () {
+                clearTimeout(d)
+            }
+        })
+    }, clearQueue: function (a) {
+        return this.queue(a || "fx", [])
+    }, promise: function (a, c) {
+        var d, e = 1, f = p.Deferred(), g = this, h = this.length, i = function () {
+            --e || f.resolveWith(g, [g])
+        };
+        typeof a != "string" && (c = a, a = b), a = a || "fx";
+        while (h--)(d = p._data(g[h], a + "queueHooks")) && d.empty && (e++, d.empty.add(i));
+        return i(), f.promise(c)
+    }});
+    var L, M, N, O = /[\t\r\n]/g, P = /\r/g, Q = /^(?:button|input)$/i, R = /^(?:button|input|object|select|textarea)$/i, S = /^a(?:rea|)$/i, T = /^(?:autofocus|autoplay|async|checked|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped|selected)$/i, U =;
+    p.fn.extend({attr: function (a, b) {
+        return p.access(this, p.attr, a, b, arguments.length > 1)
+    }, removeAttr: function (a) {
+        return this.each(function () {
+            p.removeAttr(this, a)
+        })
+    }, prop: function (a, b) {
+        return p.access(this, p.prop, a, b, arguments.length > 1)
+    }, removeProp: function (a) {
+        return a = p.propFix[a] || a, this.each(function () {
+            try {
+                this[a] = b, delete this[a]
+            } catch (c) {
+            }
+        })
+    }, addClass: function (a) {
+        var b, c, d, e, f, g, h;
+        if (p.isFunction(a))return this.each(function (b) {
+            p(this).addClass(, b, this.className))
+        });
+        if (a && typeof a == "string") {
+            b = a.split(s);
+            for (c = 0, d = this.length; c < d; c++) {
+                e = this[c];
+                if (e.nodeType === 1)if (!e.className && b.length === 1)e.className = a; else {
+                    f = " " + e.className + " ";
+                    for (g = 0, h = b.length; g < h; g++)~f.indexOf(" " + b[g] + " ") || (f += b[g] + " ");
+                    e.className = p.trim(f)
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return this
+    }, removeClass: function (a) {
+        var c, d, e, f, g, h, i;
+        if (p.isFunction(a))return this.each(function (b) {
+            p(this).removeClass(, b, this.className))
+        });
+        if (a && typeof a == "string" || a === b) {
+            c = (a || "").split(s);
+            for (h = 0, i = this.length; h < i; h++) {
+                e = this[h];
+                if (e.nodeType === 1 && e.className) {
+                    d = (" " + e.className + " ").replace(O, " ");
+                    for (f = 0, g = c.length; f < g; f++)while (d.indexOf(" " + c[f] + " ") > -1)d = d.replace(" " + c[f] + " ", " ");
+                    e.className = a ? p.trim(d) : ""
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return this
+    }, toggleClass: function (a, b) {
+        var c = typeof a, d = typeof b == "boolean";
+        return p.isFunction(a) ? this.each(function (c) {
+            p(this).toggleClass(, c, this.className, b), b)
+        }) : this.each(function () {
+            if (c === "string") {
+                var e, f = 0, g = p(this), h = b, i = a.split(s);
+                while (e = i[f++])h = d ? h : !g.hasClass(e), g[h ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](e)
+            } else if (c === "undefined" || c === "boolean")this.className && p._data(this, "__className__", this.className), this.className = this.className || a === !1 ? "" : p._data(this, "__className__") || ""
+        })
+    }, hasClass: function (a) {
+        var b = " " + a + " ", c = 0, d = this.length;
+        for (; c < d; c++)if (this[c].nodeType === 1 && (" " + this[c].className + " ").replace(O, " ").indexOf(b) > -1)return!0;
+        return!1
+    }, val: function (a) {
+        var c, d, e, f = this[0];
+        if (!arguments.length) {
+            if (f)return c = p.valHooks[f.type] || p.valHooks[f.nodeName.toLowerCase()], c && "get"in c && (d = c.get(f, "value")) !== b ? d : (d = f.value, typeof d == "string" ? d.replace(P, "") : d == null ? "" : d);
+            return
+        }
+        return e = p.isFunction(a), this.each(function (d) {
+            var f, g = p(this);
+            if (this.nodeType !== 1)return;
+            e ? f =, d, g.val()) : f = a, f == null ? f = "" : typeof f == "number" ? f += "" : p.isArray(f) && (f =, function (a) {
+                return a == null ? "" : a + ""
+            })), c = p.valHooks[this.type] || p.valHooks[this.nodeName.toLowerCase()];
+            if (!c || !("set"in c) || c.set(this, f, "value") === b)this.value = f
+        })
+    }}), p.extend({valHooks: {option: {get: function (a) {
+        var b = a.attributes.value;
+        return!b || b.specified ? a.value : a.text
+    }}, select: {get: function (a) {
+        var b, c, d, e, f = a.selectedIndex, g = [], h = a.options, i = a.type === "select-one";
+        if (f < 0)return null;
+        c = i ? f : 0, d = i ? f + 1 : h.length;
+        for (; c < d; c++) {
+            e = h[c];
+            if (e.selected && ( ? !e.disabled : e.getAttribute("disabled") === null) && (!e.parentNode.disabled || !p.nodeName(e.parentNode, "optgroup"))) {
+                b = p(e).val();
+                if (i)return b;
+                g.push(b)
+            }
+        }
+        return i && !g.length && h.length ? p(h[f]).val() : g
+    }, set: function (a, b) {
+        var c = p.makeArray(b);
+        return p(a).find("option").each(function () {
+            this.selected = p.inArray(p(this).val(), c) >= 0
+        }), c.length || (a.selectedIndex = -1), c
+    }}}, attrFn: {}, attr: function (a, c, d, e) {
+        var f, g, h, i = a.nodeType;
+        if (!a || i === 3 || i === 8 || i === 2)return;
+        if (e && p.isFunction(p.fn[c]))return p(a)[c](d);
+        if (typeof a.getAttribute == "undefined")return p.prop(a, c, d);
+        h = i !== 1 || !p.isXMLDoc(a), h && (c = c.toLowerCase(), g = p.attrHooks[c] || (T.test(c) ? M : L));
+        if (d !== b) {
+            if (d === null) {
+                p.removeAttr(a, c);
+                return
+            }
+            return g && "set"in g && h && (f = g.set(a, d, c)) !== b ? f : (a.setAttribute(c, "" + d), d)
+        }
+        return g && "get"in g && h && (f = g.get(a, c)) !== null ? f : (f = a.getAttribute(c), f === null ? b : f)
+    }, removeAttr: function (a, b) {
+        var c, d, e, f, g = 0;
+        if (b && a.nodeType === 1) {
+            d = b.split(s);
+            for (; g < d.length; g++)e = d[g], e && (c = p.propFix[e] || e, f = T.test(e), f || p.attr(a, e, ""), a.removeAttribute(U ? e : c), f && c in a && (a[c] = !1))
+        }
+    }, attrHooks: {type: {set: function (a, b) {
+        if (Q.test(a.nodeName) && a.parentNode)p.error("type property can't be changed"); else if (! && b === "radio" && p.nodeName(a, "input")) {
+            var c = a.value;
+            return a.setAttribute("type", b), c && (a.value = c), b
+        }
+    }}, value: {get: function (a, b) {
+        return L && p.nodeName(a, "button") ? L.get(a, b) : b in a ? a.value : null
+    }, set: function (a, b, c) {
+        if (L && p.nodeName(a, "button"))return L.set(a, b, c);
+        a.value = b
+    }}}, propFix: {tabindex: "tabIndex", readonly: "readOnly", "for": "htmlFor", "class": "className", maxlength: "maxLength", cellspacing: "cellSpacing", cellpadding: "cellPadding", rowspan: "rowSpan", colspan: "colSpan", usemap: "useMap", frameborder: "frameBorder", contenteditable: "contentEditable"}, prop: function (a, c, d) {
+        var e, f, g, h = a.nodeType;
+        if (!a || h === 3 || h === 8 || h === 2)return;
+        return g = h !== 1 || !p.isXMLDoc(a), g && (c = p.propFix[c] || c, f = p.propHooks[c]), d !== b ? f && "set"in f && (e = f.set(a, d, c)) !== b ? e : a[c] = d : f && "get"in f && (e = f.get(a, c)) !== null ? e : a[c]
+    }, propHooks: {tabIndex: {get: function (a) {
+        var c = a.getAttributeNode("tabindex");
+        return c && c.specified ? parseInt(c.value, 10) : R.test(a.nodeName) || S.test(a.nodeName) && a.href ? 0 : b
+    }}}}), M = {get: function (a, c) {
+        var d, e = p.prop(a, c);
+        return e === !0 || typeof e != "boolean" && (d = a.getAttributeNode(c)) && d.nodeValue !== !1 ? c.toLowerCase() : b
+    }, set: function (a, b, c) {
+        var d;
+        return b === !1 ? p.removeAttr(a, c) : (d = p.propFix[c] || c, d in a && (a[d] = !0), a.setAttribute(c, c.toLowerCase())), c
+    }}, U || (N = {name: !0, id: !0, coords: !0}, L = p.valHooks.button = {get: function (a, c) {
+        var d;
+        return d = a.getAttributeNode(c), d && (N[c] ? d.value !== "" : d.specified) ? d.value : b
+    }, set: function (a, b, c) {
+        var d = a.getAttributeNode(c);
+        return d || (d = e.createAttribute(c), a.setAttributeNode(d)), d.value = b + ""
+    }}, p.each(["width", "height"], function (a, b) {
+        p.attrHooks[b] = p.extend(p.attrHooks[b], {set: function (a, c) {
+            if (c === "")return a.setAttribute(b, "auto"), c
+        }})
+    }), p.attrHooks.contenteditable = {get: L.get, set: function (a, b, c) {
+        b === "" && (b = "false"), L.set(a, b, c)
+    }}), || p.each(["href", "src", "width", "height"], function (a, c) {
+        p.attrHooks[c] = p.extend(p.attrHooks[c], {get: function (a) {
+            var d = a.getAttribute(c, 2);
+            return d === null ? b : d
+        }})
+    }), || ( = {get: function (a) {
+        return || b
+    }, set: function (a, b) {
+        return = "" + b
+    }}), || (p.propHooks.selected = p.extend(p.propHooks.selected, {get: function (a) {
+        var b = a.parentNode;
+        return b && (b.selectedIndex, b.parentNode && b.parentNode.selectedIndex), null
+    }})), || (p.propFix.enctype = "encoding"), || p.each(["radio", "checkbox"], function () {
+        p.valHooks[this] = {get: function (a) {
+            return a.getAttribute("value") === null ? "on" : a.value
+        }}
+    }), p.each(["radio", "checkbox"], function () {
+        p.valHooks[this] = p.extend(p.valHooks[this], {set: function (a, b) {
+            if (p.isArray(b))return a.checked = p.inArray(p(a).val(), b) >= 0
+        }})
+    });
+    var V = /^(?:textarea|input|select)$/i, W = /^([^\.]*|)(?:\.(.+)|)$/, X = /(?:^|\s)hover(\.\S+|)\b/, Y = /^key/, Z = /^(?:mouse|contextmenu)|click/, $ = /^(?:focusinfocus|focusoutblur)$/, _ = function (a) {
+        return p.event.special.hover ? a : a.replace(X, "mouseenter$1 mouseleave$1")
+    };
+    p.event = {add: function (a, c, d, e, f) {
+        var g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, q, r;
+        if (a.nodeType === 3 || a.nodeType === 8 || !c || !d || !(g = p._data(a)))return;
+        d.handler && (o = d, d = o.handler, f = o.selector), d.guid || (d.guid = p.guid++), i =, i || ( = i = {}), h = g.handle, h || (g.handle = h = function (a) {
+            return typeof p != "undefined" && (!a || p.event.triggered !== a.type) ? p.event.dispatch.apply(h.elem, arguments) : b
+        }, h.elem = a), c = p.trim(_(c)).split(" ");
+        for (j = 0; j < c.length; j++) {
+            k = W.exec(c[j]) || [], l = k[1], m = (k[2] || "").split(".").sort(), r = p.event.special[l] || {}, l = (f ? r.delegateType : r.bindType) || l, r = p.event.special[l] || {}, n = p.extend({type: l, origType: k[1], data: e, handler: d, guid: d.guid, selector: f, namespace: m.join(".")}, o), q = i[l];
+            if (!q) {
+                q = i[l] = [], q.delegateCount = 0;
+                if (!r.setup ||, e, m, h) === !1)a.addEventListener ? a.addEventListener(l, h, !1) : a.attachEvent && a.attachEvent("on" + l, h)
+            }
+            r.add && (, n), n.handler.guid || (n.handler.guid = d.guid)), f ? q.splice(q.delegateCount++, 0, n) : q.push(n),[l] = !0
+        }
+        a = null
+    }, global: {}, remove: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
+        var f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, q, r = p.hasData(a) && p._data(a);
+        if (!r || !(m =;
+        b = p.trim(_(b || "")).split(" ");
+        for (f = 0; f < b.length; f++) {
+            g = W.exec(b[f]) || [], h = i = g[1], j = g[2];
+            if (!h) {
+                for (h in m)p.event.remove(a, h + b[f], c, d, !0);
+                continue
+            }
+            n = p.event.special[h] || {}, h = (d ? n.delegateType : n.bindType) || h, o = m[h] || [], k = o.length, j = j ? new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + j.split(".").sort().join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)") : null;
+            for (l = 0; l < o.length; l++)q = o[l], (e || i === q.origType) && (!c || c.guid === q.guid) && (!j || j.test(q.namespace)) && (!d || d === q.selector || d === "**" && q.selector) && (o.splice(l--, 1), q.selector && o.delegateCount--, n.remove &&, q));
+            o.length === 0 && k !== o.length && ((!n.teardown ||, j, r.handle) === !1) && p.removeEvent(a, h, r.handle), delete m[h])
+        }
+        p.isEmptyObject(m) && (delete r.handle, p.removeData(a, "events", !0))
+    }, customEvent: {getData: !0, setData: !0, changeData: !0}, trigger: function (c, d, f, g) {
+        if (!f || f.nodeType !== 3 && f.nodeType !== 8) {
+            var h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, q, r, s = c.type || c, t = [];
+            if ($.test(s + p.event.triggered))return;
+            s.indexOf("!") >= 0 && (s = s.slice(0, -1), i = !0), s.indexOf(".") >= 0 && (t = s.split("."), s = t.shift(), t.sort());
+            if ((!f || p.event.customEvent[s]) && ![s])return;
+            c = typeof c == "object" ? c[p.expando] ? c : new p.Event(s, c) : new p.Event(s), c.type = s, c.isTrigger = !0, c.exclusive = i, c.namespace = t.join("."), c.namespace_re = c.namespace ? new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + t.join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)") : null, m = s.indexOf(":") < 0 ? "on" + s : "";
+            if (!f) {
+                h = p.cache;
+                for (j in h)h[j].events && h[j].events[s] && p.event.trigger(c, d, h[j].handle.elem, !0);
+                return
+            }
+            c.result = b, || ( = f), d = d != null ? p.makeArray(d) : [], d.unshift(c), n = p.event.special[s] || {};
+            if (n.trigger && n.trigger.apply(f, d) === !1)return;
+            q = [
+                [f, n.bindType || s]
+            ];
+            if (!g && !n.noBubble && !p.isWindow(f)) {
+                r = n.delegateType || s, k = $.test(r + s) ? f : f.parentNode;
+                for (l = f; k; k = k.parentNode)q.push([k, r]), l = k;
+                l === (f.ownerDocument || e) && q.push([l.defaultView || l.parentWindow || a, r])
+            }
+            for (j = 0; j < q.length && !c.isPropagationStopped(); j++)k = q[j][0], c.type = q[j][1], o = (p._data(k, "events") || {})[c.type] && p._data(k, "handle"), o && o.apply(k, d), o = m && k[m], o && p.acceptData(k) && o.apply(k, d) === !1 && c.preventDefault();
+            return c.type = s, !g && !c.isDefaultPrevented() && (!n._default || n._default.apply(f.ownerDocument, d) === !1) && (s !== "click" || !p.nodeName(f, "a")) && p.acceptData(f) && m && f[s] && (s !== "focus" && s !== "blur" || !== 0) && !p.isWindow(f) && (l = f[m], l && (f[m] = null), p.event.triggered = s, f[s](), p.event.triggered = b, l && (f[m] = l)), c.result
+        }
+        return
+    }, dispatch: function (c) {
+        c = p.event.fix(c || a.event);
+        var d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o = (p._data(this, "events") || {})[c.type] || [], q = o.delegateCount, r = [], s = !c.exclusive && !c.namespace, t = p.event.special[c.type] || {}, u = [];
+        r[0] = c, c.delegateTarget = this;
+        if (t.preDispatch &&, c) === !1)return;
+        if (q && (!c.button || c.type !== "click")) {
+            g = p(this), g.context = this;
+            for (f =; f != this; f = f.parentNode || this)if (f.disabled !== !0 || c.type !== "click") {
+                i = {}, k = [], g[0] = f;
+                for (d = 0; d < q; d++)l = o[d], m = l.selector, i[m] === b && (i[m] =, i[m] && k.push(l);
+                k.length && u.push({elem: f, matches: k})
+            }
+        }
+        o.length > q && u.push({elem: this, matches: o.slice(q)});
+        for (d = 0; d < u.length && !c.isPropagationStopped(); d++) {
+            j = u[d], c.currentTarget = j.elem;
+            for (e = 0; e < j.matches.length && !c.isImmediatePropagationStopped(); e++) {
+                l = j.matches[e];
+                if (s || !c.namespace && !l.namespace || c.namespace_re && c.namespace_re.test(l.namespace)) =, c.handleObj = l, h = ((p.event.special[l.origType] || {}).handle || l.handler).apply(j.elem, r), h !== b && (c.result = h, h === !1 && (c.preventDefault(), c.stopPropagation()))
+            }
+        }
+        return t.postDispatch &&, c), c.result
+    }, props: "attrChange attrName relatedNode srcElement altKey bubbles cancelable ctrlKey currentTarget eventPhase metaKey relatedTarget shiftKey target timeStamp view which".split(" "), fixHooks: {}, keyHooks: {props: "char charCode key keyCode".split(" "), filter: function (a, b) {
+        return a.which == null && (a.which = b.charCode != null ? b.charCode : b.keyCode), a
+    }}, mouseHooks: {props: "button buttons clientX clientY fromElement offsetX offsetY pageX pageY screenX screenY toElement".split(" "), filter: function (a, c) {
+        var d, f, g, h = c.button, i = c.fromElement;
+        return a.pageX == null && c.clientX != null && (d = || e, f = d.documentElement, g = d.body, a.pageX = c.clientX + (f && f.scrollLeft || g && g.scrollLeft || 0) - (f && f.clientLeft || g && g.clientLeft || 0), a.pageY = c.clientY + (f && f.scrollTop || g && g.scrollTop || 0) - (f && f.clientTop || g && g.clientTop || 0)), !a.relatedTarget && i && (a.relatedTarget = i === ? c.toElement : i), !a.which && h !== b && (a.which = h & 1 ? 1 : h & 2 ? 3 : h & 4 ? 2 : 0), a
+    }}, fix: function (a) {
+        if (a[p.expando])return a;
+        var b, c, d = a, f = p.event.fixHooks[a.type] || {}, g = f.props ? this.props.concat(f.props) : this.props;
+        a = p.Event(d);
+        for (b = g.length; b;)c = g[--b], a[c] = d[c];
+        return || ( = d.srcElement || e), === 3 && ( =, a.metaKey = !!a.metaKey, f.filter ? f.filter(a, d) : a
+    }, special: {ready: {setup: p.bindReady}, load: {noBubble: !0}, focus: {delegateType: "focusin"}, blur: {delegateType: "focusout"}, beforeunload: {setup: function (a, b, c) {
+        p.isWindow(this) && (this.onbeforeunload = c)
+    }, teardown: function (a, b) {
+        this.onbeforeunload === b && (this.onbeforeunload = null)
+    }}}, simulate: function (a, b, c, d) {
+        var e = p.extend(new p.Event, c, {type: a, isSimulated: !0, originalEvent: {}});
+        d ? p.event.trigger(e, null, b) :, e), e.isDefaultPrevented() && c.preventDefault()
+    }}, p.event.handle = p.event.dispatch, p.removeEvent = e.removeEventListener ? function (a, b, c) {
+        a.removeEventListener && a.removeEventListener(b, c, !1)
+    } : function (a, b, c) {
+        var d = "on" + b;
+        a.detachEvent && (typeof a[d] == "undefined" && (a[d] = null), a.detachEvent(d, c))
+    }, p.Event = function (a, b) {
+        if (this instanceof p.Event)a && a.type ? (this.originalEvent = a, this.type = a.type, this.isDefaultPrevented = a.defaultPrevented || a.returnValue === !1 || a.getPreventDefault && a.getPreventDefault() ? bb : ba) : this.type = a, b && p.extend(this, b), this.timeStamp = a && a.timeStamp ||, this[p.expando] = !0; else return new p.Event(a, b)
+    }, p.Event.prototype = {preventDefault: function () {
+        this.isDefaultPrevented = bb;
+        var a = this.originalEvent;
+        if (!a)return;
+        a.preventDefault ? a.preventDefault() : a.returnValue = !1
+    }, stopPropagation: function () {
+        this.isPropagationStopped = bb;
+        var a = this.originalEvent;
+        if (!a)return;
+        a.stopPropagation && a.stopPropagation(), a.cancelBubble = !0
+    }, stopImmediatePropagation: function () {
+        this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = bb, this.stopPropagation()
+    }, isDefaultPrevented: ba, isPropagationStopped: ba, isImmediatePropagationStopped: ba}, p.each({mouseenter: "mouseover", mouseleave: "mouseout"}, function (a, b) {
+        p.event.special[a] = {delegateType: b, bindType: b, handle: function (a) {
+            var c, d = this, e = a.relatedTarget, f = a.handleObj, g = f.selector;
+            if (!e || e !== d && !p.contains(d, e))a.type = f.origType, c = f.handler.apply(this, arguments), a.type = b;
+            return c
+        }}
+    }), || (p.event.special.submit = {setup: function () {
+        if (p.nodeName(this, "form"))return!1;
+        p.event.add(this, "click._submit keypress._submit", function (a) {
+            var c =, d = p.nodeName(c, "input") || p.nodeName(c, "button") ? c.form : b;
+            d && !p._data(d, "_submit_attached") && (p.event.add(d, "submit._submit", function (a) {
+                a._submit_bubble = !0
+            }), p._data(d, "_submit_attached", !0))
+        })
+    }, postDispatch: function (a) {
+        a._submit_bubble && (delete a._submit_bubble, this.parentNode && !a.isTrigger && p.event.simulate("submit", this.parentNode, a, !0))
+    }, teardown: function () {
+        if (p.nodeName(this, "form"))return!1;
+        p.event.remove(this, "._submit")
+    }}), || (p.event.special.change = {setup: function () {
+        if (V.test(this.nodeName)) {
+            if (this.type === "checkbox" || this.type === "radio")p.event.add(this, "propertychange._change", function (a) {
+                a.originalEvent.propertyName === "checked" && (this._just_changed = !0)
+            }), p.event.add(this, "click._change", function (a) {
+                this._just_changed && !a.isTrigger && (this._just_changed = !1), p.event.simulate("change", this, a, !0)
+            });
+            return!1
+        }
+        p.event.add(this, "beforeactivate._change", function (a) {
+            var b =;
+            V.test(b.nodeName) && !p._data(b, "_change_attached") && (p.event.add(b, "change._change", function (a) {
+                this.parentNode && !a.isSimulated && !a.isTrigger && p.event.simulate("change", this.parentNode, a, !0)
+            }), p._data(b, "_change_attached", !0))
+        })
+    }, handle: function (a) {
+        var b =;
+        if (this !== b || a.isSimulated || a.isTrigger || b.type !== "radio" && b.type !== "checkbox")return a.handleObj.handler.apply(this, arguments)
+    }, teardown: function () {
+        return p.event.remove(this, "._change"), V.test(this.nodeName)
+    }}), || p.each({focus: "focusin", blur: "focusout"}, function (a, b) {
+        var c = 0, d = function (a) {
+            p.event.simulate(b,, p.event.fix(a), !0)
+        };
+        p.event.special[b] = {setup: function () {
+            c++ === 0 && e.addEventListener(a, d, !0)
+        }, teardown: function () {
+            --c === 0 && e.removeEventListener(a, d, !0)
+        }}
+    }), p.fn.extend({on: function (a, c, d, e, f) {
+        var g, h;
+        if (typeof a == "object") {
+            typeof c != "string" && (d = d || c, c = b);
+            for (h in a)this.on(h, c, d, a[h], f);
+            return this
+        }
+        d == null && e == null ? (e = c, d = c = b) : e == null && (typeof c == "string" ? (e = d, d = b) : (e = d, d = c, c = b));
+        if (e === !1)e = ba; else if (!e)return this;
+        return f === 1 && (g = e, e = function (a) {
+            return p().off(a), g.apply(this, arguments)
+        }, e.guid = g.guid || (g.guid = p.guid++)), this.each(function () {
+            p.event.add(this, a, e, d, c)
+        })
+    }, one: function (a, b, c, d) {
+        return this.on(a, b, c, d, 1)
+    }, off: function (a, c, d) {
+        var e, f;
+        if (a && a.preventDefault && a.handleObj)return e = a.handleObj, p(a.delegateTarget).off(e.namespace ? e.origType + "." + e.namespace : e.origType, e.selector, e.handler), this;
+        if (typeof a == "object") {
+            for (f in a), c, a[f]);
+            return this
+        }
+        if (c === !1 || typeof c == "function")d = c, c = b;
+        return d === !1 && (d = ba), this.each(function () {
+            p.event.remove(this, a, d, c)
+        })
+    }, bind: function (a, b, c) {
+        return this.on(a, null, b, c)
+    }, unbind: function (a, b) {
+        return, null, b)
+    }, live: function (a, b, c) {
+        return p(this.context).on(a, this.selector, b, c), this
+    }, die: function (a, b) {
+        return p(this.context).off(a, this.selector || "**", b), this
+    }, delegate: function (a, b, c, d) {
+        return this.on(b, a, c, d)
+    }, undelegate: function (a, b, c) {
+        return arguments.length == 1 ?, "**") :, a || "**", c)
+    }, trigger: function (a, b) {
+        return this.each(function () {
+            p.event.trigger(a, b, this)
+        })
+    }, triggerHandler: function (a, b) {
+        if (this[0])return p.event.trigger(a, b, this[0], !0)
+    }, toggle: function (a) {
+        var b = arguments, c = a.guid || p.guid++, d = 0, e = function (c) {
+            var e = (p._data(this, "lastToggle" + a.guid) || 0) % d;
+            return p._data(this, "lastToggle" + a.guid, e + 1), c.preventDefault(), b[e].apply(this, arguments) || !1
+        };
+        e.guid = c;
+        while (d < b.length)b[d++].guid = c;
+        return
+    }, hover: function (a, b) {
+        return this.mouseenter(a).mouseleave(b || a)
+    }}), p.each("blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave change select submit keydown keypress keyup error contextmenu".split(" "), function (a, b) {
+        p.fn[b] = function (a, c) {
+            return c == null && (c = a, a = null), arguments.length > 0 ? this.on(b, null, a, c) : this.trigger(b)
+        }, Y.test(b) && (p.event.fixHooks[b] = p.event.keyHooks), Z.test(b) && (p.event.fixHooks[b] = p.event.mouseHooks)
+    }), function (a, b) {
+        function bd(a, b, c, d) {
+            var e = 0, f = b.length;
+            for (; e < f; e++)Z(a, b[e], c, d)
+        }
+        function be(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
+            var g, h = $.setFilters[b.toLowerCase()];
+            return h || Z.error(b), (a || !(g = e)) && bd(a || "*", d, g = [], e), g.length > 0 ? h(g, c, f) : []
+        }
+        function bf(a, c, d, e, f) {
+            var g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, p = 0, q = f.length, s = L.POS, t = new RegExp("^" + s.source + "(?!" + r + ")", "i"), u = function () {
+                var a = 1, c = arguments.length - 2;
+                for (; a < c; a++)arguments[a] === b && (g[a] = b)
+            };
+            for (; p < q; p++) {
+                s.exec(""), a = f[p], j = [], i = 0, k = e;
+                while (g = s.exec(a)) {
+                    n = s.lastIndex = g.index + g[0].length;
+                    if (n > i) {
+                        m = a.slice(i, g.index), i = n, l = [c], B.test(m) && (k && (l = k), k = e);
+                        if (h = H.test(m))m = m.slice(0, -5).replace(B, "$&*");
+                        g.length > 1 && g[0].replace(t, u), k = be(m, g[1], g[2], l, k, h)
+                    }
+                }
+                k ? (j = j.concat(k), (m = a.slice(i)) && m !== ")" ? B.test(m) ? bd(m, j, d, e) : Z(m, c, d, e ? e.concat(k) : k) : o.apply(d, j)) : Z(a, c, d, e)
+            }
+            return q === 1 ? d : Z.uniqueSort(d)
+        }
+        function bg(a, b, c) {
+            var d, e, f, g = [], i = 0, j = D.exec(a), k = !j.pop() && !j.pop(), l = k && a.match(C) || [""], m = $.preFilter, n = $.filter, o = !c && b !== h;
+            for (; (e = l[i]) != null && k; i++) {
+                g.push(d = []), o && (e = " " + e);
+                while (e) {
+                    k = !1;
+                    if (j = B.exec(e))e = e.slice(j[0].length), k = d.push({part: j.pop().replace(A, " "), captures: j});
+                    for (f in n)(j = L[f].exec(e)) && (!m[f] || (j = m[f](j, b, c))) && (e = e.slice(j.shift().length), k = d.push({part: f, captures: j}));
+                    if (!k)break
+                }
+            }
+            return k || Z.error(a), g
+        }
+        function bh(a, b, e) {
+            var f = b.dir, g = m++;
+            return a || (a = function (a) {
+                return a === e
+            }), b.first ? function (b, c) {
+                while (b = b[f])if (b.nodeType === 1)return a(b, c) && b
+            } : function (b, e) {
+                var h, i = g + "." + d, j = i + "." + c;
+                while (b = b[f])if (b.nodeType === 1) {
+                    if ((h = b[q]) === j)return b.sizset;
+                    if (typeof h == "string" && h.indexOf(i) === 0) {
+                        if (b.sizset)return b
+                    } else {
+                        b[q] = j;
+                        if (a(b, e))return b.sizset = !0, b;
+                        b.sizset = !1
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        function bi(a, b) {
+            return a ? function (c, d) {
+                var e = b(c, d);
+                return e && a(e === !0 ? c : e, d)
+            } : b
+        }
+        function bj(a, b, c) {
+            var d, e, f = 0;
+            for (; d = a[f]; f++)$.relative[d.part] ? e = bh(e, $.relative[d.part], b) : (d.captures.push(b, c), e = bi(e, $.filter[d.part].apply(null, d.captures)));
+            return e
+        }
+        function bk(a) {
+            return function (b, c) {
+                var d, e = 0;
+                for (; d = a[e]; e++)if (d(b, c))return!0;
+                return!1
+            }
+        }
+        var c, d, e, f, g, h = a.document, i = h.documentElement, j = "undefined", k = !1, l = !0, m = 0, n = [].slice, o = [].push, q = ("sizcache" + Math.random()).replace(".", ""), r = "[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]", s = "(?:\\\\.|[-\\w]|[^\\x00-\\xa0])+", t = s.replace("w", "w#"), u = "([*^$|!~]?=)", v = "\\[" + r + "*(" + s + ")" + r + "*(?:" + u + r + "*(?:(['\"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\3|(" + t + ")|)|)" + r + "*\\]", w = ":(" + s + ")(?:\\((?:(['\"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\2|((?:[^,]|\\\\,|(?:,(?=[^\\[]*\\]))|(?:,(?=[^\\(]*\\))))*))\\)|)", x = ":(nth|eq|gt|lt|first|last|even|odd)(?:\\((\\d*)\\)|)(?=[^-]|$)", y = r + "*([\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f>+~])" + r + "*", z = "(?=[^\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f])(?:\\\\.|" + v + "|" + w.replace(2, 7) + "|[^\\\\(),])+", A = new RegExp("^" + r + "+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)" + r + "+$", "g"), B = new RegExp("^" + y), C = new RegExp(z + "?(?=" + r + "*,|$)", "g"), D = new RegExp("^(?:(?!,)(?:(?:^|,)" + r + "*" + z + ")*?|" + r + "*(.*?))(\\)|$)"), E = new RegExp(z.slice(19, -6) + "\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f>+~])+|" + y, "g"), F = /^(?:#([\w\-]+)|(\w+)|\.([\w\-]+))$/, G = /[\x20\t\r\n\f]*[+~]/, H = /:not\($/, I = /h\d/i, J = /input|select|textarea|button/i, K = /\\(?!\\)/g, L = {ID: new RegExp("^#(" + s + ")"), CLASS: new RegExp("^\\.(" + s + ")"), NAME: new RegExp("^\\[name=['\"]?(" + s + ")['\"]?\\]"), TAG: new RegExp("^(" + s.replace("[-", "[-\\*") + ")"), ATTR: new RegExp("^" + v), PSEUDO: new RegExp("^" + w), CHILD: new RegExp("^:(only|nth|last|first)-child(?:\\(" + r + "*(even|odd|(([+-]|)(\\d*)n|)" + r + "*(?:([+-]|)" + r + "*(\\d+)|))" + r + "*\\)|)", "i"), POS: new RegExp(x, "ig"), needsContext: new RegExp("^" + r + "*[>+~]|" + x, "i")}, M = {}, N = [], O = {}, P = [], Q = function (a) {
+            return a.sizzleFilter = !0, a
+        }, R = function (a) {
+            return function (b) {
+                return b.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && b.type === a
+            }
+        }, S = function (a) {
+            return function (b) {
+                var c = b.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+                return(c === "input" || c === "button") && b.type === a
+            }
+        }, T = function (a) {
+            var b = !1, c = h.createElement("div");
+            try {
+                b = a(c)
+            } catch (d) {
+            }
+            return c = null, b
+        }, U = T(function (a) {
+            a.innerHTML = "<select></select>";
+            var b = typeof a.lastChild.getAttribute("multiple");
+            return b !== "boolean" && b !== "string"
+        }), V = T(function (a) {
+   = q + 0, a.innerHTML = "<a name='" + q + "'></a><div name='" + q + "'></div>", i.insertBefore(a, i.firstChild);
+            var b = h.getElementsByName && h.getElementsByName(q).length === 2 + h.getElementsByName(q + 0).length;
+            return g = !h.getElementById(q), i.removeChild(a), b
+        }), W = T(function (a) {
+            return a.appendChild(h.createComment("")), a.getElementsByTagName("*").length === 0
+        }), X = T(function (a) {
+            return a.innerHTML = "<a href='#'></a>", a.firstChild && typeof a.firstChild.getAttribute !== j && a.firstChild.getAttribute("href") === "#"
+        }), Y = T(function (a) {
+            return a.innerHTML = "<div class='hidden e'></div><div class='hidden'></div>", !a.getElementsByClassName || a.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 0 ? !1 : (a.lastChild.className = "e", a.getElementsByClassName("e").length !== 1)
+        }), Z = function (a, b, c, d) {
+            c = c || [], b = b || h;
+            var e, f, g, i, j = b.nodeType;
+            if (j !== 1 && j !== 9)return[];
+            if (!a || typeof a != "string")return c;
+            g = ba(b);
+            if (!g && !d)if (e = F.exec(a))if (i = e[1]) {
+                if (j === 9) {
+                    f = b.getElementById(i);
+                    if (!f || !f.parentNode)return c;
+                    if ( === i)return c.push(f), c
+                } else if (b.ownerDocument && (f = b.ownerDocument.getElementById(i)) && bb(b, f) && === i)return c.push(f), c
+            } else {
+                if (e[2])return o.apply(c,, 0)), c;
+                if ((i = e[3]) && Y && b.getElementsByClassName)return o.apply(c,, 0)), c
+            }
+            return bm(a, b, c, d, g)
+        }, $ = Z.selectors = {cacheLength: 50, match: L, order: ["ID", "TAG"], attrHandle: {}, createPseudo: Q, find: {ID: g ? function (a, b, c) {
+            if (typeof b.getElementById !== j && !c) {
+                var d = b.getElementById(a);
+                return d && d.parentNode ? [d] : []
+            }
+        } : function (a, c, d) {
+            if (typeof c.getElementById !== j && !d) {
+                var e = c.getElementById(a);
+                return e ? === a || typeof e.getAttributeNode !== j && e.getAttributeNode("id").value === a ? [e] : b : []
+            }
+        }, TAG: W ? function (a, b) {
+            if (typeof b.getElementsByTagName !== j)return b.getElementsByTagName(a)
+        } : function (a, b) {
+            var c = b.getElementsByTagName(a);
+            if (a === "*") {
+                var d, e = [], f = 0;
+                for (; d = c[f]; f++)d.nodeType === 1 && e.push(d);
+                return e
+            }
+            return c
+        }}, relative: {">": {dir: "parentNode", first: !0}, " ": {dir: "parentNode"}, "+": {dir: "previousSibling", first: !0}, "~": {dir: "previousSibling"}}, preFilter: {ATTR: function (a) {
+            return a[1] = a[1].replace(K, ""), a[3] = (a[4] || a[5] || "").replace(K, ""), a[2] === "~=" && (a[3] = " " + a[3] + " "), a.slice(0, 4)
+        }, CHILD: function (a) {
+            return a[1] = a[1].toLowerCase(), a[1] === "nth" ? (a[2] || Z.error(a[0]), a[3] = +(a[3] ? a[4] + (a[5] || 1) : 2 * (a[2] === "even" || a[2] === "odd")), a[4] = +(a[6] + a[7] || a[2] === "odd")) : a[2] && Z.error(a[0]), a
+        }, PSEUDO: function (a) {
+            var b, c = a[4];
+            return L.CHILD.test(a[0]) ? null : (c && (b = D.exec(c)) && b.pop() && (a[0] = a[0].slice(0, b[0].length - c.length - 1), c = b[0].slice(0, -1)), a.splice(2, 3, c || a[3]), a)
+        }}, filter: {ID: g ? function (a) {
+            return a = a.replace(K, ""), function (b) {
+                return b.getAttribute("id") === a
+            }
+        } : function (a) {
+            return a = a.replace(K, ""), function (b) {
+                var c = typeof b.getAttributeNode !== j && b.getAttributeNode("id");
+                return c && c.value === a
+            }
+        }, TAG: function (a) {
+            return a === "*" ? function () {
+                return!0
+            } : (a = a.replace(K, "").toLowerCase(), function (b) {
+                return b.nodeName && b.nodeName.toLowerCase() === a
+            })
+        }, CLASS: function (a) {
+            var b = M[a];
+            return b || (b = M[a] = new RegExp("(^|" + r + ")" + a + "(" + r + "|$)"), N.push(a), N.length > $.cacheLength && delete M[N.shift()]), function (a) {
+                return b.test(a.className || typeof a.getAttribute !== j && a.getAttribute("class") || "")
+            }
+        }, ATTR: function (a, b, c) {
+            return b ? function (d) {
+                var e = Z.attr(d, a), f = e + "";
+                if (e == null)return b === "!=";
+                switch (b) {
+                    case"=":
+                        return f === c;
+                    case"!=":
+                        return f !== c;
+                    case"^=":
+                        return c && f.indexOf(c) === 0;
+                    case"*=":
+                        return c && f.indexOf(c) > -1;
+                    case"$=":
+                        return c && f.substr(f.length - c.length) === c;
+                    case"~=":
+                        return(" " + f + " ").indexOf(c) > -1;
+                    case"|=":
+                        return f === c || f.substr(0, c.length + 1) === c + "-"
+                }
+            } : function (b) {
+                return Z.attr(b, a) != null
+            }
+        }, CHILD: function (a, b, c, d) {
+            if (a === "nth") {
+                var e = m++;
+                return function (a) {
+                    var b, f, g = 0, h = a;
+                    if (c === 1 && d === 0)return!0;
+                    b = a.parentNode;
+                    if (b && (b[q] !== e || !a.sizset)) {
+                        for (h = b.firstChild; h; h = h.nextSibling)if (h.nodeType === 1) {
+                            h.sizset = ++g;
+                            if (h === a)break
+                        }
+                        b[q] = e
+                    }
+                    return f = a.sizset - d, c === 0 ? f === 0 : f % c === 0 && f / c >= 0
+                }
+            }
+            return function (b) {
+                var c = b;
+                switch (a) {
+                    case"only":
+                    case"first":
+                        while (c = c.previousSibling)if (c.nodeType === 1)return!1;
+                        if (a === "first")return!0;
+                        c = b;
+                    case"last":
+                        while (c = c.nextSibling)if (c.nodeType === 1)return!1;
+                        return!0
+                }
+            }
+        }, PSEUDO: function (a, b, c, d) {
+            var e = $.pseudos[a] || $.pseudos[a.toLowerCase()];
+            return e || Z.error("unsupported pseudo: " + a), e.sizzleFilter ? e(b, c, d) : e
+        }}, pseudos: {not: Q(function (a, b, c) {
+            var d = bl(a.replace(A, "$1"), b, c);
+            return function (a) {
+                return!d(a)
+            }
+        }), enabled: function (a) {
+            return a.disabled === !1
+        }, disabled: function (a) {
+            return a.disabled === !0
+        }, checked: function (a) {
+            var b = a.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+            return b === "input" && !!a.checked || b === "option" && !!a.selected
+        }, selected: function (a) {
+            return a.parentNode && a.parentNode.selectedIndex, a.selected === !0
+        }, parent: function (a) {
+            return!$.pseudos.empty(a)
+        }, empty: function (a) {
+            var b;
+            a = a.firstChild;
+            while (a) {
+                if (a.nodeName > "@" || (b = a.nodeType) === 3 || b === 4)return!1;
+                a = a.nextSibling
+            }
+            return!0
+        }, contains: Q(function (a) {
+            return function (b) {
+                return(b.textContent || b.innerText || bc(b)).indexOf(a) > -1
+            }
+        }), has: Q(function (a) {
+            return function (b) {
+                return Z(a, b).length > 0
+            }
+        }), header: function (a) {
+            return I.test(a.nodeName)
+        }, text: function (a) {
+            var b, c;
+            return a.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && (b = a.type) === "text" && ((c = a.getAttribute("type")) == null || c.toLowerCase() === b)
+        }, radio: R("radio"), checkbox: R("checkbox"), file: R("file"), password: R("password"), image: R("image"), submit: S("submit"), reset: S("reset"), button: function (a) {
+            var b = a.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+            return b === "input" && a.type === "button" || b === "button"
+        }, input: function (a) {
+            return J.test(a.nodeName)
+        }, focus: function (a) {
+            var b = a.ownerDocument;
+            return a === b.activeElement && (!b.hasFocus || b.hasFocus()) && (!!a.type || !!a.href)
+        }, active: function (a) {
+            return a === a.ownerDocument.activeElement
+        }}, setFilters: {first: function (a, b, c) {
+            return c ? a.slice(1) : [a[0]]
+        }, last: function (a, b, c) {
+            var d = a.pop();
+            return c ? a : [d]
+        }, even: function (a, b, c) {
+            var d = [], e = c ? 1 : 0, f = a.length;
+            for (; e < f; e = e + 2)d.push(a[e]);
+            return d
+        }, odd: function (a, b, c) {
+            var d = [], e = c ? 0 : 1, f = a.length;
+            for (; e < f; e = e + 2)d.push(a[e]);
+            return d
+        }, lt: function (a, b, c) {
+            return c ? a.slice(+b) : a.slice(0, +b)
+        }, gt: function (a, b, c) {
+            return c ? a.slice(0, +b + 1) : a.slice(+b + 1)
+        }, eq: function (a, b, c) {
+            var d = a.splice(+b, 1);
+            return c ? a : d
+        }}};
+        $.setFilters.nth = $.setFilters.eq, $.filters = $.pseudos, X || ($.attrHandle = {href: function (a) {
+            return a.getAttribute("href", 2)
+        }, type: function (a) {
+            return a.getAttribute("type")
+        }}), V && ($.order.push("NAME"), $.find.NAME = function (a, b) {
+            if (typeof b.getElementsByName !== j)return b.getElementsByName(a)
+        }), Y && ($.order.splice(1, 0, "CLASS"), $.find.CLASS = function (a, b, c) {
+            if (typeof b.getElementsByClassName !== j && !c)return b.getElementsByClassName(a)
+        });
+        try {
+  , 0)[0].nodeType
+        } catch (_) {
+            n = function (a) {
+                var b, c = [];
+                for (; b = this[a]; a++)c.push(b);
+                return c
+            }
+        }
+        var ba = Z.isXML = function (a) {
+            var b = a && (a.ownerDocument || a).documentElement;
+            return b ? b.nodeName !== "HTML" : !1
+        }, bb = Z.contains = i.compareDocumentPosition ? function (a, b) {
+            return!!(a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16)
+        } : i.contains ? function (a, b) {
+            var c = a.nodeType === 9 ? a.documentElement : a, d = b.parentNode;
+            return a === d || !!(d && d.nodeType === 1 && c.contains && c.contains(d))
+        } : function (a, b) {
+            while (b = b.parentNode)if (b === a)return!0;
+            return!1
+        }, bc = Z.getText = function (a) {
+            var b, c = "", d = 0, e = a.nodeType;
+            if (e) {
+                if (e === 1 || e === 9 || e === 11) {
+                    if (typeof a.textContent == "string")return a.textContent;
+                    for (a = a.firstChild; a; a = a.nextSibling)c += bc(a)
+                } else if (e === 3 || e === 4)return a.nodeValue
+            } else for (; b = a[d]; d++)c += bc(b);
+            return c
+        };
+        Z.attr = function (a, b) {
+            var c, d = ba(a);
+            return d || (b = b.toLowerCase()), $.attrHandle[b] ? $.attrHandle[b](a) : U || d ? a.getAttribute(b) : (c = a.getAttributeNode(b), c ? typeof a[b] == "boolean" ? a[b] ? b : null : c.specified ? c.value : null : null)
+        }, Z.error = function (a) {
+            throw new Error("Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + a)
+        }, [0, 0].sort(function () {
+            return l = 0
+        }), i.compareDocumentPosition ? e = function (a, b) {
+            return a === b ? (k = !0, 0) : (!a.compareDocumentPosition || !b.compareDocumentPosition ? a.compareDocumentPosition : a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 4) ? -1 : 1
+        } : (e = function (a, b) {
+            if (a === b)return k = !0, 0;
+            if (a.sourceIndex && b.sourceIndex)return a.sourceIndex - b.sourceIndex;
+            var c, d, e = [], g = [], h = a.parentNode, i = b.parentNode, j = h;
+            if (h === i)return f(a, b);
+            if (!h)return-1;
+            if (!i)return 1;
+            while (j)e.unshift(j), j = j.parentNode;
+            j = i;
+            while (j)g.unshift(j), j = j.parentNode;
+            c = e.length, d = g.length;
+            for (var l = 0; l < c && l < d; l++)if (e[l] !== g[l])return f(e[l], g[l]);
+            return l === c ? f(a, g[l], -1) : f(e[l], b, 1)
+        }, f = function (a, b, c) {
+            if (a === b)return c;
+            var d = a.nextSibling;
+            while (d) {
+                if (d === b)return-1;
+                d = d.nextSibling
+            }
+            return 1
+        }), Z.uniqueSort = function (a) {
+            var b, c = 1;
+            if (e) {
+                k = l, a.sort(e);
+                if (k)for (; b = a[c]; c++)b === a[c - 1] && a.splice(c--, 1)
+            }
+            return a
+        };
+        var bl = Z.compile = function (a, b, c) {
+            var d, e, f, g = O[a];
+            if (g && g.context === b)return g;
+            e = bg(a, b, c);
+            for (f = 0; d = e[f]; f++)e[f] = bj(d, b, c);
+            return g = O[a] = bk(e), g.context = b, g.runs = g.dirruns = 0, P.push(a), P.length > $.cacheLength && delete O[P.shift()], g
+        };
+        Z.matches = function (a, b) {
+            return Z(a, null, null, b)
+        }, Z.matchesSelector = function (a, b) {
+            return Z(b, null, null, [a]).length > 0
+        };
+        var bm = function (a, b, e, f, g) {
+            a = a.replace(A, "$1");
+            var h, i, j, k, l, m, p, q, r, s = a.match(C), t = a.match(E), u = b.nodeType;
+            if (L.POS.test(a))return bf(a, b, e, f, s);
+            if (f)h =, 0); else if (s && s.length === 1) {
+                if (t.length > 1 && u === 9 && !g && (s = L.ID.exec(t[0]))) {
+                    b = $.find.ID(s[1], b, g)[0];
+                    if (!b)return e;
+                    a = a.slice(t.shift().length)
+                }
+                q = (s = G.exec(t[0])) && !s.index && b.parentNode || b, r = t.pop(), m = r.split(":not")[0];
+                for (j = 0, k = $.order.length; j < k; j++) {
+                    p = $.order[j];
+                    if (s = L[p].exec(m)) {
+                        h = $.find[p]((s[1] || "").replace(K, ""), q, g);
+                        if (h == null)continue;
+                        m === r && (a = a.slice(0, a.length - r.length) + m.replace(L[p], ""), a || o.apply(e,, 0)));
+                        break
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if (a) {
+                i = bl(a, b, g), d = i.dirruns++, h == null && (h = $.find.TAG("*", G.test(a) && b.parentNode || b));
+                for (j = 0; l = h[j]; j++)c = i.runs++, i(l, b) && e.push(l)
+            }
+            return e
+        };
+        h.querySelectorAll && function () {
+            var a, b = bm, c = /'|\\/g, d = /\=[\x20\t\r\n\f]*([^'"\]]*)[\x20\t\r\n\f]*\]/g, e = [], f = [":active"], g = i.matchesSelector || i.mozMatchesSelector || i.webkitMatchesSelector || i.oMatchesSelector || i.msMatchesSelector;
+            T(function (a) {
+                a.innerHTML = "<select><option selected></option></select>", a.querySelectorAll("[selected]").length || e.push("\\[" + r + "*(?:checked|disabled|ismap|multiple|readonly|selected|value)"), a.querySelectorAll(":checked").length || e.push(":checked")
+            }), T(function (a) {
+                a.innerHTML = "<p test=''></p>", a.querySelectorAll("[test^='']").length && e.push("[*^$]=" + r + "*(?:\"\"|'')"), a.innerHTML = "<input type='hidden'>", a.querySelectorAll(":enabled").length || e.push(":enabled", ":disabled")
+            }), e = e.length && new RegExp(e.join("|")), bm = function (a, d, f, g, h) {
+                if (!g && !h && (!e || !e.test(a)))if (d.nodeType === 9)try {
+                    return o.apply(f,, 0)), f
+                } catch (i) {
+                } else if (d.nodeType === 1 && d.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "object") {
+                    var j = d.getAttribute("id"), k = j || q, l = G.test(a) && d.parentNode || d;
+                    j ? k = k.replace(c, "\\$&") : d.setAttribute("id", k);
+                    try {
+                        return o.apply(f,, "[id='" + k + "'] $&")), 0)), f
+                    } catch (i) {
+                    } finally {
+                        j || d.removeAttribute("id")
+                    }
+                }
+                return b(a, d, f, g, h)
+            }, g && (T(function (b) {
+                a =, "div");
+                try {
+          , "[test!='']:sizzle"), f.push($.match.PSEUDO)
+                } catch (c) {
+                }
+            }), f = new RegExp(f.join("|")), Z.matchesSelector = function (b, c) {
+                c = c.replace(d, "='$1']");
+                if (!ba(b) && !f.test(c) && (!e || !e.test(c)))try {
+                    var h =, c);
+                    if (h || a || b.document && b.document.nodeType !== 11)return h
+                } catch (i) {
+                }
+                return Z(c, null, null, [b]).length > 0
+            })
+        }(), Z.attr = p.attr, p.find = Z, p.expr = Z.selectors, p.expr[":"] = p.expr.pseudos, p.unique = Z.uniqueSort, p.text = Z.getText, p.isXMLDoc = Z.isXML, p.contains = Z.contains
+    }(a);
+    var bc = /Until$/, bd = /^(?:parents|prev(?:Until|All))/, be = /^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/, bf = p.expr.match.needsContext, bg = {children: !0, contents: !0, next: !0, prev: !0};
+    p.fn.extend({find: function (a) {
+        var b, c, d, e, f, g, h = this;
+        if (typeof a != "string")return p(a).filter(function () {
+            for (b = 0, c = h.length; b < c; b++)if (p.contains(h[b], this))return!0
+        });
+        g = this.pushStack("", "find", a);
+        for (b = 0, c = this.length; b < c; b++) {
+            d = g.length, p.find(a, this[b], g);
+            if (b > 0)for (e = d; e < g.length; e++)for (f = 0; f < d; f++)if (g[f] === g[e]) {
+                g.splice(e--, 1);
+                break
+            }
+        }
+        return g
+    }, has: function (a) {
+        var b, c = p(a, this), d = c.length;
+        return this.filter(function () {
+            for (b = 0; b < d; b++)if (p.contains(this, c[b]))return!0
+        })
+    }, not: function (a) {
+        return this.pushStack(bj(this, a, !1), "not", a)
+    }, filter: function (a) {
+        return this.pushStack(bj(this, a, !0), "filter", a)
+    }, is: function (a) {
+        return!!a && (typeof a == "string" ? bf.test(a) ? p(a, this.context).index(this[0]) >= 0 : p.filter(a, this).length > 0 : this.filter(a).length > 0)
+    }, closest: function (a, b) {
+        var c, d = 0, e = this.length, f = [], g = bf.test(a) || typeof a != "string" ? p(a, b || this.context) : 0;
+        for (; d < e; d++) {
+            c = this[d];
+            while (c && c.ownerDocument && c !== b && c.nodeType !== 11) {
+                if (g ? g.index(c) > -1 : p.find.matchesSelector(c, a)) {
+                    f.push(c);
+                    break
+                }
+                c = c.parentNode
+            }
+        }
+        return f = f.length > 1 ? p.unique(f) : f, this.pushStack(f, "closest", a)
+    }, index: function (a) {
+        return a ? typeof a == "string" ? p.inArray(this[0], p(a)) : p.inArray(a.jquery ? a[0] : a, this) : this[0] && this[0].parentNode ? this.prevAll().length : -1
+    }, add: function (a, b) {
+        var c = typeof a == "string" ? p(a, b) : p.makeArray(a && a.nodeType ? [a] : a), d = p.merge(this.get(), c);
+        return this.pushStack(bh(c[0]) || bh(d[0]) ? d : p.unique(d))
+    }, addBack: function (a) {
+        return this.add(a == null ? this.prevObject : this.prevObject.filter(a))
+    }}), p.fn.andSelf = p.fn.addBack, p.each({parent: function (a) {
+        var b = a.parentNode;
+        return b && b.nodeType !== 11 ? b : null
+    }, parents: function (a) {
+        return p.dir(a, "parentNode")
+    }, parentsUntil: function (a, b, c) {
+        return p.dir(a, "parentNode", c)
+    }, next: function (a) {
+        return bi(a, "nextSibling")
+    }, prev: function (a) {
+        return bi(a, "previousSibling")
+    }, nextAll: function (a) {
+        return p.dir(a, "nextSibling")
+    }, prevAll: function (a) {
+        return p.dir(a, "previousSibling")
+    }, nextUntil: function (a, b, c) {
+        return p.dir(a, "nextSibling", c)
+    }, prevUntil: function (a, b, c) {
+        return p.dir(a, "previousSibling", c)
+    }, siblings: function (a) {
+        return p.sibling((a.parentNode || {}).firstChild, a)
+    }, children: function (a) {
+        return p.sibling(a.firstChild)
+    }, contents: function (a) {
+        return p.nodeName(a, "iframe") ? a.contentDocument || a.contentWindow.document : p.merge([], a.childNodes)
+    }}, function (a, b) {
+        p.fn[a] = function (c, d) {
+            var e =, b, c);
+            return bc.test(a) || (d = c), d && typeof d == "string" && (e = p.filter(d, e)), e = this.length > 1 && !bg[a] ? p.unique(e) : e, this.length > 1 && bd.test(a) && (e = e.reverse()), this.pushStack(e, a,","))
+        }
+    }), p.extend({filter: function (a, b, c) {
+        return c && (a = ":not(" + a + ")"), b.length === 1 ? p.find.matchesSelector(b[0], a) ? [b[0]] : [] : p.find.matches(a, b)
+    }, dir: function (a, c, d) {
+        var e = [], f = a[c];
+        while (f && f.nodeType !== 9 && (d === b || f.nodeType !== 1 || !p(f).is(d)))f.nodeType === 1 && e.push(f), f = f[c];
+        return e
+    }, sibling: function (a, b) {
+        var c = [];
+        for (; a; a = a.nextSibling)a.nodeType === 1 && a !== b && c.push(a);
+        return c
+    }});
+    var bl = "abbr|article|aside|audio|bdi|canvas|data|datalist|details|figcaption|figure|footer|header|hgroup|mark|meter|nav|output|progress|section|summary|time|video", bm = / jQuery\d+="(?:null|\d+)"/g, bn = /^\s+/, bo = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/gi, bp = /<([\w:]+)/, bq = /<tbody/i, br = /<|&#?\w+;/, bs = /<(?:script|style|link)/i, bt = /<(?:script|object|embed|option|style)/i, bu = new RegExp("<(?:" + bl + ")[\\s/>]", "i"), bv = /^(?:checkbox|radio)$/, bw = /checked\s*(?:[^=]|=\s*.checked.)/i, bx = /\/(java|ecma)script/i, by = /^\s*<!(?:\[CDATA\[|\-\-)|[\]\-]{2}>\s*$/g, bz = {option: [1, "<select multiple='multiple'>", "</select>"], legend: [1, "<fieldset>", "</fieldset>"], thead: [1, "<table>", "</table>"], tr: [2, "<table><tbody>", "</tbody></table>"], td: [3, "<table><tbody><tr>", "</tr></tbody></table>"], col: [2, "<table><tbody></tbody><colgroup>", "</colgroup></table>"], area: [1, "<map>", "</map>"], _default: [0, "", ""]}, bA = bk(e), bB = bA.appendChild(e.createElement("div"));
+    bz.optgroup = bz.option, bz.tbody = bz.tfoot = bz.colgroup = bz.caption = bz.thead, =, || (bz._default = [1, "X<div>", "</div>"]), p.fn.extend({text: function (a) {
+        return p.access(this, function (a) {
+            return a === b ? p.text(this) : this.empty().append((this[0] && this[0].ownerDocument || e).createTextNode(a))
+        }, null, a, arguments.length)
+    }, wrapAll: function (a) {
+        if (p.isFunction(a))return this.each(function (b) {
+            p(this).wrapAll(, b))
+        });
+        if (this[0]) {
+            var b = p(a, this[0].ownerDocument).eq(0).clone(!0);
+            this[0].parentNode && b.insertBefore(this[0]), () {
+                var a = this;
+                while (a.firstChild && a.firstChild.nodeType === 1)a = a.firstChild;
+                return a
+            }).append(this)
+        }
+        return this
+    }, wrapInner: function (a) {
+        return p.isFunction(a) ? this.each(function (b) {
+            p(this).wrapInner(, b))
+        }) : this.each(function () {
+            var b = p(this), c = b.contents();
+            c.length ? c.wrapAll(a) : b.append(a)
+        })
+    }, wrap: function (a) {
+        var b = p.isFunction(a);
+        return this.each(function (c) {
+            p(this).wrapAll(b ?, c) : a)
+        })
+    }, unwrap: function () {
+        return this.parent().each(function () {
+            p.nodeName(this, "body") || p(this).replaceWith(this.childNodes)
+        }).end()
+    }, append: function () {
+        return this.domManip(arguments, !0, function (a) {
+            (this.nodeType === 1 || this.nodeType === 11) && this.appendChild(a)
+        })
+    }, prepend: function () {
+        return this.domManip(arguments, !0, function (a) {
+            (this.nodeType === 1 || this.nodeType === 11) && this.insertBefore(a, this.firstChild)
+        })
+    }, before: function () {
+        if (!bh(this[0]))return this.domManip(arguments, !1, function (a) {
+            this.parentNode.insertBefore(a, this)
+        });
+        if (arguments.length) {
+            var a = p.clean(arguments);
+            return this.pushStack(p.merge(a, this), "before", this.selector)
+        }
+    }, after: function () {
+        if (!bh(this[0]))return this.domManip(arguments, !1, function (a) {
+            this.parentNode.insertBefore(a, this.nextSibling)
+        });
+        if (arguments.length) {
+            var a = p.clean(arguments);
+            return this.pushStack(p.merge(this, a), "after", this.selector)
+        }
+    }, remove: function (a, b) {
+        var c, d = 0;
+        for (; (c = this[d]) != null; d++)if (!a || p.filter(a, [c]).length)!b && c.nodeType === 1 && (p.cleanData(c.getElementsByTagName("*")), p.cleanData([c])), c.parentNode && c.parentNode.removeChild(c);
+        return this
+    }, empty: function () {
+        var a, b = 0;
+        for (; (a = this[b]) != null; b++) {
+            a.nodeType === 1 && p.cleanData(a.getElementsByTagName("*"));
+            while (a.firstChild)a.removeChild(a.firstChild)
+        }
+        return this
+    }, clone: function (a, b) {
+        return a = a == null ? !1 : a, b = b == null ? a : b, () {
+            return p.clone(this, a, b)
+        })
+    }, html: function (a) {
+        return p.access(this, function (a) {
+            var c = this[0] || {}, d = 0, e = this.length;
+            if (a === b)return c.nodeType === 1 ? c.innerHTML.replace(bm, "") : b;
+            if (typeof a == "string" && !bs.test(a) && ( || !bu.test(a)) && ( || !bn.test(a)) && !bz[(bp.exec(a) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase()]) {
+                a = a.replace(bo, "<$1></$2>");
+                try {
+                    for (; d < e; d++)c = this[d] || {}, c.nodeType === 1 && (p.cleanData(c.getElementsByTagName("*")), c.innerHTML = a);
+                    c = 0
+                } catch (f) {
+                }
+            }
+            c && this.empty().append(a)
+        }, null, a, arguments.length)
+    }, replaceWith: function (a) {
+        return bh(this[0]) ? this.length ? this.pushStack(p(p.isFunction(a) ? a() : a), "replaceWith", a) : this : p.isFunction(a) ? this.each(function (b) {
+            var c = p(this), d = c.html();
+            c.replaceWith(, b, d))
+        }) : (typeof a != "string" && (a = p(a).detach()), this.each(function () {
+            var b = this.nextSibling, c = this.parentNode;
+            p(this).remove(), b ? p(b).before(a) : p(c).append(a)
+        }))
+    }, detach: function (a) {
+        return this.remove(a, !0)
+    }, domManip: function (a, c, d) {
+        a = [].concat.apply([], a);
+        var e, f, g, h, i = 0, j = a[0], k = [], l = this.length;
+        if (! && l > 1 && typeof j == "string" && bw.test(j))return this.each(function () {
+            p(this).domManip(a, c, d)
+        });
+        if (p.isFunction(j))return this.each(function (e) {
+            var f = p(this);
+            a[0] =, e, c ? f.html() : b), f.domManip(a, c, d)
+        });
+        if (this[0]) {
+            e = p.buildFragment(a, this, k), g = e.fragment, f = g.firstChild, g.childNodes.length === 1 && (g = f);
+            if (f) {
+                c = c && p.nodeName(f, "tr");
+                for (h = e.cacheable || l - 1; i < l; i++) && p.nodeName(this[i], "table") ? bC(this[i], "tbody") : this[i], i === h ? g : p.clone(g, !0, !0))
+            }
+            g = f = null, k.length && p.each(k, function (a, b) {
+                b.src ? p.ajax ? p.ajax({url: b.src, type: "GET", dataType: "script", async: !1, global: !1, "throws": !0}) : p.error("no ajax") : p.globalEval((b.text || b.textContent || b.innerHTML || "").replace(by, "")), b.parentNode && b.parentNode.removeChild(b)
+            })
+        }
+        return this
+    }}), p.buildFragment = function (a, c, d) {
+        var f, g, h, i = a[0];
+        return c = c || e, c = (c[0] || c).ownerDocument || c[0] || c, typeof c.createDocumentFragment == "undefined" && (c = e), a.length === 1 && typeof i == "string" && i.length < 512 && c === e && i.charAt(0) === "<" && !bt.test(i) && ( || !bw.test(i)) && ( || !bu.test(i)) && (g = !0, f = p.fragments[i], h = f !== b), f || (f = c.createDocumentFragment(), p.clean(a, c, f, d), g && (p.fragments[i] = h && f)), {fragment: f, cacheable: g}
+    }, p.fragments = {}, p.each({appendTo: "append", prependTo: "prepend", insertBefore: "before", insertAfter: "after", replaceAll: "replaceWith"}, function (a, b) {
+        p.fn[a] = function (c) {
+            var d, e = 0, f = [], g = p(c), h = g.length, i = this.length === 1 && this[0].parentNode;
+            if ((i == null || i && i.nodeType === 11 && i.childNodes.length === 1) && h === 1)return g[b](this[0]), this;
+            for (; e < h; e++)d = (e > 0 ? this.clone(!0) : this).get(), p(g[e])[b](d), f = f.concat(d);
+            return this.pushStack(f, a, g.selector)
+        }
+    }), p.extend({clone: function (a, b, c) {
+        var d, e, f, g;
+ || p.isXMLDoc(a) || !bu.test("<" + a.nodeName + ">") ? g = a.cloneNode(!0) : (bB.innerHTML = a.outerHTML, bB.removeChild(g = bB.firstChild));
+        if ((! || ! && (a.nodeType === 1 || a.nodeType === 11) && !p.isXMLDoc(a)) {
+            bE(a, g), d = bF(a), e = bF(g);
+            for (f = 0; d[f]; ++f)e[f] && bE(d[f], e[f])
+        }
+        if (b) {
+            bD(a, g);
+            if (c) {
+                d = bF(a), e = bF(g);
+                for (f = 0; d[f]; ++f)bD(d[f], e[f])
+            }
+        }
+        return d = e = null, g
+    }, clean: function (a, b, c, d) {
+        var f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, q, r, s = 0, t = [];
+        if (!b || typeof b.createDocumentFragment == "undefined")b = e;
+        for (g = b === e && bA; (h = a[s]) != null; s++) {
+            typeof h == "number" && (h += "");
+            if (!h)continue;
+            if (typeof h == "string")if (!br.test(h))h = b.createTextNode(h); else {
+                g = g || bk(b), l = l || g.appendChild(b.createElement("div")), h = h.replace(bo, "<$1></$2>"), i = (bp.exec(h) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase(), j = bz[i] || bz._default, k = j[0], l.innerHTML = j[1] + h + j[2];
+                while (k--)l = l.lastChild;
+                if (! {
+                    m = bq.test(h), n = i === "table" && !m ? l.firstChild && l.firstChild.childNodes : j[1] === "<table>" && !m ? l.childNodes : [];
+                    for (f = n.length - 1; f >= 0; --f)p.nodeName(n[f], "tbody") && !n[f].childNodes.length && n[f].parentNode.removeChild(n[f])
+                }
+                ! && bn.test(h) && l.insertBefore(b.createTextNode(bn.exec(h)[0]), l.firstChild), h = l.childNodes, l = g.lastChild
+            }
+            h.nodeType ? t.push(h) : t = p.merge(t, h)
+        }
+        l && (g.removeChild(l), h = l = g = null);
+        if (! (s = 0; (h = t[s]) != null; s++)p.nodeName(h, "input") ? bG(h) : typeof h.getElementsByTagName != "undefined" && p.grep(h.getElementsByTagName("input"), bG);
+        if (c) {
+            q = function (a) {
+                if (!a.type || bx.test(a.type))return d ? d.push(a.parentNode ? a.parentNode.removeChild(a) : a) : c.appendChild(a)
+            };
+            for (s = 0; (h = t[s]) != null; s++)if (!p.nodeName(h, "script") || !q(h))c.appendChild(h), typeof h.getElementsByTagName != "undefined" && (r = p.grep(p.merge([], h.getElementsByTagName("script")), q), t.splice.apply(t, [s + 1, 0].concat(r)), s += r.length)
+        }
+        return t
+    }, cleanData: function (a, b) {
+        var c, d, e, f, g = 0, h = p.expando, i = p.cache, j =, k = p.event.special;
+        for (; (e = a[g]) != null; g++)if (b || p.acceptData(e)) {
+            d = e[h], c = d && i[d];
+            if (c) {
+                if ( (f in[f] ? p.event.remove(e, f) : p.removeEvent(e, f, c.handle);
+                i[d] && (delete i[d], j ? delete e[h] : e.removeAttribute ? e.removeAttribute(h) : e[h] = null, p.deletedIds.push(d))
+            }
+        }
+    }}), function () {
+        var a, b;
+        p.uaMatch = function (a) {
+            a = a.toLowerCase();
+            var b = /(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(a) || /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(a) || /(opera)(?:.*version|)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(a) || /(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec(a) || a.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+)|)/.exec(a) || [];
+            return{browser: b[1] || "", version: b[2] || "0"}
+        }, a = p.uaMatch(g.userAgent), b = {}, a.browser && (b[a.browser] = !0, b.version = a.version), b.webkit && (b.safari = !0), p.browser = b, p.sub = function () {
+            function a(b, c) {
+                return new a.fn.init(b, c)
+            }
+            p.extend(!0, a, this), a.superclass = this, a.fn = a.prototype = this(), a.fn.constructor = a, a.sub = this.sub, a.fn.init = function c(c, d) {
+                return d && d instanceof p && !(d instanceof a) && (d = a(d)),, c, d, b)
+            }, a.fn.init.prototype = a.fn;
+            var b = a(e);
+            return a
+        }
+    }();
+    var bH, bI, bJ, bK = /alpha\([^)]*\)/i, bL = /opacity=([^)]*)/, bM = /^(top|right|bottom|left)$/, bN = /^margin/, bO = new RegExp("^(" + q + ")(.*)$", "i"), bP = new RegExp("^(" + q + ")(?!px)[a-z%]+$", "i"), bQ = new RegExp("^([-+])=(" + q + ")", "i"), bR = {}, bS = {position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", display: "block"}, bT = {letterSpacing: 0, fontWeight: 400, lineHeight: 1}, bU = ["Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left"], bV = ["Webkit", "O", "Moz", "ms"], bW = p.fn.toggle;
+    p.fn.extend({css: function (a, c) {
+        return p.access(this, function (a, c, d) {
+            return d !== b ?, c, d) : p.css(a, c)
+        }, a, c, arguments.length > 1)
+    }, show: function () {
+        return bZ(this, !0)
+    }, hide: function () {
+        return bZ(this)
+    }, toggle: function (a, b) {
+        var c = typeof a == "boolean";
+        return p.isFunction(a) && p.isFunction(b) ? bW.apply(this, arguments) : this.each(function () {
+            (c ? a : bY(this)) ? p(this).show() : p(this).hide()
+        })
+    }}), p.extend({cssHooks: {opacity: {get: function (a, b) {
+        if (b) {
+            var c = bH(a, "opacity");
+            return c === "" ? "1" : c
+        }
+    }}}, cssNumber: {fillOpacity: !0, fontWeight: !0, lineHeight: !0, opacity: !0, orphans: !0, widows: !0, zIndex: !0, zoom: !0}, cssProps: {"float": ? "cssFloat" : "styleFloat"}, style: function (a, c, d, e) {
+        if (!a || a.nodeType === 3 || a.nodeType === 8 || !;
+        var f, g, h, i = p.camelCase(c), j =;
+        c = p.cssProps[i] || (p.cssProps[i] = bX(j, i)), h = p.cssHooks[c] || p.cssHooks[i];
+        if (d === b)return h && "get"in h && (f = h.get(a, !1, e)) !== b ? f : j[c];
+        g = typeof d, g === "string" && (f = bQ.exec(d)) && (d = (f[1] + 1) * f[2] + parseFloat(p.css(a, c)), g = "number");
+        if (d == null || g === "number" && isNaN(d))return;
+        g === "number" && !p.cssNumber[i] && (d += "px");
+        if (!h || !("set"in h) || (d = h.set(a, d, e)) !== b)try {
+            j[c] = d
+        } catch (k) {
+        }
+    }, css: function (a, c, d, e) {
+        var f, g, h, i = p.camelCase(c);
+        return c = p.cssProps[i] || (p.cssProps[i] = bX(, i)), h = p.cssHooks[c] || p.cssHooks[i], h && "get"in h && (f = h.get(a, !0, e)), f === b && (f = bH(a, c)), f === "normal" && c in bT && (f = bT[c]), d || e !== b ? (g = parseFloat(f), d || p.isNumeric(g) ? g || 0 : f) : f
+    }, swap: function (a, b, c) {
+        var d, e, f = {};
+        for (e in b)f[e] =[e],[e] = b[e];
+        d =;
+        for (e in b)[e] = f[e];
+        return d
+    }}), a.getComputedStyle ? bH = function (a, b) {
+        var c, d, e, f, g = getComputedStyle(a, null), h =;
+        return g && (c = g[b], c === "" && !p.contains(a.ownerDocument.documentElement, a) && (c =, b)), bP.test(c) && bN.test(b) && (d = h.width, e = h.minWidth, f = h.maxWidth, h.minWidth = h.maxWidth = h.width = c, c = g.width, h.width = d, h.minWidth = e, h.maxWidth = f)), c
+    } : e.documentElement.currentStyle && (bH = function (a, b) {
+        var c, d, e = a.currentStyle && a.currentStyle[b], f =;
+        return e == null && f && f[b] && (e = f[b]), bP.test(e) && !bM.test(b) && (c = f.left, d = a.runtimeStyle && a.runtimeStyle.left, d && (a.runtimeStyle.left = a.currentStyle.left), f.left = b === "fontSize" ? "1em" : e, e = f.pixelLeft + "px", f.left = c, d && (a.runtimeStyle.left = d)), e === "" ? "auto" : e
+    }), p.each(["height", "width"], function (a, b) {
+        p.cssHooks[b] = {get: function (a, c, d) {
+            if (c)return a.offsetWidth !== 0 || bH(a, "display") !== "none" ? ca(a, b, d) : p.swap(a, bS, function () {
+                return ca(a, b, d)
+            })
+        }, set: function (a, c, d) {
+            return b$(a, c, d ? b_(a, b, d, && p.css(a, "boxSizing") === "border-box") : 0)
+        }}
+    }), || (p.cssHooks.opacity = {get: function (a, b) {
+        return bL.test((b && a.currentStyle ? a.currentStyle.filter : || "") ? .01 * parseFloat(RegExp.$1) + "" : b ? "1" : ""
+    }, set: function (a, b) {
+        var c =, d = a.currentStyle, e = p.isNumeric(b) ? "alpha(opacity=" + b * 100 + ")" : "", f = d && d.filter || c.filter || "";
+        c.zoom = 1;
+        if (b >= 1 && p.trim(f.replace(bK, "")) === "" && c.removeAttribute) {
+            c.removeAttribute("filter");
+            if (d && !d.filter)return
+        }
+        c.filter = bK.test(f) ? f.replace(bK, e) : f + " " + e
+    }}), p(function () {
+ || (p.cssHooks.marginRight = {get: function (a, b) {
+            return p.swap(a, {display: "inline-block"}, function () {
+                if (b)return bH(a, "marginRight")
+            })
+        }}), ! && p.fn.position && p.each(["top", "left"], function (a, b) {
+            p.cssHooks[b] = {get: function (a, c) {
+                if (c) {
+                    var d = bH(a, b);
+                    return bP.test(d) ? p(a).position()[b] + "px" : d
+                }
+            }}
+        })
+    }), p.expr && p.expr.filters && (p.expr.filters.hidden = function (a) {
+        return a.offsetWidth === 0 && a.offsetHeight === 0 || ! && ( && || bH(a, "display")) === "none"
+    }, p.expr.filters.visible = function (a) {
+        return!p.expr.filters.hidden(a)
+    }), p.each({margin: "", padding: "", border: "Width"}, function (a, b) {
+        p.cssHooks[a + b] = {expand: function (c) {
+            var d, e = typeof c == "string" ? c.split(" ") : [c], f = {};
+            for (d = 0; d < 4; d++)f[a + bU[d] + b] = e[d] || e[d - 2] || e[0];
+            return f
+        }}, bN.test(a) || (p.cssHooks[a + b].set = b$)
+    });
+    var cc = /%20/g, cd = /\[\]$/, ce = /\r?\n/g, cf = /^(?:color|date|datetime|datetime-local|email|hidden|month|number|password|range|search|tel|text|time|url|week)$/i, cg = /^(?:select|textarea)/i;
+    p.fn.extend({serialize: function () {
+        return p.param(this.serializeArray())
+    }, serializeArray: function () {
+        return () {
+            return this.elements ? p.makeArray(this.elements) : this
+        }).filter(function () {
+            return && !this.disabled && (this.checked || cg.test(this.nodeName) || cf.test(this.type))
+        }).map(function (a, b) {
+            var c = p(this).val();
+            return c == null ? null : p.isArray(c) ?, function (a, c) {
+                return{name:, value: a.replace(ce, "\r\n")}
+            }) : {name:, value: c.replace(ce, "\r\n")}
+        }).get()
+    }}), p.param = function (a, c) {
+        var d, e = [], f = function (a, b) {
+            b = p.isFunction(b) ? b() : b == null ? "" : b, e[e.length] = encodeURIComponent(a) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(b)
+        };
+        c === b && (c = p.ajaxSettings && p.ajaxSettings.traditional);
+        if (p.isArray(a) || a.jquery && !p.isPlainObject(a))p.each(a, function () {
+            f(, this.value)
+        }); else for (d in a)ch(d, a[d], c, f);
+        return e.join("&").replace(cc, "+")
+    };
+    var ci, cj, ck = /#.*$/, cl = /^(.*?):[ \t]*([^\r\n]*)\r?$/mg, cm = /^(?:about|app|app\-storage|.+\-extension|file|res|widget):$/, cn = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/, co = /^\/\//, cp = /\?/, cq = /<script\b[^<]*(?:(?!<\/script>)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi, cr = /([?&])_=[^&]*/, cs = /^([\w\+\.\-]+:)(?:\/\/([^\/?#:]*)(?::(\d+)|)|)/, ct = p.fn.load, cu = {}, cv = {}, cw = ["*/"] + ["*"];
+    try {
+        ci = f.href
+    } catch (cx) {
+        ci = e.createElement("a"), ci.href = "", ci = ci.href
+    }
+    cj = cs.exec(ci.toLowerCase()) || [], p.fn.load = function (a, c, d) {
+        if (typeof a != "string" && ct)return ct.apply(this, arguments);
+        if (!this.length)return this;
+        var e, f, g, h = this, i = a.indexOf(" ");
+        return i >= 0 && (e = a.slice(i, a.length), a = a.slice(0, i)), p.isFunction(c) ? (d = c, c = b) : typeof c == "object" && (f = "POST"), p.ajax({url: a, type: f, dataType: "html", data: c, complete: function (a, b) {
+            d && h.each(d, g || [a.responseText, b, a])
+        }}).done(function (a) {
+            g = arguments, h.html(e ? p("<div>").append(a.replace(cq, "")).find(e) : a)
+        }), this
+    }, p.each("ajaxStart ajaxStop ajaxComplete ajaxError ajaxSuccess ajaxSend".split(" "), function (a, b) {
+        p.fn[b] = function (a) {
+            return this.on(b, a)
+        }
+    }), p.each(["get", "post"], function (a, c) {
+        p[c] = function (a, d, e, f) {
+            return p.isFunction(d) && (f = f || e, e = d, d = b), p.ajax({type: c, url: a, data: d, success: e, dataType: f})
+        }
+    }), p.extend({getScript: function (a, c) {
+        return p.get(a, b, c, "script")
+    }, getJSON: function (a, b, c) {
+        return p.get(a, b, c, "json")
+    }, ajaxSetup: function (a, b) {
+        return b ? cA(a, p.ajaxSettings) : (b = a, a = p.ajaxSettings), cA(a, b), a
+    }, ajaxSettings: {url: ci, isLocal: cm.test(cj[1]), global: !0, type: "GET", contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", processData: !0, async: !0, accepts: {xml: "application/xml, text/xml", html: "text/html", text: "text/plain", json: "application/json, text/javascript", "*": cw}, contents: {xml: /xml/, html: /html/, json: /json/}, responseFields: {xml: "responseXML", text: "responseText"}, converters: {"* text": a.String, "text html": !0, "text json": p.parseJSON, "text xml": p.parseXML}, flatOptions: {context: !0, url: !0}}, ajaxPrefilter: cy(cu), ajaxTransport: cy(cv), ajax: function (a, c) {
+        function y(a, c, f, i) {
+            var k, s, t, u, w, y = c;
+            if (v === 2)return;
+            v = 2, h && clearTimeout(h), g = b, e = i || "", x.readyState = a > 0 ? 4 : 0, f && (u = cB(l, x, f));
+            if (a >= 200 && a < 300 || a === 304)l.ifModified && (w = x.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified"), w && (p.lastModified[d] = w), w = x.getResponseHeader("Etag"), w && (p.etag[d] = w)), a === 304 ? (y = "notmodified", k = !0) : (k = cC(l, u), y = k.state, s =, t = k.error, k = !t); else {
+                t = y;
+                if (!y || a)y = "error", a < 0 && (a = 0)
+            }
+            x.status = a, x.statusText = "" + (c || y), k ? o.resolveWith(m, [s, y, x]) : o.rejectWith(m, [x, y, t]), x.statusCode(r), r = b, j && n.trigger("ajax" + (k ? "Success" : "Error"), [x, l, k ? s : t]), q.fireWith(m, [x, y]), j && (n.trigger("ajaxComplete", [x, l]), || p.event.trigger("ajaxStop"))
+        }
+        typeof a == "object" && (c = a, a = b), c = c || {};
+        var d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l = p.ajaxSetup({}, c), m = l.context || l, n = m !== l && (m.nodeType || m instanceof p) ? p(m) : p.event, o = p.Deferred(), q = p.Callbacks("once memory"), r = l.statusCode || {}, t = {}, u = {}, v = 0, w = "canceled", x = {readyState: 0, setRequestHeader: function (a, b) {
+            if (!v) {
+                var c = a.toLowerCase();
+                a = u[c] = u[c] || a, t[a] = b
+            }
+            return this
+        }, getAllResponseHeaders: function () {
+            return v === 2 ? e : null
+        }, getResponseHeader: function (a) {
+            var c;
+            if (v === 2) {
+                if (!f) {
+                    f = {};
+                    while (c = cl.exec(e))f[c[1].toLowerCase()] = c[2]
+                }
+                c = f[a.toLowerCase()]
+            }
+            return c === b ? null : c
+        }, overrideMimeType: function (a) {
+            return v || (l.mimeType = a), this
+        }, abort: function (a) {
+            return a = a || w, g && g.abort(a), y(0, a), this
+        }};
+        o.promise(x), x.success = x.done, x.error =, x.complete = q.add, x.statusCode = function (a) {
+            if (a) {
+                var b;
+                if (v < 2)for (b in a)r[b] = [r[b], a[b]]; else b = a[x.status], x.always(b)
+            }
+            return this
+        }, l.url = ((a || l.url) + "").replace(ck, "").replace(co, cj[1] + "//"), l.dataTypes = p.trim(l.dataType || "*").toLowerCase().split(s), l.crossDomain == null && (i = cs.exec(l.url.toLowerCase()), l.crossDomain = !(!i || i[1] == cj[1] && i[2] == cj[2] && (i[3] || (i[1] === "http:" ? 80 : 443)) == (cj[3] || (cj[1] === "http:" ? 80 : 443)))), && l.processData && typeof != "string" && ( = p.param(, l.traditional)), cz(cu, l, c, x);
+        if (v === 2)return x;
+        j =, l.type = l.type.toUpperCase(), l.hasContent = !cn.test(l.type), j && === 0 && p.event.trigger("ajaxStart");
+        if (!l.hasContent) {
+   && (l.url += (cp.test(l.url) ? "&" : "?") +, delete, d = l.url;
+            if (l.cache === !1) {
+                var z =, A = l.url.replace(cr, "$1_=" + z);
+                l.url = A + (A === l.url ? (cp.test(l.url) ? "&" : "?") + "_=" + z : "")
+            }
+        }
+        ( && l.hasContent && l.contentType !== !1 || c.contentType) && x.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", l.contentType), l.ifModified && (d = d || l.url, p.lastModified[d] && x.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", p.lastModified[d]), p.etag[d] && x.setRequestHeader("If-None-Match", p.etag[d])), x.setRequestHeader("Accept", l.dataTypes[0] && l.accepts[l.dataTypes[0]] ? l.accepts[l.dataTypes[0]] + (l.dataTypes[0] !== "*" ? ", " + cw + "; q=0.01" : "") : l.accepts["*"]);
+        for (k in l.headers)x.setRequestHeader(k, l.headers[k]);
+        if (!l.beforeSend ||, x, l) !== !1 && v !== 2) {
+            w = "abort";
+            for (k in{success: 1, error: 1, complete: 1})x[k](l[k]);
+            g = cz(cv, l, c, x);
+            if (!g)y(-1, "No Transport"); else {
+                x.readyState = 1, j && n.trigger("ajaxSend", [x, l]), l.async && l.timeout > 0 && (h = setTimeout(function () {
+                    x.abort("timeout")
+                }, l.timeout));
+                try {
+                    v = 1, g.send(t, y)
+                } catch (B) {
+                    if (v < 2)y(-1, B); else throw B
+                }
+            }
+            return x
+        }
+        return x.abort()
+    }, active: 0, lastModified: {}, etag: {}});
+    var cD = [], cE = /\?/, cF = /(=)\?(?=&|$)|\?\?/, cG =;
+    p.ajaxSetup({jsonp: "callback", jsonpCallback: function () {
+        var a = cD.pop() || p.expando + "_" + cG++;
+        return this[a] = !0, a
+    }}), p.ajaxPrefilter("json jsonp", function (c, d, e) {
+        var f, g, h, i =, j = c.url, k = c.jsonp !== !1, l = k && cF.test(j), m = k && !l && typeof i == "string" && !(c.contentType || "").indexOf("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") && cF.test(i);
+        if (c.dataTypes[0] === "jsonp" || l || m)return f = c.jsonpCallback = p.isFunction(c.jsonpCallback) ? c.jsonpCallback() : c.jsonpCallback, g = a[f], l ? c.url = j.replace(cF, "$1" + f) : m ? = i.replace(cF, "$1" + f) : k && (c.url += (cE.test(j) ? "&" : "?") + c.jsonp + "=" + f), c.converters["script json"] = function () {
+            return h || p.error(f + " was not called"), h[0]
+        }, c.dataTypes[0] = "json", a[f] = function () {
+            h = arguments
+        }, e.always(function () {
+            a[f] = g, c[f] && (c.jsonpCallback = d.jsonpCallback, cD.push(f)), h && p.isFunction(g) && g(h[0]), h = g = b
+        }), "script"
+    }), p.ajaxSetup({accepts: {script: "text/javascript, application/javascript, application/ecmascript, application/x-ecmascript"}, contents: {script: /javascript|ecmascript/}, converters: {"text script": function (a) {
+        return p.globalEval(a), a
+    }}}), p.ajaxPrefilter("script", function (a) {
+        a.cache === b && (a.cache = !1), a.crossDomain && (a.type = "GET", = !1)
+    }), p.ajaxTransport("script", function (a) {
+        if (a.crossDomain) {
+            var c, d = e.head || e.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || e.documentElement;
+            return{send: function (f, g) {
+                c = e.createElement("script"), c.async = "async", a.scriptCharset && (c.charset = a.scriptCharset), c.src = a.url, c.onload = c.onreadystatechange = function (a, e) {
+                    if (e || !c.readyState || /loaded|complete/.test(c.readyState))c.onload = c.onreadystatechange = null, d && c.parentNode && d.removeChild(c), c = b, e || g(200, "success")
+                }, d.insertBefore(c, d.firstChild)
+            }, abort: function () {
+                c && c.onload(0, 1)
+            }}
+        }
+    });
+    var cH, cI = a.ActiveXObject ? function () {
+        for (var a in cH)cH[a](0, 1)
+    } : !1, cJ = 0;
+    p.ajaxSettings.xhr = a.ActiveXObject ? function () {
+        return!this.isLocal && cK() || cL()
+    } : cK, function (a) {
+        p.extend(, {ajax: !!a, cors: !!a && "withCredentials"in a})
+    }(p.ajaxSettings.xhr()), && p.ajaxTransport(function (c) {
+        if (!c.crossDomain || {
+            var d;
+            return{send: function (e, f) {
+                var g, h, i = c.xhr();
+                c.username ?, c.url, c.async, c.username, c.password) :, c.url, c.async);
+                if (c.xhrFields)for (h in c.xhrFields)i[h] = c.xhrFields[h];
+                c.mimeType && i.overrideMimeType && i.overrideMimeType(c.mimeType), !c.crossDomain && !e["X-Requested-With"] && (e["X-Requested-With"] = "XMLHttpRequest");
+                try {
+                    for (h in e)i.setRequestHeader(h, e[h])
+                } catch (j) {
+                }
+                i.send(c.hasContent && || null), d = function (a, e) {
+                    var h, j, k, l, m;
+                    try {
+                        if (d && (e || i.readyState === 4)) {
+                            d = b, g && (i.onreadystatechange = p.noop, cI && delete cH[g]);
+                            if (e)i.readyState !== 4 && i.abort(); else {
+                                h = i.status, k = i.getAllResponseHeaders(), l = {}, m = i.responseXML, m && m.documentElement && (l.xml = m);
+                                try {
+                                    l.text = i.responseText
+                                } catch (a) {
+                                }
+                                try {
+                                    j = i.statusText
+                                } catch (n) {
+                                    j = ""
+                                }
+                                !h && c.isLocal && !c.crossDomain ? h = l.text ? 200 : 404 : h === 1223 && (h = 204)
+                            }
+                        }
+                    } catch (o) {
+                        e || f(-1, o)
+                    }
+                    l && f(h, j, l, k)
+                }, c.async ? i.readyState === 4 ? setTimeout(d, 0) : (g = ++cJ, cI && (cH || (cH = {}, p(a).unload(cI)), cH[g] = d), i.onreadystatechange = d) : d()
+            }, abort: function () {
+                d && d(0, 1)
+            }}
+        }
+    });
+    var cM, cN, cO = /^(?:toggle|show|hide)$/, cP = new RegExp("^(?:([-+])=|)(" + q + ")([a-z%]*)$", "i"), cQ = /queueHooks$/, cR = [cX], cS = {"*": [function (a, b) {
+        var c, d, e, f = this.createTween(a, b), g = cP.exec(b), h = f.cur(), i = +h || 0, j = 1;
+        if (g) {
+            c = +g[2], d = g[3] || (p.cssNumber[a] ? "" : "px");
+            if (d !== "px" && i) {
+                i = p.css(f.elem, a, !0) || c || 1;
+                do e = j = j || ".5", i = i / j,, a, i + d), j = f.cur() / h; while (j !== 1 && j !== e)
+            }
+            f.unit = d, f.start = i, f.end = g[1] ? i + (g[1] + 1) * c : c
+        }
+        return f
+    }]};
+    p.Animation = p.extend(cV, {tweener: function (a, b) {
+        p.isFunction(a) ? (b = a, a = ["*"]) : a = a.split(" ");
+        var c, d = 0, e = a.length;
+        for (; d < e; d++)c = a[d], cS[c] = cS[c] || [], cS[c].unshift(b)
+    }, prefilter: function (a, b) {
+        b ? cR.unshift(a) : cR.push(a)
+    }}), p.Tween = cY, cY.prototype = {constructor: cY, init: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
+        this.elem = a, this.prop = c, this.easing = e || "swing", this.options = b, this.start = = this.cur(), this.end = d, this.unit = f || (p.cssNumber[c] ? "" : "px")
+    }, cur: function () {
+        var a = cY.propHooks[this.prop];
+        return a && a.get ? a.get(this) : cY.propHooks._default.get(this)
+    }, run: function (a) {
+        var b, c = cY.propHooks[this.prop];
+        return this.pos = b = p.easing[this.easing](a, this.options.duration * a, 0, 1, this.options.duration), = (this.end - this.start) * b + this.start, this.options.step &&,, this), c && c.set ? c.set(this) : cY.propHooks._default.set(this), this
+    }}, cY.prototype.init.prototype = cY.prototype, cY.propHooks = {_default: {get: function (a) {
+        var b;
+        return a.elem[a.prop] == null || !! &&[a.prop] != null ? (b = p.css(a.elem, a.prop, !1, ""), !b || b === "auto" ? 0 : b) : a.elem[a.prop]
+    }, set: function (a) {
+        p.fx.step[a.prop] ? p.fx.step[a.prop](a) : && ([p.cssProps[a.prop]] != null || p.cssHooks[a.prop]) ?, a.prop, + a.unit) : a.elem[a.prop] =
+    }}}, cY.propHooks.scrollTop = cY.propHooks.scrollLeft = {set: function (a) {
+        a.elem.nodeType && a.elem.parentNode && (a.elem[a.prop] =
+    }}, p.each(["toggle", "show", "hide"], function (a, b) {
+        var c = p.fn[b];
+        p.fn[b] = function (d, e, f) {
+            return d == null || typeof d == "boolean" || !a && p.isFunction(d) && p.isFunction(e) ? c.apply(this, arguments) : this.animate(cZ(b, !0), d, e, f)
+        }
+    }), p.fn.extend({fadeTo: function (a, b, c, d) {
+        return this.filter(bY).css("opacity", 0).show().end().animate({opacity: b}, a, c, d)
+    }, animate: function (a, b, c, d) {
+        var e = p.isEmptyObject(a), f = p.speed(b, c, d), g = function () {
+            var b = cV(this, p.extend({}, a), f);
+            e && b.stop(!0)
+        };
+        return e || f.queue === !1 ? this.each(g) : this.queue(f.queue, g)
+    }, stop: function (a, c, d) {
+        var e = function (a) {
+            var b = a.stop;
+            delete a.stop, b(d)
+        };
+        return typeof a != "string" && (d = c, c = a, a = b), c && a !== !1 && this.queue(a || "fx", []), this.each(function () {
+            var b = !0, c = a != null && a + "queueHooks", f = p.timers, g = p._data(this);
+            if (c)g[c] && g[c].stop && e(g[c]); else for (c in g)g[c] && g[c].stop && cQ.test(c) && e(g[c]);
+            for (c = f.length; c--;)f[c].elem === this && (a == null || f[c].queue === a) && (f[c].anim.stop(d), b = !1, f.splice(c, 1));
+            (b || !d) && p.dequeue(this, a)
+        })
+    }}), p.each({slideDown: cZ("show"), slideUp: cZ("hide"), slideToggle: cZ("toggle"), fadeIn: {opacity: "show"}, fadeOut: {opacity: "hide"}, fadeToggle: {opacity: "toggle"}}, function (a, b) {
+        p.fn[a] = function (a, c, d) {
+            return this.animate(b, a, c, d)
+        }
+    }), p.speed = function (a, b, c) {
+        var d = a && typeof a == "object" ? p.extend({}, a) : {complete: c || !c && b || p.isFunction(a) && a, duration: a, easing: c && b || b && !p.isFunction(b) && b};
+        d.duration = ? 0 : typeof d.duration == "number" ? d.duration : d.duration in p.fx.speeds ? p.fx.speeds[d.duration] : p.fx.speeds._default;
+        if (d.queue == null || d.queue === !0)d.queue = "fx";
+        return d.old = d.complete, d.complete = function () {
+            p.isFunction(d.old) &&, d.queue && p.dequeue(this, d.queue)
+        }, d
+    }, p.easing = {linear: function (a) {
+        return a
+    }, swing: function (a) {
+        return.5 - Math.cos(a * Math.PI) / 2
+    }}, p.timers = [], p.fx = cY.prototype.init, p.fx.tick = function () {
+        var a, b = p.timers, c = 0;
+        for (; c < b.length; c++)a = b[c], !a() && b[c] === a && b.splice(c--, 1);
+        b.length || p.fx.stop()
+    }, p.fx.timer = function (a) {
+        a() && p.timers.push(a) && !cN && (cN = setInterval(p.fx.tick, p.fx.interval))
+    }, p.fx.interval = 13, p.fx.stop = function () {
+        clearInterval(cN), cN = null
+    }, p.fx.speeds = {slow: 600, fast: 200, _default: 400}, p.fx.step = {}, p.expr && p.expr.filters && (p.expr.filters.animated = function (a) {
+        return p.grep(p.timers,function (b) {
+            return a === b.elem
+        }).length
+    });
+    var c$ = /^(?:body|html)$/i;
+    p.fn.offset = function (a) {
+        if (arguments.length)return a === b ? this : this.each(function (b) {
+            p.offset.setOffset(this, a, b)
+        });
+        var c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m = this[0], n = m && m.ownerDocument;
+        if (!n)return;
+        return(e = n.body) === m ? p.offset.bodyOffset(m) : (d = n.documentElement, p.contains(d, m) ? (c = m.getBoundingClientRect(), f = c_(n), g = d.clientTop || e.clientTop || 0, h = d.clientLeft || e.clientLeft || 0, i = f.pageYOffset || d.scrollTop, j = f.pageXOffset || d.scrollLeft, k = + i - g, l = c.left + j - h, {top: k, left: l}) : {top: 0, left: 0})
+    }, p.offset = {bodyOffset: function (a) {
+        var b = a.offsetTop, c = a.offsetLeft;
+        return && (b += parseFloat(p.css(a, "marginTop")) || 0, c += parseFloat(p.css(a, "marginLeft")) || 0), {top: b, left: c}
+    }, setOffset: function (a, b, c) {
+        var d = p.css(a, "position");
+        d === "static" && ( = "relative");
+        var e = p(a), f = e.offset(), g = p.css(a, "top"), h = p.css(a, "left"), i = (d === "absolute" || d === "fixed") && p.inArray("auto", [g, h]) > -1, j = {}, k = {}, l, m;
+        i ? (k = e.position(), l =, m = k.left) : (l = parseFloat(g) || 0, m = parseFloat(h) || 0), p.isFunction(b) && (b =, c, f)), != null && ( = - + l), b.left != null && (j.left = b.left - f.left + m), "using"in b ?, j) : e.css(j)
+    }}, p.fn.extend({position: function () {
+        if (!this[0])return;
+        var a = this[0], b = this.offsetParent(), c = this.offset(), d = c$.test(b[0].nodeName) ? {top: 0, left: 0} : b.offset();
+        return -= parseFloat(p.css(a, "marginTop")) || 0, c.left -= parseFloat(p.css(a, "marginLeft")) || 0, += parseFloat(p.css(b[0], "borderTopWidth")) || 0, d.left += parseFloat(p.css(b[0], "borderLeftWidth")) || 0, {top: -, left: c.left - d.left}
+    }, offsetParent: function () {
+        return () {
+            var a = this.offsetParent || e.body;
+            while (a && !c$.test(a.nodeName) && p.css(a, "position") === "static")a = a.offsetParent;
+            return a || e.body
+        })
+    }}), p.each({scrollLeft: "pageXOffset", scrollTop: "pageYOffset"}, function (a, c) {
+        var d = /Y/.test(c);
+        p.fn[a] = function (e) {
+            return p.access(this, function (a, e, f) {
+                var g = c_(a);
+                if (f === b)return g ? c in g ? g[c] : g.document.documentElement[e] : a[e];
+                g ? g.scrollTo(d ? p(g).scrollLeft() : f, d ? f : p(g).scrollTop()) : a[e] = f
+            }, a, e, arguments.length, null)
+        }
+    }), p.each({Height: "height", Width: "width"}, function (a, c) {
+        p.each({padding: "inner" + a, content: c, "": "outer" + a}, function (d, e) {
+            p.fn[e] = function (e, f) {
+                var g = arguments.length && (d || typeof e != "boolean"), h = d || (e === !0 || f === !0 ? "margin" : "border");
+                return p.access(this, function (c, d, e) {
+                    var f;
+                    return p.isWindow(c) ? c.document.documentElement["client" + a] : c.nodeType === 9 ? (f = c.documentElement, Math.max(c.body["scroll" + a], f["scroll" + a], c.body["offset" + a], f["offset" + a], f["client" + a])) : e === b ? p.css(c, d, e, h) :, d, e, h)
+                }, c, g ? e : b, g)
+            }
+        })
+    }), a.jQuery = a.$ = p, typeof define == "function" && define.amd && define.amd.jQuery && define("jquery", [], function () {
+        return p
+    })

--- a/js/vendor/modernizr-2.6.1.min.js
+++ b/js/vendor/modernizr-2.6.1.min.js
@@ -1,5 +1,405 @@
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+        return D(n.join(a + ";") + (b || ""))
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+        return typeof a === b
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+    function G(a, b) {
+        return!!~("" + a).indexOf(b)
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+        for (var d in a) {
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+            if (!G(e, "-") && j[e] !== c)return b == "pfx" ? e : !0
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+            return t
+        }("search tel url email datetime date month week time datetime-local number range color".split(" "))
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+            d = (a.getComputedStyle ? getComputedStyle(b, null) : b.currentStyle)["position"] == "absolute"
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+        return d
+    }(), B = {}.hasOwnProperty, C;
+    !F(B, "undefined") && !F(, "undefined") ? C = function (a, b) {
+        return, b)
+    } : C = function (a, b) {
+        return b in a && F(a.constructor.prototype[b], "undefined")
+    }, Function.prototype.bind || (Function.prototype.bind = function (b) {
+        var c = this;
+        if (typeof c != "function")throw new TypeError;
+        var d =, 1), e = function () {
+            if (this instanceof e) {
+                var a = function () {
+                };
+                a.prototype = c.prototype;
+                var f = new a, g = c.apply(f, d.concat(;
+                return Object(g) === g ? g : f
+            }
+            return c.apply(b, d.concat(
+        };
+        return e
+    }), s.flexbox = function () {
+        return J("flexWrap")
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+        return!!a.WebGLRenderingContext
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+            c = a.offsetTop === 9
+        }), c
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+        return"geolocation"in navigator
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+        return!!a.postMessage
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+        return!!a.openDatabase
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+        return!!J("indexedDB", a)
+    }, s.hashchange = function () {
+        return A("hashchange", a) && (b.documentMode === c || b.documentMode > 7)
+    }, s.history = function () {
+        return!!a.history && !!history.pushState
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+        return"draggable"in a || "ondragstart"in a && "ondrop"in a
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+        return"WebSocket"in a || "MozWebSocket"in a
+    }, s.rgba = function () {
+        return D("background-color:rgba(150,255,150,.5)"), G(j.backgroundColor, "rgba")
+    }, s.hsla = function () {
+        return D("background-color:hsla(120,40%,100%,.5)"), G(j.backgroundColor, "rgba") || G(j.backgroundColor, "hsla")
+    }, s.multiplebgs = function () {
+        return D("background:url(https://),url(https://),red url(https://)"), /(url\s*\(.*?){3}/.test(j.background)
+    }, s.backgroundsize = function () {
+        return J("backgroundSize")
+    }, s.borderimage = function () {
+        return J("borderImage")
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+        return J("borderRadius")
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+        return J("boxShadow")
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+        return b.createElement("div").style.textShadow === ""
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+        return E("opacity:.55"), /^0.55$/.test(j.opacity)
+    }, s.cssanimations = function () {
+        return J("animationName")
+    }, s.csscolumns = function () {
+        return J("columnCount")
+    }, s.cssgradients = function () {
+        var a = "background-image:", b = "gradient(linear,left top,right bottom,from(#9f9),to(white));", c = "linear-gradient(left top,#9f9, white);";
+        return D((a + "-webkit- ".split(" ").join(b + a) + n.join(c + a)).slice(0, -a.length)), G(j.backgroundImage, "gradient")
+    }, s.cssreflections = function () {
+        return J("boxReflect")
+    }, s.csstransforms = function () {
+        return!!J("transform")
+    }, s.csstransforms3d = function () {
+        var a = !!J("perspective");
+        return a && "webkitPerspective"in && y("@media (transform-3d),(-webkit-transform-3d){#modernizr{left:9px;position:absolute;height:3px;}}", function (b, c) {
+            a = b.offsetLeft === 9 && b.offsetHeight === 3
+        }), a
+    }, s.csstransitions = function () {
+        return J("transition")
+    }, s.fontface = function () {
+        var a;
+        return y('@font-face {font-family:"font";src:url("https://")}', function (c, d) {
+            var e = b.getElementById("smodernizr"), f = e.sheet || e.styleSheet, g = f ? f.cssRules && f.cssRules[0] ? f.cssRules[0].cssText : f.cssText || "" : "";
+            a = /src/i.test(g) && g.indexOf(d.split(" ")[0]) === 0
+        }), a
+    }, s.generatedcontent = function () {
+        var a;
+        return y(['#modernizr:after{content:"', l, '";visibility:hidden}'].join(""), function (b) {
+            a = b.offsetHeight >= 1
+        }), a
+    }, = function () {
+        var a = b.createElement("video"), c = !1;
+        try {
+            if (c = !!a.canPlayType)c = new Boolean(c), c.ogg = a.canPlayType('video/ogg; codecs="theora"').replace(/^no$/, ""), c.h264 = a.canPlayType('video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E"').replace(/^no$/, ""), c.webm = a.canPlayType('video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"').replace(/^no$/, "")
+        } catch (d) {
+        }
+        return c
+    }, = function () {
+        var a = b.createElement("audio"), c = !1;
+        try {
+            if (c = !!a.canPlayType)c = new Boolean(c), c.ogg = a.canPlayType('audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"').replace(/^no$/, ""), c.mp3 = a.canPlayType("audio/mpeg;").replace(/^no$/, ""), c.wav = a.canPlayType('audio/wav; codecs="1"').replace(/^no$/, ""), c.m4a = (a.canPlayType("audio/x-m4a;") || a.canPlayType("audio/aac;")).replace(/^no$/, "")
+        } catch (d) {
+        }
+        return c
+    }, s.localstorage = function () {
+        try {
+            return localStorage.setItem(h, h), localStorage.removeItem(h), !0
+        } catch (a) {
+            return!1
+        }
+    }, s.sessionstorage = function () {
+        try {
+            return sessionStorage.setItem(h, h), sessionStorage.removeItem(h), !0
+        } catch (a) {
+            return!1
+        }
+    }, s.webworkers = function () {
+        return!!a.Worker
+    }, s.applicationcache = function () {
+        return!!a.applicationCache
+    }, s.svg = function () {
+        return!!b.createElementNS && !!b.createElementNS(r.svg, "svg").createSVGRect
+    }, s.inlinesvg = function () {
+        var a = b.createElement("div");
+        return a.innerHTML = "<svg/>", (a.firstChild && a.firstChild.namespaceURI) == r.svg
+    }, s.smil = function () {
+        return!!b.createElementNS && /SVGAnimate/.test(, "animate")))
+    }, s.svgclippaths = function () {
+        return!!b.createElementNS && /SVGClipPath/.test(, "clipPath")))
+    };
+    for (var L in s)C(s, L) && (x = L.toLowerCase(), e[x] = s[L](), v.push((e[x] ? "" : "no-") + x));
+    return e.input || K(), e.addTest = function (a, b) {
+        if (typeof a == "object")for (var d in a)C(a, d) && e.addTest(d, a[d]); else {
+            a = a.toLowerCase();
+            if (e[a] !== c)return e;
+            b = typeof b == "function" ? b() : b, f && (g.className += " " + (b ? "" : "no-") + a), e[a] = b
+        }
+        return e
+    }, D(""), i = k = null, function (a, b) {
+        function k(a, b) {
+            var c = a.createElement("p"), d = a.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || a.documentElement;
+            return c.innerHTML = "x<style>" + b + "</style>", d.insertBefore(c.lastChild, d.firstChild)
+        }
+        function l() {
+            var a = r.elements;
+            return typeof a == "string" ? a.split(" ") : a
+        }
+        function m(a) {
+            var b = i[a[g]];
+            return b || (b = {}, h++, a[g] = h, i[h] = b), b
+        }
+        function n(a, c, f) {
+            c || (c = b);
+            if (j)return c.createElement(a);
+            f || (f = m(c));
+            var g;
+            return f.cache[a] ? g = f.cache[a].cloneNode() : e.test(a) ? g = (f.cache[a] = f.createElem(a)).cloneNode() : g = f.createElem(a), g.canHaveChildren && !d.test(a) ? f.frag.appendChild(g) : g
+        }
+        function o(a, c) {
+            a || (a = b);
+            if (j)return a.createDocumentFragment();
+            c = c || m(a);
+            var d = c.frag.cloneNode(), e = 0, f = l(), g = f.length;
+            for (; e < g; e++)d.createElement(f[e]);
+            return d
+        }
+        function p(a, b) {
+            b.cache || (b.cache = {}, b.createElem = a.createElement, b.createFrag = a.createDocumentFragment, b.frag = b.createFrag()), a.createElement = function (c) {
+                return r.shivMethods ? n(c, a, b) : b.createElem(c)
+            }, a.createDocumentFragment = Function("h,f", "return function(){var n=f.cloneNode(),c=n.createElement;h.shivMethods&&(" + l().join().replace(/\w+/g, function (a) {
+                return b.createElem(a), b.frag.createElement(a), 'c("' + a + '")'
+            }) + ");return n}")(r, b.frag)
+        }
+        function q(a) {
+            a || (a = b);
+            var c = m(a);
+            return r.shivCSS && !f && !c.hasCSS && (c.hasCSS = !!k(a, "article,aside,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,nav,section{display:block}mark{background:#FF0;color:#000}")), j || p(a, c), a
+        }
+        var c = a.html5 || {}, d = /^<|^(?:button|map|select|textarea|object|iframe|option|optgroup)$/i, e = /^<|^(?:a|b|button|code|div|fieldset|form|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|i|iframe|img|input|label|li|link|ol|option|p|param|q|script|select|span|strong|style|table|tbody|td|textarea|tfoot|th|thead|tr|ul)$/i, f, g = "_html5shiv", h = 0, i = {}, j;
+        (function () {
+            try {
+                var a = b.createElement("a");
+                a.innerHTML = "<xyz></xyz>", f = "hidden"in a, j = a.childNodes.length == 1 || function () {
+                    b.createElement("a");
+                    var a = b.createDocumentFragment();
+                    return typeof a.cloneNode == "undefined" || typeof a.createDocumentFragment == "undefined" || typeof a.createElement == "undefined"
+                }()
+            } catch (c) {
+                f = !0, j = !0
+            }
+        })();
+        var r = {elements: c.elements || "abbr article aside audio bdi canvas data datalist details figcaption figure footer header hgroup mark meter nav output progress section summary time video", shivCSS: c.shivCSS !== !1, supportsUnknownElements: j, shivMethods: c.shivMethods !== !1, type: "default", shivDocument: q, createElement: n, createDocumentFragment: o};
+        a.html5 = r, q(b)
+    }(this, b), e._version = d, e._prefixes = n, e._domPrefixes = q, e._cssomPrefixes = p, = z, e.hasEvent = A, e.testProp = function (a) {
+        return H([a])
+    }, e.testAllProps = J, e.testStyles = y, e.prefixed = function (a, b, c) {
+        return b ? J(a, b, c) : J(a, "pfx")
+    }, g.className = g.className.replace(/(^|\s)no-js(\s|$)/, "$1$2") + (f ? " js " + v.join(" ") : ""), e
+}(this, this.document), function (a, b, c) {
+    function d(a) {
+        return == "[object Function]"
+    }
+    function e(a) {
+        return typeof a == "string"
+    }
+    function f() {
+    }
+    function g(a) {
+        return!a || a == "loaded" || a == "complete" || a == "uninitialized"
+    }
+    function h() {
+        var a = p.shift();
+        q = 1, a ? a.t ? m(function () {
+            (a.t == "c" ? B.injectCss : B.injectJs)(a.s, 0, a.a, a.x, a.e, 1)
+        }, 0) : (a(), h()) : q = 0
+    }
+    function i(a, c, d, e, f, i, j) {
+        function k(b) {
+            if (!o && g(l.readyState) && (u.r = o = 1, !q && h(), l.onload = l.onreadystatechange = null, b)) {
+                a != "img" && m(function () {
+                    t.removeChild(l)
+                }, 50);
+                for (var d in y[c])y[c].hasOwnProperty(d) && y[c][d].onload()
+            }
+        }
+        var j = j || B.errorTimeout, l = {}, o = 0, r = 0, u = {t: d, s: c, e: f, a: i, x: j};
+        y[c] === 1 && (r = 1, y[c] = [], l = b.createElement(a)), a == "object" ? = c : (l.src = c, l.type = a), l.width = l.height = "0", l.onerror = l.onload = l.onreadystatechange = function () {
+  , r)
+        }, p.splice(e, 0, u), a != "img" && (r || y[c] === 2 ? (t.insertBefore(l, s ? null : n), m(k, j)) : y[c].push(l))
+    }
+    function j(a, b, c, d, f) {
+        return q = 0, b = b || "j", e(a) ? i(b == "c" ? v : u, a, b, this.i++, c, d, f) : (p.splice(this.i++, 0, a), p.length == 1 && h()), this
+    }
+    function k() {
+        var a = B;
+        return a.loader = {load: j, i: 0}, a
+    }
+    var l = b.documentElement, m = a.setTimeout, n = b.getElementsByTagName("script")[0], o = {}.toString, p = [], q = 0, r = "MozAppearance"in, s = r && !!b.createRange().compareNode, t = s ? l : n.parentNode, l = a.opera && == "[object Opera]", l = !!b.attachEvent && !l, u = r ? "object" : l ? "script" : "img", v = l ? "script" : u, w = Array.isArray || function (a) {
+        return == "[object Array]"
+    }, x = [], y = {}, z = {timeout: function (a, b) {
+        return b.length && (a.timeout = b[0]), a
+    }}, A, B;
+    B = function (a) {
+        function b(a) {
+            var a = a.split("!"), b = x.length, c = a.pop(), d = a.length, c = {url: c, origUrl: c, prefixes: a}, e, f, g;
+            for (f = 0; f < d; f++)g = a[f].split("="), (e = z[g.shift()]) && (c = e(c, g));
+            for (f = 0; f < b; f++)c = x[f](c);
+            return c
+        }
+        function g(a, e, f, g, i) {
+            var j = b(a), l = j.autoCallback;
+            j.url.split(".").pop().split("?").shift(), j.bypass || (e && (e = d(e) ? e : e[a] || e[g] || e[a.split("/").pop().split("?")[0]] || h), j.instead ? j.instead(a, e, f, g, i) : (y[j.url] ? j.noexec = !0 : y[j.url] = 1, f.load(j.url, j.forceCSS || !j.forceJS && "css" == j.url.split(".").pop().split("?").shift() ? "c" : c, j.noexec, j.attrs, j.timeout), (d(e) || d(l)) && f.load(function () {
+                k(), e && e(j.origUrl, i, g), l && l(j.origUrl, i, g), y[j.url] = 2
+            })))
+        }
+        function i(a, b) {
+            function c(a, c) {
+                if (a) {
+                    if (e(a))c || (j = function () {
+                        var a = [];
+                        k.apply(this, a), l()
+                    }), g(a, j, b, 0, h); else if (Object(a) === a)for (n in m = function () {
+                        var b = 0, c;
+                        for (c in a)a.hasOwnProperty(c) && b++;
+                        return b
+                    }(), a)a.hasOwnProperty(n) && (!c && !--m && (d(j) ? j = function () {
+                        var a = [];
+                        k.apply(this, a), l()
+                    } : j[n] = function (a) {
+                        return function () {
+                            var b = [];
+                            a && a.apply(this, b), l()
+                        }
+                    }(k[n])), g(a[n], j, b, n, h))
+                } else!c && l()
+            }
+            var h = !!a.test, i = a.load || a.both, j = a.callback || f, k = j, l = a.complete || f, m, n;
+            c(h ? a.yep : a.nope, !!i), i && c(i)
+        }
+        var j, l, m = this.yepnope.loader;
+        if (e(a))g(a, 0, m, 0); else if (w(a))for (j = 0; j < a.length; j++)l = a[j], e(l) ? g(l, 0, m, 0) : w(l) ? B(l) : Object(l) === l && i(l, m); else Object(a) === a && i(a, m)
+    }, B.addPrefix = function (a, b) {
+        z[a] = b
+    }, B.addFilter = function (a) {
+        x.push(a)
+    }, B.errorTimeout = 1e4, b.readyState == null && b.addEventListener && (b.readyState = "loading", b.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", A = function () {
+        b.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", A, 0), b.readyState = "complete"
+    }, 0)), a.yepnope = k(), a.yepnope.executeStack = h, a.yepnope.injectJs = function (a, c, d, e, i, j) {
+        var k = b.createElement("script"), l, o, e = e || B.errorTimeout;
+        k.src = a;
+        for (o in d)k.setAttribute(o, d[o]);
+        c = j ? h : c || f, k.onreadystatechange = k.onload = function () {
+            !l && g(k.readyState) && (l = 1, c(), k.onload = k.onreadystatechange = null)
+        }, m(function () {
+            l || (l = 1, c(1))
+        }, e), i ? k.onload() : n.parentNode.insertBefore(k, n)
+    }, a.yepnope.injectCss = function (a, c, d, e, g, i) {
+        var e = b.createElement("link"), j, c = i ? h : c || f;
+        e.href = a, e.rel = "stylesheet", e.type = "text/css";
+        for (j in d)e.setAttribute(j, d[j]);
+        g || (n.parentNode.insertBefore(e, n), m(c, 0))
+    }
+}(this, document), Modernizr.load = function () {
+    yepnope.apply(window, [], 0))

--- a/nbproject/project.xml
+++ b/nbproject/project.xml
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><project xmlns="">
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project xmlns="">
         <data xmlns="">

file:a/ -> file:b/
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import logging
-                    format='%(asctime)s\t%(levelname)s\t%(message)s')
+    format='%(asctime)s\t%(levelname)s\t%(message)s')
 import snd
 import time
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@
     cur = conn.cursor()
     cur.execute("INSERT INTO recordings \
     (tgid, tgname, sitename, filename, length)\
-     VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",( tgid, tgname, sitename, filename, length))
+     VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", ( tgid, tgname, sitename, filename, length))
@@ -73,16 +74,16 @@
     (oldtgid, oldtgname, oldsitename) = last_call
     (tgid, tgname, sitename) = get_call()
     if oldtgid == tgid:
-        if tgid == None or tgid == '':
+        if tgid is None or tgid == '':
             print filename + " has no TGID"
             log_recording(tgid, tgname, sitename, filename, length)
-        if tgid == None or tgid == '':
+        if tgid is None or tgid == '':
             print filename + " has no TGID"
             log_recording(tgid, tgname, sitename, filename, length)
-        if oldtgid == None or oldtgid == '':
+        if oldtgid is None or oldtgid == '':
             print filename + " has no old TGID"
             log_recording(oldtgid, oldtgname, oldsitename, filename, length)
@@ -91,23 +92,25 @@
 def filenameMaker():
     global filename
-    filename ='-'+str(time.time())+'-demo.wav'
+    filename = + '-' + str(time.time()) + '-demo.wav'
 def do_record():
+    #global filename
     sample_width, data = snd.record()
-    thr = threading.Thread(target=record_to_async_file, args=(sample_width,data,filename))
+    thr = threading.Thread(target=record_to_async_file, args=(sample_width, data, filename))
-def record_to_async_file(sample_width,data,filename):
+def record_to_async_file(sample_width, data, filename):
     "Records from the microphone and outputs the resulting data to `filename`"
     print "Recording complete"
     if len(data) > MIN_LENGTH:
         print "Recording being saved..."
-        dispatcher.send( signal='FILE_CREATED', sender=filename, filename=filename, length=len(data))
+        dispatcher.send(signal='FILE_CREATED', sender=filename, filename=filename, length=len(data))
         print str(len(data))
-        data = snd.pack('<' + ('h'*len(data)), *data)
-        path = "./data/"+filename
+        data = snd.pack('<' + ('h' * len(data)), *data)
+        path = "./data/" + filename
         wf =, 'wb')
@@ -115,20 +118,20 @@
         del wf
-        print("done - result "+str(len(data))+" frames written to "+path)
+        print("done - result " + str(len(data)) + " frames written to " + path)
     del data
-dispatcher.connect( filenameMaker, signal='SND_STARTED', sender=dispatcher.Any )
-dispatcher.connect( tgid_worker, signal='SND_STARTED', sender=dispatcher.Any )
-dispatcher.connect( save_worker, signal='FILE_CREATED', sender=dispatcher.Any )
+dispatcher.connect(filenameMaker, signal='SND_STARTED', sender=dispatcher.Any)
+dispatcher.connect(tgid_worker, signal='SND_STARTED', sender=dispatcher.Any)
+dispatcher.connect(save_worker, signal='FILE_CREATED', sender=dispatcher.Any)
 print "Opening serial port..."
 if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
-	ser = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.usbserial-FTB3VL83', 112500, timeout=1)
+    ser = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.usbserial-FTB3VL83', 112500, timeout=1)
 elif sys.platform.startswith('win32'):
-	ser = serial.Serial('COM20', 112500, timeout=1)
+    ser = serial.Serial('COM20', 112500, timeout=1)
 print "Loading notifymyandroid..."
-nma = pynma.PyNMA( "a6f50f76119eda33befe4325b4b9e1dd25eef7bad2868e4f")
+nma = pynma.PyNMA("a6f50f76119eda33befe4325b4b9e1dd25eef7bad2868e4f")
 print "Connecting database..."
 conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=scannr user=postgres password=snmc")
 print "Scannr started."

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/.gitignore
@@ -1,1 +1,14 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/.idea/.name
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/.idea/ant.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project version="4">
+  <component name="AntConfiguration">
+    <defaultAnt bundledAnt="true" />
+  </component>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/.idea/compiler.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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+  <component name="CompilerConfiguration">
+    <option name="DEFAULT_COMPILER" value="Javac" />
+    <excludeFromCompile>
+      <directory url="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/gen" includeSubdirectories="true" />
+    </excludeFromCompile>
+    <resourceExtensions />
+    <wildcardResourcePatterns>
+      <entry name="!?*.java" />
+      <entry name="!?*.form" />
+      <entry name="!?*.class" />
+      <entry name="!?*.groovy" />
+      <entry name="!?*.scala" />
+      <entry name="!?*.flex" />
+      <entry name="!?*.kt" />
+      <entry name="!?*.clj" />
+    </wildcardResourcePatterns>
+    <annotationProcessing>
+      <profile default="true" name="Default" enabled="false">
+        <processorPath useClasspath="true" />
+      </profile>
+    </annotationProcessing>
+  </component>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/.idea/copyright/profiles_settings.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,5 @@
+<component name="CopyrightManager">
+  <settings default="">
+    <module2copyright />
+  </settings>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/.idea/encodings.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project version="4">
+  <component name="Encoding" useUTFGuessing="true" native2AsciiForPropertiesFiles="false" />

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/.idea/misc.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project version="4">
+  <component name="EntryPointsManager">
+    <entry_points version="2.0" />
+  </component>
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+    <output url="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/out" />
+  </component>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/.idea/modules.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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+  <component name="ProjectModuleManager">
+    <modules>
+      <module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/scannrmobile.iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/scannrmobile.iml" />
+    </modules>
+  </component>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/.idea/scopes/scope_settings.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,5 @@
+<component name="DependencyValidationManager">
+  <state>
+    <option name="SKIP_IMPORT_STATEMENTS" value="false" />
+  </state>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/.idea/uiDesigner.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,126 @@
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/.idea/vcs.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project version="4">
+  <component name="VcsDirectoryMappings">
+    <mapping directory="" vcs="" />
+  </component>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/.idea/workspace.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,778 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project version="4">
+  <component name="AndroidConfiguredLogFilters">
+    <filters>
+      <filter>
+        <option name="logLevel" value="verbose" />
+        <option name="logMessagePattern" value="Scannr" />
+        <option name="logTagPattern" value="" />
+        <option name="name" value="Scannr" />
+        <option name="pid" value="" />
+      </filter>
+    </filters>
+  </component>
+  <component name="AndroidDesignerProfile">
+    <option name="fullProfile">
+      <profile>
+        <option name="device" value="2.7in QVGA" />
+        <option name="deviceConfiguration" value="Portrait" />
+        <option name="targetHashString" value="android-17" />
+        <option name="theme" value="Theme" />
+      </profile>
+    </option>
+    <option name="selection" value="[Full]" />
+  </component>
+  <component name="AndroidLogFilters">
+    <option name="TOOL_WINDOW_CONFIGURED_FILTER" value="Scannr" />
+  </component>
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+    <list default="true" id="4912fbca-fcd2-420f-a992-61830c24c4b5" name="Default" comment="" />
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+    <ignored path=".idea/workspace.xml" />
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+    <option name="TRACKING_ENABLED" value="true" />
+    <option name="SHOW_DIALOG" value="false" />
+    <option name="HIGHLIGHT_CONFLICTS" value="true" />
+    <option name="HIGHLIGHT_NON_ACTIVE_CHANGELIST" value="false" />
+    <option name="LAST_RESOLUTION" value="IGNORE" />
+  </component>
+  <component name="ChangesViewManager" flattened_view="true" show_ignored="false" />
+  <component name="CreatePatchCommitExecutor">
+    <option name="PATCH_PATH" value="" />
+  </component>
+  <component name="DaemonCodeAnalyzer">
+    <disable_hints />
+  </component>
+  <component name="DebuggerManager">
+    <line_breakpoints default_suspend_policy="SuspendAll" default_condition_enabled="true" />
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+      <breakpoint>
+        <option name="NOTIFY_CAUGHT" value="true" />
+        <option name="NOTIFY_UNCAUGHT" value="true" />
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+        <option name="INSTANCE_FILTERS_ENABLED" value="false" />
+        <option name="CONDITION" value="" />
+        <option name="LOG_MESSAGE" value="" />
+      </breakpoint>
+      <breakpoint>
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+        <option name="NOTIFY_UNCAUGHT" value="true" />
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+        <option name="SUSPEND" value="true" />
+        <option name="COUNT_FILTER_ENABLED" value="false" />
+        <option name="COUNT_FILTER" value="0" />
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+        <option name="CLASS_FILTERS_ENABLED" value="false" />
+        <option name="INSTANCE_FILTERS_ENABLED" value="false" />
+        <option name="CONDITION" value="" />
+        <option name="LOG_MESSAGE" value="" />
+      </breakpoint>
+    </breakpoint_any>
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+    <breakpoint_rules />
+    <ui_properties />
+  </component>
+  <component name="ExecutionTargetManager" SELECTED_TARGET="default_target" />
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+    <favorites_list name="scannrmobile" />
+  </component>
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+    <leaf>
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+            <state />
+          </provider>
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+                <element signature="imports" expanded="true" />
+              </folding>
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+              <folding />
+            </state>
+          </provider>
+        </entry>
+      </file>
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+  </component>
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+    <FindUsagesManager>
+      <setting name="OPEN_NEW_TAB" value="false" />
+    </FindUsagesManager>
+  </component>
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+    <option name="changedFiles">
+      <list>
+        <option value="$PROJECT_DIR$/AndroidManifest.xml" />
+        <option value="$PROJECT_DIR$/src/com/example/scannrmobile/" />
+        <option value="$PROJECT_DIR$/res/layout/main.xml" />
+        <option value="$PROJECT_DIR$/src/com/example/scannrmobile/" />
+      </list>
+    </option>
+  </component>
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+    <option name="y" value="22" />
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+    <option name="height" value="937" />
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+    <ConfirmationsSetting value="0" id="Remove" />
+  </component>
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+    <option name="STATE" value="0" />
+  </component>
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+              <option name="myItemType" value="com.intellij.ide.projectView.impl.nodes.PsiDirectoryNode" />
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+    <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/com/example/scannrmobile/">
+      <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor">
+        <state line="61" column="28" selection-start="1919" selection-end="1919" vertical-scroll-proportion="0.0">
+          <folding>
+            <element signature="imports" expanded="true" />
+          </folding>
+        </state>
+      </provider>
+    </entry>
+    <entry file="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/src/com/example/scannrmobile/">
+      <provider selected="true" editor-type-id="text-editor">
+        <state line="32" column="50" selection-start="1063" selection-end="1073" vertical-scroll-proportion="0.44060475">
+          <folding>
+            <element signature="imports" expanded="true" />
+          </folding>
+        </state>
+      </provider>
+    </entry>
+  </component>
+  <component name="masterDetails">
+    <states>
+      <state key="ArtifactsStructureConfigurable.UI">
+        <settings>
+          <artifact-editor />
+          <splitter-proportions>
+            <option name="proportions">
+              <list>
+                <option value="0.2" />
+              </list>
+            </option>
+          </splitter-proportions>
+        </settings>
+      </state>
+      <state key="FacetStructureConfigurable.UI">
+        <settings>
+          <last-edited>Android</last-edited>
+          <splitter-proportions>
+            <option name="proportions">
+              <list>
+                <option value="0.2" />
+              </list>
+            </option>
+          </splitter-proportions>
+        </settings>
+      </state>
+      <state key="GlobalLibrariesConfigurable.UI">
+        <settings>
+          <splitter-proportions>
+            <option name="proportions">
+              <list>
+                <option value="0.2" />
+              </list>
+            </option>
+          </splitter-proportions>
+        </settings>
+      </state>
+      <state key="JdkListConfigurable.UI">
+        <settings>
+          <last-edited>Android 4.2 Platform</last-edited>
+          <splitter-proportions>
+            <option name="proportions">
+              <list>
+                <option value="0.2" />
+              </list>
+            </option>
+          </splitter-proportions>
+        </settings>
+      </state>
+      <state key="ModuleStructureConfigurable.UI">
+        <settings>
+          <last-edited>Android|scannrmobile</last-edited>
+          <splitter-proportions>
+            <option name="proportions">
+              <list>
+                <option value="0.2" />
+              </list>
+            </option>
+          </splitter-proportions>
+        </settings>
+      </state>
+      <state key="ProjectLibrariesConfigurable.UI">
+        <settings>
+          <splitter-proportions>
+            <option name="proportions">
+              <list>
+                <option value="0.2" />
+              </list>
+            </option>
+          </splitter-proportions>
+        </settings>
+      </state>
+    </states>
+  </component>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/AndroidManifest.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<manifest xmlns:android=""
+          package="com.example.scannrmobile"
+          android:versionCode="1"
+          android:versionName="1.0">
+    <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="17"/>
+    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
+    <application android:label="@string/app_name" android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher">
+        <activity android:name="ScannrMobile"
+                  android:label="@string/app_name">
+            <intent-filter>
+                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
+                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>
+            </intent-filter>
+        </activity>
+    </application>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/build.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,93 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project name="scannrmobile" default="help">
+    <!-- The file is created and updated by the 'android' tool.
+         It contains the path to the SDK. It should *NOT* be checked into
+         Version Control Systems. -->
+    <property file=""/>
+    <!-- The file can be created by you. It is only edited by the
+         'android' tool to add properties to it.
+         This is the place to change some Ant specific build properties.
+         Here are some properties you may want to change/update:
+         source.dir
+             The name of the source directory. Default is 'src'.
+         out.dir
+             The name of the output directory. Default is 'bin'.
+         For other overridable properties, look at the beginning of the rules
+         files in the SDK, at tools/ant/build.xml
+         Properties related to the SDK location or the project target should
+         be updated using the 'android' tool with the 'update' action.
+         This file is an integral part of the build system for your
+         application and should be checked into Version Control Systems.
+         -->
+    <property file=""/>
+    <!-- if sdk.dir was not set from one of the property file, then
+         get it from the ANDROID_HOME env var.
+         This must be done before we load since
+         the proguard config can use sdk.dir -->
+    <property environment="env"/>
+    <condition property="sdk.dir" value="${env.ANDROID_HOME}">
+        <isset property="env.ANDROID_HOME"/>
+    </condition>
+    <!-- The file is created and updated by the 'android'
+         tool, as well as ADT.
+         This contains project specific properties such as project target, and library
+         dependencies. Lower level build properties are stored in
+         (or in .classpath for Eclipse projects).
+         This file is an integral part of the build system for your
+         application and should be checked into Version Control Systems. -->
+    <loadproperties srcFile=""/>
+    <!-- quick check on sdk.dir -->
+    <fail
+            message="sdk.dir is missing. Make sure to generate using 'android update project' or to inject it through the ANDROID_HOME environment variable."
+            unless="sdk.dir"
+            />
+    <!--
+        Import per project custom build rules if present at the root of the project.
+        This is the place to put custom intermediary targets such as:
+            -pre-build
+            -pre-compile
+            -post-compile (This is typically used for code obfuscation.
+                           Compiled code location: ${out.classes.absolute.dir}
+                           If this is not done in place, override ${out.dex.input.absolute.dir})
+            -post-package
+            -post-build
+            -pre-clean
+    -->
+    <import file="custom_rules.xml" optional="true"/>
+    <!-- Import the actual build file.
+         To customize existing targets, there are two options:
+         - Customize only one target:
+             - copy/paste the target into this file, *before* the
+               <import> task.
+             - customize it to your needs.
+         - Customize the whole content of build.xml
+             - copy/paste the content of the rules files (minus the top node)
+               into this file, replacing the <import> task.
+             - customize to your needs.
+         ***********************
+         ****** IMPORTANT ******
+         ***********************
+         In all cases you must update the value of version-tag below to read 'custom' instead of an integer,
+         in order to avoid having your file be overridden by tools such as "android update project"
+    -->
+    <!-- version-tag: 1 -->
+    <import file="${sdk.dir}/tools/ant/build.xml"/>

 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/out/production/scannrmobile/com/example/scannrmobile/BuildConfig.class differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/out/production/scannrmobile/com/example/scannrmobile/HttpTask$HttpTaskHandler.class differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/out/production/scannrmobile/com/example/scannrmobile/HttpTask.class differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/out/production/scannrmobile/com/example/scannrmobile/R$attr.class differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/out/production/scannrmobile/com/example/scannrmobile/R$drawable.class differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/out/production/scannrmobile/com/example/scannrmobile/R$id.class differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/out/production/scannrmobile/com/example/scannrmobile/R$layout.class differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/out/production/scannrmobile/com/example/scannrmobile/R$string.class differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/out/production/scannrmobile/com/example/scannrmobile/R.class differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/out/production/scannrmobile/com/example/scannrmobile/ScannrMobile$1.class differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/out/production/scannrmobile/com/example/scannrmobile/ScannrMobile.class differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/out/production/scannrmobile/scannrmobile.afp.apk differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/out/production/scannrmobile/scannrmobile.apk differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/out/production/scannrmobile/scannrmobile.unaligned.apk differ
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/proguard-project.txt
@@ -1,1 +1,21 @@
+# To enable ProGuard in your project, edit
+# to define the proguard.config property as described in that file.
+# Add project specific ProGuard rules here.
+# By default, the flags in this file are appended to flags specified
+# in ${sdk.dir}/tools/proguard/proguard-android.txt
+# You can edit the include path and order by changing the ProGuard
+# include property in
+# For more details, see
+# Add any project specific keep options here:
+# If your project uses WebView with JS, uncomment the following
+# and specify the fully qualified class name to the JavaScript interface
+# class:
+#-keepclassmembers class fqcn.of.javascript.interface.for.webview {
+#   public *;

 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_launcher.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/res/drawable-ldpi/ic_launcher.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_launcher.png differ
 Binary files /dev/null and b/scannrmobile/res/drawable-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png differ
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/res/layout/main.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
+  android:orientation="vertical"
+  android:layout_width="fill_parent"
+  android:layout_height="fill_parent">
+	<ListView android:layout_width="fill_parent" 
+	  android:layout_height="fill_parent" 
+	  android:id="@+id/mainListView">
+	</ListView>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/res/layout/simplerow.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,8 @@
+<TextView xmlns:android=""
+ android:id="@+id/rowTextView" 
+ android:layout_width="fill_parent" 
+ android:layout_height="wrap_content"
+ android:padding="10dp"
+ android:textSize="16sp" >

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -1,1 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    <string name="app_name">scannrmobile</string>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/scannrmobile.iml
@@ -1,1 +1,44 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<module type="JAVA_MODULE" version="4">
+  <component name="FacetManager">
+    <facet type="android" name="Android">
+      <configuration>
+        <option name="GEN_FOLDER_RELATIVE_PATH_APT" value="/gen" />
+        <option name="GEN_FOLDER_RELATIVE_PATH_AIDL" value="/gen" />
+        <option name="MANIFEST_FILE_RELATIVE_PATH" value="/AndroidManifest.xml" />
+        <option name="RES_FOLDER_RELATIVE_PATH" value="/res" />
+        <option name="ASSETS_FOLDER_RELATIVE_PATH" value="/assets" />
+        <option name="LIBS_FOLDER_RELATIVE_PATH" value="/libs" />
+        <option name="USE_CUSTOM_APK_RESOURCE_FOLDER" value="false" />
+        <option name="CUSTOM_APK_RESOURCE_FOLDER" value="" />
+        <option name="USE_CUSTOM_COMPILER_MANIFEST" value="false" />
+        <option name="CUSTOM_COMPILER_MANIFEST" value="" />
+        <option name="APK_PATH" value="" />
+        <option name="LIBRARY_PROJECT" value="false" />
+        <option name="RUN_PROCESS_RESOURCES_MAVEN_TASK" value="true" />
+        <option name="GENERATE_UNSIGNED_APK" value="false" />
+        <option name="CUSTOM_DEBUG_KEYSTORE_PATH" value="" />
+        <option name="PACK_TEST_CODE" value="false" />
+        <option name="RUN_PROGUARD" value="false" />
+        <option name="PROGUARD_CFG_PATH" value="/proguard-project.txt" />
+        <resOverlayFolders>
+          <path>/res-overlay</path>
+        </resOverlayFolders>
+        <includeSystemProguardFile>true</includeSystemProguardFile>
+        <includeAssetsFromLibraries>false</includeAssetsFromLibraries>
+        <additionalNativeLibs />
+      </configuration>
+    </facet>
+  </component>
+  <component name="NewModuleRootManager" inherit-compiler-output="true">
+    <exclude-output />
+    <content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$">
+      <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/src" isTestSource="false" />
+      <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/gen" isTestSource="false" />
+    </content>
+    <orderEntry type="inheritedJdk" />
+    <orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />
+  </component>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/src/com/example/scannrmobile/
@@ -1,1 +1,73 @@
+package com.example.scannrmobile;
+import android.os.AsyncTask;
+import org.apache.http.client.methods.*;
+import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
+import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
+import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
+import org.json.*;
+import android.util.Log;
+public class HttpTask extends AsyncTask<HttpUriRequest,Void,JSONArray> {
+    private static final String TAG = "Scannr_HTTP_TASK";
+    @Override
+    protected JSONArray doInBackground(HttpUriRequest...params) {
+        // Performed on Background Thread
+        HttpUriRequest request = params[0];
+        HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
+        try {
+            // The UI Thread shouldn't be blocked long enough to do the reading in of the stream.
+            HttpResponse response =  client.execute(request);
+// TODO handle bad response codes (such as 404, etc)
+            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(response.getEntity().getContent(), "UTF-8"));
+            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
+            for (String line = null; (line = reader.readLine()) != null; ) {
+                builder.append(line).append("\n");
+            }
+            JSONTokener tokener = new JSONTokener(builder.toString());
+            JSONArray json = new JSONArray(tokener);
+            return json;
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            // TODO handle different exception cases
+            Log.e(TAG,e.toString());
+            e.printStackTrace();
+            return null;
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    protected void onPostExecute(JSONArray json) {
+        // Done on UI Thread
+        if(json != null) {
+            taskHandler.taskSuccessful(json);
+        } else {
+            taskHandler.taskFailed();
+        }
+    }
+    public static interface HttpTaskHandler {
+        void taskSuccessful(JSONArray json);
+        void taskFailed();
+    }
+    HttpTaskHandler taskHandler;
+    public void setTaskHandler(HttpTaskHandler taskHandler) {
+        this.taskHandler = taskHandler;
+    }

--- /dev/null
+++ b/scannrmobile/src/com/example/scannrmobile/
@@ -1,1 +1,66 @@
+package com.example.scannrmobile;
+import android.os.Bundle;
+import android.util.Log;
+import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;
+import android.widget.ListView;
+import com.example.scannrmobile.HttpTask.HttpTaskHandler;
+import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
+import org.json.JSONArray;
+import org.json.JSONException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+public class ScannrMobile extends Activity {
+    private ListView mainListView ;
+    private ArrayAdapter<String> listAdapter ;
+    private ScannrMobile view;
+    /**
+     * Called when the activity is first created.
+     */
+    @Override
+    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
+        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
+        setContentView(R.layout.main);
+        mainListView = (ListView) findViewById( );
+        view = this;
+        //DownloadWebPageTask task = new DownloadWebPageTask();
+        //task.execute(new String[] { "" });
+        HttpTask task = new HttpTask();
+        task.setTaskHandler(new HttpTaskHandler()
+        {
+            public void taskSuccessful(JSONArray nodes) {
+                // Just put the JSONObjects into an array list so we can use a ListAdapter
+                ArrayList<String> data = new ArrayList();
+                // Ingest Data
+                try {
+                Log.d(this.getClass().getName(), "Total Nodes: "+nodes.length());
+                for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length(); i++ ) {
+                    data.add(nodes.getJSONObject(i).toString() );
+                }
+                // TODO update the list
+                } catch (JSONException j){
+                    Log.e(this.getClass().getName(), j.getMessage());
+                }
+                // Create ArrayAdapter using the planet list.
+                listAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(view, R.layout.simplerow,, data);
+                // Set the ArrayAdapter as the ListView's adapter.
+                mainListView.setAdapter( listAdapter );
+            }
+            public void taskFailed() {
+                // handler failure (e.g network not available etc.)
+                Log.e(this.getClass().getName(),"Task Failed");
+            }
+        });
+        task.execute(new HttpGet(""));
+    }

file:a/ -> file:b/
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
 FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16
 RATE = 44100
 if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
-       CHANNELS = 2
+    CHANNELS = 2
 elif sys.platform.startswith('win32'):
-       CHANNELS = 1
+    CHANNELS = 1
@@ -26,24 +26,27 @@
     "print max(L) < THRESHOLD"
     return max(L) < THRESHOLD
 def normalize(L):
     "Average the volume out"
     MAXIMUM = 16384
-    times = float(MAXIMUM)/max(abs(i) for i in L)
+    times = float(MAXIMUM) / max(abs(i) for i in L)
     LRtn = array('h')
     for i in L:
-        LRtn.append(int(i*times))
+        LRtn.append(int(i * times))
     return LRtn
 def trim(L):
     "Trim the blank spots at the start and end"
     def _trim(L):
         snd_started = False
         LRtn = array('h')
         for i in L:
-            if not snd_started and abs(i)>THRESHOLD:
+            if not snd_started and abs(i) > THRESHOLD:
                 snd_started = True
@@ -60,12 +63,14 @@
     return L
 def add_silence(L, seconds):
     "Add silence to the start and end of `L` of length `seconds` (float)"
-    LRtn = array('h', [0 for i in xrange(int(seconds*RATE))])
+    LRtn = array('h', [0 for i in xrange(int(seconds * RATE))])
-    LRtn.extend([0 for i in xrange(int(seconds*RATE))])
+    LRtn.extend([0 for i in xrange(int(seconds * RATE))])
     return LRtn
 def record():
@@ -79,8 +84,8 @@
     p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
     stream =, channels=CHANNELS, rate=RATE,
-                    input=True,
-                    frames_per_buffer=CHUNK_SIZE)
+        input=True,
+        frames_per_buffer=CHUNK_SIZE)
     num_silent = 0
     snd_started = False
@@ -88,13 +93,13 @@
     LRtn = array('h')
     while 1:
-	try:
-	        data =
-	except IOError as ex:
-    		if ex[1] != pyaudio.paInputOverflowed:
-		        raise
-	    	data = '\x00' * CHUNK_SIZE
-        L = unpack('<' + ('h'*(len(data)/2)), data) # little endian, signed short
+        try:
+            data =
+        except IOError as ex:
+            if ex[1] != pyaudio.paInputOverflowed:
+                raise
+            data = '\x00' * CHUNK_SIZE
+        L = unpack('<' + ('h' * (len(data) / 2)), data) # little endian, signed short
         L = array('h', L)
         silent = is_silent(L)
@@ -104,11 +109,11 @@
             num_silent += 1
             #print num_silent
         elif not silent and not snd_started:
-            dispatcher.send( signal='SND_STARTED')
+            dispatcher.send(signal='SND_STARTED')
             snd_started = True
             print snd_started
         if snd_started and not silent:
-	    num_silent = 0
+            num_silent = 0
         if snd_started:
         if snd_started and num_silent > MAX_SILENT:
@@ -124,10 +129,11 @@
     LRtn = add_silence(LRtn, 0.5)
     return sample_width, LRtn
 def record_to_file(path):
     "Records from the microphone and outputs the resulting data to `path`"
     sample_width, data = record()
-    data = pack('<' + ('h'*len(data)), *data)
+    data = pack('<' + ('h' * len(data)), *data)
     wf =, 'wb')
@@ -135,14 +141,12 @@
-    print("done - result written to "+path)
+    print("done - result written to " + path)
     del data
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    filename = 'demo.wav'
+    record_to_file(filename)
+    print("done - result written to " + filename)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-	filename = 'demo.wav'
-        record_to_file(filename)
-        print("done - result written to "+filename)

file:a/ -> file:b/
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -11,12 +11,18 @@
 WAVE_OUTPUT_FILENAME = "output.wav"
 p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
+device_idx = 0;
+for i in range (0, p.get_device_count()):
+	print(p.get_device_info_by_index(i))
+	if p.get_device_info_by_index(i)['name'] == 'Built-in Input':
+		device_idx = i
+		print i
 stream =,
-                channels=CHANNELS,
-                rate=RATE,
-                input=True,
-                frames_per_buffer=CHUNK)
+    channels=CHANNELS,
+    rate=RATE,
+    input=True,
+    input_device_index=device_idx,
+    frames_per_buffer=CHUNK)
 print("* recording")

file:a/ -> file:b/
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -14,24 +14,27 @@
     "Returns `True` if below the 'silent' threshold"
     return max(L) < THRESHOLD
 def normalize(L):
     "Average the volume out"
     MAXIMUM = 16384
-    times = float(MAXIMUM)/max(abs(i) for i in L)
+    times = float(MAXIMUM) / max(abs(i) for i in L)
     LRtn = array('h')
     for i in L:
-        LRtn.append(int(i*times))
+        LRtn.append(int(i * times))
     return LRtn
 def trim(L):
     "Trim the blank spots at the start and end"
     def _trim(L):
         snd_started = False
         LRtn = array('h')
         for i in L:
-            if not snd_started and abs(i)>THRESHOLD:
+            if not snd_started and abs(i) > THRESHOLD:
                 snd_started = True
@@ -48,12 +51,14 @@
     return L
 def add_silence(L, seconds):
     "Add silence to the start and end of `L` of length `seconds` (float)"
-    LRtn = array('h', [0 for i in xrange(int(seconds*RATE))])
+    LRtn = array('h', [0 for i in xrange(int(seconds * RATE))])
-    LRtn.extend([0 for i in xrange(int(seconds*RATE))])
+    LRtn.extend([0 for i in xrange(int(seconds * RATE))])
     return LRtn
 def record():
@@ -66,9 +71,9 @@
     it without getting chopped off.
     p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
-    stream =, channels=2, rate=RATE, 
-                    input=True, 
-                    frames_per_buffer=CHUNK_SIZE)
+    stream =, channels=2, rate=RATE,
+        input=True,
+        frames_per_buffer=CHUNK_SIZE)
     num_silent = 0
     snd_started = False
@@ -77,7 +82,7 @@
     while 1:
         data =
-        L = unpack('<' + ('h'*(len(data)/2)), data) # little endian, signed short
+        L = unpack('<' + ('h' * (len(data) / 2)), data) # little endian, signed short
         L = array('h', L)
@@ -102,10 +107,11 @@
     LRtn = add_silence(LRtn, 0.5)
     return sample_width, LRtn
 def record_to_file(path):
     "Records from the microphone and outputs the resulting data to `path`"
     sample_width, data = record()
-    data = pack('<' + ('h'*len(data)), *data)
+    data = pack('<' + ('h' * len(data)), *data)
     wf =, 'wb')

--- a/trunklog.php
+++ b/trunklog.php
@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@
 echo "<table>";
 if (($handle = fopen("C:\Users\Madoka\AppData\Roaming\UniTrunker\S00000001\UniTrunker-20120411.LOG", "r")) !== FALSE) {
     while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
         if ($row > 0 && count($data) == 9) {
-        echo "<tr>";
-        for ($c=0; $c < count($data); $c++) {
-            echo '<td>'.$data[$c] . "</td>\n";
-        }
-        echo "</tr>";
+            echo "<tr>";
+            for ($c = 0; $c < count($data); $c++) {
+                echo '<td>' . $data[$c] . "</td>\n";
+            }
+            echo "</tr>";

--- a/viewcalls.php
+++ b/viewcalls.php
@@ -4,98 +4,106 @@
 $from = (isset($_REQUEST['from']) ? $_REQUEST['from'] : strtotime("2012-09-12"));
 $to = (isset($_REQUEST['to']) ? $_REQUEST['to'] : strtotime("2012-12-12"));
-    $sth = $conn->prepare('select distinct date_trunc(\'day\', call_timestamp) as rdate from recordings order by rdate');
+$sth = $conn->prepare('select distinct date_trunc(\'day\', call_timestamp) as rdate from recordings order by rdate');
-    $sth->execute();
-    foreach( $sth->fetchAll() as $row) {
-echo '<a href="?from='.strtotime($row['rdate']).'&amp;to='.strtotime($row['rdate'].' +1 day').'">'.$row['rdate'].'</a> <br>';
+foreach ($sth->fetchAll() as $row) {
+    echo '<a href="?from=' . strtotime($row['rdate']) . '&amp;to=' . strtotime($row['rdate'] . ' +1 day') . '">' . $row['rdate'] . '</a> <br>';
 <div class="span12">
-<table width="100%" height="775px"><tr><td valign="middle"><span class="arrow-w" style="font-size:2em;">&lt;</span></td><td width="95%"><div id="placeholder" style="width:100%;height:575px;"></div></td><td valign="middle"><span class="arrow-e" style="font-size:2em;">&gt;</span></td></tr></table>
+    <table width="100%" height="775px">
+        <tr>
+            <td valign="middle"><span class="arrow-w" style="font-size:2em;">&lt;</span></td>
+            <td width="95%">
+                <div id="placeholder" style="width:100%;height:575px;"></div>
+            </td>
+            <td valign="middle"><span class="arrow-e" style="font-size:2em;">&gt;</span></td>
+        </tr>
+    </table>
+    <script>
         var data = [];
         var plot;
-           var options = {
+        var options = {
             lines: { show: true },
             points: { show: true },
-               xaxis : {
-                   mode : 'time',
-                   labelsAngle : 45
-               },
-               selection : { mode : 'x', fps : 30 },
+            xaxis: {
+                mode: 'time',
+                labelsAngle: 45
+            },
+            selection: { mode: 'x', fps: 30 },
             series: {
                 lines: { show: true },
                 points: { show: true }
-               mouse : {
-                   track : true,
-                   relative : true
-               }
+            mouse: {
+                track: true,
+                relative: true
+            }
         $(function () {
-        // graph
-        var placeholder = document.getElementById("placeholder");
+            // graph
-            drawGraph (options);
+            var placeholder = document.getElementById("placeholder");
+            drawGraph(options);
             // Hook into the 'flotr:select' event.
             Flotr.EventAdapter.observe(placeholder, 'flotr:select', function (area) {
                 // Draw graph with new area
                 graph = drawGraph({
-                    xaxis: {min:area.x1, max:area.x2, mode : 'time', labelsAngle : 45},
-                    yaxis: {min:area.y1, max:area.y2}
+                    xaxis: {min: area.x1, max: area.x2, mode: 'time', labelsAngle: 45},
+                    yaxis: {min: area.y1, max: area.y2}
             // When graph is clicked, draw the graph with default area.
-            Flotr.EventAdapter.observe(placeholder, 'flotr:click', function () { drawGraph(); });
+            Flotr.EventAdapter.observe(placeholder, 'flotr:click', function () {
+                drawGraph();
+            });
-        getData('<?php echo $tgid; ?>','<?php echo $from ?>','<?php echo $to ?>');
-    });
+            getData('<?php echo $tgid; ?>', '<?php echo $from ?>', '<?php echo $to ?>');
+        });
         // Draw graph with default options, overwriting with passed options
-        function drawGraph (opts) {
+        function drawGraph(opts) {
             // Clone the options, so the 'options' variable always keeps intact.
             var o = Flotr._.extend(Flotr._.clone(options), opts || {});
             // Return a new graph.
             return Flotr.draw(
-                    placeholder,
-                    data,
-                    o
+                placeholder,
+                data,
+                o
-    function onDataReceived(series) {
-        data =[]
-        for (var key in {
-        data[data.length] = {label: key, data:[key]};
+        function onDataReceived(series) {
+            data = []
+            for (var key in {
+                data[data.length] = {label: key, data:[key]};
+            }
+            drawGraph(options);
-        drawGraph (options);
-    }
-    function getData(sensorID,from,to) {
-        $.ajax({
-            url: "<?php echo $basePath; ?>calls.json.php?action=graphcount&tgid="+sensorID+"&from="+from+"&to="+to,
-            method: 'GET',
-            dataType: 'json',
-            success: onDataReceived
-        });
-    }
+        function getData(sensorID, from, to) {
+            $.ajax({
+                url: "<?php echo $basePath; ?>calls.json.php?action=graphcount&tgid=" + sensorID + "&from=" + from + "&to=" + to,
+                method: 'GET',
+                dataType: 'json',
+                success: onDataReceived
+            });
+        }
+    </script>